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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.70045866

Cute DOG

>> No.70046092

Okayu's off to the studio to make Nodoka cum tonight!

>> No.70046877
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Korosan is spending the day with her mom but will stream later tonight.

>> No.70046929

fatto catto

>> No.70047900
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>> No.70048319
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Okayu live reflection 1/4

It hasn’t been that long, but it still feels like it has been. Okayu’s still got a bit of a nasally voice from being sick, but her body feels perfectly healthy now. Her sense of smell/taste is back, and she has no fever or coughing anymore. It’s good to be back. There’s a lot of stuff she wants to talk about today.

>Neko Kaburina
Did you all watch it? You’ve been watching it on repeat? That makes her very happy. There’s quite a few VTubers who’ve done animated videos, so Okayu’s dabbled in it too, but releasing a fully-animated one was a different experience entirely. The dance was cute? She wanted it to be something easy to remember for people who wanted to try doing it themselves, but also wanted it to be really cute.

>Birthday live
She was thinking about how to do this, but she decided she wants to watch it again with everybody right now, and talk about certain parts. She had the intro video made to her preferences. She thinks the internet error screen is cute, and wanted to go for a chill vibe.

Okayu’s sung this one on stream before. She feels she owes a lot of who she is currently to Card Captor Sakura. During preparations for her past sololive, when she was run ragged and couldn’t think of anything else, watching the anime helped keep her sane. This song that helped her overcome the busy times, she wanted to sing it here no matter what. She loves how the words become a ribbon here; it’s so cute. Honestly, she was debating on whether or not this would be the last song she sang.

>Dancing cat
Okayu’s kicks are cute? Thank you. She really likes dancing when there’s a lot of foot movement, and made sure she requested that to Maidon-san(Oden Girls member who came up with a lot of the choreography). Okayu’s dance improvement really comes through? Thanks! It’s gotta be due to all the experience she’s had over the years. She also thinks a lot of it’s her posture. She learned how important that is when it comes to dancing, especially because she normally has her back hunched like a cat.

>MC Embarrassment
Okayu doesn’t mind watching herself sing or dance, but the talking portions in-between are hard for her to watch for some reason. Chat won’t let her skip them, so she saves herself a bit by lowering the volume.

Okayu wants to talk about the stage for a bit. All the themes and lighting seemed to be foreshadowing for Okanyan’s appearance. She’s sure that’s what a lot of people expected the surprise to be. And while they weren’t wrong, the bigger surprise was that the stage would be the same one that appears in the new song’s MV. Did it surprise you all when you noticed? The stage was actually decided for the MV first, and then Okayu decided to make the live’s stage the same when asked about it later.

>Bon Appetit S
And now we have all of Doroken for a song. Okayu had a hard time picking a good song for 6 people, but thought the different voices for this one would be good. She tried to be conscious of the order each member had joined Doroken in for some of the dancing and singing portions. Before getting everybody to sing and dance for this part, Okayu had to do the whole chorus/harmony for the background vocals, and out of all the songs, this one was the most difficult with how much there was to do, as well as all the high and low harmonies. Okayu had a lot of input for the camera angles and focuses for this song. She really likes the part near the end where they all approach in the exact order they joined Doroken. She was happy she got to play at producer a bit for each of the girls, it was fun.

>> No.70048356


>Little sisters
Okayu likes that she pretends to be surprised at everybody’s gifts, even though she was the one who came up with it, but they did come up with their own lines for the bit. Korosan’s yandere lines remind Okayu of how popular the yandere little sister character was a long time ago. Lapu-chan fits the little brother archetype perfectly. Fubunya, Okayu’s actual little sister, was just too cute to handle. Watching her own reaction at Mio makes Okayu realize she might be a little too gross. Lui was the only one Okayu forced to take multiple tries; she felt there was much potential in her.

>Ketai Mishiteyo
Dancing and singing to the rhythm of this one was super fun. This message from the Onigirya probably surprised everyone, didn’t it? Okayu just really happens to like this song, and wanted to sing it. They really are swaying in this outfit, aren’t they? The random shots of Okanyan are too funny. Okayu laughs at how hard she slaps the camera. What kind of slap knocks somebody unconscious?

