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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 498 KB, 720x1366, 1709118328922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70207837 No.70207837 [Reply] [Original]

Eilene is restarting her anime project. I have no idea if she can monetize this though. Modern Internet is just full of bullshit these days

>> No.70208096

>Be Eilene
>Also be shameless
Crowdfunding is usually the 2nd to last stop before shit hits the fan publicly. I expect in 3-6 months for JP peeps to leak DM's with Eilene and be revealed he received donations in excess of
Y130k beyond the crowdfunding.

>> No.70208270
File: 603 KB, 787x1400, 1691405293266371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eilene is a grifter, who cares about some new shit?

>> No.70209136

>newfag Holonigger
pick two

>> No.70209155

Just use ai Eileen

>> No.70209275

Is this her new scam?

>> No.70209487

no holo on sight, you okay anon?

>> No.70209688

The concept arts for the anime will be entirely Ai generated, isn't it...

>> No.70210340
File: 186 KB, 528x1671, 1690858020218315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck eilene

>> No.70210607

didn't she put her suicide not on Youtube? So I guess she's okay now?

>> No.70210895

she already made AI generated shorts on twitter

>> No.70210927

holy based

>> No.70211758

Decided that instead of pretending or actually killing themselves that they'd rather go down revealing as much shit as they could. Very strange saga, hope they just go back to making skits, I like Eilenes skits.

>> No.70211882

I miss YUA and her fat tits

>> No.70212028

>The only good thing in 2024
Not caring so much but she's the only reason I started watching vtuber

>> No.70212429

>concept arts
How about entire episodes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rM_xgwRgK8I

>> No.70212506
File: 26 KB, 640x512, foe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even in an eilene thread: H.O.L.O.

>> No.70212604

"SHE" lol

>> No.70212938

he put an animated videos of 8 minutes video of his suicide note on youtube quoting "Im gonna die any moment now when the drug runs out"
You tell me how real that is

The guy whom Eilene accused of scamming her got interviewed by FalseEyed, confirming Eilene is a Chinese male using text to speech and that he's actually the one getting scammed by Allen.

>> No.70213929

This time it will work

>> No.70214066

>confirming Eilene is a Chinese male using text to speech
are you fucking retarded

>> No.70214080
File: 44 KB, 341x403, wose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought he did an hero on Twitter after crying about getting scammed by some bugman?

>> No.70214177

didn't the bugman bring out receipt to call out her bs kek

>> No.70216051

anime project?, its a new one or its just the old youtube format?, it is unironically better for this gen because is short, straight to the point and funny/retarded, good choice if he adds more platforms.

>> No.70216190

Eilene is an idiot that ran any and all projects into the ground, why should this be different?

>> No.70220704


>> No.70220941
File: 883 KB, 958x640, 2344236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw used to refer to virtual youtubers as /vy/
holy shit i forgot i used to call them VY.

>> No.70222186

Not really, it just became a "he said she said" thr only receipts he posted were positive chats with the H.LIVE talents to refute the claims that he verbally abused them on the regular

>> No.70222895 [SPOILER] 
File: 59 KB, 1280x1044, Free China.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that some Chinese dude is paying a 5 cent army to go onto discussion forums and hate on Eilene.

>> No.70223937

Eilene lost
Shiori won

>> No.70224612

Eilene doesn't have much of a credibility anymore anyway and his own fault for dealing with the chinese of whatever the fuck deal they did. What a shitty grifter. No wonder nearly all of his vtubers left him and probably wanted to sell moemi rights too like the others

>> No.70224746

simpler times

>> No.70229104


>> No.70230188
File: 114 KB, 1154x719, 1701451903026770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing i respect about eilene is how much of a cockroach she is, i think the only way she would stop trying is if she actually dies.

>> No.70235096


>> No.70240777

She's gonna run off with the money

>> No.70241198

>return of the proto vtuber voldemort
Is there even one vtuber associated with him where he didn't royally fuck up?

>> No.70241892

Worked for Mumei, and she won't even finish her commissions or deliver that big of an animation.

>> No.70245345


>> No.70247147

Eileen's hair makes HIM look so fucking retarded jesus.
It's anti soul

>> No.70250488

is it really a guy?

>> No.70250626

Reminder that Eilene is hiding in China and is being sued by the Chinese guy and former talents.

>> No.70252310


>> No.70252725

even looking at this thread it's pretty obvious, hope she gets out of this alright

>> No.70256438

Ai tech is the future

>> No.70259785

pick three

>> No.70262627


>> No.70265272

based eilene

>> No.70268398


>> No.70271299

stupid post

>> No.70272523
File: 20 KB, 480x360, hq2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was something about Yomemi that got me hooked, never really watched Eilene or the others, except for a bit of Moe, but Yomemi - the way she talked or her personality, just was captivating. My first oshi, click the wedding bell

>> No.70272696

>some Chinese dude is paying a 5 cent arm

As claimed by eilene himself, who we all know is reliable and trustworthy

>> No.70272749

*his. Dude is the OG grifter

>> No.70272880

Bc he provided sooo much proof of all the shit, he's been saying

>> No.70273611

Everyone who isn't a holonewfag knows how much credibility Eilene has.

>> No.70274078

Current YouTube automated subs would have saved YUA ;_;

>> No.70275715

Etra and Moemi recently did streams trying to distance themselves from Eilene. Etra said she never even talked to Eilene in the first place.

The recent AI videos weren't even made by Eilene, confirmed directly by their own admission.

No explanation on what happened with yomemi, or the eilene academy, or why the youtube 3D videos stopped. Seems too shady to me.
Even all this recent drama seemed like fanning the flames to get money from crowdfunding. Seems like Eilene's cure for depression was just money after all.

>> No.70276345

>the eilene academy,
Still alive and streaming. Eileen basically let them go along with the model.

>> No.70276368

scam artist

>> No.70276426

Kek. All this hired bot getting triggered.

>> No.70276530

In the crowdfunding page they weren't included as part of Eilene's creations.
Also Eilene cannot animate 3D so who made those skits in Moemi's channel? Seems like Eilene is just a brand and the "real" Eilene never actually does content, just hires people and takes the credit so I have no idea who people are trying to support.

>> No.70276853

kill yourself malaysian faggot

Eilene has grifted countless of small time animators and artists to push his shit like a failed merryweather media abortion

>> No.70277122

>part of Eilene's creations.
Only partially. They are joint project between Baacharu and Eilene. And then Eilene let them go and they all become indie.

>> No.70278265


>> No.70279598

>kill yourself malaysian faggot
How the fuck do you know who I am? Pretty sure I stopped shilling for Eilene Gakuen ever since they become indie. (I only like Kuromiya Tima). And I barely care about Eilene to defend him so I cannot be known.

>> No.70279627

the pioneer of live2d content on youtube

>> No.70281183

Everybody's a Holo.

>> No.70282286

the hacker known as 4chan knew everything

>> No.70285295

eileene love!

>> No.70285891

Butthurt post
