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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 636 KB, 1024x1024, 170195498654598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70035480 No.70035480 [Reply] [Original]

I really don't like collabs with male vtubers. Simple as.

>> No.70035949

I feel like most male vtubers always try to talk in some gay fake husky voice that makes me want to puke. Absolutely ruins every second of any stream they join.

>> No.70036029
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I really don't like collabs with male vtubers. Simple as.

>> No.70036099
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hello my lovelies! I love you!

>> No.70036151

go back to 2022 when homo shit was relevant

>> No.70036371

I look like this and say this.

>> No.70036561

Unicorns are just a dickless male with their dick on their forehead.

>> No.70036809
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be nice to my lovelies you meanie.

>> No.70036884

I don't care for collabs in general

>> No.70036900

what did nijisanji do this time?

>> No.70037032

so dickless and also have dicks...

>> No.70037127


>> No.70037256
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Nice projection homotranny dont you have some tentacle rape asmr to flick your neovagina to?

>> No.70037365

Jesus, good thing he got fired

>> No.70037467

Chris isn't like that anymore, if anything Chris loves homocollabs because he's a literal tranny.

>> No.70037597
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Not too far off really

>> No.70038009

you enjoy getting mindfucked by unicorns I see

>> No.70038182

Gay men like male vtubers. Male to female trannies mostly become "lesbians" and are suspiciously into CGDCT and feminine content.

>> No.70038501
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>projecting again
#SupportTheCause then #Cut4Hex

>> No.70038556

Dear non-unicorns,
You only watch male vtubers because you want to subvert and destroy vtubing because cgdct vtubing inspires young straight white males to find a wife and breed increasing white birth rates, and this is bad to you because you hate white people. Also you will never be a woman.

>> No.70038569
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Not a unicuck but I agree

>> No.70038605

You're delusional if you don't think Chris is a proto-unicorn. It's not hard to read most of the unicorn manifestos /here/ in his voice.

>> No.70038744

Then don't watch them. Simple as.

>> No.70038763
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>> No.70038804

No trannies do not watch things like cgdct because it is objectively beautiful, they watch male vtubers because male vtubers are objectively ugly and subversive. They thrive in the ugly and dysgenic like pigs in muds. When they do like cute girl stuff that is their male brain calling out to them to stop being a tranny and be a man, the sex they were born as.

>> No.70038935
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>> No.70039038


>> No.70039045

So like Nerissa and Shiori's fanbase who have said similar things? Don't know what that's supposed to prove. Seriously, read some unicorn ramblings with Chris' voice and mannerisms and you'll realize how fitting it is.

>> No.70039137

>Don't know what that's supposed to prove.
Well, surely you have a good point to make yourself.
>Seriously, read some unicorn ramblings with Chris' voice and mannerisms and you'll realize how fitting it is.
Oh, you are a woman.

>> No.70039262

Just admit you hate vtubing and want it destroyed. Anti-white racist.

>> No.70039273

I'd be okay with them if male vtubers weren't all creeps, losers and annoying faggots. unicorns are pretty normal compared to whatever weirdos like male vtubers.

>> No.70039362

A trans woman.

>> No.70039439

he said "people with an uterus" instead of women in that stream, hence the superchat

>> No.70039449

Congratulations on realizing part of being a woman is about making retarded arguments. I won't even mind giving you some validation.

>> No.70039477

Male vtubers only become male vtubers because they want to fuck the talents

>> No.70039553

Chris hates men. Unicorns hate men. A few trannies in the Stars audience doesn't change that. How acknowledging that somehow makes me a woman makes no sense.

>> No.70039657

Then don't collab with male vtubers.

>> No.70039691
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>people dont support the cause ITT

>> No.70039828
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I don't even watch anything I just shitpost and put people against each other with crazy rrats.

>> No.70039847
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I really don't give a shit either way

>> No.70039935
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And there is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.70039960

God yumejoshi are stupid
male """streamers""" aren't real men.

>> No.70040135
File: 362 KB, 1920x1920, unicorn-logo-is-a-symbol-of-magic-purity-and-untamed-beauty-this-design-features-the-mythical-creature-with-its-signature-single-horn-a-symbol-of-power-and-grace-vector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute Chad thread, faggots are not welcome here

>> No.70040481
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Kek seething when there's a sea of fembuds showing off now.

>> No.70041000

Yes. On their forehead

>> No.70041722
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Based unicorn GOD

>> No.70042077

I just hate male vtubers, period. Its just a normal thing: enjoy male flesh streamers for the chill experience, but hate female flesh streamers cause they are mostly thots. Enjoy female vtubers for CGDCT, hate male vtubers because they are just unironic faggots

>> No.70042191

>Anti-white racist.
wtf is that?

>> No.70042424


>> No.70043381

Will you at least admit that your homophobic nonsense is really fucking annoying to deal with?

>> No.70043703
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I can't believe I have a chance to actually use this but

>> No.70043851
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>> No.70044184

Chris became a tranny because he thought it would help him pull women, it did not.

>> No.70044441

What? Trannies are the ones always shitting on attractive/pure anime girls and trying to psyops everything into being degenerate (like cuck co-ed vtubing) because their only hope of getting laid is to destroy society's values to the point where they successfully gaslight everyone into thinking they're totally hot and valid. It's similar to fat women trying to normalize obesity.

>> No.70044487

because women never say SJW shit or virtue signal either right? good try

>> No.70044531

>cgdct vtubing inspires young straight white males to find a wife
Rumao, all CGDCT inspires is trannie fantasies. It's just one more way of population control, same as all the alphabet shit. Even the abbreviation is similar, not a coincidence.

>> No.70044615

>women being cute and likeable is "trannie fantasies"
So are you a fag or a cuck?

>> No.70044745

>thinks watching anime girls online will get him a wife IRL
least delusional unicorn

>> No.70044751
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>> No.70044779

Very ironic considering the board you're posting in right now.

>> No.70044811

jesus christ unicorns arent sending their best

>> No.70044851

Neither. CGBT slop is obviously designed for girls and troons to self insert into. Just like shōnen stuff is for, well, shōnen.
You are just in denial.

>> No.70044933

So you're a woman then?

>> No.70044958

>/vt/ is hivemind
What are you implying that everyone on /vt/ is a schizo like you or that everyone is a unicorn like you?

>> No.70045022

I mean you implicitly watch anime girls too since you're posting on this board yet you're disparaging it. Another self hating cuck I guess.

>> No.70045130

Then dont watch the male collabs, simple as. But we all know if your oshi had a male on stream you would probably try to harass and dox her.

>> No.70045208

>thinks I said anything bad about watching anime girls
actual brain rot, all I did was say it wont get you pussy IRL bro. Are you okay?

>> No.70045211

Then don't pander to unicorns in the first place for their money, simple as.

>> No.70045286

Reminder that this always ends with unicorns becoming wailing cucks
No exceptions

>> No.70045292

That's a pretty obvious thing to say so I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you were saying that to attack the hobby, since the alternative is you projecting for no real reason besides blind rage. I guess I gave you too much credit.

>> No.70045339

>acting like you guys dont harass vtubers who never tried to be unicorn friendly in the first place
good joke

>> No.70045411 [DELETED] 
File: 661 KB, 600x896, 1707858328693972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do unitroons love AI shit so much?
Here, my contribution.

>> No.70045412

this all started because your original message said you would get a wife IRL from being a unicorn. Your mind is actual mush.

>> No.70045434

Lmao you wish. In fact it's always the complete opposite - you faggots are always bitter and jealous at unicornchad content being popular and successful so you always attack it and cry on the internet, while nobody gives two shits about your stupid irrelevant whores (of which would be more well known if they did in fact get raided by mythical spontaneous unicorns).

>> No.70045491

First of all, I didn't say that. Secondly, that's not what that poster said. So I was talking to some ESLbrown cuck all along, cringe.

>> No.70045495

>ITT unicorns being based
>normies desperately trying to proof they are not faggots

>> No.70045565

>women getting harassed for NOT doing male collabs
lmao from where? like 2 tranny accounts on twitter with no followers? meanwhile ive seen plenty of times someone got harassed or doxxed for male collabs.

>> No.70045614

>Dear non-unicorns,
You only watch male vtubers because you want to subvert and destroy vtubing because cgdct vtubing inspires young straight white males to find a wife and breed increasing white birth rates, and this is bad to you because you hate white people. Also you will never be a woman.
Literally saying you will get a wife if your a unicorn lmao. Try harder next time bud

>> No.70045645

>Unicorns...are strong!

