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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 903 KB, 3508x2480, __selen_tatsuki_and_dokibird_nijisanji_and_3_more_drawn_by_khoaphan96__483476e39dc738916a1d694bbe6a1ebf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69814978 No.69814978 [Reply] [Original]

Don't let the humor of the current situation distract you from the fact that they literally bullied her to the point of suicide

>> No.69815007

Not just once, TWICE

>> No.69815013
File: 1.88 MB, 1536x2048, mooms15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even ones, but twice.

>> No.69815033

imagine reading her eulogy and having to say she died to being ghosted

>> No.69815048

>noooo manager responded to me a DAY a half late during the holidays i'm going to kill myself
Not even ndf but come on this was a bit pathetic.

>> No.69815102
File: 178 KB, 850x960, sample_fe243741cb2b2ccefaba45a9f1b99f84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seeing my fanart on /vt/
Feels like I made it AND made a difference...

>> No.69815323


Kurosanji has to be held accountable. Sink the yacht

>> No.69815348

>Still needing copyright ''permissions'' when Selen got them months ago from the creator of the song
Yes you are retard

>> No.69815479

It's kino cute girl suffering art. Like the feeling of watching Made in Abyss

>> No.69815606

You know what they say, third time's the charm.

>> No.69815721

I will never forget

>> No.69815837

Except it wasn't made for fetishistic purposes

>> No.69816342

Holy shit. I never knew dragoons were this cringe. Give it a rest already you retards.

>> No.69816694

You are dead, I'm in your wall in no time

>> No.69816825
File: 1.17 MB, 220x220, ltg-low-tier-god.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should try first

>> No.69816904

Suicide is just a scam, no one stupid enough to do this. It psyop by illuminati

>> No.69816980

Why did the name "Shu Yamino" trigger her so much? I thought Shu was a good boy...?

Cute! Keep drawing, I love your style.

>> No.69817032

Shu is Elira's lapdog. He's 100% part of the problem

>> No.69817167

People who argue that she might have faked the suicide don't really know Selen.

This crazy bitch was regularly streaming 8 hours per day. And in the days where she streamed 7, she would tweet an apology "I am so sorry for the short stream!". She took basically no breaks for almost 3 years (I think the longest done was 3 days in a row and that's it), and even during said "breaks" she would still stream Apex with a muted mic. It was way too much content, to the point I would get tired of watching so much of her (even if she's one of my favorite streamers). At some point it just felt more like you're watching 2/3 of a person's day-to-day and there's so much of her content it's almost manipulating your attention.

It's true that women are dramatic and pretend suicide sometimes. But in this case, she deadass actually tried to self-delete twice (or even more, I don't doubt). If you get the whole previous context (that I am explaining above), she basically has not much life aside her streaming things and Apex friends. And that's it. That's her whole life. It could be witnessed very well during her streaming routine.
For her mental health's sake, I hope she takes a little easier as Doki somewhere down the line.

>> No.69817284
File: 86 KB, 1075x671, nijisanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69817854

>she basically has not much life aside her streaming things and Apex friends
I'd add her dog as the 3rd pilar given how much she seems to love that balding sausage. Which also makes me wonder how bad shit had to get to make her think leaving it alone is alright

>> No.69817959

Probably rationalized that doggy would be looked after by her parents after she's dead

>> No.69817994

The thing is anyone that attempts suicide 2x is by definition a menhera and you just can't take a menhera at her word.
You can support Doki and still accept that none of her claims have been proven.
She's literally won. Skip the drama and move on. No need to dramabait. The less said about this the better. Ideally this should never be mentioned again and she can focus on her career.

>> No.69818102

Hi Elira

>> No.69818177

>If her neck was slightly less flexible instead of happily watching her return to stream as an indie she'd be fucking DEAD
>Literally would have been the first major vtuber to die, and by SUICIDE
>And it'd be the girl who was extremely focused on inter-agency and multinational networking
>bare minimum DOZENS of hiatuses
>if the cause got out, even by rumor, the shitstorm would make the current niji implosion look like a wet fart
>if it didn't, we'd probably have Elira memorial grifting her to suck money out of her grieving fans after killing her
Jesus, that would be a grim alternate reality.

>> No.69818796

You can't trust someone because they attempted suicide? It's not like she threatened it or claimed to be suicidal for attention

>> No.69818906

>People who argue that she might have faked the suicide don't really know Selen.
No fucking shit. These crazy twats don't know nor do they care. All they see is "THIS BITCH IS TRYING TO HURT MY VOXXIE" and completely stick their head in the sand to all of the work she's done to promote and build up their company through community efforts and projects. She wouldn't fucking joke about something like this.

