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70455477 No.70455477 [Reply] [Original]

>went from least likely to graduate to most likely
when went so terribly wrong?

>> No.70455526

she filtered too many people now more people watch homos than they do her

>> No.70455629

>when went so terribly wrong?
i remember when quality bait used to exist

>> No.70455707

fuck how can I edit the post?

>> No.70455740

Most likely means nothing when she's not going to graduate. Nobody is quitting Hololive willingly.

>> No.70455782

HoloEN Management, Vshojo is better

>> No.70455828

She should take a 3 month break and take on a wagie job.
She'll appreciate her place in Hololive a lot more after that time.

>> No.70455842

>"when went"
selamat malam

>> No.70455922
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She shit on too many people. No one cares about the ENs but she took too many shots at the JPs and is highly filtered. JPs fans don't wanna watch her for that reason, it has nothing to do with her not speaking JP enough. She simply shit on too many oshis and now gets to live with it. Her growth will always be stagnant and she's too dumb to see the obvious as why.

Now have fun telling me how wrong I am KFP defense force.

>> No.70455953

smells like phasebrowns in here

>> No.70455991

ESL shitters like you deserve to be mocked. Graduate yourself

>> No.70456000
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>> No.70456043

Is this the KFP vs Phasefaggot threads?

>> No.70456056

>when went

>> No.70456105

are those subs real? lol what an insufferable woman

>> No.70456128

You can read the clip comments, I ain't gotta do shit

>> No.70456250

ESL Kiara bait thread? What is it? 2020?
What did she do to sisters?

>> No.70456357

It's phasebrowns having a melty all morning. Night for them, I guess

>> No.70456476

It’s honestly insane how low kiara’s ccv ‘s are, she’s probably the lowest en+jap holo on average

>> No.70456712

>talked about how she considered graduating but changed her mind about it because Cover started fixing some of the severe problems in management
>OP somehow thinks her statement that she won't graduate means she's likely to graduate
This is your brain on semen

>> No.70456775


>> No.70456807

Why are KFPs like this?

>> No.70456815

How is she more likely to graduate than Ame, Gura, or Kronii?

>> No.70456821
File: 563 KB, 7207x720, Kiara_WideSmugchou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times have you said this by now? And it's never come true. Should've paid more attention instead of staring at thumbnails

>> No.70456840

>scolds Raden about smoking
>Raden quits smoking
You lash out at Kiara because you fear her power.

>> No.70456908

based chicken

>> No.70456938

>uses moment where the entire team hazes Raden
you guys never learn

>> No.70456943

>most likely
That's Ame

>> No.70456962

Have we seriously cycled back to "Orange woman bad" now?

>> No.70456979

what are they sperging out about? Did their country lose the regional coconut-kicking competition?

>> No.70457048

Phasefaggots getting scared that people are telling mori about her shitting on kiara before she inclined

>> No.70457092

Something about Mori drawing Pippa caused them to get uppity

>> No.70457150

well she could try playing more entertaining games for once

>> No.70457213
File: 18 KB, 422x408, 07bc60001b5b76847519e1acdf0e08ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happen

>> No.70457217

She's been whining and crying on stream since year one.

>> No.70457289

>whining and crying
Nah that's you

>> No.70457355
File: 1.47 MB, 700x551, 1706557411627434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when went

>> No.70457380

Kiara instituted a new policy at KFP to not throw out their leftover chicken, but instead to incinerate it. This has led to a reduction in pagpag supplies, putting innocent phasebrowns at risk of starvation.

>> No.70457414
File: 126 KB, 827x465, AkiRaden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except Aki Rose was the reason she quit you dumb fuck.

>> No.70457451

>no u

>> No.70457476

thats why holo member jumping ship quitting holo and go to vshojo right? oh wait

>> No.70457484

lurk for a thousand years and never post again
15,235,978 DEAD NEWFAGS

>> No.70457531

Wow you seem really mad about the fact Kiara got Raden to quit smoking. Are you okay?

>> No.70457625

*sigh* what happened now?

>> No.70457692

People got sick of listening to her screechy voice and hitleresque accent.

>> No.70457820

Wife material, love to yab is a very woman thing to do, will work hard for you, can cook delicious food, can clean the house...

Ugly feet, she's sad all the time, stink because never take a bath can't clwan room you and your children will suffer last stage moldy lung.

Be honest. Nobody would want to marry Pippa irl.

>> No.70457825

>hitleresque accent
So you're saying she's based?

