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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69828063 No.69828063 [Reply] [Original]

>Literally Who?
kyOresu is the (ironically previously more popular) former incarnation of Riro Ron from idolEN, who was publicly humiliated in the most controversial and character assassinating graduation notice/termination modern vtubers have ever seen, at least prior to dokibird


>The good?
Literally a Russian/Spanish doomer who speaks 3 languages, (English // Pyccкий // Español) an arguably decently talented singer/songwriter, cute in all forms.
>The baddie?
Menhara as heck, likes to drink and take silly pills.
>The ugly?
kyOresu has been treated by everyone in idol pretty ugly but... kyOresu has struck back in full force! Check out kyOresu's diss track!


>fun factoids
kyOresu's Youtube channel, has nearly as many subscribers and plays as Camellia, a rhythm game musical artist and remixer featured on the beatsaber and osu official soundtracks. She has more subscribers and plays than nearly 100% of the indy vtubers often celebrated here, and despite not reaching her full potential with idolEN as Riro Ron, has significant existing traction and could blow up if she plays her cards right.
>at least some of us hope.

do YOU trust the kyomback?

>> No.69828175

the rumors said the debut is happening real soon, anything confirmed?

>> No.69828745
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new cute fanart

>> No.69829107


>> No.69829448

any confirmation?

>> No.69829561
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sums it up

>> No.69830246
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>jews mogged hard
They fired the wrong talent.

>> No.69830298

Not yet

>> No.69830984

Please fuck off with your tribal shit.

>> No.69831568

Anyone her bought her services before? Is the price worth it?

>> No.69831693

no, yes

>> No.69833028

What's included?

>> No.69833264

this is a bit upsetting

>> No.69833353


>> No.69833448

Do you think she will retry the Riro angle of "I'm clean now, loving my new life" or just double down on being a druggie menhera?

>> No.69833519

She is not in a corpo anymore, no reason to pretend like all corpos do.

>> No.69833538

The seiso arc was a mistake

>> No.69833712

Kikes seethe

>> No.69833729


>> No.69834019

She's actively trying to get away from the latter, but some people certainly aren't helping her by reminding her.
One of her blogs clearly fell on deaf ears around why she was away for so long.

>> No.69834239

Will she play S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Gothic and Heroes of Might and Magic III?

>> No.69834518

why do russians play those games religiously

>> No.69834585

I'm European (not Russian), but I love those games.

>> No.69834629

I can fix her
by making her worse

>> No.69835001
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Sober or not, I'm looking forward to her return. She is a good girl who got dragged through the mud by a shitty second-rate corpo. She was always better than them.

>> No.69835032

At least my oshi didn't cuck me.

>> No.69835092

>he doesn't know about Chips groomers

>> No.69835185

Damn, too bad she couldn’t tunnel her cucks to her riro account. Maybe they don’t care about her?

>> No.69835377

Oh man, you weren't around for her PL were you? Look up that stream where she read the love poetry she got in her marshmallows. Its still on her old channel.
I'll bet you'll be so surprised.

>> No.69835503

>Pay a shitload to get a chance to meet her
>Pay even more for a chance to sex her
>Its then up to her to decide if it will be a date with a fun ending or not

>> No.69835509


>> No.69835749

her old model and theme was better in every way

>> No.69835998

Chip was one of my favourite vtuber models in general. It hurt seeing her go.
Her 3D model was cute as fuck

>> No.69836047

I agree completely. The old design and theme was perfect for her voice, and the newer one doesn't fit nearly as well.

>> No.69836110

Seeing how she really is it feels pretty hot knowing II could tear this frail little whore apart

>> No.69836140

I actually like Rocas design a lot. Cute rocker chick.
I just preferred Chip because of the theme and her cool ass coat.

>> No.69837033

phase cant stop winning kekekek

>> No.69837180

try looking at how many subs kyoresu has and the popularity of her other uploads number nig

>> No.69837411

95% of them are russians and latinx

>> No.69837640

Gachikucks are proof that numbers have no legitimacy as the standard measure of a Vtuber's worth.

>> No.69837759

Thanks for proving me right

>> No.69837800

You mean the ones that have been up for years? Go back to your containment shul, shekelstein.

>> No.69838290

Fuck off back to /jidf/ cunt.
You shit that thread up enough with your dumb Pippa obsession.

>> No.69839235

Its just her reading poetry? Is there also a stream where she talks about fucking her fans for money or is this where your reach ends?

>> No.69839488

drug user = subhuman

>> No.69839491

Cuck thread, there is a reason all of endless and fuyo cut ties with her

>> No.69839709

cos aviel terminated her and they're not allowed to?

