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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69808774 No.69808774 [Reply] [Original]

>Gets away with it

>> No.69808816

>gets stealth suspended
yeah he really did get away with it.

>> No.69808831 [DELETED] 

Based, wytepehpol should kys

>> No.69808890

>last stream: 3 hours ago

>> No.69809042

>said on stream that he'll be taking a "break"
>anon doesn't even know.
who's the retard now?

>> No.69809060

>The only time NijiEN shuts up is when they have a guy spouting "kill whitey"
At this point I'm convinced they're trying to run the company into the ground. Riku shorted his own company.

>> No.69809206

he announced that he'll be taking a break and self reflect on that stream anon.

>> No.69809281

public reminder that white people gave the jews all their money because they can't count.

>> No.69809360


>> No.69809560

It was a nothingburger people hyped up to hate on niji more.
Hating white people and being unironically racist is so normalized that no one actually care. Also most of the niji audience probably thinks he was based and cool for it - So yea, of course he gets away with it. It doesnt matter.

>> No.69809659

???????? Post proof

>> No.69809741

That is a rrat worth exploring.

>> No.69810099

Next thread

>> No.69810457

I have a very thorough dislike of homosexuals.
Im just here to analyse the posts, because its more like glorified chatbots are talking to one another than actual humans at this point.

>> No.69810752

Man that shit ain't enough I want him blacklisted from any corpo

>> No.69810785
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Everyday he can't get away from a certain something that's even worse

>> No.69810812

He won't get away with it when we start rounding up people like him and putting them in prison

>> No.69811162

>borderline 3view shitter
>numbers steadily falling
sure thing

>> No.69811394
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Get his account banned by Elon personally.
Pretty sure a Niji account being banned by the Performative and oplenly-Anti-Woke-Unless-It's-A-Jew CEO of TwitteX would get Niji and/or its sponsers speaking up against this dickhead.

>> No.69813147

>watching a gay racist

>> No.69813863

3:32:44 https://youtu.be/7uIca16DpuU?t=12765
he said about streaming a last one on bilibili before the break,

I only watched to check the if him taking a break was true
Unlike some lazy anons here.

>> No.69815311

>Quality and quantity of people who want to audition for Nijisanji plummets

>> No.69815419

>Gets away with it
Maybe, but now he has a reputation as a racist faggot, even among the normies.
Would you like that to be the only thing people remember you for?

>> No.69815520

nijikeks didnt even watch their own organs stream roru roru

>> No.69815561

It's less that he's getting away with it and more that his branch is now getting a reputation that inspires a response akin to 'ew I stepped on shit' from the wider community.
His personal fans don't care but the branch as a whole took another PR hit at a time they cannot afford anything besides spotless behavior. He'll suffer in the same quiet ways the branch will.
He's probably too retarded to understand that ofc.

>> No.69815666


>> No.69815976


Asmongoloid will drag you by your neck into the light Yucki.

>> No.69816006
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do you really give a shit? It's not like it's his first time lmao, let the rice man have his little win on xitter, he feeds the whole pagpag colony of dramatubers.

>> No.69817390

yes its not the 1st time that he made these remarks but this is the first time that it was exposed to a lot of people,
and even asmond speaking about it.

Tho I do think this type of drama will die down, he will just have a label of a racist for most people now.

>> No.69817520
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Nope, it's Asmon again

>> No.69817620

I wonder what sort of reflection he'll do during his break.
I am sure he will ponder it deeply and will absolutely consider adjusting his behaviour in the future.

>> No.69817631

hahahahahahaha. okay, finally, this is gonna get some traction. thanks asmongoloid

>> No.69817668

pondering his gay orb

>> No.69817703

Did this retard criticise that Vshit whore who was making a joke about the Japanese earthquake. I've had enough of Anglo clown chimps triple nigger standards

>> No.69817716

the bald man spends the last 5 minutes of the video shitting on nijifags as pigs being fleeced, but theyre too stupid to realise it.

