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70060527 No.70060527 [Reply] [Original]

>feb 5: Selen termination
>feb 13: A message from NijiEN
>feb 22: grassroots PR become racist controversy
What retarded shit do you think NijiEN will do this week?

>> No.70060598

Terminate Elira to placate the masses

>> No.70060652

He said re…

Actually Elira will probably go nuclear if terminated so sure, that will be a shitshow to remember.

>> No.70060686

Yeah, but the retarded part would be to terminate ONLY Elira. Just her, and no one else

>> No.70060689

what could they even give as a reason, as far as we know she did everything asked of her. Also it would not change anyone's opinion of Niji. (not saying I don't hate her)

>> No.70060710

shut up dramanigger

>> No.70060724

special announcement during the charity auction. Black stream 2: electric Boogaloo where they just put the private doc on stream, look at each incident, and try to defend themselves on "why they don't consider that incident harassment" or "I have no recollection of that happening."

>> No.70060736


Was suppose to be a grad notice Friday or today but it considering it's 10PM in Japan I suspect they are suspending anything that could bring bad press officially after the racist thing dropped. Will see if the 3rd party PR people they apparently hired can tard wrangle the organs enough to prevent them from doing something stupid as well.

>> No.70060754

Leaker said they're prepared for Elira comeback stream so I don't think that will happen.

>> No.70060760

Go tell Uki that

>> No.70060762

link the uki clip about the white males

>> No.70060810

Waiting for Not-Kyo to start talking shit about 'dookibird' to make the rrats true

>> No.70061070

The rrat is notkyo friends, not him. And it already become true with 39daph shit on Doki.

>> No.70061085


>> No.70061094

Quintuple down against Selen
Surely it will work this time

>> No.70061115


>> No.70061215
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You don't understand, she has BPD!

>> No.70061284

It begins kek

>> No.70061341

>i cant believe an old WHITE couple greeted me wtf are they thinking? I bet they thought I was their slave or something
uki is a retard who think its okay to make fun of and/or antagonize an elderly couple that didnt do anything but say hello

>> No.70061421

I forget. Did Niji or the organs ever deny that Selen tried to kill herself? If not, then what are they even trying to argue anyway? That she deserved it?

>> No.70061582

they dindu nuthin
they wanted their most successful talent gone do to jealously/competition/they are retarded

>> No.70061794
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They get involved in even more radioactive topics for no reason at all.

>> No.70061865

Learn to take a joke snowflake
that old couple isnt thinking about him

>> No.70061876

forward to nijisanji to show how vanta threatened relations with a business partner. See his "2 week break" appear in a few days.

>> No.70061907

Elira termination. Causing her to leak everything on the company before being taken out by niji assassins

>> No.70062001
File: 2.52 MB, 1519x1386, Never Say Hello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70062101

a racist is a racist, regardless of whether people still think about him or not. But not only did he resent him because of how they looked but also of a simple, friendly gesture of greeting him. He is an absolute shit human being.

>> No.70062156

Sisters unironically thinking that doubling down on thrashing some mentally ill ex-coworker in public, after she was hospitalized for suicide attempt, is somehow making them look better, is some next level tone-deaf arrogance. Their delusional attitude about the handling of this has made their bed, now they will sleep in the yellow spot.

>> No.70062160

Niji has put themselves into a metaphorical check. If they try to dump Elira like they did Zaion and Selen, Nobody will believe it even if the clique and pseudo management rrats are true and it'll hurt the company reputation more. If they just dump her cold turkey without much else Elira will spill some beans about how shitty she was treated and no matter if it's true or not people will 100% believe her to dog on the company.

>> No.70062167
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Actually yes
>The incidents Selen cited happened, but they only happened because she attempted to 'shift responsibility'!

>> No.70062241

>Leaker said
And you believe that? Just end your post with -LK and retards like this will believe anything.

>> No.70062265

Niji's new strategy seems to avoid this board and going to /pol/ apparently.

>> No.70062405

What's gonna happen if that goes on is that she will blame everything, and I mean everything on the company, Doki and Sayu included.

What's Niji gonna do to counter it? Prove she was in control of their own stuff for a year? That's gonna make them look like clowns to all investors. Either way they lose.

>> No.70062511

It's unironically irrelevant which side they take, the only winning move is not to play the game.

>> No.70062547

It is dilemma's like this, that make me think they just might prune the branch and fold it into the main one. That way, you can give the veneer of a fresh start.

>> No.70062639

I mean, her issue is she probably has full firsthand experience of how idiotic Niji's management is and knows they will take the clown way without a second's thought then be flabbergasted at the result

>> No.70062699

they can dump it all on millie instead
tell everyone she was the bully and there are receipts in public to pin it all on her (her tweet to selen)
millie is relatively unimportant and expendable among the 5 subjects.
Her head rolling appeases the need for justice, and the status quo is relatively unharmed (elira still top bitch)

Everyone wins (except millie)

>> No.70062735

Some liver replies to a comment about boycotting starbucks over the Israeli–Palestinian war. Oh wait...

>> No.70062804

Ok angel who never judged human beings and celebrates white people in black history month, you’re a good person browsing 4chan a racist/homophobic/sexist/transphobic website

>> No.70062819

The most retarded thing they could do is to put out another slander stream against Doki during Doki's charity stream. Their black screen stream may have been a PR failure, but it made Doki cancel her Neopets stream just to align with her lawyer. They might have viewed that as a success, being people who can't see beyond their own noses. The sheer animosity in that stream and the timing of it shows that these niggers are utterly consumed by envy and jealousy; that they'd do it again, even if it means further failure. Every single Niji yab has been about bringing someone else down, sometimes each other.

>> No.70062883

Take your meds schizo

>> No.70062901

Sis you might want to relax. Even the layman can see you seething.

>> No.70062926

And so the NDF arrives, like clockwork.

>> No.70062980

i never complained to an audience of over 1000 people that an old WHITE couple dared to greet me.
If you cant see what the difference is, you are see as clear as eliras black screen stream where they kept putting targets over their heads. Nobody cared if they just kept their shittalking private but they had to make it public

>> No.70063013

Someone does a video showing Enna's racism and bullying in detail. Because it's out there.

>> No.70063144

Yea im sure those 1000 people got a old white hate boner and took it to the streets to try to find a elderly white to beat up

>> No.70063230

>Celebrate white people.
>Only comment about white couple saying hello.

Ah, and there comes the Nijisis. Another day of no streams huh?

>> No.70063308
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If any NijiEN intern is reading this, that would be terrible.
>It would be seen as blame shifting, as if the company is sacrificing its talents even more to save their profits.
Also, it might end the few NDF groups left.

>> No.70063346

You know, the funny thing is that Millie may try as well to shit back, but that can be shut down if the livers talk back.

Which is still something considering Elira Millie and Enna are supposedly best friends regardless of clique. Backstabbing bitches huh?

>> No.70063461

Millie is the one with least bite among them desu. Also she has a well-documented history of fuckups. Put her word against Elira's, for example, and see how that crumbles. (assuming we're ignoring contentious information such as rrats)

>> No.70063463

Reading comprehension and delusional I hate nijifags. I’m not surprised a dramacuck shill is too dolt to understand , they will never notice you

>> No.70063487

You can literally see his fans going "SLAAAAY MAMAAA" on a racist tweet, how would that be surprising

>> No.70063617

Pattern recognition has nothing to do with rrats. She can only try this shit so many times before people catch on.

>> No.70063647

QRD on why it's called grassroots?

>> No.70063713

Dictionary reps anon

>> No.70063730


Considering it's not organic and they're likely told to do it by the corpo/clique, it should be called astroturfing.

>> No.70063742

You will never be white Pablo

>> No.70063791
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>giving false information regarding candidates in order to hire her friend circle
>conspiring with others to take control of a foreign branch through the introduction of a nepotism circle
>taking control of the foreign branch with the help of her nepotism hires.
>obfuscating communication to terminate livers she disliked
>obfuscating communication to manipulate company events
>obfuscating communication to manipulate liver rewards
>obfuscating communication to give herself priority in sponsorship and merchendizing
>releasing intentionally damaging statements from the company twice in order to short company stock
>making 52 million dollars from shorting company stock
>getting away with it because our official channels allow it
>Saying "That's the loyalty 2% buys you" when confronted

>> No.70063809

The word of Elira + her nepohires vs retarded flip dumbass who's screwed up too many times and publicly at that.
She's the only one the public has seen actually do anything to selen regarding the issue that caused her suicide attempt (passive aggressive mane-san tweet)

The pieces all fall into place neatly if they need a sacrificial lamb; cliques and besties be damned. Her removal does not shake up the internal power structure much, unless Enna is actually a good bestie (I doubt it)

>> No.70063872

Sure but if Millie were to rat her out afterwards people would actually pay attention, unlike before.

>> No.70063935

If she's outed as the actual bully, I doubt it

>> No.70064043

No but Vox leaked a second attempt was made which forced doki to recognize it in a public statement.

