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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7034553 No.7034553 [Reply] [Original]

ARTIA, the first hololiver to join the official hololive subreddit.
good to see haachama continuing her legacy of hololive reddit content. It may be sad that Artia's gone, but we can all celebrate what she acomplished by continuing the legacy she started of reddit related hololive content

>> No.7034592

okay zhang

>> No.7034630

Upvoted and take my gold, kind sir!

>> No.7034722


>> No.7034817

I do not want to remember this traitor. Now that she's gone, let's not talk about that whore ever again.

>> No.7034892
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>> No.7034914
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she wasn't a traitor before the treacherous shit though

>> No.7035249

I'm glad HoloCN was banished from the upper echelons of the vtuber community. You fuck with Coco, now you're nobodies.

>> No.7035863


>> No.7035981

hate to break it to you anon, but once a hololiver always a hololiver

>> No.7035991


>> No.7036201


>> No.7036243

Traitors get buried like they deserve.

>> No.7036494

Yeah, I believe Artia just took the side she believed to be most convenient for her but then willingly sperged with the Wolf Warrior thing and Anti support, at the end of the day she fucked up but I'm not sure how could I have dealt with such a bad scenario, for the looks of it, there were two outcomes, both bad for her and the CN girls regardless of action:
>Her branch gets graduated, thus she loses her job and model which carries quite some of her fame
>2 main branch graduations and further harassment from the antis to the point other Holos might bail too as in this case there's no Coco anymore to take all the hits for months
Still, she fucked up.

>> No.7036523

>Haachama has to stay relevant by stealing other vutber's ideas.
Oh how the mighty schizo has fallen.

>> No.7040364

Judasfags deserve to die like Judas

>> No.7040754

Now this is some good quality bait. Finally something worth a shit on this board.

>> No.7045470

ohgay zhang.

>> No.7046988

>not a traitor before acting like a traitor
That's what's makes someone a traitor though anon...

>> No.7047018

I hope she dies when her flight to china smashes into the middle of the pacific ocean.

>> No.7047037

As if she had a choice anyway. her family's organs will be harvested if she chose otherwise.

>> No.7047056

She could have done what Civia did and just shut the fuck up. Her sperging out on twitter actively made the situation more volatile.

>> No.7047070


Good, fuck her.

>> No.7047144

You're making a bit too much sense for this board

>> No.7048298


>> No.7048879

Perhaps I was too harsh in my judgement, she was just a byproduct of a dysfunctional society after all...

>> No.7049091

The neutrals like Civia, Echo and Yogiri didn't have their family's organs harvested. It was entirely in Artia's free will to either remain neutral, or become a Judas
Yes neutrality would have become the best possible option for HoloCN. But Artia had to fuck up. This resulted in the worst possible timeline: HoloCN nuked and Coco harassed to graduation.

>> No.7049600

Except the Judas of Hololive.

>> No.7049733

Reminding you, Artia discord faggot and Artia discord mod organizing attack to Hololive until today

>> No.7050111

do you really beleeb?

>> No.7050181

Sad? The only one sad is chinker like you.

>> No.7050225

What’s with all the artia posting lately? Easy you farming? It’s obvious bait but I guess Her most recent meltdowns sort of brought her back to attention lately.

>> No.7050501

She's taking a break so her "fans" have nothing to do I assume

>> No.7050680

>But Artia had to fuck up.
You forget about Rosalyn and Doris anon.

>> No.7050720


>> No.7050762

Rosalyn and Doris were accomplices, but not to the degree that Artia was. Even still, most of HoloCN held neutrality until Artia let the wolf warriors in.

>> No.7051977

Ding-Dong! The witch is dead~

>> No.7053246

I'd rather have the Chinese than the Americans.

>> No.7053282

i miss this copypasta

>> No.7053413
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Sure thing zhang

>> No.7053445


>> No.7053930

With each passing day i become more and more unironically racist towards the chinese

>> No.7055328

>Artia had to fuck up
No matter what she could have done, they were doomed, bilibili wanted Hololive (official) out for business reasons.MMost of the spammers were paid by them, after the whole ordeal ended only the schizo nationalists were still spamming.


That said, yes, she was retarded, and drank the CCCP koolaid, but tried to stay neutral (and failing) because she also likes the west. Only months later she became fully aware of the whole mess.

>> No.7055455

>leech coco
>gosling matsuri
she extend beyond the level of ayame

>> No.7055540

Yes, thank god coco is gone.

>> No.7055625

fucking BASED image. Artia being racist to everything just like 4chan!

>> No.7055669

>drank the CCCP koolaid
One too many Cs unless you're saying she's been downing Soviet propaganda which would put her in a level of hag that is beyond any of our other hags.

>> No.7055987

Kiryu coco that is

>> No.7056383

Fartia is dead, get over it ching chong small dong

>> No.7056421

you schizos couldn't even keep /tia/ alive.

>> No.7056739

oops, not the codec pack kek

>> No.7057033

Did she always have the Gurs avatar or did she log back 9n post graduation to change it?

>> No.7062462


>> No.7062520

Tia love.

>> No.7062670

What's with all these zhang cope threads recently?

>> No.7066753

see newfags?
it was artia that made the ieddit cancer, not based coco

>> No.7066841

nah shes the jesus who was crucified as a martyr

>> No.7066874
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anons pretending to be Zhangs for easy bait

>> No.7067450

Why would you ever pretend to be subhuman?

>> No.7068811
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>> No.7069006

Cant mods or jannies do something about these artia/hecatia and coco/kson threads 3 of these are graduated and the only one still alive isnt even a V-Tuber, this trash keeps shitting up the board

>> No.7072239

>vtuber board
also this thread has nothing to do with hecatia, coco, or kson, it's an Artia+Haato thread

>> No.7077937

I can't tell whether or not you think that's actually a good achievement.

>> No.7077987

>she wasn't a traitor before she betrayed us

>> No.7078061

how about choosing the side that was morally correct? was that too hard for her?

>> No.7078201

why would anyone ever pretend to be retarded?

>> No.7078399
File: 85 KB, 1034x692, 1625781602686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traitor thread? Traitor thread.

"Gang rape used used as torture to force confessions" edition

>> No.7079359

It's too hard for zhangs. The Hive comes first, fuck everything else.

>> No.7079810

You are Chink and anti

>> No.7082689

Begone zhang
Member-Only Coco Chat 大躍進政策 The Aqua Outfit Reveal 文化大革命 Bilibili VLC Stream 人權 Haachama Kitchen 民運 Holoharem 自由 Haaton Decapitation Mark 獨立 多黨制 Multi-Stream Drifting 台灣 臺灣 Civia Youtube Debut 中華民國 Dragon America 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Toxic Australian Air 達賴喇嘛 Youtube Analytics 法輪功 Akai Red 新疆維吾爾自治區 The twitch.tv/artia_hololive Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Golden YAGOO 劉暁波

>> No.7083380

>he wasn't a murderer before he killed that guy

>> No.7087801
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>> No.7092424

people like you are why /vt/ suffers