>> No.69819025

People who think that are either retarded or willingly ignoring the fact that SHE DID NOT MAKE THE ATTEMPT PUBLIC, NIJI DID

>> No.69819085
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 1708059386406345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-b-but... she sent them the document surely she was threatening to.

>> No.69819332

>anyone that attempts suicide 2x is by definition a menhera
>you just can't take a menhera at her word
>none of her claims have been proven
Sources that prove that recent Nijisanji_EN twitter posts were fake?

>> No.69819470
File: 438 KB, 1000x563, Riku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine seeing a parade of Nijisanjis tell us how they cared and were trying to extend a hand and how much this hurt them. Then cashing in on a series of massive charity stream.
I'm glad she's alive.

>> No.69819540
File: 127 KB, 640x597, nijinig mantra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder of the NDF's modus operandi

>> No.69819591

these people are nuts, I have a friend that I didn't know was a niji fan but has been having a complete meltdown towards me and others for clowning on niji, everytime someone so much as mentions niji drama he'll fly off the handle and spends his time going on the boards to "deboonk" the rrats,
it's crazy how they are all getting, even people that aren't even that big into niji, joke once about finana gaslighting her viewers into leaving her and they'll start talking about their hatred for False and how much we should care about the "livers"

>> No.69819656

Shu is literally elira's lapdog. They were friends pre-niji and he has been in love with her (one sided) for years. He joined nijisanji just to be with her

>> No.69822758

they should finish the job

>> No.69822799

They certainly tried.

>> No.69823059

>you just can't take a menhera at her word.
People like Vox Akuma and most of Niji's males out-menhera Doki at every turn. Considering that Doki still had the sense to talk to a lawyer that understands Western law before releasing any statements, I'm going to trust her leagues more than NijiEN and the guy who released rape ASMR known as Vox "In my opinion it wasn't harassment" Akuma

>> No.69823364
File: 194 KB, 1125x510, IMG_4670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't the video. It was the livers calling her in masse and telling her to kill herself (which she then proceeded to do, following her coworker's instructions)

>> No.69823592

>Nijisanji makes claim
>Selen replies with "yup, that did happen."
>repeat two more times
It's crazy that people keep insisiting this is on her.

>> No.69824206
File: 949 KB, 849x1200, 1689432919663377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never forget it.

>> No.69824310

Reminder that the sisters said that Millie made that one tweet because Selen always ignored people on discord and she was worried about her. So, it turns out that back then all the livers from the clique were bullying Selen in private in discord AND Millie went the extra mile to shit on her in twitter.

>> No.69824396

It's important to remember that women's "suicide attempts" are largely just attention-seeking behavior. It's not like she put a shotgun in her mouth and pulled the trigger. More than likely she just swallowed a bunch of Tylenol and went to the ER. She also has BPD. It says a lot that not a single liver remaining in NijiEN genuinely seems worried for her.

>> No.69824490

She tied her own self worth to being the God Gamer Girl and got really insecure and fragile when even in friendly matches she wasn't number 1. Does that really sound like someone who's mentally stable?

>> No.69824661

Fuck off back to your doxxsite sis

>> No.69824729

>She also has BPD

>> No.69824728

You also have to remember that this is the vtubing scene to begin with. Regardless of nationality, it isn't exactly full of the most mentally well adjusted individuals to begin with, because they would've lived normal lives as normal individuals in society otherwise.
NijiEN itself isn't full of mentally stable individuals right now either outside of Petra, Rosemi, Maria, maybe Aia since she has an OL job, Ren, Fulgur, I guess Vanta since I never heard anything bad about him. The bar is already as low as it gets, because this is the same company that hired a TF2 content creator that faked his own death.

>> No.69824767
File: 3.34 MB, 346x346, 1708631924212012.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because this is the same company that hired a TF2 content creator that faked his own death.
wait what

>> No.69824791

>doesn't know about sonny

>> No.69825842

Yeah Sonny IIRC was the one who faked his death years ago, dropped off the net because it was a dumb thing he did as a kid, then came back as a vtuber of nijisanji years later

>> No.69826226
File: 417 KB, 2160x1215, aa1b60324f869723da510e1c570982c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pomu, instead of just feeling guilty for not having done more, goes nuts.

>> No.69826269

Make a new thread if she did it again. For now just fuck off and move on.

