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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70152626 No.70152626 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread a doesn't need too many words】

Previous thread: >>70073405

>> No.70152693

Yukine will act like a retard in less than 2 hours

Feel free to drop links for your oshi's next stream

>> No.70152744

seiso thread

>> No.70153175

Made for draining my balls

>> No.70153217

>Goki got banned from twitter
man all the loli artists accounts are getting nuked lately

>> No.70153983


>> No.70154104

Feminine and cute penis of Shura

>> No.70154348
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>> No.70154486

Shura girl are you implying it's your design and not YOU the reason why you are successful?

>> No.70154701

finally, an OP who isn't a fucking retard

>> No.70154711

(You) should learn to take a joke
>that feminine writing tho

>> No.70154745

Spending too much time between anons has it's toll.

>> No.70154995
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>> No.70155100
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>> No.70155440

>Literally admitting she's a generic twitch slut farming coomer's money
No wonder no one wants to oshi her.

>> No.70155508 [DELETED] 

Entre broma en broma la verdad se asoma

>> No.70155532

Eru it’s too early to be shitting

>> No.70155669
File: 2.18 MB, 2047x1486, 2837283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s my oshi btw

>> No.70155990

My condolences.

>> No.70156088
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>> No.70156121

Serious question, how can we help these girls overcome their imposter syndrome?

>> No.70156346


>> No.70156413 [DELETED] 

tículos xd

>> No.70156473

If you’re talking about Shura’s talk from yesterday, probably giving serious advice would’ve helped her feel like she was doing something deserving of her fans love (which she already has it anyway)

>> No.70156679

Meica Omedetto

>> No.70156707

If you're talking about Shura, then there's nothing to do. She know she's not special in any way, and she just accept her mediocre existence and just live to give attention to desperate pussy starved simps and coomers.

>> No.70156813

finally, now more slutty to satisfy the pent up alusky curiosity
sound like a joke Yukine would laught at

Yukine love

>> No.70157103

So basically Yamu is like a praying mantis?

>> No.70157173

Merol follows her new account, so he is the one who commissions art H?

>> No.70157421

her new IM@S was retweeted from other fans before he followed her
it appeared on my "for you"

>> No.70157764

I didn't know Shura talked about yesterday, but I know she's not the only one who has imposter syndrome. And sometimes I get frustrated or even angry at these girls when they think they don't deserve their fans love. Then they self sabotage and that's the worst. Sometimes it makes you feel like nothing you'll do will be enough to make them happy.

>> No.70158066

To any girl reading this, your fans showing you love is proof enough that you deserve it.

>> No.70158125

To any fan reading this, never stop showing love to your oshi. She needs it.

>> No.70158647

She should lie and give her the sluttiest, thiccest MILFest png she can find.

>> No.70158737

Yamu hasn't posted anything since yesterday, will she be okay?

>> No.70158753

I´m Nisha's oniichan, ask me a question

>> No.70158763

I feel the same way

>> No.70158809

Fuck off cuckrete

>> No.70158891 [DELETED] 

>he don't know
check Kazze alt

>> No.70159045

She has a stream programmed in two hours and a half.
She was liking stuff until late yesterday, maybe she went to sleep really late and is still asleep.

>> No.70159261
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Must say Shura did a nice job picking an activity and partners for Yamu’s first collab

>> No.70159336

Thoughts, I think she's really good?

>> No.70159542

Are you one of my alternate personalities?

>> No.70159637

Need more charla streams

>> No.70159638

Knowing her she might wake up in an hour or so before the stream.

>> No.70159662 [DELETED] 

>insta deleted
kek it's true that choripaneros are the ones shitting on other girs
like oshi like fanbase it seems

>> No.70159715

Who? Neither of those two twitch sluts are worthy.

>> No.70159719 [DELETED] 

>insta delted
It stayed there for several minutes until I reported it from 4 different IPs

>> No.70159756

Reporting doesn’t equal shitting, the one shitting on shura without reason is obviously an eructo maybe even eru herself

>> No.70159760
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>> No.70159821

All three have Megajorn as their manager, but I think it has nothing to do with it, she will have fun and that is the important thing.

>> No.70159840

Why tf do you make these threads?

>> No.70159863

I only see you shitting on her as always, and being obsessed with the cock of some offropic garbage fag.

>> No.70159922
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Hey newfags, wanna know who the shitter obssesed with choripan is?

>> No.70160024

kys carete

>> No.70160040

That’s because crayon is autistic and doesnt know any more girls

>> No.70160132
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Don't forget he's also a rirofag and idolfag

>> No.70160237

I have been here for 2 years and I don't know how to report kek (call me newfag)

>> No.70160394

Let me guess, phoneposter?

