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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 686 KB, 1280x720, elira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70151951 No.70151951 [Reply] [Original]

>She's suspended!
>If she ever comes back she'll have to apologize!
>Her career is ruined forever!
>There's no way she'll just come back and stream like nothing happened!
>People will never forget what she did!
>She's terminated!

I came to laugh at you all.

>> No.70151990

i will laugh when she finally kills herself.

>> No.70152143

The "leaker" said nothing about Elira being suspended, that was Uki. They only claimed that Elira was coming back in a collab.

>> No.70152310


>> No.70152334

Uki isn't suspended either he literally had a collab today. Hope your leaker attempts suicide

>> No.70152337

Welcome back!!
Congrats for 1.2M views last stream!

>> No.70152477


>Uki's soft suspension might be ending considerably sooner than you expect. His demeanor changed abruptly.

The leaker quite literally breadcrumbed that as well.

>> No.70152729

>exactly 2 weeks of radio silence after the black screen stream
I don't want to say stealth suspension buuuut...

>> No.70153373

>she's suspended!
>but maybe not!
>Uki's suspended! but it's a shrodinger's suspension, so he's suspended until proven otherwise!
You retards are so gullible.

>> No.70153397

he changes his fanfiction every day as he gets BTFO

>> No.70153426

streams doko

>> No.70153506

you can keep trying, sissies, vox will still not go back to play-raping you on stream

>> No.70153518

Man, this must be what bliss feels like. Being this gullible and easily led on.

>> No.70153531

I wonder how she deals with being the most hated vtuber right now

/vt/ hates her, drama channels and redditors hate her, twitter trannies and normalfags hate her
Very few have defended her

>> No.70153559

>Elira will be fine!
I came here to laugh at you

>> No.70153670

Why would you wish that upon her? She may have bad blood with Doki but she's still a person with people who she cares for and viceversa.

>> No.70153720

>/vt/ hates her, drama channels and redditors hate her, twitter trannies and normalfags hate her
Damn, it's almost like everyone who hates her is fucking worthless.

>> No.70153818

>/vt/ hates her, drama channels and redditors hate her, twitter trannies and normalfags hate her
but why repeat yourself 4 times

>> No.70153833

I guess only the doxxsite sisters matter huh? Good luck with that kek

>> No.70153837

>a person
a shitty one

>> No.70153852


>> No.70153870

A sociopath like Elira doesn't care about anyone or anything but herself. Anyone who has affection for her at this point is a complete fool. From now on she won't be able to breathe without people shitting on her for being a horrible person and that's exactly the way it should be.

>> No.70153970

>literally everyone hates her it's fine
Painting your oshi as Hitler maybe isn't the greatest idea sis

>> No.70154082


>> No.70154126

You know what Hitler said once said
>"...my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know I was right"
So yeah based.

>> No.70154163

Yeah, my flavor of gullible is shared with several millions of people though.
Meanwhile, your flavor of gullible, in the form of the nijisister manifestos and several failed attempts at astroturfing, have been ridiculed by millions of people.
Are you sure it's a case of the enlightened minority versus the gullible majority, sis?

I suggest you go back to flicking your diseased chink bean to Milord's rape ASMR, to blow some steam. You are clearly unwell.

>> No.70154201

who knew that famelira or whatever the fuck they call themselves were so cringe

>> No.70154251

>Leaker proven right
The fact that sisters think they found a win and make 10 threads about this makes me laugh
Give us more entertainment, sisters!

>> No.70154275 [DELETED] 

>my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know I was right
I don't read rentry links. I'm sorry. You should go back to twitter.

>> No.70154328

>admitting to falling for lies

>> No.70154422

I’ve got a new rrat
Vox hasn’t streamed in a while right?
Why? He has his loyal sisters supporting him, so why wouldn’t he stream?
But what if he read selen’s response to the black video and realized that he overreacted and started to regret everything and feels a lot of guilt, not only for making things worse but for backstabbing selen as well?
That of he just wanted a long vacation.

>> No.70154437
File: 681 KB, 680x680, This bird kills fascists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira becomes 'active'' again on day 15 of the 3 day special operation against Dokibird.

>> No.70154465

Shit, I slipped up. I'm having too much fun baiting both nijisisters and dokikeks so I got a little careless.

>> No.70154484 [DELETED] 

I've here all summer, you absolute newfag
No, I have independently arrived at the conclusion that most of it is true via employing deductive reasoning. Meanwhile, you and your chink fujoshi sisters have been kvetching non-stop on nyfco trying to find ways to shift the narrative. It's painfully evident you are very irate.

>> No.70154524

Shitting on people for uncritically believing the "leaker" is justified, though most people here seemed to take a wait and see approach, so I'm not sure who you're battling. As for the NDF routine, I'll remind you guys that suspensions were the GOOD ending for Nijisanji. It would have meant they were course correcting and tardwrangling their streamers. As a certified dramafag, I hope this dumbass company didn't suspend anyone. Nijis continually stepping on their own dicks every few weeks would be hilarious.

>> No.70154540

You again? This starting to get pathetic, dookikek.


>> No.70154539

>anyone I'm mad at is a nijisistah
Calm your tits

>> No.70154555

evil should be purged from the world, no ifs ands or buts

>> No.70154632

>look at her recent twitter posts
>those trying to still simp maybe have like 1 or 0 likes
>people calling her out still for trying to sweep it under the rug have hundreds to thousands of likes
its so over

>> No.70154679

Hasn't Doki proven to you that women suck at commiting suicide? You'll never laugh again, maybe only chuckle at an attempt

>> No.70154708

>laughing at some chinese girl is evil
Skill issue.

>> No.70154718


>> No.70154879

I have no idea if the leaker is real or a larper but this is a point towards his credibility, it's hard to see how you could call "Uki's demeanor changed, he's probably streaming soon" the day before he streams.
The worst you can say is he's changing his story and being vague but he hasn't said anything verifiably false yet, at worst it's a good larp.

>> No.70155106

Yeah, being vague is the point. It's like fake psychics who do cold readings. What's your point? You just admitted you fell for the text version of the type of shit you see on the Maury Show or whatever.

>> No.70155131

you stick out like sore thumbs

>> No.70155270

Okay but your branch is below Phase and Vshojo now
You are literal 3views. You will amount to nothing. Your audience are mindbroken 15 year old SEA women who dont even watch your streams or give you money
Also >>70151990

>> No.70155296

Yeah, he just randomly mentioned Uki is gonna be streaming soon, completely unprompted, even though the established understanding on the board was that he was suspended.
It was purely coincidental.

How about you make a convincing counter-argument instead of kvetching?

>> No.70155417

Seeing how Elira seems to be testing the waters for her grand return, if this comes true it's yet another point in his favor.
Denying rrats outright without any consideration for their substance is just as retarded as hailing them as gospel.

>> No.70155475

Not your hugbox.

>> No.70155567

no one hates her but faggot tourists that will be gone soon, and die hard Dragoons. all 500 or so of them that are going to be left watching her homo apex spam 6 months from now

>> No.70155687

I didnt realize losing an entire year of worth of subs amounted to 500 people
Dumb chink lol

>> No.70155704

>Noooo you can't bully Doki!! you heartless bitch! Everyone deserves love and respect!
>Fagoons bully Elira FAR worse than the light banter that Selen received
>KEK get owned that's what you deserve! double standards rule!

I see.

>> No.70155769

>I am not a sister and I am definitely not a brown chink fujoshi, I swear!
>I can smell you from here
>REEEE not your hugbox, deal with it!

You (actual, as in medically confirmed) retards stick out like sore thumbs. No amount of astroturfing will ever work because you are too stupid to pull anything off. It's that simple. You are just too incredibly stupid and braindead to succeed.

>> No.70155780

You get what you deserve.

>> No.70155844

Theyre southeast asian women, they're not smart to begin with and i doubt they have jobs. They likely leech off their parents

>> No.70155862

I swear I use one word and idiots like it so much they copy it. Kind of flattering.