>> No.69826557

That was a known aspect about Sonny's PL around the time he debuted. It was a funny anecdote to look back on at the time, but seeing how he publicly spoke out in favor about Elira's black video stream, that just seems to now be a proper reflection of his character.

>> No.69826631

>It's important to remember that women's "suicide attempts" are largely just attention-seeking behavior
why don't you be a real man and show us how it's done then?

>> No.69826792

still don't know if it was true that he was asking for money when he was "chronically sick" that led to his "death"
there was videos from the TF2 side of Youtube but I don't remember if they covered that or not

>> No.69827043

The sad thing about this whole drama is that we will never know what was the bullying, it could be anything from leaving her to read and responding to her an hour later to literally tell her to commit suicide because she is fat.

Which leaves two opposites rrats to live at the same time, Selen overreacted about something because she is a menhera or the NijiEN clique is pure evil and bullied her for months.

>> No.69827704

The termination letter and the 15 minute hit-piece really lean towards the latter. We now know for a fact that Miguel Cat was an IRL menhera all along and even she got a more dignified termination, Selen's treatment is way too vindictive even if she was completely in the wrong.

>> No.69827826

Self admitted bpd

>> No.69828280

based on a fake screenshot

>> No.69828367

Imagine blaming a failed attempt to kill yourself on others, that’s sad and pathetic

>> No.69828768

You can infer a lot from the characters involved and the environment.
Selen is a driven character, eager to get projects done. If she encounters bottlenecks she might get impatient and frustrated quicker than others.
The 'clique' mostly consists of characters who appear to be more laid back in personality.
Most of the parties involved are female. Females tend to harass and bully indirectly.
The company manages their employees according to Japanese principles of seniority.
With all of that in mind, plus the public information we know, like Selen getting banned from organizing events or her music vid being fucked with, you can come up with a reasonable hypothesis.
The clique
>had seniority in the eyes of Japanese management, Elira was one of the few able to communitcate with them directly.
>painted Selen in an unfavorable light to upper management in hopes of sandbagging her.
>took the bait and complained, which was used against her.
>got shit talked behind her back
>didn't want to deal with management anymore and started paying for projects she could afford herself
>still got fucked over by the clique over non issues usage rights of IP owned by the company anyway

>> No.69828936

He did have the donation button for the yen up after the initial announcement. Though he never directly asked for non-specific illnessbucks bucks, keep in mind.

>> No.69829031

>proper reflection of his character.
Which is menhera? Support suicidal people.

>> No.69829264

Be thankful that she could escape that shithole.

>> No.69829639

no they didn't. She's a grown woman. Don't like your job? Find a new job. Like everyone else on earth with a shitty boss and coworkers they don't like. She's mentally ill. please tell us how they bullied her? Oh wait, she won't say who or how, you just believe whatever grifterbird says. pathetic. I hope that backstabbing whore is enjoying her blood money, the guilt will crush her eventually.

>> No.69829724

>it's cool boss, trust me, the person said sure when I asked!
that's not how legal permissions work dumbass

>> No.69829920

god I wish we were in that timeline, where she actually got a kill, unlike most apex streams. The drama would be long over by now. Schizo schizo'd herself, how tragic. She was always troubled but hope she's at peace now. Amen. -Vox

>> No.69829987

nobody seriously wanting to kill themselves fails TWICE

>> No.69830323

clearly you are not familiar with women

>> No.69830427

What kind if job would publicly fire you and write a whole essay slandering you while slipping out there is bullying in the company. Not only that they made a stream trying to slander you and even go as far as breaking the law knowing that you tried to killed yourself, while you wanted to deal with all this shit in private

>> No.69830571

If that were the case I'd be ded.

>> No.69830591 [SPOILER] 
File: 139 KB, 1312x902, Doki's giant wiener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let the fact that DokiBird tried to kill herself twice distract you from the fact that she has a giant wiener

>> No.69830947

the kind of company that doesn't like being blackmailed, which is what she tried to do. She was going to slander them if they didn't give her what she wanted, it said so in the termination notice. So they tried to get ahead of it, which is a logical move. Unfortunately they did so in a completely inept fashion. Their only problem is having a worse lawyer than her.