>> No.70160434
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>> No.70160515

I hope she doesn't lose any of her things saved there

>> No.70160575

Thank you, now I will support the cause

>> No.70160619

RIP Yamu ;..;

>> No.70160621


>> No.70160788

what a shame, just when she was getting used to the streams

>> No.70160800

why you ask if you already know the answer?
check the OP it's the usual shitter

>> No.70160856

we're back at the the roblox streams at 5 fps

>> No.70160894

I hope it's nothing serious tho, maybe the thermal paste just need a change
I just hope she took her pc to another tec, ig it's the same faggot, he will delete all of her things again

>> No.70160932

Too much coincidence, don't you think?

>> No.70160995

I think the last time that happened it took her like 2 weeks to fix it, right?

>> No.70161009

She said the condition of her phone a while ago, you would know if you were a yamusagi tho

>> No.70161028

buy a fucking UPS dumbass, those blackouts will fry your PC

>> No.70161035

I have a suspicion, she has the habit of regularly installing and uninstalling games, maybe that worn out her SSD/NVMe write cycles.
It should be fine by buying another (bigger) one and backing up her data.
This happened recently to me because I was moving AI models around so much, my system began to act slow and give blue screens.

>> No.70161075

She already has an UPS, threadwatcher-kun

>> No.70161135

I'm afraid of burning up my SSD too and that's why I have a hard disk too, she was adviced about this a long time ago too

>> No.70161152

She must specify him to NOT DELETE THE DATA

>> No.70161182

Holy shit where the fuck do newfags like you come from?

>> No.70161223

I made that mistake, I had only and SSD, now I keep my AI models in a Hard Disk.

>> No.70161235

I'm sure she did, I'm just afraid the tec do some retarded move

>> No.70161248

>a homosexual mexican't is somehow dating a racist argie girl
Seriously this is the best rrat you can come up with guardiatroons?

>> No.70161261

I remember she used to have troubles installing many games at the same time because the hard drive capacity of her PC was too low

>> No.70161297

You know it's kazze himsellf creating those rrats, right?

>> No.70161331

I hope she also has a copy of her Yamu data elsewhere, hopefully on her old PC.

>> No.70161369

FUCK you're right, she was constantly installing and deleting games since a while ago

>> No.70161396
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>> No.70161456

If this is the case, don't panic Yamu.
a 512gb or even 1tb SSD plus a HDD (something along 2tb or 4tb) isn't expensive, they're fairly cheap.
You should ask the tecnician to copy all of the data of your old drive to the HDD

>> No.70161492

how can we cheer her up?

>> No.70161525

Fucking why? A 2TB drive is like 50 bucks, a SDD one is 60 bucks max.

>> No.70161562


>> No.70161574

Yamu put what is happening to his PC, I have no idea, do you?

>> No.70161633

Either MB failure or PSU. Her HDD should be safe.

>> No.70161713

Seems like it could be something related to the ram or bios

>> No.70161870

it's much better if it's not related to the SSD, at least she would know how to prevent something like that happen in a future

>> No.70162055

Yuu made a drawing of Meica.

>> No.70162063

Aren't specialiazed places for PC reparis where she lives? why past times she had to give her pc just some acquaintance from her dad?
She needs to take it to a proper tecnician that runs a good diagnosis.
Maybe the store from where she bought her pc could give her a contact, or maybe they themselves can offer the service.

>> No.70162088

She never turns it off, it was obvious that it was going to be damaged.

>> No.70162149

>vuela alto carmila

>> No.70162233

Don't say that papu :'V

>> No.70162236

No unusual motherboard leds according to her, could be just a power supply problem?

>> No.70162358

>comes back to singing
>new channel
>previous one and all the covers still dead
I don't understand women sometimes

>> No.70162390

>could be just a power supply problem?
the UPS would be warning her if the power supply were the problem

>> No.70162442

She basically started over from scratch. No idea why. I hope she continues to make covers because I like her voice.

>> No.70162477

>in "wonderland"
With the astounding amount of power shortage they have there on average the UPS wouldn't last that long.

>> No.70162551

Tell them to remove the GPU and replace the PSU with the one from her old PC and see if it runs.

>> No.70162604

She can't do that...
The store sent her PC already assembled and she doesn't know how to.

>> No.70162629


>> No.70162712

Meica retweeted it.

>> No.70162830

If the PC is older than a year the warranty is already void.
One would think the PC being their main tool for this activity would led them to learn at very least the basic of PC assembling.

>> No.70162940

>the warranty is already voidÇ
doubt it, actually

>> No.70162948

Could you fix your waifu's pc?

>> No.70163082

que tan apretadita se siente su vagina de succubus ?

>> No.70163122

fuck off petanko

>> No.70163502
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I suck at handling hardware, sadly.

>> No.70163597

Even if the warranty could be void, she just would need to pair for the repair, the important thing is that they have people more competent than the previous tecnician who took weeks and deleted her stuff.

>> No.70163605

we do it every chance we get so it's not like you think anymore

>> No.70163641

What's the deal with that Trick fag?

>> No.70163657

I could actually.

