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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 12 KB, 582x88, I love Elira Pendora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70523425 No.70523425 [Reply] [Original]

Now say it back

>> No.70523462

I love my Elira Family!!

>> No.70523631

So it begins...
>Those rapid followup replies
Man the Clique really loves this cult gimmick huh.

>> No.70523645
File: 15 KB, 1103x274, elira clique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70523667

I love ***ra pe*****

>> No.70523700

Fucking disgusting

>> No.70523711

It's hilarious that the leaker keeps on getting vindicated and confirmed on a daily basis

>> No.70523720
File: 467 KB, 1080x1599, Screenshot_2024-03-03-15-23-09-24_0b2fce7a16bf2b728d6ffa28c8d60efb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does Millie mean by this no, seriously I don't get if it's an ESL thing

>> No.70523737

>it's easier to work with people who cooperate rather than with suicide baiting fatties

>> No.70523761

Probably "no, she's mine."

>> No.70523776

Reading comprehension esl sister

>> No.70523794

I love Aum Shinrikyo

>> No.70523803

yeah, me

>> No.70523807

Someone really wants to suck on enna's rotten cunt huh

>> No.70523812

What exactly is "ESL" about my post you pagpag eating faggot?

>> No.70523836

Clique together strong

>> No.70523840
File: 3.62 MB, 212x238, 1709411990256096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't cry, because everything will be alright.
Don't lose all hope, because everything will all fine.
If things turn bad, I'll save you from darkness and push you foward with all my might.
If you are chained, I'll free you so that you could fly away so far, so high.
To freedom, you go, and don't ever look back.
Because everything I do, I do it for you.
My future, given to you.
My happiness, given to you.
Your smilling, like the old days, is all I need.

>> No.70523862

It's topical and pertinent to post this

>> No.70523876

Cant they make it not obvious that they are using bots. Its like they are not even trying.

As I remember Nijileaker said something about some "grassroots" getting posted before elira comes back

>> No.70523891

You probably aren't ESL, you're just a nijinig loser, Your oshis get outclassed by homostars and a piece of paper gets more $ thrown at it than your biggest talent's birthday live, Can't even outdo a 3am helldivers collab with a 10 man karaoke, Pathetic doesn't even come close to describing how sad you fucktards are

>> No.70523938
File: 52 KB, 892x915, 1707058163623428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pagpag eating faggot
Why are you so self hating sister? You drove white people out of the community. Also it's your inability to understand the post you were replying to.

>> No.70523966

If you don't know what something means don't use it you fucking idiot lol

>> No.70523997

kill yourself elira

>> No.70524003

I love Elira Pendora

>> No.70524069
File: 1.86 MB, 2268x3981, GGIXJUIWMAEsL5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Elora Pendira's tits

>> No.70524081

I'd eat the cum from Elira's pussy afhfjfjakfjdaglaralglarlg

>> No.70524109

So, it's yet again confirmed that millie is the PR, god have undeserved mercy on their stupid selves.

>> No.70524124

I don't care what that fatty posts on twitter.
it's quite ironic that elira nepo hired her fatty friend to be millie and driving selen out of the company.

>> No.70524142
File: 312 KB, 1018x809, Elira is Not Your Friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millie, they are your co-workers...

>> No.70524216

You fuckers better spam cooch drinking when Elira and Millie interact again.

>> No.70524227

I love how Millie brownnoses 100% hard than anyone else yet receives zero pay-off for it.
At least Enna has her CCV (relative to the other failures), Luca gets to sexually harass women, Vox has his fujo cultists, and Elira is a manager.
What the fuck does Millie have get, what a fucking loser.

>> No.70524247
File: 204 KB, 587x2048, 1691567725873432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70524259

They act so fucking creepy and fake

>> No.70524282

Hey, don't insult your own kind like that, that's rude.

>> No.70524334
File: 179 KB, 946x2048, GHwH1PfXIAAzYF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this menhera replying to everybody, did she finally break

>> No.70524365

Nice, didnt see the march updates. I'm really curious who's next in the queue.

>> No.70524388

She promised to reply to the tweets (ie, she promised to pay in exposure because nijiEN can no longer afford steam gift cards for shilling and astroturfing services).

Please understand.

>> No.70524389

I think so. People meme on them hanging out here to ego-search and talk shit, it would not surprise me with how hard everyone is dabbing on them these past few weeks.

