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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 47 KB, 493x392, GHUQhJKXwAAUxuA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70123202 No.70123202 [Reply] [Original]

shobster edition

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: TBA

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>70092409

>> No.70123297
File: 3.01 MB, 1080x1080, League [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4ho21o.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70123340

I just noticed you fixed the op
nice work baker chan

>> No.70123490


>> No.70123819
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love fallenshadow a lot! more than anything else! more than bread, more than cheese, more than bacon! the most! i cant stop thinking about her! love love love love love love love love love love love its all that occupies my mind!

>> No.70125182


>> No.70125289
File: 312 KB, 1507x2194, 20240227_045757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mirumiru is goated, so fucking based for posting this on the tag

>> No.70125376

i desire to flick and kiss this forehead

>> No.70125775

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.70125876
File: 83 KB, 307x234, IS_THAT_A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70125875

I love her so much
But i wanna bite her so hard
Stupid baka

And why are there so few definitions of love in your language?
You will even call a dog on the street a friend.

>> No.70126665

shondo will even call a dog on the internet her husband

>> No.70127225

Then just stop being a dog if you don't like it.

>> No.70127641

Shondo is going to take my knot

>> No.70128537

I'm new here.
Is she really a masochist and loves to be beaten and dominated?

>> No.70130016

She's "really" into it like anyone is "really" into any taboo/dangerous fantasy. Except she's very mentally ill so it's more extreme and she hides it less.

>> No.70130394

Because it is my friend and I love it

>> No.70130709

why does she look so retarded here. this isn't my wife...

>> No.70130884

she looks slutty. it fits her recent evolution

>> No.70131215

she got eczema

>> No.70131957


>> No.70132023

Remember that Jesus preaching guy a while ago? She called him our dog/pet and said she isn't married to him

>> No.70132069

The heat + she IS retarded

>> No.70132438

Did she wake up really early or didn't sleep yet?

>> No.70132554

I'd bet on the latter, but that'd mean no movie with shadowmama and FE
Unless she's watching movies right now

>> No.70132605

if she didn't sleep yet she probably had a schizo meltdown last night :( hope she's ok

>> No.70132606
File: 624 KB, 960x933, 1708989792212227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giru please draw more sho, i need more
For April's fools he should draw a serious piece of sho instead of shondo

>> No.70132665

Draw it yourself, it's easy.

>> No.70132705
File: 13 KB, 581x80, 1707674579004943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tweets at an hour she normally sleeps at
>not her writing style AT ALL
>uses emojis she doesn't normally use
is orange officially her manager now? what the fuck is this?

>> No.70132746
File: 825 KB, 960x1234, 1708531624818837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't draw femboys or thin people well, I'm mostly good at muscular people
Also i don't know where my tablet is
Are you schizophrenic for reals?

>> No.70132752
File: 20 KB, 580x135, 1682847321439449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she switched from using "monetization" to "monetised" too

>> No.70132791

Wait a second INSANECAT

>> No.70132865
File: 79 KB, 1080x1920, 1682522618853130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70132901


>> No.70132959

the mad lass has gone full OF egirl

>> No.70133136

happy that wife making money again we are so back

>> No.70133309

One was posted from her PC and the other from her iPhone. Maybe her spell checker on the phone changed it to monetised.

>> No.70133376

Or something happened to her and THEY are trying to replace her.

>> No.70133693

Shondo should learn a thing or two from inis

>> No.70134036

What'd Inis do?

>> No.70134111

You mean canceling streams and leaving for a week to go to an event and staying in a hostal with 6 guys?

>> No.70134382

Are all female Vtubers so delusional? Are there rational beings of their species?

>> No.70134686
File: 515 KB, 960x1234, 1708511740856606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may not be able to impregnate shondo, but i know someone who I can impregnate
Boy preg

>> No.70135481

yes, none

>> No.70135656

If you mean posting toes I agree. If you you mean going full fleshie mode you should off yourself

>> No.70136067

FT should become a png tuber part of otiscorp
Willow tree png

>> No.70136356

she has always used monetised, monetized is the odd one out here, so if anything, orange is imitating shondo for the original tweet about demonetisation after finding out the channel is demonetised when uploading vods

>> No.70136480

She uses both spellings, as do i

>> No.70136617

Should I believe that she really closed her dms? It is obvious to me that they are open to her chosen husbands.

I see.
So she also gave him her Twitter account.
So we'll all continue to eat shit?

>> No.70136709

You're too far gone if you believe orange has control of her twitter

>> No.70136837

Oh, so he just took her phone to tweet?

>> No.70136878

that tweet was not hers

>> No.70136885

The red angry bird is his png as far as I’m concerned

>> No.70137515

When he joins otis corp he'll need an upgrade and i don't think they're allowed to use Red

>> No.70137611

100k changed her................

>> No.70137786
File: 245 KB, 1024x1024, 1623686782180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70138326

I will take the fall and be Shondo's mommy and make sure she is good

>> No.70138334

Like moves in da klub besides the white girl wiggle

>> No.70138703

yes kanna! i think you would be a very good mother! you are hecking valid and beautiful!!!

