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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 643 KB, 1723x763, Mel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70289332 No.70289332 [Reply] [Original]

holobros we got too cocky...

>> No.70289383

Can't believe they removed Nazca after all she did. Will never forget her Monster Hunter Generations and Europa Univeralis streams.

>> No.70289420

no shit, she got terminated you dumb fuck.

>> No.70289519


>> No.70290424

What did you expect for them to do ? Take down the song and make everyone redo it (which will cause reaction from the fanbase) ?

At the very least she won't appear on Honey concert with the other members. But after all, she was very well-respected in the company, so they don't go that far unless some higher-ups threaten Yagoo to cancel the concert if her song is brought up or some shit

>> No.70290481

Man, sisters are being retarded again.

>> No.70290546
File: 190 KB, 519x416, bro_what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you talking about? Everyone already knew Cover was going to do this sense day one. It was in the fucking termination letter

>> No.70290787


Anon.....being ESL means instant lose

>> No.70290861


>> No.70290993

Fair enough

>> No.70291301

Only if you're a tourist who doesn't know how Cover handles this stuff.

>> No.70292694

>traitor whore isn't there anymore
Wow, I'll cry all morning for that

>> No.70292967

kind off ironing to make that mistake after correcting that guy

>> No.70293651

Hololive is a black company.

>> No.70293984

funny jork

>> No.70294283

ESL on ESL violence

>> No.70294612
File: 571 KB, 596x684, kuzu_lilianne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember what they took from you...

>> No.70294817

she didn't deserve it...

>> No.70294843

are you actually this dumb anon?
or are you just this unaware? pls do your reps.

>> No.70294923

Nice one

>> No.70295289

Cover isn't that stingy like Anycolor in removing all traces of the talent, Noel still has a Rushia plushie in her background whilst Marine kept a Rushia scene in one of her MVs. Also they let Choco upload a cover song of her and Mel.

>> No.70295639

Nikkisei the Enduring

>> No.70295811

but this is Cover's project that we're talking about. They literally monetize a corpse

>> No.70299190

Mel wanted her fans to have the song and Cover (who owns the character and can technically do whatever they want with it) was fine with it, so there's no conflict there.

>> No.70299557

Wouldn't you do the same if you could?

>> No.70300983

no, and people accepting that argument is why good things go to shit and bad things stay bad

>> No.70301333

Funnily enough, even Yagoo himself agreed with you. But business is business, and they couldn't NOT fire her for what she did, even though it was an honest mistake.

>> No.70301408
File: 594 KB, 576x832, Ave mange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuzu my beloved...

>> No.70301483

oh no no nijibronies seething again?

>> No.70301802

Fuck Off Nijidrone

>> No.70301949

It's okay if Hololive does it

>> No.70301992

Is holo derangement syndrome curable? This is hard to watch.

>> No.70302182

Not any harder than watching your streams Millie

>> No.70302349

Holo deragenment syndrome refers to fags who obsess over holo rent free, not supporters, newchama.

>> No.70303263

really didn't

>> No.70305469

all corpos are black, just a matter of how dark the shade

>> No.70308129


>> No.70310023
File: 593 KB, 1064x1604, image8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a disgrace

>> No.70310226

>business is business, and they couldn't NOT fire her
That is corpo bullshit talk, there are always options. Could have at least graduated her.

>> No.70310333

>what is termination?

>> No.70310382

>why is termination?

>> No.70310595

They were more lenient with the staff who sexually harassed her.

>> No.70310956

So you are OK with Fagni being there while one of the OGs becomes "page not found"? Just cause he got booted at the time of contract renewals? Absolutely mindbroken, keep licking the boot.

>> No.70311748

any chance of mel returning to vtubing like ru-chan or nah ?

>> No.70311983

You know who's really licking the boot? You, and you do it by continuing to watch hololive content.

>> No.70312168

She violated her contract and agreed to a mutual termination. I actually loved Mel but what is this delayed outrage for?

>> No.70312437

Those ones graduated. The missing people were fired.

Probably, she has a million friends on the Internet and she was famous before Hololive, so I don't think this would stop her. Unless she's just had enough.

>> No.70313811

Probably. I assume she'll start being active on her other account at some point.

>> No.70313888

>ITT: kids who never had a job confused why breaking NDA results in getting fired

>> No.70313949

Graduation = quit the job voluntarily
Termination = got fired
How is this hard to understand?

>> No.70314371

>have an alum section
>no expelled section
For shame.