>> No.69839886 [DELETED] 

seethe jew boy, you lost and israel will fall

>> No.69839909

Nooo, you don't le get it, they can just le talk to them on Twitter!!!
These people are genuinely that retarded, yes. Dumb Twitterfucks who don't know how the real world works. Sadly this entire board is infested with them.
Besides, he is wrong anyway, at least officially. I'm not saying who because I don't want the schizo fucks over there harassing them, the mentally disabled fucks do enough already, there's a reason many of them were perma-banned from Idol-anything.

>> No.69839962


>> No.69840268

I'm still trying to figure out what he meant as well.

>> No.69841020

Decent OP, but someone who speaks English well should fix it.

>> No.69841058

Fuyo would just @ her on her pl if she didn't
Or at least drop a like on her cover

>> No.69841143
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>Throw vtuber under the bus
>People don't like you anymore

>> No.69841632

What retard shit are you talking about?
Wrong quote?
Make sense, son.

>> No.69841656

Keep pretending to be retarded friend.

>> No.69841769

Oh, you're just being retarded then, and coming up with arguments in your head.
I suggest you re-read the response chain veeeery carefully. Read it out loud even.

>> No.69841891
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i love and miss my cosa rosa

>> No.69841969


>> No.69841979

hey guys, it's me the guy you're using for your news. Just a quick update, kyO won and she will he debuting soon.

>> No.69842295
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I just don't know man.

>> No.69842347

ETA announcement in 2 weeks, debut end of march with an original song.

>> No.69842458

>2 weeks
Wasn't she supposed to debut soon?

>> No.69842597

yeah she's debuting in a month, she wasn't allowed to redebut until her contract ran out which was on the 14th of feb

>> No.69842692

Wait where did she say that?

>> No.69842801

>Camellia mention
ok but why?

>> No.69842804

she text me

>> No.69842867

Hey anons, ever notice how in old kyOresu VODs she sounds different to Riro? Idol Corp kidnapped the original kyOresu under the promise of cute girls to hang out with, only to trap her in their basement (which is also a secret Hamas Base) and then took a random girl who sounds similar to kyO. All that was done to do 2 things. First they want to find out how much of an initial boost a Corporate Vtuber can get if you acknowledge her PL. They had to trap kyO so she cannot disprove the claim. Second, they hate kyOresu and all she stands for because in a (now deleted) (do NOT look for a source) live stream she mouthed the words "Free Palestine". Due to their Hatred they wanted to smear her, making a 9 Month long Experiment called "Riro Ron" which they ended with her termination. After that they just ejected the original kyOresu in Jordan without anything. Luckily for her she found a small Jordanian Village which had exactly ONE person that could speak English and they nursed her to health and helped her get back to Spain through the Balkan Route. That is why her return took so long. During her walk through the Balkan Route she wrote the Lyrics for her Internet Overdose Cover.

>> No.69842906

Thread is made by a shitposter who doesn't actually like kyO, just likes the fact she "is" a degenerate and other shit he made up in his head last year.

>> No.69843058

the OP is tomerposter, he makes these threads then hops on dicksword to get his faggot friends to shit post.

>> No.69843088

That still sounds like a better chance than you get with most of the other chuubas

>> No.69843251

Fucking NIGGER OP, its spelt kyOmeback

>> No.69843337

Oh I know. He's currently shitting up here and /jidf/ like the little /pol/lard he is.

>> No.69843454

Okay but legit asking, if I whale hard snd be parasocial will she fuck me? Won't even be a creep about it afterwards.

>> No.69843497

Bake the next thread

>> No.69843527

>will she fuck me?
lol no, she only fucks people with connections

>> No.69843615

okay I will

>> No.69843700

short answer no, long answer, no because she didn't fuck any of her fans nor her manager, the girl cries about how frustrated she is.

>> No.69843806

Then Idol lied?

>> No.69843964

they didn't say she had sex with anyone so technically no, they just said enough to make her look bad without actual saying anything.

>> No.69843996

>idol said she fucked her fans and her manager

>> No.69844016

bullshit, I got my name in the stardust note, it's gonna be my turn any day now

>> No.69844090

wrong notebook faggot, atleast larp correctly.

>> No.69844167

Then why was she fired?

>> No.69844207

They made up a bunch of lies to get rid of her.

>> No.69844591

pretty sure she wrote the RC names in the same book as the stardust note stuff, maybe I'm misremembering the fine details but my name is absolutely in the book

>> No.69844689

She put my name in her notebook three times

>> No.69844897

can´t wait for meet and greet

>> No.69844901

Literally an iPhone.
The rest of the points were just fluff to make her look bad, like taking the NNN shitposting out of context when she hasn't even hidden bringing up kyOresu stuff in the past, or fucking around with kyO x Riro related shitposting.