>> No.70138961

trannies can't be mommies silly anonchama..

>> No.70139898
File: 1.03 MB, 960x1553, 1706647141021104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70140007

It's actually very cute.
I would like to cuddle them both.

>> No.70140271

If she retweets this she's a whore now and it signals the end

>> No.70140320

She'll use it as schedule art

>> No.70140424

She doesn't use smut on her schedules

>> No.70140533

She'll try to photoshop out the nipple like she tried to photoshop out the cameltoe on one swimsuit art
I can see it now
It is what it it

>> No.70140680


>> No.70140682

She's used another one with her in the bath

>> No.70140730

Yeah i meant this one, couldn't find it

>> No.70140855

This one doesnt have nsfw elements in it like she stated about the "nipnops". The swimsuit one had light cameltoe in a "sfw", variant and she even asked everyone if it was ok to use.
This is is pretty tame in comparison.

>> No.70141095

The nipple is literally there, just slightly covered by the foam. Zoom in and you can see it.

>> No.70141134

Shon Shon thanks for the explanation

>> No.70141249

>>70141095 (me)
Here's the original, if you're still too blind.

>> No.70141438

baby schnidoo

>> No.70141613

Magic is real and this woman is a literal siren

>> No.70141656

she's a manatee technomancer?

>> No.70141855

ToT I never realised the nipple was actually drawn, thought it was just the coloring

>> No.70142042

i love catbox so much. makes me feel like i'm back in the late 90s, surfing the internet on dial-up.

>> No.70142118

Oh huh.
I dont care for seeing her sexualized so i just took it at face value and didn't try zooming in. The swimsuit one only comes to mind because she felt like she had to ask our approval for it. Guess i need new lenses or its just been that kind of day.

>> No.70142184
File: 120 KB, 313x314, nani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh, what the fuck is that new art

>> No.70142198

which swimsuit picture was that? i don't remember seeing one with a cameltoe, unless you mean the one that she drew herself?

>> No.70142295

You tell me?

>> No.70142399

Ay man, imma shadowperson you feel me? And dont even axe bruh, thats my bike

>> No.70142402

wow hes speedrunning being digi 2.0

>> No.70142499

Are you a girl or a child?

Why do you all constantly complain about everything?
Go for a walk, touch the fuckin grass.

>> No.70142502

Kek, just drew himself

>> No.70142503

This one

>> No.70142596

>that crop job
shondo you tease ToT

>> No.70142638

Man's just posting his BBC fetish art on her main tag. Should at least keep it in Shaduoh

>> No.70142663

why would i not complain about an image loading for a fucking minute before being able to see it? go fuck yourself.

>> No.70142865

anon that's not a catbox thing the image is 37mb

>> No.70142880

oh god ToT

>> No.70142899

Because that's how almost every first free file hosting works? No? You fucking clown.

>> No.70142934

this one is way less obvious

>> No.70143126
File: 835 KB, 4096x3235, 1708806518670071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife unconditionally

>> No.70143169

nope, opens instantly on other filehosting sites. not sure why you're sperging out, but alright.

>> No.70143190

Predictions for games/schedule art?
We getting an asmr this week or would that be too much for family to move schedule for?
Im hoping beyond hope she starts yakuza but thats copium
For art i hope its the shonbride that giru made its gorgeous

>> No.70143297

4 zatsus and 1 asmr

>> No.70143325

kusoge she found
Something from that time she asked us for short games
Some random simulator game
Not in this order

>> No.70143337

i vote for shobride

>> No.70143400

It's a bait or you actually retarded?
Forgive me then, it's my fault. Have fun.

>> No.70143427


>> No.70143450
File: 407 KB, 1969x1638, GHHFeM-XoAAwSUk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if she hasnt picked an art from previous weeks I bet shes going to use the off meds shondo art. New artist with and interesting style, she'll want to make sure they keep drawing her

>> No.70143533

Damn completely forgot about how hard this goes

>> No.70143727

what is actually happening in this image?

>> No.70143822

Kings can do whatever they want and get rewarded for it.

>> No.70143850

shondo off her meds stabbing (you). the words are her delusions

>> No.70143865

not if they get reported ;)

>> No.70143887

Just keep pushing the envelope and ruin it for everyone

>> No.70143968

i should really start drawing then

>> No.70144025

She kills all of (YOU) so you can't get in the way of her riding her new cock.
Only half of the body is visible. The second one is busy.

>> No.70144072

i'm a big fan of the rock lee bandages. the way the ribbons tie around them looks really fucking good and the colors work really well. i hope they draw more of her

>> No.70144149

I saw the (you) head they drew and got deja vu
I swear this isn't the first time I saw that
I'm actually losing it

>> No.70144183

this is complete shit
he didn't even add an "oink", ruined it

>> No.70144285

reported to who lmao? mods protect the Kings just like Shondo does

>> No.70144305

i'm gonna feel sick reading her super positive feedback on that art

>> No.70144359


>> No.70144379

ruin what? she will love it and reward him. he's king, he can do whatever he wants.