>> No.70524456

Start to look for that black video, let’s see if it gets privated soon.

>> No.70524503

Elira got in trouble behind the scenes so she's mega coping.

>> No.70524550

I love the person who nepohired me and put me in a position of authority over people at least twice more talented than I will ever be.

>> No.70524594


>> No.70524608
File: 1.27 MB, 640x480, rrat startup [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftyy1ra.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's kind of amazing how you guys just can't comprehend such a simple and basic ass interaction this is
>Girl A says they love Girl B
>friends playfully say "Me too"
>Girl A responds with "No,Mine" implying that she wants her all to herself basically yuri baiting
Her chloresterol levels will do that eventually KWAB

>> No.70524624

They killed Elira and now are going to puppet her corpse. Millie called dibs.

>> No.70524640

Then again I wonder. Enna needed 5 hour of self gaslighting yesterday and kept asking if she was bad.
Now this menhera goes full replying to everyone. She is trying to increase engagement.

Could it be they are making waves to try to get back like mothing happened or something did happen and they are trying to get people interested for some reason

>> No.70524662

unironic management bot

>> No.70524695
File: 740 KB, 1275x717, f6a28f2bc576883a540645c709096b52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got that kikuo concert after the group chat yab and the special group with the clique. Don't know if it has amounted to anything yet though

>> No.70524720

Mmm…how fast are the answers? She’s clearly spamming the hell out of them.

>> No.70524750

bruh if your talking about doki then your in the wrong thread Millie looks like a drum in her irl appearance so think before you throw stone while living in a glass house

>> No.70524804

You're missing the critical part which is replying to every person like a bot.

>> No.70524809

I wasn't the one who called you ESL retard, But frankly it doesn't matter, You still reek of pagpag for being a nijisister :)

>> No.70524838

Wow, the times are off for being a bot, she’s literally copy pasting the answer like a mad woman. And did someone already did fanart?

>> No.70524867

In all that reflection, did Enna ever come to the conclusion that bullying someone to attempt suicide and then laughing about it was wrong?

>> No.70524898

>botting replies to increase engagement
Absolute state of Niji.

>> No.70525144

No of course, chat was basically a police state so as I said it was a self-gaslighting session of 5 hours of voices telling her “we love you”. But all those questions were also completely umprompted, which raises a “why you would ask that if the plan is act like nothing happened”?
Riku can’t risk a second Doki at all, so he probably put all these menhera in place for making a moron out of him but also can’t touch them either.

>> No.70525173

She's moved on, it's about time you and the rest of the rotten cunt pagpags have as well

>> No.70525218
File: 450 KB, 682x739, 1707862211117724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70525390

Ok, rrat, Enna is self-discovery out of her ass and Millie is actially copypasting answers (times are off, not bot, and also posting some other stuff that suggest not manager).
Elira must have told them that the document slams them down as the bullies so if she has to cut them off to get back in place, she will. They are scared shitless because they realized they are not the main characters. Enna is thinking if she should stop being a bitch while Millie is ass-kissing.

>> No.70525441

Holy shit is Kyo really going to impale himself trying to spread "the truth" to third party influencers? I hope to god that faggot doesn't wise up and just abandon the plan, ghost the dipshits still in NijiEN, and keep his head down. I want to see him throw the gauntlet and get crucified for it.
Bonus points if Matara joins in and brings down all of Vshitshow with her because ironlung failed to tardwrangle her.

>> No.70525453

…holy shit, how am I just now noticing this?

>> No.70525585
File: 2.94 MB, 1000x562, 1661648979695696.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NijiEN organ dance

>> No.70525593

Kyo has already fleshposted and has basically no views right now. He has no obligation and Enna has already another boytoy. We all know how went for daphne.
If he has a brain he’s gonna start hang out with Kuro casually until the fart is aired and then nepohire with him in Vshojo. It’s a written script and he will not screw it up for Niji.

>> No.70525699

Kyo and Nina are self serving enough to not fuck around with this shit publicly, Snakes don't usually throw themselves on the sword for eachother, at MINIMUM kyo might privately dm some OTV fucks about "the truth" like he did with 39IQ, but he knows better than to stir the pot publicly, and as for matara, even IF she was stupid and retarded enough to start shit Ironmouse would 1000% cut her off if she did so, Veibae nyanners and silvevaler are proof of that

>> No.70525773

Pretty sure that plan already failed when 39IQ blew it

>> No.70525774
File: 55 KB, 299x418, beutiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind blown.

