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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70206591 No.70206591 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.70206882


>> No.70206933


>> No.70207133

Community notes is the best addition to twitter

>> No.70207202
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>> No.70207240

do you think Wilson knows that Vox told Selen to kill herself?
if he doesn't but found out today, would he care?

>> No.70207256 [DELETED] 
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lol, lmao even.

>> No.70207416

Imagine being this psychotically incapable of taking responsibility.

>> No.70207694

They are arguing against the fact that the bullying claims came from anycolor by pointing out that anycolor's statement contains claims of bullying. This is a truly bizarre level of cognitive dissonance

>> No.70207762

You could have at least cropped out the leddit.

>> No.70208285
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>> No.70208356


>> No.70208510

ah I love the smell of nijiseethe in the morning

>> No.70208947

Seeing all the quote retweets of sisters going "YAAAAAAAAS HE COOKED FR FR" now feels so funny.

>> No.70209244
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>> No.70209317
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Well in my opinion it's not a form of harassment

>> No.70209943

Mae got community noted too? lol fucking deserved

>> No.70210071
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>> No.70210155
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>Double community note

>> No.70210213

let's go for the triple

>> No.70210283

still cant believe they named this fucker Wilson...

>> No.70210290

>Got double dicked
Thanks Elon

>> No.70210337

so I heard you like community notes...

>> No.70210396

Community notes are a fucking gift and singlehandedly justify Elon buying the platform.

>> No.70210428

Fourth grade reading comprehension question:

>She claimed that she was no longer able to engage in her activies as a Liver due to the decisions made by ANYCOLOR, was being harassed by other Livers due to mismanagement, etc.
Does this sentence mean that the writer claims:
a) Selen was definitely harassed
b) Selen was definitely not harassed
c) Neither

>> No.70210449

>retarded post
Every single time.

>> No.70210574

D) She was totally harrassed because any law-versed individual would tell you to not put that in a termination, that you “opened the door” for others to talk about it.
The only reason they did is that they read the law documents and they were strong enough they though they needed to make a statement.

>> No.70210627

What is it about that sequence of letters always preceding an absolute garbage take/post? I just don't get it...

>> No.70210645

It's going to be hard to convince people that there was no harassment when you time a smear campaign to exactly coincide with her first scheduled stream with no warning.

>> No.70210726

I see you didn't quite understand the question. Who is claiming harassment in that sentence? Is it Anycolor or Selen?

>> No.70210826

There's no fucking way. Zero fucking way that these retards have a competent manager. It's like this shit gets brought up weekly by niji themselves because somebody is living in their head rent free.
How hard is it to just move on for these people?

>> No.70210879

>false information and narratives
holy coperonii. my god where does nijis dick being and this person asshole start

>> No.70211109
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>How hard is it to just move on for these people?
A couple of these livers' past lives involved harassing and doxxing others over their interests. Being terminally online is their bread and butter.
You're also asking where these livers grew up in the era where mental disabilities were shown off like olympic medals instead of getting the help they need, completely babied, and treated and conditioned to believe they can get away with anything because they have been for so long.
The only cure for nijisisters and ilk similar to them is rounding them all up and forcibly institutionalizing them in the mad houses they belong.

>> No.70211156

CN was there even before he bought the platform, though...

>> No.70211179

No, you're the one who apparently can't read. It doesn't matter what the original claims were anymore because the only reason they are public is BECAUSE of Nijisanji's statement. They literally got their information from Nijisanji, not Selen or Doki. This is what is being stated in the community note. They're not claiming the bullying happened, just where the claims originate from.

>Good thing there's no bullying in Nijisanji!
>Where did you get your information from, your favorite dramatuber?
>I got it from Nijisanji.

There is nothing wrong with this, and there are no errors in this community note, as once again, the claims were publicizes by Nijisanji themselves.

>> No.70211181

I mean, I did answer. Selen didn’t write her own termination of course. Again, you don’t put that in a termination. Legal documents are not posts.

>> No.70211232

If you DM HR about harassment, and they publicly tweet about it, they are the ones revealing the possibility of harassment, not you.

