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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 116 KB, 1500x1500, __elira_pendora_elira_pendora_and_weewa_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_hyuni_hyunicat__30a4870f20ea400edece6aa0a82ebb2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69858825 No.69858825 [Reply] [Original]

>Notice: Termination of the Nijisanji EN Liver Elira Pendora.

Mark my fucking words this will happen on Feburary 26 2024 At 23:00 JST This will Happen.

That's the reason she's been radio slient. Just like Selen radio silent then vanished. then terminated.


Also thank you for your continued support of Nijisanji EN :)

>> No.69859058
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Unironically the only way to save Niji EN.
This is why it won't happen.

>> No.69859650
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>> No.69859680

It would be a satisfactory conclusion to this drama and management would effectively have laid down the law and tell the clique that they're not in charge. But because it makes so much logical sense management will do the exact opposite of that and keep giving her special treatment when she returns.

>> No.69859703

Scapegoat and cum dumpster. The only 2 good uses she had during her time on niji

>> No.69859707

Remember when Selen was at AnimeImpulse

>> No.69859725


>> No.69859762

Don't give me hopes for justice

>> No.69859888
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She is gone anon, they're gonna skinwalk her on stage like they did with Michael Jackson

>> No.69860167

no the only reason she's still "in nijisanji" is because she gives the best blowjobs to riku on his fucking yacht be real.

>> No.69860216


>> No.69860330
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Enna and Rosemi were the ringleaders.

Why would they punish Elira, who was just doing her job? It's not her fault she had to pick up management's slack right?

>> No.69860382
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I trust this reasoning.

>> No.69860885

If they haven’t fired her by now….

She’s the perfect scapegoat, GURRAT or not. Her clique will not follow her into blacklisting. They can deflect all future criticism is “we are changing” shitposts.

It makes too much sense for these clowns. My bet is either they are retarded as proven, she has too much blackmail she can actually sink the yacht, or they spent the month riding a train on her before discarding her.

>> No.69861401

whoever makes the most for the corperation gets the most freedom.

>> No.69861669

I believe this will happen, just like how something was supposed to happen on February 23rd 2024 which totally did.

>> No.69862884

>Her clique will not follow her into blacklisting
Enna and Millie are in the bullying document

>> No.69863058

At this point not even Elira 's termination would be enough to save NijiEN. You need to fire the entire management and half the livers to have a chance

>> No.69863292

Not according to Doki, which is the hilarious part.

>> No.69863469

Work place nepotism and cliques just ruins everything. Who doesn't want to be around their friends all the time right? People always learn this lesson the hard way. Never get your friends and family get involved when it comes to your business, work, and especially above all...money.

>> No.69863479

But justice has already been delivered. Doki has 15k+ CCV and 600k+ subscribers, with 0 restrictions on neopets and sponsors lining up to work with her.

>> No.69865086

>Pomu graduated
>Elira terminated
>Finana will become the undisputed daisenpai

NijiEN is fucking doomed.

>> No.69865733

>You need to fire the entire management
so... Elira?

>> No.69867071
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I can't believe the Pinky and the Brain duo are going to make it...

>> No.69867674

Bizarro /vt/ post

>> No.69867745

But LK, what about today?

>> No.69867894

>Guilty parties.

I wasn’t even caring about whodunnit. Look at this entire Board. Look at all dramatubers. EVERYONE wants Elira’s head (intended).

Whoever else is involved is not the mastermind, and can save face playing oppressed victim. No need to lose multiple talents over this.

That’s the point of scapegoats.


Well, dragon slayer once…

>> No.69868597
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>Finana taking a break and notpomu saying she was angry and crying over some recent news

rrats, h-hayai

>> No.69868822

Why would pomu be angry about happy news?

>> No.69868876

I hope is Reimu, i don't give a single fuck about anyone else (maybe Rosemi) please save Reimu from there, someone kill her or something but save her from that company.

>> No.69869068
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>> No.69869299

Don't worry, even if she doesn't, I will go 4 provinces over and find that pinoy ass and tap it

>> No.69869493

Depends on the circumstances

>> No.69869650

Painful how accurate that is...

