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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 231 KB, 935x701, 1709275001958347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70466273 No.70466273 [Reply] [Original]

It means I can watch her with a clear conscience.
I no longer have to endure the evil Niggysanji aura blasting through my screen while watching my tuber.

Now deer skin pls.

>> No.70466430

Source for image?

>> No.70466456 [DELETED] 

dookiebird is a turd

>> No.70466615

I'm just glad i'm not forced to watch her collab with corny faggots like Uki anymore. Her only kino collabs were with Pomu and now that she's gone too there was no reason for Selen to stay.

>> No.70466710

>4:40 AM in jakarta
Why are you awake, sister? It's bed time

>> No.70466882

she'll be better off without faggots like you and other reddit drama trannies

>> No.70467498

how much did you donate to grifterbird today anon ?

>> No.70467552

must sniff stinky sweaty doki

>> No.70469784

>tried to find that image
>nothing for google yandex and saucenao
>fuck it, search 'dokibird porn'
>first few pics were of her
>rest are now tranny porn
>then scat
>oh God, why am i scrolling?

also, sauce?
it's an edit isn't it?

>> No.70470114

It's almost 7am in Manila, he's gotta hit the dumpsters bright an early if he's gonna get some good pagpag

>> No.70471763

>Now deer skin pls.
god i hope

>> No.70476208

talking about notpomu, her complete radiosilence means only one thing to me: holo
>but but but the tweets
>she went back to school!
Anon, shes a 27 year old woman, she will be perfect for holo. In 3 years well have another hag

>> No.70476339

Ok I’m not a sis but complete radio silence? She did say she was going at a concert and she did a twitter voice stream. Am I wrong?

>> No.70476787

Yeah but no news about her return (or debut) as a streamer. I think there's no news from vshojo either after they met up with Matara, so who knows if she's really joining them, probably not.

>> No.70477428
File: 381 KB, 397x498, 1700854418702358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pomu got out
>Doki is back
>Sayu was vindicated
Best timeline.

>> No.70477610

>Best timeline
But Rosemi is still in...

>> No.70477622

Tiltify goes directly to the charity, you dumbfuck.

>> No.70477681

TRUST THE PROCESS. Rosemi and Doppio will escape soon.

>> No.70477978

i don’t think anyone can go out after everything that happened.

>> No.70478667

>you can graduate any time you want
>but you can never leave

>welcome to the shitshow anycolor
>i love my family (my niji family)
>devoid of sanity
>plenty of food for the schizos, anycolor
>any time a year, you can find us /here/

>> No.70479190

Nobody cares about some irrelevant male.

>> No.70479612
File: 2.96 MB, 454x498, 1681091665878915.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I care

>> No.70480269

it would be completely normal and understandable to take a six month or so break if she has the money for it, once you start streaming full time it's hard to take vacations so it's better that she chill out and do what she wants now

>> No.70480881

That black company doesn't deserve her

>> No.70484355
File: 356 KB, 1500x1568, GFniARabgAAiUL-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denijification has been a painful but necessary process.

>> No.70485405

Scarle is still in there too.

>> No.70490383


>> No.70492474
File: 70 KB, 935x701, GHPe9ohWgAAVzci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ you guys are retarded. It's an edit of the pic she posted on X.coom

>> No.70496336

Theres still one more to go

>> No.70496585
File: 935 KB, 830x1024, bohemnaion grove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


speaking of, when will she collab with pippa and get to be told about the reptillian jews hiding in the NWO ritual tunnels?

>> No.70496791

Imagine being auch a self centered faggot
>uhuhu muh nijiaansji uhuhuh
You are not that important you absolute anonymous

>> No.70496833

the only grifterbird is that nasally bitch enna who couldn't even hit 2k CCV on her return stream after getting her back blown out by some baguettes in france

>> No.70497054


hey, question NijiCliqueMember, but do your lawyers know you've been posting on /vt/ with all the garbage you've been spewing?

one of youse already fled to japan, but "i am spending days on 4chan telling doki to kill herself again" will NOT go so well in front of the judge lol

>> No.70497420
File: 1.93 MB, 2560x1440, nyannersAnon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually believed the image wasn't manipulated by foreigners

>> No.70501791

I care. He is cool.

>> No.70501916

Face she does when I fuck her in the ass.

>> No.70502090

She's been happier recently and I don't believe its because of the Tekken 8 perms being on time. Take that as you will.

>> No.70502107

Have you ever thought she isn't unhappy? Of course I can be wrong, but when has she ever hinted wanting to leave niji? But as far as I've seen she is and loves being the pink woman.

>> No.70502142

Alright fellas, how do we save Scarle from Nijisanji's clutches?

>> No.70502153

From what i gathered, Scarle has isolated herself from everything. She didn't associate with her coworkers that much anyway, now she's just exclusively being parasocial with her chat.

>> No.70502261

You know she wasn't even got affected by it right?

>> No.70502273

Just wait out the length of her contract. There is 0% chance she is renewing. That's assuming the branch even lasts that long.

>> No.70502384

I feel like they're placating the talents now to avoid short term drama, maybe even bumping some of them earlier in the queue.

>> No.70502682

Same. I stopped watching her regularly once Luxiem showed up and ruined everything. Now it's smooth sailing

>> No.70503932

The only grifting i will be doing today is grifting the fuck out of all the holes of your oshi, Enna for 100 days straight

>> No.70504062


>> No.70505774

>You are not that important
Ah, yes, that's something they repeat to their talents on a daily basis to keep their self-esteem low and prevent them from leaving this shithole. Talents are not important, viewers are not important. Who's important in Nijisanji then, sister?

>> No.70505928

They gotta hold on until the next shareholder's meeting. Then they can run away with whatever's left.

>> No.70506145

>0% chance
You are full of shit

>> No.70506267

Time to grudgepost. This woman was so frazzled by everything going on she went fucking AWOL and missed several streams. Do you REALLY think she wants to stay in such an environment, or are you just gonna hope she kills herself too?

>> No.70506385

Obviously that is hyperbole, but I sincerely doubt she re-signs. Her fanbase is relatively small but incredibly loyal and will follow her to being indie or a new corpo.

>> No.70507025

I thought it was a well-known joke that she is an indie

>> No.70508335

the queue...

>> No.70510574

