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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69864045 No.69864045 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to give love to your oshi】



Previous thread >>69691080

>> No.69865191 [DELETED] 


>> No.69865595


>> No.69865631
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>> No.69866846

>Nisha almost posted feet pics, but changed her mind on the last minute

>> No.69866955

We live in the worst timeline

>> No.69867207

Will that be the greatest tragedy and loss for humanity?

>> No.69867746

Goki status? She must be devastated.

>> No.69868197


>> No.69868243

killing myself tonight, bye anons

>> No.69868890
File: 2.83 MB, 2579x2409, 1708579817375518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Nisha's fault for teasing us like that

>> No.69868987
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>> No.69869137

>yamu streamed for almost 8 hours yesterday
parlanchina wife...

>> No.69869268

Those are rookie numbers for her.

>> No.69869751

uoh forgot to add Reyu fucking cunt

>> No.69870018
File: 1.41 MB, 960x1200, 15400576866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69870063

Who's Maro?
Can't keep up with everyone

>> No.69870108

Sowwy I just wanted a thread and copypasted the last one.

>> No.69870135

Do you fags want Yamu's monetization stream numbers or not.

>> No.69870185

How can we help Yamu? I'm falling in love with this girl.

>> No.69870277

I'm interested

>> No.69870438

I don't have any use for that

>> No.69870600

stop posting on the shitter's threads, he tried previously triying to merge exwactors with vtes, and you can tell cause the retard always use dumb filenames

>> No.69870806 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 1585x1544, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those who are still clueless:
Karune = Lia
Hera = Ageha
Chino = Charo
Maro = Kobi Ururu (the bilibili girl)

>> No.69870880

Post Accounts, still missing Mahiru sadly

>> No.69871081

Doesn't really matter who makes the thread if it's well made.

>> No.69871173

Everything looks on topic tho, at least for now

>> No.69871188
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>> No.69872031

A fellow numberfag

>> No.69872787

Pretty good considering it's the end of the month and I couldn't give her anything because I didn't have money yet

>> No.69872935

>well made
>using dead models like this and the past thread for the OP
>tard forgot to add at least of 3 girls names
but since the nigger is a threadwatcher that don't even watch these girls so he can't even tell.
and to be real who gives a fuck about the takas? fags don't talk about Axtre and they can understand her or even other ES girls this thread is pointless, just move /Yamu/ i'm bored of tourist niggers ands shitters.

>> No.69873112

If it isn't instigating tribal fights like somepast OPs did, it is good enough.

>> No.69873221

Anon, every time I try to make a nice thread you shit on it. This low effort one is exactly what you deserve.

>> No.69873343


>> No.69873353

>it is good enough
so this is the aactual state of this thread, bumping a thread of a kid who admited to make them just to shitpost, not even stream talks, just filling the void an autist has because he's a lonely loser with nobody to talk

>> No.69873545

>lazy clip with no edition
>channel's name

>> No.69873741

Tho I'd prefer no threads are made, if someone makes a thread, I'm not letting it rot to falseflags and shitposters so I'll try to make an effort to make it good.

>> No.69874669

not going to watch that.

>> No.69874956

Drop your cutest Nishas

>> No.69874994

This. I remember when we even had a script to keep the threads being well made after miutomop fucked off.
This lazy shit is exactly what you get after you bullied all the good anons away.

>> No.69874998

hope the faggot don't dare to go back to his roots and start making those retarded pajero clickbaits.
>retards still asking if it's Himea

>> No.69875182

We used to have dedicated autists who enforced a particular format that worked well, with lots of information, upcoming streams and a fanmade website with information. Everyone's gone now and only shitters remain.

>> No.69875211

I would love the thread to have a nice formatted general like the one from /tsunx/, but then I remember who browses this thread: shitters, subhumans, and worst of all, groomers who larp as anon to try and make 4chan look bad so they can get good boy points with the vtuber they're trying to fuck
This is why we can't have good things.

>> No.69875344

I've seen some fags in chat saying they found her again recently. She was shilled everywhere including those cancerous faceberg groups, so how the fuck couldn't they know?

>> No.69875516

Aaaaa shura Futanari

>> No.69875621

more like they got tired of dealing with cancerous shitters and fucked off.

you will be surprised but a fuckton of people don't use twitter or fb.

>> No.69875687

easy, not everyone lives in the internet

>> No.69875759

It's not worth making a good thread, shitters will take advantage of it.

>> No.69876300

So you have to put posters on the streets to reach those fags?

>> No.69876400

There are a lot of YT only people, I realized this once when Yamu made a tweet and a community post with the same question. Her Twitter post had 60 replies while her YT post had 166 comments when I checked back then, few hours after they were made.
And even checking it right now, that twitter post now has 75 replies while the YT post has 225 comments. Though you could say the current disparity could be because that tweet is already buried and the YT one is more easily accesible.