>> No.70163768

remember all paltachilena´s fault

>> No.70163921

dumb piss stinking cunny, underage kids should don't use a pc without adult supervision

>> No.70164053

Ram problems (XMP profile in amd motherboard) or power supply. Recommend NOT FORMAT the computer and first save files,hard drive with windows system installed adapts to new components and run system.

>> No.70164253

is this true?

>> No.70164373
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Kazze is vry lucky

>> No.70164469

I've seen multiple comments mentioning a possible RAM issue
And this guy may be onto something
I also remember having similar problems with a PC, I had to turn it off take out the power supply cable leave it like that for like an hour or so and it would boot again after that.

>> No.70164627

Sounds like something that should be fixed in two hours tops, it could be done while she looks the whole process.

>> No.70164865

Choripanera i know you are reading this thread, when you will tell them the truth?
stop comming with dumb excuses and confess, i already know it but you think you can hide it more time?

>> No.70164884

She wants to stream from her old PC, we can give her comfort there too.

>> No.70164948

stfu faggot (You) have nothing

>> No.70165054

Why do you reply to him? Just report for trolling/offtopic/racism (choripan could be interpreted as a slur by the jannies)

>> No.70165129

really? kekw

>announcing it

>> No.70165553

What is the name of the girl who helped paltachilena to groomm Yuu?

>> No.70165927


>> No.70166404

I still wonder what caused this, it wouldn't even load the BIOS screen, and just keeping it turned off without any cable connected for some hours then trying again, and it would turn on to some windows recovery screen.

>> No.70166609

She should give this a try, if she hasn't already, I would add to push the power on button for 15 seconds while everything is disconnected to discharge all the capacitors.

>> No.70166738

Yamu my love, I'm sure it's something small. Nothing to worry about.

>> No.70167189

The dumb choripanera burned the GPU hahaha the most expensive part of her pc

>> No.70167435

How many years she will have to wait for being able to buy a new graphics card? kek

>> No.70167477

>replying to himself, begging for (you)s

>> No.70167600

Her GPU is fine, and she got already 1.8k USD in donations so far.

>> No.70167784
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Yamu after eating my heart.

>> No.70167985

I don't think GPU is burned, if is case would still need another one for testing (because processor no "G" does not have integrated graphics and therefore not give video signal in Biosscreen)

>> No.70168092 [SPOILER] 
File: 160 KB, 417x398, femboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why you keep replying to the resident slut?

>> No.70168177

My beautiful and beloved Yamu, let's watch some movies and forget about everything, shall we?

>> No.70168578 [DELETED] 

karma hit la choripanera hard for being Meica and Nisha anti hahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.70168636

Here you have my boy>>70168092
Tonight I'll treat nicely again

>> No.70168986

What would it take for idol ES branch to be successful?

>> No.70169106

Is the GPU, most likely the chip is kaput, thats why don't post, if was the ram It should start beeping

>> No.70169116

that some of the girls pretend to be Japanese and underage

>> No.70169674

They got Lily and Nisha, they will be fine.

>> No.70169806

It's not the GPU, because it isn't even feeding power to the periferics, that's before any signal goes to the GPU, it's a BIOS or RAM issue.

>> No.70170035
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>> No.70170091

It's funny because her toaster can't even run that game.

>> No.70170132

What game is that?

>> No.70170279

Unity between each other.
ES-chubas are in an interesting situation where not a single corpo remains standing and I don’t think the girls will be able to compete against the big indies head on so they need to capitalize on being part of a gen and of course whatever pile of jew money they have allotted.

>> No.70170402

We need a good OP, this thread ain't dying

>> No.70170481

Has Sylvie ever shown any interest in strategy games?
I would like to see her playing Army Men RTS.

>> No.70170677

She lacks the patience, mindset and intelligence needed for RTS micromanaging.

>> No.70170749


I hate to admit it cause I don't like Idol, but I'm pretty sure Nisha would actually love to be part of it if she could keep her model.

>> No.70170758

Single player campaign doesn't requre that much micromanaging, is not like it's SC2

>> No.70170821

I bet she already got approached to become an Idol Invader but she must have declined.

>> No.70170898

Unironically Shura works for this, but she said back then she didn’t want to apply

>> No.70171004

ES branch will have it hard, they'll have the work to fix Idol's reputation after so many fuckups

>> No.70171254

They will have to do all that managing latinx talents.
Jews are playing in hellmode.

>> No.70171305


>> No.70171378

What if the gen is full of manolitas?

>> No.70171562

If their endgame was to get numbers from latam for brand positioning, they're fucked.

>> No.70171626

And what about a gen full of spanish speaking chicanas?

>> No.70171987

>A gen full of Regias.

>> No.70172170

Why does this menhera mesugaki attract 30yo argie groomers with so much ease?