>Loli Requiem
Okayu’s super grateful to Shiina and Amamiya for performing it with her. Amamiya’s so cute, and Shiina is too(though Okayu doesn’t say that often because she’s her older sister). Okayu did the chorus for this one too, and grossed herself out so much that she secretly called the director over and asked them to lower its volume a bit. That was Okayu’s voice? Right, even though it’s such a cute video. It’s a bit late at this point, but Okayu really loves all the background illustrations. This one has all her ojisan desires, being played with by Amamiya and Shiina. Okayu also made sure that she was the only one who didn’t say the last “kimochi warui”.

>Exploding knees and Amamiya
Okayu sure drops down on her knees a lot here. Actually, through the power of magic at this live, Okayu’s knees kept breaking every time she did. She ended up asking staff how to avoid this and they taught her a magical, special way to dogeza that made it unlikely that her knees would explode, and she secretly practiced it a bunch. Amamiya sure was cute though. If you look closely, you can see that Okayu’s too nervous to face her, and usually points her body towards Shiina. That bit about deliberating whether or not to bring her Amamiya acrylic stand to have it signed was legit, Okayu didn’t want to cross a line or anything. The bit ends with one last special dogeza.

>Smile Agenai
This is the only background art that has 2 of Okayu in it. It’s actually foreshadowing, since she dies and becomes a ghost at the end. She loves the cute text appearing in front of her. The work put into these lives from all the holos is amazing. Things like birthday lives are the times where they want to put all their power into paying back the fans who always support them.

>Obake no Ukenerai
Everybody was surprised when she became a ghost, right? She probably was influenced to sing this song due to Pinnochio-P and this year’s MV. What’s that wrapped on her head? Well, she wanted something like the ghost Okayu in the illustration was wearing, so the staff gave her the closest thing they could: a headband. It looks like a cold pack? It’s not!

>Gamers variety corner
Staff had this stage that made it feel like a TV show for some of the official streams, so Okayu requested to use it for this part too. Okayu’s favorite joke was the one Korosan wrote like she was a genie. Okayu appreciates how quick Fubuki is to play along with Okayu’s lewd lines. Okayu thought it was funny that Mio’s “Ru” wasn’t in the shot, and had to have an arrow pointing to it. Also, apparently Korosan’s pose is based after a character named “Gouki(Akuma)”.

Gamers’ “Idol” is one of the choices that fulfilled Okayu-P’s wildest dreams. Something about the unit performing a song about idols together is just so perfect. There’s a lot of heart imagery in this life, Nekomata Okayu must like them too much. Okayu’s glad that she could have Gamers on for another song and bit together. Even if they were already part of the Doroken song, she really wanted to have something with just Gamers.

>> No.70048392


Can Okayu do a bit of a “behind-the-scenes” talk? Full-body Okanyan’s original design loses the wings that the ball version has, but it still has the wings here. She’s pretty sure they must have done it for easy use, whether it was as a ball or body. This Okanyan looks like they must be 190 centimeters tall, right? The part where they punch the camera looks so scary. Okayu was actually in a different room from where this last part was recorded, but she heard the laughter through the walls from all the staff there.

>Neko Kaburina
There were a lot of surprised comments at the fact that Okanyan could dance. Okanyan might actually be a better dancer than Okayu. Those long limbs look so good moving. So Okayu’s no longer an Okanyan-anti? More than come around, it’s more that she’s just given in to everybody else’s love for Okanyan. Azki was really excited, tweeting out that screenshot of Okanyan.

Was everybody surprised when they suddenly saw the animated teaser for the new song? The truth is the logo here was actually designed by Okayu herself. Due to getting sick, she really didn’t have a chance to tell anybody until now.

>Sound Voltex
Has everybody been using Okayu? You have? That makes her happy. There was such a big line that you didn’t get the chance to? Your neighborhood must have a lot of Onigirya.