>> No.69876547

Just checked her monetization stream announcement, the YT community post has more than double the likes than its Twitter counterpart.

>> No.69876567

Saw some fags believing Yamu was Ageha

>> No.69876685

No fucking way

>> No.69876750


>> No.69876856

the same happened with Nisha, Eru and Shura, I guess there are fgs whose only contact with them is through youtube

>> No.69876864

That makes sense, but then how can we help her reach those fags?
yt shorts?

>> No.69876916
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>> No.69877014

Are you saying we should make shill campaigns?

>> No.69877320

Make clips and short clips that get picked up by the algorithm easily.

>> No.69877355

Bro... fag deaf af

>> No.69877565

>Shura shitting on yt audience
ok who of you was the parasocial freak that shooed her?

>> No.69877983

>Shura shitting on discordfags
kek she think that yt faggots are the discord schizos and doxxers kek

>> No.69878015

No one because now her pimp is filtering the maros.

>> No.69878196

I believe she has fags painting her a caricature of gachis and youtube crowd, exaggerating shit and scaring her of making content that would attract that audience.
>What makes me believe this?
Once I checked her stream because fags told me she was discussing the topic, I looked at her chat and saw a bunch of fags having a hard stance against it.

>> No.69878223

>shura shitting on groomers now
lol some nigger was giving her an asset and asked for a private discord call, lmao.

>> No.69878265

give her love in any way and ignore other girls

>> No.69878340

You won't make me watch Shura.

>> No.69878558

>now shitting on AW that want to send her DMs or discord calls
kek she will don't reply to dms groomer retards she will only use that on stream with all people seeing what she is doing, and that she HAVE to be EXTREMELY careful due the audience she had to deal with, fucking gachi nigger subhumans

>> No.69878712

>now saying that Yamu had to deal with the same..
LMAO Yamu thinks the same as her kek get fucked unicucks

>> No.69878795

That's just megajorn's manipulating her to keep her on twich.

>> No.69879006

So you're implying that's not her own decisions and she's only doing that because of the unicorns? (that she doesn't has btw)

>> No.69879031

Hiya my fellow Latinx, how's life treating you? Drawfag here, I've got a bit of time on my hands so I'll be taking request from you. Just like last time, tell me the name of your oshi and I'll draw her.

>> No.69879160

Could you continue that Yamu drawing you were making?

>> No.69879496 [DELETED] 

what is this putrid and repulsive odor on the first page... ewww it reeks of choripan

>> No.69879638

Hmm... I'd need to find it in all the incomplete stuff in my PC, so give some time.

>> No.69879717 [DELETED] 

hahahaha no one like you disgusting villera shitskin, retarded choripanero, neither the other talentess whores fucking clowns kekw
stop wasting your time on that trash idolES soon

>> No.69879842 [DELETED] 

hahahahahahaha so irrelevant that no one remember her voice kekw

>> No.69879904

not my oshi, but how about Axtre Luraine?

>> No.69879941
File: 161 KB, 1024x1024, F99ytLfXoAAmZcP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an AI reference.

>> No.69879943

So Shura was dunking on Eru?

>> No.69879960

>shits on gachis while pointing out that AW and groomer are the problem

>> No.69879974 [DELETED] 

they still think that people will not forget about the existence of wactards when idolES debuts hahahahaha

>> No.69880065

kid is completely mindbroken, and he keeps descending

>> No.69880082
File: 104 KB, 1084x1147, 1705637144302837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finish this fag

>> No.69880204

Child Erotic ToTToT

>> No.69880228 [DELETED] 

Eru is the only one worth watching from these whores, and barely, it's sad that she have to share the same fanbase that choripanegra scum, she is hololive material unlike the other shit

>> No.69880277

Some fag asked her to post a download link to her onsen stream since it won’t be uploaded to her vod channel but she said discord is a dangerous tool and it could be taken out of context

>> No.69880372

I'm starting to think he is just an attention whore that uses the word "choripan" as signature for his shitpost so everyone can identify him.

>> No.69880373

no need to shill yourself eru

>> No.69880383


>> No.69880392 [DELETED] 

>says the dumb cucked choripanero
lol your brownie queen is haviing hot discord sex with PuchySugoi and irl sex with Kazze, and if you aren't dumb enought you will realize that that video of her voting was filmed by Kazze, lmao fucking cucks hahahahah

>> No.69880480

>choripanschizo is an erucuck
You can’t make this shit up

>> No.69880800 [SPOILER] 
File: 75 KB, 970x355, schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I....

>> No.69880817

you need to get yourself better rrats m8

>> No.69881180
File: 262 KB, 1600x1892, 1602021245848754512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of sickens she got that is taking her so long to recover?

