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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69958482 No.69958482 [Reply] [Original]

Mumei look like a Teen Girl who just got off watching Foamy the Squirrel on newgrounds.com while signing a #BringBackInvaderZim petition while wearing a Jack Skellington hoodie and Happy Tree Friends tube socks purchased at Hot Topic during an Emily the Strange Buy One Get One 50% off sale where she discovered Serenity Rose from Slave Labor Graphic Comics while her overbearing but loving father restricts her from going to the My Chemical Romance/Limp Bizkit concert with a 5-years-older-than-her boyfriend that constantly IMs outsourced stolen Pom and Z comic art over a 56k Modem America Online trial discs on myspace.com with a Top 8 consisting of Tim Burton, Jack Sparrow, Eminem, Jesus Christ, and whatever angsty teen band is the hit new thing on Disney Adventures magazine and spends all day filling out “What Kingdom Hearts Character are you?” quizzes only to complain she didn’t get Riku and is unable to watch the 2003 MTV Music Awards because her deadbeat older brother is always hogging the living room TV playing Tony Hawk’s Underground on his Halo Edition transparent green Xbox using a third party Mad Catz Air Flo controller with a busted analog stick constantly leaning to the right making Anti-Semitic remarks about how Eric stole his wicked McTwist over the helicopter in Hawaii footage!!!

>> No.69958587

I know, isn't it great?!

>> No.69958660
File: 46 KB, 680x680, cae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69958715

She need tattoos to tie everything together

>> No.69958794


>> No.69959934
File: 113 KB, 1004x946, 1702779122604687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not reading all that
would fuck the moomer even harder now though

>> No.69960290

Mumei look like a Teen Girl I'd have sex with every night.

>> No.69965875

um..anon...are you projecting ?

>> No.69966008

Based, please make sure you have Martin film it in IMAX, thank you.

>> No.69967898

nah those are the girls who became suicide girl models. the good ones are the ones who liked the fashion but stuck to 2000's pop punk and needed to ask their parents for permission to go to every single concert.

>> No.69969562

I miss my childhood and teenage years of the 2000s bros...

>> No.69972566

>with a 5-years-older-than-her boyfriend
I love how this was the norm when I was still in school and all the girls got snatched up by guys in their 20s and as soon as I got there myself agegap autism blew up and suddenly looking at a 17 year 364 day old was grounds for instant execution

>> No.69972694

Okay, Im happy for you and all, but will she be playing Overwatch with Ame and Dokibird soon?

>> No.69972788

..hey!.. yeah, what the flkc happend?

>> No.69973066

>Foamy the Squirrel

Okay that triggered a fucking memory, so I googled for a hit of nostalgia and apparently Neurotically Yours is a vtuber now


>> No.69973158

Over the hill women gained more power and banned it because they were jealous. This is the difference between men and women. A man sees a younger guy with a MILF and thinks "go on lad! get some!", a woman sees a younger girl with an older man, remembers when she used to be that girl getting the attention, and seethes with jealousy.

>> No.69973746

Good god I miss sodomizing girls like that for the first time as their 5 years older than they were boyfriend