>> No.70155889

just like Selen did

>> No.70155947 [DELETED] 


>> No.70155964

reading comprehension, those are for Doki

>> No.70155966
File: 536 KB, 704x762, 1708151474299592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incidentally she did. This isn't the gotcha you think it is.

>> No.70156017

>ndf seething

>> No.70156027

yes she is, but you don't have to call her that, it's racist.

>> No.70156048

Yes, she deserved success and she got it.
We are on the same page.

>> No.70156069 [DELETED] 

Lol youre a brown jobless chink

>> No.70156117

i wish i could kill every single nijisister to death

>> No.70156158

>implying I'm a dragoon
I've just worked with enough cunts like this that got away with it that I'd like to see a Powertripping Workplace Manipulater get her shit publicly pushed in.

I don't really give a rat-fuck about Doki in particular. But I do care about everyone who's been in that position.
And that's your problem nijisister, the shit they pulled is something everyone who has ever had a job has seen.
And no, not everyone deserves love and respect. They deserve what they give.

Doki has been respectful. Doki deserves respect. Elira has been a cunt.
And cunts get fucked.

>> No.70156181

>most of her subs back
>higher ccvs
Yes, that’s what she deserves.

>> No.70156277

We’ll see how many fans she actually still has.

>> No.70156361
File: 2.74 MB, 1080x2312, Chin Scratches for the Lore-Faithful Sororicidal Dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize this only makes her look worse right?

>> No.70156408

it was obvious that only delusional troons were screeching over her and making low iq rrats. personally hope she and petra and such get closer to jp. its one of the productive solutions to niji en and ditch troons.

>> No.70156409

Underage SEA girls whove never seen an Elira Pendora stream
Yas kweeeeeen girl power

>> No.70156551

>Exactly 2 weeks
Yeah she was suspended. Everything else, she has enough simps to cushion the fall from grace. Same for Vox, kindred are so mentally ill I'm surprised he didn't just stream for them earlier for an ego boost.

>> No.70156560

>everyone who isn't participating in EN retardation is a sister
Kill yourself already you tourist

>> No.70156605

Vox hasnt streamed in a month
Niggas popularity is at all time low and was even before all this. Its clear he hates this job but money is money

>> No.70156634

Read >>70154632

>> No.70156716

So why exactly did Elira commit career suicide?
Does she genuinely care about NijiEN that much, or was she contractually obligated to make it?
>inb4 muh clique
She might have brought some of the shittiest people into the company, but on stream she never did anything even remotely bad until now

>> No.70156825

Her comeback stream will be big, because all the nyfco chinks will rush in to defend her. But since they actually hate women and are only interested in the fags, they will not stick around.
Said chinks are also so broke that they have to refinance their house to be able to afford the plastic chopsticks and buttons that nijisanji sells, so her revenue will be a hilarious sight to behold. It will make Enna's 60% drop in revenue look like child-play.

>> No.70156865

because she's stupid and has a huge ego, that's it.
the same reason why Vox even brought the favorite claims during a stream that has nothing to do with it.
On stream they have to act or contain themselves, specialyl when you are under a company, they can't act like your usual indie vtubers that can do whatever the fuck they want.
So yeah, no shit they are different in public, is their job to do precisely that.

>> No.70156870

You cared enough to join the thread and reply in defense of an organ, sister.

>> No.70156957

Vox has been phoning it in for a while now. Wouldn't be surprised if he joined the black box stream to have an excuse to take another break.

>> No.70157000

As God intended

>> No.70157066

Do olyou really think he's that forward thinking?

>> No.70157090

apply occam's razor, she's just a dumb bitch who needed a tardwrangler. that's not uncommon for content creators at all, they are by and large stupid as hell and prone to digging themselves in deep shit by running their mouth when they think they have a silver bullet that will solve everything. if she worked for an entertainment company of any repute somebody would be managing her and prevent her from releasing the blackscreen in a heartbeat. niji's staff is not capable of managing talents well enough to prevent these things. there's nothing weird or unique going on here, she has the same rotted brain most CC's have but the people paid to keep her in check can't do it

>> No.70157216

>/vt/ tower threads died just so you could post this gay shit

>> No.70157231

Doki didn't deserve to be bullied to death. Elira, however, does.

>> No.70157535

>>admitting to falling for niggersanji

>> No.70157599

>Be tumblr feminist vtweeter with a history of crybullying people on twitter all day
>create an indie group, already establishing yourself as a queen bee
>get poached by corpo
>corpo's EN branch in dissaray, corpo starts relying on you due to your "experience" and conversational JP
>You nepohire your posse
>You start growing too big for your breeches
>You start feeling like a queen bee again, throwing your weight around
>You monopolize promos, sponsors, and merch
>You strong-arm bitches covertly, employing clique dynamics, backstabbing, and faux pleasantries
>You always have your loyal lapdogs to hype you up

At some point, you start getting really delusional and believe you are untouchable. Her ego was bruised. How could a mere peasant dare to call her out and get uppity?

>> No.70157615
File: 1.60 MB, 720x1100, 1708199960470752.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She made her personal apology to me a few nights ago. You didn't get yours yet?

>> No.70157636

>Doki didn't deserve to be bullied to death
imagine dying due to being left on read
maria who lived a harder life survived just fine
it lines up with selen's sheltered upbringing

>> No.70157829

Boring. Work on some new material sister

>> No.70158060


Good one sister!

>> No.70158170

I agree, peasants should know their place.

>> No.70158272

Yeah, fuck peasants. Especially Cantonese ones from fucking Shenzen.

>> No.70158470

imagine being thick and not understanding that “being left on read” was one of many acts of harassment and bullying that accumulated over the previous year or so.
everyone has a breaking point Nijisisters. For Selen, it was a year of trying to deal with a shitty management that sabotaged her career and backstabbing friends. For you, it’s two weeks without sucking off Vox, who is by all means a very average and pasty looking British man with the Epstein’s taste in women.

>> No.70158609

Calm down Enna

>> No.70158674

she's currently being patience-mogged by petra, rosemi, maria, kotoka, and others who can still release projects without holding a razor to her wrist and crying for her dad

>> No.70158729

No, you should show respect to your Manchu superiors. Wear the 辮子 or die.

>> No.70158954

Is she finally coming back? She definitely won’t be retarded and bite bait, right ?

>> No.70159004

wow so edgy. im sure Niji loves it when Chinese retards like you defend them.
can’t believe that there are dumbasses that will stick out their necks to defend a corporation who has a history of acting like shit.
go ask any of the previous livers what they think of Niji. and let me know if you can find a positive one. So far (Mysta, Nina, Pomu, Yugo, Zaion, even the JP livers) have all said how management is shit and the company is abusive.
but I’m sure you’re right, sister. And I’m sure vox is soaking his panties seeing you defend him and the other bootlickers in the company.
maybe ending the One Child policy was a mistake: clearly China had the right idea killing off the females.

>> No.70159216

>several millions of people

>> No.70159377

>Everyone who watches youtubers is fucking worthless.
Maybe but still unfortunate for her.

>> No.70159828

You guys literally want someone to die because of a "rrat". Take a step back and think of how psycho you're being.

>> No.70160874

Fpbp & /thread

>> No.70160957

The sisters started out angry in this thread.

>> No.70160987

Better than actually trying to get someone killed for no actual reason other than being more popular than you.

>> No.70161065

I think it was probably more arrogance and just being used to getting her way to the point she forgot what hearing a no is like.
Something interesting is also that based on what we've seen, Elira also seems to be the most level-headed of the clique. When Dokibird attempted sudoku, I think it was both Enna and Millie shortly after creating passive-aggressive tweets about how they cleaned house or made an attempt to cook something. By contrast, Elira was pretending a family member had been diagnosed with something and she needed time off because she was concerned about them.

Ironically, while she's the most difficult talent to excuse of any bad behavior because of her merch deals and former comments by both talents and outsiders familiar with her and her friends, she's also seemed the most humane and reasonable in her immediate response to the attempt via her tweets. Millie, Vox and Enna are the three that have seemed absolutely shameless in their responses, though it's worth mentioning Elira still wasn't above feeding the viewers a half-truth made to make Selen's document seem more dangerous than it actually was.