>> No.70172624 [DELETED] 


>> No.70173434

>B gen full of yucatecas

>> No.70173483

The answer is really simple:
For them to not be stupid
They need to know how to take care of themselves and remain employed, that's it

>> No.70173698

>latam girls
>not bein utterly retarded

>> No.70174110

If your reasons for not liking that corpo come from reading catalog threads /here/ then you're retarded, they give a lot of support (too much i'd argue) to the girls who get in which are more than enough reason for most girls to want a spot in, don't be surprised to see nisha or meica in when the teaser drops

>> No.70174276

radiofuna pls

>> No.70174342

>(too much i'd argue)
I remember Holo investors complaining because the cut they gave to the girls was "too much" kek

>> No.70174907

Meica is now too busy playing the circus freak for irl streamers and trying to leech of them to bother.

>> No.70175115

Yeah, aviel and riro's manager surely are giving way more "support" than what they should.

>> No.70175423

she wants to play xenoblade and Fire Emblem three houses, and in a lost stream she played persona 5 royal.

>> No.70176262

To Nisha, I would follow her even to hell itself; the only thing that concerns me is that manager they hired for ES

>> No.70176671

>ES head manager is a manolito
He will groom the fuck out of Nisha.

>> No.70177094

I wouldn't be surprised if this manager tries something with the girls who join; among his duties is providing them with moral support

>> No.70177207

Idol is burning from within, seems like a terrible choice right now, better wait and see if it manages to stay afloat

>> No.70177336

anons, are you ugly bastard or femboy?

>> No.70177765

I was fat until Misopa said that she likes muscular guys, I started hitting the gym and I’m now a muscular manlet.
Ironically my new Oshi Shuwa says that she prefers fat guys but I can’t stop going to the gym.

>> No.70178138 [SPOILER] 
File: 221 KB, 822x643, imagen_2024-02-27_232525680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by now I have most of the maps ready, I must prepare some events and I'll change the artstyle later but If any yamusagi wants to collab with some bgm, some drawing for the title screen or ingame, I'll add it too
Just so you know, I'll be taking some ideas from yesterday but if you have some event idea, I'll try to do it

>> No.70178255

btw do you plan to release it as anon?

>> No.70178318

ofc, otherwise I wouldn't be asking /here/

>> No.70178432

The discordgroomers ain't gonna like this...

>> No.70178448

It's hard to think about events without knowing the general plot and if you share it it would be spoiling it, but I'll try to think about something.

>> No.70178682

I don't think it would be a spoil anything tho, it's just her lore and as I said, I'll take some ideas from yesterday
it will be another way to tell her story I guess

>> No.70178730

Nice to know, anon :D

>> No.70178875

also, I was thinking of taking some of your pixel art as reference too or I could open the room if anyone wants to draw something

>> No.70178884

So currently there are three games in development for Yamu?
>puzzle rpg game
>That sidescroller
>lore rpg game

>> No.70179010

Include a date with Akira.

>> No.70179055

Are you el gordo?

>> No.70179080

Are you gordo anon too? heh that's awesome.

>> No.70179240

>offtopic vtes shit
You don't report this trash with the same intendity huh fucking retards

>> No.70179478

They had a manager literally grooming their talents, the first generation didn't have support at all and only 2 didn't graduate (one of them had a questionable relationship with the CEO), they allowed Yuko to do the shit she's doing, their fans are absolutely retarded (I'm used to that though) and a lot of the EN talents implied wanting to leave the corpo in their PLs

>> No.70179671

yes, if some of you want to participate, I'll open the room tomorrow
you can create some of your own characters if you like or something that represents (you)
rpg maker mv characters are about 48x48 so if it doesn't fit, I'll figure it out
also, I was thinking of some artstyle like this, something similar to the lore but since you'll participate, you can vote

>> No.70179745

Good job, but fix your spanish grammar, anon.

>> No.70180026

My love...

>> No.70180098

Wait, didn't you say you where using RPG Maker XP?

>> No.70180239

I gave up with that, MV is a lot easier and more aesthetic

>> No.70180843

Will the characters have that style too? or will they be pixelart.

>> No.70180852
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>gets called flat
>spends the next 30 minutes arguing why she isn't flat
>decides to start searching ways to increase her bust
>finds an article about a drug that does it
>reads also increases milk production
>immediately thinks about drugging Shura with it

>> No.70181019

I was thinking of pixelated characters for now
Maybe next time I'll make them different

>> No.70181227

>you can create some of your own characters if you like or something that represents (you)

>> No.70181526

could be anything, actually
not necessarily an avatar, or just one

>> No.70181905

I want to be an anon

>> No.70182086

then draw an anon, I just want most of you to participate but I won't force you either
I just thought she could be happy if she saw people working together for her

>> No.70182234

Please don't make it an obvious /here/ reference simulator... Focus on Yamu's lore like the other anon's game did.

>> No.70182341

Do you have deadlines or and estimate timeline until release?

>> No.70182485

>be happy if she saw people working together for her
Where Were you when the anons were working on the game?