>> No.70144384

to twitter so his account with dm access gets deleted

>> No.70144414

what the fuck are you all even talking about

>> No.70144472
File: 165 KB, 435x231, 1697214864643376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I woke up in a slightly different timeline.

>> No.70144485

Dewd's art I reckon

>> No.70144502

you did and its your fate now to figure out the minor change that happened. good luck shogga

>> No.70144516

lmao you wish
>he makes a new account
>Shondo on main: "please follow him back he recently lost his account :("
>follows back and restores DM access

>> No.70144523

Same unironically

>> No.70144534
File: 3.35 MB, 452x498, 1688913015945420.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70144624

the same happened to me a few months ago, I just want to go back

>> No.70144633

I know this an evergreen debate, but this one really does feel non-appropriate for the main tag

>> No.70144637

i literally do not care i was just answering the question

>> No.70144690
File: 39 KB, 850x478, IMG_3544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love FallenShadow and want to give her a hug and hold her hand :) additionally sometimes I think about plunging a knife in her, cutting down past her navel (shorb cut in half), pulling out her intestines and strangling her with them.

>> No.70144720

good post

>> No.70144758

the worst part is she knows she cant ignore it because of how many brainworms hes dumped on her already

>> No.70144764

stomach turning. good job.

>> No.70144790

>harming the shorb
you've crossed the line, buddy

>> No.70144914

Mixed feelings

>> No.70144967

Dewd just delete the post and post the sfw one on the main art tag and the other on the nsfw art tag

>> No.70145005

no one actually cares that much, just leave it

>> No.70145466
File: 694 KB, 960x933, 106_copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sho in a wedding dress is actually very cute. Might.

>> No.70145571

Makes me want to beat him up fuck him and call him slurs. In that order

>> No.70145656
File: 121 KB, 1406x1500, 1708252999425615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, i'd extract it with one of these apple corers instead. should get the whole shorb out in one piece

>> No.70145659

i care
you better delete it dewd or else i will send bapy after you

>> No.70145664

She just hates everyone else except her chosen retinue. Good job, girl. You don't care about the mental state of everyone else caused by your promises and actions. Find some other excuse for it, because everyone else is just a faceless mob. Not people. Not even human beings.

Is this her way of showing us that she's already found all the people she needs and everyone else has to go?

>> No.70145719

settle down wormfood-chama

>> No.70145724

what are you even talking about sir?

>> No.70145752

take the hint jacob

>> No.70145850

I wish there was a special pill to get rid of brainworms but I didnt have to get it from a jewish doctor.

>> No.70145903

the jew only prescribes it's the pharmacy that hands you the pill

>> No.70146050

anons forgetting the time she used cropped porn with her wearing a beaded underwear as schedule art

>> No.70146150

im not squeamish but this made me shiver imagining it

>> No.70146406

what would you do with the shorb?

>> No.70146556

thread is just filled with newfags just as expected

>> No.70146647

yeah we run this shit

>> No.70146672

And also, she creates intimate or semi-secret moments, making you search through the entire video archive for them not because it's her private information, making you suffer from brainworms. It's because she's making money from those views.
Your mental health is worth 1.5k a month to her.

>> No.70146702


>> No.70146722

If you don't like watching vods, maybe you should just leave?

>> No.70146739

What the fuck are you talking about? Live in the present dumbass

>> No.70146750

anything worth knowing will be spoonfed here eventually, dont even bother watching vods

>> No.70146774

we love our gold digger wife, leave already fleece

>> No.70146786

>he doesnt write down a timestamp when something notable happens
fucking newfags man...

>> No.70147064

When I first got here and had a specific question about something she’d already discussed on stream I was repeatedly told to kill myself and do reps. The nice anons would at least tell me which vod to watch. It feels so much rewarding to do a bit of digging to get your answer than when it’s served on a platter. Gatekeeping needs brought back.

>> No.70147070

Please lord protect me from these terrible intimate or semi-secret moments.

>> No.70147216

Never watched a vod.

>> No.70147242


>> No.70147291

if all she wants is 1.5k a month she can marry me(real) right now because that stipend is nothing

>> No.70147334

youre already married silly, now fork over the 1.5k in a dono right now

>> No.70147352

she said it would be 4k if youtube didn't cuck her, can you afford that?

>> No.70147474

shondo makes these posts

>> No.70147516

not him, but 4k is fine too

>> No.70147562

thats just because of the vod backlog so it would be equivalent to an expensive gift whi h would be fine but she also said she didnt like those

>> No.70147774

Am i blind?
She said she was getting 1.5k a month from it and YouTube wanted to withhold her income for 3 months 1.5*3=4.5
So don't lie to me If you had 150k a year you wouldn't even send 500 to your wife

>> No.70147971

she got 1.5k from this month of having her vods caught up.
Is it really that hard for shoggas to read?

>> No.70147983

If she were your wife she would have a card with her+your name on it. Instead you have to send virtual tips into her 2d stripper panties.

