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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1005 KB, 2894x4093, @kamappo GHKmwxcbsAA35jb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69974565 No.69974565 [Reply] [Original]

Peace Edition
Previous Thread >>69969941

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.69974578

Good ruffians only!

>> No.69974608

The danger is more that some other Ruffian will kill Fuwamoco. Then nobody wins the Ruffianbowl.

>> No.69974616
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, pledge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69974630


>> No.69974637
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I love fwmc even if they are getting walked gently by JPs

>> No.69974649

I miss them...

>> No.69974654
File: 80 KB, 1200x1600, 1706169333417808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuwamoco moving to japan caught live

>> No.69974658


>> No.69974664

I have fully deluded myself into thinking they sound happier when they're talking to me. Damn, I'm good.

>> No.69974681
File: 1.32 MB, 1097x1027, Screenshot 2024-02-24 210905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAU BAU and gnight Ruffians

>> No.69974691

Anon, they DO sound happier when they're talking to you. Also, I made this post.

>> No.69974695

Good night

>> No.69974715

Fuwamoco are already planning a date with their Holomama (male), it's over...

>> No.69974725

Sleep tight, Ruffian!

>> No.69974726

I'm even replying to myself to further reinforce my delusions, I'm the strongest ruffian.

>> No.69974733

They'll be getting walked home gently by kari-chan, then every single one of their JP senpai.

>> No.69974734

Jwu and saw the announcement. That’s good news and I’m very happy for them

>> No.69974768

Good! Icomochi's a woman, btw. They've confirmed this already many times.

>> No.69974772

Yobai party with koyotits is getting closer and closer!

>> No.69974777
File: 324 KB, 1024x1024, 1699932990466440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am actually seething right now, these two are some of the most manipulative cunts I have ever come across. They really couldn't give us more than 7 months before fucking off to Japan? If you really think their stream times won't change you're a retard. It's so over, I've cancelled my membership and I will never supachat again. Goodbye /baubau/.

>> No.69974784

I know the thread has gotten raided tonight, but getting to vent with you guys a bit throughout the night had been nice and made me feel better. Thanks bros. The catalog and other threads don't get it, but you guys get it

>> No.69974789

I was surprised at how happy they sounded when they read my name today

>> No.69974793

Icomochi mama is my oshi

>> No.69974800

Moving to Japan doesn't protect my smile

>> No.69974814

i made them laugh and im still flying high

>> No.69974817
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>> No.69974831

This looks like an ai post

>> No.69974832

yeah that explains why you don't have any concerns kek

>> No.69974838 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.21 MB, 1886x802, Foreigners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foreigners like to manipulate and post images like this.

>> No.69974847
File: 2.70 MB, 2464x1969, 1693751042809988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok ruffians who is on the Yobai List! i need names

>> No.69974848

It really was so much faster than I expected. I'm staying and seeing what's going to happen for now though

>> No.69974855

Imagine if she's younger than them

>> No.69974858

Post your fucking canceled membership and the message of why you're leaving or fuck off.

>> No.69974863
File: 11 KB, 340x191, 1705894107238344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The change will be gradual. At first they will stream more than ever. They will add JP collab streams so you feel like you're getting more, except you won't be because the JP collabs will be at bad times and you won't understand them. Then they will stream the normal amount, replacing an occasional stream with a JP one. Then they will stream less as practice for concerts and sponsorships and other Japanese only events take up their time and that's when the JP streams will be really noticeable, when they only have 4 or so streams a week and one of them is a JP stream.

>> No.69974867

i'm hesitant to reply to her tweets because I'm not sure how I'll feel about getting likes/replies from a woman other than FWMC

>> No.69974869

Kill yourself

>> No.69974872

From my understanding they won’t change stream times so what is there to be concerned about?

>> No.69974873

Yeah, it's great news, and I'm extremely happy for them and for the future! Unfortunately, this thread is the worst place in the world if you love them at all.

>> No.69974877


>> No.69974894

I think I fell in love with her already and I haven't even heard her voice

>> No.69974895

I know I generated that image with AI months ago

>> No.69974898
File: 90 KB, 312x343, 1685348197944262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69974906

you'll feel fuckall

>> No.69974907

Do you actually believe that? 1am FUWAMOCO MORNINGS?

>> No.69974918

Watch streams. They call her "she" and "her." FuwaMoco aren't liars, so Icomochi is a woman.

>> No.69974927

I'm going to go to her booth at comiket just to creep on her

>> No.69974936

You delusional retards really think its sustainable to do EN streams while living in japan when their JP audience starts to outgrow EN its not gonna be worth it anymore and change their time slot. Its a question of when not if.

>> No.69974950

most people are still awake at 1am anon
it's 4am here

>> No.69974959

So the cloudy feelings talk about how some actions meant to protect the smiles of Ruffians inevitably jeopardize the smiles of other Ruffians - was that about this, moving to Japan, or was it about their decision to stonewall homo interactions?

>> No.69974966
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>> No.69974968

>it's 4am here
Same. Fuck I need to sleep.

>> No.69974985

>FWMC are women
>neighbor-chan is a woman
>manechan is a woman
>icomochi is a woman
I'd play this VN

>> No.69974994

...people aren't actually mad they are moving right?
of course /here/ obviously aren't, but are people outside of here mad or badly trolling.
you could tell that they wanted to move for a long time. hell, you could have FELT it from the early on when they started.
and let's be real, hololive isn't the only reason they are moving.
i hope this will lead to more opportunities for them in hololive and whatever else they do.

>> No.69974997

Sisters aren't sending their best huh

>> No.69975004


>> No.69975014

why would anyone be mad
it's not like they're forced to speak japanese more

>> No.69975018

Yeah but they'll definitely start adding JP only streams since they'll be up and about every single day during prime time

>> No.69975023
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>> No.69975041

They barely sleep anyway. They already go into great effort to appear in JP streams in the middle of the night. If they say they won’t change stream times then just simply believe them.

>> No.69975045

delete this

>> No.69975048

...anon unless they will be working from home and not visiting the studio at all, they will speak Japanese more.
(not on stream)

>> No.69975051
File: 30 KB, 213x132, 1699931980223917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't just call everyone who has concerns or is upset about this a sister.

>> No.69975061

If you don't like them moving, at the very least you can laugh at all the deranged paypigs what bought tickets and booked hotels to stalk them at anime expo.