>> No.70045648

>outing himself as a tranny who doesn't even follow vtuber news yet tries to speak as if he knows anything anyway
Look up the seething at fuwamoco when they quite literally did nothing.

>> No.70045698

>doubling down on being ESL
Embarrassing. Should I give you one more chance to read that again or do you want to concede and I'll hold your hand through some basic English words?

>> No.70045770
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>cgdct vtubing inspires young straight white males to find a wife and breed increasing white birth rates

>> No.70045793

Nijinig deflection thread

>> No.70045899
File: 39 KB, 720x671, 1682026087103272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bicorns can never face the reality that unicorn companies/vtubers are more successful than whore ones, so they seethe and cope on the internet instead

stay losing, cucks

>> No.70046004

I try to believe these types are just shitposting.

>> No.70046164

>unicorn companies
Which ones are those? Surely you don't mean hololive?

>> No.70046228
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>> No.70046243

>d-doesn't count
exhibit A

>> No.70046384

>tranny who doesn't even follow vtuber news
Now that's an oxymoron. "Vtuber news" are almost exclusively followed by drama troons. Sane fans just enjoy their oshis.

>> No.70046469

You would seriously argue Hololive as a company is"unicorn friendly"?

>> No.70046480

another twitter account willing to waste the time and money of charities, crazy

>> No.70046496

It's pretty tranny behavior to talk about something you have no idea about while framing it as if you are knowledgeable in the topic.

>> No.70046526

Seethe nijisister

>> No.70046566

yes, despite some unfortunate outliers (who are deservedly flops)

the fact that it's public enemy #1 to bicorns is self explanatory

>> No.70046595

you mean like unicorns talking about male vtubers?

>> No.70046660

They can't find themed art that isn't MLP, furrysonas, just gigantic gay in general
AI is convenient for this low effort shit

>> No.70046743

I don't see how "I don't watch male vtubers" equates to being knowledgeable in male vtubers. If anything it implies the exact opposite. You people have serious brain problems.

>> No.70046809

incredibly ironic considering you replied to a unicorn hater who has saved and posted some gay furry porn

>> No.70046812

Read this thread for 5 minutes and see all the responses talking about how all male vtubers are 100% xyz with no exceptions
Or any unicorn schizo thread, really

>> No.70046845

Exactly, you've just rephrased what I said.

>> No.70046893

>make my argument for me
No thanks xis, that's not how adult men argue.

>> No.70046901

Everything involving unicorns is just gay bruh

>> No.70046930

>despite some unfortunate outliers
>d-doesn't count
exhibit B

>> No.70046944


>> No.70047023

yeah yeah you can tell yourself whatever excuse you want to justify your consumption of gay furry porn, just keep it to yourself lil bro

>> No.70047042

Sorry, forgot that you’re a lazy faggot who can only argue with strawmen

>> No.70047051

I don't know if the company that put out a public statement saying, "It's none of your business if one of our talents is in a marriage, enjoy your wedding ring merch" is pro unicorn, maybe I'm just getting the definition of a pro unicorn company wrong.

>> No.70047097

>exceptions are the rule
what kind of tranny logic is this? it's like saying there's no such thing as a good company so long as there's 1 employee who is an asshole

sisters aren't bringing their best...

>> No.70047148

The video is a staged video. The guy screaming is a dramatuber.
People have to resort to faking it because they couldn't find any real Mikeneko fans crying about it. All her top superchaters came out in support of her. She lost like 7000 subscribers, not even all at once, that's about it. They're like this because they're Hololive fans and Hololive has cultivate an actual mature audience.

>> No.70047173

Very good, now explain how that's supposed to make me wrong in any way at all or absolve you of being wrong.
>b-b-b-but these other people outside of our argument-

>> No.70047204

>The video is a staged video.
anyone can tell that, there's an actual woman willing to talk to him

>> No.70047227

see >>70047148

>> No.70047250

>actual schizo conspiracy nonsense
>admits to cucking for used, married goods

Man, mikefags really are the cucks that singlehandedly give unicorns their bad rep, arent they

>> No.70047278

>Unicorns talk about male vtubers like they’re knowledgeable about the topic when they’re not
>uhhhh no they don’t
>here are some unicorns doing just that
>haha I’m right
Can you read

>> No.70047313

oh I see, your misconception is based on your unironic schizophrenia warping how you see the world, it makes sense now

I'll just remind you that cover simply said that they don't restrict their talents' PLs and they can DM whoever they want, and to stop spreading rrats

now if the marriage bombshell had dropped during rushia's active time there and cover directly defended it then you'd have a point, but you're really just having an episode now

>> No.70047489

Were you actually going anywhere with this or did you really think that by pointing out some other fags being dumb that it would make my argument wrong? Do you even know what the argument of this reply chain is? Hint: it was me btfoing you trannies. But maybe you do realize this and that's why you're trying to derail it and make it into some discussion about some other fags who weren't part of this argument, knowing that it won't go anywhere. I won't let you dodge the topic though.

>> No.70047501

It's unicorn friendly holos that are an exception at this point. They promote homos on official Hololive streams ffs. You can't seriously argue Hololive is unicorn friendly as a company.

>> No.70047509
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I don't think you can read English. The discord name of the guy screaming is the same name as the dramatuber that posted it on twitter. Also, I don't watch Mikeneko.

>> No.70047595

you're being disingenuous on purpose by implying the majority of holos promote the homos

or maybe you're just unironically double digit IQ since you seem to be implying you don't quite understand what unicorn means, since you're saying that the act of a company advertising one of its branches is anti-unicorn

>> No.70047603

Your argument
My argument
>that is what unicorns do
I don’t give a fuck about whatever retarded faggotry you were whining about before with your tranny obsession

>> No.70047618

Why are we suddenly pretending that joking with genderbending is the same as being a tranny?

>> No.70047675

>the act of a company advertising one of its branches is anti-unicorn
That sure is what a whole bunch of unicorns seem to believe

>> No.70047680 [DELETED] 

You can't read, nigger. I said 'mikefags' when I was actually being accusatory.
But that aside, you can't help but defend cuck behavior, so why should I take your word ("not a mikefag btw") for it?

>> No.70047767

So you literally just responded to me to rant about some other guys from hours ago thinking it would be killing 2 birds with one stone, as they are not here to defend themselves and I'm not going to bother defending them either, I'm guessing because my argument touched a nerve and you needed an ego boost. How pathetic.

>> No.70047862

I'm sure it seems that way in your AIDS-infected head, meanwhile in reality hololive as a whole is extremely stable instead of having some civil war you imagined in your wet dream

just look at you, you're conjuring up some headcanon about people being angry because that's what you desperately wish for, since hololive's success triggers you deeply for obvious reasons

>> No.70047879


>> No.70047897

Just pointing out the hypocrisy of bitching about a behavior of another group when the group you identify as part of very much performs said behavior

>> No.70047906

>now if the marriage bombshell had dropped during rushia's active time there and cover directly defended it then you'd have a point
That would change literally nothing what is this hyper cuckoldry?

>> No.70047911

Hololive triggers all you twitter people because it acknowledges the fact that men and women are different.

>> No.70047962

I called one person, the one I was arguing with, a tranny. Now you're trying to make this about some kind of group association, and by doing so you're essentially saying you identify with that tranny. Holy kek.

>> No.70048014

>you're being disingenuous on purpose by implying the majority of holos promote the homos
Didn't say that. I'm talking specifically about the company, you're the one trying to shift it to individual girls.
The company had stated multiple times it doesn't care about males collabs, and it's representatives (such as Yagoo and A-Chan) are pretty supportive of them. There for calling Hololive a unicorn friendly company is a desperate unitroon cope.

>> No.70048041

>since you're saying that the act of a company advertising one of its branches is anti-unicorn
>shoving the homos in front of the girls unprompted to try and force them to acknowledge them as part of Hololive is pro unicorn

>> No.70048048

you're seriously telling me you can't tell the difference between "stop harassing rushia for having friends" and "stop harassing rushia for being married"?

your idiocy really goes to show why the type of cuck stuff you like is unpopular and likely in flames; it's trash made for subhumans like you

>> No.70048066

unicorns, as evidenced previously, are hyper cucks
It's why they're destined for bad ends and grasp at straws as much as they do

>> No.70048090
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>> No.70048096

Oops, my bad, let me fix my slightly off wording
>Just pointing out the hypocrisy of bitching about the behavior of an individual when demonstrably, members of the group you identify as part of very much performs said behavior

>> No.70048120

>Cover had to defend talents having relationships
>j-just friend stuff i swear

As *reality* has shown us, it was never actually just friend stuff

>> No.70048151

>"stop harassing rushia for having friends"
Mafumafu and Rushia were alot more than friends anon...