>> No.69831299
File: 374 KB, 1077x1400, Screenshot_20240211_153147_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fake screenshot

>> No.69831529

That's the problem, Selen wanted to quit, but NijiEN's management kept on dragging their feet through the whole process. So it's not as easy as it would be quitting any other regular job, despite the fact that multiple talents constantly bullshit about the fact that you could quit NijiEN any time you want - we know that isn't the case.
Its also odd how you sisters use her being "mentally ill" as a point to slander her, when if anything it reflects more poorly on Nijisanji's management yet again. They had 3 of the EN branch's finest narcissists/sociopaths harass a mentally ill individual to the point of nearly killing herself while they just stood by and did nothing. That's not a good look, especially as multiple talents are still leaving or are taking longer breaks because they seemingly can't stand NijiEN's work environment.

>> No.69831647
File: 170 KB, 647x647, 1708494957638787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijibootlicker regurgitating the Party Line
You really are all chinks, aren't you?

>> No.69831775

Sending a complaint to HR is blackmail now?

>Their only problem is having a worse lawyer than her.
You do realize people in the right don't usually have to constantly move goalposts to make their perspective palatable to reality, right?

>> No.69831794

At the very least she didn't buy a fucking monkey

>> No.69832019

>the kind of company that doesn't like being blackmailed
Ofc they dont want want to be blackmailed. They are the one blackmailed their slaves to be their meatshield after all.
> She was going to slander them
She has never even once say nijisanji. She’s not even allowed to.
> So they tried to get ahead of it
Yeah they even skinwalked her as selen after suspended her kek.
Nice try retard.

>> No.69832177

Think you replied to the wrong poster or you read my post completely incorrectly, anon. My post said addressed that talents like Vox were full of shit when they say "Leaving was always an option". Considering how Pomu wanted to quit back in August and how she managed to cut ahead before Kyo, it very much is not easy to leave. And even if you wanted to leave, mangagement seems very finicky about when they decide its time for you to go. Like I think Mysta had an extra week or two compared to Nina for some bizarre reason. Luxiem favoritism maybe. Or maybe the management (Elira) was pissed that Nina exposed very early on that NijiEN had a clique that they excluded her from, and this was them being petty.

>> No.69834059

thank you, not knowing that was bothering me

>> No.69835296

I thought it was because Cover Co wouldn't take him as Homostar

>> No.69837226

Good thing she recovered and came back stronger.

>> No.69837329

There won't be a "third time". She's done with that shitty company and its bullying cliques.

>> No.69837526

Horrendous song choice.

>> No.69837998

You have to be mentally ill to kill yourself dipshit. Mentally stable people can deal with adversity

>> No.69838013

How can an adult be bullied?
How can an adult fail at suicide?

>> No.69838091

Lol. She is still bpd. Making multiple attempts increases the odds of further attempts

>> No.69838162

sToP bUlLyInG mE.

>> No.69838306

>still believing this
fuck niji but you have to be 3 chromosomes short to fall for that shit lmao

>> No.69838507

>humor of the current situation
qrd? Did I miss more Niji doing shit?
Right? It's not others fault you can't even kill yourself

>> No.69838709

That's what you think, sistrash. Too bad so sad it's not gonna happen.

>> No.69838739

Being competitive is a character flaw but hardly one that rises to the level of "mentally unstable", people are being wild trying to scrutinise everything for signs they can dismiss her as just another menhera. Meanwhile we all choose to post on /vt/, definitely a mentally stable decision

>> No.69838762

You did really well

>> No.69838819
File: 3.03 MB, 4096x5243, NijiEN PR Stunt (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is NijiEN's latest yab.

>> No.69838825

taking 2 advils and some nyquil isnt a real suicide attempt fyi

>> No.69838887
File: 1.10 MB, 2487x3059, NijiEN PR Stunt (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>69838819 (me)

>> No.69838888

Ah, I thought something else happened.

>> No.69838894

Reminder Elira covered a song which is about a bully singing about bullying a girl to become a ghost (because she killed herself).

>> No.69839428

Dumb sisturd.

>> No.69839840

Sometimes it actually is. Steam has a page on their website saying that exact thing.
You literally never been in a courtroom over copyright you nijifag

>> No.69840078

if you aren't a larper your art is great, keep it up anon

>> No.69842094


>> No.69842099

Until I see actual proof that was just bait to me

>> No.69842629

AND tried to cover it up by skinwalking, which they later admitted to by stating that she had been locked out of her accounts.

>> No.69842631
File: 103 KB, 620x666, womanmoment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she wasnt bullied. She was never in danger, she did it for attention like all other menheras ever. Youre a pathetic simp for a mentally ill person.

>> No.69842751

she didnt have confirmations on the artwork that was included.