>> No.70148015

>Is it really that hard for shoggas to read?
yes and theyre esl

>> No.70148076

ok fleece

>> No.70148222

shadowmama live

>> No.70148242

i really hope she ignores it

>> No.70148292

She wont, it's art day

>> No.70148324

shoggas just draw if you're jealous, I dont get it

>> No.70148327
File: 1.58 MB, 637x359, 1685904343193692.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70148336

i know its art day but its also tag misuse. funny that he was complaining to her directly not that long ago about the same thing

>> No.70148348

she will praise it, its from her dear favorite after all

>> No.70148363

> 4k
Well you can sell the Shoggas for 4k. That's pretty reasonable.
About a third of her earnings from Twitch.

>> No.70148393

dewd complaining about something while also doing the exact thing he's complaining about? sounds out of character for him

>> No.70148408

>learn to draw
>borrow a template and colour over it like a childrens book

>> No.70148535

No he just shows that he doesn’t give a fuck and everything is allowed for him

>> No.70148594
File: 1.99 MB, 423x498, klubbin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn to dance
>borrow a template and just wiggle over it like a child

>> No.70148709

Did shondo ever explain why there needs to be something over the wrists and neck for it to be lore accurate? I noticed there's at least one brb screen where that isn't the case for one of the wrists, so that was a fake shondo all along?

>> No.70148710

I'm just glad this retarded attentionwhore doesn't stand a chance. He's acting like a child.

>> No.70148713

/shon/ not being obsessed with men challenge

>> No.70148755

watch streams

>> No.70148786

There's over 100 thousand men and a single woman.
I wonder if you ever think about that before making senseless posts.

>> No.70148800

watch her lore videos those should explain it

>> No.70148841

now that youve had/caused a melty in the thread over it, she wont ignore it. good work.

>> No.70148897
File: 4 KB, 291x282, 20240227_042825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no because i dont think about men in my free time, just my cute wife

>> No.70148901

she isnt /here/

>> No.70148907

it is weird how often that happens
>s & ff

>> No.70148913

You is literally a faceless smiley void creature what do you expect

>> No.70148953

I really want her to try and practice dancing but she has no space :c

>> No.70148993

stop taking your meds

>> No.70149027


>> No.70149035


>> No.70149043

teaching shondo to dance except you just did it as an excuse to keep stepping on her toes and telling her its her own fault

>> No.70149144

yeah its weird how that happens indeed

>> No.70149323

>(YOU) watched another vituber's stream
>You're not my husband anymore I'm so hurt and offended
>She says she can be trusted but she's jumping on 10 cocks looking for the right one from a small pool of viewers
>Oh that's different
Got it.

>> No.70149362

its different and you know it, retro

>> No.70149367

>shondo bouncing on 10 other men's cocks
keep going i'm diamonds

>> No.70149380

You have to understand, she only has her mother to learn from. It was never going to be pretty

>> No.70149394

Glad we're clear. Have a nice day!

>> No.70149412

thanks for the clarification shondo

>> No.70149464

god i wish i was a girl i would be such a little slut

>> No.70149468

Only 10? damn i still need to level up, i can't belive there is an inner inner inner circle.

>> No.70149521


>> No.70149657

you seem insecure

>> No.70149759

if you look here >>70148907 there is also an inner inner inner circle

>> No.70149941

how does one achieve such power

>> No.70150045

Those 10 cocks? All me. I’m a void person and can shape shift. I can double penetrate her with two of my own penises. I can stuff her shunny, her ass, and put one down her throat at the same time. I fill every single one of her holes at once, including her ear holes and nostrils. My seed spilling from every opening. Like a gang rape but it’s all me.

>> No.70150141

when do you think we'll get "it descends" realistically?
I can see it taking until late 2025 before she debuts it

>> No.70150374

mr tuff i'm getting tired of your sex posts

>> No.70150540

I'm actually convinced tuffnar is a psyop to make everything associated with /here/ unpalatable.

>> No.70150547

that's one of the other sexposters

>> No.70150682

tuff has not yet found the shift key on the keyboard, probably not him

>> No.70150755


>> No.70150763

can you fags complain about me next time?

>> No.70150821

Ooh! me too! complain or talk shit about me next

>> No.70150836

it wasnt a complaint just noticing that when this thread shits on people that she gets closer with them

>> No.70150844

I forget, she mentioned rucaco doing a model for her but when did she say she will start working on it, end of the year right?

>> No.70151116

What was the batsu stream for? I can't remember what the punishment was for

>> No.70151189

not reaching round 200 on btd6

>> No.70151350

I can't say any of this has bothered me before and i'm typically the one to baitpost worms but for whatever reason, reading all of those names, thinking back to people like darkkal, i'm actually taking damage. I'll probably never be anything close to what those people mean/meant to her.
This is karma in action, i'm sorry for the pain i've caused fellow shoggas.

>> No.70151354

I've ruined 7 shogger's lives.

>> No.70151406

name them

>> No.70151409

its way more than that shondo

>> No.70151459

over 100k even

>> No.70151477


>> No.70151682

Oh right I remember

>> No.70151737

Fucked up

>> No.70151746

Come on, man, don't you get it? She's totally playing games with you on purpose. So how the hell can you still see her as a sweet innocent gal? You're living in a delusional fantasy world, dude, even worse than she is.

>> No.70151779

Thanks, appreciate your concern.

