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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7010493 No.7010493 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7010663

stop depressing the sheep you sick fucks

>> No.7010733

And you know niggas will see they get clipped so they will start sending more of that crap to her

>> No.7010914

I will akasupa my sheep therapist my problems and you can't stop me!!!!

>> No.7011462

I can't believe these people think this is fine, i blame gdq for enabling this shit behaviour

>> No.7011485

I had issues with this as well. Like sometimes its fine to show you're appreciation, but don't be that guy who absolutely has to have her read that all the time. Its good in that she feels better because she sees how she makes people happier, but too much of that can be taxing, so even if you like her, don't offload that all the time.

>> No.7011693

>watame I live your content! It helped me get over my uncle molesting my dead dog. I have cancer and may die before you read this but it's fine cause you're here in spirit!

>> No.7011712

Jesus christ...

>> No.7012351


>> No.7012469

I love it when she cries

Shes the most adorable sheep ive seen

>> No.7012491

I read this in Max0r's voice.

>> No.7012517

It's not our fault. Tell that to mukkun.

>> No.7012531

it's reddit don't blame us

>> No.7012620

I can't believe so many people still watches gdqs, it's literally a lets go marathon

>> No.7012639
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>> No.7012676

Such a fucking evil thing to do to her. I hope she has people to talk to because it would be a big burden getting sent this type of shit day-in day-out.

>> No.7012772

fucking atheists. start going to church if you want people to pray for you and talk about overcoming tragedies.

>> No.7012778
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Aw fuck I knew this shit would happen
I can’t handle watching this

>> No.7013025

They are just mirroring what she does

>> No.7013168

This is why I like being a hoshiyomi. Suisei only responds to superchats if she wants to, so nobody bothers to tell her about their dead dog or their AIDS diagnosis.

>> No.7013359

You know, at least I'm a self aware schizo, I wouldn't pretend that people using Watame as an emotional garbage bin is ok.

>> No.7013405

Holy fuck, keep your personal problems to yourselves. Fucking inappropriate to bring that shit up to a fucking anime girl streamer of all things

>> No.7013423

What the fuck is wrong with these people that they need to feel they have to bring the mood down.

>> No.7013448

That's something to like about Suisei, not hoshiyomi. If Suisei started sympathizing with sob stories on stream you bet your ass people would start raining every personal tragedy they could think of on her.

>> No.7013496

>sheep cries
>clip spreads
>feel good seeing clip of sheep cry
>need more
>make sheep cry
It's simple as that.

>> No.7013512

JOPs are worse about it

>> No.7013611
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>Also discovered watame during a hard time in my life
>Unironically brigthens up my mood
>Akasupa her
>Thanks for all the smiles Watame!

>> No.7013691

Does watame count as a therapy animal?

>> No.7013763

Emotionally bullying chubas is tight, just not by bringing the mood down and sucking all the humor out of the room. Salvationfags should've gone through with it and spared the rest of us getting saddled with their emotional baggage.

>> No.7013782

I'm gonna tell her that my father wanted me to be aborted and abandoned my mom when she was pregnant.

>> No.7013791

Whether it's real, or not, this is straight up manipulation.

>> No.7013822

>I was about to kill myself tonight until I got on your stream, thank you for saving my life MR.COW LLLLLL_ L_ L_ L_

>> No.7013898
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Watamelon posters need to bully these emotional vampires out.

>> No.7013914

Oshi brings us smiles
Let us bring her smiles as well

>> No.7013928

It's a tranny bazaar. They even have dilation stations.

>> No.7013948

Keep sending the emotionally fragile young woman messages about how you want to kill yourself because your mom got chunked by a box truck.
That's gonna end well.

>> No.7013952

Watame is too naive, you can’t keep responding to every sob story forever

>> No.7013959
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>> No.7013971

And yet youtube watchers want to pretend that they aren't twitch watchers repackaged

>> No.7014065

This one caught her off-guard, but probably the closest to a "uuuuh get well soon? idk"-reaction we've gotten out of her yet. Odds are she didn't fully believe it, and I don't either - if you lost your hand in a work accident YESTERDAY odds are you'd still be in the ICU for it today.

>> No.7014085

I don't mind the ocassional "hey, your streams have made my life better." supas, but these ones that offload emotional baggage specifically because they know the sheep is a crybaby don't sit well with me.

>> No.7014227

>Chuuba cries
>Makes bank on everyone donating to make her feel better
>People clip it and attract new views


>> No.7014238

yea i agree i instead use Watame as a semen garbage bin

>> No.7014336

Do they share their gash expanders?