>> No.69817756

21:40 LMAO

>> No.69817782
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>half the video is about how Uki must be secretly racist to everyone because nobody is racist to just whites
Yeah I'm thinking the jewish rrats are real.

>> No.69817848

i doubt he even knows anything about it. Unless you make a long video about IM's crimes that gain traction on twitter or yt he'll probably never comment on IM outside of some offhand remarks

>> No.69817875

go to bed uki, enjoy your time off

>> No.69817884

What the fuck were you trying to say with that last sentence?

>> No.69817948

Unfathomably based. Makes snow roaches seethe gets away and supported by Japanese people whom.a lot of you snow roaches worship. Him and daph need a collab and drop a nuclear bomb on all the klansmen that pollute this world.

>> No.69817987

They'll have to sacrifice him or else they can't deny the clique allegations...

>> No.69817992

average bbc spammer

>> No.69818028
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Are you sure about that?

>> No.69818158

>I have to rest because...
>...because the world is cruel
>It's always good to do some self-reflection

Damn did he confirm he got suspended?

>> No.69818179

Yeah this dude's career is over outside of nijien, asmonbald may be a retard but he holds massive influence

>> No.69818203

>says stupid shit and bites obvious bait
>people flame him for being a retard
>"oh the world is cruel"
holy victim complex batman

>> No.69818219

Nobody cares what asmongold has to say. Unfortunately if uki is in the USA he can still be hired by every other liberal shithole company.

>> No.69818257

Nobody talked about BBC but you. Why are you projecting cuck roach.

>> No.69818278

Asmon manages to be wrong about 99% of the time. I don't care if he has an army of 14 year olds on his side.

>> No.69818351

Depends if he wants a regular run of the mill job sure, but as far as streaming or content creation goes his connections are dead in the water.

>> No.69818531

Snow roach seemingly being the favorite insult of the terminally online westernized oriental is kind of funny. I figure it's probably in retaliation for the whole insectoid thing you can find floating around this site. It really highlights the insecurities and lack of creativity in the east asian diaspora in the west.

>> No.69818580

>nijjers in charge of watching their own spleens

>> No.69818587

That's most people who are racist against White people. Like 98%

>> No.69818614

>I figure
it isnt.

>> No.69818689

It's just funny to me because snow roach sounds fucking retarded and shouldn't have any meaning behind it. But people get triggered regardless. Bugmen at least make sense.

>> No.69818915

I have friends and family who talk about white people like this. I don't think it's racist because its punching upward at a privileged class.

>> No.69819184

>racism is fine as long as it fits my arbitrary definition

>> No.69819238

Isn't that the white man logic though?

>> No.69819385

>white man logic
actually beyond saving
this is probably what that fag was thinking when some old white couple said hello to him on the street and he actually got triggered

>> No.69819393

almost everyone in Nijisanji's career is over outside of nijisanji. Like maybe Scarle and a couple of others will survive if they leave soon but some of them are completely unemployable

>> No.69819437 [DELETED] 

Sure snow roach.

>> No.69819452

Why is it that he's a gay Asian in America and hate straight white men more than gay white men? Gay communities' Asian discrimination is apparently well documented. It's more likely the gay ones that have offend his group more, right?

>> No.69819487

bold of you to assume.

>> No.69819536

So you're not a snow roach you're one of their slaves narhudo ne oozunaro san.

>> No.69819843

Homosexuals often put great value on bagging a straight guy, actually. Like turning them gay. He's just projecting his fetish for white dick, in the end. Very simple.

>> No.69819930

You think he ever made racists comments towards his white coworkers? Maybe that's one of the reasons why Kyo left.

>> No.69819952


>> No.69820060

ill believe it, uki probably sent some unsufferable messages to him and then cried to management, who in turn forced kyo to bend the knee and apologise
Uki hasn't been forced to apologise, which further cements he's in the clique

>> No.69820081

He made fun of of white dick in with Kyo on stream. Kyo is a pretty sick guy so probably not very great sexually. Definitely not a very nice dude.