>> No.70182529

>Focus on Yamu's lore
that's the idea, but would it be obvious if I add some things to the lore that were spoken /here/?
like, why she can see herself in the mirror and stuff
due to my new worktime, I have plenty of time, tutorial take most of it and maybe drawing the maps will take some time too...
I say 2 weeks, it won't be that long of a game either

>> No.70182755

did you participate in making the last game? I didn't know where they were meeting so I couldn't participate

>> No.70182885

>would it be obvious if I add some things to the lore that were spoken /here/?
like, why she can see herself in the mirror and stuff
i mean, adding stuff like "omg is le miutomo op!" is what seems cringe to me. that's cool.

>> No.70183055

>omg is le miutomo op!
don't worry about that then, It'll be most focused on her

>> No.70183100

Make a teddybear selfinsert.

>> No.70183225

You could have asked tho.

>> No.70183252
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Daily reminder that Nishadows are to be sexually molested

>> No.70183482

I may try to make a simple bgm, do you have any style in mind? I mean 8bit or orchestal and shit. I doubt I would be able to produce something orchestal tho

>> No.70183651 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 1000x285, Idol_corporation_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Idol is Wactor v2 but worse:
>Idol Corporation is a Israel founded agency with the monetary help of the Israel state
red flag
>IdolHE, 3 of 5 girls graduated before the contract ended
red flag
>the CEO was and probably is datting a talent
red flag, the jew have his own Lia
>terminated Riro Ron (KyOresu) that way just to ruin her vtuber carrer or any future chances to join other agencies
re flag, ring you a bell? they lack doxxing and lawsuits here and it's the same manlet rage.
>have male managers, and cases of grooming realted with this
huge red flag
>official fan discord
red flag
>LoyalMiuTomo and Nico are mods
red flag
>thy have several girls depressed and cases of some to graduate (Yuko wanted to graduate to change her style and go back to her PL but the jew dropped some shekels to keep her on the corpo), Pochi case, Momo, some doom post from other talents on their PL, etc.
red flag

>> No.70183792

if it's orchestal it may sound nice for the titlescreen and important part of the lore
some eerie style like this for some scenarios
or something lively for the end after she cross the mirror

>> No.70184318

My reason is that I would prefer an agency whose managers don't fuck the talents.
It's just another agency created with the mentality of Vtubers = ez money.
I don't like agencies in general. They make no sense. Hololive succeeded because of the talents not because of the agency.
And everyone just started to copy the exact same formula without even understanding why it works. And that's because most of them don't really like Vtubers, they just want the money.
Idol is just one more of those useless agencies that are big only because they probably invested a lot of money to begin with.

I would prefer Nisha to make her own group of committed girls. There's no need for intermediaries who take money from them (or from us).

And for what? look at what they made Yuko do, that was the worse possible way of handling a change of content. So fucking useless

>> No.70184955

Shura fighting with Teen Titans shippers

>> No.70185444

Shura pucked while watching Invencible
>She doesn't like Ntr

>> No.70185755 [SPOILER] 
File: 63 KB, 971x613, F6QsfXyXsAA1gbN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea... you have no fucking idea of what happen on her dungeon...being drugged, raped and mindbroken using the most wild, degrading and effective methods to milk you...she will not stop until you cum blood...

>> No.70185953

but why?

>> No.70186215
File: 236 KB, 960x960, GHZKwN7XUAASZz9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70186411

because nobody cares

>> No.70186848

Off topic and that long ass pasta with the idol logo makes my eyes bleed.

>> No.70186854 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 850x1314, rye_project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuko wanted to graduate, she talked about that on her PL, Aviel persuaded her to stay on idol.

then explain the all those posts.

>> No.70187212

me pasó con nisha

>> No.70187254

>Shura appears in a False's video

>> No.70187422

you know that fag have a army of cucks searching for news on his discuck, he not only talk about Nijishit

>> No.70187650

when they have several antis throwing shit all the time, stuff like that tend to happen.

>> No.70187973

Me too and I hate it cause when we tell her she's doing great she doesn't like it probably because she thinks we are not being honest because her content is really weak nowadays. But we say that because we know she's doing her best, and that's what matters.
If she was doing one stream a week just because she doesn't give a shit then that would be different.

>> No.70188040
File: 184 KB, 583x704, 1435353535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the jew is shameles, now this is the 3rd ENG girl that he sent to shill the ES branch pretending to be friends with Meica.
and ofcourse the burraca had to reply

>> No.70188605

go and sent love faggots

>> No.70189513

I think Shura mentioned that someone stopped talking to her because of rumors, was that like that?

>> No.70189556

Who are you talking about?

>> No.70189746

Is it related to Eru and she not following each other anymore?

>> No.70190054

It's a speculation, I wanted to consult with the pankaka who is also here

>> No.70190094

>the fags think that she don't talk to thousands of different chuubas
why some faggots sre so peabrained?

>> No.70190129

Yamu... My wife has bad luck.

>> No.70190136

Doubt anyone here has any idea, why would we?