>> No.7014384

I wish I had the disposable income to send watame a ridiculous akasupa about how both my parents died years before I was even and watching her growing up was the only thing that kept me alive

>> No.7014432

you joke about this, but someone will commit a mass shooting in the name of gawr gura one day, you just know it.

>> No.7014441


>> No.7015212

If it happens too much eventually Watame will become jaded and stop caring. The real black pill.

>> No.7015277
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>> No.7015282

>Remember lads...subscribe to Gawr Gura

>> No.7015553

>it-it-its reddit not us
retard this is the kind of shit that 4chan loves to do because it's edgy and cool.

>> No.7015561

The real black pill is that it already happened.

>> No.7015951
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Why does this sheep cries for everything?

>> No.7015996

>Clip spreads
Literally bait sad SC can make the sheep cry and they decided to clip it? That's just a dickmove

>> No.7016107

Yes, and? What are you going to do about it? Cry?

>> No.7016249

I'm going to SC Watame about it!

>> No.7016288

It wouldn't be streaming if there weren't a bunch of retards forming unhealthy parasocial relationships.

>> No.7016300

she shown weakness after the first time, now people will go to her in hopes she sheds tears for them too

>> No.7016351

What the fuck are you talking about? A 4chan superchat would be something like "i want to lick your cunny aaarghh" not post a literal wall of text looking for pitty, that's prime reddit shit

>> No.7016394

Unironically this

>> No.7016467
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I'm I the only one who likes it when Watame cries?

>> No.7016530

>he doesn't know about the deadbrap autist from here
Oh nonono

>> No.7016577

It’s fucked up how this shit happens to streamers who show empathy. You feel bad for one guy on stream then suddenly every faggot in your chat thinks you can handle all the sadness plaguing your 10k viewers

>> No.7016666

I don't care either way about the crying itself, but the whole picture of a bunch of lonely men being attracted to a woman behind an anime avatar because she has overly responsive tear ducts, and purposefully telling her sob stories to see if they can trigger another crying episode while paying her for it as they do it is pretty disgusting.

>> No.7016733

A lot of these spergs want someone to connect to or empathize with, so that emotional burden gets offloaded onto streamers, their e-friends. Frankly professional therapy should be compulsory for these types, it would help them more and not make these probably not even college educated streamers have to cope with all that emotional baggage coming their way. Or at least some enterprising psychologist should make a vtuber personality to deal with these headcases.

>> No.7016779

She deserves it for not telling me “welcome to membersheep” FOUR TIMES

>> No.7017196

It's a safe bet.

>> No.7017493
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this is why Ina told faggots to not send her supachats like this and instead use that money to pay for professional.
I remember when she said "vtubers are not therapists" I thought Watamates should see this shit, Watame doesn't deserve being your trash bin of mental issues

>> No.7017657

It's not just vtubers, streamers in general have been receiving these type of donations for years and it's common enough that pretty much everyone has spoken against it, even zoomer white-bread guys like Ninja has spoken against it. It's that kind of scummy shit.

>> No.7017730

Why are you all assuming Watame dislikes it?

>> No.7017789

It's less assuming she dislikes it and more assuming she wouldn't say anything against it even if she does, so people should know their place and shut the fuck up. Send "you're my favorite streamer :)" and move on. You can even go as far as saying she means a lot to you and brought you happiness on tough times, but spare her the messy details of your fucked up life, because she has her own issues to deal with.

>> No.7017938

These social parasites will suck the life out of watame until she’s nothing but an empty husk of her former self devoid of any empathy for these people

>> No.7017969

>forgets the reddit neckbeard last week that "died" and whose "niece" posted a sympathy fishing wall of text

>> No.7018004

Why does she have to be the emotional tampon for everyone? Did anyone ever try this shit with Coco?

>> No.7018045
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What's up with Watame having the most loathsome fanbase? Do they enjoy watching her cry by telling her about their sob stories?

>> No.7018178

How fucking hard is it to not give details and just communicate the sentiment if you absolutely cannot stop yourself from using Watame as a therapy pet.

>> No.7018510

the worst part is seeing people saying this is wholesome, the fuck is not, is fucking creepy. If you care for her so much at least have the decency to not spout emotional bullshit someone far away.

>> No.7018569

that shit happened to Etika who constantly told his audience to stop thinking that streamers are friends and most of them are lying to their audience about how they really are or what kind of problems they have, including him.