>> No.70151806

i dont get it

>> No.70151846
File: 18 KB, 429x559, 1708372423014555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont care still love her forever

>> No.70151864

pretending you believe her shit is part of the LARP

>> No.70151926


>> No.70152164

>paris fashion week trending
so that's why she cancelled the stream

>> No.70152193

You're right, it's all real which is why she takes an interest in your day or talks to you unprompted and not out of any obligation. Oh wait ;)

>> No.70152237

driving to paris right now

>> No.70152240

You're either a cuck or delusional

>> No.70152263

pick me up in dover

>> No.70152290

both words could describe literally every poster itt

>> No.70152308

I just love shondo

>> No.70152345

i made this post

>> No.70152384

Yeah today i'm being delusional
2 months ago everyone would agree with me
1 year ago everyone would agree with me
2 years ago everyone would agree with me
she picks people at random to love and if you're not one of them then you mean nothing to do
how many times do we need to see this happen

>> No.70152443

move on f

>> No.70152538

I agree with you, that's why I'm making effort to be the next one she picks

>> No.70152561

I wrote this

>> No.70152732

Shondo loves me

>> No.70152784

thats nice, p

>> No.70152794

did it get deleted? I can't find it.

>> No.70152857

forget me I want to puke I found it

>> No.70153029

Shondo love me :) (she just thinks I’m a weird guy but she knows of me)

>> No.70153090

She definitely knows of me, but i don't know how much Scared

>> No.70153168

Shondo thanks for what you did for me the other day (she can tell writing styles and will know its from me)

>> No.70153314

I like the dewd art it just looks like (you) has been ogre maxing and the bruises and collar are hot

>> No.70153340

so its deluded then

>> No.70153348

thanks for the input pixel/mouz

>> No.70153696
File: 93 KB, 500x374, Shondo-reading-resubs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shondo reading long-winded "I love you" resub messages from people subbed less than 18 months
Thank you for sharing anon this is really cute

>> No.70153792

we run this stream

>> No.70153862

>having to wait 18 months before you can even join the race
It is over.

>> No.70153996

The only thing that fixes me is going back in time and looking at the chat, finding people who I know of and thinking about how they've all been kicked out or simply left. The few people that remain aren't even that well known in the community. People that were here in Jan 2022 but don't get any interactions and no one cares about them. It helps me and lets me known there's some constant level of love from her to everyone and that I shouldn't expect more than for her to make me happy and feel loved, even if it is in a general sense, she serves a purpose and does so very well.
Then of course I think about the exceptions to the rule, people that have been here for sometimes less than a year and yet get all the love and attention from her publicly and behind the scenes. I often wonder if it's random or if they're doing something I can't see.
Either way I suppose it doesn't matter and years from now i'll hopefully have moved on from this portion of my life through death or success.
Perhaps one day i'll look back and realize what a silly person i've been for wasting not only my time but my money on an anime woman even if I truly did love them at the time. Perhaps not, all I know for certain is that I wont be any closer to her at that point than I am currently and maybe I should think about that more, maybe I should be concentrating on simply enjoying her presence instead of expecting anything more but isn't it human to want to be close to the person you love.
It's true what the image says about it being worse because they're real.

>> No.70154057

didnt read but it looks like a nise post so good job

>> No.70154095


>> No.70154177

Realistic and kinda sad

>> No.70154211

shut up and join the race

>> No.70154244
File: 108 KB, 960x747, 1708972397717621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got me oddly sentimental, close to crying even
I love her so much and i love spending time with her. I only wish i could spend even more time together.
God damn it

>> No.70154282

Sorry shoggas, I just had to write something to get it

>> No.70154293

the oldfags do not get interactions because they've proven themselves to be dedicated enough to not leave her regardless of how they're being treated so there's no need for her to interact with them. i wish i wasn't this cynical, but it's hard not to be in 2024. they do have a lot of memories with her that a newfag will never have though, so they shouldn't complain too much.

>> No.70154516

I thought the “brainworms” were just shitposts but I think some of you might be serious lol holy shit

>> No.70154532

I'm glad I met shondo only after I had already done my fair share of introspection, if i had gotten into this earlier I wouldn't have made it

>> No.70154538

what do you consider an oldfag? 2021 husbands?

>> No.70154554

Do you really think she actively ignores a list of people (that she's not actively pissed off with)?

>> No.70154564

you havent met anyone

>> No.70154593

Brainworms are real and dangerous, don't underestimate their power

>> No.70154667

I'm old and fairly comfortable here. I feel like it's a bad idea for young people still learning how to have relationships

>> No.70154688

sometimes i wonder if people are serious, shitposting, mentally ill or just trying to gaslight other shoggers into becoming the next self-exploding hand grenade.
then i realise its a combination of all of that and take solace in that atleast im not the most pathetic or insane person in the community.

>> No.70154727

This isn't a relationship. It's a coping mechanism for a menheta girl.