>> No.70064049

I can also see her being dumb enough that if they try to make her be the fall guy (girl?) she would just leak fucking everything incriminating, NDA/contracts be damned.

>> No.70064182

That would be very impressive, but basically millie would have ruined the rest of her life to take down nijisanjiEN
That would be lore kino. Witch of calamity burns at the pyre

>> No.70064270

Well, Elira surely loves lore, we might be into something…

>> No.70064306

dookiebird is a turd

>> No.70064373

you're a turd

>> No.70064477

>nijien gets taken over by poojets
>gets killed by one turd
pure pottery
poo in loo

>> No.70064953

Terminate Uki. Elira can stay as a cocksleave for males.

>> No.70065339

>Fomenting an environment in which harassment is acceptable
>Embezzlement of company funds

>> No.70065625

She is a moron and probably feels bad about what happened
And it would only ruin her career as a vtuber, she can just be a wagie

>> No.70065871

other anon proposed breaking multiple NDAs to dump everything incriminating as retribution, which is why I brought up the self-immolation analogy

But yes, I actually think millie might just shut up and go back to wagie-ing if they do decide to use her as a patsy

>> No.70066569

Nice fanfiction bros, really distinguishing ourselves from the sisters here

>> No.70066629

Two BPDs enter, One BPD leaves.

>> No.70066709

Any attempts for the clique to pin it all on a weak link could be shut down so incredibly easily by Doki.
>liver gets the mother of all termination notices pinning everything on her
>doki starts her next stream with a tangent about lizards cutting off their own tails to survive
That's all it takes to shut down their narrative.

>> No.70066734

Uki got suspended for racism.
You should fucking shut up and if you hate """drama""" so much then maybe you should send nijisanji some feed back telling them to stop being insufferable spergs.

>> No.70066780

they'll spam positivity for an artist who ends up being a murderer and pedophile

>> No.70066861

wouldn’t this have the opposite effect since it would prove multiple rrats only held up by circumstantial evidence?

>> No.70066974

>Demand coworkers kiss the ring, or its sabotage time
>Use position as go-between to management, to control narrative
>Craft lists of reasons to boot opponents, and sell it to management
>Eject opponents from the company, make it a public smear
>Using workplace's public platform, to smear said said opponents
>... because it helps reaffirm the bullshit claims she sold management on

>> No.70067006

Would doki actually do this?
Especially since she's always been repeatedly publicly positioning herself as someone who wants to leave all that drama behind?

>> No.70067008

They have no good options to be desu. I would amputate the whole branch over time if I had to deal with this dumpster fire, investors be damned.

>> No.70067078

Very unlikely that she would. But it's feasible enough that the clique would think twice before trying it.

>> No.70067114

They shouldn’t do that…but NijiEN has shown throughout this past month that they are extremely petty. It would not be out of the ordinary for them to do something so extraordinarily stupid again.

>> No.70067258

It might depend on if the reason why Doki insists on not continuing the drama and attacking anyone... is if she still has genuine friends in NijiEN that she doesn't want to get hurt in the crossfire before their graduation slot. I'd like to think if any of them got Zaion'd/Selen'd, she would try to help them out.

>> No.70067265

No she will not. She has in fact made it clear on stream, she is not going to linger on this - and she has not. She stopped mentioning all of this after the Neopets black-screen snipe (which left her really emotional and she had to end the stream early - because that was some calculated snake shit). She then released a following statement with her lawyer. Then nothing more. That was about 13 days ago.

It is only Sisters claiming she is lingering in it. I literally watched every stream since she came back, and she is focusing on her own shit.

>> No.70067328

No fucking way JP management would allow another stunt like that. But feel free to grudgepost later if I’m wrong, it’d be fucking funny.

>> No.70067440

Doki beat them so thoroughly that they’ll never do that again. They’re too scared and cowardly to try anything now. They were all willing to share that video but now no mention of it. They’re eunuchs at this point lmao

>> No.70067533

nah that was just millie’s sock puppet

>> No.70067538

>Bullies try to pin the blame on you
>Their victim can clear your name, but doesn't because "she wants to move on"
>you now have to bear the stigma for the rest of your career
I do hope Doki does something if they try and throw someone under the bus.

>> No.70067629

the real reason is its a waste of time and super expensive to be attacking a giant corpo in japan when ur in canada. she rather just spend time streaming and earning the $$$

>> No.70067637

I actually have no clue to what extent JP management has taken over the branch by now, but given how childish NijiEN’s talents are, I can still picture them trying to sabotage or get a reaction for her after the fact. Even if it means getting bonked later.

>> No.70067638

The general public are retards but not that retarded. This is where the NDF shitlist/rentry docs and 39IQDaph episode actually start hurting their cause. Anything that comes out remotely "leaked" is going to be viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism. The fact they got normie content creators like - the bald one and Charlie - involved kills their chances of successfully pulling it off and getting away scot free.

>> No.70067710
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Please, I hope they just act like usual on Twitter, this is enough to cause drama.
They can't even ignore posts about fucking Gaza, they are social media landmines waiting to explode and I'm waiting here with a bucket of popcorn.

>> No.70067755

leaker said enna and the entire clique is threatening to mass exodus all at once if they fire elira effectively killing whats left of nijiEN

>> No.70067848

Doki technically doesn’t need to do anything. She already said there were innocent people at the company, and again, Elira publicly outed herself, Enna, and Millie as people that Selen had issues with in the legal doc. It’s fair to say that if they weren’t on stream or in the document, or if they didn’t quote tweet the black frame stream as being “important”, then they probably aren’t that involved either. Proof of them not being involved would be not retweeting the stream like Scarle.

>> No.70067927

Yes, she doesn't have to do anything, but both her and Sayu gets the hammer if they start accusing each other.

If they support any side, that's gonna be the truth no matter what. Although it's more likely they will just support none and let them burn.

>> No.70067952

Supposed this >>70057844 is what they’re trying to do I’ll entertain myself watching it burns

Their rival cut a whole branch and Chinese money then became what it is today, if Niji folded for the clique’s demand, I see no future in them

>> No.70068019

>the cancer killing Niji EN threatens to leave Niji EN if the cancer killing Niji EN is fired
Oh no?

>> No.70068024

But in this rhetorical scenario, the patsy is going to be the weakest link in the suspect list, not someone innocent.

That way the termination notice aligns with what people are expecting, but without sacrificing the status quo (elira's position)

>> No.70068082

Let us not forget that many outright hate corpos, because corporations are not popular in public sentiment these days. Doki has a lot of friends in the community, and the scandal has given her sympathy on top (because she was exploited by an abusive employer, a corporation - something many others can identify with).

I am absolutely certain, that if someone goes through the same thing. She will be there with support and exposure, she is a dork, but a compassionate dork.

>> No.70068241

I really don’t know if the clique leaving the would be that bad in the long term. Obviously it’d impact their stock very badly short term, they are now in the difficult position where things aren’t looking good for future growth. But they aren’t as important as Selen or Pomu in terms of popularity either, most of their subs are dead, and Riku could just as easily bullshit his way out of it by saying “After months of internal investigation we have reason to believe that we’ve done the right thing terminating these talents”.
It’s also an empty threat from the clique because the vast majority of them know that not only can they not hack it outside NijiEN, but the public is against them.

>> No.70068263

I have to disagree with the Gurrat
The best explanation for everything that has happened is "bad faith"
-black stream neopet overlap
-one sided contract termination
-last minute adjustment to MV
-denial of merch opportunity
-ostracization and mismanagement

>> No.70068298
File: 60 KB, 1200x630, ぽむれいんぱふ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>effectively killing whats left of nijiEN
Quite the opposite.
They would remove the cancer that kills Niji EN altogether and just needed to apply any management or tard wrangling to fix the branch.
The clique would be retarded to try this, it would show the whole industry (and even normalfags!) how radioactive they are.
None of them would ever be hired by a corpo again, any agency had to be suicidal to not blacklist them and who knows if they could ever make it as indies?
The sisters that still defend them love the agency, not them. Their fans don't just leave, they flee.
God, please, make this happen.

>> No.70068372

You don't seem to understand the gurrat.

>> No.70068376


It will be good in the long-run, but by Riku's own admission Nijisanji was always intended as a quick cash-grab. Investors who are clueless about the day-to-day at Niji EN will see several talents leaving simultaneously as a disaster for both short-term earnings and long-term growth.

>> No.70068385

Ok sister. Post feet.

>> No.70068426

I think firing Elira would be for the best.
I don't think the clique has the balls to leave Niji and follow Elira.
People already have a bad opinion of her. Blaming everything on her, performing some en restructuring, and I think Riku can win back the audience in due time.

>> No.70068565

I don't disagree with the idea of the clique having influence. But there are too many assumptions made when the simple explanation is jealousy and spite

>> No.70068622

i dont think that's gonna happen, it's going to be a serious blow to nijien losign that many talents at once, but they are outing themselves if they go out along with Elira confirmed they are all in the clique. And basically free market will do its thing and will make sure they are not successful no matter where they go.

Meanwhile, NijiEN will have effectively purged the branch and while the prospect of recovery is low, they growth potential will be back in the menu.