>> No.69869805

I can't wait for you worthless faggots to seethe when she's back streaming like normal, your suicide baiting cunt long forgotten as they all move on with their lives like she never existed. Did you not watch Enna's streams? She was far worse than Elira and it was fine. Just happy supportive fans that were glad she was back. If they'll welcome that psycho back with open arms a good girl like Elira will be fine. You do realize that 95% of people watching chuubas have no clue about this stuff right? They're not /here/, they're not on xitter and reddit and discord, they just open youtube and watch streams. They have no clue about your stupid rrats and your bullshit.

>> No.69869978

I can't wait for her to fake cry on stream, and everyone will hear through it.

>> No.69870030

Cool story Sis

>> No.69870066

If Enna is fine, everyone will be fine. Enna is the meanest scumbag in all of niji, and the fans didnt give a fuck.

>> No.69870097

pls andastand they need to buy more apartments

>> No.69870109

Enna is fine cause she makes the most money for the corpo

>> No.69870142
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Literally only /here/ and SEA facebook boomers who know nothing about Vtubers dislike Elira
She hasn't been bopped once.
She's overwhelmingly loved by the Japanese. She's to them like Enna is to China. Suki-Kira has nothing but positive things to say about her even after the black screen stream. Meanwhile Selen's not looking too hot. If Elira even got into trouble because of that stream it would only prove that Anycolor values a subsection of this board's opinion above literally everyone else. If Elira is terminated or even allowed to graduate I'd fully expect a naked dogeza from Tazumi, the termination of all males, public execution of everyone in management besides that one manager that bought Starbucks for Rosemi, and for a complete rebranding of EN as an idol / ear licking ASMR group.

>> No.69870143

Enna is not fine tho, did you watch stats? It seems like you ate your own copium, and obtained a mild psychosis.

>> No.69870212

yeah? she was down from last year but it wasn't that bad. Certainly a far cry from the titanic sinking like people said it would be

>> No.69870221

Like I said, mild psychosis.

>> No.69870281


>> No.69870333

Whatever you need to cope buddy, must be hard. Maybe ignorance is bliss, you'd know.

>> No.69870476

The thing about Elira is that dumb black video, because of it she literally lost loyal members(2+years). She should've just left the termination notice + Riku's vid do the talking.

>> No.69870500

her singing did better than most holoEN streams. but please, doompost some more

>> No.69870572

killing elira is not enough to save nijien, theres way more bad apples.

>> No.69870598

reading a script the company gave you is cause for all this? what if it was on Ike's channel instead, are all the pitchforks out for him instead of her? Who cares who hosted the video

>> No.69870612

We must be into something if the entire NDF has come malding and baiting.

The question is…train or riku’s personal toy?

>> No.69870679

She was the scapegoat and it worked.

>> No.69870782

You got my hopes up, it's also going to be really funny because she's probably extremely blacklisted making her chances at returning as a Vtuber extra slim.

>> No.69870929

promoted as a full time EN manager

>> No.69871154

I don't believe you, grudgepost this, fuckets

>> No.69871241

drama buff + after break buff and still didn't break her previous numbers
keep coping sister

>> No.69871315

Yeah, look at all the hate she is getting. Niji threw her under the bus, many such cases.

>> No.69871359

riku needs something to suck his small dick so prob.

>> No.69871377

chill, sister

>> No.69871379

Reimu is part of the bully clique

>> No.69871384

If she graduates and returns as an indie talking shit about the company, i bet she will have alot of fans again, people hate the company even more, people (me) want to see Nijisanji burn down, the livers can leave desu don't care

>> No.69871465

>still didn't break her previous numbers
Grim, she will taper off and die with this stink on her. People showed up hoping she would share some details.

>> No.69871528

Elira for your own good please turn heel openly and become who you were born to be.
You're a dragon, be a fucking dragon!