It's likely Elira was just so arrogant that she didn't consider an outcome where she wouldn't get her way, so she just expected Selen to crack under pressure until she left the company. When Selen started behaving in ways she didn't expect, it seems like that's when she finally woke up to the reality that she's not and never will be in full control of the situation and she's potentially going to be called out for her shit. Everything came crumbling down, but by then it was too late.

I think the most humanizing, realistic interpretation is:

>Niji shows an unwillingness to hire necessary staff to manage JP
>Elira offers to help for the good of the company, initially a commendable act on her part
>Over time, it becomes apparent how her position can be exploited. Likely starts small while telling herself she deserves something for the extra work done
>Her long-time friends want a piece too, encouraging her to fix things in their favor, pushing the interference further
>Elira starts feeling powerful and vital to the company, completely goes to her head
>Starts abusing power to a degree it can be documented, such as 9 merch deals
>Is now too deep in and could get in trouble if her actions got out
>Feels superior to her co-workers that don't provide as much benefit to the company (her interpretation) such as translating, gets smug and arrogant
>JP speakers are a threat, so they get eliminated
>Selen is a threat just for being loud about problems with the company. Selen is either suspicious of the clique or oblivious, but either way her criticisms are dangerous
>Selen's gotta go
>Push her harder and harder
>Selen attempts sudoku
>oh fuck
>Elira realizes too late that she screwed up. Absolutely nothing she can do now
>Millie and Enna probably bitchier because it's less likely the wrongdoing is traced back to them. Makes them bolder
>Elira is radio silent because her ass is on the line and she knows it

I'm not sure we'll see a return stream from her, or if we do, it won't be a comfortable one. The one thing that sets her apart from the other accused parties is she at least seems to comprehend the gravity of the situation and her own guilt.

>> No.70161085

Sister, it's been exactly 14 (fourteen) days since the Black Stream Incident. Where has she been all this time, huh?

>> No.70161176

>Push her harder and harder
>Selen attempts sudoku
At this point it doesn't matter what her true intentions were. She fucked up and she should be held responsible for it.

>> No.70161192

Neither is okay you mentally deficient moron

>> No.70161259

Anonymous never forgives, anonymous never forgets!!
That’s the spirit gentlesirs!

>> No.70161305

Exactly two weeks sounds like a suspension to me, I don't know about you sister.

>> No.70161318

>I can't cope!
Calm down and breath sister

>> No.70161468

She should be held responsible. The point wasn't to say people should sympathize her, it was merely to try and provide a realistic perspective on how we ended up here and how that bitch ever thought it was okay to act that way.
If nothing else, the communication we've gotten from her post-sudoku showcases she takes the situation far more seriously than the rest of the clique. To me, that stinks of someone that got arrogant and suddenly got a bad wake-up call about what a bitch they've been, so now they're in a panic, either desperately trying to cover it up from behind the scenes (are these really Nijisisters making all these dipshit documents for Nijisanji, or is it the same idiots within Nijisanji pretending to be outsiders...?) or locking herself away as a nervous wreck while waiting for judgement day.

>> No.70161581

why are you attacking chinks when defending a chink vtuber who loves the chink mainland kek shit is getting so weird.

>> No.70161611

>all these walls of text

>> No.70161768

because she’s a Canuck chunk while the sisters are actually chinks (who are probably getting railed by china’s economic meltdown).
should be obvious anon

>> No.70161828

If sisters are such a big issue why not spam wrong think in Chinese to get rid of them? It usually works on Telegram.

>> No.70161851

Nice fanfiction, but the simplest explanation for Elira getting the most benefits is just because she's the cutest in Japanese. By Japanese standards of moe, Selen is actually a gorilla.


>> No.70161923
File: 297 KB, 3440x2150, 1708963043843445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her voice and model. as long as she keeps me entertained with her streams, i dont give really give a fuck about the drama. You cannot make me care about doki/selen or niji working conditions.

>> No.70161997
File: 46 KB, 1080x548, selen sister....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70162009

Japan having brain damage as a result of the nuclear fallout is also a valid theory

>> No.70162010

Based and same.

>> No.70162019

She can finally prove she’s better than Selen in at least one respect lol

>> No.70162042

Isn't Telegram only used to share cold pizza?

>> No.70162096

No, I used it for schizo news.

>> No.70162108
File: 384 KB, 2100x1500, sisters elira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70162160
File: 160 KB, 1739x535, B9D7767C-ABE4-4FF2-9527-B15A7C75A62C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what we in the business call a good sign.

>> No.70162176

>more peaceful way
So Selen is the aggressive one while Elira is the good one. Makes sense.

>> No.70162183

How does one get one of these… telegrams…

>> No.70162234

She will have a career as much as Finana has one. Her content is boring and lazy, all she had going on for her was to pretend to be nice... that illusion is gone.

>> No.70162254

>getting rid of normies and dramatubberfags
It's what we call being based.

>> No.70162264

NijiEN with the strongest lore game. Elira, I kneel.

>> No.70162313

From the post office, silly.

>> No.70162341

The bullies... won...
The Nijisisters... won...
Elira... won...
Holochads... lost...
I speak on behalf of every Nijisanji anti and HOLOCHAD. And that is this: WE. FUCKING. KNEEL!

>> No.70162361

>Elira controls NijiEN
>makes some random 2 view her sister instead of someone she knows
Explain this

>> No.70162418

>Elira controls NijiEN
This was never the assertion. Reading comprehension anon.

>> No.70162467
File: 2.02 MB, 2224x1165, CCC1E752-F831-4815-83F5-0AE1125F65EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is winning than may Nijisanji win a thousand more victories.

>> No.70162516

You know what? She will be fine after all, dramafags will fuck off and if she loses EN audience she can still pander to JP like Kotoka or Meloco.

>> No.70162561

being the third/fourth option for shitty nijisisters is a fate worse than death .

>> No.70162613

>Getting rid of active users is based
Sure if all you want is an echo chamber I guess you got it

>> No.70162682
File: 25 KB, 1369x393, 1709072298704782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Echo chamber that doesn't watch you kek

>> No.70162687

Can you prove those were active users? No? Ok.

>> No.70162759

Nah, because Elira didn't cause the seppuku. If anything, doki's own dad is more to blame because her home environment was shit and her dad abused her in the past

>> No.70162793


>> No.70162806

I agree with this interpretation. I think its ridiculous that some people paint Elira as abusing power from the very beginning or even wanting Doki to die. Elira may be a narcissist but the actual sociopath is Enna. Millie is just a retard.

>> No.70162850

>Holochads... lost..

>> No.70162852

These are Luxiem fans.

>> No.70162897

It was fine when other companies did it saying stuff like "we're just friends" and "improve yourself".

>> No.70162967

I'm sorry guys, I think Elira seriously believed my meme about Selen being anti-Nijisanji
No hard feelings right

>> No.70163017

I don't think she read your post at all. Sorry bro.

>> No.70163047

kek fpbp

>> No.70163089

only some amerimutt trannygers left

>> No.70163140
File: 111 KB, 291x299, 1708816613306441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sisters actually gloating for exhibiting literal self-confessed fatherless behaviour

>> No.70163263

Hitler wasn't wrong, he was just ahead of the times.

>> No.70163317
File: 18 KB, 320x368, 1601646474079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to believe regarding this entire drama situation, nor do I really care to at the end of the day. However, I will say this: I've always had doubts about Elira the moment I saw that she liked Hanako from Persona 4. That, to me, was the biggest red flag.

You guys talk about clique, hidden clubs, favoritism and management. But for me, it's genuinely liking Hanako from Persona 4 and believing she's a "Go off, queen" character and not a complete fucking laughingstock of a character meant to showcase how disgusting and selfish fat people can be. Only psychopaths, fat girls, and dirty tumblr bitches could like a character like that.

>> No.70163343 [DELETED] 

that doesnt change the fact that you are defending a chink vtuber who loves her chink heritage while attacking mainland chinks who are her comrades. you should be aware you are just screaming in the chink realm.