>> No.70154796

I meant it as in "to come across" and unless you're esl or retarded you should know that

>> No.70154799

well yeah (sort of). And if you don't realize that or respect it, then you can easily overinvest (physically and emotionally)

>> No.70154956

as I said side hoe is the best and only option

>> No.70154957
File: 1.03 MB, 1865x2652, 1708588524356796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/shon/ is the husband general, if you're not a husband go to /lig/

>> No.70155010

i realise that, dont respect it and overinvest both physically and emotionally

>> No.70155033


>> No.70155061

If she isnt a stripper wife why does she show so much skin?

>> No.70155134
File: 3.80 MB, 350x350, 1708403812633077.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please understand, she's a woman

>> No.70155168

optimal strat

>> No.70155287

I enjoy spending time with Shondo :)

>> No.70155297

How does this allow her to do whatever she wants?

>> No.70155342

I prefer Shombie

>> No.70155358

Anyone can do whatever they want, anon.

>> No.70155444

your wife can do whatever she wants and will never be punished

>> No.70155526

i will only commit when i receive unprompted attention and affection, until then i remain a chatter

>> No.70155534

i will punish her if she steps out of line

>> No.70155538


>> No.70155983

Anon, everyone is free to do whatever they want, it's called free will

>> No.70156129

>Cutting down Shondo’s door with an axe
>”I traveled 500 miles to give you my seed”

>> No.70156245

I wrote that post except its for shadowmama

>> No.70156293

she did not post a cat pic...
who tf tweeted that?

>> No.70156329

me :)

>> No.70156370

grooming shadowmama at the local

>> No.70156412

tfw I realized I was the same age as shadowmama

>> No.70156481

this is my plan if my scheme for shondo fails

>> No.70156498

Sorry I’ve been mad horny lately I’ll tone it down

>> No.70156510

You're 40? I'm begging you to get a life

>> No.70156526

I said what ALLOWS her to do this you stupid degenerate.
There are moral and legal boundaries. And you just can't cross one and call yourself a human being or say you're a girl and you're allowed. No, bitch. You can't. And there's a lot of reasons why. One of which is that you faggots are still alive and breathing. Your fucking "new morality" is so rotten that it's only used by internet whores because it doesn't work anywhere else.

>> No.70156570

getting the worst head of your life from a disgusted shondo but shes trying her best

>> No.70156598

It's cool, I've had a life. Happy to be here now

>> No.70156612

fucking shadowmama audibly while shondo listens crying in the other room, covered in fresh bruises

>> No.70156620

damn i thought she was a little older, the eggs are still just in date

>> No.70156667

it would be the greatest 27 seconds of my life

>> No.70156749

calm down, take a deep breath, and never come back CF

>> No.70156778

>I said what ALLOWS her to do this
Naruhodo, sorry I'm dyslexic

>> No.70156821

i hope she isnt 40, i would be closer to her in age than i am to shondo

>> No.70156847

She's early 40's, shondo said it in an old video but I can't remember exactly off the top of my head

>> No.70156890

Why is she funny I thought she was a woman

>> No.70156920

Also she's a millennial, which means she's max 42

>> No.70157072

If you don't know
shondos real height
shondos hand length
shondos brothers real name
shondos real name, actual full first name not the short version
shadowmamas age
the otter
You're not meant to be here and need to go do your reps

>> No.70157273

gonna go back and watch her pandering to ojisans in order to cope

>> No.70157280

I know da klub shondo visits every night

>> No.70157321

i too know her desk

>> No.70157357

There's been like 4 of those just recently.
I know I'm being pandered to and still quite enjoy it.

>> No.70157374

my house

>> No.70157384

someone needs to draw/commission that image

>> No.70157409

She already feels like jesus.
Religious cult - where?

>> No.70157419

she likes older men only if theyre vampires, sorry old man but young bucks win

>> No.70157444

i tried but have no talent

>> No.70157509

i believe her when she says it, but i also know the difference between what she believes and the reality of the situation

>> No.70157534

she has thousands of people to steal jokes from of course she'd be funny

>> No.70157537
File: 2.14 MB, 3495x3036, 1708523297560186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shondos real height
I know
>shondos hand length
I know
>shondos brothers real name
I forgor
>shondos real name, actual full first name not the short version
>shadowmamas age
I think

>> No.70157622

the biggest decider is whether you know the shape of her hymen or not

>> No.70157643

It's easy to steal jokes and be really unfunny.
Shondo steals the good ones and usually improves them.

>> No.70157646 [DELETED] 

i'll spoon feed for one of these
it's what she drinks from a shoe

>> No.70157693

She posted that on one of her alts but I can't remember what one it was, i think it was blurred

>> No.70157694 [DELETED] 

unironically kill yourself

>> No.70157736

I went to double check my screenshots and got sad at the final ones I saved

>> No.70157779


>> No.70157795

i already posted her real (real) name but only one guy believed me

>> No.70157814

It's hard to do reps when you delete them from all online archives.

>> No.70157857

Her name isn't Chris

>> No.70157875

>he doesn't know

>> No.70157924


>> No.70157963

>looping doxxing again
Wonderful. Bunch of retards.

>> No.70157973


>> No.70157978

the Chris incident was a staged red herring by shadowmama and shondo

>> No.70158010

go back to posting fetish porn in the art tag

>> No.70158028

The gatekeeping of her first name is so retarded because there's not many it can be and it's one of the first things you're going to find, just talking about her alts is a bigger spoonfeed than that.