>> No.69871942

Huh, I wonder if it's real. Ren's recent tweet sounds so weirdly vague. I think she actually got fired

>> No.69872178

Yeah you wish.
I wish it too, but that would make her the perfect scapegoat, and Niji is too retarded to actually do the best thing for the company

>> No.69873279

Proof: https://rentry.org/9oykvcf9

>> No.69873568

If terminating Elira can save my precious Scarle. Then I'm all for it

>> No.69873751

They can't terminate Elira even if she was the evil mastermind.
>The terminate her and try to go scorched earth like they did with Selen and Zaion
>Nobody believes them and Nijis reputation tanks even harder

>> No.69874074
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She will graduate... into full-time management.

>> No.69876230

>Elira graduates and then collabs with Doki
What do we do then?

>> No.69876423

Imagine the fatrolls

>> No.69876582

you mean full time sex slave for riku?

>> No.69876624

Not an unlikely rrat in the slightest.

>Move her to the back
>Keep pumping and dumping the who's
>New Yatch on the horizon

>> No.69876655

I actually support this decision, Elira would be a great manager

>> No.69876727


>> No.69876774
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Are you serious? I've been telling you faggots the gurrat is retarded confirmation bias this whole time

>> No.69878545

God I hope this happens

>> No.69880568

Faq u anon. Don't go messing with someone else's oshi.

>> No.69880797
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I wish this happens so I can finally know if she was innocent or at the most just passively complicit in this shitshow. It still hurts to think of her as a manipulative, mean-spirited bully behind the scenes when she had been the sweetest girl in her JRPG playthroughs.

>> No.69880843

Why would you doubt her? Have you no faith in the vtubers you like?

>> No.69880964

Enna is literally the problem. The reason all this shit is happening in the EN branch has everything to do with Enna's presence in the branch. I will bet you dollars-to-donuts that she is the one who put Elira up to making that video. It all centers around her

>> No.69880975

Fully believing in her also means fully believing that she did the black stream out of her own heart and will when I hope she didn't.

>> No.69881056

She is certainly a ruthless cunt, I will give her that.

>> No.69881129

The black stream can be explained away. You have to literally make assumptions to paint her as a villain. While a lot of people do, there's no reason for a fan to do that. She's innocent until proven guilty.

>> No.69881192

Imagine that they fired her, but not terminate the vtuber itself. Instead, said to fans that she has some sort of throat problem which means she can't speak. Then have someone literally skinwalk her parading throughout the entire event, smiling, but not saying a single word. Shit would be so fucking funny.

>> No.69881287

This is the third option, the one that nobody seems coming but is the worst thing Anycolor could do in this situation.

>> No.69881331
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>Redebuts as Doki's half-sister who's a cop/detective
>Despite that, they never do anything with it after one stream anyway
>Never talk to each other again
And that's when the world finally goes back to normal.

>> No.69881729

They spent 3 years dodging collabs with each other in Niji. I think they legitimately hate each other. It's not even a rrat

>> No.69881795

I don't think she's the one pulling the strings. However, I will seriously consider her as a potential enabler who brings out Elira's worst traits. So whenever Elira strong arms someone or thinks of unfairly manipulating a situation/opportunity to her benefit, Enna will either encourage her to do it or rationalize her actions after the fact. The pitying side of me wants to think what Elira needs is new friends, but it remains to be seen if such a change in atmosphere would actually change her for the better.

>> No.69882067

This will not happen no matter how much the haters want it to happen. The other members already confirmed that they have been talking to her on discord like nothing happened unlike Selen wherein no one talked about reaching her out.

>> No.69883025


if niji is hiring adults to run EN and are terminating the bad batch the livers will be the last to know.

>> No.69883086

>The pitying side of me wants to think what Elira needs is new friends
pomu was not good enough? if pomu gave up and elira truly is behind all this then shes irredeemable.

>> No.69883187

No way. She might be the leader but she is not the sole problem. They need to fire a lot more than just her.

>> No.69883282

Could you imagine if she tried to fake a suicide attempt and accidently succeeded? The irony

>> No.69883373

I don't know why she's in Japan, but I hope it's not to "please the shareholders".

>> No.69883817
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>February 26: Suddenly a waiting room with a title I'm back from Japan.