>> No.70163358

Didn't petra start her project in 2021? It's so fucking old that multiple branches represented in her unity project are fucking dissolved. Your company either can't produce shit, or Maria being able to make a music video with graduated organs in 4 months is blatant favoritism.

>> No.70163396
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>the victim is to blame because she is demographically susceptible to being vitcimized
Do sisters really?

>> No.70163633

>that pic
Meanwhile, in bizarro /vt/...

>> No.70163723
File: 20 KB, 616x614, 1708157780486129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hanako from Persona 4.
This anon has a point. That character, Hanako, was meant to spotlight a certain kind of person with comedy. If she enjoyed the character unironically and found her behavior justifiable, then we might have a problem

>> No.70164934

You do know she was quite literally a tumblr feminist that pivoted to being a vtweeter as soon as tumblr collapsed, right?
This is not apocryphal.

>> No.70165169

So, when is she streaming?

>> No.70165242

How do people even know shit like this

>> No.70165293

Some people are very terminally online and old

>> No.70165485

I think the latter two can't really hide their true personality onscreen so this makes the most sense.

>> No.70165540

Doki deserved the clique bullying.

>> No.70165599

Damn, I am shattered by this revelation. Next you'll say she had acne as a teenager and is fat. I can't believe it, it's all crashing down around me.

>> No.70165631
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>> No.70165680

Heroic post made by an unlikely retard. Thank you for your service.

>> No.70165689
File: 485 KB, 1903x6851, 1709074955014457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take THAT /vt/! The superior Nijisanji will prevail with their positive traits like... uhh... line?

>> No.70165749

At least give the link so we can laugh at the sisters in real time


>> No.70165793

This again. Give it a rest.

>> No.70165846

yes really, their entire argument relies on victim blaming and deflections
they’re actual mainlander chiense anon; they’ve had Stockholm syndrome for centuries now

>> No.70166379

Still does, still is.

>> No.70166517

Buddy, I want to believe Enna's just a creative, dark humor comedian like I thought she was, and still somehow hope she is, but we both know that it's pretty bad coping to expect much out of her or Elira right now...
I still fucking hope I'm wrong, though.

>> No.70166768

she had the worst takes of persona 4. like all tumblrtards she also thought kanji is gay too. seeing supposed virtuous people do to kanji what his story is about deconstructing never fails to amuse me.

>> No.70167204
File: 210 KB, 1392x1116, 1677641941234909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao what

man this is such a woman moment it's unreal

>> No.70167232

we'll see who laughs last, Uncle Biff.

>> No.70167469

>shows back up to just to onions at the yearly pokeslop
Wow, what a return

>> No.70167538

Dramabirds will literally believe anything lmao dumb fucks

>> No.70167763

>oh no! we got found out!

>> No.70167870

If being moe was all there was too Pomu wouldn't be just as low as everybody else, Petra wouldn't be a nobody and Wosemi

>> No.70167948

Then why did she sell less merch than Selen?

>> No.70168054

typical kroniifag

>> No.70168289

Because I fucked your mom.

>> No.70168430
File: 3.79 MB, 4000x4000, 1708475582918078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fuel me

>> No.70168499

Caca dookie.

>> No.70168760

Why make a rentry for all livers if you only watch men?

>> No.70168904

nah, evil should be sent to a location, a containment zone where all the evil fucks are sent. millions of evil fucks forced to live with nothing but evil fucks, and no way to inflict evil on the nonevil. Their worst nightmare, and also keeps the non-evil from becoming what they fight against. everyones hands remain washed.

>> No.70168942

Can only get some from the dead, huh?

>> No.70168963

Guessing it's meant to be a joint effort. They failed to realize everyone who's not a retarded SEA femcel jumped ship already.

>> No.70168966



>> No.70168974

thats how you get australia retard

>> No.70169046
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>> No.70169138

cute sister to aggressively hit on into being my rosemi-watching gf

>> No.70169153

Don't forget that NDF sisters can't even come up with nice things to say about her

>> No.70169213
File: 2.92 MB, 2720x1800, f618866e54bbbc7f480dad861e58d0704bf2396e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy kek gottem

>> No.70169302

Damn you really just convinced me this shit is a nothingburger.
Why are we even here? Call me when Elira KILLS Doki on stream for real.

>> No.70169598

Jesus, it would only take a couple of hours to watch some of the girls clips and check out their discords. Not so hard to find good stuff to say about them

>> No.70169600
File: 1.17 MB, 974x1216, mel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ree shes le bad person she blah blah blah care NOW!
mmm nyo i dont think so bwo

>> No.70169719

What can she do that would make you forgive her?

>> No.70171363

See, it works

>> No.70171728

>Moot bitching about Australians.jpg

>> No.70171802

TIL that the Nijisanji chaos is because of weeb Chinese from the diaspora and the mainland dragging out their ancestral clan grudges into the online world.

>> No.70172812
File: 895 KB, 1440x2385, 1708995230257168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine what it feels like to have the play button you worked so hard for.

>> No.70173148

Doki has been respectful lmao. by causing all this in the first place?! she threatened to blackmail niji so that's why the hastily axed her. it said so in the termination notice. if she could just shut up and do her job like everyone else then there was no problem. but she thinks she's a special fucking snowflake always trying to push her vanity projects through without approval.

>> No.70173317

You are mentally ill and too retarded and ESL to even be worth making fun of.

>> No.70173346
File: 159 KB, 539x547, 1708054302407035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fall in line, or else

>> No.70173513

Nothing. She's already forgiven.

>> No.70173574


>> No.70173669

>MV has been in production for over a year
>Nothing was changed last minute and artists confirmed the sketches for the project were shared so they knew about everyone involved for over a year
>Niji literally owns them
>The MV had been on the calendar yet they ghosted her for 37 hours for (((some reason)))
>The same things Elira left out of the hit job for (((some reason)))
Normally if you don't do your job for over a year and don't even show up to work for 37 hours when a project you oversee has work to do you get fired. Not a bunch or deranged tourist cucks bootlicking.

>> No.70173723

yeah then they revealed everything she was going to blackmail them for as an epic own, lmfao

>> No.70173868

Third time the charm doki

>> No.70173890

"Honestly, I super duper feel that she holds back. I feel like we haven't seen her full potential. I feel like if Selen doesn't hold back, she will literally have no friends because everyone will be like 'damn what the fuck bitch'. But because she holds back, she has at least like two friends petra and rosemi."


>> No.70174258

>. if she could just shut up and do her job like everyone else then there was no problem.
you mean literally doing nothing but playing games like Elira?

>> No.70174384

PenTomos is there hope still?

>> No.70174974

Petra's gonna wash her hands of this black company

>> No.70175196

She refused to do anal, so I won't accept her apology until she does it.

>> No.70175386

I had to check cause I thought she had the balls to fucking stream. Come back when she does anon not with this cope about the cesspool that is her twitter replies.

>> No.70175540

>she's still a person
she's not, pigs and cows have more claim to that status and people eat those every day

>> No.70175546

OP is a faggot but it is also the first proof of life in TWO WEEKS. Like the others the streams are likely to start soon.

>> No.70178746


>> No.70178989

How cringe is it to destroy a branch by driving off some of the top earners time after time after time?

>> No.70179109

It is nijisanji levels of cringe. The jp branch has similar issues with yabs wrecking the growth of entire branches so...

>> No.70179296

Sorry to tell you this but she only refused it from you.

>> No.70179393

like at every normal workplace, yes. shut up and do what you're told, or you're welcome to GTFO. Have you never had a job before?

>> No.70179522

yes. what they're supposed to do, not suck altare's dick for him to carry her fat ass at apex

>> No.70179568

No, Niji makes her feel stupid and useless all the time. she's going to quit in the near future most likely

>> No.70179582


>> No.70179586

Does every normal workplace abuse and bully one of its strongest workers into quitting for no reason at all?