>> No.70314752

Both didn't had graduations

>> No.70314979

They didn't have graduation STREAMS. They still graduated; i.e. they left the company because their contracts expired and they did not renew their contracts.
Their non-membership vods are still up, and will stay up for as long as Youtube's servers stay up.

>> No.70315186
File: 752 KB, 927x2450, 1709164084861944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about that plushie

>> No.70315691

Yeah she lied and concealed the fact she was married and is a cheater to her coworkers. I don't blame noel.

>> No.70315981

They got rid of those options when they took a hard line over Rushia’s NDA violation.

>> No.70316048

No they weren’t, the problem was that getting fired doesn’t stop him from stalking her.

>> No.70316115

Threadly reminder that Tsunomaki "waterworks" Watame - the woman who starts bawling her eyes out at the drop of a hat - didn't cry for Rushia when she got terminated. She and Flare KNEW

>> No.70316222

Noel had it in plain sight for a while, but presumably doing the shit she’s done in the past few months crossed a line.

>> No.70316452

Unfortunately, they already set a precedent with Rushia. Breaking NDA is grounds for termination

>> No.70316605

>we want more money or we won't sign the contracts for another year
>no, get lost... by the way, would you like to have a graduation so we end like the good guys?

>> No.70319124


>> No.70322315

i hate this

>> No.70322561

>not a single eastern woman gets to be alumni, they're all just dishonored and dumped on the streets.

>> No.70322734

Which they only did because management had a grudge against her for being a bit menhera. Staff's power tripping continues to cause damage.

>> No.70322786
File: 360 KB, 1080x1080, 1630206629212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger faggot

>> No.70326603

>where is termination?

>> No.70326721

Literally who?

>> No.70330192

Oh no...

>> No.70333646

>who is termination?

>> No.70335010

>agreed to a mutual termination
Yeah, ofc she could just decline the termination, silly Meru
They could have graduated her instead of termination, how is it hard to understand?
Cover is not a fucking government, there's no strict precedent system. Noone except a few people involved would even know about the NDA if they didn't go public with it.

>> No.70335576

Interesting that she started covering it a few days before the first public info came out.

>> No.70338202

definitely knew about it beforehand

>> No.70338530

Everyone obviously knew. She even lives next to her genmate who's also married.

>> No.70339071

Sure, the homos left voluntarily. In such a hurry that they had to cancel scheduled streams. And have never been seen/heard from again, not even a message through the manager. Dyrbi?
Some shit had happened with at least one of them. The other one might have tried to "stand up for a bro".

>> No.70340988

>HoloCN don't get to be alums even though they did nothing wrong

>> No.70343335

only a couple of them deserve to be remembered

>> No.70343884

>Noel still has a Rushia plushie in her background whilst Marine kept a Rushia scene in one of her MVs
Chiguchan has an Ako plushie in the background whenever she has the backdrop of her room and Ibrahim had Melissa in the animated short he uploaded after she had graduated. These are not signs of the company being good or bad behind the scenes:

>> No.70343933

Apparently even Mel doesn't deserve to be remembered.

>> No.70346227

Is there a new nijiyab or are sisters still seething about the same one?

>> No.70346409

same one

>> No.70348369

Are those sisters in the room with us right now? When will Coverdrones stop using Niji dumpster fire as a deflection? They can both be evil at the same time.

>> No.70348872

>no closure
I feel bad for the fans

>> No.70350440
File: 415 KB, 852x1520, Screenshot_20240215-152531__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll be fine. It's honestly surprising how little supposed hololive fans care about talent. Not sure if shit like this is more sad or funny.
>a huge Kapumin
>She was here and now she's not.
>Fuck her, long live Cover.

>> No.70350542

Go drink bleach dramafaggot, you are not even good at being subtle

>> No.70351183

Oh, sorry for misleading, I wasn't trying to be subtle.
>Cover fucked Mel over and anyone defending it is a corpo cocksucker.
Better now? Now go make another Niji thread, faggot.

>> No.70351316

If you still watch hololive after everything that has happened you probably hate vtubers and especially the ones that are in hololive.

>> No.70351405

Now, that's an overkill. I think you've mixed up the corpos.

>> No.70351461

I don't get it, what am I supposed to be looking at?

>> No.70351494

Mel got memoryholed

>> No.70352244

Not overkill at all. there is no happiness in hololive

>> No.70352281

Is that drivel yours or just a fellow huge kapumin?