>> No.69881656

Draw Yamu but in a micro bikini PLEASE

>> No.69882383
File: 1.10 MB, 3840x2160, nisha & meica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ver 0.5

/Xwactor/ - EX-WACTOR

Vantablack Edition

>Teamup Schedule [CURRENTLY DEFUNCT]
>Divegrass team

▼Former WACTOR Members
>Nisha Nixyeva - Mesugaki ???
>meica05 - ???
>Shura Hiwa - ???
>Eru Nabura
>Yukine Olwin - ???
>Axtre Luraine - ???
>Sylvie Ruru - Mesugaki in training
>Yamu Rozenheart - ???
>Natsuri Nekoto - ???
>Eileennoir - ???
>Merun Morino - ???
JP Youtube channel
>Yumeiri Reyu - ???
>Namima Mui - ???
>Momo Mitsuki - ???
>Sagi Hoshikawa - ???
> Rui Otori - ???
>Karune - ???
>Hera - ???
>Chino - ???
>Mahiru reincarnation - ???
>Maro - ???

▼WACTOR Outcast
>Miu Hizuki

>exWACTOR related, go to the relevant thread instead of here

Small Spanish corpos & Indies >>>/vt//vtes/
Idol ES >>>/vt//idoles/
If you can think of anyone worth mentioning, add them here.

Previous Thread: >>???

>> No.69882398

>she is not leaving
well this don't look good for miutomos, hope she isn't really part of the staff
>still no news of Mahiru

>> No.69882429

>micro bikini
That's normal size bikini for her

>> No.69882488
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>> No.69882790

The text is important.
If anyone has good short descriptions for their oshis, please add them. Remember, we want people to have a good first impression of the girls and the community.

>> No.69882828

clogged with unecesary trash and links, and is exWACTOR not EX-WACTOR stop being gay.

>> No.69883068

Newfag this is way closer to the way MiutomoOP used to bake threads. Finally a good quality OP

>> No.69883163

What are you supposed to add on the "???" field?

>> No.69883173

ignorig the fact that no extalent want to be relationed with that name, yet you keep spaming it, seems that you want the tourists facetards to find the thread easier, fuck off.

>> No.69883340

Don't shit on the only anon that made an effort to create a good template

>> No.69883355

It has errors on purpose because it's a rush job. >>69883068
It looks better than I expected, so I'll try to think of short descriptions for the girls and add them later little by little.

>> No.69883399

Are short descriptions necessary?

>> No.69883420

You did a good job, little anon! Proud of you! :3

>> No.69883455

so that way it catch the google algorithm and appears on the searches, gj retards

>> No.69883504

>unnecessary clutter
No it is not.

>> No.69883621

i'm not saying it doesn't need changes, i would like to remove the name wactor too but how the hell do we relate them? exBlackCorpos? kek

>> No.69883659
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I see, it's an adaptation of the tsunX general

>> No.69883829

Axtre needs more slutty art

>> No.69883868

Yes, because it's important to have a quick description of the girls in the OP.

>Yumeiri Reyu - Menhera idol and VR enthusiast
This will give you an idea of what the goal is, the template is inspired by /tsunx/

>> No.69883887

you are really dumb right? they do it on purpose, they don't want Yamufags to split, they are adicted to shit on these girls even if the said girls fans barely post here anymore.

>> No.69884006

Why don't you contribute and say something nice about your oshi instead of complaining, which only makes you another shitter btw?

>> No.69884118

You should accept the fate that this place will never die and actually do something to improve it.

>> No.69884123


>> No.69884135

if i do that ill get 4 retards throwing shit at her instantly, you still don't get something so simple?

>> No.69884178

Say something nice about her without mentioning her name. Easy.

>> No.69884231

cancer general with half of exmembers on other corpos, a thread that shouldn't exist.

>> No.69884297

What I don't get is why do you keep coming here just to moan. Just fuck off.

>> No.69884369

Yet it does and by the looks of it, they only love post about their oshis.

>> No.69884398

remove takas
add latinas

>> No.69884413

fuck off carete chocke on a nigger dick, are you feel sad and lonely cause there is not a discord? stfu already.

>> No.69884441

those retards are already here, and will always be here. You can either live in fear forever or do something about it. I am choosing to make this thread a better place, if you want to complain, fine. People like you are the reason South America stays third world.

>> No.69884582

Niggers rather contribute to shitting the thread by shutting down attempts to improve it and shaming anons that try, instead of taking action to make it better.

>> No.69884729

>The type that would abandon his country instead of staying and fight for it
You're onto something kek

>> No.69884759

so one retard like you and maybe 2-3 other anons vs the rst of ips from resident shitters and some random faggot from fb that joins, wow what an amazing revolutionary plan, meanwhile the girls get shit and lurkers eat all the shitpost as an ultimate truth.