>> No.69820096

yup, beyond saving

>> No.69820265

>he has an army of 14 year olds on his side

That's the main problem, an army of people who practically lives in the internet 24/7 without any other occupation, the purple guy entire existence and reputation depends on the internet

>> No.69820372
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Kek good job Uki.

>> No.69820391 [DELETED] 

Based, fuck white "people".

>> No.69820437

nah anon just the en branch
i feel most of the JP livers dont know what is happening on the EN drama
then again i dont really much watch JP

>> No.69820443
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>Anon entire family is a bunch of losers with inferior complex and victim complex

>> No.69820511

lmao and it was starting to climb too

>> No.69820556


>> No.69820590

Please go below 3k lmao

>> No.69820619

To be fair this one got so big I'm pretty sure they have at least heard of it, they just have no idea on the details

>> No.69820934

>Hating white people and being unironically racist is so normalized that no one actually care.
I care, fucker

>> No.69820992

AsmonGOD, the saviour of the White Race... VGH...

>> No.69821025

u forgot to mention his fans were actually able to terrorize the drama tubers in xitter lmao.

>> No.69821070

You're slave beyond saving?

>> No.69821135

It was an army of 14 year olds that got Kyo to apologize for that plastic surgery Korea joke.
It was an army of 14 year olds that got Enna to apologize for making the chicken and black people joke.
It was an army of 14 year olds that were offended by Zaion's shotacon and rape jokes.

Internet PR is almost entirely dependent on the opinions of 14 year olds because they're the most terminally online age demographic right now.

>> No.69821145

nothing scarier than a horde of loony progressive fags, femcels and ethnics

>> No.69821157

Kek. Like clockwork.

>> No.69821161

It was like that before the comp was uploaded.

>> No.69821237
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Not so fast.

>> No.69821315

I thought the reason for Kyo apology was a certain Korean vtuber who allegedly was initially ugly and then did a plastic surgery. He couldn't tolerate Kyo's Korean plastic surgery bantz and got him sacked doing him a favor in the end.
Source: my inflammed brain.

>> No.69821339

>just as the drama was fading this retard opens his mouth and gets normal dramafags to cover Nijisanji again

>> No.69822038

thats what amazes me. racism aside, how are you so much of a retard that you bite this shit bait
and it was such obvious, shitty bait too.
has anyone done an opsec check on the account that baited him?

>> No.69822180

>snow roach
Wouldn't snow roach make more sense for asians though? Since they also have white skin (sometimes even whiter than white people) but black hair and eyes.

>> No.69822202

hey we'll never know for sure so might as well believe it amirite

>> No.69822242

i wonder how much he seethes daily, considering his model is white as fuck

>> No.69822366

>muh bait
I dont get these type of comments. How was it bait? Asking about his opinion about straight white men was relevant since he has a history of racism and in the tweet he was calling for support against hate so the reply was just calling him out and exposing his hypocrisy.

>> No.69822443

Why does Asmon keep defending people like Uki?

>> No.69822496

>How was it bait
>Proceeds to explain why it was bait SPECIFICALLY FOR HIM
Anon I don't know what else to tell you.

>> No.69822509

you might be retarded. people are specifically looking for reasons why niji and the livers are bad and someone came along and threw out the weakest level of bait - asking someone to repeat their previously-ignored opinions.
"hey uki, i see you've made this tweet about being nice and positive to everyone. wanna say something that is the opposite of that while your company as a whole is being scrutinized?"
"yes. white people fucking suck. slay!"

>> No.69822601

Getting one guy'd by randoms on twitter is is bait yes

>> No.69822731

because the vast majority of them have a yellow hue, and the ones who don't have probably been abusing whitening creams

>> No.69822847

I don't watch nijihomos, qrd?

>> No.69822865

delusional numbermonkey

>> No.69823124

Do you think that a fish doesn't enjoy worms normally? Bait is intentionally putting something a fish would enjoy on a hook to catch it and reel it in.