>> No.70190213 [DELETED] 

the dumb choripanegra deserve it, finally justice

>> No.70190413

Half of this thread are woman, I refuse to believe men go and talk about made up drama and gossip of online woman

>> No.70190543

Since you mention it, if it hurts me when she does that, and I don't know how to make her see that the nice things I say are sincere and not just empty compliments

>> No.70190650

only gays and women throw shit using anonymity

>> No.70190712 [DELETED] 

>membership content
later they ask why nisha this place

>> No.70190863

>membership content
later they ask why nisha hate this place

>> No.70190939

>en el ano en el ano

>> No.70190955

it's from the palworld stream, retard

>> No.70191091

>CEO ruining this girl vtuber carrer just to farm some VODs views from yt
how you call this behaviour?

>> No.70191550

Eru should open an onlyfans

>> No.70191623 [DELETED] 

she's not flat, look at these totally natural bazoongas

>> No.70192019 [DELETED] 

reminder that all chinese girls are squirters

>> No.70192084

>Hololive succeeded because of the talents not because of the agency
Maybe the early jap gens, because boy, the current state of the girls is just being carried by the brand and the absurd quantity of sheep that think that Hololive invented vtubers

>> No.70192415

Someone mentioned the only French speaking person she could collab with graduated and then mentioned that, it’s not Eru who doesn’t talk to her because of rumors

>> No.70193306

yeah of course, current girls and even some of the old ones are just carried by the popularity of the brand. And the popularity of the brand is gained by a few members. That's the benefit of having a group with a name.
That's what Meica and Nisha did with waktor, they carried the group, and it's 100% the reason why Shura has the imposter syndrome.

>> No.70194563

I firmly believe that if Akira hadn’t had a retard moment Wactor would still be doing good even without Misora and Luna, all he had to do was give them a nice graduation or at least a proper send off, get thousands of pesos and then teach all his future talents how to say “inmediatamente” “hola” and “gracias” and he would still had the ES audience eating from his manlet hands.

>> No.70196322

shame because she’s the only one who has surpassed her past numbers (excluding nisha and meica of course)

>> No.70196793

keep seething Akira

>> No.70199221

Akira Hate bump

>> No.70199948
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Meica Love

>> No.70202261

>deleting the yukine tweet
are you literally insane you fucking janny faggot?
the fucking aversion some of you schizocunts have over 3d even when is something the talent posts by herself is to be studied in mental institutions

>> No.70206243


>> No.70208212 [DELETED] 

dumb jannys

>> No.70209574

And what about Nisha's imposter syndrome?

>> No.70209635

Posting 3d shit here is a bad habit that makes fags comfortable with rm posting and doxshit even if said 3d is posted by the chuuba herself.

>> No.70210031

stop being a fucking retard
so i guess every time a chuuba decides to do a hand cam stream we should not talk about it?
fuck off and stop being a janny bootlicker

>> No.70210560

Handcams are fine because what they show is minimal

>> No.70211484

and in yukine's tweet you can't see jack shit because she's completely covered

>> No.70212667
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>> No.70213063

I want to plap Yukine and solve China's birth rate problem with her

>> No.70213880
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>> No.70214419

Futanari Shura is cute

>> No.70215783

Eternal Love to my zhena

>> No.70217640

Why all Manolitas are a fucking mess?

>> No.70217948

>she’s the only one who has surpassed her past numbers

>> No.70218006

Living in the first world makes women absolutely retarded.

>> No.70218837

look im bumping my circlejerk hangout on /vt/ XD

>> No.70219237

femenine and pink Shura´s penis

>> No.70219309

It is true that Yukine lives on "capon street"

>> No.70219759

She lives on top of that anon's dick

>> No.70219865

I am said Anon

>> No.70220400

shura has a huge fucking stinky futacock

>> No.70221315
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>> No.70222618
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no dox pls kek

>> No.70223595
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>> No.70223844

it's not the same.
Shura feels she doesn't deserve it.
Nisha feels ashamed for not being able to give her fans enough dedication. In fact, I would say she knows her numbers should be higher, but they aren't because she is not active enough.

>> No.70225843
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>> No.70226499

now do Yukine licking an icecream

>> No.70226753
File: 218 KB, 1358x1358, shura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hardworking shuwa love

>> No.70227486

chuwa's dusty womb...

>> No.70227752

i can fix her

>> No.70227762

I want to spank this woman so much.

>> No.70227840
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>> No.70227954

Tits too big

>> No.70228817
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>> No.70229406

Where is lily

>> No.70229863

She went to see madame web

>> No.70229967

> eiwy plays league of legends
Does she stream it?

>> No.70230037

No, Shura makes fun of her

>> No.70230044

>she actually took pics wearing this

>> No.70230139

Sexy Stacy

>> No.70230153
File: 2.89 MB, 2706x2010, 1709142986399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70230252

that member stream was wild, i was surprised how she accepted those request and more

>> No.70230356


>> No.70230359
File: 5 KB, 390x330, 1709142986436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70230741

Need it for research proposes
Does this count as CP?