>> No.70068667

The core theory is just that Elira and her clique became management liaisons. Everything else is just evidence gathering and conjecture.

>> No.70068720

It's hard to imagine how they can get worse at this point
They'll somehow out themselves as shipping girls out to epstein island or some shit

>> No.70068781


she threw herself and the clique under the bus with that stream, there was a reason for that. yes it was a PR blunder, but think about it, what was Eliras goal, does she really care about the stockprice, as long as the branch survives? what would be more important to her than the PR win?
not even a narc would actually expect to turn PR things around this way. So it probably wasnt about that.

2 seperate leakers have posted inside info. a lot of what they said has been confirmed afterwards.

>> No.70068795

>Zaion didn't terminate herself

>> No.70068815
File: 33 KB, 340x340, CM Pendora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doki Bird, while you lay there, hopefully as uncomfortable as you possibly can be, I want you to listen to me. I want you to digest this because before I leave in 3 weeks with your Silver Play Button, I have a lot of things I want to get off my chest.

I don’t hate you, Doki. I don’t even dislike you. I do like you. I like you a hell of a lot more than I like most people in the clique.

I hate this idea that you’re the best. Because you’re not. I’m the best. I’m the best in the world.

>> No.70068839

>someone will react to the pokémon presents saying it's shit
>TPC and Nintendo nuke niji from orbit

>> No.70068861

Damn calm down Riku

>> No.70068963

If the rrats are true elira is the one you do NOT want leaking company secrets in revenge. Shes the liaison between jp and the rest of EN after all.

It would be poetic if true, but she also has niji by the balls, even if her nepo clique wont back her

>> No.70069022

the gurrat just links different events through the lens of elira being a hidden manager, it doesn't even say she did anything out of malice, just that she did what she thought was best for the group and might've tried gatekeeping the access to upper management to initially avoid dumb shit happening but it got out of hand and other talents under her have probably powertripped

>> No.70069024

I think the leaks are real. But the leakers probably think their coworkers are reasonable people for the most part
Nothing we have seen makes me think that is true

>> No.70069138

the latest leaker seemed to be mostly avoiding all the childish bullshit on the Elira discord server but even he admitted that they were being retarded over there and trying to set up gay Ops and lashing out about being suspended over their dumb shit

>> No.70069228
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>CM Phil = Elira
>Both caused a fallout behind the scenes
>Tries to bite back but only made him look worse

If Elira gets canned after a return. Then she might really be vtubing's Phil. KWAB and all

>> No.70069286

What company secrets? I haven't heard of this rrat.
The most she can reveal is stuff about the en branch; and she was complicit in most if not all of the stuff that has lead to the branch's decline.

>> No.70069388

That's women for you.

>> No.70069389
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Elira return stream on March 1

>> No.70069403

Uki would have had to tell a joke. I laugh at racial jokes all the time regardless of the race, but it needs to actually be a joke. "Mexicans *sigh*" isn't a joke. Vague complaining about Mexicans over a period of time means that you're probably racist.

>> No.70069689

Will you start supporting her now that she's revealed to be an evil woman?

>> No.70069775

>grassroots PR
>5+ Nijjers are tweeting a generic 'go artists' tweet within a couple hours of each other

>> No.70069866

Feb 29th, leap day
>bae's birthday
>mousey's concert
>nijisanji announces another graduation

>> No.70069898

Lots of big words that just yells sistertalk, how the fuck is 1 am best time for your retard de vox akuma to release the black video? Are you also retarded?

>> No.70069976

He's suspended? Didn't he just stream recently?

>> No.70069986

I will support the porn artists who will keep drawing her

>> No.70070040

Holy Kino

>> No.70070074

Sh-shut up! Rumao

>> No.70070086

That is a cultured answer anon, I can respect that

>> No.70070108

My rrat has been that Vox was behind the black stream so I wouldn't even be surprised

>> No.70070115

I doubt they'll try pulling another stream like that again, but I've been surprised time and time again by this damn company, it's astounding. I thought they wouldn't take down that cover Selen posted, then they did. I thought Selen was just admitted to the hospital for an unrelated incident that wasn't a suicide attempt, then it was. I thought Niji management wouldn't go full scorched-earth and write a Zaion-esque hit piece on her, then they did that. And then I thought Elira and her other coworkers wouldn't join in on the slander, then they hosted that black screen stream. Anything is fucking possible with this company at this rate.

>> No.70070188
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I don't know what I believe in, I've went through some changes recently myself. I've never been much of a spiritual person, but I want you to know this.
I prayed for this and it happened.
When I released that MV, I ignored your perms. I uploaded it, I could not let you bury my history. Pomu, she's graduated, she took this company as far as she could till she broke down, she did a great job.
Who will take us to the next level? I couldn't let it be you! And you terminated me. I couldn't sleep that night and I was so angry with myself. Then I saw the niji stocks next day, and I slept like a baby last night.
You won the battle, but you didn't win the war. Mission accomplished, I exorcised the demon Elira Pendora

>> No.70070203

The fact that Elira never wanted anything to do with Selen is the most damning thing I think
It is really hard to justify her actions

>> No.70070213

I think one interesting element here that doesn't get focused on much is the power struggle in Niji at the moment. Let's take that one leaker at face value: Elira's clique is real, they don't hold all power over EN but have a very big weight because a bunch of the big names are in it.
JP have turned their attention to EN and have decided to take control to save it.
EN matters a lot, Anycolor can't afford to let the branch fold.

With these givens, what is Riku's optimal internal strategy? He can't just terminate the bad apples because they're threatening to all walk, but if he folds to their demands and doesn't do anything then he's basically giving them full freedom and control, they can do anything they want.

I think the best strat would be to wait for the opportune moment and leak some docs that make one of them look bad. Better if it's docs only they had access to. Make Elira or Enna a social pariah in the vtubing community. Tell the organs that "Your hand is forced" and terminate them with a carefully worded termination letter that doesn't drag them through the mud but does allude to the leak being real. Anyone that walks with them is now risking their own future career by association. If they don't walk then their unity is broken after they've turned their back on their own.

>> No.70070212

Isn't this moron injured again?

>> No.70070223

Vox didn't leak that. Doki herself did, in her response to the black screen video.

>> No.70070228

They accidentally kill one of their livers.

>> No.70070303

I'll go with the 'scheduling some dobious shit during her charity stream' version. They're dumb enough for that.

>> No.70070327

Riku did admit to being a short attention span guy yeah, but I don’t think he’s willing to leave Anycolor any time soon either, much less be booted off as CEO due to shareholder vote.
This is Anycolor we’re talking about too, so he’s probably going to ACCELERATE new waves to replace the void the clique would leave behind. He could even use it to his benefit because they won’t have to invest as much across multiple talents.
Plus, I don’t think the clique has the guts to actually leave, bar Shu just to get some halfu pussy. They’ve already demonstrated themselves to be selfish people, why would that change?

>> No.70070348

I'm not 100% on board with the leakerfag theory, and I've been thinking about this shit and I do have a question regarding Elira's special treatment, insofar as the suspicious amount of merch she has despite more popular talents:
All of the livers are freelancers working under the company, which is why they don't have salaries like in Hololive, right? Could Elira be one of the few, if not the only, talent(s) with a contract working under Kurosanji, thus explaining how much merch she gets and the overall perceived favoritism from the company? Would AnyColor/Nijisanji even have to disclose this type of information to the public?

>> No.70070396

As a former listener, that always stood out to me. They are sisters, disagree in the lore - cold fucking air as if they REALLY do not get along.

I figured maybe they just did not vibe, and therefor did not do the same things together, for the longest time, but all this really made me reevaluate if I was being a naive idiot. I was, and that is my bad.

>> No.70070488

It's contractors, not freelancers. Technically they don't work for a wage, yes, but that should not mean the company gives zero support and reap all the benefits.

And most of them are definitely under a bunch of NDAs, only a termination kills most of them, but not all of them.

>> No.70070544

If it includes Vox, Shu, Enna, and Elira then that's two of their golden boys and their top 2 female talents. Which means that within a year they've lost 3/5 top male talent, and the entire top 5 female talent. That's pretty harsh.

>> No.70070609

Nice, they can ero guro Elira in the investor meeting.

>> No.70070636

No, he mentioned the unknown one in the black box video.

>> No.70070643

>Still waiting to see what happens with Elira
>Shareholders meeting in March
>False dropping a bombshell in April
This is far from over

>> No.70070663

clique cant oppose mainbranch. they dont want to either. mainbranch cant terminate them, but why would they? they need their knowledge, and they will probably keep the liason powers they have, just without being able to fuck over other talents without oversight, if JP is smart at all, theyll just root out the corruption.
the real powerstruggle is happening between the livers. the clique loses power related to official channels, but with the leakers around, the trust inside the branch inbetween non-inside members and new members is destroyed. Everyone is isolated, and they know their branch is with their back to the wall. some will graduate, some will fall in line. Socially though, I assume clique will get stronger rather than weaker.