>> No.69884813

Demoralizing troll

>> No.69884943

sure sweetie, a wall of text on the OP that no one gives a flying fuck will improve the thread! sure it will!

>> No.69885023

>Retard really thinks the majority of ips are shitters
Haven't you realized they're a couple fags, at best three that just falseflag and spam to appear as more numerous?
They only beat you because you're a pussy.

>> No.69885115

Why don't you fuck off already?
Will you F5 every day, all day waiting for a thread to be made then join it and post about how much you hate a thread exists?

>> No.69885175

If you add that shit to the OP I'm gonna start sharing the link in normalfag sites. You know, to improve the general.

>> No.69885197

>remove takas
they all deserve to be there, yes even meica
>add latinas
Sorry, if they weren't in WACTOR they aren't on-topic. That is what >>>/vtes/ is for, for all the other latina whores people want to shill.

>> No.69885219

ofcourse thats why we are at this situation, right? shitter OP-kun

>> No.69885361

So you want to sabotage the general.

>> No.69885428

You are talking to other nigger

>> No.69885453

Now I have the urge to become an OP just to spite on that fag.

>> No.69885649

These shitters actually call themselves fans
rumao, why are you like this

>> No.69885711

>You should accept the fate that this place will never die and actually do something to improve it.

>> No.69885718
File: 3 KB, 375x66, 166320215221520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because OP is a faggot that should watch streams, or get a another hobby.

>> No.69885874

There will always be someone that makes a thread, it's not a single fag. It can go offline for days, but at the end it always comes back. Accept it, it won't disappear.
Then you'll realize the only way out is to think about ways to improve it's quality.

>> No.69885906

everyone knows miutomo anon is gay, what's the problem

>> No.69886222

That's like saying 2 or 3 super Saiyans vs 20 monkeys.

>> No.69888032
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>> No.69888601
File: 568 KB, 871x830, Axtre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a pretty interesting design, very cute and quite original imo.
Next one.
Seems that this girl is kind of famous around here, isn't she?

>> No.69888971
File: 123 KB, 1196x1130, 1705334512113950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ren is so lucky

>> No.69889539

Really cute!!!
And Yamu is a huge /here/ panderer, so yeah. She doesn't do it in an annoying way, though.

>> No.69889624
File: 121 KB, 850x1202, eileenoir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ver. 0.7


/eXwactor/ - EX-WACTOR

Vantablack Edition

>Teamup Schedule [CURRENTLY DEFUNCT]
>Divegrass team

▼Former WACTOR Members
>Nisha Nixyeva - mesugaki succubus
>meica05 - retarded sister experience
>Shura Hiwa - motomami hag
>Eru Nabura - cyberangel cutie
>Yukine Olwin - pent up alusky hound
>Axtre Luraine - space traveling babu
>Sylvie Ruru - bratty army commander
>Yamu Rozenheart - loli queen of hearts
>Natsuri Nekoto - sexy gamer girl
>Eileennoir - capitalist nephilim
>Merun Morino - little red riding hood and good girl
>Yumeiri Reyu - menhera angel and soda addict
>Namima Mui - NEET denpa waifu


>Momo Mitsuki - office lady
>Sagi Hoshikawa - virtual idol
> Rui Otori - gamer girl
>Karune - ASMR-only, preparing for vtuber debut
>Hera - preparing for vtuber debut
>Chino - preparing for vtuber debut
>Mahiru reincarnation - whereabouts or plans unknown
>Maro - preparing for vtuber debut

▼WACTOR Outcast
>Miu Hizuki - V-singer idol from the future

>exWACTOR related, go to the relevant thread instead of here

Small Spanish corpos & Indies >>>/vt//vtes/
Idol ES >>>/vt//idoles/
If you can think of anyone worth mentioning, add them here.

Previous Thread: >>1

>> No.69889652
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>> No.69891046
File: 699 KB, 2008x3600, 1708612146852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69891635
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>> No.69892990

You can't hide forever, Hizuki Miu. WACTOR will pay for their crimes.

>> No.69894626
File: 724 KB, 1245x942, Rwiniuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, hope you like her~

>> No.69895594
File: 3.97 MB, 640x360, sylvie I luv lil girls [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffdhk1x.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69895673

no one really knows what's going on with nisha? i'm disappointed in anons.

>> No.69896180

I know but won't tell.