>> No.70230822

Hanging out with Nisha and ignoring Eru

>> No.70230936

She didn't, that fag is stealth anti posting

>> No.70231057
File: 71 KB, 560x559, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I wish Shura was real

>> No.70231707

I probably get arrested if I dated someone like Nisha

>> No.70231783

Are LATINAS retarded and mentally ill? Does she not know what happened to Nimu and Shitmikukis? WHY D OTHEY HAVE TO CATTER IWTH THE IRLS


>> No.70231825

If Nisha and Meica made an indie agency, who would they invite? I'd say Lily

>> No.70232001

cute schizo attack

>> No.70232241

They want numbers, and to be invited to those fags events and shit. Just like 2views suck radio funa's cock to be able to participate in anything those fags organize, it's the same shit but on a bigger scale

>> No.70232370

so they don't want to be chuubas, they want to be ecelebs
why people watch them then if 95% of their fanbase probably just want to see how they look IRL
I think they should have stood at WACTOR FOREVER, so this shit didn't happen
The fucking Hololive bus sign is so fucking true

>> No.70232567

Not a schizo but someone who speaks with the truth.
She can do whatever she wants tho, let life be her teacher.

>> No.70232609

Not a single western girl knows what an idol is and they certainly don't want to be one. The CGDCT Dream is dead

>> No.70232652

Staying in wactor was only possible without Akira in charge.

>> No.70232663

Yamu and Yuu

>> No.70232722

I haven't paid attention to anything burraca did in the last months. Is it really that bad?

>> No.70232846

I do not give a fuck about Akira
she has more views and didn't rely on whatever the fuck she is doing now
the last 2 weeks or so I keep seeing her collabing with random faggots FOR NO REASON, like are yo u that weak that you cannot create content yourself that has to rely on disgusting ecelebs to be a hit?

Nimu and Emikukis are big examples on what NOT TO DO as a vtuber, never show your fucking face and never go collab with ecelebs because they will start shitting on your life

They don't have to be idols, look at the PRmouse, she somehow manages to have a stable fanbase with her own shit (allegelly ecelebs are the ones who are leeching over her) without needing the other and without showing face (not a doxx frm 3rd parties but herself showing off)

I KNEW having a latina chuuba like her was absolutely a mistake the moment I saw her doing "react content" the very first fucking months as Misora, what a fucking dumbass. What can anybody do to stop this before its too late?

>> No.70232891

Nei is obsessed with Idols, she doesn't want to be one tho

>> No.70232911

Trick's property.

>> No.70233126

Nisha hates Yamu.

>> No.70233190

Shura is useful for PR and sponsors

>> No.70233244

She appeared in a spanish guys minecraft tournament or something, acting like an autist and trying to leech. The guy got weirded out and his chat cringed.

>> No.70233248

Yume girls are all Idols

>> No.70233270

No one cares what happens to meica, she can ruin her life whoever she wants. Her decisions her consequences.

>> No.70233286

If Miu took the reins at Wactor, maybe things would be tolerable and the agency would end up in good condition.

>> No.70233298

But this thread LOVED Misora

>> No.70233319

Unironically this. Akami is the most idol-like spic girl and no one can't deny it.

>> No.70233329

That was two years ago.

>> No.70233376

what ? Has she already ruined Mai?

>> No.70233381

More than that actually

>> No.70233542

Miu was the real coward, unable to stand up to Akira and care for her kouhais

>> No.70233545

It's incredible that when this close to the bump you have to play spicy issues to end this thread once and for all.

>> No.70233595

sex with himari

>> No.70233668

Why would she side with the girls if she was part of Wactor's committee board?

>> No.70233750

just two underage retards arguing about dumb shit

>> No.70234506
File: 117 KB, 904x1050, 1690088725812271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my Daughter-wife Axtre

>> No.70234585

she should stop doxxing herself to her family, classmates and friends.

>> No.70234718

I miss Neon

>> No.70234818
File: 73 KB, 544x544, 1592492070915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What good is an agency for if you have to play for your own shit?

>> No.70234903

Nisha and Lily do.

>> No.70235102 [DELETED] 

>Idol Corporation is a Israel founded agency with the monetary help of the Israel state
>IdolHE, 3 of 5 girls graduated before the contract ended
>the CEO was and probably is datting a talent
>terminated Riro Ron (KyOresu) that way just to ruin her vtuber carrer or any future chances to join other agencies
>have male managers, and cases of grooming realted with this
>official fan discord
>LoyalMiuTomo and Nico are mods
>thy have several girls depressed and cases of some to graduate (Yuko wanted to graduate to change her style and go back to her PL but the jew dropped some shekels to keep her on the corpo), Pochi case, Momo, Coni being burned, recently some doomposts from other talents on their PL, etc.
why are all the small vtuber agencies so black.

>> No.70235382

All agencies except Hololive are black.