>> No.70158070

still cant believe that chris angel managed to turn himself into a schizo loli
truly a mindfreak

>> No.70158075

Haven't posted anything in the art tag for at least 6+ months

>> No.70158094

I can guarantee that it's not what you think it is if you're thinking it's the first thing you'll find.

>> No.70158099

I mean this as in you guys can restrain yourselves for that but will spoonfeed much worse things.

>> No.70158113

>men get better with age
>men have more money with age
Wake up.

>> No.70158188

She means they have more experience because she is a hikki neet and values that. But she has more life experiences than 90% of her viewers

>> No.70158198

last for consuming the shorb to obtain unholy powers

>> No.70158231

my personal rrat is its none of the most posted candidates and that its the same as my mothers name who has the same nickname

>> No.70158317 [DELETED] 

her actual name has never been posted according to warosu and palanq

>> No.70158337

dont ruin my fantasy please

>> No.70158513

Check both spellings of the name, there's a decent amount

>> No.70158600

It's true, and I'm ok with that

>> No.70158649

the correct spelling has never been posted

>> No.70158683

I respect what you're doing

>> No.70158685

Doxxfag hate

>> No.70158761
File: 1.48 MB, 1301x945, 1706639293382190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these days I'll do my reps properly
I procrastinate too much and put off everything to later
I put off watching the shadowchama vods and the Christmas watch along as well
I'd try and get better, but i keep putting that off as well
Fucked up existence and fucked up excuses

>> No.70159012

You're just doing it wrong

>> No.70159026

thats not true since i posted it

>> No.70159034

Atrocious vibes in here today

>> No.70159064

i'm actually having a great time since dropping my depressing 9 paragraph talk

>> No.70159071

getting tired of this doxxbaiting so im just going to post it her real name is shnidoo windsor

>> No.70159155

Personally I don't believe in doing reps because stalking is wrong and going through someone's old tweets or facebook posts is weird. Live in the now not in the past. Imagine having a conversation with someone and you just mention offhandedly something from 2 years before you met that they hadn't mentioned to you before, that's just creeper behavior.

>> No.70159211

i got her real name from the handyman who stopped her house from burning down, its shared on the leopard account if you can find it.

>> No.70159224

She literally tells you to do your reps nearly every stream recently she even asked stalkers if she had watched a certain anime. If you're not doing your reps then this simply isn't the place for you.
I am aware that you're baitposting but I wanted to make this post for anyone that actually thinks like this

>> No.70159255

her real name is oinker actually

>> No.70159271

does shondo suck on binkys irl?

>> No.70159281

She wants everything as upfront as possible, no unrealistic expectations or misplaced ideals

>> No.70159293

If you watch streams there won't be much to find and any of the other big things are already time looped here, but if you're a newfag you need to know what you're getting into and do your reps.

>> No.70159297

Newfag + watch streams

>> No.70159302

I hope so it would be really cute

>> No.70159372

I was being serious, 'doing your reps' is a trap to keep the most creepy menhera husbands feeling like they have a special bond/secret club with her. It's classic manipulation to send them on a goose chase to keep them placid and occupied. Stalkers and groomers will lose.

>> No.70159389

no her teeth are very nice and straight
honestly would kill to have her chompers

>> No.70159426

>feeling like they have a special bond/secret club with her
It works and I like it. Thanks for your concern though.

>> No.70159429

>Stalkers and groomers will lose.
Interesting way to talk about your wife anonchama
I wonder what you were thinking yesterday when she live stalked two of her viewers

>> No.70159449

i will buy her one and make her use it as punishment while i hold her tight and hum lullabies to her

>> No.70159481

can you guys not become active when we hit page 10, ruining my "last for" posts? thanks

>> No.70159507

I've been here for about 11 months and I've done some stalker reps and info reps, definitely could have found more though
Nitter shutting down is a real pain in the ass since i was in 2021 with twitter reps and now I'm demotivated to continue with them(main account)

>> No.70159517

if your last post does not involve you sitting in a tree with shondo then I don't care

>> No.70159540

Don't blame us, blame the rest of the board for being slow and not punting us off the end.

>> No.70159562

Rich guys
Funny guys

>> No.70159564

I've been here for hours

>> No.70159629

I'm funny and an artist(but i don't draw her or post it), where's that put me?

>> No.70159649

You forgot "STEM autists", surely?

>> No.70159659

randoms like my twitter posts and therefore i'm hilarious

>> No.70159674

This is the correct one.
Rich guys
Funny guys

>> No.70159680
File: 422 KB, 1754x2480, 1708537891424501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have looked to Britannia and called you in.
We’ve corrected your first 2D body and give you now this healthy 3D Avatar.
We reject other /uoh/ oshis and pray devoutly to you, great Shondo.
Give us your knowledge of all secret things and all mysteries of the Earth;
bring us honor, nise merch and good ASMR streams;
and bind all female vtubers to our Will,
as we have bound ourselves for now and ever to Yours.
Hail Shondo!
Hail Shondo!
Hail Shondo!