>> No.70179670

Watching the sisters flail to spin this around is hilarious. Keep it up, you will be justifying more shitty behavior soon enough, and we will continue to laugh at you.

>> No.70179717

They aren't at a normal workplace. They have significant penalties for quitting and there's literally a queue even if you try to get out.

>> No.70179905

Suicide is no laughing matter.

>> No.70180002

I wonder how jealous the clique is that doki has homostar and male friends that aren’t the nijien sex pest garden variety kind like vox or Kyo. There is literally a clip when enna got all shy because of Bettel (not even interacting)
NijiEN girls are so bottom of the barrel that they can’t even begin to hope of being near the fucking HOMOS. That’s how pathetic the situation is.

>> No.70180078

Considering Finana brought uki in to the collab...

>> No.70180565
File: 55 KB, 720x862, 1706313290628248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already distancing themselves from this faster than the "hitlist"

>> No.70180828

rumao, roru roru even

>> No.70181915
File: 509 KB, 1439x1546, didnothingw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70182198

Considering Finana had to hide that she'd bring him

>> No.70182225

didn't she just make a tweet about pokemon? i think you're celebrating a bit too early.
Was there some other action i'm not aware of?

>> No.70182340

damn youtube did her dirty with that name

>> No.70182373

Oh, but we can punish those who drive her to suicide. Consider the 200 million yen in dropped stocks a punishment, with more on the way. We shall not rest until NijiEN burns to the ground. We now have a reason to make it a reality.

>> No.70182661

She chose it herself. It was a play on Apex players naming themselves in game with "ttv" to advertise their Twitch.

>> No.70182921

She totaled anycolor's stock so hard not even homoshit could save it. It's driven down the value of the industry as a whole cause of her bullshit that was entirely avoidable if she didn't mald and bully a fat chink for over a year.

>> No.70183019


>> No.70183043

Plus she made her boss do a hard 90 degree dicksuck In English. Stop and actually think about what Elira did.

>> No.70183639

So if you punish her the stock's price will go up?

>> No.70183733

Yes. It shows they're actually rectifying the problem. If they drag this out much longer there's gonig to be no faith left that is can remain a growth stock. Once investors give up on it then it's ogre.

>> No.70183745

I mean any day a boss has to do a hard 90 degree dicksuck in a foreign language is a good day.

>> No.70184112

I knew that the penis enlargement surgery and the hyaluronic acid injections were a bad idea .

>> No.70184174

Full naked dogeza and pussy pics, nothing less

>> No.70184498

what if the humiliation and the exhibitionism make her vulva visibly engorged and glistening with wetness while she does the blushing + teeth clenching like in those chinese erotica picture books?

>> No.70184847

The fact that the doxxsite is the biggest concentrations of niji bootlickers, i'd assume that even the current livers would listen to sisters more. It's pretty funny how a doxxsite turned to become nijiEN's biggest ally.

>> No.70184923

The doxxsite is to Nijisanji what Kiwifarms was to Chris Chan

>> No.70184996


>> No.70185087

Then we'll just have to line up and run a correction train on her. Can't be helped.

>> No.70185141

does he count as doxxxsite?

I learned all the dox from doxfags

>> No.70185240

ew gay, no thanks

>> No.70185319

Anyone asking for an apology or punishment just wants one as an admission of guilt. They just want Elira to admit it since Doki isnt saying anything.

>> No.70185415

No, they want her to take responsibility for literally anything, which she has successfully avoided until now.

>> No.70186617

I want her to cry and painfully admit it while I choke her and while I twist her nips

>> No.70186686

I just think it's funny when anyone kills themselves desu

>> No.70186983

You do know Selen didn't submit the video to check for perms up until before she posted the video, right? How the fuck are they supposed to do their job and check for perms if the person responsible for showing them the video isn't showing them the video? Are carpenters supposed to do the job of a lumberjack if they don't have the wood necessary to do their job?

>> No.70187108

Admission of guilt my ass. We want even a SIGN that they're going to take steps that this won't happen again. An apology is a great way of at least pretending to give a shit. They won't even afford us that courtesy.

>> No.70187236

The fact you believe that harassment happened simply because she said so and you believe the said "harassment" happened for literally no reason proves you're a fucking retard. You're like the retard who doesn't understand why everyone avoid you while you constantly act like a creep to people who talk to you

>> No.70187307

>they want her to take responsibility for literally anything, which she has successfully avoided until now.
But enough about Doki

>> No.70187385

The same sociopath energy.

>> No.70187502

The soft suspension ended sooner than expected. Even the leaker said that might happen.

Seriously, get better at being a sister. You suck at this.

>> No.70187562

Sisters back to stale arguments again, just send them the whole archive plus like 38 hours of live stream explaining the same shit again.

>> No.70187723

We know you're mad she didn't succeed, Finana.

>> No.70187738

Vtuber TMZ and grifting internet lawyers are not a reliable source of information. Sorry I had to inform you of this

>> No.70187892

>Project proposal has to be made and accepted
>Everything involved has to be listed so perms can be obtained
>Selen now starts spending $15k of her own money on an MV
>Perms keep being brought in with the earliest receipt dated August 2022
>They legally have to file these perms
>Artists confirm that they shared the sketches and nothing was some bait and switch
>Projects are on internal calendars
>A year has passed and it's now a week until the project goes out yet management still hasn't gotten off their ass for over a year
>Ghost for 37 hours
>Asspull a rule Niji didn't follow in the past and doesn't follow in future projects that came out after not showing up to work for 37 hours
>After not getting perms for the IP they own for over a year and ignoring messages for 37 hours
>Did I say ignoring messages for 37 hours about a project that has been in development for over a year on the internal calendar for which they have received and had to file perms for over a year that is scheduled to come out in less than a week?
How are you so low IQ that you got baited by the hit job stream?

>Niji doesn't pay the artist
>Artist confirms niji didn't pay her
>Niji blames Selen in the notice
>Niji fights with her for paying contest winners out of her own pocket
>Regularly cancelled her projects, passed her up for sponsorships and collabs, and rejected proposals
>Unilaterally move her schedule up weeks to swamp her with work
>Niji drags ass until her fall guys tournament gets fucked then forces Selen to read a corpospeak apology on stream
>Wall her out of the sanrio collab that was one of her lifelong dreams https://youtu.be/cjNiFKV81vE?t=2401
>Don't do their job on the MV for over a year then ghost her

>> No.70188059

However, Vtuber TMZ and Internet Lawyers are just reaction to the shitshow that is what Nijisanji put out. So you are saying that Nijisanji is not a reliable source of information? Got it

Sorry I had to inform you how stupid that statement looks

>> No.70188140


>> No.70188372

All this text to be countered by three different facts.

1. Artists are in contact with Selen and commissioned by Selen, not Nijisanji as they don't pay for personal projects. Aia even says that the livers are in charge of the paperwork being given to the artists

2. Nijisanji always had a policy where they need permission for livers, graduated or not, to use the model associated with them. Millie and multiple other people have confirmed they choose when to be in projects, not Niji

3. Nijisanji themselves said they only saw the video when Selen sent it to them. They also clearly say the audio is fine but they need perms for the graduated livers. Doki never denied this was the case either

>> No.70188468

Umm so, tldr nijisanji en is good

>> No.70188610

Nijisanji didn't put out of any shit show or contradictory information, only Doki did. The information was given to the public and Vtuber TMZ ran to purposely twist events, misinterpret information and just blatantly make shit up to make Nijisanji look as bad as possible. There are no 37 hour streams covering the drama from Niji or Doki, just leeches online

>> No.70188719

Bingo! More evidence management is non-existant at nijisanji. Unless it's about red tape, then they step in.

>> No.70188829

>Nijisanji didn't put out of any shit show or contradictory information
Is lying the primary way Nijisanji and its fans communicate?
>only Doki did
Only you and your cult believes this
>The information was given to the public and Vtuber TMZ ran to purposely twist events, misinterpret information and just blatantly make shit up to make Nijisanji look as bad as possible
No, they just reported on what happened, what statements were released, and what the fallout was. Are you stupid or just wholly dishonost? guessing the ladder.
>There are no 37 hour streams covering the drama from Niji or Doki, just leeches online
There are easily 37+ hours of footage on this, with even major mainstream commentators bringing it up, to millions of views. Stay in your cave sister, reality does not suit you.