>> No.70048163

feel free to read my second line as many times as it takes for you to understand it

it's a corpo move to plaster ads in front of a big audience, dimwit. anti-unicorn would be forcing them to collab and making official ships between them or some shit

>> No.70048204

Explain how it's hypocritical. Must be ESL power hours right now, way too much retardation.

>> No.70048217

It's not only twitter, just look at all the imaginary "homobeggars", "sisters", etc. here. Delusional troons need windmills to fight.

>> No.70048226

people like chris actually tend to be 200% homo supporters and spamming tweets in allcaps like faggots about it. why? their weak brains are so simp-ified they are so fucking afraid of offending the girl they will go with literally anything at all she wants and never question or second-guess it and will try to shout down anyone who does.

>> No.70048272

If you were not hypocritical, you would not identify as part of a group that regularly has members exhibiting a behavior that you supposedly despise, quite frequently, in fact

>> No.70048274

and this wasn't public knowledge until over a year after she was fired, what's your point?

>> No.70048290

No one in EN does those anymore.
>But JP
>But ID

>> No.70048308

>anti-unicorn would be forcing them to collab and making official ships between them or some shit
Rumao. Yes, if you make your own retarded definitions then every company is unitroon friendly.

>> No.70048318

That logic is so absurd and, ironically, hypocritical that I can't tell if you genuinely have brain problems or are just trolling. I seriously hope for your sake it's the latter.

>> No.70048347

Cover, being an actual entity with PR that doesnt make retarded statements like you, covered (heh) for those kinds of relationships in their statement by being intentionally vague

So you're wrong, and retarded, and your oshi is probably married and fucking another man

>> No.70048369

based. the only ones that take issue with this are homobegging trannies

>> No.70048413
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>> No.70048414

>anti-unicorn would be forcing them to collab and making official ships between them or some shit
so a company that has constant male collabs and ships between men and women is unicorn friendly as long as its not officially forced by the management? Retard, Vshitjo is a unicorn friendly company by that definition.

>> No.70048555

but you're the one making up your own definition of unicorn because it's the only way to justify your world view

it doesn't even make sense if you spared a few brain cells to think about it
>the top performing holos refuse to collab with men, because they know it would harm their careers
>therefore, they acknowledge that unicorns are their largest audience
>yet, there is no civil war among fans over holostars existing and getting shilled by cover because they want money from women
>ergo, the definition of unicorn, the largest audience, does not mean "crazy psychos who go apeshit at the sight of a male"

you can only come up with a strawman of such an absurd caricature because it's likely the only possible image of a person worse than yourself, which makes you feel comfortable hitting down on said strawman

>> No.70048606

>constant male collabs and ships between men and women
we're not talking about niji here sis

>> No.70048667

you realize that being vague supports my argument, right? they will never outright say "she can have sex with any guys she wants you incels" because that would annihilate their brand

compare this to other companies whose talents are allowed to talk about sex and relationships openly

>> No.70048736

By voluntarily taking a label upon yourself(in this case, “unicorn”), you implicitly associate yourself with all those who also bear that label, whether you like it or not
I, simply, reject the labels of others and only describe myself as an individual with interests, and thus choose not to associate with those who perform reprehensible actions under a particular label
If you’re going to call yourself something, then you better fucking be able to stare what that group stands for and acts as right in the god damn eye and accept all of it

>> No.70048745
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Let's sea who likes male collabs

>> No.70048804

>you can't be left wing, right wing, or centrist, or apolitical, or hold any beliefs at all, because there is at least one person in the world with the same opinion who is retarded
Can't believe I really had to spell this out for you. I'm guessing you identify as an lgbtbbqpochelicopter++++transfatwewuzkween69 since you absolutely must be the sole person in your own unique group then?

>> No.70048858


>> No.70048907

>see? they know its not profitable to announce that they're cucking their audience so if they're vauge about it, they're not anti unicorn
>yes they're aware of a relationship happening and sell gfe merch but as long as they're not acknowledging it

>> No.70048944

>>therefore, they acknowledge that unicorns are their largest audience
Here's where it gets wrong. Top performing holos avoid collabing with men because they don't get much out of it, but know that the overwhelming minority of delusional troons would raise a stink to high heavens.
As soon as there is a direct benefit to the their brand they have no problems with male collabs whatsoever, see Pekora with Hikakin etc. Unitroons are then left to invent excuses why this and that doesn't count to keep the delusion alive.

>> No.70048952

No you dumbfuck
There’s a difference between holding beliefs and actively, proudly saying “I am THIS.”
I.e. the difference between an American saying “I am right wing” vs “I am a Republican”. These are different statements that mean different things.
And it’s not about “at least one person”. It’s about the rhetoric that the group as a whole frequently, consistently pushes.
Look at it. Understand it. Accept it, ALL of it, or reject it fully.
To do otherwise is cowardice.

>> No.70048964

Not it does not. They lightened the language but the wording doesn't explicitly exclude such relationships:

You pushed the 'rushia can be friends with whoever' narrative
When the actual message was 'we have no say over what our talents do with whomever in their own time.'

Those are two very different things, and time has shown us how that went and how their statement still holds true today.

Yours is still the retarded take for pushing 'friendship' as an angle. Cover broke kayfabe hard that day and basically proved to everyone that any of your oshis can be married/have boyfriends/spouses and to just deal with it.

>> No.70048987

anon, they are anime girls being played by 3D women, what matters is the branding of the anime girls

you're starting to sound like a dox schizo

>> No.70049031 [DELETED] 
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>Unicorns= seek virgin maiden
>/vt/ Unicorns= roommate chuubas doesn't count, no collab with male means they are auto virgin.
You all niggers are retard

>> No.70049033

The funniest shit ITT is holobronies coping that they’re watching a unicorn-friendly corpo. If your company has males vtubers, it’s disqualified as a unicorn anything. No umm, ahh, but…

>> No.70049044

Aki's Superchats on her 3D lives went down after she started spamming Eceleb collabs. In the second post it beaks it down by currency and it has a pun "let's SEA who likes male collabs" because the South East Asian currencies were some of the only ones to go up.

>> No.70049058

Implying Aki didn't collab with males before 2024. Why are numberfags always so retarded?

>> No.70049071

mike acknowledged on stream that she's used goods and a divorcee, cuck
But somehow she's still a unicorn beacon

>> No.70049077

Being in love with your oshi and not wanting male collabs have nothing to do with each other.

>> No.70049086

You just keep digging your own hole even deeper kek. I guess you can't call yourself anonymous because you disagree with me, who is also anon. And I guess all political parties should just disband since their voters and even the parties themselves aren't monolith hiveminds so they're not allowed to fall under the same banner. Utter retard.

>> No.70049115

She did one collab with males in 2023 before VCR. It was in April and made $12.

>> No.70049119

>unicorn beacon
lmfao what? was this an ESL fuckup or are you truly ridiculously retarded?

>> No.70049195

>haha unicorns get mad at the sight of a male lol you are retards!
>haha unicorns didn't get mad at pekora collabing with hikakin lol you are retards!
yeah you are definitely beyond retarded, niji truly is a perfect fit for "people" like you

>> No.70049193
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>unicorns are alright with paying for condom money as long as they don't know about it

>> No.70049221

unicucks outright defended her in this very thread kek.
prior to all her drama she was the ultimate unicorn GFE experience, and unicucks downplayed the drama by saying she 'just lost 7000' and how everything was just dramabaiting.

Who's your oshi, anon? We better hope she's not in any of the big corpos

>> No.70049244

see >>70048987

>> No.70049307

In that statement do you see the little >cover broke kayfabe hard that day?
Yeah, you should actually get your comprehension reps checked.

>> No.70049338

>get btfo'd because delusions don't align with reality
>n-n-none of these things count!

>> No.70049372

how does losing 7000 fans equal "everyone didn't care" in your mind? that post you're referring to just said that the people who were upset at the revelation simply unsubbed and left silently, in contrast to the narrative that unicorns are psychos who would murder her

the ones who remained are definitely cucks, and have more in common with you than me

>> No.70049391

I won’t go around saying to the world “I am anonymous”, because I do not consider myself as part of any group. I’m simply a person who does not reveal his name.
And actually, yes, it would be better if the political system was run around beliefs and viewpoints instead of establishment organizations with mission statements.
But, as established; there are plenty who are cowards who will take a name upon themselves without accepting all that the name stands for.

