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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 976 KB, 1080x1146, HOLOFEST5TH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70147402 No.70147402 [Reply] [Original]

guess for holofes announcement/reveal ?
>inb4 en4
nope, holoKR make more sense
hardmode: no id4

>> No.70147454

Holostars ID

>> No.70147471

HoloGeisha, mandatory for all members in each branch? for shareholders only. It will send the shareprice to the moon.

>> No.70147582

EN4 aka holoEU

>> No.70147665

holo KR just seems like a bad idea, it would be an entire branch of rushia's

>> No.70147704

Might as well bring holoCN back

>> No.70147718

startend concert if they’re based

>> No.70147779
File: 951 KB, 3053x4096, b5b59204a4c7d3902d3767fe14596605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holo onaholes will be included as part of limited birthday merch instead of a boring handwritten note

>> No.70147799

>inb4 en4
wdym? holofes is march if they announce en4 they'd probably debut on june while advent debuted on July. it still makes perfect sense

>> No.70147873

>hardmode: no id4
Why? This is the only thing that makes sense considering tomorrow marks exactly 1 year since the auditions have ended. Usually it takes them ~6-7 months to release a new gen, but whatever the reason was for this massive delay, they must have resolved the issue by now. What else could they announce that wouldn't be the usual "buy merch" campaign? A release date for HoloEarth?

>> No.70147875

yes please

>> No.70147929

Holostars ES, put me in Yagoo I'm ready!

>> No.70147999

have they ever announced anything at holofes besides homos 2 years ago?

>> No.70148006


>> No.70148055


>> No.70148124

HoloXDog 2.0. That's the only thing I want

>> No.70148131

You just know there's gonna be another Hololive Alternative trailer.

>> No.70148130

Mori is confirmed to have an announcement at fes

>> No.70150569


>> No.70150883

I demand a cute Italian girl

>> No.70150942

Please be graduation.

>> No.70150986

new album

>> No.70152527

We didn't get a new MV last year so here's hoping there's something this year.

>> No.70152642

there was what, 2 years between council and advent? EN is too fresh to flood with more talent, at best they'd get more homos to replace the two retards who left.
I do very much want something like more europeans, but i dont see that happening

>> No.70152700

Uproar 2

>> No.70153132

i hope they confirm the development for all the hololive nendoroids that havent been announced yet. like how last year they confirmed the development of every jp members nendo

>> No.70153738

Tempus 3

>> No.70153854

>I am graduating...
>...into position a position as Hololive English's Chief Talent Manager!

>> No.70154585

Too fresh? It’s been more than 7 months anon. Most of Advent is beyond 500k and hitting 10k average viewers per stream consistently.
might be fine to release another en gen, or maybe eu or ID. KR might work since it seems like holo is catching on in Korea

>> No.70154914

>Holostars ID
Can't wait see how they'll handle Kobo.

>> No.70155185

Has Mori given any hints about that life changing announcement? Since it's being made at HoloFes could it be the release date and/or theme for the next EN concert?

>> No.70156647
File: 622 KB, 868x1010, overkill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe? She made a community post with random letters capitalized. Once you put them together it spells "OVERKILL". I haven't been watching Mori lately, so I don't know if she was referring to something that's been announced already, but if not, then it's quite likely related to that upcoming announcement or a new song.

>> No.70157420

>2 years
Which was obviously a big mistake on their part, the extra year they took really hurt them bad.
The EN director talked about fixing previous mistakes and doing better. They also rushed out a new video with a call for auditions the moment Advent was finalized.
Fes might be too soon to announce it but EN4 is likely this year, and June would be 11 months, so pretty reasonable.
It would bring them to 20 members which is a much healthier base for all the stuff they want to do

>> No.70157760

>there was what, 2 years between council and advent?
Yes, and that was a mistake. All the more reason to catch up with quicker debuts.

>> No.70157918

Why is Mori next to Gura? I thought they disliked each other greatly. Marine should stand next to Gura, as the greater VTuber who has watched over her since the very beginning.

Mori revealed on stream that she has no deeper connection to anyone in the Myth generation. Why must everything be so fake.

>> No.70158439

going to be more starsen shit announced. They've already been shoving homos in promotional material for it

>> No.70158460

I don't think anyone can

>> No.70158493


>> No.70158765 [SPOILER] 
File: 598 KB, 2159x4096, 16f0b5b14e2010999db64f72c6984c58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70158827

You wish Iofi.

>> No.70158843

Even Ollie knows that homoID is a terrible idea

>> No.70158927

It's Mori specific. Mori was supposed to announce it early Feb but her label forced Cover to make it a Holofes announcement instead to get as many eyes on it as possible.

>> No.70159397

aaaah now I remember, it was for this odd thing that Fuwamoco stayed silent when they were ordered to be excited for male streamers showing up on stream

>> No.70159432

Graduation of the whole EN branch hopefully.

>> No.70160330

If they do, it'll probably be a new jp gen

>> No.70160448

EU chuubas will never be a good idea in hololive and kiara alone proves it

>> No.70160512

HoloEU, new Mori album, HoloAlt, nendoroids Armis Vanguard

>> No.70160520

Never gonna happen, Gura and Mori are huge in JP, they can't risk a massive walkoff if they axe them.
The rest of Myth has been there long enough to have dirt on the whole agency and Council/Promise can likely pull a Dokibird on them for the bullshit Omega put them through.

>> No.70160644

It was a joke slowchama…

>> No.70160786

I guess if Universal wanted Mori to hype up the next sololive that would explain why Cover is letting her make the announcement at HoloFes. That recent hint at Overkill does sound like the name of a song or album.

>> No.70160835

This but with ID

>> No.70162584

New album with some "life changing" special guests is my guess (Ado? Maybe someone western?)

>> No.70163552

Still one of the funniest things i've seen in awhile, it was so awkward.

>> No.70164101

Waiting that long was a mistake. Advent needs more people to interact with and I want more streams to watch. Most of Myth is semi retired at this point and Promise is full of lazy bitches and Bae.

>> No.70164219

More like “Reipe-ne”

>> No.70164241

Calliope Mori is both running for president and has already convinced enough electors to vote for her

>> No.70164958

My guess for announcement
-HoloPlus Global ver i guess?
-ReGloss 3D
-Nendoroids ID
-HoloEarth release date (CMIIW release on 2024 right?)

Copium One
-ID4 or new Branch (another language)

>> No.70165396

Nah, they had to wait because support staff doesn’t grow on fucking trees and you need those tard wranglers or you get stupid shit happening like at a certain other company.

>> No.70167671

Would be the beginning of the end

>> No.70168612

I'm hoping for ID4, the ID girls are super fun and we need more of them.

>> No.70169695

ID4 was delayed because ID3 doesn't have any channel over 1M subs yet. Once ID3 gets a 1M subs channel they'll release ID4.

>> No.70169942

Wdym you don't like the bipolar tumblr bitch?

>> No.70169949

Anon...Kobo has 2.3M subs

>> No.70171031

I was making a joke based on the "where is EN3" shitposts that some people actually believed
I thought they'd announce ID4 at Vivid Cruise but it'll probably be at Holofes now

>> No.70174855


>> No.70177825

why are they dressed in odd staff-like uniforms??
