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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69774994 No.69774994 [Reply] [Original]

why did they leave?

>> No.69775070

we will literally never know. they will take it to the grave.

>> No.69775129

I don't know and we will never know, but thank God they are gone

>> No.69775133

magni wanted more money so went back to his rather successful past life

vesper wanted to be a asmongold style streamer and that didnt really fit with holostars

>> No.69775136

he push for daph collab
very loud and obnoxious about it wahh wahh im a victim i hate white people wahh mbuh fest friend magni dezumondo
he graduates
suddenly no daph collab now thath es free to do whatever he want
why she only want to collab when hes in hololive?
the imposter is sus

>> No.69775140

they thought they could take the sisters with them and earn more money without a meddling corpo
Spoiler: Both of them needed tardwrangling to be appealing to the public

>> No.69775167

Change of overall direction in EN and omegatranny getting fired
>can't leech of the girls anymore

>> No.69775187

Found out that Jap company bureaucracy isn't worth the money, plus they've already got their exposure so staying was even less attractive for them.

>> No.69775213 [DELETED] 

39daph and Uki are right

>> No.69775345

It sounds like he wanted to use hololive clout to get big connections but ended up with nothing

>> No.69775403

Or you could just watch Randon. He's literally spelled it out talking about his "old job". Granpire got fired because his anger issues did not "mesh well with Japanese corporate culture" and Mr. Hands hated his model and quit in solidarity as he was looking for any reason to leave.

>> No.69775454 [DELETED] 

Vesper wanted to fuck Gura. Source: Early, privated, stream where Randon gushed about gura for 20 minutes straight. I guess Gura didn't want his cock.

>> No.69775456

No one knows. Both are fairly successful now, so I doubt they really regret leaving.

>> No.69775553

Magni loathed his model he thought a redesign will fix but it didn't. Vesper asked cover for more money or won't do the idol thing (dance/"live" performance)

>> No.69775632

Kronii farted and Vesper made fun of it and tried to sniff the seat.
Magni tried to cover for Vesper but Vesper couldn't remove his face from the chair. The embarrassment ended with both of them leaving.
If only Kronii didn't fart so much they'd still be here for better or worse.
Just like Mumei's fart made Sana leave.

>> No.69775712

>Be japanese salaryman
>Hire gaijin orc
>"WORK WORK!" throws stapler at japs

>> No.69775727
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>Mr. Hands
he should have collabed with Vaush then

>> No.69775766

They joined to fuck your oshi
Once they completed this goal, there was no need to stick around.

>> No.69775798

You missed the part where he didn't want to be arsed to dance/sing, and the fact he's an unsalvageable pothead and that doesn't fly in Japan.

>> No.69775852

solid rrat

>> No.69775868

harassment from incel unicorns

>> No.69775873

Potheads don't spend all their time raging and being angry.

>> No.69775883

Because hololive micromanges them and they couldn't stand it from day 1

>> No.69775911

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth

>> No.69775923

He's also an alcoholic

>> No.69775997


>> No.69776036

I remember they wouldn't even let them stream for over 1 hour at a time

>> No.69776044

>sub 300 shitter

>> No.69776060

He hasn't touched booze or weed since graduating, he went and got proper mental health care.

>> No.69776157

Niji deflection thread, no one cares about these two anymore

>> No.69776197

Damn, well being an idol carries certain responsibilities like not being a racist douche, so it's a really bad fit for them if that's what they wanted to be.

>> No.69776225

Oh god oh god... They have been graduated for months already and I'm still thinking about cocks.

>> No.69776234

They weren't a good fit

>> No.69776256

Someone HAS to have the copy pasta of him wearing a samurai outfit and getting suspended

>> No.69776289

That's actually a good thing in japan

>> No.69776524

you missed the part where he raged at his employer and then left for a week on a biking trip without telling anyone because he couldn't social handle being an adult man communicating to other humans

>> No.69776657

You'll get fired in every culture if you're abusive to staff, particularly if you're not much of an asset.
Not only that, but he showed signs of being dangerous when he tried to get into Cover's studio unannounced and had to be turned away by security.
If you tolerate people like that, you'll end up in a worse situation than Nijisanji right now.

>> No.69776786

Coming to the office outside of your shift "unanounced" is not a "dangerous" action. People have to come in on their own time to file paperwork all the fucking time. This is normal in the USA.

>> No.69776790
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>> No.69776824
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Randon and Magni are the only homo rm Kronii doesn't follow. Which makes me think that this shit was directed at Kronii and she didn't quite like it.

>> No.69776843

Which is not pothead behaviour.