>> No.70159702

i can't believe you just doxxed her like this

>> No.70159705

Last for not reading this

>> No.70159763

So true shoomfie

>> No.70159800
File: 1.28 MB, 1700x2200, FixRgQaWIAEFYwW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last for Esoteric Shondoism is the way

>> No.70159827
File: 56 KB, 701x1280, 1693096933729506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last for wait I'm goated

>> No.70159898

Last for The Shompy

>> No.70159919

last for Shontoes on in my mouth and on my shaft

>> No.70159927
File: 66 KB, 669x669, 1663512194050920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70159935

last for shontoes on his shaft and then in my mouth

>> No.70159947

cosmic whore

>> No.70159968

retards not waiting till page 11 to last post

>> No.70160001
File: 3.57 MB, 1280x720, uoh-sex[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftrucmm.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last for pomf plap plap plap

>> No.70160004

Last for me liking being cucked

>> No.70160007

Last for Sho is a cutie patootie

>> No.70160008

look, the poem (unread) forced my hand

>> No.70160065


>> No.70160118

It looks more like a prayer

>> No.70160163

Hmm, I wouldn't really know, but I suppose that fits

>> No.70160184

Why'd you give up on the pathological liar rrat?

>> No.70160223

Too boring

>> No.70160244


>> No.70160283


>> No.70160292

I like Shondo a whole lot :)

>> No.70160303

nobody cares about the truth anymore arround here

>> No.70160316

Last for i love shondo unconditionally

>> No.70160339

last for my eternal and undying love for shondo

>> No.70160365
File: 606 KB, 400x300, my beloved.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last for shnidoo

>> No.70160387

Last for sucking on shondos big toe like a penis

>> No.70160391

Shondo wearing white stockings big t shirt and no undies

>> No.70160411

Last for i got too embarrassed to kiss my screen when shondo said to and I turned my head away last second

>> No.70160419
File: 3.39 MB, 456x498, 1685205701350466.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last for the cutest most precious woman in england winning against all odds with her indomitable spirit, inclining infinitely in all ways

>> No.70160468

stop saying last wait like 15 minutes

>> No.70160495

last for stepping on Shondo’s tail

>> No.70160525

last for you're no boss of mine

>> No.70160588

last for we'll get 500 posts by posting last before this thread dies

>> No.70160612

Last for adaptation is a human trait and the human spirit can come out victorious 10/10 times if strong enough

>> No.70160615

if this was true she would just say what she means instead of FOMO baiting

>> No.70160636

last because you're not first and i won ;)

>> No.70160674

Last for raping sho while he's taking a nap on the couch

>> No.70160686

last for you faggots are delusional

>> No.70160714

last for gone by summer

>> No.70160744

Last for Shondo getting molested by an older busty office milf lady is really hot

>> No.70160745

Last for liking sho is straight

>> No.70160794

the barbie offcollab will literally be this

>> No.70160837

last for I might be delusional like actually haha idk

>> No.70160869

last for gone by 2034 (she won't die i'll make sure of it)

>> No.70160926

Last for my schizo wife!

>> No.70160927

Last for using magic to make shondo see an unicorn and other beings of such nature

>> No.70160941

no you're a fag

>> No.70160967

I love Shondo and think about her belly button sometimes

>> No.70160990

But he's so cute...

>> No.70161014

you think that because you're a FAG

>> No.70161022

last for actual last post

>> No.70161060

she sees unicorns in chat and twitter replies every day

>> No.70161072

painted black toes Shondo hnnnnnng

>> No.70161081

last for actual actual last post

>> No.70161108

Last for this took too long

>> No.70161122

>an unicorn
ESL magic anon you only add the n if the sound of the word is a vowel not the spelling

>> No.70161142

last for shondo violently grinding her pussy against my face

>> No.70161162

I've done it with both "a" and "an", what do you have to say to that

>> No.70161168

last for if we can stick it out a bit longer the schedule will be posted

>> No.70161171

I made that post

>> No.70161180

this but also with a knife to my throat

>> No.70161181

intertwined fingers with Shondo’s cold clammy sweaty hands

>> No.70161213

i have to say fuck you you're still one of my favorite anons

>> No.70161232

Last for this post >>70123297

>> No.70161251
File: 160 KB, 960x1234, 1708032711782668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last for doing all the nise things and all the naughty things with shondo

>> No.70161303

if the mentally ill washboard english anime internet stripper golddigger pathological liar girl is out of your league then it could just be over for you

>> No.70161347

She doesn't need to be in my league for me to rape her

>> No.70161422


>> No.70161445

how will you do that if she is chained in my barn?

>> No.70161461

Last for me and shondo sitting in a tree
you already know what we're doing

>> No.70161462


>> No.70161472

She's only out of my league because of her preferences

>> No.70161493

last for old man supremacy

>> No.70161496

Last for i cry sometimes because of shondo, but not because she makes me sad

>> No.70161569

last for party time with the countdown audio

>> No.70161578
File: 664 KB, 900x866, 1700418248249841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last for protecting shondo from all harm just so you can harm her yourself