>> No.69884241

If only. Right now she's literally the only one I can't even stand to look at.

>> No.69884257

Nobody wants to see a friend fall, even if they deserve it.

>> No.69884281
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The issue was that management would pull the rug out from under her after hours and money was spent on projects with inconsistent policies, and perms being pulled after given. That's what she considered bullying. The rest of the issues were uneven treatment, and favoritism, which Enna I can see being included because her last Ethyria video had Nina in it, and it was fine, whereas Selen was not for reasons that wasn't made clear until after the project was submitted, even though it was fucking obvious she was in it. The "manager" which is looking to be Elira, is either stupid, or incompetent. It wouldn't surprise me if the policy that you actually do have to get the perms from other livers appearing in your projects is true, but Elira didn't communicate this issue at all, despite the project clearly showing graduated livers in it.

Enna and Millie are likely included because Elira showed them favoritism, or at the very least, they are witness to Elira's behavior and decisions. Because while she was mindful of Enna's Ethyria video to make sure it was all fine, Elira didn't do any effort to make sure Selen's project was ok'd. Enna and Millie likely aren't bullies, they would need to have power over Selen's projects to do that, and Elira is the one with all the power.

>> No.69884426

How can you still cope like this?

>> No.69884661

She was close to Elira for a while, maybe she found out Elira was directly/indirectly responsible for making her time at NijiEN shitty, maybe she learned that Elira is getting terminated and now has to choose whether to publicly support her or Selen. There’s too many possible explanations.

>> No.69884817

Lol never going to happen even if the lawsuit gets dropped for whatever reason. They only ever did a single one-on-one collab and that was when Selen was new so it was probably mandated to boost her up. There's also the time when Selen peer pressured Elira to spend 40 dollars on Tetris Effect and proceeded to roast her afterwards which is probably what sparked the bad blood. But I think Elira just always disliked her from the very beginning.

>> No.69884923

>My 40 dollars
What? So she deserved to off herself?

>> No.69884975

The issue is we have little to go on in regard with who was the bully, when it was only Nijisanji who mentioned it livers being bullys, whereas Doki's document doesn't pin down where the bullying came from, but other issues such as favoritism and uneven application of the rules was an issue. These are the things that we can only confirm, it's still speculation who exactly were the bullies, but to be a bully, you would need to have power over Selen, and the logical conclusion would be whoever was yanking her chain around with her projects. So the only bully we could be certain of, is the manager.

When Doki included names of people in her document, they don't necessarily could be bullies, but witnesses to incidents, or people who received favoritism from management.

>> No.69885055
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this about be either the funniest shit or just clueless.

>> No.69885273

>She will graduate... into full-time management.
Anyone new joining would inmediately ask for a graduation if that were to come true.

>> No.69885279

No you retard. I'm saying Elira is an extremely petty person and that event was probably when she started to view Selen in a more negative light.

>> No.69885336

>They spent 3 years dodging collabs with each other in Niji. I think they legitimately hate each other. It's not even a rrat
It all make senses if you don't think about it.

>> No.69885407

Not enough, cut the head off a hydra and two more grow, gotta kill all the heads at the same time to get rid of it.

>> No.69885431

>kill the cancer origin
>leave the metastasized cancer alone (millie, enna, uki)
>"Niji EN is saved!"

>> No.69885532

>grabs every single merch deal, even merch deals where it doesn't make sense for her to be there
>right in the center of the clique
>avoiding collabs with Selen for years.
>rats and leaks point at her at multiples point
It all make senses when you turn your brain off, I swear it.

>> No.69885585

And I think they always rubbed each other the wrong way and Elira was the first to develop genuine dislike for Selen and her "abrasive" personality. She's just loud and honest, fyi. Elira is just like most bullies, she didn't need to invent reasons to hate Selen she only needed to invent reasons for the other livers to believe Selen deserved it.

>> No.69885686

i always thought it was weird they debuted as sister and seemed to dislike each other from the start

>> No.69885703

Narcissist can't take even the lightest hint of criticism, even worse if she was in a position of power, now add that the new girl in town was just most popular and successful than her and you have a classic woman behavior.