>> No.69975064

Didn't they want to do live concerts and shit? Who the fuck is going to go to their concerts if they don't have a japanese fanbase that will actually go see them?
They are saying this so they don't lose the current EOP fanbase while they make the change.
Remind me of this in 7 months from now and we'll probably see their yt chat full of japanese and Fuwawa replying to the jp comments more and more.
Things aren't going to change, my ass.

>> No.69975079

>He took nijisisters,discordniggers falsefagging seriously

>> No.69975088

I believe some are actually mad and jealous but the majority is happy and obviously you post more when you want to complain about something

>> No.69975089

i'm talking about streams though anontyama

>> No.69975092

This won't happen when their whole gimmick is just emulating JP streamers for westerners. It makes no sense for them to go after JP audience when they're an EN tuber. They won't catch on with JP as much as /vt/ wants to believe

>> No.69975096
File: 20 KB, 312x312, 1705855558265193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can and I will.

>> No.69975106

Ok then, post proof of membership

>> No.69975110
File: 3.44 MB, 315x242, 1467863135441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laugh at all the deranged paypigs what bought tickets and booked hotels to stalk them at anime expo.
okay i will

>> No.69975139
File: 555 KB, 633x745, Screenshot 2024-02-24 230023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69975146

But they will tho. The WILL collab with the JP senpais and they WILL start getting more JP viewers. What will happen to EN viewers when the JP viewers become 40% of the people watching them?
Then they'll start doing JP solo streams, and they'll start replacing EN streams with JP ones

>> No.69975147

Haven’t had the chance to watch the vod yet since I just woke up. Did any of you guys sperg out in supas? I hope not

>> No.69975154

Whatever you say. You've been claiming they'll "abandon their EOP fanbase" for 6 months. They care too much about their fans to ever "abandon" us for any reason.
Yes. I believe, love, and trust my oshis more than I'll ever believe some weird /vt/ schizo
And? JP solos are always extra streams that don't take away from anything at all.

>> No.69975198

I expected them to stay at least until after their 3D debut

>> No.69975209

>The WILL collab with the JP senpais and they WILL start getting more JP viewers.
Where have you been the last few months? They have more JP collabs with their JP senpai than with their EN senpai. this has always been the case.
You're obviously a tourist.

>> No.69975212

depends on what you mean by sperging but we got some cringe SCs

>> No.69975216

Menhera ruffian status?

>> No.69975218

Only in the sense that I couldn't hold back my overwhelming love for them and had to tell them (5 times)

>> No.69975240


>> No.69975244

Sisters aside and all that
Why not just wait 2 months or so to see what actually happens? The preemptive bitching isn't going to do anything and if you built your whole life around these two then take it as a wake up call if they end up not being as you expect

>> No.69975247

I don't think they'll abandon us, but I do think they'll replace A LOT of the EN content with JP content

>> No.69975255

>JP solos are always extra streams that don't take away from anything at all.
Sure the streams on the timeslots we're used to will still be there, but will you really be able to say this months from now when they start doing 3 to 5 jp solo streams a week?
I imagine doing a jp stream before each FWMC Morning episode is something very likely to happen

>> No.69975271

Post more crunchy fuwamoco

>> No.69975279

I'm trying best to remain sane. I do have a question though: Is /baubau/ going to be nuclear the entire time they're gone?

>> No.69975288


>> No.69975293

Why do they even like mori? Like I couldn't understand it at all.

>> No.69975297

What I meant was that they will start doing a lot of collabs with senpais, I know that they already did some, but they will do a lot more

>> No.69975314

You have to be a woman, and also have a JP soul

>> No.69975322

>3 to 5 solo jp streams in a week
>each time is more next time gonna be 20 jp streams in a week

>> No.69975334

Probably the first EN senpai to reach out to them. Being nice and thoughtful is all you need for them

>> No.69975347
File: 173 KB, 1080x1340, IyqZs-1709575904937279837-20231004_072712-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to edit down my wall because I felt I was talking about myself too much. I'm so happy for them

>> No.69975358

Why wouldn't they?

>> No.69975359

That was IRyS

>> No.69975365

They WILL have 100 JP solo streams per week in the future

>> No.69975369

I trust them to keep their word and maintain their regular time slots. The hurt for me comes from not really getting to do things the same time as them anymore. No more waking up together for FWMC Mornings, no more sleepy late night bed time tweets wishing us a good night too. And desu, while I am happy for them to be able to interact with their JP senpais more, I never cared to watch those live.

>> No.69975372

>they will start doing a lot of collabs with senpais, I know that they already did some, but they will do a lot mor
Good, they have so many senpais they need to get molested by. They need to get started as soon as possible

>> No.69975382
File: 922 KB, 1409x868, 1708844460809277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instead of arguing for hours you could be learning japanese

>> No.69975388
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>> No.69975390
File: 63 KB, 828x187, F519BD68-2AEC-42E7-B2DF-8A2218FBFC73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69975398

No, I didn't mean 5 times literally because I don't wanna get doxxed
Sorry, Ruffian

>> No.69975402

stop trying to push your cuck fantasies

>> No.69975404

Mori since day one was nice to them tourist, there was a schizo shitting on them for the gingle contest for fwmc morning that schizo made the intro music for mori, she dropped his music the next day

>> No.69975418

You won't fool me...

>> No.69975421

I don't speak moonrunian can someone translate?

>> No.69975433

non-existent. I've been praying for them to move to Japan as soon as they could. Now I can actually go see their Solo Live one day.

>> No.69975436
File: 3.34 MB, 346x346, 1705850149222111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69975440


>> No.69975449

>im happy that you're coming to japan
>but please keep treasuring the EN ruffians

>> No.69975450

I wonder if there's anyone menhera enough to SC to their free chat once a day

>> No.69975466

>giving them money so they can abandon us even sooner

>> No.69975473
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>> No.69975483

You should feel relieved that we saved them from the shithole that is Canada

>> No.69975492
File: 1019 KB, 167x167, low res moco.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even JPbros are worried about us kek

>> No.69975502

HoloJP barrier is very real. It doesn't matter if FWMC reside in Japan and speak JP fluently enough to solo stream JP. FWMC will definitely get to collab more with HoloJP, enjoy greater access to Cover resources, and gain better chance of any JP sponsorship, but ultimately they'll always gonna be stuck speaking EN on-steam and hang out with non-JP members most of the time, just like IRyS.