>> No.70049408

Keep seething trannie. You know it's true, Pekora can get creamed on stream (again) and unikeks will say "doesn't count". Can't lose her from the "friendly" camp.

>> No.70049454

>unicorns that would murder her
where did I say this? More delusion shit KEK. All I said is that they're gonna be pathetic wailing cucks like the guy in the video

>more in common with you than me
I haven't been making up cope in this thread that simply does not align with how things are in actuality.

Who's your oshi, anon? Why are you so scared?

>> No.70049494

>has a dick

>> No.70049522

you're implying there's a way to talk about a DM with a 3D person without breaking kayfabe? the very act breaches the 4th wall to begin with

it's like if a writer made a character do something retarded in their manga then released an apology on twitter - are you going to nitpick the fact that this is wrong and it should've been written into the manga or something?

not an argument

>> No.70049560

> unsubbed and left quietly
> crying and shouting during an interview
> mike has to reassure her fans that while she was married, she no longer is and only kept thinking about them

sure motherfucker

>> No.70049566

>no argument left
always feels good cornering cucks into having nothing left to say, I accept your concession

>> No.70049583
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>pro-unicorn thread on the log
>anti-unicorn seethe
>pro-unicorn seethe back
>200 posts, 50 IPs

don't either of you monkeys get tired of this charade? to what end is wasting your time trying to win an argument in the fucking /vt/ catalog?

>> No.70049627

oh so you can remember someone saying "7000 subs" but not the post saying that the screaming vid was a dramatuber being a faggot?

or maybe you're now at your wits end and are just going to be retarded "on purpose" to wear me down. don't worry, I'll accept your concession well before that

>> No.70049738

>There's a way to talk about a DM
Nigger, you brought up BRAND. You can actually look at fucking Pro-wrestling to see how they handle this shit (hint: very quietly, then put up some bullshit cover story that leads into the next promotion).

Hololive as a brand is *not* unicorn friendly if any joe shmo can look up public statements like that. And we're just talking about Rushia here mind you...

the argument is you have a loose grasp of reality and it's been demonstrated over and over

>> No.70049753

It is completely useless to argue with clinical morons. You are impervious to logical argument, and haven't refuted a single thing I've said so far. Good luck with your transition, the statistic is waiting.

>> No.70049779
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, Armstrong Stroking a Horn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I have a dream." That one day, every person in this fandom will control their OSHI'S destiny. A land of the TRUE FREEDOM, dammit. Managers that SUPPORT the talent, not coerce them. Ruled by the desires of the FANS, not management. Where the Vtuber changes to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where retirement and judgment are back where they belong: in the hands of the fans! Where every fan is free to choose -- to voice -- what they do and don't support! Fuck all these limp-dick homos and chicken-shit managers. Fuck this 24/7 Internet spew of drama and eceleb bullshit. Fuck "professional collabs". Fuck the tourist! Fuck all of it! Vtubing is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving males in vtubing -- we need to wipe the slate clean. Force the beggars out. BURN IT ALL DOWN! And from the ashes, a new vtubing age will be born. Were Unicorns are evolved, and untamed! Male collabers will be purged, and the CGDGT will thrive -- free to live without subterfuge, we will make VTUBING GREAT AGAIN!

>> No.70049829

Calm down, Dimitri

>> No.70049831

that's real rich coming from someone who immediately abandoned all arguments the moment his flawed argument was called out lmao

at the end of the day, I'm winning and you are losing because the things I like (and the things you hate) are successful, and vice versa


>> No.70049841
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why're you not a faggot for Towa?

>> No.70049874

I actually did mention that with >it's all dramabaiting
But then again you have shown that you either don't read or comprehend what letters go together form.

Also doesn't matter that's a funny hill to die on, if it is true, then japanese normies do see unicorns as such pathetic losers that they can make such hilarious satirical performances everyone else seems to relate to (except the unicorns of course)

>> No.70049912

pray tell how you would have written a flawless kayfabe-friendly response to that event

>> No.70049948

GFE fags are not the same as unicorns, ESLbro. they're more of a subset

>> No.70049975

The sad irony is we mostly like the same thing. Just you're a delusional faggot and I am not.

>> No.70050022

if that was truly the case you wouldn't be so autistic over this topic and you would simply brush me off

but you're desperate to prove me wrong because you inherently despise what I like

>> No.70050025

Just spitballing
1. It would damage the brand of both involved, but go for a one-time official collab as an excuse. I dont remember what she was playing but whatever that game was, go for it

The one I would do, but only because I have a time machine:
2. Tell Rushia to not fucking go to korekore and just wait shit out. Also do not pull a laplus, that stupid bitch.

People will forget this shit with time

>> No.70050026
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x720, Last Samurai Usada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what Japanese normies believe. In fact, if they hate it good. Japanese normies are even worse then American normies.

>> No.70050055

>well uh actually theyre not the same
>theyre just a subset

tomato, fruit, whatever. Unicornfags and GFEfags get cucked in the end. that's the destiny of pursuing false anime girls

>> No.70050079

mafu has his own female unicorns who were also livid at the yab, you're insane to suggest that a collab would've fixed it instead of fanning the flames even harder for both parties

but thank you for giving me a deeper insight to just how idiotic you are, it means I don't have to take you so seriously

>> No.70050084

Doesn't change the fact that it's hilarious as fuck and probably comes from a place of truth
Like most memes

>> No.70050142

unicorns don't "pursue" anime girls, we simply enjoy a specific type of anime girl

let me put it this way - it's the difference between watching CGDCT anime and playing a dating sim

>> No.70050160

Do you unironically think loud = funny? Are you Ollie? This whole thread would make way to much sense if you were Ollie.

>> No.70050163

hence the >it would damage the brand a bit
You did specify it's "kayfabe perfect". This is the most kayfabe perfect I could come up with off the top of my head without having to disclose "Hey these streamers are actually real people outside the job ok"

But yeah ignore the second point which fixes where everything really fell apart and made it an unsalvageable mess. People would have forgotten with time if she just shut up and cover wouldnt have to make the statements they did

>> No.70050190

Anon, I don't even remember what was the start of this argument, it pivoted so much. I'm just bored.

>> No.70050202

No it's the schadenfreude of it all that I'm laughing at
Not that you'd know what that is given your gag response.

>> No.70050267

get cucked all the same given how you're seething in this thread and whenever a male appears on screen
You guys are tsunderes, not very honest with your feelings

>> No.70050275

and your best idea proves that the "best kayfabe approach" is terrible compared to breaking kayfabe to release a statement telling people to stop spreading rrats.

your second point is moot because there's no doubt cover would've also said this but they were simply too late

>> No.70050278

You really must not have much to your life. Get off this website and watch something funny on Youtube at least.

>> No.70050280
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The weight of our superiority weighs heavy.

>> No.70050317

holy lmfao, me being in this thread isn't strange since the thread topic is positive to me, it's (You) being in here that is worthy of calling out

at the end of the day you're just projecting your own seethe, seethe that your favorite males are unpopular

>> No.70050353

Wait, you are the ones behind all the Israeli shit?

>> No.70050379
File: 260 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psyops everything into being degenerate (like cuck co-ed vtubing)
Imagine being so delulu you think entertainers of the opposite sex interacting is a direct pipeline to sexual reassignment surgery.

>> No.70050402

Is the color wheel thing in the bottom left corner made by the AI.

>> No.70050408

Dude, that is the worst way to order people to stop spreading rrats. That statement broke their brand completely.

The best way to stop rrats from spreading is to act on a public narrative that disproves rrats much like what niji attempted with the Aster/Scarle thing recently. Only, they were retarded because they acted on a rrat that wasnt provable/widespread yet, when they could just pretended it doesn't exist.

Or let's go for holo stuff so it's more on topic. Matsuri's haunted room is another narrative that didnt need to break kayfabe

Cover should have just shut up and had everyone shut up and memory hole it, or like I said, come up with a public narrative that disproves rrats

>> No.70050437

I have to assume this is a falseflag because there's no way anyone would seriously use shitty AI art like this without realizing how cringe it looks

>> No.70050448
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>> No.70050464

>unironically saying that cover should copy niji's damage control

>> No.70050479

Anon, that’s literally all AIfags do

>> No.70050481


No I'm just laughing at unicorns who get uppity. You guys go for false idols, forgetting the face of the true waifus. You're forsaking 2D for 3D and get burnt quite a lot in public these days.