>> No.69885709

I've got a serious question about Elira. If evil, why hot?

>> No.69885727
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>> No.69885745

>i always thought it was weird they debuted as sister and seemed to dislike each other from the start
I wonder who had the idea of them being sisters.

>> No.69885893

I never knew about this. Thank you for showing me the light Anon. I will begin to support Elira fullheartedly from now on. I'm sure our good comrades from Israel on this board will understand as well.

>> No.69885900

the higher ups maybe?
they had 2 dragon girl designs from the same artist and wave 1 and 2 were hired at the same time. Seemed natural.
I wonder what went wrong early on that they almost never collabed.

>> No.69886004

Imagine if the beef started since the auditions, the bomb was planted since the beginning and we never knew it.

>> No.69886067

You go sister! make that 2% show them who's the best liver in Nijisanji (tm), remember to like and subscribe and thanks for all the upvotes!

>> No.69886279

With how terminally /here/-brained NijiEN is, it makes me wonder if the Enna posters actually are Enna herself thinking it's clever reverse psychology because there's surely no way someone would avatarfag as themself.

>> No.69886317

Well, this thread sure aged poorly.

>> No.69886405
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What did I miss?

>> No.69887236

That tetris stream was still hilarious.

>> No.69887635

This is the most autistic thing I've read in my life

>> No.69888083
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Don't be ridiculous Anon. It would be a very bad idea for a liver to so brazenly do such a thing.

>> No.69888089

why is elira so evil

>> No.69888177

Elira just tweeted that there's going to be an Among Us collab with all EN members on Sunday.

>> No.69888225

It won't top the one two weeks ago though

>> No.69888239


>> No.69888319

but its the obvious option. they cant have her make big decisions anymore, but she still managed the place (albeit badly and with ulterior corrupt motives). niji just cant afford to not have her handle things, they dont understand the western audience at all and they dont even wtf is or was going on within the branch. theyll need to find a few tardwranglers and actually pay them money this time, but they probably dont really have a choice than to keep elira on for the time being because theyre not going to find anyone else that will control the other three and that everyone else will fall in line for. its not the morally right thing to do of course, nor will that help fix their reputation, but anycolour doesnt get the western audience, the only thing they understand are bankstatements, thats how we got here. And they obviously understand that part.

>> No.69888449
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>> No.69888470

>some retard sits there larping a tallent by just comfirming anon's various rrats

>> No.69888483
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>> No.69888657

No she didnt actually tweet you faggots.
I checked so you dont have to.

>> No.69888688

Really? even Rosemi and Scarle? I feel bad for them, I hope fulgur actually stood up for Scarle last time and wasnt just the guy the JPmanagement told to make sure Scarle goes back to streaming immediately.

>> No.69888693

Yeah, 420k views in minutes, definitely not suspect at all.

>> No.69888909

i dont think people mention this enough but elira is it literally too stupid to understand basic politics.
she literally blanked out and stopped listening in the middle of a basic political layout in the middle of xenoblade 2, something that was the equivalent of 2 nations want the land because the world is running out of it but there was ancient tech hidden on it too.
this dumb bitch probably doesnt even understand basic office politics if it hit her over the head, let alone social PR which is its own type of politics.
and i dont think she even understands how her actions effect the others beyond a basic square in the square hole logic and im saying this with good faith because she may not be able to understand even that at times.

>> No.69889375

I've given this backhanded defense here a few times. She's not a mastermind. If anything she's a misguided idiot who means well. Wants to help her friends succeed, and "Selen bad because she is a problem child, getting rid of her benefits everyone else in the end" so she throws some petty high school level drama out which was the black stream disaster. The issue comes from someone like her having power over coworkers even if its in the form of intermediary between them and management. I love the girl but she isn't good leader material.

>> No.69889410

The only thing that would make sense would be her officially assuming manager duties and ceasing any streaming activities, but maybe they'll spare her and give her a proper graduation.

>> No.69889571

What level of copium is this, anon?