>> No.69896426

Post Pregnaty Stress Disorder

>> No.69896607


>> No.69897090
File: 1.10 MB, 3541x2508, momo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ver. 0.75


/eXwactor/ - EX-WACTOR

Vantablack Edition

>Teamup Schedule [CURRENTLY DEFUNCT]
>Divegrass team

▼Former WACTOR Members
>Nisha Nixyeva - mesugaki succubus
>meica05 - retard sister experience
>Shura Hiwa - motomami hag, unity queen
>Eru Nabura - cyberangel cutie
>Yukine Olwin - pent up alusky hound with a castration fetish
>Axtre Luraine - space traveling babu
>Sylvie Ruru - bratty army commander
>Yamu Rozenheart - loli queen of hearts
>Natsuri Nekoto - sexy gamer girl
>Eileennoir - capitalist nephilim
>Merun Morino - sweet little red riding hood
>Yumeiri Reyu - menhera angel and cola addict
>Namima Mui - NEET denpa waifu


>Momo Mitsuki - office lady idol
>Sagi Hoshikawa - virtual idol
> Rui Otori - gamer girl
>Karune - ASMR-only, preparing for vtuber debut
>Hera - preparing for vtuber debut
>Chino - preparing for vtuber debut
>Mahiru reincarnation - whereabouts or plans unknown
>Maro - preparing for vtuber debut

▼WACTOR Outcast
>Miu Hizuki - V-singer idol from the future

>exWACTOR friends or not, post in the relevant thread instead of here

Small Spanish corpos & Indies >>>/vt//vtes/
Idol ES >>>/vt//idoles/
If you can think of anyone worth mentioning, add them here.

Previous Thread: >>∞

>> No.69897164


>> No.69897244

Looks really good.
Thanks for picking up my request.

>> No.69897364


>> No.69897415

I like how it's coming along

>> No.69897475

what's the problem, nigger

>> No.69898149
File: 2.08 MB, 2000x2000, 1708782205045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69898176

>what's the problem, nigger
Can you stop being so fucking defensive? ffs
It's a YT stream, isn't that unusual for her?

>> No.69898234


>> No.69898668


>> No.69898914

Why are you spaming Wactor every single time? Its redundant just say ex talents.
that description shit is stupid, and why are you shitting on Miu?
>also retarded divegrass links
man you are trolling at this point

>> No.69899369

unironically fuck off with your general garbage op
we don't need anything besides a title and a link to the previous thread

>> No.69899400

Keep going OP

>> No.69899602

It's almost as if he wants this general to be indexed by jewgle and lure more dramaseeker normalfags here.

>> No.69900300

well she's not an ex member anymore right

>> No.69900306
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1708786471639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69900487

my beloved, she put some spanish in a tweet

>> No.69901738


>> No.69902535

>cyberangel cutie
anon please try hide your favoritism

>> No.69902947

if you have a better description please share it anon

>> No.69903042

>it won't disappear.
false, you know that the fag tried with multiple threads that died because people decided to not post, as simple as not post.
either way when jews debut this thread will get even more dead, some fags will move to the jew thread, my only hope is that the shitters move too, but thats asking for a miracle.
i just want to talk about Yamu free of this cancer, maybe joining the indie general could be a solution, there is not point to keep with this facade pretending that the girls are on a corpo or are friends, and i don't care sharing a thread with gringos and it will help to filter shitters too

>> No.69903044

Man thirsty succubus

>> No.69903116

You should also specify who:
-Shows skin
-Collabs with men
-Makes GFE
-Actually tries to play a character like a real Vtuber

Wich is what people is actually interested about. Maybe their likes and dislikes they usually say in their debuts would be good but that would be a lot of text.

>> No.69903121

Dude woke up on a Saturday and is already sheeting and dilating

>> No.69903218

like the eruditos kek

>> No.69903236

>dude spend all the night bumping his discordlike hangout thread to get his only source of human interaction not deleted

>> No.69903355

Wactorbros we're so back.

>> No.69903691

You know this is not discord but the OP thinks it's the same, these threads were made with a purpose before, at least to talk about streams or with and specific project. You fags are just feeding dopamine to the retard so just this shit die like the other five threads he tried
Or just stay /here/ as if it were your personal discord server

>> No.69903905

stop posting and coming here then? whats so hard about it

>> No.69904389

Nisha should do all of them but the second one

>> No.69905199
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>> No.69905319

could use the practice but not as bad as I thought

>> No.69906129
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>> No.69907219
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>> No.69907570

Cause he wants a place to talk about Yamu but he needs to convince other Yamu fags and that's clearly not gonna happen if he keeps like this.
A Yamu only thread would be boring and wouldn't survive and adding Yamu to an indies thread would be useless cause there are too many Vtubers in there, Yamu is not big enough.

>> No.69908256

I don't think that fag is being sincere and I doubt he's a real Yamu fan, a /Yamu/ thread was already agreed upon, but it was going to be made after enough days of purge had passed.

>> No.69908304

Purge meaning, days without a thread.

>> No.69909438

meh, just talk about whatever you want and ignore the shitters. They won't stop just because you make a designated general.
If you let shitters discourage you that easily, you will face same fate whatever you go.