It's karmic justice

>> No.70050503

Literally the only reason unicorns hate males is because they feel like a girl even talking to a male will make them "impure", as if merely talking to someone of the opposite sex means either party wants or is going to or is actively banging each other. Which is, again, projection: unicorns only talk to girls they want to fuck. And thus, by definition, they would absolutely fuck the brains out of said talent if they ever had the opportunity and feel threatened by other males, which is why they feel so strongly about male collabs. It's quite simple, really.

>> No.70050537

If you masterbait to your oshi having sex with a male, then you're a cuck.

>> No.70050547

you're still here? I think it's almost time for your dilation lil bro

>> No.70050560

I mentioned matsuri's haunted room as an example for an alternative, and in the same statement outlined why the aster/scarle thing didnt work. (Which is a mixed bag, all we get nowadays from it is memes here so it did kind of work)

Also, you're the ones coping about cover being unicorn friendly despite proof in their PR statements positing the opposite. You asked me for examples of keeping kayfabe, I never had to provide this - all I posted was that cover broke kayfabe and they're not on the typical unicorn's sides for this

>> No.70050585

Its always funny to see how naive unikeks are.

>> No.70050592

how does such an obviously schizo statement still get a (you). Unicornfags on edge

>> No.70050606

Being anti male collab has nothing to do with being sexually attracted to the vtuber. Why do you think it does? Did you make it up in your head.

>> No.70050637

cover released a neutral statement to try put out the flames while they conducted an investigation, and the result of that investigation was rushia's termination

you can only say they are actually anti-unicorn if they had in fact publicly supported rushia's marriage and told everyone to deal with it

the whole idea that being neutral is equivalent to taking a side is very trans of you, I must say

>> No.70050655

mental illness, I think obsessing with trannies is almost as bad as being one, except you can quit that obsession in time, like I did.

>> No.70050659

why? The comedy is right here in this thread

>> No.70050668

The issue with Rushia was not marriage, was NDA breaking and revealing insider info to outsiders. But yeah, you do you.

>> No.70050673

funny, seeing as how you gave me a (You) for just calling you a tranny kek

nothing but endless projection from you troons

>> No.70050724

I know, that's why I said it was a neutral event, not anti-unicorn and not pro-unicorn either

I even used the word "neutral" multiple times

you're not very intelligent, are you?

>> No.70050733

The only reason cover put out a statement was to stop any speculating that they banned their talents from being in a relation, because that's illegal. Then didn't care what kind of an effect it would have on their talents as long as they could save their reputation a little bit.

>> No.70050753

>It doesnt count because they didnt publicly come out and talk about rushia's marriage
>After making a statement that their talents' relationships are none of their business

>talent may have a boyfriend, spouse, husband/wife, we simply won't meddle with that
>unicorn neutral

Not very bright

>> No.70050758

Looks great, even better that he didn't have to deal with twitter freaks to make it.

>> No.70050781

Aren't those the ones that interact with makes the most? What gives, Indonesia. I thought you were based and gender-segregation-pilled.

>> No.70050785

I understand not liking collabs with certain people, what I don't understand is anti-ing people just because they collabed with someone you don't like

>> No.70050786

>Being anti male collab has nothing to do with being sexually attracted to the vtuber
that's the funny thing, it has everything to do with it, a male only has a problem with a female even as much as interacting with other males if he himself is obsessed with the female, there is literally no other reasonable explanation.

>> No.70050825

>no tranny mentioned anywhere
??? Actually delusional cucks

>> No.70050836

How do unicorns deal with the fact that they have to deal with male managers, and staff. Along with people IRL that they know

>> No.70050890

I don't think they're allowed to do that even if they wanted

the point is that at that point they were talking about the VA instead of the anime character, as they had no choice but to release such a 4th wall breaking statement

>> No.70050922

what did you think I meant when I said it was time for your dilation? I really am talking to some third worlder cuck, holy shit

>> No.70050939

This isn't about a fight anymore. The way you sounded just... it's hard to just watch someone like that. It just sounded like such cope, including what you just posted. Stop trying to fight "unicorns" to make yourself feel good. Embrace your inner child and trying to base your identity around being better then "x" group of people or "y" group of people.

>> No.70050964
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>Unicorn circlejerk thread
>Replies: 237
>Posters: 66

>> No.70050967

Still isn't a neutral statement
This quite plainly states hololive talents can do whatever with their personal life and aren't beholden to the company nor the community, so step off

> no choice
They had choices. They picked this because Rushia wasn't helping and adding to an untenable situation where rrats were being confirmed because she was leaking shit

Shutting up and forgetting about it works most of the time

>> No.70051004

>says I was "called a tranny"
>I said dilate haha
Dude, you keep using english wrong, go back to school.

>> No.70051039

wtf are you doing on 4chan you fuckin cuck

>> No.70051050

There would be way more male collabs if jealously was the reason.

>> No.70051053

are you implying they are theoretically legally allowed to control their personal relationships? it could even be seen as them exonerating themselves because they simply do not control their talents' personal lives, so rushia being married isn't something they can stop

hence, it is a neutral statement, not the epic win you're looking for

>> No.70051088

>doubling down
let me guess, SEA? for some reason I've lost all desire to speak with you, thirdie

stay cucked, I'm sure that's your actual reality anyway given what your countries are known for

>> No.70051118

It's Unicorns fault why there are so many male collabs in Hololive JP. Japanese Unicorns are bad at their job. They were basically begging the Holo girls to do more male collabs.
>I don want my oshi to collab with males because I'll get jealous
That's the stupidest reason ever. If that was true, then there would be way more collabs with males then their already is, oh wait.
Japanese fans always said that the reason they didn't like male collabs is because it makes them jealous. By make them jealous, they mean it makes them jealous except when it doesn't. This makes the Holo member's goal to avoid making their audience jealous. Then, the Holo members take one look at their audinece, it's filled with dedicated simps that will watch anything the Holo members produces. Then, add to that that the JP's side heavily, and somewhat legally, encourages toxic positivity. When you lay it out, it becomes obvious why the JPs have increased male collabs so much.
On the EN side, fans always denied the idea that their was a direct connection between being in love with your oshi and not liking male collabs. Instead, they gave CGDCT as the explanation. This made the EN members goal to avoid male collabs.
HoloJP: They try to avoid making their fan jealous.
HoloEN: They try to keep Hololive a part of CGDCT genre.

>> No.70051121

It's not a neutral statement vis a vis unicorns dude. It's basically admitting that the girls can have such relationships and you all should know this.

So if you still watch hololive after knowing this fact, you're knowingly putting yourself in a cuckoldry situation

Is that hard to understand?

>> No.70051132

NTA but I only watch male vtubers. They're just another form of content like Oneyplays or Northerlion for me.

>> No.70051156

>lost desire
>keeps replying

unikeks gotta kek

>> No.70051173

do you also argue that romance anime are all NTRshit if the VAs are in relationships? or do you just have a special grudge against hololive because it btfo your favorite cuck company?

>> No.70051286

No, because an anime girl with a script is not the same as whatever vtubers have become nowadays.

Anime girls will not break character unless the script calls for it. Most vtubers give no shit about the lore.
The character can change seiyuu. In vtubing that's looked down upon for some reason.
You can have a completely different staff, animators, artists, and in some cases even writers, but the character will retain its essence (if the ip owners are smart).

You do not have these things for vtubers. Theyre little more than 3dpd with a mask.

Oh, and btw I'm a seiyuufag

>> No.70051358

Dude, I don't hate hololive. Reading reps.

I've been laughing at unicornfags calling it their company. It isn't.

I think vesper/magni/kronii/calli collabs were the best shit ever and the yabbadabbadoo shitposts were some of the greatest times this board has ever generated

>> No.70051367

>Theyre little more than 3dpd with a mask.
spoken like a true niji twitch thot enjoyer

the most successful unicorn-friendly vtubers play an anime character, and that's why they're the most successful, since that's the whole appeal of vtubing, instead of ugly bitches wanting to be twitch celebs

>> No.70051386

that really doesn't help your argument, in fact it does the opposite

>> No.70051387

Nah, Chris would "politely" tell his oshi why she shouldn't collab with men in the same way Gabe did for Kronii. You can't seriously be knowledgeable about Chris chan and NOT think unicorn language mirrors his worldview to a tee.