>> No.70457911

Don't forget Plappa's also riding the cock carousel

>> No.70457913

if only

>> No.70457986
File: 41 KB, 720x540, 1485920578320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm... I wonder who could be behind this thread. Clearly NOT a sister or a dramafag

>> No.70458096

Holylek Phasecuck is blamming someone for their seeth again.

>> No.70458190

That explains the sudden rise of these shitty anti-Holo threads.

>> No.70458216

>we are now at 48 hours of orange woman seethe threads.

>> No.70458343 [DELETED] 

shes too much of a white person to just stick in one place and hone her craft, she has to go do something entirely different

>> No.70458378

It was a combination of both of them

>> No.70458384

Nah by yesterday they fizzled, but the phase melty started around then too

>> No.70458661

>when went so terribly wrong?
ESL retard, but to answer your question, when I decided to have breeding sex with her and now her preggo hormones are messing with her head

>> No.70458831

Except I don't even watch Phase. I only watch Gura, Fauna, Mumei and the dog twins.

But enough about me, what are you? Are you a fujo sister, a tribalfag, or one of those dramafags who can't live without stirring up some kind drama? Which one is it?

>> No.70459244

not that anon but can you really blame them for thinking it's the nijisisters? after all those lunatics have a long history of doing crap like this.

>> No.70459328

I would rather watch my half rabbit children die from neglect than see my half chicken children happy.

>> No.70459407

>I only watch Gura, Fauna, Mumei and the dog twins.

This is (OP)

>> No.70459438
File: 180 KB, 512x512, 1700247570330851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When people want to shit talk Vshojo, they go for Ironmouse.
>>When people want to shit talk Phase, they go for Pippa.
>When people want to shit talk Niji, they used to go for Vox.
The trend is to always go for the big fishes. What does this orange woman have that, despite being the runt, makes her the main target of antis?

>> No.70459560

QRD for kiara graduating

>> No.70459763

reminder that ruffians don't like kiara

>> No.70459791


>> No.70459837

Based ruffians

>> No.70459852

I dont usually watch Kiara, but I decided to give her a chance after learning she was one of my wives's inspirations back in the day.

>> No.70459894

Don't care, doesn't matter. Every thread about orange woman is good thread. Help spreading her light more. I don't fucking care if it's NDF or any other fuckers do it.

>> No.70459959

>trying to pivot into holo v holo fanbase wars
be less obvious phasecuck

>> No.70459987

Because Kiara’s haters are Hololive fans, not people trying to shit talk Hololive

>> No.70460050 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 1638x609, admire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh woops dropped this again

>> No.70460409


>> No.70460625

Ambition. Incels prefer submissive women.

>> No.70460822

ruffians don't care. they don't like kiara

>> No.70461432

Where is all this "Kiara gonna graduate" shit coming from? Even if she sad posts once in a while, there's no way she quits her dream job that's made her hundreds of thousands of dollars to go back to turning tricks on only fans or patron for pennies.

>> No.70461591

I'm mostly indifferent to her. I wouldn't go out of my way to watch her, but if she shows up in a stream with someone I watch, I'm not offended by it.
t. ruffian

>> No.70461743

self fulfilling inferiority complex.

>> No.70461838

Niji has become the Springfield Tire Fire for the past 2 months, so they're trying every trick in the book to deflect attention from themselves by throwing around some firecrackers when there is an inferno going on behind them.

>> No.70461846

She isn't. There is no QRD.

Reminder that this is a complete lie

>> No.70462708

She should have graduated then. Did Kiara think she's going to get her sololive because Cover is fixing things? Mori got her sololive because of Universal. Kiara doesn't have that. A bunch of of holoJP also wants a sololive and is on a waiting list. Did Kiara think Cover is going to prioritize her above JP members? Aki has more chances of getting a sololive than Kiara.

>> No.70462964 [DELETED] 

Ruffians try not to post RM shit challenge (impossible)

>> No.70463350
File: 98 KB, 1243x699, 1660761528496791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when went so terribly wrong?

>> No.70463441

Everyone is a fucking "phasecuck" in your mentally ill brain.

>> No.70463516

What happened now in inferior corpos? Why are schizos acting up?

>> No.70463536

>She should have graduated then
Are you retarded, anon? Whatever made her think about graduating got fixed. All she had to do was wait. So not graduating was very much the right move.
Likely had nothing to do with it.

>> No.70463571 [DELETED] 

SEAniggers like you belong on a cross.