>> No.69889771


>> No.69889784

If it happens, cool
If it doesn't happen, also cool

>> No.69889839

Are you just grudgepost baiting? I hope you're prepared, it's not gonna happen this month. I give it a year before they think it's safe enough to fire her.

>> No.69889873


>> No.69889896

>suddenly remember Enna's streams where she complained about Ren being secretly evil and trolling her, especially how he tricked her into taking a ride where she almost died
I guess he figured out what kind of creature she was and secretly fought back. o7

>> No.69889897

I always thought it was weird that they collaborated very rarely.

>> No.69889918

>She hasn't been bopped once.
Gee I wonder why

>> No.69889922

He should've finished the job

>> No.69890016

No. They own her now, she can't survive without them. She'll have to handle every PR disaster, have to take a smaller cut of merch, passed around by every exec.

>> No.69890138

I'm pretty sure Micheal Jackson still performs on stage.

>> No.69890169

Yeah, they showed the tech for it off in the documentary Thriller.

>> No.69890178

>the haters
you are both a retard and a piece of shit

>> No.69890558
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The zombies were real?

>> No.69890643

It would be a huge step in the right direction and get them some good will

>> No.69890704

Imagine how long her list of sins could be

>> No.69890776

enna's bday stream and concert were literally half of what it was last year lmao. hosted at the same time, same days.
and most of the viewers/supas were from hong kong, nijisisters.
that means you already lost us EN viewers. fuck off and go beg vox for more riku cock sucking asmr

>> No.69890969

>HK simps
Cantos really got buck broken by Mainlanders huh?

>> No.69890979

>Funniest Outcome
Elira has an abrupt graduation and is promoted to an official managerial position. The NijiEN clique becomes worse but Elira also hates managing it.
>Dramatic Justice Outcome
The bullies are publicly outed by quick, simultaneous firings. A PR document is released retracting the documents slandering Selen that instead condemns the clique. The Elira rrat is confirmed and NijiJP pins all blame for NijiEN's failings on her as a regrettable case of an individual, who presented herself as highly ambitious and trustworthy to management, failed when offered a level of responsibility as a branch talent representative/bilingual&cultural liaison.
>Sloppy Job Outcome
Riku copes that JP is enough, axes NijiEN. Investors reee and stonks never recover.
>Everything Is Fine Outcome
NijiJP sends tard wranglers to chokehold NijiEN and holds a gun to the temple of everyone involved to just shut up and stream. Fingers crossed that the incident is buried in time. No firings.
>Likely Outcome
Same as above except there are graduations, spaced out over the year.

>> No.69891964

$40 = 2%
She's right to be mad, she has to generate $2k for niji to get it back.

>> No.69892876

1.6 million views now. Totally natural numbers kek.
On the bright side this is the first of several things we needed to happen to confirm the leaker today was indeed the real deal.

>> No.69892927

I think Finana and Kyo's song collab has unnatural number views too.

>> No.69892937

Considering how much of a shitshow EN has been and how clear it is that the mothership has been paying absolutely no attention to said shitshow until the Selen termination blew up I do wonder if upon investigating what's been going on there they realize some of the talents have crossed into the Mel zone of "it doesn't matter if we want to fire them or not, we literally cannot not fire them."

>> No.69892961
File: 363 KB, 1920x1080, GGe7qqXaYAAPQqN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*check scarle schedule*
yeah no.

>> No.69893078

Millie and Enna would probably be a package deal, they live together lol

>> No.69893087

>If anything she's a misguided idiot who means well.
That doesn't explain why she has way more merch for a middling talent within her own agency for most of her time there. And her merch underperforms most of the time.

>> No.69893146

together with Elira, I mean

>> No.69893158
File: 10 KB, 267x223, 1707679488266923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're saying we need to burn down the entire orchard then?

>> No.69893177

I want to see Elira jumps off a building live, that's her only path of redemption.

>> No.69893279

It would be pure unfiltered kino if she had a donothon goal, reach $200K to an anti-suicide charity and she jumps.

>> No.69893337
File: 2.69 MB, 2112x1296, 20240220_095929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enna and Millie likely aren't bullies, they would need to have power over Selen's projects to do that

Anyone have that RRAT image explicitly tying the manager DM'S to Millie?