>> No.70188976

Are you retarded? Personal projects have always been the responsibility of the person conducting them. Anything like merch, events, sponsors, and anything to do with models are considered the responsibility of Nijisanji themselves so they are the ones in charge of everything. Nijisanji only gets involved in personal projects to check for perms.

>> No.70189187
File: 873 KB, 1079x1745, artistsnda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they can't even do that right. Fucking incompetent the whole lot, either that or downright malicious.

>> No.70189217

You're gonna have a rough time when you graduate kid.
It was Nijisanji's project with the artist. It was their contract between Nijisanji and the Artist. This wasn't a side hustle like Kyo and Selen hriing artists out of their own pocket you drooling retard.
So you agree then that despite accepting a project proposal which includes drafts, storyboards, and detailing of everyone and everything involved for the purposed of perms and compliance, managment did nothing for over a year then ghosted her for 37 hours release week of a project that has been in production for over a year on which managment hasn't done their one job to obtain all perms in over a year?? Man, I'd be upset with such a neglectful management too.
Do you think people spend 15k of their own money then ask for perms the week before a project that has been in production for over a year ships as it has been scheduled to for some time? Do you think the only way management can get an erection is if they have to get the entire list of perms in less than a week instead of a project proposal giving them a list of everything involved so they have over a year to get the perms so they don't have to, after spending a year not getting perms, ghost Selen for 37 hours the week it's scheduled to release?

Wow, if only they had to approve this personal project so they had a list of perms to obtain and had such well before August 2022. hmm...

>> No.70189278

Do you also remember when Niji only sent one perms request to a producer, never followed it up when it went to the producer's spam box, then Selen had to personally run him down to get the perms?
Or how Management is so lazy and worthless that EA reached out to Selen directly telling her to ask them for any perm she wants so it actually gets done?

>> No.70189378

>Is lying the primary way Nijisanji and its fans communicate?
I'll be waiting for the contradiction
>Only you and your cult believes this
You don't need to believe me, watch her Neopets stream and look at her claim that she never wanted to talk about the situation again while also saying she was planning on releasing evidence and documents before Black Box even happened
>No, they just reported on what happened, what statements were released, and what the fallout was
I guess all the TMZ retards never actually spread shit like the GUrat, the skin walking rrat, the graduation queue rrat and the clique rrat around then, right?
>There are easily 37+ hours of footage on this, with even major mainstream commentators bringing it up
Like I said. Leeches. Nijisanji and Doki never released 37 hour streams picking through the drama, only leeches did

>> No.70189558
File: 33 KB, 459x70, screenshot-twitter.com-2024.02.28-17_56_39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We privated the song
>Selen made misleading statements such as, 'we privated the song'

>> No.70189652
File: 90 KB, 780x183, happy costumer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70189690

It's insane how everything you said are just assumptions that not even Doki made which is the equivalent of schizophrenic rambling. Selen never sent them the video until it was completed, she requested perms for the song and got them. They took a day to respond because managers don't work 24/7 and are allowed to take breaks. If they were trying to ghost Selen, they'd have ghosted her instead of replying to her and apologizing for not responding

>> No.70189723

Sad they deleted it.

>> No.70189724

The way you write your posts is incredibly annoying and I will not read it. Please consider killing yourself.

>> No.70189725

Personal projects are... projects using Nijisanji IP to promote Nijisanji IP on a Nijisanji owned channel that will make money for Nijisanji as well as advertise them, is a personal project that should use SELEN'S money, SELEN'S resources and networking, and the only thing they fucking need to do is say "ok you can do the thing we hired you to do"? That's not a personal fucking project. This isn't some OC commission on skeb. It's an official nijisanji production.
Fuck that company. And fuck you for being retarded enough to believe in that pyramid scheme.

>> No.70189888

So did you not read the part where it says "omitting essential context" or are you pulling a page out of Selen's handbook and are also "omitting essential context"? You can see, clear as day, the fallout what she said with those tweets caused.

>> No.70189915

>You don't need to believe me, watch her Neopets stream and look at her claim that she never wanted to talk about the situation again while also saying she was planning on releasing evidence and documents before Black Box even happened
Go back to that shithole you call a discord. I watched both of those streams live and the blackbox stream started first. She was still trying to make her first fucking avatar when people started harassing her in chat.

>Like I said. Leeches. Nijisanji and Doki never released 37 hour streams picking through the drama, only leeches did
Yes, and without their hard work we'd have another fucking Zaion on our hands.
Speaking of 37 hours, remember how management ghosted her for 37 fucking hours on the last day of a project they had full knowledge of for over a year?

>> No.70190053

Shouldn't you want strong niji stonks niji sis?
Think of elira as a sacrifice to make niji stonks stronk

>> No.70190216

Hilariously, the fallout is entirely the fault of nijisanji

>> No.70190227

Got a link to the whole thing?

>> No.70190283

>It's an official nijisanji production.

Not it isn't. Let's say that everyone in Niji gets to have the projects they choose to do be paid entirely by Nijisanji. Do you think people wouldn't take advantage of that to do as many projects as possible? If Niji picks and chooses what they pay for, obviously people would take issue with that. So, personal projects are the responsibility of the person conducting them, not the company. They have the choice to not do any personal projects or only join projects Nijisanji says they'll pay for. Whether or not the liver wants to "promote Nijisanji IPs" using their own money is entirely their fault.

>> No.70190337

All you had to do was get a gun and blast your head. Not that difficult.

>> No.70190349

The alternative is this anon
>Song disappears, it's been planned and advertised in advance to the fans
>'Huh why is the song gone?'
>Say nothing
>Say the truth, management privated the song
It's literally just the truth. Was she going behind management's back to release it? Yes. But nobody cares. It's obvious doing that is her announcing a split from management and the company, but what she notably didn't do way say, 'the livers are bullying me and I'm sick of this treatment' until after nijiEN said that was happening. The 'fallout' in the first month was people wondering how bad the consequences would be for Selen.
I suppose what you are saying though is that Selen is at fault for not punishing herself in public for her management being at minimum incompetent, at maximum malicious.

>> No.70190403

What do you intend to do if I give it to you?

>> No.70190452

Jack off to it?

>> No.70190466

If Nijisanji doesn't want to pay for it, then they aren't entitled to any of the money or advertising, dipshit. Why fucking hire people if you don't plan on them making content? Are you just paying them with fucking scrips to make sure they only barely have enough money to support Riku's golden sauna?

>> No.70190502

Ah yes kid, in your infantile worldview someone Selen isn't part of a large jp corporation which is required to obtain and file perms. There is no way they as a large organization would have a project approval process. No one would submit a project proposal containing a draft and storyboard of its contents. So they could, y'know, get perms. They wouldn't have this happen early on so they had ample time to y'know, get perms.
You are entirely correct. Someone just spends over a year working on an MV, spending $15k of their own money, and then goes and here's this list of forty people to call over the visuals. There is no way a multibillion dollar company would have a project proposal process livers have bitched about getting shot down. There is no way these would include drafts and storyboards of its contents including everyone and everything in it for the purposes of perms and compliance so they could be obtained ahead of time before people spend $15k on things.

Are you such a stupid fucking NIGGER that you are telling me right now that your defense is that despite perms coming in for over a year management didn't do their job for the IPs they literally own? That's your defense? Go ahead and look at the timestamps on the messaged by the way. Management got it at the start of the workday and it's a project they've known about for over a year that is scheduled to come out within a week you fucktarded underage flake.

>> No.70190549

Good answer. It's on danbooru, go get it champ.

>> No.70190573

It's pretty ugly just warning you even if he gives it to you, you're not going to want to see blacked hate porn of elira.

>> No.70190594

They DIDN'T apologize for not responding you fuckwit. In fact, they completely ghosted her until after her after-talk stream in which they MAGICALLY REAPPEARED so that they could shut her down and block her from her accounts (before skinwalking her twitter once realizing they fucked up.)