>> No.69823216

Racist against whites.
To the point an elderly couple saying hi angers and disgusts him

>> No.69823558

Uki has AIDS and worms inside his pooper and hates that white people don't want to fuck his disgusting rice hole.

>> No.69823730

it not about what he has to say, but the amount of people that will watch his video and getting exposed to the racist

>> No.69823795

>mixing random japanese
jesus fucking christ a weeb toddler

>> No.69823894

your inflamed brain is really something
He just had to apologize because the twitter mob was getting out of control
and he really didn't apologize in his own terms, it was management mandated and he also got a 1week suspension

>> No.69823953

>Asking about his opinion about straight white men was relevant since he has a history of racism
I put a worm in my hook and throw in the water because fish has a history of biting the worm

>> No.69824204

Was the initial Twitch reaction on his main channel or his sub? If it's on his sub-channel, I'm pretty sure he doesn't run ads or have subs on it. In fact, it's one of the reason the Twitch CEO isn't too happy with him. The majority of income he is going to earn from reacting to this on his sub-channel is from ads on the YT edit/archive.

>> No.69824232 [DELETED] 

You cannot be racist against white people. Racism cab only occur against a disempowered and oppressed group. White, as the dominant group, therefore cannot experience racism.

>> No.69824537

Whites are a global minority by a large margin.

>> No.69824870


>> No.69824976

t.retard. my point was that asmon isnt super invested in or cares about vtubers, unless vtuber drama goes mainstream like this nijicrap or holocure asmon wont touch it. you'd undertsand this if you weren't some esl monkey who didnt finish high school

>> No.69825122

Uki seems like he's one polite greeting away from shooting up a kindergarten

>> No.69827099

we are just getting more inside info without even looking for it kek, they still dont have competent managers, we are getting more juicy shitshows in the future.

>> No.69827229

Unironically it seems that way. That kind of reaction he had to a simple elderly couple being courteous is something you would only see from the most extreme racists

>> No.69827352
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>> No.69827431

It's race envy. He gets mad when he sees whites doing what he'd like to do if he wasn't held back by his asian autism.

>> No.69828209

Does Uki have white straight men fans? I'm just wondering what their opinion on this issue?

>> No.69828329

So he was straight before going so incel that he turned gay?

>> No.69828425

of course, it's okay to be racist against white people after all. the entire world has decided on this. in fact, they even defend that south african politician who literally calls for white genocide lol.

>> No.69829182

Not entire world. Only Twitter and western because eastern countries doesn't really care about white and blacks since we don't have a division here

>> No.69829439

Being white is not a privileged class retard.
You trying to say white people can't be poor? homeless? have you ever stepped foot outside?

>> No.69829916

That's just a multiplier.
At equal economic classes the pasty ones have it better than the other colors.

>> No.69830056

That really him? That's really cute if it is. Dude gets cucked and now wants cock from the guy that cucked him. Uki so submissive and breedable.

>> No.69830281

Based anon who compiled a list of Uki constantly shitting on people based on the color of their skin and sexual orientation.

>> No.69830337

He probably thinks
>"Oh most of the billionaires are white."
>"Therefore White Bad"
Which look I hate billionaires as much as the next guy if not more, but I hate them because they're the source of all the problems in the world not because they're part of any particular ethnicity.

>> No.69830347

What's taking so long I ordered my coffee 15 minutes ago anon.

>> No.69830450

>It's not racism
>Shitting on a people based on skin color

It's the textbook definition of racism.

>> No.69830503

So true gender studies kun

>> No.69830648

The funniest part of being a racist asian is it does nothing for you because DEI types only care about the socially marginalized minorities. Statistical yet still successful minorities or minorities that don't have social stigmas aren't given the same level of metaphorical dicksucking.
He's not going to get the same brownie points he thinks it'll give him.

>> No.69830759

he raked Uki over the coals, though funny enough he did defend Kyo and his comment on Koreans & cosmetic surgery.