The hood is finally out. It was one of the earliest requests for goods, sorry she kept you all waiting. Okayu gave in and released Okanyan goods too. She actually got her hands on the drinking cup before the decal was even on it; it’s rather big and stylish. Will Okayu be fine with no limit on signed cards? Leave it to her. She’s good at writing it out on Excel to know how many signatures she needs to keep pace with to get everything done on time. She did that last year too, and it was easier than when she just did it haphazardly.

>The goal
Okayu really focused everything on what she thought her fans might enjoy this year, so it makes her happy to hear people say it was so much fun. Why was she worried when it was such high quality? Honestly, it was mostly because she got sick right around when it was time to show it. Something about the timing of her sickness made her feel like she really was useless, that she wouldn’t be able to make the Onigirya smile and laugh, and honestly she just started to freak out over everything and anything.

Is it really okay to see something so high quality for free? It absolutely is. Okayu wanted to do something in return for her fans who cheer her on everyday, and it’s because of those people that she’s even able to do something like this in the first place.

>Animated MV
It’s really so amazing that Okayu doesn’t even have words for it. She didn’t even know what was required to go into something like this in the first place. She had lots of meetings where everybody explained things in a really easy to understand way for her, and she got to talk with the director and character designers; she really learned a lot. Things like an animated video or her live would be impossible by herself so she’s really grateful to all the staff and fans that made it a reality.

>Again, thank you
To reiterate, Okayu was incredibly depressed when she got sick right at the most important time. She was so excited to enjoy everything leading up to it with the Onigirya, and she was incredibly sad and frustrated that it fell through. Seeing all the messages on Twitter telling her that it was okay, that it couldn’t be helped, and to just focus on recovering, that really meant something to her. Everybody’s so kind, and really treasures her.

>> No.70048431


>Sick cat
While she was sick, all she did was sleep. She couldn’t even go out for food, so she used Uber Eats a bunch. Her actual fatigue, coughs, and temperature only lasted for a couple days, but she was really worried by her loss of taste and smell. The doctor told her it probably would return soon enough, but that her runny nose and nasally voice might take longer. Even now, she’s able to stream, but her voice is still off, which is really problematic for voice recording sessions, so she’s still a little panicked even now. She’s making sure to take her medicine, but it’s still taking a while. Sitting in front of the computer made her feel bad too, so she was laying down and just watching anime instead. Seeing the Onigirya is her healing, so not being able to was really rough on her.

What anime did she watch? Di Gi Charat and Lucky Star. Watching anything with too much power would just tire sick Okayu out, so she chose to watch cute anime instead. It was Okayu’s first time watching Di Gi Charat, though she’d seen some of the characters before, but the way the characters emoted and moved really struck her weak point. She’s watching the original on Amazon Prime, not the Reiwa one. Their mouths when they eat are so cute, Okayu’s too in love with it.The style and atmosphere is just too good. Okayu might like the Galaxy Angels show too then? She’s never heard of that one! Okayu really just loves shows with small, cute characters. It really feels like the comedic style of the Super Famicom Puyo Puyo games that she loved.

>Present from Mane-chan
Okayu suddenly gets a message from Mane-chan. They told Okayu to tell them when she was doing a reflection stream on the live, but she’s off today, so Okayu didn’t want to bother her. “I told you to tell me! Here’s a present from the animation team! Feel free to show it on stream!” Okayu shows it off on stream. She has no words, other than “sorry” to Mane-chan, who she fires off a quick apology to. Isn’t this amazing? She’s so happy. She wants to put it up in her background somewhere.

>Goods and re-runs
People have been asking for the hoodie for years, and it’s finally here. Okayu promises that your voices were heard, it just took a while. The only reason it’s here now is thanks to you guys, same with the Okanyan cup and Onigirya plushie. Okayu really doesn’t want to make you feel like she’s coercing you to buy this stuff, but if you’re on the ropes, it’s really hard to do another run of old goods now. In the past, it was tricky, but it was still possible to do another run of something that had been sold before, like her mousepad, but it’s even more difficult now.