>> No.69846324

ok cuck, thats why they also fired their head manager and fuyo and juna laught at her on PL stream

>> No.69846635

It's fun making shit up isn't it, /pol/tard

>> No.69846836

Riro fucking her fans is like the holocaust.

>> No.69847086

Idol is now imploding so she kinda dodged a bullet

>> No.69847602

That's only because Aviel went full-retard when he never needed to.
"muh full transparency".
Yeah how's that working out for you Aviel?
The curse of knowing everything applies to company operations too, sometimes behind-the-scenes shit is best left hidden.
For the exact same reason the specs to make an actual functional nuclear bomb are not readily available, the "plans" on various websites are heavily simplified and incomplete.
Now there's many talents not streaming and several of them active on their old personas.
I hope for your sake you manage to offer them something to stick around. But I already know some of them are not renewing and already planning for it. Unfortunate.

>> No.69847818

what is the point of this general?
is it another stealth /pcg/ thread?

>> No.69847906

>trying to organize fan harem
>getting on xanax multiple times
>the iphone thing someone else mentioned
>getting special treatment from Tomer behind the scenes (he wasn't fucking her, but was likely turning a blind eye to the previously mentioned things)

>> No.69847956

Will you fuck off already?
You stick out like a sore thumb. stupid fucking raid kiddie.

>> No.69847982

she fucked her fans as kyo before she was even riro..

>> No.69848003

How is Kyo related to PC? She's indie now and she won't make the mistake of joining any corpo again. They are all black and only exploit the girls.

>> No.69848037
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jesus christ relax

>> No.69848101

He's a /jidf/ shitposter that blames everything bad on /pcg/ because he has a turbo hateboner for the shitty rabbit Pippa.
He larps as both a fan and hater of /jidf/ and even, yeah there you go, saves pictures of both to try cause thread-wars.
Probably a mentally insane twitter alphabet cunt.

>> No.69848168
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absolutely mindbroken, sounds like you guys are having it rough

>> No.69849373

it was already known in the spanish community that she was doing this as Ky0 in 2015-2019, why are you lying?

>> No.69849403
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>> No.69849472
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The irony of white knights using this meme

>> No.69849569

the only talent active on PL was Fuyo and she said she has no plans on leaving idol on PL

>> No.69849575
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miss my bebecita

>> No.69849633
File: 3.33 MB, 1280x720, riro smooches [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F75uxl3.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll be back soon

>> No.69849665

what a coincidence that the guy deflecting from pippiggers in here and in /jidf/ does not actually watch streams

>> No.69849919

Fuck are you on about retard, Juna was literally in the stream with her, and Fuyo was in the chat after she finished stream.
Both of you watch streams.

>> No.69849974

And she would have gotten away with it as riro if she told the company bean counters about the thousand-dollar gifts her fans gave her. Tax evasion is a bigger yab than NDA violations.

>> No.69850016

nigger fuyo said multiple times that it was once in a blue moon and she had no intention of coming back anytime soon
streams, watch

>> No.69850017

Yes and I am sure you will post all that evidence you totally have, amirite? Just like all the other times you totally did.
>No I dun wanna get banned
She got over her serious drug issues, this was well known.
Oh god, this retard child is back as well and doesn't know how tax works.

>> No.69850119

The fucking stream is right there, it is still up, and she said she was going to stream on Youtube next time because Twitch is too awful now.
You are remembering completely different things and reframing it as not streaming.
She said she is happy where she is.
Also I meant Yuko was in the chat.

>> No.69850998

I love and miss Riro and I wish Kyo the best, but I have a very strong suspicion that she won't be doing the lewd stuff anymore. Her music does pretty damn well, enough that I feel like she's going to latch onto that as a vtuber to the exclusion of the nsfw stuff. Hopefully I'm wrong, we need some fucking english language lewd loli content creators. We're losing more of them than we're gaining.

>> No.69852007

Making a cover before redebut is an odd choice. Maybe she just want to rub the salt on jewcorp

>> No.69852161

It depend if you're into emotionless sex or not. Her body is hot regardless

>> No.69852258

She'll try to laugh it off and keep things vague. Mysteries make women more attractive to men

>> No.69852323

She doesn't seem to be proud of her homeland. Don't remind her anything Russian-related on stream

>> No.69852408

It's your fault to go alone, bruh

>> No.69853415
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>he hasn't watched her