>> No.70525826

t. le retard de vox akuma

>> No.70525957


>> No.70525988

Actually Ironmuse is repeatedly “slipping” and teasing new hires a but too much. Kyo may be already on the nepolist, they are just waiting for him to shower the filth of the scandal out, he literally dodged being connected to any bullet but Daphne and that is easily deniable.
Guy is settled for life.

>> No.70526022
File: 113 KB, 883x768, 1706273577918290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70526170

Fuck off Miller.

>> No.70526197

bruh im not even from this board but this is some wild ass shit im just here to lurk and read about drama but god damn, i hope they all die.

>> No.70526277

Welcome to schizotown.
As someone who was in the same position not too long ago, I'd advise you not to spend too much time here, else you'll end up getting sucked in and become retarded like the rest of us.

>> No.70526474
File: 1.87 MB, 1439x3626, 1707892655439643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70526602

Holy cringe, this is like those business owners who try to make you a loyal little worker by claiming that working overtime for no pay is ''family values''. What a bunch of bootlickers...

>> No.70526623


>> No.70526712

To be honest, if that is the plan it explains the whole Rosemi thing, the true final nail is once she leaves.

>> No.70526727

the enna thing is so true because I didn't watch her streams but I liked her voice, so I checked out her covers and she barely has 8 covers!! nerissa already has more than her

>> No.70526763

nice manipulated image, foreigner

>> No.70526881

That’s the one thing that makes me laugh. You attack her the stans pull out her “voice” and I’m just baffled because I’m fairly sure even phase would have given her more attention and space to launch her career.
NDF oshi is only Riku, for them the talents getting fucked is a W.

>> No.70526963

That wigger tried it with 39daph and everybody called her a retard and moved on. The entire normiesphere hates Niji and all the big name streamers already sided with Doki. Don't see how a 3view shitter like Kyo can change that.

>> No.70527122

As far as i know, there was only ever one LK post that was legit. It was this:

>Nijispy here:
>Selen's graduation will be announced shortly after Pomu leaves.
>They're trying to find a way to announce it so she comes out of it looking bad but saves the company image.
>She did commit self harm but little information is being passed along
>She has cut contact with the other livers and Millie isn't looking so good, Enna is backing her up though.
>Source? Trust me bro

>Signed: LK

All other posts signed LK are larpers, and this guy
Is not LK.
I also very much doubt LK is Luca, either someone inside fucking hates him and are attempting to get him shitcanned for crimes he didn't commit (not this time) or it could have been Mizuchi, but i'm not sure if they're still in contact and on good-to-neutral terms based on the Aster-Scarle debacle

>> No.70527284

I know, it's just much funnier to imagine playboy retard being revolver ocelot

>> No.70527433

Defending this whorish behaviour even after finding out Elira threw Millie and Enna under the bus in blacked stream. Either Stockholm Syndrome or rrats are real. You can pretend and concoct whatever story you want but you cannot run away from reality forever. Retard.

>> No.70527592

Managements MillieGPT broke.

>> No.70527703

LK is both an organ and a LARP. One of the niji organs is a hardcore /vt/ shitter using insider info to troll us and weave rrats but it seems they got spooked by the consequences of their own actions and stopped fucking around /here/ once containment broke and funny meme board become real.

>> No.70528084

There's no doubt the company is a mismanaged hellhole, but it'll survive in some capacity. I'd argue the real damage comes from the multiple grassroots positivity shit the fans keep fucking up on.

>> No.70528101
File: 58 KB, 387x418, 1645148790053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girl A says they love Girl B
>friends playfully say "Me too"
>Girl A responds with "No,Mine" implying that she wants her all to herself basically yuri baiting
correct this is fine.
>Girl A starts botting twitter saying "no, mine" to everyone
This is the part people are having an issue with you double NIGGER

>> No.70528441

Bitchlira takeover pinoy account

>> No.70528942


>> No.70529013
File: 3.92 MB, 464x642, 1707655413064907.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was this close to becoming a millie fan but when i saw that sexposting in twitter with some homo i absolutely got the fuck off and never looked back
i was right

>> No.70529052

Dark Empress Elira with her tits out is finally coming! Rejoice!

>> No.70529154

it means she's hungry for Elira's white drock

>> No.70530265

Oi Sylvie, your plan isn't working.

>> No.70531567

A very organic and genuine tweet.