>> No.69975503

First FWMC Morning back will be JP only :)

>> No.69975508

why do you keep using eren when the author of aot made him in the end a spinless cuck

>> No.69975518

Mori has been tamed since the condom era. She might still yab on her own but she knows how to behave around other talents and mind their sensibilities.

>> No.69975529

Vancouver is a dump.
They deserve better.

>> No.69975537
File: 48 KB, 1080x1080, F7-Yky5boAAunsx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fwmc morning!
>brought to you by pero-sama!

>> No.69975539

can one of you fags with twitter tweet at the hololyzer account to add their free chat to https://hololyzer.net/youtube/freechat/

>> No.69975545

Goodnight ruffians

>> No.69975550

i remember when people were worried Asamoco was going to be jp

>> No.69975552

Do your JP reps ruffian

>> No.69975556

You can just put the url manually

>> No.69975562

they know what it feels like, they have a crapton of chuubas and i've already talked about some of the bilingual ones before

>> No.69975563

> bae in any metric is the worst of en,
> is almost all the time in jp
>have more opportunities than any promise member: EP, live 3d birthday, sponsored by vr, league of legend concert, covers with towa, korone and pekora

>> No.69975566

Seriously? It took you this long just to give this reply? Your dumbass should have been shot while you were in the stroller, ugly femoid.

>> No.69975567


>> No.69975577

the page I linked keeps track of all chats so you can get context

>> No.69975582

at least put it through chatGPT or something, copy pasting is just too shameless

>> No.69975583


>> No.69975628

>even JPfags know that they'll abandon us in favor of reaching their aidoru dreams

>> No.69975636

There were some that really overdid it today on the repeat superchat amount itself. I think some wanted to superchat to show that they support them no matter where they go and went overkill. Others wanted to superchat as a means to cope, convincing themselves that they're ok with it via money. Probably some of them superchatted a lot because others superchatted a lot and they wanted more attention, because that's just how some of them are. There were some that sent in 8+ pink/red superchats today.
I didn't see anyone clearly sperging out. Maybe some vagueposted cloudy feelings, but not nearly anything like what was going on /here/ in the threads. It was a long super reading today though.

If Fuwamoco said that their schedule was going JST hours or that they'd go more Japanese content though, god help /baubau/... the shitstorm that would happen would be so bad it would infect threads across the catalog.

>> No.69975643

Also that lucky 1 million yen that she won btw

>> No.69975653

I memory-holed the ending

>> No.69975662
File: 694 KB, 1529x1022, Bonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't he take over the channel while they're moving? What a lazy guy

>> No.69975667
File: 104 KB, 500x500, 1704086005178547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you nigga really have it hard here, sending cheers and good vibes (kek) from the Nerissa Antis thread /ope/

>> No.69975691

I really hope you are right...

>> No.69975701

>be EU Ruffian
>would actually welcome regular JP streaming hours
Mutts are so fragile

>> No.69975703
File: 93 KB, 923x1200, F4oIEasbYAAu9bS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pero(mococo) was always in control

>> No.69975705
File: 540 KB, 1203x677, 1707320216684353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His power is beyond our understanding. He doesn't even need to exercise it.

>> No.69975709

They didn't seem all that choked up about leaving, honestly. Their eyes will be sparkling when they set foot in Tokyo once more.

>> No.69975712
File: 182 KB, 916x896, Screenshot 2024-02-25 023522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the point is to be able to see it like this

>> No.69975715

Until this day some jp holos dont know that irys speak jp

>> No.69975727

Take your meds and fucking delete this, nigga

>> No.69975731

nobody cares about EUfags, not even EUfags

>> No.69975735
File: 875 KB, 3208x4096, 1000003521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, Jailbird... I'm happy for the girls because they're finally doing something they dreamed about for so long, but I'm sad I won't be seeing them for a while.
Unfortunately, we have schizos who have never watched a single stream coming in and cuckposting... No true ruffian would he saying the things that they're saying.

>> No.69975743

I mean they're moving from a city full of Asians to a city full of Asians. They'll be right at home.

>> No.69975746

I SC'd more today because I won't be able to for a month or however long they'll take

>> No.69975757

>Americans only cares about americans
Fixed for you

>> No.69975761

>If Fuwamoco said that their schedule was going JST hours or that they'd go more Japanese content though
That would be career suicide for them. At least here in America

>> No.69975775
File: 169 KB, 1000x1200, 1705846528956811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think this is bad you should've seen earlier when we had 200 IPs, kek
This just seems bad because most of the Ruffians posting have quietened down.
Thanks Jailbird, you too. Wissa love
Guess now she'll have to go to Nippon herself to molest Fuwawa properly

>> No.69975777
File: 66 KB, 799x821, SENORITA FUWAWA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to have half of the drive those 2 have i am such a lazy fuck

>> No.69975787

You dont know indian or chinese people anon

>> No.69975793

I thought they cared about Palestine and Ukraine

>> No.69975794

Just to make this clear, if you are going to places "definitely not" with the purpose of running into Fuwamoco by "pure coincidence", congratulations, you are a stalker and a problem that needs to be dealt with.

>> No.69975796

I-I just wanted to talk about the karaoke...

>> No.69975798
File: 124 KB, 500x500, Mocosleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gnight don't fight too much

>> No.69975815

I smell jealousy here

>> No.69975830

Sleep tight, Moco-chan!

>> No.69975850

Seeing their regulars leaving would break their hearts, there's no way. Besides they already sleep through the day, being there just would shift that so they end their streams just in time for lunch then they get the rest of the day to record stuff and deal with their lessons if they keep the current schedule.

>> No.69975880

I just wanted to tell them I loved them. I legitimately don't know if I sound like an idiot or not because no one has ever mentioned me and they just let me be an idiot in peace

>> No.69975930

Baused and same

>> No.69975929

This is so true. Like every fucking time.
Non-JP members have always been regarded by JPs to be novelties. FWMC should farm JP audience for more creds so they get to jump the line for access and sponsors, but JP audience can never be their core viewer base because FWMC will forever be considered gaijins by Nips.

>> No.69975946

Yes they seem deathly afraid of losing long time fans. But also how are they going to take lessons when they would go right through their standard slot?