>> No.69853787

saw this in /jidf/ a few days ago
heres my schizo mega giga rrat on the state of idol in the last few months. things can be semi neatly split pre and post Riro termination.
sometime in October the Brave merger starts getting discussed among higher management.
in this it is decided that coomer content will have to be tuned down, kissing and stuff is fine but no "massages" or lewd body cam.
Tomer is against this as it goes against the idea of talent freedom. discussions get leaked to the talents and sides are drawn up, coomer/ anti coomer.
Riro does her 2 part nurse stream, Tomer is the only manager keeping tabs on it. at the end of the public half there is the Gaza audio situation. in the 2nd half she does lewd body cam stuff, Tomer reports nothing at the time.
Aviel catches wind of this and decides to personally watch the next RC stream as he feels he can no longer trust Tomer to keep things in line with what Brave wants.
Riro's fated final stream happens. Aviel lurks waiting to see if Tomer will report or intervene if things go against Braves guidelines.
things go the way they go, Tomer says nothing and the screenshot leak happens /here/. (possibly by Aviel himself to stir up anti coomer support, and as a clap back for the Gaza thing)
Aviel realizes that he needs to do a show of force to kowtow the talents that dont support the Brave merger. he puts Riro on suspension.
the coomer faction emboldened by support from Tomer continues to resist. Tomer must go.
using Riro as a smokescreen he terminates both of them, personally writing the notice to be as slanderous as possible while still being vague enough to technically be true, ensuring the NDA holds and as a warning to any talents still in the coomer faction.
(note, imo Riro did fuck up and probably would have been severely punished regardless of other things going on)
End of Riro/Tomer arc, beginning of Yuko, Pochi, Momo arc.

>> No.69855708

>Still waiting for the evidence
Shitters are always so funny, they truly believe that people eat their made up bullshit?

>> No.69855902

keep coping then

>> No.69856379

of course, we all live to store on our hard drives what a literally who?/1 view fleshtuber did 8-10 years ago
if everyone knows that the town whore is a whore, it is for a reason

>> No.69858593

How can you defend someone who sleeps with her manager? I can see people not caring about the other things she did like take sleeping pills on stream (lol who cares) or even fucking a fan because you could self insert (you)rself in that situation, but the manager thing was just cuck shit.

>> No.69859243

She didn't. Simple as that. He just turned a blind eye to her accepting gifts from fans, and that angered the heebs that wanted their cut of every penny she made.

>> No.69859476

you got proof she slept with her manager?
or are you just falling for corpo slander?

>> No.69861409

how much do the jews pay for posts like these?

>> No.69862934

oh fuck, she's joining some terrorists now?

>> No.69864589
File: 1.14 MB, 3000x4000, 7e57ec25e73ca7f50dcb670d4cad545e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ueeeeeee i need kyO cunny soon aaaaaaaaaa

>> No.69864811

Uooh kyOnny ToT

>> No.69865297

my body is ready!

>> No.69866827

I can't stop listening to her Internet Overdose parody. Why is this whore so based?

>> No.69866850

Just post it bro, I'm sure you totally have evidence of it and not random shitposts you heard on a basket-weaving forum.
Just like how she fucked 10 of her managers and injected 187 cocaines on stream, and had a huge orgy with all of her fans that you specifically weren't invited to and that's why you are mad.
Oh wait.
It's easy to type random shit without evidence, using hyperbole and half-truths that trick absolute fucking brainlets like you, brainlets with an actual cuck fetish because you faggots so desperately want her to have fucked a fan.
You're definitely female. I can smell the fat on you.

>> No.69866860
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but how soon?

>> No.69867045
File: 1.45 MB, 1682x2048, 1676645046132376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully very soon. I'm thinking March or April.

>> No.69867231

the company that fired her said she was bad so obviously it must be true. why would they try and save face in a termination? and when has a corpo ever lied about a talent?

>> No.69867546

she's the good kind of whore. the honest one.

>> No.69867627

cucks coping

>> No.69867718

>people are rejecting my cuckold fantasy
>i'll call them cucks, that'll show 'em

>> No.69868078

anyways ignoring the Retard, what are peoples expectations for the kyOmeback?
i feel like the first few weeks are going to be tough with drama tourists and stuff, but have high hopes that things get comfy again after a month or so.

>> No.69868244

asmr stream would be nice

>> No.69868331

I just want another Riro stream. My expectations aren't super high and I don't expect her to go insanely lewd right off the bat, but I hope she finds a comfortable footing and stays cute like she always is.

>> No.69868619

lmao, shes still following tomer on instagram, you fucking cuck at least accept yourself being one

>> No.69868772


>> No.69868901

if you shout 'cuck' at someone who only really cares about cumming to a girl's lewd content and doesn't give a single shit about who she fucks irl, you will eventually win the fight and your opponents will rope themselves. Keep fighting, cuckanon!

>> No.69868924

she did alot of "practice" but it would be nice to hear a genuine asmr with triggers and stuff.
if there is one thing im sure of, its that she will be cute.

>> No.69870911

the practice streams were perfect already