>> No.69842812

>and telling her to kill herself
>it came to me in a thread
holy shit youre as schizo as at that bpd menhera.

>> No.69843410


>> No.69843860

That image doesn't disprove the bullying. If anything her distress and "attention seeking behavior" is a result of it. Your precious black company will never recover.

>> No.69846259

Good work anon.

>> No.69846299

Essentially, what you are saying is that, if she was a m*le she most likely would have died. Grim.

>> No.69846357

men dont use bitch tactics like that to get attention.

>> No.69846439

And after they did so, they mocked her suicide attempts online - harassed her and tried to sabotage her relaunch by timing that black screen video airing right when she went online.

They are bullies and vile people, nothing less.

>> No.69846592

Your image proves that the acts were not lies. Enna and Vox's statements confirm bullying is corporate culture.

>> No.69846742

"Bitch actions", yeah most of us prefers to die, it's pretty stupid desu. Like, the whole reason why we scream when in pain is to gather attention/help, so if you're in a dark place don't be afraid to scream.

>> No.69847458

men suck it up and get over it. spoiled chink bitches think theyll get their way if they cry enough and hurt themselves.

>> No.69848222

More like a menhera chinese woman seeking attention and validation from strangers

>> No.69848262

Nah, many don't, I care about my fellow bros:
m/f ratio and suicide rate per 100.000
6 Poland 6.7 : 1 18.5
7 Latvia 6.7 : 1 17.4
5 Belarus 6.5 : 1 19.1
2 Lithuania 5.8 : 1 26.1
8 Russia 5.8 : 1 17.9
3 Mongolia 5.2 : 1 28.1
4 Kazakhstan 5.0 : 1 27.5
1 Sri Lanka 4.4 : 1 34.6
10 Suriname 3.3 : 1 26.9
9 Guyana 3.0 : 1 30.6
– World 1.7 : 1 10.7

I won't reply further as this is off-topic, but Doki screamed for help and people are helping, this is just how good (also guillable) people are.

>> No.69848388

>yeah most of us prefers to die, it's pretty stupid desu.
If I lived in a third world country, I'd want to die.

>> No.69848609

> it wasn't made for fetishistic purposes
You’re kidding, right? I would suffer-fuck Doki until I died

>> No.69849336

Why should I believe someone who admitted to having a distorted view of reality? I don't mean BPD, because yes, she may have self-diagnosed and we were all young and stupid once, but to attempt, you have to believe that everyone is better off without you, even your parents... if she believed that then she was probably going through some kind of episode where reality seemed much worse than it actually was

>> No.69849381

This is pretty weak bait.

>> No.69849459

Does most suicide cry for help end you up in the hospital?

>> No.69850141

Do I care what you think? It is the truth. She felt a certain way, that's on her, it's not in anyone's job description to pander to their coworkers' fee-fees.
This ideation doen'st start one fine morning, she was already having those thoughts, and then the trigger is a fucking MV... like... that's weird, you can't tell me that that girl was right in the head. At least she is getting proper therapy now and is mentally better, or so it seems, don't sneeze around her or she might feel attacked

>> No.69850216

if you want to quit, you just stop showing up til they fire you. it's not hard. They're not making you stay. She wanted to have her cake and eat it too and get the graduation golden parachute

>> No.69850587

Weak bait sister try harder

>> No.69852225

lol *achoo*

>> No.69853494

succeed on your 1st try then NDF

>> No.69853663

Sister, I know you think this is a clever way to defend Nijisanji. But this highlight how you are emotionally devoid drones that have zero shame and accountability.

You are sinking the yatch, by pouring more water into it.

>> No.69853842

get the fact that hospitals don't have unlimited beds for unserious problems

>> No.69854045

>that image
Why do you keep tattling on yourself Enna.

>> No.69854317

Kowalski, run analysis why vtuber fans gatekeep men out of their hobby but are horribly sexist against women

>> No.69854916

>For her mental health's sake, I hope she takes a little easier as Doki somewhere down the line
hopefully her having a therapist now will help with this

>> No.69857421


>> No.69857422


>> No.69858374

To keep tourists like you out before you waddle in for 2 minutes, cry about how you're not catered to, then fuck off to the next community to destroy while leaving us in tatters.

>> No.69860732

Gatekeeping someone who doesn’t like the core of (insert anything) is normal and should be done against both men and women alike.

>> No.69861728

how tf did sri lanka shoot so high

>> No.69864974

they have issues

>> No.69865140

>le retard de vox akuma