>> No.69975954
File: 651 KB, 500x223, fwmc ending rain [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgo25gu.opus].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69975962
File: 2.38 MB, 648x990, Mococo crunch[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjd7gtf.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69975977 [SPOILER] 
File: 703 KB, 256x256, crunchytowa[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fz0ieix.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69975990

But aren't Irys and Bae basically speaking in JP half of the time? that's what I don't want for Fuwamoco

>> No.69975992

their main slot is 10am JST

They actually have time to go to the studio for lessons and whatnot without affecting their stream times, unlike most of JP that usually takes those days off

>> No.69976006

I'm pretty sure I was one of the ones that originally brought the thread to shit a few threads back by making a prediction they were moving (even though everyone said that was definitely not going to be the case to me lol).
Honestly, I'm good now. This was a wake up call and made me realize I was getting too invested in this. It's a false alert this time, but if they don't stream my time anymore, I'll be naturally sad or even language, but it's not the end of the world. I'll support them from a distance so I can be a fan but not obsessive, so if things on schedules don't work out, I'll think fondly of them but move on to another vtuber to fill the time slot. I'll watch FWMC vods when I can even though it's not the same as live.
Luckily, I never made any big kamioshi, love you, or "I'll be here forever" statements, though I'm a day one active viewer so they likely are vaguely aware of me. If they change up their time slot, they know that it'll affect their viewerbase though, so it's not like they'd notice me leaving in all likelihood.

>> No.69976010

Okay, so what's the point of them speaking Japanese?

>> No.69976019

>when they would go right through their standard slot?
Their standard slot is 10/11-16hs. Theres plenty of time to accommodate them.

>> No.69976046

Bae and Irys are cringe
I didn't even know Irys was from hololive until a bit after of the FWMC debut

People here in Japan mostly ignore non-JP vtubers, with very few exceptions like Gura and now FWMC

>> No.69976055

>>69976006 (me)
>edit: but if they don't stream my time or language anymore, I'll be naturally sad, but it's not the end of the world
I'm retarded apparently please understand

>> No.69976088

I can't believe they would ditch us like this. it's so bauver. it shouldn't matter but it kinda bums me out

>> No.69976135

I guess I'm misunderstanding? Do studio lessons start in the evening or something?

>> No.69976159

They can always schedule around it. Take lessons in the late afternoon or evening. This isn't 9-5 grade school or work job.

Midnight-ish JST is FWMC Morning time. Morning JST is Pacific Timezone prime time. The only timeslot they'll struggle with in a regular basis is late morning and early afternoon, but most ENs don't usually stream at those times on a daily basis because most NA viewers are at work or school.

>> No.69976204

You should consider watching the VOD, since they mentioned dozens of times that they won't change their stream times. They also tweeted about it too.
There's literally nothing to worry about if you love and trust these girls.

>> No.69976206

Most are usually after lunch, afaik

The point is that as their timeslot for EN is in the morning, they can do a normal stream at 10am or earlier, and still manage to do homework and lessons after lunch or late morning

>> No.69976245

this is what I worry about too. IRyS goes on constant jp rambles mid-sentence with no translation, it's fucking annoying. if FWMC start doing this a lot of people will be unhappy.

>> No.69976252

im just glad we get that 2nd PC and bigger apartment!
also, if they are moving, does that mean they already found a proper apartment or home to live in?
because i thought bae was struggling to find an apartment.

>> No.69976273

I can't speak for other JP HoloMems, but Pekora has all her lessons in afternoon JST, which is dead morning timeslot in Pacific time.

>> No.69976280

EU bros, what’s our verdict? Is this a positive or a negative time zone change for us? (Implying their streaming times do change slightly at some point)

>> No.69976288

>if FWMC start doing this
They literally already do this, anon. Jesus Christ some of you antis need to at least TRY to do basic reps before shitposting.

>> No.69976303

Per what I said
>It's a false alert this time
I meant that the feelings I felt before they said their stream schedule would be the same made me realize I'm too attached to this whole thing, and if there is an actual case in the future where things change, I'm not going to let myself be invested enough by that point to get upset over it.

>> No.69976304

There's no benefit giving blind trust right now. I'll wait and see and if they change I'll leave
It didn't sound like they had an apartment ready

>> No.69976329

Nothing happened yet stop bitchinggg

I don't think they have one no, seems like there is still stuff to figure out
Okayu also has them at noon, finishes at around 7pm~ jst

>> No.69976331

They already confirmed their stream times won't change, so it's business as usual.

>> No.69976334
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I mean, it literally can't get any worse for us, so any change is good.

>> No.69976350

If they started getting more JP viewers and they decided to change EN streams for JP streams could you fault them for that? They wouldn't be doing it out of malice, they would do it to accommodate the new JP ruffians

>> No.69976369

>There's no benefit giving blind trust right now
To be fair, theres no benefit in doubting them right now either. Do as you wish though.

>> No.69976385

>There's no benefit giving blind trust right now.
Yes, there is. They want us to trust them and said numerous times their streams will be the same, and so will they.
If you don't trust them, then you should just leave now cause you'll never trust them.

>> No.69976398

Sorting out the Visa, Zairyuu, Bank, contracts, schedules to see houses and then all of the paperwork will take them a while, even if they did it before and have help

They have no house/apartment set up, they will start looking for one when they get here

>> No.69976428

I knew it would happen eventually and I'm happy for them. Somehow still feels like kind of a bummer though. Dunno whatever.

>> No.69976438

no they don't, I watch almost every stream. yes once in a blue moon they'll speak it translating something in a game, or a quick little back and forth with each other, or if they're collabing with senpai, but they don't just start talking Japanese 1/3 of the time every damn stream like IRyS. That's what I'm referring to. Not an anti in the slightest, I even bought Fuwawa's acrylic picture frame and the pink ruffian plush. Just concerned and hoping they don't change the formula that has made them so successful just to cater to the JP viewers over EN.

>> No.69976450

Starting at noon would only give them an hour to stream considering they would need to commute. Sounds like they can just schedule it to be later though

>> No.69976459

Will they be moving in with onii-chan?

>> No.69976462

How many days do you assume they'll need to be able to stream normally?

>> No.69976469

NTA but I'd be glad for them and stop watching. I wouldn't be bitter or anything, since I wouldn't fault for them for that, but I'm an EOP. I'm not interested in watching a stream I can't understand for the sake of watching a stream. It would be just an empty shell of support at that point. If my reps come through at some point, I'd go back then.