His biggest mistake was being tricked by a SC and telling his audience that his brother was killed when he was drunk on stream, after that faggots started sending him SCs like Watame and even some tried to call him when phone was leaked. Of course, he was fucked on the head because past experiences and his zoomer audience did nothing but sending clown emotes when he was having a mental breakdown on stream

>> No.7018694

>did nothing but send clown emotes while having a breakdown
holy based. thats ficking hilarious.

>> No.7018803

Definitely reminiscent of old 4chan days, where a kid got his ipod stolen and killed himself, and the response here was to prank call his parents phone number pretending to be him as a ghost. No matter the year, teenagers are just hilariously emotionally broken, and it takes them until their 20s to figure out how to function.

>> No.7018910

>has a live-in boyfriend

She deserves it.

>> No.7019195

Get a hobby.

>> No.7019225

I love the sheep but someone needs to tell her to put a stop to this shit. Nobody cares, it makes the stream awkward, and it's not good for her

>> No.7019260

it's like the equivalent of zhangs spamming Holos or nijiniggers being nijiniggers.

>> No.7019276

Give sheep an akasupa saying "quit reading obvious emotional bait"

>> No.7019281

she's the comfort animal of hololive.

>> No.7019335

Should tell that akasupa that his parents shouldn't have been drinking and driving

>> No.7019470

Sheep spends an ungodly amount of time doing supacha readings. It's pretty obvious she enjoys being a virtual therapist, or at the very least she thinks it's a good way to make money out of lonely losers.

>> No.7019662
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>> No.7019904

I'm icky with the SC. But Watame isn't as weak as many people make her out to be. She didn't cry because she feel sad about their situation, she cries because she had a similar experience growing up and seeing herself being able to bring people up from such places is literally her purpose of live now. See her saying she wanna stay here with everyone until she's a grandma?
That means she's overwhelmed with gratitude.
She didn't cry when reading the first part explaining the tragedy, she cried when reading how he rose up from his low point because of her.

And seeing that it's a celebratory SC sent during her 1M sub target karaoke stream, and it being read in a dedicated SC reading stream, I don't think it's much detriment to her mood or the stream in general.
The dude also didn't hold back on the cash backing his words. It's a 5 SC train worth more than a US$500 red SC. Even if it's too much information, I doubt he was trolling intentionally. Rather, Watame herself doesn't forbid nor hate such messages. Maybe she even likes it since it made her feel good about herself, and helps motivate her to work even harder, whether if it's good or not in the long run.

As for the act of clipping it, I don't like clips like this as well. I usually avoid it. But since her 1M celebration is fresh, I didn't hesitate clicking on it when it popped up in my recommendations. I guess it would've helped if some context about when this clip took place is added to the video so that it can be more believable to passer-bys like how a reality TV show works...

No, she's not trying to be a virtual therapist. She just like chatting with her viewers.

>> No.7020071

>I can't believe these people think this is fine
This might surprise you but our hobbies aren't well known for attracting emotionally mature, well adjusted individuals.

>> No.7020505

This is such attention-whoring female behavior. It sucks if you went through some bad shit, but why are you making thousands of people suffer through the grueling minutiae of your suicidal ideations.

>> No.7020835

I think a major factor for why these depressing faggots come to vtubers to unload their woes is because of their big online celebrity status, like if they can manage to get their attention through a sob story and derail the stream so the vtuber in question gives extra love and attention to them specifically, they basically won the "lottery" and can be forever immortalized in clip channels who will spread it around. A Vtuber psychologist might be a thing one day, but they would need to gain a decent size audience so people come flocking to them, and even so, they can't just focus on replying to sob stories for an entire stream, they need to build up a reputation as a cute and fun streamer so people feel more likely to open up to them. There would also need to be some sort of system to filter out trolls, some guy and his friends could just send in small superchats with ridiculous sounding sob stories and if it's their job to be a listening "friend", they would have to respond and hold up the line for actual social rejects that came to a vtuber psychologist for help in the first place.

>> No.7023293

Watame gets these kind of SCs because she also talks about sad stuff that happened in her life and often says stuff regarding being happy and clinging to something you like in order to keep living and such things.

Almost every single stream she shouts stuff like "everyone, let's live and be happy! Even if you feel down, keep going! We are in this together! If you feel down, come watch the stream and try to forget the sadness."

She's really emotionally invested with her chat and so the chat is invested with her.

Personally I think this is ok to an extent: you can just SC her saying that you were in a really low point in your life and that she kinda helped you going through it without being insanely specific. You can say she helped you without making her feel sad.