>> No.70235596

Don't you get tired of posting the same babbling over and over?
Nigger, make /vtes/ and spam your garbage there, oh wait, you did, and people still didn't give a shit

>> No.70235711

How many times do you have to spam this made up bullshit before you fuck off? mindbroken schizo, with retards like you around no wonder no one wants to give the spanish market a try

>> No.70235853
File: 2.45 MB, 2048x1779, 173648237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

save the spic scene shuwaaa!!!!!!

>> No.70235923 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 556x300, Aviel&Katta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oy Vey, Shut It Down!
Kinetic go back to suck Aviel dick.
also those are facts retardo, that you don't looked for that is other thing, keep being a ignorant.

>> No.70236059

idolschizo in wactor thread top kek

>> No.70236165

>Posts image of collab they made years ago as if this was proof of every claim he made
Speaks about ignorance when he's the one who doesn't know what he's talking about, hilarious

>> No.70236258

Sylvie bald cunny love

>> No.70236298

Why do you want a corpo so bad?

>> No.70236364

Hololive is going to hit so hard that the vtuving industry would disappear. And if you say that the Latin scene would remain, well let me tell you that the girls we know could take Kalzon's path

>> No.70236400

shura pink f..

>> No.70236616

No yab for hololive in the foreseeable future, they did they homework.

>> No.70236638

Corpo gives a community authenticity and for other industries to take you more seriously, to be more respected. You move up in the industry and inspire new girls who grow up to want to take part into the things they've created
Indies are just running endlessly without goals other than for the sake of it, whether you like it or not corpos are the end goal of any vtuber who values herself.
Indies devolve while Corporate girls evolve

>> No.70236721

I feel bad for Yamu... Everything is gonna be okay, princess, don't worry.

>> No.70236955

The meta in the music industry is to be self produced and has been like this for more than a decade at this point, no one wants to be signed by a company, and their deals are a fucking scam.
Things aren't that different in the chuuba industry.

>> No.70237038
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>> No.70237080 [DELETED] 

the 2 first points are plain undeniable truth, they even had free ads on israel TV.
the 3rd is pretty much obvious since they were dating and there are more shit on the jew old socials, and you can asume they are still with that relationship.
4 point is what happen, they could just terminate her contract without saying all that shit, is the same shit like Akiras manlet rage with Laila,Rose and Misora.
5,6,7 points are plain truth again.
and the last one go to the talent past vtuber accounts, Rye project (Yuko) stated on a stream that she wanted to graduate from idol, and something made her change her idea and yeah this is a speculation and is that the jew offered her something to stay, other talents dont stream like Pochi that is not ok on that shithole, and others doomposted on their respective PLs accounts.

>> No.70237181

>something made her change her idea
A salary

>> No.70237225

This board has already become idolES without us realizing it.

>> No.70237303


>> No.70237607

>So unhinged he replied twice to the same post
>Repeats "undeniable truth, pretty much obvious, plain truth" as a way to convince anyone that it must indeed be true although it's just a defensive mechanism when you know something is made up yet continue to double down
>Proceeds his post with literal rrats
Ogey, thanks for the laughs though

>> No.70237746

Wactor is living proof that this is not truth

>> No.70237747

There’s a reason girls like Shylily don’t want to sign up for agencies

>> No.70237806

Yeah, same reason Nimu didn't as well

>> No.70237818

everybody wants to be sere

>> No.70237884

are you retarded or just trolling? or you are Loyalcucktomo

>> No.70237936

Dokibird is what Meica should have been if she hadn't let herself get groomed by poorfags and dramafags.

>> No.70238062
File: 347 KB, 1585x2048, png_image4738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i believe in my oshi

>> No.70238070

It would be if Akira wasn't such an incompetent greedy asshole.

>> No.70238146

noo idol is a gringo agency trust him!, and of course they don't have a official fan discord, or male managers! and no ex-wactor mods are not mods on idol,and of fucking course Lily, Emi, Neo didn't graduated!

>> No.70238282

fk off newfag

>> No.70238501

Corpos are soulless trash and it has been like that in every digital entertainment medium lately.
The only good thing a corpo can provide is the publicity.
The only case what you say applies is Hololive, and Idol is not Hololive, not even close.

>> No.70238731

The girls aren't allowed to interact in the official discord (the one where the talents join once they debut) there's also an official fanserver that recently pretty much died, they have both female and male managers but after the riro situation contracts have been revised to tackle any attempt of this happening again (Other agencies would've keep that shit a secret until their downfall yet idol made his stance clear and publicly), if any ex wactor mods did want to be mods again they are obligated to not be attention whores since mods dont speak in the girls chat and all of the Origin girls graduated in good terms with the company. Although people that entire gen never got along, they were complete noobs when it comes to content creation and had a rough start, the fact there's still some of them around is the biggest surprise of all

>> No.70238777

Jew shill gaslighting dumb spics and trying to cover the sun with a finger with his jewish tactics.

>> No.70238823

Indies can also choose to not participate in their discords and all those things you listed, anon

>> No.70238827

Sylvie spotless tight cunny

>> No.70238931

>The girls aren't allowed to interact in the official discord
Just like in WACTOR!