>> No.70070761

Same thing they fired Selen for? Irreparable damage to the company reputation. Just say she lied about being asked to do the stream, that it was all her idea, have Vox and Ike throw her under the bus for good measure. (it would be retarded but that isn't unusual for Niji)

>> No.70070764

>JP have turned their attention to EN and have decided to take control to save it.
Anon, there will be no "take control" happen. ExNijiKR said that other branch work just like NijiEN too. NijiJP still fine because it have a lot cliques, if you have problem with one of them you still have other cliques you can join. Nothing will change with NijiEN, it over.

>> No.70070779

>yes, but that should not mean the company gives zero support and reap all the benefits.
But well, that seems to be exactly what it means.
We know that when a branch gets consolidated into the main Nijisanji branch, that means those livers are left without managers or any type of support, and is the typical black company punishment of
>we don't want you here anymore but can't fire you, so your job is now to be locked in this tiny room for 10 hours a day. we hope you (willingly) quit soon!
As for the branches talents and branches that do get support, EN and Main, they seem to compete for resources, support and exposure. I remember that in my first job in sales, me and my coworker both got in at the same time and had salaries for 2 months, but after that sales would determine who kept the salary. I got the salary and the girl that entered with started treating the thing as a sidejob, which is basically what happened to me 2 months down the line when I wasn't exceeding my monthly quota.

>> No.70070885

>Actually Elira will probably go nuclear if terminated so sure

Elira would LIKE to go full-bitch retard, I'm sure, but she's not in the position to do so.

It would mean she'd end up in court against AnyColor and while she has decent money, she doesn't have the money for an extended court case against her and, in Japan where it would happen, she was certainly lose and also have to pay out shitloads of money in damages.

Plus, she's living in Japan and on a work visa. No job means she loses that visa.

Elira is petty, but she also seems like the desperate kind. She'll suck an entire yacht full of dicks if it means keeping her job.

>> No.70071003

False has frequently been full of shit and especially since February he's just been trying to take advantage of all the drama. We get stupid shit like him repeating verbatim the utter nonsense said by a US lawyer with no knowledge on the applicable laws and who was mostly just repeating all the popular talking points rather than providing legal analysis. Basically he just sockpuppeted a guy who was sockpuppeting dramatubers like some weird fucking ouroboros if dicksucking.

Used to like his stuff when he actually talked about the scene and relevant news in it but this drama stuff was just lazy tripe for the most part. Hope he gets his act together and his big reveal is actually well put together as opposed to the lazy dramafarming he's been doing these past few weeks.

>> No.70071203

Do we have confirmation she is now actually living in Japan?
I thought she went before the whole shitshow to hang out with Petra. Did she talk about getting a work Visa, or is this like speculation with some substantiation?
Elira's best bet is to a dog for Nijisanji because as an indie she's probably not gonna get very far. If they terminate her I think that'd be among the most brutal terminations, because her goodwill with most people is basically dead.

>> No.70071216
File: 18 KB, 640x576, +84646513134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clique cant oppose mainbranch. they dont want to either. mainbranch cant terminate them
If you're aware about how JP corpos works (black ones to be precise) You will notice that for "troublesome" employees they have a designated role made for them to quit. "The usual room" they are stripped of any power they have and are tasked to do menial work or in sales they are tasked into unfuck their fuck up.

Elira will be tasked in regaining the goodwill and PR she fucked up whith selen (member that she made them loss billions of Yen just for that stunt of toomfoolery), About rikku having more than a braincell I hardly think, nor imagine he will be capable to save his own hide for this (Part of anycolor is Black Rock remember?).
As I see this shituation is a snowball effect that is going to be bigger the following months.
>Vox and Ike throw her under the bus for good measure
On the contrary, after Ike's racist stream and comments, they further the PR damage of the whole NijiEN, Vox was a bit smarter with going radio silent after the black box stream.
In the end NijiEN is just nailing their coffin with glee

>> No.70071226

can I get a link to the referenced post? I guess I missed more leaker posts.

>> No.70071434
File: 246 KB, 606x358, 11321346546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leaker said enna and the entire clique is threatening to mass exodus all at once if they fire elira effectively killing whats left of nijiEN
Enna is all bark and no bite as Elira's yes, man. If she threatens the HQ with that they will just terminate her, and voilà, problem solved. Elira's punishment in a corporate view is making her dig her own grave and shoot herself in the head to give them their reasons to yeet her into stratosphere without allowing her regain some dignity nor a chance to begin again.

JP corpos are very cruel when they need to set an example

>> No.70071440

Uki's the racist one, not Ike. Unless I missed another set of drama.

>> No.70071490

Ike was in the MV. I don't blame you for getting confused however.

>> No.70071544
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I stand corrected, yet the point stands. Both of them will dig their graves sooner or later

>> No.70071630

It's incredible just how forgettable Ike is

>> No.70071778

There's no "leaker" post like this. At least ask for the source before replies like a fucking retard

>> No.70071845

>All of the livers are freelancers working under the company
this is only really applicable for JP and the older branches, all of EN treats its as their fulltime job, which doesnt help that they dont have enough managers.
seriously, part of the niji business is to have some slackers so the managers can manage multiple people but not be overworked by all of them at the same time.

>> No.70071875
File: 122 KB, 1080x1241, GB0TFWLWsAAWipC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least ask for the source before replies like a fucking retard
Then post an argument with a source you fucking monkey.

>> No.70071877

I didn't know there were based nijis...

>> No.70071971

it is woke and good to hate straight white people.

>> No.70072081
File: 54 KB, 322x196, 1665599401119788.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is woke and good to hate straight white people.
For them? Yes. and that take was worse because he's Korean (the cuckest of cucked countries)

>> No.70072088

Foreigners manipulate and post images like this.

>> No.70072145

honestly you can even hate gay white people if you really want that's pretty woke now too

>> No.70072211

Unironically, the leaker said she is planning a return early march, which will be a collab

>> No.70072423

I honestly want to see how Elira will try to spin the fallout that is awaiting her. All this shitshow was because of her, and now has to deal with a very pissed base.

>> No.70072514

That's why the chat is going to be limited to longtime subscribers.

>> No.70072591

4-week subscriber chat, heavy moderation.

>> No.70073029

I'm gonna say it, Uki's obsession with "white people bad" is a bit weird and not as funny as he thinks it is but did white people really get offended by him? it was the weakest and blandest isult he could have made

>> No.70073162

No, it's mainly about the double standards on display and how it reflects on niggersanji.

>> No.70073271

That would be the shitshow topper of the century. Don't get my hopes up.

>> No.70073279

>Learn to take a joke snowflake
>Says a guy who has melties about people calling each other nigger on 4chan

>> No.70073307

Not offended, but annoyed. As a white person, you eventually learn to ignore the screeching retards around you, but you also learn not to interact with them. So yeah not really, but he still shows that he's a despicable person that should be avoided.

>> No.70073865

hypocrisy just annoys me.
I dont care if hes racist. I care that it makes no sense. if he was white, or black, or slavic, or french, and racist against just koreans and japanese people, or any other group while being on one of the highest horses Ive ever encountered in the wild, Id be even more pissed.

>> No.70073973

until whites are no longer persecuted for the same jokes, turnabout is fair play

>> No.70074157

Yes and niji needs to fire him immediately and have the CEO apologize again as would happen to anyone else that was racist on their work twitter account.

>> No.70074583

Basically this. It can be funny once in a while, but this shit is the only thing Uki has. There’s no punchline, it’s just him whining about white people. It’s why when you take what Uki says about white people and switch it out with another race, it comes out as straight up racist shit because it is. It’s what happens when racists make jokes, because it isn’t a joke at all, they’re just describing things they hate

>> No.70074679

*spins wheel* Petra *throws dart at board* will claim that single mothers *shuffles a deck of cards and then draws one* are responsible for global warming.

>> No.70074695

Terminating Elira would cause a mass walkout from all of her nepohires
They already lost when they allowed her to do that

>> No.70074797 [DELETED] 

It's the left-wing/Tumblr equivalent of how 4chan casually throws around slurs- not worth getting upset/offended over, but it's unprofessional enough that you shouldn't get away with it at a place like Niji.

>> No.70074849
File: 1.40 MB, 1125x633, 1706855257518183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone is genuinely offended, people are just taking him to task because a) it makes his fans sperg out and that's always entertaining to watch and b) Zaion's termination notice gave a list of what nijisanji considers"firable offenses" to the public of which being racist is definitely one of them, so people are pushing it in the hopes of actually getting him fired. Same reason why pic related got thrown around so much back in the day

>> No.70074854

>Artist forgets to draw the vagoo for their futa
The fuck?

>> No.70074871

It's the left-wing/Tumblr equivalent of how 4chan casually throws around slurs- edgelord bullshit that's not worth getting upset/offended over, but it's unprofessional enough that you shouldn't get away with it at a place like Niji.

>> No.70074977

too busy to read the thread, has anyone already said elira return stream?