One of the reasons she's successful is that she doesn't put a barrier between her and people. She feels like a real human being who cares and not like a cardboard who just plays games for 3 hours and calls it. Some people like the detached cardboard better and some people like the emotionally invested streamer better. Matter of preference in the end.

>> No.7026234

I agree that she's emotionally attached to her fans, but saying she doesn't put barriers around herself is just wishful thinking anon, don't go down that route. Barriers are good and necessary when you do what she does for a living.

>> No.7026323

Watame cries at literally anything, anon.

>> No.7026731

Putting barriers is exactly what leads people to resort to vtubers seeking someone who listens to them.

Precisely because nowadays everyone is so scared of being hurt is why no one really connects with anyone at any level. Every time you try to associate with someone you just get shut down because nobody minds anything but themselves.

Just to be clear, I'm not particularly invested with any streamer but I do find her behavior endearing. She looks like someone who cares about people who are not herself, and that's fucking rare in this neo egoist-hedonist era.

Listening to people talking about being hurt and talking about being hurt yourself is not something I deem as barrier-required. I do think being overly specific on the negative (bad thing that happened) rather than focusing on the positive (telling her that she help you somehow) can be selfish.

>> No.7027362

this, people who do this suck

i understand some of them might want to share how much these vtubers have helped them but do not fucking ruin their day, watame gets lots of these

>> No.7027658

>My parents died in a car crash LETS GOOOOOOOO
i find hilarious how this is what literally happened in this case

>> No.7028140

She's my oshi, but she just loves to cry. She needs her daily fix.

>> No.7030224

Jesus it was my superchat. I thought you guys would find it funny and based. She is our psychiatrist

>> No.7031780

>Jesus it was my superchat.
Yes and I am also Watame herself. I have a big harry pussy like the wool on a sheep and I also hate niggers but I want Oga to plow me raw

>> No.7031835

hi watame!

>> No.7031872

Holy shit. Watame-chan, do you know english? I'm a big fan! Love your MC streams.

>> No.7031998

my entire family just fucking died, my dog was raped, my house burnt down, my car exploded, and I lost my job

>> No.7032258

Yoooo watame visits /vt/

>> No.7032822

I no longer care about the plights of my viewers. Months of constant bad news being sent to me has made me so emotionally numb that I no longer feel anything when tragedy befalls someone. I’ve accepted that there’s so much wrong happening to everyone in the world, and despite me giving sympathy, it will never fix everyone’s problems, so I’ve given up on giving hope and love to people since it won’t be enough to change things.
Thanks for the 10 bucks

>> No.7032885

ok but really imagine if she replied this to one post and then instantly moved on to cry about another $10 supa about a dog dying

>> No.7033041

my entire family just fucking died, my dog was raped, my house burnt down, my car exploded, and I lost my job, take 500 bucks this time

>> No.7033164



You know good and God damn well it's not Watamates as a whole. Every vtuber has loads of schizo bitch viewers who substitute one sided "relationships" with an anime girl streamer to fill the self-created emptiness in their own pitiful lies, Watame is just more empathetic than most because shes been through some shit too and so they feel more comfortable sperging out to her about it.

>> No.7033571


>Spending time thanking your fans who give you money and support you means you want to be their emotional dumping ground


>> No.7033669

Or at least while playing a holo song like that one weeab shooter with anime OPs

>> No.7033827

Being a crybaby doesn't make you empathetic, it only makes you a crybaby. Pretty much any other holo, or any other person, will give you the same sincere but ultimately superficial words of sympathy if you tell them your sob story. The difference is that by being a crybaby she can get insecure people reassurance that she "really cares," before she forgets about it and moves on to the next supacha.

>> No.7033906

Shes so God damn cute and caring. I just wanna chop her up and keep her to myself

>> No.7033965

some people just enjoy holding other people emotionally hostage.
>here’s my sad story about my life. say something about it right now. heh you have no choice but to sympathize with me.

>> No.7034008

That’s what we call manipulative psychos

>> No.7034248

Those fucking retards deserves to die a slow and painful death. Bunch of pieces of shit ruining the stream, the worse part is those clipniggers who give attention to this kind of shit.

>> No.7034382

Literally no one give a fuck about their miserable lives and how his relative died, keep this shit to yourself. We need more of these Skeleton Doomguy dude sending more red superchats making fun of these kind of fuckers.

>> No.7043134


>> No.7044974

Oh god I saw this live.

>> No.7045067

>Ina's Giant Dick
kek based and futapilled

>> No.7045095
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Also, what was