>> No.69910171

>Motomami hag
Ogey eructo, change Eru for "M&G diskek queen" and we'll be even

>> No.69910694

not him but whats bad about sharing a thread with eng fags? people there talk about their oshi or chuubas that they like, whats so bad about that?

>> No.69910836

Seriously bud, those descriptions are cringe af. Just remove them.

>> No.69910912

The problem is that when I post things about her or for her we become the most active fanbase here.
Then shitters don't stop shitting on other girls and we get the blame for it being painted as the shitters. And what's worse, since she's known to be here even if as a lurker, she gets accused of that shit too.

>> No.69911075

is more easy to just delete that dumb wall of text and make a pastebin with twitter, yt and twitch links alongside with the content the chuubas do and the languages they can speak.

>> No.69911088

I wanted to discuss possible generals to migrate in the /Yamu/ thread, when it would be made.
Some weeks about I mentioned there was a thread who was receptive, some of them even watched her debut, but I wanted to discuss with all of you if you were fine with that general.

>> No.69911525

>The problem is that when I post things about her or for her we become the most active fanbase here.
>Then shitters don't stop shitting on other girls and we get the blame for it being painted as the shitters
Won't that be even worse in a place dedicated to her? Again, what makes you believe the shitters won't use that place to falseflag and trow shit to other girls
>since she's known to be here even if as a lurker, she gets accused of that shit too
You really let shitter have more power over you with that nonsensical mindset.

>> No.69911652

No one will be interested in Yamu because they don't speak her language.
You guys will end up being in your own off topic bubble.
Also do you really believe spics are the only shitters? people speaking nonsense is everywhere. you need to learn how to deal with them.

>> No.69911993

>that shitter fearing that people move to other place and he end losing his playground
uhmm good to know

>> No.69912118

>ENG fags don't give a shit about ES chuubas, and I personally don't give a shit about English chuubas, so the discussion will be always one way
>the culture gap is massive, so we don't have anything in common, so ES fags will be alienated there
>here the viewer base is shared, so a single fag can post about and discuss about many other chuubas they watch
If you want to be one of the two faggots posting an spanish speaking chuuba in an english general, then go ahead.

>> No.69912787

You just ignored everything I told you,and you didn't get the point at all.
Shitters won't stop existing. Misery will follow you because (you) are carrying the problem. Whatever you go nothing will change unless you change you mindset and learn to report, ignore, and don't be a weak faggot that let's himself get overpowered by worthless shitters.

>> No.69912825

>ENG fags don't give a shit about ES chuubas
correct, also they don't care about other ENG chuubas they don't watch yet they still share a thread minding their own bussiness
>don't give a shit about English chuubas
well thats just you
>the culture gap is massive, so we don't have anything in commom
stop being retarded, really.
>here the viewer base is shared
false, there are people that only care about their ES oshi, you sound like one of those ES only twittertards.

>> No.69912876

>"Bombardeen Peru" Shura Hiwa

>> No.69912949

A place dedicated to her wouldn't have that problem because only she would be on topic, and sincerely most of us don't watch other girls enough to discuss anything about them.

>> No.69913059

you keept parroting that shit since years and guess what it didn't work at all, in fact it got worse.
i'm starting to belive that you are this retard >>69885718

>> No.69913632

>still share a thread minding their own bussiness
What the point of that? That's just as autistic as going to an online game just to play alone. Just make a twitter account and post your oshi there if you don't care about having a discussion about your oshi in this site.
>there are people that only care about their ES oshi
Yes? and there's people that watch other ex-wactorettes, and they are way more common than fags that watch both ENG and ES chuubas in other generals.

>> No.69913771

The point is to discuss her with her other Yamusagi anons.

>> No.69913964

You know why it doesn't work? Because you still are not contributing to make this place better. Just moan and don't post anything meaningful.
It's like you want to see people talking, but you don't want to talk about anything, just complain when you don't like the topic.
Just look at the discussion Nishadows where having earlier, that's what you should be doing, just mention stream content, and ignore shitters.

>> No.69914170

You mean the single other yamusagi that will follow you there.
At that point you should just make a whatsapp group, add that fag and just talk back and forth.

>> No.69914341

I'm certain we're at least 4

>> No.69914471

>no my favorite toilet of a general is in danger...
>ignore shitters! it will become better trust me!!!

>> No.69914640

I fucking hate the name yamusagi.

>> No.69914850

Not reading all of that, Nisha is going to stream soon so watch her or shut up and dilate in silence

>> No.69914872

godo, that other pixelchad, bob anon, (you), me and also some occasional posters too.

>> No.69914937

I fucking hate rabbits. Didn't she liked dominant guys? Why the fuck did she pick an animal known for being passive and cowardly to repent her fans?

>> No.69915239

Seeing that fag above, they ratter flee than fight to keep their ground, so it's kinda fitting imo.

