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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69822925 No.69822925 [Reply] [Original]

>Haachama is playing that… one game that Bae-senpai played lol
>And I made a reply like “Gummy worms”. I think it’s funny
>There was a reply where someone said “Eat my gummy worm!”
>I was kinda tempted to reply
>But I decided against it. I gotta keep quiet and just let people make their comments

>> No.69823013

"Too small :/"
Should have replied with that

>> No.69823021

And thus, it was another peaceful day in Hololive

>> No.69823047

It really is that easy.

>> No.69823063

here's a classic reply to use

>> No.69823126

Whether it was just her being an old-timer in the field,
or Cover giving Advent media literacy training pre-debut, I'm thankful either way

>> No.69823135

Oh I remember that guy, Kronii blocked him on all her accounts because his posts were annoying

>> No.69823160

But nijisisters told me is based to reply to bait?

>> No.69823166

Ah this guy
He’s banned from all the Promise discords for sending extremely creepy DMs to cosplayers in said discords
Very mentally ill individual

>> No.69823194

He also got found in 3 doxcord lol

>> No.69823197

this guys whole gimmick is "i want to have sex with every woman in hololive" and surprise surprise, is vilified by their communities
also source on the kronii thing? sounds funny

>> No.69823257

>Another peaceful day of no streams

>> No.69823261

I saw a post about him showing notkronii having him blocked despite him not interacting with that account, this was months back

>> No.69823281

I wonder if Cover has a policy of blocking by default certain notorious users for all their talents.
Because this guy certainly deserves it.

>> No.69823307
File: 429 KB, 2358x1348, 1706440145047742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niji anon pls,
It's not 2022 anymore

>> No.69823314

But I'm watching an HoloEN stream right now, anonchama...

>> No.69823375

>i want to have sex with every woman in hololive
Ok but that's also all of us

>> No.69823402

It's ok if you do it in DMs

>> No.69823443

granted, but do you go out of your way to reply to every single tweet publicly announcing this and DM talents on all their accounts saying it? i think this dude also spams every stream chat with the same thing too

>> No.69823561

instant btfo'd

>> No.69823679

the fact that she still had to talk about it already meant she got oneguy'd. she should had just shit her mouth and never talked about it, whore haha.

>> No.69823690

and this deserves a thread, because?

>> No.69823714

if it kills a nijinigger thread, it did well.

>> No.69823756

Nah I won't sex Kronii, Kiara, any of the smols legally too smol to drive, or the pons to pon to be moms

>> No.69823828

Why are holofags always sex pests?

>> No.69823851

Not me, I just want to make love to my holowife.

>> No.69823870

STFUbros win yet again

>> No.69823873

Oh and any Hag whose eggs would produce kids with my levels of autism if not worse

>> No.69823920

because it annoys you

>> No.69824263

shame this dude got a bunch of lies made up about him just for being too thirsty

>> No.69824581

Which lies?

>> No.69824606

He has a tiny cock and touches horses

>> No.69824619

low test

>> No.69824637

>wins by doing nothing
many such cases

>> No.69824999

This guy is the type who would try to send the girls bombs in packages if they still allowed packages and kill himself while nearly naked after doing some sort of weird ritual while thinking he would reunite with them after death and love him all while taping it isn't he?

>> No.69825105

Only vtubers that are not thots

>> No.69825202

Instead she responded to it in the middle of a stream, which somehow makes it better in your mind?

>> No.69825292
File: 254 KB, 680x306, Screenshot 2024-02-23 102324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fix your time for Biboo. It's 7pm, not 8.

>> No.69825382

>Wanting responsible moms for my kids is low test
If you mean cause I won't fuck Kronii or Kiara the former is a bitch and the latter is too far down the shoujo path.

>> No.69825409

>When management actually does its job

>> No.69825521

why are both the N cocks black?

>> No.69825591

that's YOU, but also I guess most of people here don't go a tell them on their faces

>> No.69825692

Sure bruh, literally the same thing

>> No.69825736

the orange cocks didn't bother you at all, but the black ones did?

>> No.69825973

Anon that is a reddit joke and not everyone on /vt/ is a coomer

>> No.69826214
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explains a lot.

>> No.69826354
File: 36 KB, 870x589, IMG_5751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW you telling me that’s why Gura never had a YAB? People have attacked her constantly thru the years but the trick is to ignore all of it?

>> No.69827540

I will never understand how this kind of dudes manage to lack self-awareness this hard. Does he think that he's talking to a chatbot or something? Even good-looking dudes get mostly shit on whenever they make remarks like that, it's as if they had never been properly educated.

>> No.69827732

It helps when you don't do anything for 2 years.

>> No.69827739

yes? every other peepee gets different letters but only the black ones are both N
what did the dev mean by this?

>> No.69827812

Because they made one N and copied that to be the second N.

>> No.69828169

why would they make more than one G, I and T then?

>> No.69828248

Why didn't you point out the I and G are brown too?

>> No.69828442

Even if that were true, I think even /here/ people know better than to act like a "send bobs and vagene" pajeet

>> No.69828601

her thought was
>do you have the cola flavor gummy worms?

>> No.69828813

>Homobeggars are the ones harassing holos

>> No.69828839

Yeah but I have the self-awareness to keep it relegated to /here/ and maybe some other places that are hopefully out of their sight.

>> No.69829434
File: 749 KB, 480x480, Shiori Titties[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Futzhzq.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my oshi is just like based like that

>> No.69829937

Unironically yes, as much as I hate her fanbase for enabling Gura's laziness or Gura herself for being lazy asf, she is professional asf, even if she do response she do it in a very subtle way. Remember that RingFit drama? Everyone just forgot about it simply because she knows to shut the fuck up

>> No.69831331

when chasing women they say you only need one girl to say yes...

>> No.69832460

are you colorblind?

>> No.69833774

>Homos & homobeggars
>sexually harassing Holomem
It literally goes hand-in-hand

>> No.69834227

Well yeah, we already know most beggars only like male collabs because they use them as self-insert gooning material. It's why they seem to show up in droves at a whiff of any cross-gender collabs, but the homos themselves have so few viewers. They don't watch the homos because they're not interested in them as men, they just want to use them as a vehicle to ship and self-insert as if they're fucking the holos.

>> No.69837892

>people completely ignoring that guy is a saplingfag
do saplings really?

>> No.69840013

I hope she blocks this fatherless subhuman

>> No.69840537

>i want to have sex with every woman in hololive
Thats 99% of hololive fans

>> No.69840622

he's more into bae, he just wants to harass any woman who will give him attention or makes his pp hard

>> No.69841376

Thats a lot if guys anon, A LOT of guys