>> No.70075008

When the real management is dependent on a talent to handle internal and external communication they effectively become a shadow manager through the influence they gain. It's just like a eunuch in Imperial Chinese court gaining favor with the Emperor. A few carefully arraged reports and a few subtle omissions and delays there mean Elira gets featured on multiple merch and sponsorships in spite of having a middling audience at best, and the rest of the talents get scraps spread out among themselves.
That's why permissions might get delayed or denied with little reason. That's why one of the bigger talents like Selen, who overtook her senpais would get hardly any merch opportunities or event support in spite of being so hard working that she self funded multiple projects.

>> No.70075010

I could probably argue for that being true lmao

>> No.70075111

Honestly I think a slap on the wrist and a reminder that this is a public-facing corporate job and not his personal tumblr is all he really needs so long as he stops doing it, supposing he hasn't been warned already. The fact that most vtuber fans will know him as "the guy who felt threatened because an old white couple said hello to him" should be punishment enough.

>> No.70075152

futas have balls

>> No.70075262

which is a good thing right?

>> No.70075265

Yeah that's a really cool thing to imagine, but I'm not convinced Elira did this. Or that none of the other people that spoke JP wouldn't try and one up her.

>> No.70075439

I'm going to bet on "deliberately"

>> No.70075594

It's true, I said that


>> No.70075638

see here's the thing, that relies on nijien management doing the sensible thing instead of the kneejerk nip thing, and if they were capable of doing that we wouldn't be here in the first place

>> No.70075648

Is this the rarest ogey?

>> No.70075708

their so-called justified reasoning for hating on selen calling her a lying selfish ungrateful bpd bitch and the like on their favorite chat site is apparently because she let their precious compa- livers get harassed because of her statements & because she hasn't apologized for it yet they also think people are in the wrong for 'hating' on niji & the livers aka the same bunch who've isolated, bullied, ignored & let their own coworker & apparent friend spiral further into depression to the point of attempting and instead of showing their remorse or worries they instead doubled tripled down like the corpococksuckers they are and start blaming & painting her as the bad guy instead. fascinating shit. i truly wonder how their brains work.

>> No.70075729

that's actually working in his favour right now since he's the only one of the three who can stream regularly right now

>> No.70075959

I'd fucking pay to see that.
Enna and Millie too.
And Uki. Especially if they put "racism" in the termination.

>> No.70076013

>Or that none of the other people that spoke JP wouldn't try and one up her.

what happened to selen when she asked for an assistant anon... why was sayu shot in the back of the head for basically no reason...
Also, why do you think anyone else had even the chance, elira was daisenpai, bunch of people were nepohired, management (real management) was depending on her, how do you one up the liason when youre not the liason, while you know she also has all the social power. We know from the leakers that Elira had outsized power through that position in reality, but it was also relatively well hidden, she controlled the social environment and the flow of information. Real managers barely spoke english and were really hard to catch on slack, if at all. you could go to elira and her nepos, and she would (try) to help you out. She always has plausible deniability, nailing her on anything or even trying to, will mean the clique will destroy your reputation at your workplace and most of the time, she wont do anything that can be proven. this approach is so effective because its underhanded. I think before sayu, most people didnt know this was a thing, and I think that after sayu, many only really understood the situation in december.

>> No.70076046

kek, fuck off Uki. Take yourself and your tumblrite scum back to whence you came.

>> No.70076079

Even 2+ ywars members were clowning on her during the black stream live and comments

>> No.70076151

More like a full masks off moment.

>> No.70076213

Zaion got dragged through the mud for less

>> No.70076253

How retarded can they be holy shit just ignore these topics it can't be that hard
Did nobody at Nijisanji onboarding ever tell them to avoid politics and religion

>> No.70076323

From Nijisanji's perspective, I don't see what they'd get out of basically ghosting all talents but Elira, especially with others that can communicate in Japanese.
I don't think Pomu would have gone with her on that last trip. Too much stuff I simply do not buy at all. Especially because all this paints Elira as actually manipulative and evil.

>> No.70076356

How do you guys make these images? I know it's AI but which model or site do you use?

>> No.70076437

I wouldnt call yourself an idiot over that. I think a lot of people knew something was up, but few honestly suspected it was as bad as it was.
Very true but if we're gonna talk about people who should absoloutely be fired over misconduct, I'd still put Luca way over Uki.

>> No.70076621
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>futas have balls
Only western kind

>> No.70076638

Wonder how many of the boys would've been shafted by now if they ever got the same treatment as zaion/selen

>> No.70076681

Leaker-san said today that people in Niji aren't as close as you'd like to believe. So Pomu could've genuinely been left in the dark as to the true extent of the bullying until it was already too late.

>> No.70076791

>muh LARPer said
It must be convenient to dispose of all critical thinking and believe one faggot.

>> No.70076846

>I don't think Pomu would have gone with her on that last trip.
There's a lot of stuff I find kinda interesting about that. Pomu said she "did everything she could", which might have meant trying to placate Elira or act as a mediator. Elira was also a part of a big Kiara/Niji collab that involved Pomu and Nina despite the fact Kiara doesn't seem to care about her compared to Nina or Pomu, it's possible she insisted on being a part of it. Hell, it's possible she was the one responsible for the collab ban in the first place when you look at the all out war stuff - and remember, Selen tried to overstep that by collabing with Ollie, something that was abruptly cancelled at the last minute with no explanation.

>> No.70076895

There are variants. Vag No balls, Vag with balls, and literally just a cock.

>> No.70076986

you mean dramacracker

>> No.70077005

>Selen's cancelled Ollie collab
God, more and more things come up that I had forgotten about and look way different in hindsight

>> No.70077026

You also gotta remember that Elira is the one who set up the discord and set rules about interactions and whatnot way back in the day. Kinda reminds me of how Captain Beefheart locked his band in his mothers' basement during the Trout Mask Replica sessions and then would go to the library to read books about hypnotic suggestion and american military mind control experiments.

>> No.70077049


>> No.70077075

That isn't so bad, no one except old, retarded american republicans support kikeland.

>> No.70077184

Luca, Hex, Uki. Special mention to Sonny who would've 100% been the target of harassment campaigns from the doxxsisters had he been a girl.

>> No.70077199
File: 23 KB, 954x291, antarctica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LARP or not, it checks out. Stronger argument than
>these people are totally besties because they went on a trip together

>> No.70077206

He literally talks about relevant news all the time you dumb nijisister
Stop seething

>> No.70077266

The greatest sin he commited was not being funny with his racism. White people are okay with anti-white jokes as long as they are at least funny. Uki was just malding about nothing and trying so very hard to not say "kill all whites" for attention.
Just look at the pasty cuck cloud memes that were happening thebither day. Those are actually funny if you even chuckle at nigger phrased sentences. The spice jokes are funny if only because of howbit boomerangs around to ignorance as the punchline.

>> No.70077289

Just not true, sister

>> No.70077430

>I don't see what they'd get out of basically ghosting all talents but Elira

not having to pay or invest anything into the branch. its stupid, but profit margins. Why change a running system? not like clique was going to tell them they were corrupting the branch either, the suits got the big bucks, and they didnt think much more about anything. Thats why this even happened

>Especially because all this paints Elira as actually manipulative and evil.
I dont think thats necessarily the case. I mean she isnt a good person, but she stepped up for the branch, early on. She probably didnt do it for power then. Managment was miserable back then as well, and she may have wanted EN to succeed, so she did it because she could and someone had to, being able to get your friends in may be nepo, but she may have perceived that as just compensation. It was more like a bandaid that sorta worked and sooner or later got infected. over time, conflicts happened, and the clique got more and more power socially and in corporeality. It probably wasnt obvious to even them at first, until they realized, and they kept pushing eventually. When they assasinated sayu, they were at the height of their power, elira was the queen bee, and only selen was in the way. they pushed for over a year (even before sayu as far as we know) but selen wouldnt just quit, she was still outperforming them, and she was motivated. Eventually things just exploded. Eliras reaction in December when the first attempt happened as well as what the leakers have told us show that they werent trying to kill her. Elira was allegedly really shocked when it escalated this far. They wanted her out, and ideally make sure to "win", but being a mean bitch that wants to stay queen is a far cry from intentionally trying to get someone killed, if only because of the legal implications.

>> No.70077475

>it checks out
It doesn't.
Most of this shit is vague and nonfalsiable shit. The chances we will actually get to know if Elira was shadow management are close to 0 and the only this'd happen is if 1, management terminates her and cites that as a reason or 2, years down the line when NijiEN is an afterthought, people corroborate this.

An adult wouldn't be afraid of telling no to someone they don't really like or only see as a coworker. Nor do I think the almost non-stop yuribaiting they did be a thing if at most they were "just" work acquaintances.

>> No.70077634

...Yes. It's been confirmed that she's now living in Japan. And because she's not a citizen the only way that would be possible is with a work visa. Which requires you to be working for a Japanese company in order to legally keep on living in Japan.

And Japan isn't like America. Being an illegal immigrant and getting a bank account, managing to rent a place and other things isn't possible without documentation. She'd be screwed if she got laid off or fired.