>> No.69893372
File: 103 KB, 596x692, 1708052250223205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisanji EN cannot afford more firings and controversies. What they need to do is apologize to all fired talents and be transparent about what happened for shit to get this badly.

>> No.69893594
File: 63 KB, 376x162, millie rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone have that RRAT image explicitly tying the manager DM'S to Millie?
It's a dead end since they never lined up perfectly but it's funny so I'll deliver anyway

>> No.69893682
File: 1.05 MB, 400x225, 87072488-7c05-47f4-9431-371e547470b6_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69893761

Dramatic Justice Outcome would save the branch long term but would tank the share price in the short term, so it'll likely never happen. Instead, they'll do the Likely Outcome and slowly bleed to death.

>> No.69893771

>never lined up
>name lines
>pf lines up
>date lines up despite different languages
Slack tweaked the text placement slightly in the time between Zaion's termination and December

>> No.69893814

correct. the entire thing is beyond saving and needs to get dismantled and remade from scratch.

>> No.69893920

The M wasn't a perfect match IIRC.
People were saying Celine matched better, but then some retarded spergs harassed some random Indonesian Twitter fan and that whole line of inquiry kinda died.

If you want to backread see:
And the related threads.

I just wish Zaion left even 1 more row of pixels, tbdesu.

>> No.69894220

Don't threaten me with a good time.

>> No.69894480

It seems like a low quality effort.

Personally I think that Selen 3D birthday is what rally broke the camel's back. It was a really high quality production and it embarrassed both management and the clique.

>> No.69894844

maybe they should switch full time to bilibili kek

>> No.69894989

There is no saving, NijiEN has terminal cancer and the only claim to a cure for cancer comes from the Russian government.

>> No.69895049

she's just doing some business sex manners

>> No.69895176

What the fuck did I just read...

>> No.69895707

are you a third leaker-person or one of the other two?

>> No.69895783

If that happens I'll go to Japan and kill Pekora's monkey.

>> No.69896503

Good bait, lol'd at the "sus out some traitors"

>> No.69896527


>> No.69896555
File: 552 KB, 773x767, 1706615702274585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I belib

>> No.69896628

If they go with the last two options, they are still fucked. Even in their current all hands on deck situation, they couldn't keep one of their resident racists from sperging out on Twitter. How well do you think they'll do when they have to rely on minimum wage wranglers?

>> No.69897766

Could actually believe this is the case.

>> No.69899085


>> No.69899611

>Unmodded game has 15 player max.
>Company currently at 20 talents.

Let’s exclude Rosemi, Scarle, Uki. Still 2 missing.
But let’s assume they just use a player limit mod, why the fuck not.

>Best Outcome

Everyone tubes in expecting slip-ups. None happens, they use record number to narrate “everything is fine”. Uki gets corrected to not say he’s racist in public. Dramatubers forget cuz Wactor exist and will always fuck up harder.

Concert in April is done, they survived.

>Worse outcome

Le slip. Someone says Elira is management. Someone makes the wrong joke. Someone explodes and tosses accusation.

NijiEN brings the shitstorm into March. If they don’t get chopped to save NijiJP. Someone will have to get terminated. Everyone has to go member only again.
They can’t recover in time for the concert in april. It’s super joeover.

>Likely outcome

No big slip ups, but someone can’t help being a piece of shit and chat massive L them again. Stream is a failure and now last TWO videos from Elira are used in classroom on “how to not deal with scandals.”

Concert in April is canceled for any bullshit excuse they can find.

>> No.69899838

>someone can’t help being a piece of shit and chat massive L them again
I believe there'll be heavy moderation specifically not to let something like this show up.

>> No.69900830

Most likely outcome: they forgot to deactivate Pomu's account so she can join the collab and yells slurs at maximum volume for 30 minutes

>> No.69901919

>but to be a bully, you would need to have power over Selen
Social power is definitely a thing, especially in a group as large as EN has become. And it sounds like it's wielded like a cudgel according to all the leaks.
