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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70150746 No.70150746 [Reply] [Original]

Is it cringe to still come here after you've made it?

>> No.70150835

Yes so fuck off Pippa

>> No.70150901

made wut? a pie perhaps ?

>> No.70151021

this is the best resource for vtubers looking to gauge sentiment, emerging trends, and budding drama/grievances.
There's a reason they are all /here/, and so many memes end up breaking containment.

>> No.70151049

Nigga Nigkin.

>> No.70151119

It's perfectly fine to be /here/ (a lot more chuubas do it than you think) because this is the only place to get raw unfiltered opinions that can even help a chuuba further advance her career. Openly boasting about being /here/ and breaking containment like Pippa does however is cringe as fuck and unironic pickme behavior.

>> No.70151129
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>> No.70151138

Just wish she would show her cute cock.
Also she comes here to groom jongers.
She already found some 1 view indie jonger and now she got dogpilled by small indies and Pippa

Vtubing is just a grooming cabal for her

>> No.70151292

It's okay to come multiple times.

>> No.70151372

Seething femanon back to pcg

>> No.70151404

Pippa breaks containment way less than almost every other 3+ view EN chuuba, and this has been the case for more than a year now. She didn't even reveal her powerlevel when she streamed katawa shojo.
We have nijisanji organs posting on cooldown and making /vt/ gc streams, we have HoloEN chuubas incorporating /vt/ memes wholesale, we have indies shilling themselves daily, but somehow you focus on Pippa.

Interesting. You can keep kvetching ad infinitum, hole.

>> No.70151410

Chuubas are still human, and they should be allowed to browse /vt/ and 4chan. What is cringe is if they try to self-promote here.

>> No.70151515
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>She didn't even reveal her powerlevel when she streamed katawa shojo.

>> No.70151564

Yes, you black charcoal gorilla nigger. She joked about it being a reddit game, even.

>> No.70151581

I found this to be the case as well. A lot of threads that shit on Phase tend to pop up when Niji takes a lot of bullshit in another. It always looks like a sign of obvious frustration and petty people looking for a reason to vent.

>> No.70151741

Ask Finana, she appears to be experienced in the matter. Even better, she is here right now: >>70151394

>> No.70151853

What? No it isn't lmao.

>> No.70152158

Yes it is.
You can't get relevant data anywhere else, because all other social media are heavily moderated, rife with bots and paid astroturfing, and fail to provide concise and congruent accounts of grievances and feedback.
/vt/ produces considerably more effortposting backed with data than any other medium in the vtuber sphere.

There's a reason the entire industry, including a 2bn multinational corporation, followed /vt/ as a soothsayer for the last two weeks.

>> No.70152315

When your entire personality and humour is derived from here, no. It's more a dependency situation than a stepping stone. For a heretuber, whether she can leave vt behind is not about growth of audience, but whether she can develop an actual personality. It's like how Sseth steals from /v/.

>> No.70152852

Oh there’s astroturfing here, it’s just that it’s done voluntarily by a group of teenagers from their discord groupchat
See: hololive global

>> No.70152914

Making it is one thing. Can you keep it is the better question.

>> No.70152935
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>watches vtubers
>made it
Pick one

>> No.70152963

What? Yes it is lmao

>> No.70153083

fpbp & /thread

>> No.70153273

>raw unfiltered opinions
from indonesians and filipinos with mental disorders

>> No.70153650

Yeah so far less effective.
While Reddit has trannies breathing down your neck and discords that can post and upvote a post to completely change the course of a discussion in seconds. Anyone who disagrees with the tranny gets killed.

>> No.70153734
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>work out
>sleep better
>eat better
>get a gf who enjoys vtubers and does the cooking and housework for you
There, your life is now a lot better, it's that simple, you'll enjoy vidya again
But above all just get better taste in games, quit playing live-service shit where all you do is watch a progress bar to unlock fart noises and particle effects, NEETs love those because for all the bullshit that they talk they still have the need to get something done and those games fool them into feeling accomplished
Do away with any multiplayer altogether in fact

>> No.70153801

not inherently
>give up joys that were with you before making it
no particular reason to

>> No.70154006

There are way too many schizos who hate everything in here. Its making the board useless when it comes to feedback, unless you are looking for reasons to kill yourself.
Forced negativity isn't any better than forced positivity.