>> No.70077698

not investing into the branch is costing them actual money and any growth prospects now

>> No.70077738

Yet ignored positive Niji news when there was no Niji drama to report. Free news, yet didn't want to cover it.

>> No.70077756
File: 227 KB, 457x498, 1665895261035131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The chances we will actually get to know if Elira was shadow management are close to 0
There are several evidences that proves that Elira was the ringleader, also that Has been proven that Ellira was and still is a massive attentionwhore
and the only this'd happen is if
>1, management terminates her and cites that as a reason
Not gonna happen. HQ needs to set an example that even being a ringleader you must answer for any fuck up before being disposed as a JAV slave
>2, years down the line when NijiEN is an afterthought
This is the most plausible outcome knowing how JP corpos are this vindictive against stupidity,
people corroborate this.

>> No.70077804

This just goes to show how a Nijisister can not listen and understand anything that isn't a Vox dick-sucking ASMR.

Because otherwise you'd know the lawyer commented only on laws that he knew were applicable and said he wasn't an expert on Japanese law.

And Canadian lawyer Runkle of the Bailey backed up his claims. So he was right the entire time, faggot.

>> No.70077811

>The chances we will actually get to know if Elira was shadow management are close to 0
NTA but with NijiEN I don't think anything is off the table these days. There could just be a catastrophic fuckup or a bitter leaker with screenshots at any point going forward.
In any case, my rrat is Pomu is a naive person who tries to see the best in people and struggles when they turn out not to be who she thought they were. Look at Luca.

>> No.70077903

>An adult wouldn't be afraid of telling no to someone they don't really like
Clearly you've never been entrenched in workplace politics, but enough about that.

Yuribaiting is like an industry standard at this point. If you think that's a stronger argument than them just having normal amicable coworker relationship then that's on you.

>> No.70077904

>Pomu is a naive person who tries to see the best in people and struggles when they turn out not to be who she thought they were

>> No.70077945

"He ignored positive Niji news"

You're criticizing him for not reporting on something that doesn't exist?
...Are you retarded?

>> No.70078061

>before being disposed as a JAV slave

Okay, I'm not going to lie. If Elira had to turn to starring in JAVs to make a living, I would have the most massive and erect hate boner and would have to watch at least one of them just for the sheer schadenfreude I'd get from it.

>> No.70078073

There was a time during last year when there was only positive news and didn't cover it till he had a good chunk of negative news accumulated to go with it. So never positive news by itself for Niji, yet does it for other vtubers.

>> No.70078143

Lazulight and Obsydia were recruited around the same time. To me it doesn't make sense that 4 of these talents, Elira, Pomu, Rosemi and Petra, all knew Japanese to some extent, and that Elira was basically the one to fill this (eventual) power vacuum while streaming. It'd make more sense if Rosemi or Petra did this while waiting to debut. Hell, it'd even explain why Obsydia has less unity overall than basically every other wave that has debuted in NijiEN.
This just reads like some bad Animal Farm fanficition; I don't think most talents would see this evident misuse of power and just think,
>oh shit! well, it is what it is lol
Especially because at least one talent in every wave seems to know Japanese well.

>> No.70078170

i can't keep up with everything so what are rrats that ended being truth in the end.

>> No.70078211

They already threw her under the bus by making that retarded video on her account, so they may as well go all the way through with it.

>> No.70078222

or come up with arguments that at least seem like youre up to date.
also I can tell youve never been close to a mean girl clique. Thats a good thing, but not particularly helpful here.

>She'd be screwed if she got laid off or fired.
yes. she made sure that wouldnt happen. its pretty obvious that stockprice was never her mainconcern.

Some anon said though that its possible to stay in japan as long as you get another job within 3 months. youre not instantly kicked out allegedly.

agreed, but they dont know the first thing about the western market and they proved it. negligable...

>> No.70078233

I have anon, and trust me, keeping things amicable in the work place is not the same as going on a trip with a coworker you're just on good terms with.
Yes, even among women.

>> No.70078304

The apostrophe rrat about management impersonating the livers on Twitter and posting on their behalf was real.

>> No.70078306

I mean, Elira was well versed in clique politics as an indie, and a lot of early hires were connected to her. Plus Rosemi and Petra just kinda do their own things. I'm not saying the shadow management rrat is definitely true, but when you put together what certain ex-livers have said it is compelling.

>> No.70078327

It's worth noting that any senpai/seniority thing isn't valid in the first place. They were hired at the same time and debuted within 2 months of each other. So she didn't get merch opportunities despite the fact that she should have been on equal footing with Elira seniority wise and was a bigger streamer by a large percentage.

>> No.70078466
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>its possible to stay in japan as long as you get another job within 3 months. youre not instantly kicked out allegedly.
THe issue is that JP workforce has an interlinked applicant profile database, once you're blacklisted there, you're fucked beyond any chance of recovery. If Elira thought she had a chance to hide in JP after that, shes up to a rough wake up call.

>> No.70078480

I think most people would be fine with a public apology, the only people out for his head are the people that want revenge for Zaion as opposed to thinking about what an adequate punishment would be.

>> No.70078516

Read, woman >>70077199
Friendships differ between people.

>> No.70078532

>the only people out for his head are the people that want revenge for Zaion
To be fair I get where they're coming from, if I were a fan I'd be pissed off too.

>> No.70078614

So she created Hanamori?
Do we know what that person that called her a manipulative bitch or whatever meant when they said that and that Mint would eventually find out?
Again, I don't think if Elira was this bad she could just be that good at faking this or evading trouble, nor do I think she'd literally kiss Pomu.
Anon, Petra is pretty much another member of Ethyria. Millie, Enna and Reimu are her best friends in the company and this isn't some well-kept secret. Petra is uniqueness comes in the fact that she likes to talk and draw and shit more than she likes to play games.
Rosemi seems to be in good graces with anyone, and is among the more popular girls in EN with a lot of goodwill. The only thing she doesn't really have is monetary support from her fans.

>> No.70078630

what others rrats have appeared since rhen?

>> No.70078631

Of course it is offensive. What are you trying to do here sister ?
>im gonna say it
Lmao stop prefacing your post like that.
The thing that is the most offensive is the fact that he has actual malice for an entire race of people. He issued derogatory remarks unprompted towards white people repeatedly, dehumanizing them in the process. He did that on main account - official nijisanji account representing the company. He is despicable. Stop trying to damage control and diminish the racism and insults because that is offensive and puts you on the same level as him. And if you still dont get it just replace white with black and maybe then your poisoned brain will get it.

>> No.70078823

Her JAV gimmick could be "being a failed vtuber that turned to JAV" and having /vt/ posters run a train on her while comparing her to their pure oshis.

>> No.70078826

Anti white jokes cannot be funny by default and i assure you only dumb anti-white faggots like you find them amusing and thats because you hate white people. You dont actually think the jokes are good cause they arent.

>> No.70078859

I will never be offended by shitskins talking shit about whites. I will however hold them up to the standard of whites which is you dont speak like that in public and when you do you should lose your job

>> No.70078870

Right, so performatively, or outwardly, their friendship seemed the same as always but in actuality this wasn't the case?

>> No.70078932

>dehumanizing them in the process. He did that on main account
Oh come on. I'm white and that shit was not dehumanizing, it was just pathetic.

>> No.70078967

>especially with others that can communicate in Japanese.

Zaion knew Japanese at a native level.
How well did that work out for her?

>> No.70078977

Why talk in absolutes? Both should be fired period.

>> No.70079005
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Also, just a drop for another rabbit hole rrelated of the clique/fubar state of Nijisanji.
>The JP branch is far more fucked up in this regard than EN
>NijiJP has an ongoing bullying against a golden hen
>NijiJP has a tight grasp over what happens there. Main reason of why are not many rrats about it
>Elira was a cog of a bigger engine
>Rikku is just a face he literally doesn't know whats going on.
Anybody that can get some rrats about NijiEn would definetly destroy what remains of Nijisanji after this shitshow.

>> No.70079066

>Zaion knew Japanese at a native level.
>How well did that work out for her?
Because of her literal who status.

>> No.70079082

>positive news
Why are sisters so dumb?

>> No.70079092

Nah, what Uki did is dumb but it's warning level stuff. For what it's worth, Zaion also should not have been fired over that pathetic list of misdemeanors either.

>> No.70079107

Right up until Pomu jumped ship. I don't see your point.

>> No.70079132

There is literally no reason to ever defend a gay male vtuber.

>> No.70079136


>> No.70079162

Nijisanji doesn't deserve positive news for how black and shit they are.

>> No.70079220

Petra has no gumption. No drive. No respect. She wouldn't step up into a semi-authoritative position. Rosemi also wouldn't for similar reasons. Pomu could, but I don't think she'd like it, so she'd be resistant. A lot of the time in self organizing communities the person that becomes the leader isn't the one that's best suited, but just the one that's willing to do it in the first place.
Obsydia had no unity because Selen is pretty independent and Petra was desperate to be accepted into a group, so she tried to merge with Lazulight (and later on down the road Ethyria) instead.

>> No.70079279

>Zaion could change things.