>> No.69976477
File: 442 KB, 1125x768, IMG_4258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day of being a ruffian I understand him more and more

>> No.69976490

Why even post this sister? They have a shitload of JP fans and actually had MORE a few months ago. They didn't change things then, and they won't change things now.
They've said outright that they're HoloEN, that they will be the same, and that nothing will change. Shitpost all you want, you'll always be wrong.
Just oshihen if you're this insecure

>> No.69976495

>but they don't just start talking Japanese 1/3 of the time every damn stream like IRyS
Damn, IRyS does that? As an EOP, I'm so sorry

>> No.69976511
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Yeah, they're moving in with me.

>> No.69976554

I don't even think she notices she does it, it just flows naturally as she's talking, English JP English JP back and forth all stream every stream. 1/3 might be exaggerating slightly, but it's a lot

>> No.69976555

They strongly implied that this was a fairly sudden thing and a result of an opportunity popping up that they decided to pull the trigger on, which makes me wonder about this.

>> No.69976578

I see looks like ruffians are on the bargaining phase now.
>Uh yes she probably will stream more for JP people but she wont forget about us!
You almost reached the acceptance phas ruffians which is accepting that she will eventually drop EN

>> No.69976580

I dont think I'd notice because their nip is rather simple so it blends together in my brain.

>> No.69976581

If I was them, I would stream earlier, but that would be different from "normally". Their schedule is crazy, they won't be able to do that kind of schedule while sorting things out.

On a temporary setup it could take them just 2 weeks, but if you assume they will only stream when everything is taken care of, then 1 month is more likely

For context, when I changed houses it took me 2 months to have a Desktop and a normal setup. I slept on the floor with no furniture for 3 months

>> No.69976597

Meh. I trust they will keep their word which means I'll still be a VODbaby a lot of the time so things will probably stay the same. Collabs with JP could be in a better timeslot but I'm not really interested in those anyway.

>> No.69976607

>I see looks like ruffians are on the bargaining phase now.
Not me~ I ain't budging

>> No.69976610

Shouldn't spoonfeed, let them watch streams.

>> No.69976620

yeah I feel like this was something sudden and they didn't skip a bit to say yes

>> No.69976624

living in US does make any difference anon
they either keep their streaming times or change to fit their normal times in JP time you will still watch their streams/clips

>> No.69976626
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Two more weeks, sister.

>> No.69976628

Sorry about the news, burgerbros, but it's time to let euros have a little fun.

>> No.69976629
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>1 month is more likely
I will NOT survive this...

>> No.69976655

>it just flows naturally as she's talking, English JP English JP back and forth all stream every stream
I can see this becoming the future for FWMC. At least I got time for reps, I just hope I actually do them

>> No.69976668

Like stream on a PC in their new apartment? Maybe around a month considering how unprepared for the move they sounded
They might be able to borrow the studio to stream once they're in Japan though

>> No.69976678

Screencapped it. I will grudge post the fuck out of your pathetic ass down the line when they go mask off and stream JP only because their chat is 99 % JP moonrunes and 1 % english

>> No.69976680


>> No.69976692

Its fucking over for us EU bros… They say streaming times wont change, but the early time slot, like the one for Sakura Wars now became very inconvenient for them at 6am. Those streams were already so rare that they can probably drop it altogether and technically not break the promise of not changing stream times… The best we can hope for right now is japanese language streams around noon for us. Its so so over …

>> No.69976699

>I slept on the floor with no furniture for 3 months

>> No.69976720

How desperate must nijiniggers be to try to somehow make holomembers moving to japan a yab?

>> No.69976727

The worst part is that even if you learn Japanese, they won't respect you on the same level as a native born jap. You'll always be second class (and EoPs of course aren't even human to them).

>> No.69976739

hello ruffians.
just wanna ask, where's the manipulated mococo pictures and the foreigner copypasta came from?
what's the origin?
been seeing it everywhere but i dont understand

>> No.69976761

wait ruffians if they are going to move to JP they will might break their continuous streaming streak

>> No.69976767

There's no way you EU bros were still using 1PM PST streams to cope right? They haven't done one for months...

>> No.69976775

Same, to be honest I might start reporting on #FWMCreps just so there's some public accountability on my progress
Are you guys using wanikani or something else?

>> No.69976797

What worldline are you from?
They did that 100 days ago

>> No.69976808

They need a big strong man (me) to help them move all of their stuff so they can get situated quicker.

>> No.69976823

Why are the irystocrats shitting thisbthread?

>> No.69976863
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>> No.69976867 [DELETED] 

Iryskeks are ugly pajeets.
If you find them and want to scare the pajeets, post this

Wedding photographers gallery:

Irys side face pic HD:

Irys face pic from afar:

Irys face pic from afar enhanced using AI:

Irys feet pic (she's top left):

Irys random photo:

Irys dancing:

Irys with Ojisan series:

Wedding name cards:

Vizcaya Sacramento Wedding origin:

>> No.69976871

It was honestly so sweet and sad how their dream of living in Japan in the past got cut short because they didn’t had the means to even support themselves. When they said that every day was a struggle to just live for another day, made the fact that now their long time dream is a reality thanks to them being in Hololive and receiving lots of monetary assistance from ruffians was so sweet. This girls already went through enough hardship so I think for them to finally have no money problems and being able to live in a country they love is a great story that fortunately had a happy ending.

>> No.69976893

I'm not an EU bro, but wow any EU menheras are getting assblasted right now. They have the move announcement to go crazy over EN/JP insecurities, and they don't even get the benefit of Fuwamoco streaming at better hours for them. Feels nice as PST gang.

>> No.69976928

Those 6-7 months were crazy good though we can all agree on that

>> No.69976941


which one is irys?

>> No.69976960

i say no /baubau/ till they return

>> No.69976978

I won't agree with this sentiment, because it implies that our time with Fuwamoco is no longer good, which is false

>> No.69976981

But where will I get my Mogogos from...?

>> No.69976992

global :)

>> No.69977005

Same, see you
Going back to my origins

>> No.69977006

Sounds like a decent idea. Its not like there'll be anything to discuss.

>> No.69977010

>Are you guys using wanikani or something else?
I've done a little Anki in the past and I know there's Cure Dolly on youtube for grammar I think
I've got a guide link in my bookmarks (mario 64'd just in case. Isn't anything paid): aHR0cHM6Ly9kanRndWlkZS5naXRodWIuaW8vbGVhcm4vbGVhcm5tYWluLmh0bWw=

>> No.69977024

Lucky Ojisan...