>More hoodie talk
Okayu’s excited to be able to spot Onigirya wearing this at lives or expos. When Mio released her hoodie, Okayu got really excited seeing all the people wearing it, and wanted something like that. She also really liked the feel of Mio’s hoodie(she has one, of course), and tried to get something that felt similar, which lead to her sending back the fabric samples 3 times. The Onigirya sample was really cute too.

>Near future
Okayu wants to make sure her nose is in good condition before her next stream, so she’ll leave today’s superchat reading for next time. She also has that ASMR collab with Nodoka on the 26th. Okayu was worried about transmitting her cold, so she asked if she could just do it digitally, but apparently that was tricky to do, so she’ll be there in person. She’s still a little worried, and considering putting on 50 masks to avoid risk of contamination. If she feels okay after that, she might have a stream later that day. There’s also more Okayu wants to talk about, like how she went out on a dinner date with Amamiya-chan after the live, but that will have to wait till next time. Again, Okayu wants to thank everybody, and feels lonely that she can’t relax and read the superchats like she loves doing, but she hopes she’ll be fully-recovered soon. Until the next time everybody!


>> No.70049027

Nice work, TL-kun

>> No.70049427
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Thanks TL anon.

>> No.70049994
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>> No.70050748

Warning: Incoming Doog

>> No.70050983

When will we have a Koronesuki TL anon?

>> No.70052093

Korosan doesn't do many chatting streams, and she has a live TL anyway.

>> No.70052216
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Do you have any cheap/easy dishes you'd recommend, anon? Aside from cutting down on portion sizes, I try not to spend too much on dishes that require a lot of prep/ingredients

>> No.70053036

I wonder if Korosan is into any western metal. I feel like checking out what shes listening to later

>> No.70053274
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I love the cat

>> No.70054943
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>> No.70055052

It is time, ASMR on the main channel. Lets go peeps !

>> No.70055972


>> No.70056583

Just noticed that cat is live on the official hololive channel with Nadoka. Started an hour ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3kQIkXoPxA

>> No.70056655

She is teaching her the ropes, its been fun so far !

>> No.70057041

>Okayu rigorously practicing naked dogeza
everything she does screams mesugaki

>> No.70058969
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>> No.70060510
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>> No.70060790
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Can't believe mr.Koro NTR'd me on stream AGAIN

>> No.70061221

Every streamer, not just chuubas, should make it a point to study how genius dog uses OBS.

>> No.70061742

whos on call right now?

>> No.70061786


>> No.70061994
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>> No.70062267

>now lamy is stuck too
certified kino stream

>> No.70062508
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She is so cool...

>> No.70062769


>> No.70063258

have koro and noel ever collabed?

>> No.70063646
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one on one? I don't think so, no

>> No.70063707

Anyone know the song she sang at the end? Is that a school song of some kind or...?

>> No.70064334
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You're too good for this world.

>> No.70066321


>> No.70068014

Tabidachi no hi ni, pretty common at graduation ceremonies

>> No.70069906
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>> No.70070153


>> No.70070925
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>> No.70071825

so, um, what happened in koro's stream?

>> No.70073546
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>> No.70074213
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That artist is possibly the greatest gift of cute on the planet.

>> No.70074326
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Korosan will be a guest in Pekora's birthday 3D live.

>> No.70074698

Her model couldn't move so mr koro cooked up some kino stuffs
Then somehow the stream become a call in stream
Lamy joined the stream, joined for the 2nd time because no one else did
Then Noel came, mr koro tried to change her
models size and reposition herself and somehow it wasn't broken anymore
After Lamy and Noel had left, mr koro brought out the koro choir

>> No.70075066
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>> No.70076306
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weird timing

>> No.70077142
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>> No.70078761
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>> No.70079249
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>> No.70080198

Classic Korone turning scuff into an amazing stream.

>> No.70081895
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>> No.70084048
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>> No.70085301
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