>> No.69830808

>Never watches streams
>Never watches videos
Why are you here?

>> No.69830825

I don't think Uki is racist for brownie points I think he's genuinely racist.

>> No.69830828

This is true, asians and indians are often classified as successful minorities and clumped together with whites. Additionally it's pretty rare to see white-on-asian racism these days, most of it actually comes from blacks.

>> No.69830877

Aside from all the goblinking dirty room everyday chipotle eating, Asmon is actually a really good debater. It's fun to watch him take down logical fallacies the way he does.

>> No.69830891

bro is a seething ricecel anzidentity poster phenotype. He's not doing it for clout, he's genuinely self-loathing and angry

>> No.69830913

Yeah the only white on asian you see nowadays is white men on top of asian women.

>> No.69831000

He's korean right? I eagerly await for the day the mob goes after him for not being diverse enough.

>> No.69831041
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>> No.69831150

No they dont

>> No.69831226

the way this bitchboy acts there's no way his parents aren't immigrants. 1st general asian kids who fall into social media are all mentally ill

>> No.69832530
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>> No.69833015

So was Uki really cucked?

>> No.69833834

Agree. The "white elderly couple" story really came off like the guy has a chip on his shoulder.

>> No.69834063
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I'm starting to like fleshtubers now, no homo

>> No.69834080

sadly, 14 year olds also fetishize gay asian men so it's easy for them to turn a blind eye to blatant racism

>> No.69834327

because Dooki dint respond to him

>> No.69835233 [DELETED] 

The thing about fags like Uki is that they get away with everything. However, it's only a matter of time before he gets caught grooming childredn, because that's what fags with a young fanbase inevitably do.

>> No.69835348

I thought racism was based
Guess only when it's not against yourself

>> No.69835353

The thing about fags like Uki is that they get away with everything. However, it's only a matter of time before he gets caught grooming children, because that's what fags with a young fanbase inevitably do. The day that happens the floodgates will open and everything he got away with now is going to be used as ammo against him in the future.

>> No.69835842
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>Drama is finally starting to die out
>Open your mouth like a tard and dump another can of fuel into the fire
You think he's gonna join vox in the riku sex dungeon for this?

>> No.69835929

No, since he is a faggot he'll face a fate much worse.
Sex with Enna

>> No.69836125

Children are highly impressionable and easily manipulated so it makes sense that fags would seek out children to corrupt as a form of self-validation. It's pretty sick.

>> No.69836429
File: 421 KB, 1078x928, 1692036597761113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, now? He'd been watching the faggot and his fellow fags for years, and somehow failed to notice that the faggot had always been a racist cunt? Wha?

>> No.69836628

No anon, faggots don't corrupt (a really grim euphemism for rape) children because "self-validation", they do it because that's how faggotry exists in the first place, no little boy is naturally born a faggot, they become that way when they get groomed/raped

>> No.69836694

It's easier to notice when it's all at once, anon. If he lets it out a bit at a time you'll shrug it off

>> No.69837099

actually based

>> No.69837124

Dykes too lets not forget

>> No.69837815

He doesnt stream on his main channel anymore.

>> No.69837972

>Get his account banned by Elon personally.

>> No.69839477

Uki had a collab with Doppio yesterday, one of the supposed "good ones". KEK
There are no good organs in NijiEN.

>> No.69839809

>/vt/ crying about muh racism
Redditors OUT

>> No.69840098

Gets away with what? am out of the loop

>> No.69840637

>Vshit whore who was making a joke about the Japanese earthquake
I watch VShojo and I don't know what you're talking about

>> No.69841680

Now you're cooking with gas, anon

>> No.69845092

You think it wasnt management mandated for doppio to do it?

>> No.69848879


>> No.69849994

Doppio's wavemates with Hex and brushed off Kyo and Enna's bitchy nonsense. He knows how to be professional with with the poison posse.

>> No.69850110

Hot off the presses