>> No.70051426

nah dude my argument has been
>unikeks are retarded if they think hololive is their company
The fact those things existed + PR telling unicornniggers to fuck off is pretty damning evidence, actually

>> No.70051458

>actually spent time to defend actual pure 2d waifus and why they arent 3dpd filth
>niji twitch thot enjoyer

Unikeks have repeatedly demonstrated their lack of reading comprehension in this thread

>> No.70051477

guess what, vesper and magni are gone now, kronii is a shell of her former self, and calli has sworn off swearing

I guess their knees are just kneeling on their own?

>> No.70051521

Dude anime seiyuus have scandals and get switched up all the time
Why are you guys so attached to where 3dpd whores and niggers go

This is exactly why I'm shitting all over you repeatedly

>> No.70051527
File: 315 KB, 499x339, 20240226_031530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it could even be seen as them exonerating themselves because they simply do not control their talents' personal lives

>> No.70051541

you implied you've never seen any vtuber who actually behaves as an anime character rather than a 3dpd with a mask, hence that is logically the only vtuber content you consume, and you must indeed conume vtuber content since you are here posting on /vt/

now that I think about it, this is extremely hypocritical of you...are you just lying out of your ass for the sake of the argument, or are you a schizo who just came onto this board to have a melty about vtubers?

>> No.70051552


>> No.70051583

It looks like a fucking NFT. And no, that's not a compliment.

>> No.70051587

what made you think I'm attached to them? I wish all involved parties were gone but I'm content with just 2 being gone and the other 2 kneeling

since you've professed to be a fan of those homos who are now gone it all makes sense why you're on a warpath and trying to shit up the place out of spite

>> No.70051614

You must not know what a unicorn is because Chris couldnt give a shit if a girl had one boyfriend or 4000 boyfriends before he got his turn to smash

>> No.70051673

Yeah dude, gimme a vtuber from holo who just reads scripts from a writer all day
Or one who's had a seiyuu change once her old one got in a scandal
Dude, gimme a holo who follows an anime plotline rather than reality TV bullshit

Way to strawman my entire argument to "acts like anime girl" when I delineated the actual differences

I can give you a vtuber who fulfills all these, but theyre not in holo, nor are they actually vtubers under the current definition, theyre just seiyuu wearing avatars for events.

>a melty
I like vtubers but I find unicornfags hilarious because theyre doomed to disappointment for as long as the medium is what it is, idk where you're pulling all that other delulu shit from

>> No.70051695

>actually behaves as an anime character
NTA but this is such a broad term, not like anime characters behave one certain way. You can argue anything from none of vtubers do to all of them do it.

>> No.70051725

You think a cover product being replaced is some kind of win or that it affects me. That seems like a pretty big assumption and shows how you value such products.

But for me it's just like an anime season ending

>> No.70051773

they're grasping at straws
to them a westoid thot going uwu is acting like an anime girl if the mask is pretty enough

>> No.70051808

>vtubers are 3dpd with a mask
>literal fact
>if you think this is true you only watch nijiwhores which are effectively indistinguishable from e-girls
>complete leap of logic used to jump the huge gap where critical thinking should be inside your empty skull

>> No.70051884

jesus christ this
what the fuck is this thread, why are you all so mentally ill? the fuck is with all the /pol/ terminology?
mods, if you permaban everyone who is arguing in this thread, i guarantee you cut down the shitposters on this board by at least 75%. you can tell just tell these retards are replying to every shitty bait thread on the catalog with their stupid strawmen

>> No.70051903

lmfao first you take offense when I call you a niji twitch thot enjoyer by saying vtubers are 3dpd filth unlike pure 2d waifus, but now just 1 post later all of a sudden you claim to like vtubers kek

proper vtubing, where they act as anime characters, is essentially standup/improv anime. they roleplay a specific character with a specific personality and traits, and more often than not do actually follow a script, even though it's not line-for-line, it's called stream planning

you keep insisting that vtubers are just people acting as themselves with an avatar, proving that this is either the only content you consume or you don't actually consume any vtuber content and are here for some insane schizo reason

>> No.70051942

>the people I like are defeated and depressed, wow how exciting
least psychopathic homobeggar

>> No.70051974

there are plenty of vtubers who act in a way that is not compatible with the real world, i.e. an anime or cartoon character, and plenty of vtubers who act just like any other normie

this isn't hard to understand

>> No.70051999

The seethe generated by such an innocent statement is too funny
Feels good being HoloEN's primary target demographic

>> No.70052050

ESL moment or wilful ignorance? even (voiced) anime characters are 3dpd with a mask if you want to drill down that much. the actual distinction is between people who roleplay as their avatar and people who just act as themselves but don't want to show their face on cam. retard

>> No.70052058
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>I wish all involved parties were gone but I'm content with just 2 being gone and the other 2 kneeling

Man, you would just power trip if you were a Gulf State official, wouldn't you?

>> No.70052073

Take offense? I merely pointed out how retarded the leap of logic goes from vtubing is 3dpd with a mask -> twitch thot yaddayadda fan

Yeah, how does me being a vtuber fan detract from me preferring 2d waifus? I watch movies too, does that mean I like 3dpd?

>standup/improv anime
KEK, it's still 3dpd with a mask. But go ahead and defend this. Funnily enough there's anime that tackles standup comedy, but theyre not vtubers. Guess why?

>roleplay a character
Dude an anime character only exists within the context of their own story. vtubers do not. They're no different from ecelebs or twitch thots. They just have cute and funny masks

>stream planning
Oh yes this completely the same as a character in an overarching story from writers

Got anymore straws to grasp?

>> No.70052101

shut the fuck up and share your discords with each other so you can fuck or something
tired of you retards shitting up the catalog, i've literally seen this same exact thread before and none of you are actually saying anything interesting, you're just jerking yourselves off while pretending you have a moral high ground compared to the other retard while screaming "cuck" "troon" blah blah blah

>> No.70052105

>you don't like these people? aaaaiiiiiiiieeeeeeee it's like you're a sexist murderous tyrant!
yeah it's pretty clear now this is a discord sister raid

>> No.70052111

Dude you brought up the "should I get mad when seiyuus get involved in relationships" argument. I dont. I dont take vtubers all that seriously either for the same reasons - 3dpd can only take you so far, that's why it's 3dpd

>> No.70052151

>the actual distinction is between people who roleplay as their avatar and people who just act as themselves but don't want to show their face on cam

A distinction which is as nebulous, dichotomous, artificial and ultimately meaningless as the distinction between happy and sad people.

>> No.70052155

dude just go to a different thread. why do you even come here to get mad

>> No.70052157

by your own logic, so long as your 2d waifu is voiced by a 3dpd, she is also a 3dpd with a mask

>> No.70052224

let me guess, you're intelligent, nihilistic and have a wicked sense of humor

>> No.70052232

>wilfully ignores everything else that goes into the creation of an anime character such as story and the fact they do not exist outside that fantasy context unlike reality tv anime girls

Okay unikek you go for your 3dpd whore

>> No.70052242

you know what, you're right, i'll leave you guys to circlejerk alone. have fun

>> No.70052272

Bye anon take care <3

>> No.70052299

>mass replying
>accusing others of sister behaviour
Holoshoe Theory is real.

>> No.70052342

vtuber anime girls don't exist outside either though, they're 2d, 2d that is given life by 3dpd
>voiced by women with husbands
>written by women with husbands
>drawn by women with husbands

people don't give a shit because the medium involves immersing yourself in the moment until the credits roll

you're just gaslighting yourself at this point

>> No.70052373

At this point after seeing everything going down in NijiEN, their dogshit "male" talents and the cancerous fanbase of kpop sisters I genuinely don't know who the fuck can still advocate for mixed collabs.

>> No.70052385
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>> No.70052419

Just dishonest cucks and whores who want everything else to burn out of spite. Misery truly loves company.

>> No.70052425

Anon, if you actually converse with them in chat, or look at their social media to see what they're up to offstream. The fact that an 'offstream' exists should tell you that they're not a dream fantasy woman.
She's 3DPD.

>> No.70052435

Trannies, women, normalfaggots
That's who

>> No.70052474

there’s a fuckton of other reasons that nijiEN’s a shithole besides “reeeee mixed collabs”

>> No.70052490

I have already drawn the distinction between the ones who roleplay as anime girls and the ones who are just twitch e-whores

I'm obviously not defending the ones who break kayfabe/immersion all the time, and coincidentally these tend to be the least popular ones

>> No.70052491
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>males are what ruined NijiEN
The Clique? All women.