>> No.69977028
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>> No.69977091

it's going to be interesting to see how /baubau/ handles long breaks though

>> No.69977122

I heard she died, it always makes me sad watching her videos

>> No.69977130

Just kill the thread until they're back

>> No.69977224

Good things don't last forever. I'm not convinced it's over yet though. I'll believe what they say about that schedule but if it turns out I was tricked I'm gone

>> No.69977241

Are they only going to be not streaming for a week only or did they not give a return date?

>> No.69977281

Probably only going to be Twitter spaces for the a couple weeks at least

>> No.69977295

Is the Migaku stuff still meta?
DJT is lacking pitch accent colors on vocab and easier ways for importing content for sentence decks
Have you dug into any of this? I don't want to have Calli-level japanese

>> No.69977300
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Had a nice nap and was gonna ask if retards calmed down with their incessant shitposting and antiposting by now but quickly skimming the thread would suggest no.

For shame.
This is nothing but a positive change. So many opportunities await them, we'll get to see them in so many concerts, studio event streams and in offcollabs with great holoJPs.

>> No.69977303

Watch the stream.

>> No.69977312
File: 64 KB, 2048x1024, ….jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may not have known, but behind the sisterposting is actually Pero. Pero has been assigned by himself to probe the ruffians to find their insecurities. These he then reports to Fuwamoco so they can better fulfill our physical and emotional needs. So, while his behavior might seem like malicious on first glance, ultimately, this will strengthen the bond between Fuwamoco and the Ruffians. He's like the chaotic good, unsung hero and you should thank him.

>> No.69977350

>Have you dug into any of this? I don't want to have Calli-level japanese
Nope, this is just the only link from near debut /baubau/ I saved
It's just about all I've got

>> No.69977370

Ah, Pero-sama... I kneel you FAT FUCK

>> No.69977385

This will do great for their careers. FWMC to the moon.

>> No.69977398

>we'll get to see them in so many concerts
This is the only one that matters, I dont care about the other stuff. Actually I'm more interested in hearing their conbini stories once they get there.

>> No.69977405

Oh boy no streams in exchange for pre-recorded "concerts" and studio streams in a language I can't understand, what a great outcome!

>> No.69977423

im gonna singlehandedly impregnate all sisters, with my superior genetics the children won't be as mentally challenged as their mothers

>> No.69977573

My bad, I thought you were a bit more ahead. DJT is a good start, but I'm a perfectionist and I wanted to sort out things before going too deep with Anki
Do your JP reps. It's been 7 months

>> No.69977589

>Didn't buy new chair
>Didn't buy 2nd pc
They've been planning to move to Japan since the beginning.Hoeh?

>> No.69977599

It WILL be good for their career and their dreams, but I'm not so sure if it will be good for us... They did warn us that they would disappoint us and do things we'll dislike to achieve their dreams...

>> No.69977646

They made this crystal fucking clear

>> No.69977651

HoloEN, "EN" meaning English, when will the JOPs do their fucking reps?

>> No.69977663

It was obvious since the start, but everyone was called an anti/sister for calling it out

>> No.69977710
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This has been known about for months, Fuwawa let slip about collabing with Bae on a stream and everyone went into damage control. Now it's actually been announced everyone is coping.

>> No.69977716

This and Japan side of Hololive is overlap hell already. I doubt a JP would choose to watch fuwaMoco if someone like Koyori, Pekora or Marine is streaming at the same time

>> No.69977722

They do, JPbros have been studying English
To fully experience FWMC you need both languages

>> No.69977764

There's no way anyone that actually watches them would be surprised by them moving to Japan. It's more so how fast they are making the move.

>> No.69977766

do you have a link? I don't watch EN collabs so I missed that for sure

>> No.69977778

i cant find many logical reasons to be worried, but i really hate any sort of change so i still feel an ominous vibe like something bad is going to happen or FWMC will become more distant.

>> No.69977815

>Do your JP reps
Anyone that unironically says this should kill themselves.

>> No.69977867

>Fuwawa let slip about collabing with Bae
I don't remember this, I feel like the thread would've talked about it

>> No.69977875

Uh no shit, I don't think they'd be able to achieve their side idol gigs from their bedroom in Canada

>> No.69977946

Ruffians... your goals reps...

>> No.69977965
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Sometimes this thread is genuinely retarded.

>> No.69978004

Only monolingual losers would react like you are reacting
I speak 4 languages, maybe your problem is that you never did reps for anything in your life

>> No.69978027
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>> No.69978064

Time to finish off the SC's from the vod. Had to sleep so left early. Fuck do I feel exhausted, I actually cried while trying to fall asleep. Not out sadness, I'm a weird mix of happy and nervous. Like Mococo I really am scared of any form of change, but I'm also ecstatic for them knowing what moving to Japan will mean for them personally and professionally. They're gonna make it bros, they're gonna be so fucking huge.

>> No.69978115

Tiny unrelated mention of FWMC in Pekora's stream. She heard they're going to Japan

>> No.69978121

Maybe you should stop trying to push an EN audience to learn a language for an EN branch

>> No.69978143

I miss them…

>> No.69978161

NTA but he's right, you shouldn't need to know JP to watch the branch from Hololive made specifically for english speakers. (I speak 3 languages)

>> No.69978249


>> No.69978290

This is the best outcome for me because I hate stoners and my greatest fear is that Fuwamoco are stoners.
There's zero chance of them being stoners in Japan.

>> No.69978326

If you're weebs, do your fucking reps.
Most other languages are irrelevant.
1. Your mother tongue
2. Engrish
3. Nip
The end

>> No.69978345

I suggest watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEgMPHX6_c8 to see some of the kino that could await us now with them getting chances to appear in lives like these in the future

>> No.69978388

Now Bijou on the other hand..

>> No.69978395


>> No.69978413

Baused tori appreciator
Thanks for reminding me, I forgot this was tonight

>> No.69978418

ffs ponguin. I try so hard to get on with these people for fuwamoco's sake.

>> No.69978493

If you are into vtubing/anime, you should be learning Japanese. There's nothing weird about telling it to you as it is
If you are one of those normies that watches anime dubbed in English, you shouldn't be here

>> No.69978528
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>They're gonna make it bros, they're gonna be so fucking huge.
They really are. I'm really proud of them, they deserve this so much.

>> No.69978544

Is Ao trying to nampa Shuba? Kek

>> No.69978630

Man Korone is too funny. I hope we'll get a doggo collab with FWMC.

>> No.69978680

It's far more possible now.

>> No.69978720

You know, they could announce and host a Rawr n’ Response sometime during their break.