>> No.69915470

you are forgetting your "choripanero" trademark shitter

>> No.69915571

I wouldn't mind fighting or getting attacked if I was the only one affected, but when they begin to accuse her of shit she isn't responsible for and it affects her negativity, that's where I have to reconsider what to do.

>> No.69915722

>they where wasting time filling the thread with meningless discussions about shitters instead of talking about their oshis
See? (you) are the problem too.

>> No.69915807

I remember it had something to do with the rabbit being the one character who can go in and out wonderland at will.

>> No.69916017
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>> No.69916053

And why do you care so much about unfounded accusations? Since when do we care about what a bunch of twittards and discordfags might think?
Again you are giving shitter way more imaginary power than what they really have.

>> No.69916201

literal.. She had several very good recommendations and always chooses the worst.
Yamusagis looks like a copy of Nousagis;..;

>> No.69916417

Yamusagis in the wild.

>> No.69916595
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Rabbits are lame. Bring the cards back.

>> No.69916635

the wactorschizo didn't work out renaming the thread to /910inc/ and now he wants to pretend to be a good fan, to keep the word wactor in the op and keep his shitty thread.

>> No.69916696

Why didn't I think about that name before...

>> No.69916866


>> No.69917114


>> No.69917304

Never played that game. Any character in there to Yamufy in pixels?

>> No.69917415

why are arg so irritating with mate? It's a simple tea faggot

>> No.69917428

anons always late
but it doesn't have a design yet

>> No.69917512
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maybe this lady? the game doesn't have so many waifus, you see?

>> No.69917602

To all the haters, fuck you.
I will keep working on the template and nothing you say will convince me to stop.

>> No.69917768

I like the Yamusagis name.

>> No.69917836

Remove those autistic and cringe descriptions, and those useless divegrass links, that's all you have to do m8.

>> No.69917856

I don't like it so much since I've seen who was the fag who said it first ubt it's a fit name in the end

>> No.69917867

Unironically who the fuck is Eiwy?
Where does she come from?

>> No.69917950

I can say the same about rozenbunnies kek

>> No.69918095

Who was it?
I already know this one

>> No.69918137

Based stubborn anon

>> No.69918148

I'm not satisfied 100% with some of the descriptions, especially Eru's. But that can be fixed.
Send suggestions if you have anything better.
captcha: HJ0DPA

>> No.69918167

>Who was it?

>> No.69918200
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Dragona, part of Eru replacement theory

>> No.69918220

At least it is not Asses or some ass related bs

>> No.69918340

If you mean the autistic guardiafag, he suggested "bunnyhearts" not rozenbunnies

>> No.69918349
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>the game doesn't have so many waifus
Both games are full of female bosses and their themes mog everything else so hard it's not even funny, but just like the penitent one, everyone has their face covered

>> No.69918367

I want to lick Yamu's tummy

>> No.69918398

I was once the friend who got replaced when some even older friend of my then best friend in school got transferred to our same class.
I sympathize wirh Eru in this.

>> No.69918431

I already send my suggestion. REMOVE THEM.

>> No.69918616

kek "vtuber"

>> No.69918805

your suggestion is trash and you should feel ashamed

>> No.69918845

We close to 5000 subs

>> No.69918857
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>> No.69919244
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>> No.69919314

the fuck is wrong with this autist?

>> No.69919496

I'm not the one adding those cringe descriptions.
Seriously dude they are embarrassing af.

>> No.69920140

Aaaaa Shura Futanari

>> No.69920210
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>Nisha Nixyeva
>Shura Hiwa
>Eru Nabura
>Yukine Olwin
>Axtre Luraine
>Sylvie Ruru
>Yamu Rozenheart
>Natsuri Nekoto
>Merun Morino
>Yumeiri Reyu
>Namima Mui

Previous Thread: >>∞


>> No.69920536
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the only futa is crayon

>> No.69920838

thats a boy, also all anime girls can grow a dick at will, yes that include chuubas.

>> No.69920940

I love my flaquita!

>> No.69921074

It will take her several months to recover in the jewtube algorithm unless she gets lucky and goes viral.
Dumb horny brat choose to go on a sex vacation just when her channel was getting a second wind.

>> No.69921144

I want to post upcoming streams, but not all the ex-wactorettes can be added to holodex yet, and now that some also have twitch as their main platform that's a fucking chore.

>> No.69921285

I think those shorts she posted gave her a little boost

>> No.69921345

no one cares, all fags using this shithole are already subbed to their channel or even twitter

>> No.69921394

The fact Twitch doesn't has waiting rooms is another thing I hate about it.

>> No.69921505

>using holodex
you want to cripple teir ccv even more?

>> No.69921529

I used this thread to keep track of what girls were streaming without having to check every single one of their social media.

>> No.69921606

How does a tool that helps with tracking cripple their ccv?