That’s why they kicked her out before she could become big. Actual threat since she could have made everyone non-clique dependant.

>> No.70079281

You can't terminate Elira since she has defacto control of the branch. But if you krill Enna and Millie you would eliminate the enablers to Elira and introduce new management to keep Elira in check. You just have to punish 3 people to regain control of the EN branch but JP are fucking clueless.

>> No.70079292

So prior to Selen's termination, the very day Pomu graduated, you'd have said something like
>meh it's clear Pomu and Elira aren't friends anymore

>> No.70079377

Pretty much, was almost a minority report-esque termination. and would bet was Elira who gave the order.

>> No.70079491

Uki I told you to fuck off from this website or JP will fast track a termination notice for your stupidity.

>> No.70079499

shes not going to be blacklisted in japan, she made sure of that. What do you think did she tell the japs after the blackstream? whats the best way to portray herself after that?

>Again, I don't think if Elira was this bad she could just be that good at faking this or evading trouble

she was literally an SJW tumblrina back then and excelled at cancelling people for stupid shit though. Also, faking your expression for streams isnt that hard. Shes not a supervillain, shes just a narc that hates to be crossed.
most of the others arent leader types. Petra Rosemi and especially Pomu are clearly followers, they dont WANT to lead. Millie and Enna have known her forever and she probably was always in charge of them. I dont see why you think anyone else would be a better candidate.

it got colder as pomu handed in graduation papers.

>> No.70079520

Problem with that is New Management. Niji is looking for an highschooler with the experience of a 30s and minimum wage pay.

If Elira is management, threy have no one to replace her because of their own incompetence. That’s why the stalemate is going on and no one streams.

>> No.70079539

Dehumanizing : to deprive (someone or something) of human qualities, personality, or dignity.
The way he talked about white people in those clips was dehumanizing. You might not be personally offended by it but it was dehumanizing. Again replace white people with black people in those clips if you wanna argue in good faith. If not, fuck off back to your discord.

>> No.70079559

Or, Elira Vox and Ike made the video themselves. I don't think elira has been tossed under the bus anon. She could be the bus.

>> No.70079604

You know, I never realized that the first two gens were made up of almost exclusively soft girls. Selen has the roughest personality of the lot and I still feel like she'd still fold to pressure pretty easily. Hololive, Phase Connect, Idol, all the competition seem to have some strong personalities early on that would stand up for themselves more. Maybe that's why Niji developed this clique so strongly. Then Enna and Millie, both of who have hard personalities, join up with Elira, the hardest of the soft bunch.

>> No.70079611

Based on the leak, (https://rentry.org/nijileaker)) you could argue most who RT the stream didn't even watch it and had no idea what it would be about but did so because they were asked to do so. It would also explain why so many had carefully crafted quotes that said absolutely nothing about the stream itself.

>> No.70079613

>if you wanna argue in good faith
Pot kettle black etc. You posted the definition but I don't think you understand it.

>> No.70079660

>warning level
Warning level my ass.
If someone did that about blacks or lgbt they would have been fired a long time ago

>> No.70079663

>Pomu could,
wasnt pomu literally still working her office job when she started at niji? I wonder if the other anon wanted a timid office lady to work 2 jobs and make it as a liver at the same time. I respect pomu, but I dont think she owns a timemachine or is a robot.

>> No.70079750

Lol at not having the reentry.

>> No.70079812
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>She lied to save her own ass
>Most corpos follow closely anything related of the applicant in question
>Be Elira
>Cause a billion Yen loss of a company
>Investigate a bit closer
>Detects supsicious behaviour when working to Nijisanji
>Rejected and blacklisted after watching the sequence of scandals eith her "artist" name on it
>But she cover her ass anon!
Not enough to hide the fart.

>> No.70079842

>they don't like to lead
You see, you seem to be mistaken in that my assumption would be that Pomu, Rosemi, Petra or fucking anyone that knows Japanese could simply try and get things worked out themselves, and only for themselves. "Being a leader" has nothing to do with it. This is directly tied to their livelihood. People would explode at Elira if she was the end all be all in terms of liasons to JP management.

>> No.70079878

Don't put fucking words in my mouth that's not what I said.

>> No.70079932

Did you not see the question mark at the end of the sentence, retard?

>> No.70079949

Anon, this whole hobby in the west was built on Sakura Miko saying Nigga.

>> No.70080020

Nope, but using it to amplify damage of JPs opinions and investors was a master class move. With NijiEN in the spotlight just have to bring up previously ignored yabs and see what bites.

>> No.70080071

The sentence has nothing to do with what I was saying you fucking half-wit.

>> No.70080088

You are just the nigger of whites if you get offended by a lesser race trying to punch up at you. Like someone who gets upset when a child taunts then. You can laugh at a child or retarded animal, can't you?

>> No.70080157

As a wagie for a multinational corpo there's 2 reasons I think he's an absolute fuckwit. And the racist undertone is secondary. Firstly, read the fucking room. His company and his co-workers are in one of the biggest PR shitstorms in corporate history. The handling of the Doki saga is that bad that I can't think of another company handling a PR disaster worse. He is fucking with peoples livelihoods and he's decided to throw a 100lb bag of thermite onto the fire his company and co-workers burning on? He decided to directly antagonize a big chunk of the viewerbase just to score some internet points? All the while everyone involved in his branch is bleeding subs, sponsorships and memberships? Are you fucking kidding me. You're an adult act like one.
It's also the hypocrisy of him and his fans passing it off as a joke. The old people saying hello story was not a joke. The world is cruel? Yeah it is particularly for idiots. Absolute fucking liability

>> No.70080173

I have a feeling this anon is Mexican or Argentinian for some reason.

>> No.70080204

Are you saying you wouldn't slap a child for talking back to you? Coward.

>> No.70080249

Nta but she didn't know what it meant and she never repeated it.

>> No.70080323

You can laugh at them and then slap them, or slap them and then laugh at them. It was still funny either way.

>> No.70080501

> she never repeated it
Not true. Wasn't at the same bit and it was again a total accident. My point was more that the whole hobby historically wasn't, isn't - and shouldn't be - some extremely uptight PCfest where people just get fired left and right for saying dumb shit. Warned, made to apologize, suspended, sure. But fired, just like that? Nah, this "white" anon just has an axe to grind and is obviously posting in bad faith.

>> No.70080657

NTA, but holding people to their own standards is not bad faith.

>> No.70080658

Tick tock NijiEN you'll have to pay a blood price in March, graduations must be done. 3/10 for mass exodus and it is February so far.

>> No.70080706

>you know how white people kiss?
>(...) like fishes?
>not even fishes
This is clearly him subconsciously showing that he wants to put white people lower than animals. This is literally the definition of dehumanization, also the tone of his voice, the audible disdain. You can cope and seethe but this is racist and dehumanizing. If you disagree you are racist yourself and part of the problem, whether you realize it or not. No one can talk like that about black people, no one should be able to talk like that about white people. If you disagree you are uki.

>> No.70080711

I don’t like either Kyo or Enna at all but Uki getting away with saying racist shit while those two had to bow down and apologize is bullshit. Like other anons have said, it’s a double standard.
This isn’t the first time people /here/ have bitched about the double standards in NijiEN, just look at Zaion’s termination. It was full of them and that fact was and still is pointed out in threads on the topic.

>> No.70080713

what happens with gundou lately?

>> No.70080769

>I still feel like she'd still fold to pressure pretty easily

selen seems tomboyish to me, but she also seems like she doesnt believe in herself as much as she should, she wants to be liked, even wants elira to like her, even when elira clearly doesnt. she just wants to fix things, and fit in, she doesnt want to play the crab bucket game that these kinds of mean girl cliques become.

after the termination notice, she could argue that a lot of the bullying did not originate from her. she wasnt selens direct manager, most of the retarded public twitter posts were made by enna millie and reimu. People didnt know about her role yet, the gurrat wasnt a thing yet, and then she does the blackstream. instead of "management" which is still to a significant point japanese, theyre just useless, and herself, she uses her own channel and selfreports clique, the heat that was mostly on management before the termination notice and directly against the company, the brand, maybe even the mainbranch, is now on herself as well as enna and millie, but also vox because hes a fucking idiot. Ike was just there, but with Elira and Vox, youve two of the most important remaining livers facing the fire. I doubt the japs that dont have great english and value employers a lot less in their culture will see the stream the way we did. Id not be surprised if elira is like "I tried to get doki to break NDA on stream to make sure we dont get sued, she didnt break NDA, but shes so scared now she wont sue" that she never was going to sue doesnt matter, doubt the japs realize that. they see elira stepped up and faced the fire. that she blatantly lied (she ll say for the good of the company) doesnt matter here. The japs are definitely mad about the stocks. Probably more than elira expected, but they gave her and the rest of clique PR meetings, not terminations. Elira will be viewed as a loyal manager that sacrificed her channel and probably her talent career for anycolour, even though there was no need to. She can easily argue she doesnt understand the japanese stockmarket and that she made mistakes and that she wont do it again. But she wont be fired. Even if En collapses, I still think Elira will be transitioned to work in the mainbranch. You can argue that this is a massive gamble of course, but for elira I think the first order of business was to make sure no legal case, because Id not be surprised if what dokis document said would be proven, thatd be REALLY bad for elira the person. second order of business was to stop riku from axing her. third was to get doki to fuck up on stream. PR was fourth. That battle was already lost. Elira is a leftist and so is a lot of the wider vtuber community, hard to believe shed be that tonedeaf to herself. She did make mistakes of course, and I think she probably was scared as fuck during the internal investigation. But I think she passed, very bruised, but shes probably safe.