>> No.70052598

You'll find that the true pure experience is untenable just for the fact that they have to do this all day as a job (much like pro wrestlers), as opposed to existing only in consumable media such as manga, anime, games etc.

The pursuit of 3DPD and trying to apply the expectation of the ideal 2D only leads to despair.

Rushia is a good example of where that leads. She can't help but be a whore because her flesh is real. Vox is also proof of this, in the end he cant be a sex demon 100% of the time and thus he fell

>> No.70052614

Vtubers antis

>> No.70052758

oh so now you've gone from "they still count as 3dpd" to "w-w-well it's not sustainable", at least we're making progress!

the thing with rushia is that she still played her character flawlessly up to her demise, and it was circumstances outside of vtubing which ended her career, comparable to a mangaka dying mid series. she never whored around on stream or alluded to being married, she was peak cute anime girl material the whole time. similarly with vox, he fucked up not because he physically couldn't sustain his character, but because he wanted to go in a different direction and got lashed at by his fans, comparable to a mangaka writing some bullshit character development nobody likes

and so long as your waifu's writer is made of flesh and is real, she too can be written as a stupid whore and end in tatters

>> No.70052795
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>all delulu and no nuance
Unikek cognitive functioning has really deteriorated since they won their precious war.

>> No.70052834

>two psychotics means no one can pull it off
Anyway, you're just a well-poisoning sister. "Heh, you see chud, they can never be TRULY (scotsman) pure like 2D wai-foos, so they should just act like normie whores with an avatar." Nice try, beggar.

>> No.70052868

No one is reading all that cope, sis.

>> No.70052909
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see >>70052614

anyone who doesn't like vtubers and also cares-enough to try to fuck with their fans might dig around a bit to see what gets under their skin and harp on it as much as they can. it's not hard to figure it out at all. once they know they will just go all-in on males and employ as much sophistry and bad faith arguments as they can find to try to just shit all over the vtuber space.

that or it's people like pic related who want the existence of male vtubers to be validated because they themselves have some secret epic plan to become a vtuber themselves to go groom their waifu. it's so obvious it's painful and they're too stubborn and naive to give up on the idea. I've seen it first-hand, people I've known online who were vtuber fans for a while and then start to audition for holostars and such because they literally plan on getting into it to get closer to their holo oshi. do these fuckers think we don't know? do they think they're being sly here? they're not.

>> No.70053167

I didnt move, I qualified it.

3DPD will never attain the purity of the ideal 2D because of the limitations of the flesh.
That never changed. 3dpd will always be inferior and retards who pursue 3d whores will always meet the same ends for that reason.

I like how you compared their changes to specific circumstances outside the character's essence itself. Now tell me something: In anime there is a phenomenon for beloved characters, lets use a popular one gojo from jujutsu kaisen for example. gojo has a huge fanbase coping to this day that he should have won and is in fact the strongest lobotomy kaisen, even though in the actual manga/story he fuckin got folded in half. In fact, you have people shitting on the creator of the manga and not the character itself for how this story went. and this is hardly a rare phenomenon.

For eromanga, let's use the normie popular emergence - where a fanbase tries to cope away the ending rather than accept how the story goes, much so that even the writer made an official cope for the ending.

Why can't you apply rushia's earlier state to mikeneko? Why is this seen as retarded and unthinkable, if the woman behind is just a seiyuu, the 'essence' of rushia as a character, separate from everything else should surely still exist, no?

The essence of vox the sex demon should still exist if that is truly what everyone wanted, independent of his choices - but that just doesnt take root unlike anime/novel/game characters. Because unlike mere 'ideas' they're intrinsically tied to a 3dpd loser.

That right there is the limitation of the medium.

>> No.70053209

where am I insisting anything you said
I'm laughing at you because, being 3d whores they will inevitably act like whores and you will shit the bed

That's completely different from "they should act like this or that". nigga please 3dpd is hopeless.

>> No.70053295

because, as I alluded to earlier, vtubers are the VA and scriptwriters of their own character

so when rushia fucks up, the writer of rushia who is rushia/mike is the one who gets flak, exactly like your examples

is the limit of your tolerance just based on the number of collaborators on the character? if rushia was written by a man, i.e. mafu himself wrote all her lines and everything she said on stream was his script, is that what would cause you to finally consider her an anime character?

>> No.70053372

NTA but fun fact
Being the writer/voice actor of your own character who is essentially you and says things that you would say is called “being a person”

>> No.70053408

No, unless the stream was presented as a story entirely separate from reality.

I'd go as far to say that if only hologra existed and none of the holos streamed that watame would be an anime character and not a vtuber

>> No.70053489

you're beyond retarded if you think rushia's behavior is realistic instead of controlled in a way to present a fictional ideal

might as well say tom cruise or literally any actor is a super schizo because he's somehow ackshually being his own person in every movie

what a retarded notion

but they don't exist in reality, they're 2d

you're essentially saying you only like high fantasy anime and apparently can't stand anything with a setting in the real world

>> No.70053532

Everyone’s behavior is controlled to present an ideal
That’s called “self-control”
Which is part of being a person

>> No.70053552

goes back to why in that setup the 'idea' of rushia cant be separated from mike. In the vtubing space, the fact that 'this character = this person' is inviolable since Ai's drama.

They'll never just be an idea you can separate from their creator Rushia will always be Mikenenko. (As opposed to an anime/game/movie/book character)

>> No.70053570

You don't even have to be a unicorn to dislike that.
Hell, I noticed when watching (non-vtuber) male friend groups that had the occasional female guest, the girl would end up being the annoying one by trying way too hard to be one of the guys. It's not a purity thing, it's a group dynamic thing.

>> No.70053657

dude as long as chat is not acknowledged or you dont exist outside a video/page/game, you're nothing more than an idea on a screen

do anymore than that and you're just a dude with a mask. And worse, you're the only one who can wear that mask. If people found out then your identity and that mask are intrinsically tied together

This is unlike a voice actor who can just shrug it off and pass that role to someone else

>> No.70053665

so you really are saying tom cruise is a super schizo who presents different ideals of himself on screen? maybe it's not the best example since I don't think he writes his own stuff, but IIRC jackie chan has written and directed his own movies that he stars in before so are you telling me he's a super schizo now?

there is no way you can honestly tell me with a straight face that rushia's behavior is normal real world behavior

>> No.70053717

how is that different to a mangaka who wrote a highly controversial series having that reputation carried over onto his next manga?

>> No.70053731

Idk does Tom Cruise or Jackie Chan's actions offscreen reflect in the world shown on screen?

Because unlike those two, Rushia's definitely does.

>> No.70053764

I am confident that the spaces which were used to record those movies are somewhere in the real world instead of being fully CGI.

>> No.70053785

No one's buying it, beggar. You're clearly spouting "pure 2D/3DPD" in bad faith to push the idea that vtubers shouldn't bother with the anime experience and might as well act like twitch whores. Meanwhile, numbers prove otherwise.
>b-but rushia
This is all you have.

>> No.70053801

In the examples I stated, a character can gain a life of their own independent of their creator's wishes if the idea is solid enough. This has been true throughout history. We've been making fanfics of the knights of the round for centuries

You can't do this with vtubers because they're 3dpd wearing a mask. You can't separate person behind character and character due to the nature of the medium. Or rather, they try but fail

>> No.70053810

I’m telling you that it originates from a place within their own thoughts and beliefs; that when you get down to it, it’s in some way representative as themselves as a person
Exaggerated? With a twist on it? Sure
But that’s no different than the way people exaggerate aspects of their personalities every day depending on who they’re talking to
It’s, in fact, called “being a person”

>> No.70053845

you do know that there are vtuber fanfics and doujins right? and they certainly are not accurate portrayals of canon events

>> No.70053938

>tripling down
I guess every actor really is a schizo then according to you, since they play a human who has thoughts and beliefs which is something that humans have. nevermind that it's not their actual true selves, simply acting as a person means you *are* that person


>> No.70053954

>being this willfully retarded

Does this really matter in the context of the movie's world or story?

I also mentioned vox being a 3dpd whore, but go on seethesister.
Imagine being so mentally brankrupt that seeing 3dpd whores get higher numbers brings joy. It's apt for the unikek

>> No.70054041

rushia's yab had an "effect" on the real world in the same way isayama's cuck eren did

are you going to argue that eren is a real person now?