>> No.70190610

I’m not reading almost 300 posts of this shit, did anything happen or is it just looping in here?

>> No.70190637

Another one for their collection of ''people we fucked over''.

>> No.70190646

They can't find the body.

>> No.70190660

>Not it isn't. Let's say that everyone in Niji gets to have the projects they choose to do be paid entirely by Nijisanji. Do you think people wouldn't take advantage of that to do as many projects as possible? If Niji picks and chooses what they pay for, obviously people would take issue with that.
Isn't that the whole point of a company
"Hey, I want to do this cool thing or that cool thing, do we have the billion-dollar resources to do that?"

>> No.70190682

It’s not, but I can’t take that post seriously coming from here.

>> No.70190702

>She was still trying to make her first fucking avatar when people started harassing her in chat.
I see you're playing retarded while also being an emotional baby. She said she wanted to never talk about it again. She immediately says that she was planning on releasing a document that has evidence and receipts later and because Black Box, she'd release it "sooner than later". Explain how someone plans on talking more about the situation while also wanting to never talk about it again

>Yes, and without their hard work we'd have another fucking Zaion on our hands
Wow, we've really reached the bottom of the barrel. Not only are these retards acting like Vtuber TMZ is a good thing but they act like TMZ saved Doki. Pathetic. Also the only deadline she had was a self imposed one. If she wanted it to be released that day, maybe don't wait last minute to get permissions for the video

>> No.70190707

So wait the gurrat is real?!! I thought we were just joking

>> No.70190733

This is just blatantly lying sister, I watched those streams. You are full of it. And this is why people are turning on Nijisanji, because you think that this is a way to save face. Good luck with that.

>> No.70190812

Does this constitute a break, mane-san? https://twitter.com/MillieParfait/status/1739518726758940757

NDF isn't sending their best

>> No.70190877

It's hot as fuck.
She sure knows how to please a company.

>> No.70190936

Well you can either believe the gurrat or you can believe that NijiEN is staffed by comical 30IQ clowns that actively destroyed the branch for over 2 years while Tazumi was drowning in a pool of kidnapped play buttons. Only one makes any sense.

>> No.70191006

>Why fucking hire people if you don't plan on them making content?

Are the streams and events not content? No one told her ass to spend 15 thousand dollars on a cover. That's her fault. Everyone in the scene knows that high quality cover videos aren't profitable, that's why some people never do them

>> No.70191026

Jesus fucking christ it's like arguing with a chatbot. Come back when you graduate high school, little miss.

>> No.70191052

If they aren't then why is Marine's Shinkiro cover vibing?

>> No.70191193


>> No.70191215

I can't even begin to fathom this. God, fuck Nijisanji for developing inbred fangirls like you.

>> No.70191237

>Slander Doki
>Has receipts to prove it's wrong
The only good thing that happened was her lawyer beat her with a rock in a sock until she stopped being retarded before she blew their legal defense.

>> No.70191243

look, an actual nijisister retard
point and laugh
all they can do is sob as they listen to vox's dick sucking asmr and deflect/victim blame
after all, that was what the "clever" niji defense reentry was: a whole lot of deflecting, victiming blaming, and gaslighting.
hope your economy crashes soon nijisis, can't wait for y'all to go broke and stop funding kurosanji.

>> No.70191268

>wanting other people to unironically kill themselves
extreme mental psychopathy

>> No.70191356

If you care about the world being a better place you're forced to get off the fence.

>> No.70191360

>Are you such a stupid fucking NIGGER that you are telling me right now that your defense is that despite perms coming in for over a year management didn't do their job for the IPs they literally own?

Nope, nice try at a spin job though. Everything to do with the project is the responsibility of Selen, it's her project. Doki says this in her streams. Some ownership of the assets of the model belong to the person behind the liver. They say as much in their termination notice. Selen sent the video for the first time to managers so they couldn't have known what to get permission for. Christmas day is not a work day, people usually either have Christmas off or ask for time off on Christmas. Please stop slobbering over your keyboard, you're too old for this

>> No.70191478

>Christmas day is not a work day
It is in japan you chinese sycophant.

>> No.70191610

>Management knew about the project for over a year
>Management had been getting perms for over a year
>Artist confirmed the storyboards were shared and there wasn't last minute changes so they knew everyone who was in it
>Management had over a year to get the perms but didn't then ghosted selen for 37 hours on a project they had a year to get perms for their own IP for.
Here's some advice for after you graduate, kid. If you have projects that still need work, maybe you should use the year you had to do them in. Not ghost people for 37 hours despite the project you've had over a year to complete being scheduled to come out that week.

>> No.70191731

>Everything to do with the project is the responsibility of Selen
What a convenient way to shirk responsibility, but no Sister, Selen is their property, her projects are their business, hence why they get the final say in blocking the release, and ruining the project
>Doki says this in her streams
timestamp or gtfo
>Some ownership of the assets of the model belong to the person behind the liver
hence why permissions were gathered before it was put together, you clearly did not watch shit
>They say as much in their termination notice
A convenient lie to save face, not the first one either
>Selen sent the video for the first time to managers so they couldn't have known what to get permission for
Oh I thought it was her project and she should have handled the perms and everything related to it. Now you can use the managers? Hypocrisy
>Christmas day is not a work day, people usually either have Christmas off or ask for time off on Christmas.
The work was done long before the Christmas, stop being disingenuous to save your black company
>Please stop slobbering over your keyboard, you're too old for this
Please stop slobbering over Riku's dick to save your corporate tribe, it makes you look like a faggot

>> No.70191733

Which is why people also have the option to ask for time off. Imagine wanting to celebrate Christmas with your family but you're stuck working in an office all day because you're forced to be responsible to make sure 7 different people don't fuck up and your boss denied you the possibility of taking the day off. Sounds miserable, doesn't it?

>> No.70191860

don't waste your time
it's some 14 year old in China who's about to get an economic reality hit with China's entire economy going in metldown rn
consider learning a life skill instead of deep throating vox sister.

>> No.70191869

Damn, if only storyboards from the artist showing everyone and everything that was in it were shared with you a year prior so you could do your one job ahead of time and git dem fukken perms. Wait...

>> No.70192290

>Selen is their property, her projects are their business
Aren't you the ones arguing that Nijisanji shouldn't be a black company? Why are you suggesting that Nijisanji should have complete ownership of Selen and her personal projects?
>Timestamp or gtfo
Do your reps. She goes into heavy detail about how she made 0 profit because she spent 200,000 dollars on, by her own words, "personal projects".
>hence why permissions were gathered before it was put together, you clearly did not watch shit
Except it wasn't because the video was never sent to management and it included people who already left the company
>A convenient lie to save face, not the first one either
Your schizophrenic rambles will never have evidence behind it
Oh I thought it was her project and she should have handled the perms and everything related to it. Now you can use the managers? Hypocrisy
You see, there's something called a "contract" that they sign in which they oblige to following the activity rules. Not getting permission to post something and posting it anyway is a breach of their contract. Breaking a contract you signed knowing what was expected of you is bad
>The work was done long before the Christmas, stop being disingenuous to save your black company
The video was sent to review on Christmas day. Nice try though
>Please stop slobbering over Riku's dick to save your corporate tribe, it makes you look like a faggot
Please stop falling for blatant misinformation and blindly believing someone who provides 0 evidence. It makes you look like a faggot

>> No.70192340

Prove that management ever saw the storyboards. I'll be waiting for your excuse why you have 0 evidence that it happened

>> No.70192515

Prove that management was actually in contact with Nijisanji JP or actively trying to get permissions for Selen.

>> No.70192694

I really hope you're at least getting those Steam giftcards, NDF Sister, because this is a whole lot of (dis)honest work for no compensation.