>> No.70154065

That was a fan-submitted thumbnail, to be homosexual.

>> No.70154366

Oh, astroturfing on a general on an imageboard with dump limits, bump priority instead of an algorithm, image limits, robust filtering methods that include names, subjects, words, phrases, image MD5, hashes, tripcodes, and combinations of terms.

Yeah, I am sure it's comparable, you literal chucklefuck.

>> No.70154452

>this visceral of a reply
Damn you got caught, didn't you?

>> No.70154547

The only times Holos have referenced /vt/ memes is when they long since broke containment.
Don't misunderstand, they are obviously/here/, but they still try to mantain plausible deniability.

>> No.70154573

No it's not. Anything actually interesting will get to twitter. Here you just get everything even if it's garbage. Twitter is the great filter and the only place any one who's made it should care about. All you get here are literal schizos NDF vox femcels and made up rrats. Stop overestimating yourself chump.

>> No.70154625

I mean I still come here and I’m in a corpo, so I hope it isn’t cringe!~

>> No.70154638

I am a proud catalogfag, you obsessed mongrel. The only general I frequent is my oshi's.
Now neck yourself, since it's obvious you can't refute my assertions.

>> No.70154659

The trick is just to have a good filter to bullshit and schizos.
After you have been /here/ for a while you can discern between shitposting and actual sincere behaviour pretty easily.

>> No.70154809

You are braindead.
Only things that are allowed on twitter will ever get on twitter.
Moreover, even if it's allowed on twitter, it also has to align with twitter culture to go on twitter and stay on twitter. Twitter is also heavily botted, to the point impressions mean absolutely nothing.

Twitter is the SINGLE WORST way to gauge engagement, conversion rates, feedback, and ideas.

>> No.70154851


>> No.70154989

If you are /here/ and have been /here/ all summer, you know how to filter out schizoposting, grudgeposting, coomerposting, and rratposting when seeking feedback.
There's effortposting in every single thread, and genuine and sincere questions get tons of measured and well-formulated replies.

>> No.70155123


>> No.70155266

plapkin plappa

>> No.70155329

>petra image
>bratty post
I’m going to rape all pentomos until they get corrected

>> No.70155365

It's cringe to not brush your teeth.

>> No.70155406

Shut the fuck up you stupid little bitch. 4chan hasn't been much sekrit club since gamergate. Twitter is the great filter. Gurrat got to fucking twitter and YouTube. This shit filters through and relatively fast. As a talent you gain nothing from sitting here and hearing all the schizo talk. But you are SEA and brown and love the idea of being in duh sekrit club! when in reality you're a fucking retarded little nobody wimp ass bitch lmao.

>> No.70155484
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I'd like to think I'd have more interesting pool of ebin maymays to work with since I browse more normie boards like /sp/, /fit/ and /tv/ so I wouldn't appear so /here/ to my audience
But then again I'd be a male vtuber so that'd be the least of my problems

>> No.70155528

If you can't filter schizos then you should lurk moar

>> No.70155557

You're a cuckbeat, aren't you?

>> No.70155591

You are a massive newfag and it shows.
4chan hasn't been a sekrit club since chanology and even the gaia migrations, you underageb& chucklefuck, that doesn't mean twitter is better in any way, shape or form.

You should go back.

>> No.70155664

Id spit in your face in real life and laugh at you because you're a wimp bitch and would sit there and take it. Like a real nasty loogy right in your fucking eye and you'd sit there and ask me why I did it and how it's not nice to spit at people lmao.

>> No.70155786 [DELETED] 

Who said better you dumb nigger? I said being here is dumb because it's full of schizo brownies like you. Twitter filters the shit and it's the only metric any company or not my cares about. No one gives a fuck about the anti holo threads you make on here you dumb wimp bitch.

>> No.70155854

Yup, 100% cuckbeat

>> No.70155886

>that doesn't mean twitter is better in any way, shape or form.
reading comprehension reps you fat retard

>> No.70155942

Go back to twitter then, and take that teenage angst with you. It's embarrassing.
Also, this is an 18+ website. Meidos kudasai

>> No.70155944

>I'd spit in your bitch face
Lmao fucking WIMP.