>> No.70054102

>i also mentioned some mentally ill homo
Wow, you sure convinced me that no one can do it because a couple of fuck ups fucked it up. Imagine missing the point so hard because of your dramanigger programming.

>> No.70054103

No, retard
For the vast majority of actors, they’re playing characters written by other people, and the character is in no way representative as themselves as a person, and their thoughts do not create the actions of the character
At most, they can insert a bit of their own self into said character
But “writing” a character with only your mind, acting as that character, representing yourself as that character, is called “being a person”
Because ultimately, that’s what people are
We’re characters we’ve written in our mind that we’re presenting to the world in front of us

>> No.70054108

This is true.
In that case the only houshou marine I like is marine the squirter from that one dojin.

But we both know that's not the actual ideal of 'Houshou Marine' - because she isnt an idea, she's a person. Also there are many people who find the idea of them being close to uncanny valley because its like making dojins of an actual person. There is a basis for that

>> No.70054181

rushia had an effect on the real world regardless of yab, little retard anon. Receiving supachas and acknowledging them? Reacting to chat, posting on social media? Talking about her personal (real) life on members onlies?

Eren the character can't affect the real world, only niggers who react to his shit and staff members. You are one dense retard.

>> No.70054222

what are you even trying to argue at this point? I'm sure artoria taking horse cocks is the furthest away from her 'ideal' you can get but I fail to see how that's supposed to mean she's a real person

>> No.70054259

I mean the unikek retardation isnt only on one side, retard. Niggers in both companies got both. Don't blame the messenger for pointing out the slab in your eye, lil nigga

>> No.70054282

so you're a dumbass who hasn't been reading the argument

I have repeatedly made a distinction between vtubers who play an anime character and ones who are just acting as themselves, including a "nicer" stream-friendly version of themselves. I'm not talking about the latter

>> No.70054341

And I’m saying that ultimately, the former IS the latter
The “anime character” they’re presenting is, in a manner of speaking, them
Your distinction does not exist because both of them originate from the same place

>> No.70054351

I'm sure isayama has interacted with fans before, what's the difference? you seem to have a mental issue where it's hard to wrap your head around the idea that vtubers are their own writers, as I have repeatedly said, and therefore additionally interact with the world in the capacity of a writer instead of simply as a character

>> No.70054373

i frankly dont know why you brought up dojins either

'Houshou Marine' and her 'canon events' will always be updated by the woman behind Houshou Marine. 3DPD in a mask. She is a real person independent of the dojins

I am arguing that an entity that can exist without puppeting is a true anime character. Vtubers do not exist without their puppeteers. They 'die' when their puppeteer quits. This is as opposed to a character from a franchise

>> No.70054388

>people on "both sides" want the anime experience and vtubers who fuck it up crash and burn
You're only proving my point, retard.

>> No.70054404

isayama creating a character explicitly stated to be a character, in a story that does not take place in reality, who ultimately dies at the end

is not the same as haachama, or enna, or henya

you retard

>> No.70054405

this is patently false because vox straight up abandoned his original content because he didn't like it, proving that it is in fact possible to play a character that is not ultimately yourself. him being a weakling who gave up has nothing to do with everyone else, in the same way a failed actor doesn't reflect the industry of acting

>> No.70054434

That’s called “changing as a person”

>> No.70054444

and theyll never get the anime experience for long. None of that is real - the ultimate ending is to crash and burn in this medium

>> No.70054447

so is nobody in FGO an anime character because it's a live service gacha that receives continuous writing updates?

>> No.70054479

Pure homobeggar cope. This is all you have.

>> No.70054487

you're seriously implying that it's impossible to be an actor unless the role fits you on a personal level? holy shit we need to detain everyone who's ever acted as a criminal

moronic arguments upon moronic arguments

>> No.70054515

Once the writing is over, do they die? do they graduate? You can still play them, cant you?

>> No.70054529

the 2d-verse does not exist in reality, and vtubers will eventually graduate and cease to exist in the 2d-verse, even though the 3d person will still be alive

same shit retard

>> No.70054545

This entire thread is cope. You guys are all going through mental gymnastics just to disprove
> they're just 3dpd whores wearing funny anime masks
When in truth that's all they are. It's just facts.

>> No.70054622

well gachas being live service means that at the end of its lifespan it will shut down and you will in fact not be able to play them

but I'll humor you further and change the comparison to anime characters rather than gacha game characters - at the end of those stories, there will be no more episodes but you will still be able to re-watch the episodes. hey, that sounds just like vtubers graduating when they retire and you still being able to watch the VODs!

you're just being stubborn at this point

>> No.70054627

>they can't give the anime experience because eventually they're going to collab with males
>this means they should just go ahead and collab with males
Homobeggar gymnastics

>> No.70054645

Yes, but while theyre still active theyre nothing more than
>3dpd wearing masks

Stories from anime and games can (generally) be consumed on their own context, unlike chuubas

>> No.70054653

And again, you refuse to accept that what I’ve already acknowledged
Characters written by other people are but played by another are not the same thing
And yes, what I’m saying remains true of characters written to be criminals
They originate from the author’s thoughts of what is criminal, how it would be if they did something criminal
Ultimately, the character is a highly exaggerated version of those thoughts, but deep down, it does represent them in some way
But this is not inherently a bad thing, because thinking criminal thoughts is not a crime, only acting upon them is

>> No.70054683

Why would someone with this mentality even watch vtubers? What do you get out of it? And why would someone who values purity be opposed to girls avoiding males? None of your posts add up, sis.

>> No.70054689

>they should do this or that

Where have I said this? Why are unikeks low key rapey dumbasses?

>> No.70054722

you can watch VODs and it'll be the same as any pre-written anime or game

you can also chat with AI bots to simulate your waifu in real time but I somehow doubt you're going to say that this is sacrilege even though you have that double standard for vtubers

>> No.70054776

I don't know why you insist that it's impossible to write a character who is different to yourself and roleplay it

people do it all the time in DnD or whatever tabletop games, it's an established fact of life

you're simply autistic and can't comprehend being creative

>> No.70054832


dude a graduated vtuber continues the story of their previous character just by being in the public eye. PL bullshit is something traditional media does not have.

Anime characters literally cannot do this when their anime is over unless theyre explicitly picked up again by the IP owners

>> No.70054899

Because I do not value the same shit you idiots do. I acknowledge the flesh is weak and it's impossible. I just enjoy whatever I get and laugh at such absurd expectations that I know single 3dpd mongrels cant handle on their own

>> No.70054904

Doxxniggers don't count. The standard protocol for all vtubers is that they don't mention their past roles. People like Rushia and Selen are outliers.

>> No.70054951

Your entire premise is that they're arbitrarily "impure" so they might as well do homo collabs, despite this being the thing that would make them impure. You homobeggars are bad at hiding yourselves.

>> No.70054977

>happens all the time

where do you think holo and niji get their talents? Where do all these rrats take root from? Just because you bury your head in the sand doesnt mean it doesnt exist, much like most arguments in this thread.

>calling PL, even previous chuubas, doxx
Newfag detected

>> No.70055016

>might as well
They might as well do anything, honestly. nothing they do will absolve them of purity. Nothing they do stops you guys from being faggots who love 3dpd either

>> No.70055036

It’s impossible in the sense that ultimately, that character stems from your own beliefs, views upon the world, etc
It’s impossible to fully escape a character from the inevitable origin point that is a person
That said, the more a character is improvised, the closer it ends up being to the person themselves
And the more writers have a say on what that character is, the more it ends up being distanced from any single one of them
Vtubers end up extremely close to the person writing them, as they are “written” solely by the person who is performing the character and nearly entirely improvised with no more planning than the average person does every day

>> No.70055044

Tell me the last time holo or niji advertised a new gen with "featuring X who was previously Y!" And tell me the last time one of the holos/nijis told everyone "yeah I used to be Y before this job".

The expected industry practice is to pretend PLs don't exist. Doxfags sniffing out PLs isn't something they plan for unless they're embroiled in drama and need to transfer their viewers.

>> No.70055087

>doubling down
yeah you're confirmed as autistic, probably some self insert obsessed nigger who always plays lawful/neutral/good and never chaotic/evil

>> No.70055104

You don't value the most successful and beloved aspect of vtubing, and instead eat whatever shit you're served by the alternative? You're a funny guy, sis.