>> No.70192703

Do you really think a multi-billion dollar jp corporation that has to deal with autistic jp law doesn't have a project approval process livers like pomu have bitched about their projects getting rejected at? They've been doing this for over 3 years. Are you really so underage you think it's reasonable at all to not get the list of necessary perms early on at the project approval stage instead of over a year of effort and $15k? Do you think a manager can only get an erection if they have to call 40 working people in 3 days instead of getting the list during the approval? Which requires a draft and storyboard so you have an idea of its contents and everyone you need to get perms for? Are you that underage? Why do you think Elira's hit job ignored all the other correspondence for the project which proves that they neglected to do their one job for over a year which has reinforced the harassment claims greatly?

>> No.70192938

Read the tweet. Nothing stated the storyboard was sent to Nijisanji. The word "Nijisanji" was never even muttered. You still have 0 evidence, only assumptions and rrats. Not reading the rest of your incoherent babble

>> No.70192941

Damn if only managmenet had over a year to get perms for the IP's they own huh? Management really should have done that so they could take it easy

>> No.70192991

You're going to have a really hard time when you graduate.

>> No.70193056

Hard to do that if they don't know what to get perms for. Also, the livers have partial ownership of the assets/ model they're given by Nijisanji, so it's not entirely their IP. Basic copyright law

>> No.70193171

I'm convinced they've just made a 4chan chatbot at this point. It's just regurgitating the same words.

>> No.70193219

Hi 39IQ!

>> No.70193241

Yeah no one makes drafts and storyboards to submit for project approval livers just spend over a year of energy and $15k to get cucked for no reason. Management doesn't do their one job and get perms for over a year. No wonder Tazumi had to perform a hard 90 degree dicksuck in English huh?

Get a job kid, you might finally learn something.

>> No.70193257

As long as people continue to make the same retarded argument, people will continue to refuted in the same retarded way

>> No.70193326

go back to whatever shithole hugbox you came from cunt whore

>> No.70193378

especially people who don't deserve to be alive. Like most of the nijiEN ''''''''''talents'''''''''''

>> No.70193453

Okay matchbox girl load your revolver

>Livers run around the asylum willy nilly so management has to contact 200 working professionals in days or a project gets cancelled after spending all that time and money. This situation has persisted unresolved for nearly 3 years of EN
>Livers in an international multi-billion dollar JP corp that has to follow jp law has a project approval process like literally everyone else and management didn't do their one job with the IP they owned and called Nina, Mysta, etc. in over a year

>> No.70193471

kill yourself stupid faggot

>> No.70193669

I don't know if it's just friendly fire or ESL.

>> No.70193702

She didn't get fucked. She has to wait for permission and she didn't. If she waited, she'd have been able to post the video

>> No.70193812

Both are retarded and verifiably false. The project was never cancelled. They only got the video on Christmas Day so they couldn't have got permission for it in advance because they didn't know what was in the video. This is the 10th time this is said. Read the thread

>> No.70193827

Do you have proof that they were going to reupload the video in a reasonable time?
Because we have plenty of evidence that they tend to drag their feet to the point where simple music videos take over 2-3 years to complete.

>> No.70193892

The "asking livers permission" thing is definitely just a courtesy thing and nothing more. I also highly doubt they would do this to graduated organs, and that particular courtesy certainly wouldn't be grounds to take down their own project.
People are ignoring the obvious here, that a current liver suddenly didn't want to be in the video, for nefarious reasons or not. Would explain why they are so persistent about pushing this particualr topic, because it's true, but they also wouldn't outright say it because it's fucking petty and stupid.

>> No.70193899

So you're saying that the management is so incompetent that it doesn't do anything with the storyboards that gets sent to them? Or are you saying that Nijisanji is a magical company that doesn't need fancy things like storyboards or a project approval process to more efficiently deal with laws that they've been dealing with since inception?

>> No.70193933

You're asking people to prove what-ifs? This is the state of your argument?

>> No.70193962

That would be fucking hilarious if that's the case. I could see them being that vindictive at this point.

>> No.70194025

Yes. If you're expecting me to believe your what-ifs on how management is actually competent despite YEARS of evidence to the contrary, you're going to have to prove that they actually fucking do their jobs.

>> No.70194033

It's been over a year without management doing their one job and getting the perms, how much longer do they need to wait, kid? After you finally get a job will you finally understand the bureaucracy of a large company? Or do you think they're like you and should save everything for the last 3 days instead of getting perms on the list from the project proposal they got over a year ago?

That's my belief too. It's a shame they'll never be outed for singlehandedly backstabbing their coworker.

>> No.70194048

Crappy rrat, Nijisanji said assets belong partially to graduated livers. If they use assets that partially belong to someone else, that's breaking the rules and could get them sued

>> No.70194078

It's the only thing that makes any sense. None of the graduated livers have any reason to give a shit. While a half dozen organs have a dick up their ass about Selen. Just look at Millie's very public passive-aggressive tweet to the upload. https://twitter.com/MillieParfait/status/1739518726758940757

>> No.70194103

No, nijisanji owns the IP, this much is obvious. Can you trace your reference or did it come to you in a dream?

>> No.70194137

>Have over a year to ask
>Throw her under the bus
W O W! I can't believe management was harassing Doki that much. Nijisanji are really mean bullies!

>> No.70194192

Prove that any other cover was stuck in perm limbo and that this cover in particular would also be stuck in perm limbo

>> No.70194237

These sisters actually think a professional project is something you just turn in last minute like a highschool essay, fucking lmao
If you're wondering why the board's suddenly gone to shit school just ended in PHland

>> No.70194249

Was it ever verified that the permission was for graduated lives? I wouldn't put it past enna or millie to withhold their permission just to be passive aggressive bitches

>> No.70194254

Pomu's akiberse MV almost didn't make it.
Maria's cover with Pomu
Petra's one that's coming out soon

>> No.70194299

No, retards assumed this because the alternative has certain implications...

>> No.70194307

Petra's new video has been in the works since 2021

>> No.70194366

Not their job to look over her shoulder. It's Selen's responsibility to check in with management for permission, not the other way around. This has to be the hundredth time this was said

>> No.70194456

Say it a hundred more times faggot, doesn't change the facts.

>> No.70194459

The pisscord hit job says ex-livers are present so it needs extra confirmation
Selen says in the private discord that a rule was enforced where they need explicit liver permission to be shown and ex-livers can't be shown by livers at all which upset Selen cause there's Nina's sticker and Pomu in Maria's cover as well as other projects from Niji

Nina and Mysta don't have any reason to turn it down so her getting the run around for the nth time is the only thing that makes sense.

>Management is indeed bullying Selen by not doing their one job of getting perms
I'm glad we're agreed.

>> No.70194558

Correct. Selen was the one who was irresponsible and it's not Nijisanji's responsibility to look over her shoulder to make sure she doesn't fuck up. Those are the facts

>> No.70194585

Oh yeah you're right. So many shreds of evidence scattered around it's tough to keep track of without making a full blown schizo folder

>> No.70194612

>shares fanfiction

>> No.70194670

Prove it's been in limbo because perms. Prove Selen would have been in perm limbo

>> No.70194677

>to make sure she doesn't fuck up
Like when they forgot to ever send NDAs or even fucking pay artists so that she had to do it out of pocket to make sure the artists are actually being compensated? Or do you mean the several cases where game developers say to contact them DIRECTLY because they were sick of management dragging their feet and her being unable to play their games? Those fuck ups?
For fuck's sake >>70189187 is in this goddamn thread.

>> No.70194684

Correction, it was Nijisanji's responsibility to not fuck up and by being a little bitch about internal perms they've now caused a PR shitstorm big enough to be used in future case studies. Those are the facts

>> No.70194700

Hey tourist, do you have any idea how comical it sounds to wander in and say that the liver, not mangement, is responsible for getting perms when one of the causes in the termination notice was selen going around the "authorization workflow" in the incident where Niji sent a perm request to a producer, it went to his spam box, Niji never followed up so selen had to reach out to the producer to get it which gave management a black eye? Which is it faggot? Is it her responsibility or is she punished for taking responsibility?

>> No.70194740

Oh sure, I got an entire video showing how perms limbo were the problem.

>> No.70194752

The 200 million yachtcident haha...