Which is something no sane company does, outside of a court order. But no sane company fires someone offering to resign, especially when they know they tried to off themselves and a PR nightmare will result.

But if your company is run by high schoolers or by its own talents... It's probably not going to react sanely.

>> No.70211273

I now hate nijisanji more for giving these people jobs. They deserve the 2%.

>> No.70211279 [DELETED] 
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Not related to this thread but can anyone recommend me a vtuber that have openly racist view against brown people? Thanks
Or just faccist vtuber in general

>> No.70211298

Alright buddy, follow-up question. What's the difference between these two claims

>"She claimed that she was no longer able to engage in her activies as a Liver due to the decisions made by ANYCOLOR, was being harassed by other Livers due to mismanagement, etc."
>In the 2nd paragraph of the termination of contract section of former liver "Selen Tatsuki" Nijisanji said that she "...was being harassed by affiliated livers due to mismanagement."

>> No.70211356

On Youtube or Twitch? Yeeaah, no.

Not that there aren't some dog whistlers out there.

>> No.70211387

they formulated that the claim was only about not being able to continue her activities and the 2nd part of the sentence is not a claim, but reality.

>> No.70211419

Yes, it's citing a source. The source for the claims of bullying. The source published by Nijisanji. Read, motherfucker. Please.

>> No.70211424

Holy KEK

>> No.70211425

Problem is I don't know where to find them though

>> No.70211447


>> No.70211454
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>> No.70211528
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>> No.70211562

>terminally online
>these livers grew up in the era where mental disabilities were shown off like olympic medals
>instead of getting the help they need, completely babied
>conditioned to believe they can get away with anything because they have been for so long
You really hit the nail on the head here. Just because people are adults, do not mean they act like it. This just made its way into my head-canon.

>> No.70211570
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>Live in the south
>Use "y'all" in normal conversation all the time
>Can't use it on the internet because everyone else that does is a sea slug that has to remind themselves to take a break while typing up the DUMBEST SHIT ON THE INTERNET to breathe because they can't do both at once.
Is this what those faggot SJWs call "cultural appropriation"?

>> No.70211599

>Live in the south
My condolences

>> No.70211609

It is the only good change Elon made.

>> No.70211610

Look, can’t pick up the document, but can’t stress it enough. A termination should have who,when and why. Nothing more. “We terminate Selen Tatsuki for multiple breaches that made impossible to continue working with her”.
You DO NOT need to even add a justification, is a legal contract termination, you can disclose it later.

ANYTHING you decide to add, it’s your own admission. It’s you saying it’s something to be brought up. So it’s a self-report because all Doki had to say is “yes it happened” and now it’s a fact accepted by both sides.
When it’s about legalese, don’t fuck around and find out. Lawyer up good.

>> No.70211627

I also can't use it online anymore either. But we still have Y'all'd've.

>> No.70211630

>nijisister seethe in his replies
lmao I stopped caring for this drama weeks ago but the seethe is always welcome

>> No.70211650

Not in the format it has now, where the community submits/rates notes. Before it was just a propaganda tool from twitter mods.

>> No.70211652

NTA but living in a rural white part of the south is comfy as fuck

>> No.70211655

Fun fact, if you ask most people who are accomplished on the arts. They will all tell you the same thing, every artists learns from copying what they like and admire. Imitation is the first step of the path to creative unfolding.

People who push cultural appropriation are against creative endeavors. They want us all in little boxes, not interaction. And are thus ironically the biggest promoters of stereotypes and dividing people into groups.

TLDR: SJWs are faggots who do not understand that humans learn from each other.

>> No.70211693
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>> No.70211712

Living expenses are cheap, at least, and not just in the ghettos, but the nicer parts as well.
Plus, nothing builds community like needing 5-10 minutes to walk from one neighbor's house to the other neighbor's house. Distance makes the heart grow fonder or something, I dunno.

