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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70020746 No.70020746[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is it over for nijisanji?

>> No.70020844

That's negligible.

>> No.70020991
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>> No.70021034
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>> No.70021093

how many times are we going to post the same thread

>> No.70021126

tis but a scratch

>> No.70021227
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nope, rikusama will remain rich and milking the most retarded ones

>> No.70021266

I shorted it, we will see what happens. This year started terribly for them, and the January earnings really reflect that. Also the livers have been declining across the board - indicative of a trend. If the graduations continue, you can expect it to get worse, especially if they lose more longtime / established streamers.

>> No.70021287
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How bad is this crypto bros? Explain it like I'm five, I've read you peeps say that once it goes below 2k yen line, there will be mass sell-offs(?) of stock

>> No.70021449

kill yourself NatiBlaze

>> No.70021467


>> No.70021561


>> No.70021605

>cover is also down 0.5%
Collateral damage forever. They're intertwined.

>> No.70021636

>Nikkei at all time highs
>Lost decades broken
>Japan is back
>Nijisanji falling through all time lows
What happened bros?

>> No.70021690

holy kek
me on the right

>> No.70021753
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False... It's time to release the final yab so we can reach sub 3k.

>> No.70021759

>Nikkei at all time highs
I'm retarded, how can Japan be in a recession while the stock market is so high?

>> No.70021831

Would that have been sub 3k without the stock buyback?

>> No.70021857

>that one jewish monkey in the third row

>> No.70021979

My guess would be high currency inflation but I am not a maths scientist

>> No.70021999

I hope he doesn't talk about his upcoming videos with his buddies who trade stonks

>> No.70022141

oh no no nijibronies?

>> No.70022270

>bounced back to 3060

>> No.70022677

Only like -20% in a month let's gooo

>> No.70022727
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>> No.70022756

Don't they become unlisted if they go under 3k?b

>> No.70022794

Stocks are overpriced, and someone will be left holding the bag. Just like real estate currently in many areas.

>> No.70022952

government ending subsidies to most small time companies

>The Japanese government had set a goal of spending 43 trillion yen or $302 billion on defence in the timeframe of 2023-2027.


>> No.70023050

its BEEN OVER since last year

>> No.70023092
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if this is truly it for niji then idk what's gonna happen to holo

>> No.70023098


>> No.70023143
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You know what to do Marine

>> No.70023169

it's not the same thread when the number is different everytime

>> No.70023378

Cover is trading at double the value from nijisanji and still lost less

>> No.70023519

I'm inclined to suggest you wait until the next quarter is reported. The current set of financials that will be released are covering November through January, and the bottom didn't fall out for EN until February when Selen was terminated. People were concerned, but you didn't have the backlash at that point. My expectation is the upcoming financials will show another decline but nothing catastrophic (the NDF will then say "SEE, EVERYTHING IS FINE" because none of them have any clue how to read a financial statement).

It's China.

Chinese investors are running screaming in terror from the Chinese stock market, because the bottom fell out from China's rickety economy in 2023. Years of economic mismanagement and a real estate bubble bursting have been eating away at the economy, and "Zero Covid" was the straw that broke the camel's back. China is in free fall right now.

So Chinese investors are looking for safe and stable markets to park their money in until China stops imploding. The US is one place they are going; Japan is another. They want safety and stability. Additionally, other non-Chinese who invested in China who want to stay in Asia are also putting money into Japan.

>> No.70023573


>> No.70023713

Is that you leader friend?
Hey how much of the MV issue was intentional last minute sabotage??

>> No.70023790

So what happens if it falls below 3K? Do we all get Ice Cream?

>> No.70023916

elira will have to do a naked dogeza apology with a cat tail buttplug

>> No.70023917

Not leader friend, sorry. This is just me being putting on my /biz/ hat.

>> No.70023989

NijiGODS always win.>>70023378
All lose Vtubers are done. Nijisanji and Hololive are finished.>>70023092

>> No.70024108

can some stock autists give some insight on how fucked nijistock would be without the buyback?

>> No.70024221

stock markets take some time to reflect the actual economy. consider this anon: q3 earning reports are just being released, meaning that the full effect of the recession aren't felt yet by most companies/investors.
the next few months might see some downturn though
stock markets crashes usually cause economy crashes (see 1929 crash), but the reverse isn't as certain

>still lowest in 6 months
nijibros, I KNEEL

anon think of it like this:
cover did nothing to manipulate their stock: no buybacks, no dividends, no stock split.
anycolor has done every fuckery to pump their stock value (stock split last year and $18 million on a buyback in December/January)
if the pump from their buyback in January didn't happen (3150 to 3800), their share would be lower than cover's
meanwhile, cover spent $18 million on that 3d mocap studio last year.

more info here anon, someone posted the long analysis of Niji's financial fuckery and overseas failures

>> No.70024251

The stock opened at 3200, my guess is that Riku is desperate to keep the stock higher than that so he doesn't lose his job.
We're past that point already. Now the fear is the stock breaking under 3k which could trigger alarm bells and a huge selloff.

>> No.70024444

i'm not gonna look at that document, nijisanji is a better company than holo, my oshi is in the better company and i'm gonna stay in denial TT

>> No.70024495

people keep posting numbermonkey as if being monkey isn't the coolest shit. if I start to /#/ will I become a monkey? seems like a perverse outcome, unless this was all part of your master plan.

>> No.70024577

oi rrats, if you know something big like this going to happen to either cover or anycolor then tell us a day in advance.

shortselling their stock before the big yabs could hurt them more
got it bro

>> No.70024821

they're going to open a lewd branch

>> No.70024917

Well shit I think we gotta accelerate this decline

>> No.70024985

Not yet, but if the 'talents' and the fans keep up the good work it will be soon.

>> No.70025086

Damnnnn it dropped more

>> No.70025224
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>Quads of Death
Thank you for your opinion, Mori.
Please make more tracks like Live Again and Cursed Night. They are your best work.

>> No.70025453

Show the one year graph. Or at least the one month graph to put it in perspective for everyone.

>> No.70025486

Investors leaving from China. Also they've reached stocks levels of 1989.