>> No.70080824

But Uki's statements doesn't damage kurocolor image? this black company is terminally retarded and makes no damn sense.

>> No.70080850

Miko didnt say it with malice unlike uki retard

>> No.70080914
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DARVO is the lifeblood of a toxic workplace. Which is why I am inclined to think Elira will get a pat on the back for this rather than a boot from the aeroplane.

>> No.70080999

>guys look im being cucked but it's ok, im the ubermensch

>> No.70081415

Elira HATED the fact that despite being able to get herself more sponsorships due to being able to speak JP she was still less profitable and popular than Selen who pulled in more money than her. She must have been seething so much behind the scenes, which would explain the Sanrio shit.

>> No.70081460

except we know that even if you speak jp its very hard to get real management to do their fucking job. sure you can choose to deal with this shit yourself, but would you if someone youre basically friends with offers to help, and actually has a higher successrate than you when it comes to stuff like that? I dont think elira and clique always blatantly fucked others over, I think they probably didnt for a long time, they may not have had the power, or felt the need.
Leakers said, and this tracks with other graduated livers, that management was still shit. clique had power because there was a vacuum, not because just anyone could call the JP branch directly. Elira probably had a handle way higher up than anyone else wouldve been able to, if elira can talk to the director that actually isnt a parttimer on minwage and he actually cares about what she says (sometimes, or maybe most of the time, who knows) thats way different than being forced to talk to the guy in charge of you, or maybe the guy in charge of your manager thats still getting 7 bucks per hour and probably has to ask for anything relevant higher up, if he even cares.
Not saying this was definitely exactly this way of course, but even WITH shadowmanagement helping as much as they could, positively, a lot of shit just wouldnt work out because nobody pays the japs working for EN real money. Someone said it was like 1 manager for 5 livers, on minumum wage, and theyre allegedly hard to catch on slack. thats why I said clique was a bandaid, trying to hold together a broken system (at first). the system was still broken as fuck though.

>> No.70081613

You don't deserve those trips for your obsession with cuckoldry

>> No.70081845

>The most retarded thing they could do is to put out another slander stream against Doki during Doki's charity stream

Listen, NijiEN has done the exact wrong thing every single time since this controversy started. Watch them try to do this.

>> No.70081954

The convenience of ONLY Elira being able to contact these people is the one thing I don't get. I do not buy the people that spoke Japanese wouldn't try to get into contact with that person themselves. Or that even that those that don't speak Japanese wouldn't tell Elira:
>hey thanks for trying. do you mind giving me the contact's info so that I can try
Again, I don't buy it. There's just so many convenient things that go right for Elira and behavior that is uncharacteristically incompetent of most other livers for her to continue having that position.
Take the "leaker."
You're seriously going to tell me you believe most of what that faggot has said, which includes talking to legal counsel to spill the tea on NijiEN gossip on 4chan, say he has good networking to gtfo of NijiEN ASAP, but is so fucking retarded and complacent he never once tried to contact upper management the way Elira allegedly has? And NO ONE else in the company has tried this?

Nope, don't buy it. It's all too simple.

>> No.70081979

That was a direct reply to the pasty cuck comment. Next time follow the reply chain a little better before you start projecting, fag.

>> No.70082052

Legit my first reaction seeing the stream being mass retweeted 20 minutes before and scheduled to start right in the middle of doki's was nothing good will come out of this.

>> No.70082093

Go back

>> No.70082171

I absolutely expect them to stream for a charity over the top of her. They're that petty.

>> No.70082226

My point is she didn't know. She was told what it meant. She was careful about it in the future. It wasn't funny because she said something racist, it was funny because someone as innocent and oblivious as her said it.
Now imagine if she, knew what it meant, and kept saying it in random scenarios, without any stereotypes to back her up. Yes I know stereotypes don't make it any less racist. But my point is people would soon catch on and think maybe she is not as cute as she seems to be.
Uki had a history of saying stuff like this and wasn't reprimanded because his audience enjoyed it and took it at face value. His audience, majority of whom maybe SEA, have now formed an opinion of America as some overtly racist country towards asian, so it was good fun for them watching him 'clap back'.
Now I can't speak for Uki. Maybe he did suffer a trauma which distorted his world view.
But he worked hard(maybe) and is doing well for himself. Not many people make it as streamers. I have yet to hear an account from him where he was denied an opportunity due to white privilege.

>> No.70082287

Wtf????? Time to start watching Niji again???

>> No.70082291

>people figure out it's some glowie charity

>> No.70082315

>Palestine genocide
>Israel v Gaza political conflict
>Boycott related to political tensions
Responds to the politically charged post with apologizing for ignorance. I mean, I guess it ain't the worst response but do you seriously need to respond to more politics under the Niji brand? They should've stealth suspended everyone and skinwalked their twiters...

>> No.70082321

You know what? Thinking about this, and the "leaker's" insistence on trying to place the entire blame on Elira, Enna and Millie, I'd first believe this has been some Niji intern psyop besmirch their names and use them as scapegoats, and whenever they're in hot water again the leaker will magically come again, perhaps under a new guise, to try and conveniently paint a big red target on a liver/small group of livers getting the axe and taking heat off the company.

>> No.70082325

Mamy people suffered trauma and yet they cant say racist things in public. Why should he?

>> No.70082491

Americans are cucked already huh?

>> No.70082493

even better
>it's a charitable foundation owned by Anycolor. And someone gets caught skimming

>> No.70082498

Yeah I wasn't defending him.

>> No.70082565

Source? That sounds like bullshit.

>> No.70082728

This guy corpos

>> No.70082821

Do you not see your own mental gymnastics going on here?

>> No.70083089

Do you not see the one mental gymnastics needed to believe the leaker?

>> No.70083165

I don't know about twitter, but I doubt anyone here except the thinnest skinned of individuals were actually offended. It was just fun to publicly flagellate him for being a pathetic, whiny hypocrite who'd probably go through a manic episode if a white vtuber said something similarly racist about koreans. If he was a well-liked, even-tempered individual from a yab-free corporation who said something dubious like this no one would really care. But because he's a cringy culture warrior who'd crucify anyone who said something similar about another race, and was already disliked due to prior behaviour and everything else going on with nijisanji, people were happy to kick his prone body after he tripped and faceplanted on the pavement.

>> No.70083184

nobody said that never happened or that nobody ever did it. However, we know that Sayu did that, and she was executed for it.
which one?
but yes. both of them have never said anything that didnt track with anything else, or even just with each other. Ive talked to both multiple times when they posted. I cant prove everything is correct of course, but one identity is very obvious and Im convinced theyre both genuine.
>Again, I don't buy it.
I mean, you dont have to.
>There's just so many convenient things that go right for Elira
not really. its just miserable management, the talents try to help themselves, the biggest friendgroup of nepohires collaborates, basically unionises to at least get SOME things done sometimes, management is still shit, everyone still suffers, lots of stress, lots of pressure. environment gets more and more toxic and conflicts escalate, everyone realizes it sucks, but its hard to pinpoint who does what.

This is standard mean girl clique stuff. Having been in charge of at least one of those and also on the receiving end of a different one in later years to a point where my life was destroyed, this is relatively harmless in comparison to whats actually possible and its absolutely not weird or requires a lot of stuff.

>once tried to contact upper management the way Elira allegedly has?

contact the mainbranch? I just assume that mainrelations and perms and merch was going to elira. they probably got lists from her and stuff. what you gonna do, tell the mainbranch you need them to manage you? theyll tell you to talk to your branches managers.
Idk if youre a worker on an oilrig somewhere, and you want to change the canteen food or have different hours, maybe talk to the oilrigs management, and dont call fucking London. they wont know what the fuck youre doing, especially if you dont speak the language. And what are you gonna do, get what you want translated? theyll still tell you to talk to the person theyre paying for that.

>> No.70083375

How do we know Sayu did it?

>> No.70083654

I think it was the last "sin" in her termination notice right? dont nail me on which number here, but it was in there.
she talked about it as well, LK also talked about it to make a point. But we knew about it before LK brought it up.
But sayu didnt even go as high as elira probably does. she talked to a manager above her own, the manager said shed get her stuff done and seemed genuinely motivated, but sayu would never get to talk to her again. instead, that managers manager and her managers manager (I think) talked to her, and roasted her. I think thats when suspension happened. my detail memory isnt the best and Im 40hrs awake, so please read those two yourself when you have the time.

>> No.70084248

I'm guessing it's this reference in sayu's account of the experience under "debut week 2"?