>> No.70212524

Jesas i love when abusers and misusers start kvetch about it
Like CCP or Russia crying about censoring

>> No.70213086
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Community Notes probably would have prevented a lot of the bullshit from the first half of the 2010's

>> No.70213221

community notes existed before elon took over, it's more like this is the only feature he didn't screw over

>> No.70213287

Eh, the notes were first state mandated propaganda (remember the "fact checks" during Covid). Elon gave the public REAL access to making them, it was pretty shite before

>> No.70213404

fair enough

>> No.70213480
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I can't seem to see the notes anymore. Were they taken down or did I fuck up somewhere?

>> No.70213500

infamous art theif Yucky Willy

>> No.70213504

Kind of like how white people came up with the word nigger and blacks stole it

>> No.70213547

I thank Elon everyday for creating the community notes, it's incredible

>> No.70213601

Unironically yes. Its pretty close to what cultural appropriation meant before the use of the word became widespread

>> No.70213661

Well, we made the slang use of based and you guys ran away with that. So maybe we call it even?

>> No.70213765

Not sure that's a fair trade, but I guess you take whatever wins you can.

>> No.70213879

Don't bother, they're willfully misrepresenting factual information. Their truth has already been decided for them a long time ago and they're just sycophants.

>> No.70213985
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gives this kind of vibes

>> No.70214077

Y’all are maulding over the fact that your corpo fumbled the bag so hard KEK

>> No.70214096

This guy is so fucking delusional

>> No.70214312
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Eat shit, Mae. That's what you get for being such a derange Niji worshipper.

>> No.70214474
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i love a good cup of delicious nijinigger tears in the morning

>> No.70214559

I don't use twitter, but how does one community note? Does a person write one up and it gets updooted or something?

>> No.70214627

Give back the month of February and we'll stop using the term "based"

>> No.70214656

Not a day goes by without some shit with these people. Can we have a containment board for the Nijisisters, they can take Uki and his /pol/tards with them.

>> No.70214773

someone adds a note to a tweet and then users are asked to rate its usefulness, the more positive ratings it has the more it's guaranteed to stay up. if enough people downvote it, it gets removed

>> No.70214864
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wait selen is black?

>> No.70214915
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>he wants to stop the spreading of rrats

>> No.70215026

poc means property of china

>> No.70215030

Nah poc = anything that isnt european huwite

>> No.70215122
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I get feeling the sisters will do something underhanded in retaliation... like community noting certain tweets with their nonsensical "hit list". We have to be prepared in case that happens.

>> No.70215210

Going to laugh when some time in the next week or so they start posting that the hit list was Selen's fault somehow

>> No.70215375

I had several sisters claim that the hitlist was really just made as a false flag. They absolute state of zero-sum-sanji and its consequences.

>> No.70215387

I swear people get dumber with every generation

>> No.70215417

considering the sisters didn't even know rentry existed until the gurrat ran off and breached containment, they're probably too retarded to figure out how to make community notes
i don't doubt they'll do something stupid though; like fan like oshi

>> No.70215600

It was literally nijisanji who first brought up bullying allegations not the dramatubers lol

>> No.70215687

maybe rumble or kick might have some

>> No.70215741

Logic is hard for some people
>Selen privately alleged bullying
>Nijisanji publicize the allegation against themselves, for god knows why, and don't even make any particular attempt to debunk it
So we only know about this at all because of Nijisanji, even though it's only Selen's claim and Nijisanji's not necessarily admitting it's true

>> No.70215955

If you go to the police and say someone is gonna accuse you of having cp on your computer because you think someone will eventually claim you have it will certainly form some interesting opinions

>> No.70216874

You can accuse Nijisisters of many things but being smart isn't one of them

>> No.70216925

yeah so did I lmao
you REALLY didn't see any of the threads the last few days huh. They've already gone full force ahead with that narrative to a hilarious degree.

>> No.70217128

Bringing up specific claims in the public when they had no need to is basically admitting its probably true or that there is evidence of its truth. There is no need to get in front of claims completely lacking in evidence, there is when you don't know whether or not those claims may have evidence.

>> No.70217153

Cant believe Selen was a nijisister all along

>> No.70218342
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Can we stop talking about Nijisisters?