>> No.69921686

Holy shit, this fag is against everything, what an annoying faggot.

>> No.69921704

Yeah that's where the second wind came from.
Youtube gives you a boost when you first post shorts. But sadly she didn't keep uploading those so she isn't getting any more favours from jewgle.
Her time for racking big numbers already flew by and now her best bet would be not getting cancelled while waiting for idolES gen2 call.

>> No.69921811

Embedded links still count on the views, right? It's not like they host the videos or anything

>> No.69921833

As a fan you can make a clip channel and help her with your own algo hits.

>> No.69922040
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>> No.69922088

that 3rd party tool is used to watch streams if you use it to watch streams yt detects that it is not open on their page/app and don't count that view plain and simple.
also if you have adblock enabled even if you are logged in still don't control that view, it had some serious changes sinze that anti ad-blockers campain, if you check the ccv of holos you will see that lost a fuckton of views for that.

>> No.69922159

>if you have adblock enabled even if you are logged in still don't control that view
not my problem

>> No.69922269

>leaching media from people working without supporting her with nothing
disgusting commie

>> No.69922297

It has other features besides watching the stream trough it, the one that matters to our use case being to make it easier to see upcoming streams to add to the OP.

>> No.69922492

She honestly had it coming for being a Stacy

>> No.69922509

I can't call myself a fan anymore.

>> No.69922602

Then that post goes to whoever may concern.

>> No.69922722
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>> No.69922985

actually based

>> No.69923044

Keep the divegrass link as a reminder that it is pending project.

>> No.69923071

that was like that on the past

>> No.69923075

This is what I mean, it's just to have all the stream in order on the same tab to make it easier to copy-paste the links and shit.

>> No.69923076

I think the descriptions could cause trouble, rest looks good

>> No.69923260

ratter put the pixel room link in case gordo appears

>> No.69923348 [DELETED] 

Speaking about pixels, what if me make a pixelvanvas mural v2?

>> No.69923488

>>69923260 #
Speaking about pixels, what if me make a pixelcanvas mural v2?

>> No.69923603
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>> No.69923649

>Nisha wants to participate in fan projects for her oshi, but she doesn't want to interact with the members of the community
That's interesting. How could a chuuba go around that? Like participating on a project to give a gift to another chuuba, but without having to interact with the fans directly?

>> No.69923812


>> No.69923842

by not revealing her name nor voice?

>> No.69923999 [DELETED] 

who cares, that puta gallega just want to bait fuwamoco to say her name for ccv.
>imagine watching the ENG branch

>> No.69924005

yeah, unironically

>> No.69924114

You're not watching the stream

>> No.69924143 [DELETED] 

>choripaneros wanting to leave the general
kekw you are here forever fucking cucks

>> No.69924231 [DELETED] 
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they are still crying cause Kazze is fucking that ugly shitskin hahaha

>> No.69924282 [DELETED] 

ayyyyy lmao Yamu looks like that? hahahahaha

>> No.69924286

I haven't watched much of the ENG holos, but I think I like advent more than the previous generations

>> No.69924334 [DELETED] 

oh nononono choripaneros...

>> No.69924386 [DELETED] 

they are still on the denial phase poor subhumans kekww
face it guardiafags won

>> No.69924405

I think she mentioned that, but also said it would be seen as suspicious.

>> No.69924537

>but also said it would be seen as suspicious
how it would look suspicious? I think she just wants her oshi to know she, "nisha", participated in that proyect
one can participate without the need of talking

>> No.69924717

And how would a chuuba do that without interacting directly with other fans? I think it would be difficult specially if the project is a surprise gift or something like that

>> No.69924843

are we making another thread today or no

>> No.69924883

>participing on colective trash projects for attention
why? just draw fanart, free attention

>> No.69924904

exg our answer?

>> No.69924944

is nisha a baubau chad? based

>> No.69924987

depends on the project, but it shouldn't be too hard if you don't care about getting attention

>> No.69925023
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>> No.69925030

But Nisha can't draw...

>> No.69925076
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>> No.69925112

Wasn't Yof participating on a group project with discordfags back then?

>> No.69925140
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>> No.69925297

I miss her being the meona

>> No.69925460

no,another groomer expelled from the project

>> No.69926410

meica and shura when?

>> No.69927068

This may be the answer, look how Yamu and Sylvie participated in the pixel rooms without having to interact directly with any of us.

>> No.69927260

No, see you on Monday.

>> No.69927353

Go back to diskek meet and fuck eru

>> No.69927397

see you on monday anon
but I'm still making a thread later

>> No.69927473

Hey sticky, I know you're here fag. I'm curious why are you doing this?

>> No.69928221

He is punished sticky since his oshi disappeared to become a normie

>> No.69928504

Sylvie bald cunny love
