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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7052160 No.7052160[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Reschedules stream every week
>Waits until the last minute to announce said rescheduling after fans have already made plans around her
>Barely apologetic when she does, just expects fans to accept it
>Goes as far as to laugh at fans who care and have spent movie money on her in cases
>Teamates excuse this with "lol it's just bantz bro" as Amelia blue balls them out of streams again and again
Does a more cucked fanbase exist than Amelia's?

>> No.7052189

That all sounds based to me

>> No.7052227

i actually lost $4 to rent that movie lol, well whatever i can ask again

>> No.7052250

Gremlin detective likes to get high plz andastad.

>> No.7052254

Most JP Holo don't even have schedules. Be glad that she even has one.

>> No.7052269
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As a streamer, she's in a higher position than you. Her plans are more important than your plans. You will alter your plans according to her, not the other way around.

>> No.7052283

I-it's just like real GFE!

>> No.7052303

Honestly, teamates are fucking spoiled with the amount of streams they get.

>> No.7052305


>> No.7052314

Actually unironically.
I broke up with my previous GF because of this shit.

>> No.7052449

t. Ame

>> No.7052617
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>doesn't pander to the crybaby virgin horde that is every vtuber's fanbase
Yeah. I'm think Amelia is pretty based

>> No.7052654
File: 1.33 MB, 920x1300, Ina Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does a more cucked fanbase exist than Amelia's?
Yes, deadbeats are a thing.
As for rescheduling? Get over it. Only women get so worked up over trivial bullshit, just relax and don't let these things get you so emotional, you'll be much happier.

>> No.7052675

Yeah, that's why she collabs with males all the time. Oh, wait...

>> No.7052779

Every time she moves her big fat tits I forgive her

>> No.7052787

Ame is such a total chad, I’m kneeling over here

>> No.7052874

Nice job cropping out what she said after this, you fucking cherry picking faggot

>> No.7052893
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>still puts out way more streams than anyone else in gen
Wow, Ame is so based that she dials it back because she knows she's doing TOO much content. I fucking kneel.

>> No.7052910

>fans who care and have spent movie money on her in cases
Wait, people actually pay for movies just for watchalongs instead of pirating them? Jesus they deserve to get cucked.

>> No.7052914

>Make plans around a vtuber
You deserve to get cucked for that shit, most of the time at least.

>> No.7052931

they should just get rid making schedules per week


No one in JP schedules their streams for the whole week, so why should EN?

>> No.7053067

>No one in JP schedules their streams for the whole week, so why should EN?
This gets asked all the time. The main answer is because JOPs live under a single timezone. HoloEN members are spread across 3 contenents.
Also if Gura and Ame weren't going off schedules they wouldn't get out of bed to stream at all.

>> No.7053087

Unironically this.
If the JPs don't do it then that should be the gold standard.

>> No.7053096

>after fans have already made plans around her
LMAO. Please don't tell me you canceled social gatherings with friends and family for Amelia fucking Watson.
How did that conversation go? "Sorry, I can't make it to your barbecue, Ame's going to watch Shrek 2!!"

>> No.7053119

They don't need to, but I'm glad they do. The problem is not the schedules. The problem is that fans can't accept the fact that nothing is ever set in stone.

>> No.7053128

i don't know why you guys still watch hololive en, no 3d, no specials, they treat them no better than id, just nuke the branch

>> No.7053146

>this is the best antis can come up with


>> No.7053194

>Does a more cucked fanbase exist than Amelia's?
Deadbraps exist you know

>> No.7053475
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If this is what it feels to be cucked, the other fanbases must be literal slaves.

>> No.7053754
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>> No.7053828

Amelia has always been twitch culture, which means laughing at cucks who think donating money will ever make you compete with her lovelife.

>> No.7053905

Is this twitch culture?

>> No.7053913

Why do teacucks always have such an inferiority complex with Mori? It's not her fault she has more subs than your tubby oshi. Or is it because she can actually sing on top of rapping instead of having to do dumb 'le gremlin xD' noises during songs? Kek

>> No.7054005

t. deadcuck

>> No.7054025
File: 547 KB, 1920x1080, 1620541764619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf I love Ame now.

>> No.7054026

Nijicuck much ?

>> No.7054086

Why do cuckbeats always have such an inferiority complex with Ame? It's not her fault she has more CCV than your eceleb-loving oshi. Or is it because she can actually produce good content instead of constantly complaining about being busy while producing zero output? Kek

>> No.7054087

I'd probably struggle to get into her as a new fan cuz her schedule seems more fluid now, so from that perspective, it sucks.. But as someone who's already invested, I don't give a shit, especially when most of the streams are available on demand.

People who live their lives contingent on whether or not a stream tells them to jump need to find something better to do, desu

>> No.7054182

Is weird how badly she treats her audience, if she didn't have this golden opportunity whi knows where she be. A lot of the western chuubas are just really ungratefull people overall, they have to be some of the luckiest people to live in a time where millons of men are romance starved and will never find anything better than a women mildly flirting with her chat, and they just treat it with such apathy. Like Mori who lived in poverty and hated her job then less than a year later is a known online rapper (no thanks to her rapping skills) and then rants about 5% of her timr and shit. It's crazy.

>> No.7054324
File: 2.52 MB, 1500x2488, 1626952156565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I don't watch much Ame, anyone have some images to start her off on the right feet with me?

>> No.7054353

She's so grateful, she feels she didn't deserve it & turned off SC most of the time, anon.

>> No.7054572

She has the ego of a twitch streamer she needs to cut that shit out.

>> No.7054588
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The most important step is the first

>> No.7054654
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>New post replying to no one.
>IP count stay.

>> No.7054657

she has negative ego, deadbeat

>> No.7054956

Gachikois will still watch her, no reason for her to stop. Is not like your average vtuber watcher is gonna find a real women any time soon.

>> No.7055074


>> No.7055176

Right move anon

>> No.7055222

Well maybe, but I haven't had sex since then and that was like 7 years ago.
honestly i probably would have put up with it until she became fat and covered in tatts like she is now. at least at the time she was skinny and cute.

>> No.7055227

What did she say after that anon you can't spout shit without sources

>> No.7055276

>can actually sing
pick one

>> No.7055295

this post reeks of cope
go post about SOVL or something

>> No.7055332

This virtual streamer is seem very based