>> No.70218365
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Nijisisters getting note'd
Kek the whole world is against them

>> No.70221660

average nijisister

>> No.70222080

they brigaded the community notes to remove them, it's joever

>> No.70222356 [DELETED] 

In my experience, a lot of white southerners are barely a step above niggers.

>> No.70223071

They're doing that thing where people censor the name of someone they don't like. Nijisisters really do have the mentality of a 14-year-old kpop stab.

>> No.70223334

I mean, they definitly will try, but no matter the success it will make them look than worse scyzo than the worst scyzo of /vt who isn't a sister.

>> No.70224605

>false information and narratives
>by posting the truth

>> No.70224613

someone community note that guy

>> No.70227567

>abusing it rn to spread FALSE information and narratives
>information that literally comes from the selen termination notice posted by anycolor which is there for all to see
I knew nijifags were retarded but holy shit. Sisters sure like to scream but are so afraid of getting hit back with truth bombs that they have to hide behind turning off replies.

>> No.70228884

pretty much

>> No.70229004 [DELETED] 

Person of crime

>> No.70229169 [SPOILER] 
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Man, I sure wish I could get raped by a member of the clique (I would be thinking of Doki during) just so I could help destroy Nijisanji with an SA scandal.

>> No.70229219
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>the section Nijisisters try to pretend isn't real and wasn't posted by their own company

>> No.70229350
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But it isn't bullying because there is no evidence my oshi said it in a mean tone!

>> No.70229407

i like how in this part the only acknowledge that what Selen/Doki was having a problem with is the mv fiasco while ignoring the months of bullying she suffered.
It's like in a panic they could only thing about the inmediate problem as the whole reason instead of being only the straw that broke the camel's back

>> No.70229514
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I always wondered why sisters always reiterated that point. Just about every tactic they use can be traced back to mgmt or shadow mgmt.

>> No.70229600

They still claim that this is about the shitty MV

>> No.70230084

aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, the words it hurt meeeee, alon samaaaaaaaaa

>> No.70230828

No, you see, they say right at the end that the bullying didn't happen, and why would a multi-million dollar company lie to us???

>> No.70232058
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>> No.70232147

>doubledick down

>> No.70232408

You can't say fairer than fair enough

>> No.70232448

They tried.

They attempted to create a strike-force in nyfco to get enough of them approved for community notes.
Sadly, they are terminally online menheras that don't have accounts with no strikes, and they haven't been rating notes, so they are not eligible.


>> No.70232595

This tweet is making me unironically seethe. I will never forgive Luxiem and Noctyx for bringing all these people into the nijispace.

>> No.70232769

I've been checking the dates of each post after being out of the loop for a bit and from what I gather, every time doki said literally anything about nijisanji it was because they had tweeted or posted a video shit talking her immediately before? they are actually trying to pick a fight with someone who just wants to pretend nothing happened and leave it alone? do I have this right? because if so what the fuck, that's business suicide.

>> No.70232847

yea, that's pretty much what happened

>> No.70232914

HAHAHHAHHAHAHHA total nijinigger death!!!!!

>> No.70232993

this sister here implies all doki fans are white when i’m pretty sure the vast majority of her fans are brown, and i mean that term in a neutral way

>> No.70233413

yes, every message Doki did since day 1 regarding her situation with kurosanji is a response in defense of their attacks.

>> No.70233484

>False information and narratives
>a fucking official statement was pinned
Roru, rumao even good thing they out themselves without having to do a thing.

>> No.70233494

Doki never publically accused Nijisanji of bullying. The first time it was ever commented on was in their PR statement.

>> No.70233562

Just remember why Elon bought twitter in the first place, he went in and cleaned house of all the dead weights inmediately to stop this kind of retards controlling the information.

>> No.70233589

Fucking kek imagine being a nijinigger right now LMAO

>> No.70233630

The joke keeps writing itself, sisters please keep being retarded for our own amusement.

>> No.70234052

Sisters? how do we respond?

>> No.70234955
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I Lol'd

>> No.70240647

