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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.22 MB, 776x1024, 170262984984654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70213106 No.70213106 [Reply] [Original]

I think male vtubers are very underwhelming and highly unimpressive. That is all.

>> No.70213533
File: 33 KB, 360x360, muscle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think having males on your stream is incredibly homosexual

>> No.70215922

you don't need to want to fuck their model to like them

>> No.70215962
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>> No.70215994
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>> No.70216158

Male vtubers are doomed to always be terrible because any genuinely talented or entertaining male would just be a fleshtuber.

>> No.70216182

Damn, that is one impressive unicorn, I think this will have to be my opinion now.

>> No.70216824

I'm certainly no unicorn myself, but honestly, most male vtubers I've seen don't have a good personality, and their models are trash. Like, actual hot garbo, full of unnecessary accessories, trying way too hard to be "handsome" to be interesting, 0 understanding of how to keep a theme...
I said it before and I'll say it again. We live in a world where Nux Taku and Little Frigging Kuribo got the 2 best male vtuber avatars around, and they're barely even vtubers. And they got the best personalities too! They need to fix their crap.

>> No.70219424

Yeah, I have this same issue. I've actually tried watching male vTubers a few times and I just can't get into them. Honestly, the male vTuber I like most is FalseEyeD, and that's because he's a decent newsreader and his voice isn't annoying.

How on earth is it that there are plenty of good male fleshtubers and podcasters but nobody really that great at vTubing?

>> No.70219740

you don't have to be a unicorn to dislike male vtubers. they're mostly creeps and sex pests aimed at femcels and faggots

>> No.70219848

Give us this day our daily bait

>> No.70219936

Your right anon, male tubers are better than that abomination you just posted

>> No.70220000

Any male vtuber is immediately suspicious.
The main audience for vtubers are men. Yes even for male vtubers. Men judge women by looks instantly, just the way it works. So it's understandable women would want to put forth a pretty face.
Men judge men on merit and do not care about looks unless they are 500lb whales, deformed, or registered sex offenders. Thus all male vtubers are hiding something.

>> No.70220009

Women are drawn to vtubing because female fleshtubers tend to be judged more on their appearance than their content by the straight male audience, who still form the largest demographic in the video games/streaming sphere overall (though this has lessened over time).

The same problem does exist to some degree for male fleshtubers as well, but not nearly as much, so there is less of a "push" for male streamers to use vtuber avatars.

>> No.70220017
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>> No.70220236

>The main audience for vtubers are men. Yes even for male vtubers.
The main audience for male streamers in general are men, yes, but the most successful male vtubers (Luxiem, Shoto) have a mostly female audience.

>> No.70220397

They will call you a unicorn over and over and over again
Eventually, it feels good to stop denying them or ignoring them
If they want me to be a unicorn so badly? Fine. Maybe I'll see what all the fuss about this GFE stuff too while I'm at it. Oh damn, it actually feels kinda nice. You know what, sisters, you're right, I guess I really am a unicorn after all.
And it would never have happened without you screaming at me that I am one. But hey, now I found new ways to enjoy my hobby, and it makes you even angrier than before. So it all worked out in the end.
Now if you'll excuse me, I've got streams to watch h

>> No.70220529

You watch streams?

>> No.70220697

Luxiem has fallen and Shoto's fanbase is like 60-70% fleshstreamer/OTV fanbase at this point. Discount them and some of the biggest/bigger male en vtubers (Aethelstan, Kenji, HeavenlyFather, uwu, even Bettel) have either majority or near majority male audiences.

>> No.70221458

I just like being chuuni

>> No.70221611

There's not a single male vtuber worth watching over a decent male fleshtuber

>> No.70221742

I want to fuck Zen on stream

>> No.70221745

Sex offenders spotted.

>> No.70221796
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Although I understand some people may want Male Vtubers and their content. It is simply not for me and I will not support them. Sorry if that upsets you.

>> No.70221906

another unicornchad thread that will reach bump limit due to seething detractors

>> No.70221938

I think EN fans see vtubers as anime camgirls rather than as vtubers.

>> No.70221994

maybe im just autistic and dislike being on camera

>> No.70222092

Show memberships.
Show merch.

>> No.70222128

With timestamp

>> No.70222728

they hated him because he told the truth

>> No.70222801

Being chuuni is fun tho

>> No.70222898

Many don't even have a camera. Lirik doesn't use one.

>> No.70223202

See what happens when you bring in EN mainstream audiences
>Politics, politics, destroyed community
JP fans see Vtubers differently because they don't have politics cancer in their entertainment

>> No.70223249

then what's the harm in using a vtuber avatar instead

>> No.70223286

There's no saving males vtubing, we need to wipe the slate clean. Force the beggars out. Burn it all down!

>> No.70223643 [DELETED] 
File: 448 KB, 721x569, troonicorn41%.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uhm ackshully <name><number> accounts in the youtube comments section are just the default username generation therefore those anti comments aren't a bunch of sockpuppets stop noticing things goyim
>banned from 109 chats but it is the talents and homobeggars that are to blame
>why would I post criticism on my main account lmao I'm not a coward I'm stunning and brave using an alt to anti my "oshi"
>homostars are not hololive therefore I'm not an anti kekmate beggars
>cries out in pain as he strikes you
>are said to control the vtuber economy like a certain group
tranny unikikes truly are a special lot

>> No.70224250

wtf rude

>> No.70224374
File: 61 KB, 936x920, 1444497587873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I watch a guy vtuber when I can just go watch Elajjaz or Vinny?

>> No.70224452


>> No.70224545
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>> No.70224794

what is a vtuber, define it for me

>> No.70224821

Sis, if anything, you’re the kike. You want to shove diversity into spaces that don’t require it to detriment the straight man.

>> No.70225182

Virtual YouTuber. It's a person playing a character that is a YouTuber.

>> No.70225466

I want to see Holostars members whack each other with swords and other weapons.

>> No.70225593

show tits

>> No.70225646

Vtubing can be a great artistic medium. It's much easier to play a character. I plan on being a vtuber who plays music, and having no cam would not be very good for that. I might do mixed reality stuff, I might even do a face reveal at some point if anyone cares, but really I just want to be able to play music for people without the burden of having it be about my identity. I want it to be about the music and I want to be able to craft a character.

I'm not sus but I'm also not a great person. I have made many mistakes like drinking far too much for years and although I'm not ugly I don't want that to be an issue when all I want is for people to hear my music. So yeah I do understand that many male vtubers use it as a mask to hide their shortcomings and/or creepiness or whatever, but you all can fuck off with your gatekeeping. We're gonna do it either way.

>> No.70226350
File: 343 KB, 500x554, tumblr_mnjc7sapFI1qfmbfwo2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men and women interacting
>detriment the straight man.

Unicorn brains are really built different from our own, eh?

>> No.70227128

Also wtf is this??? Let me unpack that a little.

Are you saying female vtubers are not judged on their character? Have you been paying attention?

And so what if they are 500lbs or deformed? Aren't you implying that males are also judged based on their looks? How the fuck does that make them "suspicious" or mean that men like that shouldn't be vtubers? So they get an attractive model, so what? Maybe they have something to offer and they want to be judged based on the merit of that thing and not the fact that they're "deformed" or whatever.

Purely hypothetical, of course. Men being vtubers is not a bad thing imo but that doesn't mean I'm saying anything about the current state of male vtubers. It might be shit, but that doesn't mean the idea should be abolished.