>> No.69978749

>it's literally over
how you feeling ruffians?

>> No.69978833

Great, there's a chance they will become my neighbors and that I will meet them IRL

>> No.69978878

It's never been less bauver than it is right now.

>> No.69978906

you live in Japan around Japanese women, why would you care about a couple canadians?

>> No.69978907

Language elitist are so annoying and as much you want them to start doing streams in JP only, they are part HoloEN and will never do that. So deal with mister jap man

>> No.69978911

Great, I can't wait for them to live their dreams after watching them struggle for years.

>> No.69979001

I think a simple summary is that people who were already fan of hololive before are happy about this, while people who only came here months ago solely for fuwamoco and who are not into the whole jp idol side of things are the ones complaining.

>> No.69979035

Holy shit, shuba is an idol

I actually learned this song from FWMC

>> No.69979037

I will do absolutely nothing productive or meaningful with my life until they return.

>> No.69979080

>will stream during JP hours
>will get JP boyfriends
The ruffian that lives in Japan is the only winner here

>> No.69979094

I will do absolutely nothing productive or meaningful with my life

>> No.69979099

Her story is pretty great. Really I'd argue that anyone who believes in the idol journey would feel something when hearing about Subaru went from nothing to this.

>> No.69979114

I mean I took that as their apartment was so small so they couldn’t buy a second PC. I knew they wanted to move to Japan but it was earlier that expected. Kinda wonder if they started to plan the move since last year when they saw how much money they started to make. There is no way this was a 2024 plan.

>> No.69979143

>Getting boyfriends

>> No.69979163

maybe you should stop trying to push your own personal definition of what an EN branch of a JP company in a JP centric field should do
try going to twitch.tv or something if you want strictly 100% english content

>> No.69979179

Yeah. Me.

>> No.69979192

Japanese men love turboweebs you ding dong

>> No.69979213

I'm mainly feeling sad that I won't know when they'll be back to regular streaming. I feel a little lost knowing we won't have schedules for a while.

>> No.69979216

>>will get JP boyfriends
Yeah, both me.

>> No.69979234

Sure anonchama.

>> No.69979251

Then why is the birthrate declining?

>> No.69979260

Are we still being raided?

>> No.69979272

>Mococo sneezes in the vod
>instinctively try to go to live chat and say "bless you"
fuck, I'm so well trained.

>> No.69979281

When you start to watch or follow any holo there should really be a warning that you are forced to read that tells you these girls want to do idol activities and if you're not okay with that it sends you right back to twitch

>> No.69979289

I swear when watching yesterday's karaoke, even before the big announcement, somewhere in the middle of the tracklist they had like a short intermission when they talked about how things have been and they got very emotional. I somewhat remember that happening. But it was very, very late night for me, so I might've dreamt it up. Can anyone confirm this or post a timestamp?

>> No.69979294

>bless you
>not TSKR
Why do you have to be normal

>> No.69979295

because he has no idea what he is talking about.

>> No.69979320

Japanese women aren't turboweebs obviously
Also, they need more white me like me to breed them

>> No.69979368

How long is their break?

>> No.69979373

Don't they currently wake up a couple of hours ahead of FWMC Morning?
They can always nap before FWMC Morning in JST timezone if they want to be in tune with NA morning vibes.

I agree they'll always be regarded as exotic gaijin novelties and must speak EN in their own streams and be stuck with HoloEN members during company-wide collabs, but dub-watching brainlet incapable or unwilling to learn moonrunes deserve nothing.

>> No.69979420

Could be a week, could be two, could be a month
We have no idea, and neither do they

>> No.69979481
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She's so much cuter with the long hair, looks great

With how much she loves FuwaMoco I'm sure a collab will happen before long, too

>> No.69979519

They hate naps and said not having to nap is an upside of moving to Japan.

>> No.69979542

Pretty sure you're suppose to plan these things in advance. Dumb dogs.

>> No.69979553
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>first read this as 'exotic gaijin novellites'
The brainrot... it's real...

>> No.69979564

>incapable or unwilling to learn moonrunes deserve nothing
Unwilling, sure
But incapable? Some people just can't, their brains just can't figure it out. Them learning their mother tongue was miracle enough

>> No.69979589

If anything RM fags are getting cucked even worse. Imagine if they debut and do events in Japan only when the people supporting them had done so under the assumption they would be going to NA cons.

>> No.69979609

I don’t know the inner workings on how their moving will go but I’ll take it we woo see them for at least 2-3 weeks. If everything goes as planned then a week will do but that hardly happens. Also they might miss the ruffians so much that they might stream even if things aren’t completely in place.

>> No.69979618

I don't see them as a love interest, they are too old for me. I just want to support them and their dreams
Not to disrespect, I like them a lot. But they are too old for me to start a family with
>Language elitist
Not really, I only know languages because I use them in daily life. The only reason I think JP needs reps is because of the writing system. Kanji is a pain until it clicks
skill issue

>> No.69979621

Every single creep in that group who was hoping to sneak into their lives deserves it, I wish all of them would fuck off

>> No.69979670
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>Dumb dogs.
First time?

>> No.69979700

We all knew from day 1 all they wanted was to be japanese idols and living in japan is the only way to do that. You are retarded if you never saw this comming.

>> No.69979791

Sadly retards will be retarded.
You could put up multiple warning signs that their dream is to be idols in Japan and do all the things that come with that and you still get people here half a year later going "what the hell? I didn't sign up for this!"

>> No.69979797

>make an English branch for English speaking audience
>make them learn Japanese
you are actually retarded

>> No.69979802

Would they have been able to move to Japan if they didn’t know Japanese? Is it realistic to move to a country where you know shit of the language?

>> No.69979838

>Is it realistic to move to a country where you know shit of the language?

>> No.69979916

It just hurts because they're effectively saying 'you're not good enough' to the non-JP Ruffians.

>> No.69979921

Apology for poor english but here is how I see the situation. Up until now, Fuwamoco and the ruffians have been in this sort of contract, where they want to be idols very badly, and the ruffians want someone to look up to and to brighten up their day and such. So far, everything Fuwamoco has done reinforced this relationship of co-dependence of sorts. Fuwamoco felt happy that they can make people’s lives better and the ruffians also felt good by having an inspiring idol who they support. The moving to Japan however is the first big thing where Fuwamoco does something for themselves and the ruffians are not involved at all, which is why I think it leaves a bitter taste. It’s a reminder that ultimately people have their own goals you’re not part of. It makes FWMC feel more distant and also shows how everybody in life moves on while your own life goes nowhere.

