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69987564 No.69987564[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want new yabs and drama from Hololive. I am tired of seeing years old shit spammed in catalog over and over. Yagoo please.

>> No.69987767

is this mostly because the chuubas you follow gets drama every week op?
If so, I suggest sticking to their sinking ship instead of bothering others with this crap.

Because it looks really pathetic.
idc if this is rent free, you fags need to learn your place.

>> No.69987788

lil bro they literally terminated a chuuba like a month ago
the reason you don't hear anything about it anymore is because hololive fans are immense corpo bootlickers

>> No.69987905
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fine have some drama (you) faggot. Roboco-san isn't at 1mil youtube subs yet, and she's been part of Hololive for almost 6 years now.

>> No.69987912

Niji deflection cope

>> No.69987922

>>69987564It's because cover isn't a retarded company and Yagoo knows how to handle his boys and girls, we'd need a second taiwan incident or a second rushia to have an actual real fucking yab

>> No.69987938

The termination was justified. Besides, nobody watched Mel anyways.

>> No.69987939

>Terminate someone for breech of contract
>Both party agreed it was the right move
>Everybody involved seems to be on good terms
Most holofags raise hell when cover or management screw up regarding their Oshis
Small corpo shitters, liggers and nijinigs should remember that they're nothing but hobby larpers

>> No.69987992

sora just revealed roboco to be a MACHINE, theres your yab

>> No.69988000
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Nijisanji simply mogs them in the yab department
Hololive "yab"
>this girl had a male collab a year ago

Nijisanji the real man's yab corpo
>internal bullying, harassment, clique, conspiracy rrats, racism, suicide attempt, CEO apology stream, negligible etc
it's nonstop memes

>> No.69988047

Referring to en only of course, jp yabs are another level but old news

>> No.69988141

>mel admitted she fucked up
>mutually agreed upon termination
>it was amicable all things considered
The reason no one talks about it anymore is because Cover and the talents didn't drag Mel's name through the mud nor tried to assassinate her character, unlike another certain company. There's nothing more to say about it. Has nothing to do with being a bootlicker or not. I understand no one talking about it anymore frustrates you though, NDFtard.

>> No.69988259

JP yabs most anons never hear about only because the fans try and keep it tight. Rarely you'll catch someone in the JP thread asking about a yab and some anon telling them to stfu or don't talk about it in the open.

>> No.69988304

Damn the projection is strong in this one.

>> No.69988331

the irony of this reply,
I do hope your oshi graduates next month :)))

>> No.69988332

Illusion of JP never having any yabs

>> No.69988364
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Well. The soda just forgot to add "a very cute" machine

>> No.69988370

OP is a fag

>> No.69988416
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Don't confirm this is if you're a big vampirefag but she did it so she can prepare getting married and finally settle down.

>> No.69988419

you got plenty from your livers nijifag.

>> No.69988497

That's not a "yab" even if it's a bad thing that happened, "yab" would be them making a whole circus about it with some long as fuck 4 page walltext trash talking Mel to show everyone like they're pieces of shit, just so it backfires on their asses explosively and ruins their image forever

But no one is this stupid, no one would do something so ridiculous

>> No.69988506
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>I want new yabs and drama from Hololive. I am tired of seeing years old shit spammed in catalog over and over. Yagoo please.

>> No.69988612
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>> No.69988719

If nothing else, at least nijisanji is giving us variety by having a new yab every week. Infinitely better than the same old Gura bait thread reskinned 473628 times

>> No.69989437

biggest hololive "yabs" in the last 12 months
>shooting at men in holozontal or whatever that esports thing was
>shiori asking people to respect her collab choices
>gura not streaming
>girl spoke to male coworker from different branch

>> No.69989472

>lil bro
go back

>> No.69989558

According to False
Cover have a great PR
they immediately ask false don't spread misinformation about mel terminations
the niji yab become this worse because of their shit PR team
end of story

>> No.69989563

>Matsuri prostituing herself in on stream ERP

>> No.69989616


You got the real reason Rushia got fired last fucking month, what more do you want?

>> No.69989716

True it's a yab, just not nearly as big of a deal because the circumstances are completely different.

>> No.69989773

Imagine being so terminally /here/ that you WISH for drama instead of being glad that there is none
Become an hero

>> No.69989809

Why are Nijinigger like this?

>> No.69989850

Your yab is Pekora venting a bit about backseaters in Elden Ring

>> No.69989940

Holo opsec in terms of their internal business (not PL's) is good. We didn't know about Rushia being married until 2 years after she got fired and we found out from her fucking ex-husband of all places who we all hated but in reality was the victim. Not a single holo or even leak came from anyone at Cover

>> No.69990150

Okay, I guess I'll be the shill. Her song Rirubi(リルビ) is an earworm that I keep in my Spotify rotation to this day. I sub if they give one good song since they might give another. There ya go, here's a song

>> No.69990212

Even if something is brewing behind the scenes, there's no way they would announce anything this close to holofes.

Starve dramafag

>> No.69990276

That guy seems like a manipulative cunt and not as innocent as he tries to portay himself. Their situation was probably like the Amber one, they were both toxic.

>> No.69990471

nah, I would rather have his oshi stay in niji.

>> No.69990558

That's impossible, she has to wait in line

>> No.69990623


>> No.69990708
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>lil bro
twitter tranny detected, go back and kill yourself nigger

>> No.69990773

That’s not out of the ordinary for her.

>> No.69991108 [SPOILER] 
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Here you go. Enjoy your thermonuclear yab

>> No.69991815

>I want new yabs and drama from Hololive
nigga we already have new yabs days ago but you will get banned immediately

>> No.69992022

That's just normal Matsuri

>> No.69993543

No you don't sis, because if you wasn't desperate enough to find some way to deflect you would remember not too long ago with Mel and the whole VCR thing with Matsuri. But those pale compared to how much of a shit show KuroSanji has put itself in currently.

>> No.69994435

>twitter invented otoutos

>> No.69994814
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>> No.69994825

>The termination was justified
How so?

>> No.69994889

kinda hard cause every girl in Hololive has been professional about keeping drama to themselves and not in their workplace

>> No.69994951

I don't think she was fired because of her marriage.

>> No.69994956

She broke the contract she's signed?

>> No.69995031

>She broke the contract she's signed?
Oh, it seems that you didin't trow salt over your shoulder like your contract mandates, we will have to fire you Mel.

>> No.69995289

False has made it i guess then. They are treating him with proper news reporter respect, requesting no FALSE info from false on a PR level.

>> No.69996220

Retard. You do know what a contract is right?

>> No.69996508


There must have been 100 deleted threads on this board stream alone the day of the mfmf stream. Can you imagine if she were affiliated with holo at the time this all came out? Obviously going nuts did not help at all, but instability + that was definitely made the risk of a company-impacting yab. That's the only reason you could justify firing someone who made that much.

>> No.69996740

Do you know what she said?

>> No.69996766

Next month's queue is full but it will be sometime this year.