>> No.69776981


>> No.69776997

Nigger her RM doesn't follow any of the homos period
That story wasn't about anything related to hololive

>> No.69777030

>Being so hopelessly autistic that even a vtuber agency can't handle your shit
Actually, not very surprising.

>> No.69777063

>t. never met any life long pot addicts
They are incredibly paranoid and very easy to anger. They can be very violent. The idea pot is harmless is a millenial cad.

>> No.69777070

>runs away from work to go smoke
>that's not pothead behavior
the sheer amount of mental gymnastics would qualify you for gold medals every year

>> No.69777092

Tell your oshi to stop farting all the fucking time. She can excuse herself to the bathroom before letting it rip or something.

>> No.69777220

In the USA if you try to go somewhere you are not permitted you get shot. Every real job has clearance levels and getting denied entry to where you don't belong is normal.

>> No.69777310

>Randon and Magni are the only homo rm Kronii doesn't follow
He doesn't follow any of their RM you mongoloid

>> No.69777326

>they can stream for hours every day and never ever fart on stream
>they do it on a video call
Yes, I believe the retarded, constantly-lying, anti-social autist. This sounds very plausible.

>> No.69777431

I don't get why people hate their models. Like who cares? People don't care about your model. They were both very popular for holostars because they were entertaining. Why give a fuck about how your model looks? Stick around long enough and you'll be able to commission outfits or get changes. So autistic.

>> No.69777503

I'm not quite on board with that either.
There must be some other reason magni quit.

>> No.69777506

This guy made some shit up that literally never happened and half the thread took it as fact. Never change /vt/

>> No.69777533

Fagni was and is an unironic genuine narcissist.

>> No.69777566

The reasons are probably tame.

>join holo
>fuck yeah! you're now one of the top dogs in the industry!
>management time!
>can I d- no
>about this game per- no
>collab w- no
>can I do part of the work to do the things that I want to do in the future? no
>can I myself ask for pe- NO
>can I even acknowledge that the hololive female memb- NO

They realized that the homo branch is it's own walled garden-prison thing, and even asking to take a step outside is guaranteed to be denied. Not in their personalities to be compliant prisoners within their own jobs, so they quit.

>> No.69777582

Controlling your model is a skill and they misinterpreted their inability to puppet as a model issue.

>> No.69777687

You don't believe he quit because he couldn't "mesh with japanese work culture"?
The retard clearly can't mesh with any kind of work culture. They gave him an ultimatum to comply with shit and he either failed to do that and got fired or just said "fuck you, I quit" and quit.
This is the only part of the story which is very clear.

>> No.69777706
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>> No.69777723

He unironically wanted more money because he would always beg on his streams for scs and guilt-trip his fans into giving more. He figured pumping coomer tiktoks for zoomers was more profitable than having to split your earnings

>> No.69777754

They got pregnant

>> No.69777775

Wasn't there some story with Magnis music producer that fucked him over and tried to sue? I don't really know but i heard some shit

>> No.69777951

>the idea pot is harmless is a millenial cad
t. zoomer that got scared by his evangelical dad into thinking everything is scary

>> No.69777975

Vesper only recently got his 3rd hip, I don't think he can dance without ending up needing #4

>> No.69778136

Wrong, you need your ID and permission to go to that particular office, or you will get chucked out of there. Normally because they think you're a corporate spy.

>> No.69778538

One of the Armis boys was shitting himself rhe other day because he had finished his stream's content, but needed to keep the stream going for another hour or so. He was all "Ruze, what do I do? Am I gonna gey fired???" lol.

>> No.69778650

they hate people with slanted eyes

>> No.69778686

They got gaids gura aids

>> No.69778964

did he get proper mental health care during his stint at cover though?

>> No.69779280

>we will literally never know.
Vesper and Magni can't say too much because of the NDA but they waited until after their model redesigns. That seems relevant and they weren't the only EN talents that had problems with their design. Vesper was given a public suspension when other EN talents were going radio silent for several months. There were major contract issues in 2022 and some of those issues were still going on in 2023. Kronii wasn't making connections with VShojo because she was okay with her current situation. While they couldn't say anything directly Magni did mention that he wanted to repay a debt while Vesper did a watchalong of a Korean movie with a theme of fighting against oppression.

>> No.69779389

pothead vesper was scary (a risk) to JP cover and that's all that matters

>> No.69779462


>> No.69779606
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>> No.69779628

Makes sense desu
Although it fills my fucking brain with office orc scenarios like painting flames onto a fax machine so they get perms faster or some shit.

>> No.69779882

your entire worldview stems from mommy and daddy grounding you for sneaking weed

>> No.69780185


>> No.69780282

Kronii thinks she's a VA, she's always been willing to hire herself out to anyone 2bit operation that will give her the time of day as long as it's not "as Kronii". Nothing more.