>> No.69979924

Yes, you would be surprised
I have friends that have been here for 10 years and don't speak any japanese aside what you would learn in the 1st week

To be more specific, some of those friends are MARRIED with a japanese wife and with kids, and still didn't learn any japanese

>> No.69979937

Anon there are a shit ton of people that do that.

>> No.69979994

It's an English branch of a Japanese company and project, correct.
It's for people who speak English but who love Japan, Japanese culture, idols, all of that.
The same way 4ch was meant to be a site for people who speak English but who love anime and JP culture.

If you're not into those things you should have never been on this site or in this case become a fan of anything hololive. You were always destined to stick to Twitch, phase, idolEN and vshojo and whatnot.

>> No.69980114

>people who suppot fuwamoco are happy
>insane stalker schizos are mad
Good. Also you can go to japan if you are that insane you know.

>> No.69980123
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>> No.69980159

Sometimes I wonder if /vt/ is just full of normies nowadays

>> No.69980161

>It makes FWMC feel more distant and also shows how everybody in life moves on while your own life goes nowhere
This is probably it
It's a splash of cold water when most were happily sleeping. A dream was interrupted, and now some are upset

>> No.69980165

okay sister

>> No.69980181
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>Ruffians in one week

>> No.69980196

That would require putting in the same effort as their "Oshis" lmao.

>> No.69980213

>Sometimes I wonder if /vt/ is just full of normies nowadays
Retardkun this board has literally been tourist central since it was made

>> No.69980226

>>Ruffians in one week

>> No.69980241

There's absolutely no need to wonder, it's certain.

>> No.69980293

From day 1.

>> No.69980298

Hachiko? Been there and saw his statue.

>> No.69980316
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I wouldn't put it past them

>> No.69980335

This entire board is a fucking mistake, like every /jp/ splinter.

>> No.69980369

What does all of that have to do with learning Japanese?
>It's for people who speak English but who love Japan, Japanese culture, idols, all of that.
Yes. It's for people that speak English and love what Hololive has to offer. I'm glad we agree.

>> No.69980371

sorry if I'm old, never been in /vt/ before /baubau/
But I use 4chan for longer than some people that post in here have been alive, apparently

>> No.69980400

jarvis install the japanese language in my brain

>> No.69980411

Holy fuck his uncle works at Nintendo?!

>> No.69980430
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looks like it

>> No.69980532

Look on the bright side:
you were barely getting streams already

>> No.69980608
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>who love Japan, Japanese culture, idols, all of that
if you consume all of that in English, you don't really love any of it
You are the type of person that gaming companies are hiring nowadays to do japanese localization and that it's ruining the fandom

Japanese content is like Sex, it's always better RAW

>> No.69980677

Tourists hated him because he told the truth.

>> No.69980749

>Japanese content is like Sex, it's always better RAW
I dunno, I had a pretty good steak in Tokyo once that was surprisingly well-cooked.

>> No.69980763

> and love what Hololive has to offer
Right, and that includes the girls being part of JP style variety shows at the studio. It includes them getting dance lessons and preparing for big concerts and holofes. It includes offcollabs with holoJP which will always be the biggest part of hololive and which will no doubt be in Japanese.
There's just no way around it, you'll get in contact with Japanese constantly if you're a holo fan and a fan of FuwaMoco. You should already be understanding some of it passively just by having watched streams .

>> No.69980778
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Okay, I will start doing my reps, and I'll keep doing them and supporting Fuwamoco as long as they keep protecting my smile, BUT I still believe that they should stream primarily in english (except for collabs), I would still feel that way even if I knew japanese fluently, I don't want them to abandon or replace the EN ruffians. If they ever start prioritizing the JPs I'll stop watching them, I love them and I don't ever want that to happen, but I feel very strongly about this.

That being said... How should I start? Any tips and tricks to learn JP?

>> No.69980828

Holy fucking based.

>> No.69980848

I'm jealous to be desu
if I wasn't disableld I'd probably be living in Japan with my Japanese wife

>> No.69980901

Anon no one even disagrees, they themselves assured you their own streams will always be primarily English and they won't leave holoEN.
This is about the people who are having an aneurysm over them getting to do more things over there from offcollabs to studio appearances and idol concerts.

>> No.69980919

Holy baused

>> No.69980928

Start with Kana, then read "Making Sense of Japanese" by Jay Rubin.

>> No.69980933

They're going to end up like Irys

>> No.69980995

Locked in Furea's Splatoon basement?

>> No.69981112

>How should I start? Any tips and tricks to learn JP?
If no one offers a better direction, this is better than nothing >>69977010
But I really hope someone can offer something better than that

>> No.69981168

I guess this was that never take us for granted thing they said. Honestly they have done so much that not having them in my life is sort of like, I’m okay, they should take the time they need to settle. Gonna be lonely tho. At least there will be twitter spaces.

>> No.69981248

why is this thread very active

>> No.69981308

We're in mourning.

>> No.69981326

I'm happy for them achieving a life long dream. I'm a bit sad though since I haven't had a dream in years, so I sorta feel worthless right now. I got a job I'm happy with in the field I wanted, which was my dream as a kid. I just sorta feel lost when I hear people talk about dreams now.

>> No.69981354

Everyone's tailing off the rush of earlier today, in a few hours once the last of us go to sleep it'll quieten down.

>> No.69981367

Let's just not do any more threads until they do something again. It's better that way, nothing good comes out of it right now anyway

>> No.69981370
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my wives

>> No.69981422

If they ever do that I'll explain them my problems with that in a SC, and if they keep doing it I'll simply stop watching them. For now I'll believe in them

Thanks! I'll look into it

>> No.69981434

cloudy feelings...

>> No.69981466
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>shuba live over
Good night ruffians

>> No.69981487

Sleep tight, Moco-chan!

>> No.69981511

Shuba has an amazing butt

>> No.69981566

I'm gonna watch their cute red bean hag friend play cities skylines while chilling I think

But good night

>> No.69981569

>I just sorta feel lost when I hear people talk about dreams now.
It's never late to find a new dream, or something you want to strive for
Doesn't have to be anything big, it can be just something you do on your spare time like nip reps or getting a new skill like maybe gardening

>> No.69981596

She was baused for sleeping on that stream.

>> No.69981888
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I love my wives. Can't wait to see them up there on that big stage.