>> No.70156035


>> No.70156127

>g-g-go back aieee don't hurt me!
Hahaha! Wuh... Wuh... WIMP!
*PTEW!* Get some sense wimpy.

>> No.70156156


>> No.70156199

go back retard

>> No.70156241

>repeat one word replies
Ahh feels good to beat a wimp down and turn them into a fucking child sulking and spouting "Nooo" hahaha! Wimp!

>> No.70156281

i hate you

>> No.70156288


>> No.70156399

No, but pandering to /vt/ and trying to be a /here/ girl like Pippa and Mori is cringe.

>> No.70156411

>Literal children are now browsing the board and posting withing lurking or doing any reps whatsoever
I guess we did break containment a little too hard this time. It's going to be a tough couple of months until these angsty retards get filtered or lose interest.

>> No.70156559

>pippa getting higher ccv than the entire nijisanjiEN roster
>predictable kvetching about how /here/ she is and how much she is pandering to 4chan
>never provide any examples, let alone recent examples

sisters.....let it go

>> No.70156594

>scared to reply to them directly
Sounds like you have an anxiety problem malesis.

>> No.70156676

We have ritual posting threads that is literal baby talk. "wawa fumoco zza zza yum yun tum tum hoeh!". we were already a board dominated by underagedb&.

>> No.70156745

You're trying to hard to fit in.

>> No.70156763

No, and Pippa I want to make you my wife

>> No.70156798

No, this is one of the better places to read about "people"'s grievances before it becomes a megayab that breaks containment.
Readit is too positive and twitterfriends don't watch streams.

>> No.70157035

I've wondered for a while why Pippa gets shit on so much here, and I just had an epiphany. It's seething 2views mad that another female slowly climbed her way to mid 4view status without going the being a lewdtuber/gfe. That means they have no excuse. I kinda think this is Pippa's plateau, but if she ever makes it to 5view status aspies are gonna flip.

>> No.70157115

The other day I learned there is such a thing as a "predebut vtuber" on twitter that has never streamed or posted a video, but twitter posts all day.

>> No.70157137
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I am likely older than your father.

>> No.70157240

no? the internet is so tiny these days there are barely any sites to talk about vtubers on

>> No.70157328

this, and not just /here/ this is the best advice to navigating the internet and life as a whole. more important than learning specific facts is to learn who to trust, when and to what extent

>> No.70157339
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It's not that complex, it's just discord trannies like in every other board
She's kinda raunchy and edgy and her best friend in Phase Connect played Hogwarts Legacy and told the trannies to hang themselves
That's reason enough to hate her

>> No.70157352

So a vtuber who won't stream and viewers who don't watch streams Sounds like a perfect match made on twitter.

>> No.70157484

Skill issue. If you can't differentiate between substantive posts and shitposts, unironically lurk four thousand moar years

>> No.70157649

Got nothing against any phase talents. But I hate phasefags. The most obnoxious faggots on here. All you do is steal memes from hololive about sad girls getting hired and sakana my CEO and other recycled shit from hololive and pass it off as your own. Worse of all most of you are fat ass 40k chudcels and anyone who plays that game willingly are the most autistic socially awkward anxiety scum on earth.

>> No.70157695

>holobrony victim complex

>> No.70157791

those "people" are vtweeters and I genuinely wish they all died in excruciating pain.

>> No.70158240

I like tenma

>> No.70159335
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>> No.70159743

half of /asp/ are pippniggers

>> No.70159880
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/asp/? the wrestling board?
they're all Mikofags because of the whole "elite" thing

>> No.70159928

I will fuck this whore one day

>> No.70160682

her Elden Ring stream only worked out because she came here and read all the shit we thought she would do to ruin the stream

>> No.70160871
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>> No.70162200

I doubt chuubas or managers who come /here/ for a quick egosa would be able to differentiate. Nip managers probably come here, look up the chuuba they're in charge of, google translate the first 10-15 posts, see it's the same garbage and declare this site useless.

>> No.70165682

B-But I liek that type of CRINGE!!!1!

>> No.70167829
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What-if I wanna be a /here/ girl like kiki?

>> No.70167851

No its not. It's full of fucking retards and dramafaggots

>> No.70167939

>Both statement are true.

>> No.70168709


>> No.70168960

This is the special ed class of websites