>> No.70463658

Why doesn't she use her normal voice, its such a cute voice. Anyway her voice didn't filter me but her being way too lesbo did, i wish she was more gfe but to be fair to her none of the EN girls are gfe so

>> No.70463722

Japs are known to be retarded. It took 2 nuclear bombs to make them see reason. Then they put all their women into sex slave brothels for Americans and based their entire anime industry on disney cartoons. Truly one of the nations of all time.

>> No.70463764

You tell 'im. There are no nijifags or phasecuks. There are only doxx spreading subhumas who should be sent to showers before baking.

>> No.70463877

>Why doesn't she use her normal voice
She is using it, retard. You can't prove she isn't. lol

>> No.70463934

it was proven that the same sister was making all the threads, arguing against themselves and making ones on opposite sides of whatever argument. This strategy was formulated at one of their only-aids-infected-allowed orgies.

>> No.70463977
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>>70463441 (me)
Forgot pic.
Again, I don't give a damn about third-rate corpos like Phase and Vshojo. If anything, it's YOU who seems more like a phasefag since you keep bringing up that literal who corpo.

>> No.70464062

fujosisters seething that Mori is friends with Pippa

>> No.70464140

I like Kiara because my dogs like Kiara.
Them's the rules.

>> No.70464299

lmao at this retard trying to use Raden to shit on Kiara when this is her reaction at their first meeting.

>> No.70464363

I'm a ruffian and I like her just fine. The only ENs I don't particularly care for/don't watch are Kronii, Nerissa, Mori and Bae.

>> No.70464707

Until you prove that you are white, your opinions about white people are invalid. Get this through your head.

>> No.70464792

>noooo stop exposing them, if you don't it's actually you that likes them!
reverse psychology doesn't work on humans, phaseoid

>> No.70465087
File: 50 KB, 570x380, il_570xN.440706499_bczo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Eggniggers trying false flag as every fanbase imaginable.
You glow in the dark retard, you will never pass.

>> No.70465403

Be less obvious, phase-obsessed schizo.

>> No.70465661
File: 383 KB, 617x540, 1809129035476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop exposing who? The retarded phasecuck who keeps calling other people phasecuck to validate his own existence?

>> No.70465704

Vshojo doesn’t have any wranglers, having an unwrangled Kiara in your company sounds like a nightmare

>> No.70465736

terrible personality, terrible voice, can't stop bitching and talking about internals, dramawhore, creeps out members with her talkshow whenever she asks them for their underwear

Getting rid of her would be an improvement overall

>> No.70465851

>has to repeat other people's posts at them
be original phaseggot

>> No.70465863

Take your medications, schizo anti.

>> No.70465982

>no you're the phasecuck so stop talking about phase >:(
how long did it take you to find and download a kiara pic?

>> No.70466184

>incomprehensible babbling
Stay obsessed, braindead phasecuck.

>> No.70466360

and not just human cocks...

>> No.70466564
File: 55 KB, 622x626, unlimited bait works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop falling for the obvious bait, dumbass.

>> No.70466675

counterpoint: michael

>> No.70466909

>room temp IQ
stay brown phasetroon

>> No.70467328
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1672807991029371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did vshitshow do this time?

>> No.70467402

fuck off phasecvck

>> No.70467417

This thread is so shit it's funny. I never knew Phase had such brown schizo antis. I'll continue to lurk in my /lig/gger realm.

>> No.70467525


>> No.70467718

Both are infested with redditniggers and twittertrannies considering the amount of plebbit and Twitter screencap threads that's almost trademarked by /v/ discord raiding servers so it's true.

>> No.70467736

>still calling everyone phasecuck
The absolute state of this schizo subhuman

>> No.70467932

Cry about it. IronLung is a shitty twitch thot, and so is her comapny which is full of them.

>> No.70467941

It's so fucking weird something that small caused them to schizo out so badly. She didn't even draw Pippa by her own choice, it was a request. Mori also didn't even comment on pippa's content or personally, just a few comments about her outfit lmao.

>> No.70467978

>gets exposed as brown/phase
>immediately starts accusing everyone else of being brown/phase
bvtm isn't sending their best.

>> No.70468030

Don't know about /v/ but you perfectly described the /VT/ schizos. And when you call them out they cry, just like you. But it is to be expected because when you kick a brown mutt, it yelps.

>> No.70468321

either ultra newfag or masterbaiter

>> No.70468505

at least she isn't a zoophile like pippa

>> No.70468949
File: 214 KB, 1440x1393, Ogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KFP still being baited by ESL threads
What year is this?