>> No.69780372

>muh oppresion
Retards couldn't research Hololive for just one minute before applying to understand its culture and expectations. I'm glad these grifters are gone.

>> No.69780433

>I don't get why people hate their models
Well, for some people being a vtuber is more than just playing a character; they want to feel like they have some sort of connection or attraction to the character, and to put it simply, people don't like being ugly because it's an unnecessary debuff.
The most soul crushing thing is finally getting a call from your dream company telling you you're accepted, and then they show you a model that's dog shit or simply below your gen mates in terms of quality. You kinda want the opportunity to make it big, but can't help wondering why you're being punished with a shit model when in vtubing, everything can be made to look like perfection, especially by corpos that have all of the connections and resources to make it happen.
>Like who cares?
The majority of people? That's often reflected in pre-debut subs count when the best looking model has a clear lead in subs even before anyone hears their voices. Also, if you're a man who wants to target women, I'm quite sure that you'd prefer the ikemen look instead of looking like a sewage rat. Conversely, if you want to target men, you won't go for that gay kpop look. Unfortunately, in most vtuber corpos you have no choice but to accept whatever they give you.

>> No.69780441

it's not really his office, he doesn't work there and Cover actively discourage members from coming there in person to avoid stalkers from camping on the entrance etc. obviously they don't want random homo to possibly see holos irl and bother them in broken Japanese kek

>> No.69780549

didn't he unfollow not-kronii after two weeks or was that a rrat?

>> No.69780673

One of them was a Luca-tier collabeggar who showed up in the girls' streamchat uninvited. I'm glad Omega and that fag is gone.

>> No.69780779

I have no idea what you are trying to say.
They were standing up for Kronii? Protesting against Kronii?
What the fuck does any of that mean.

>> No.69780841

He's friends with 39IQ? No wonder why he felt more like one of those shitty Nijimales.

>> No.69780983

Thanks for the context.

>> No.69781205

>Spoiler: Both of them needed tardwrangling to be appealing to the public
Magni's ccv and income is the same without the cover cut. Vesper has like 1000~ ccv so less than his 2000-3000 average before but this is because he is the flakiest cunt in the universe and constantly takes breaks, like a male kronii.

>> No.69781262

He has medical marijuana it's different.

>> No.69781299

I remeber Randon wouldn't miss a day before hololive.

>> No.69781421
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But when he was Vesper, Kronii was happy to collab with him. How the times have changed... for good.

>> No.69781483

isn’t the address of cover's office public?

>> No.69781584

This was literally at his IT job before hololive.

>> No.69781636

>One collab
>Never shut up about it
Why are you so mindbroken anon?

>> No.69782104

So his "meds" he couldn't get in Japan was just weed? Fucking retard

>> No.69782193

Oh yeah, there was that rrat about potential Tachibana doxxing

>> No.69782268

This is like going "so his meds are just meth?" when talking about someone with ADHD.

>> No.69782282

Plenty of chronic conditions get treated by weed. It's like your best alternative if you develop resistance to painkillers or mood stabilizers.

>> No.69782303

actually sympathetic magni's model was really fucking ugly

the model is the bait, it's less chances to let the hook sink in with personality if people don't even click in in the first place

>> No.69782340

this never made sense to me. how would tachibana doxxing someone cause both of them to graduate? plenty of holos literally have real identities outside of their jobs.

>> No.69782345

Post a version with only the confirmed facts. shit like
>he's laplus' bf lmao
not allowed since it's a lie.

>> No.69782372

people do care about models, magni's is so bad that it caused a feedback loop of more people wanting to watch his debut because it was genuinely terrible and people started memeing hard about it. as a result, his personality barely managed to salvage it. that doesn't suddenly mean it stopped being the objectively worst model in the entire company, it's genuinely hard to look at that people only tolerated because they knew the person behind it

>> No.69782569

Rrat goes something like
>Get screwed by Tachibana
>Told by management to go on hiatus so they can sort it out
>A month + goes by shit still isnt sorted
>Management comes clean, tells them its gonna take awhile
>Give them the option to leave or wait for it to be sorted
>They choose to leave.

>> No.69782602

Cause that one collab sent /vt/ into a frenzy. It's just a reminder of thar time.

>> No.69782674

I only believe Magni would have been affected. No idea how the hell Vesper would have be involved. Love him but I genuinely doubt the fucker was making music. I'm still surprised we even got the Shinigami cover

>> No.69782936

>>Get screwed by Tachibana
>>Told by management to go on hiatus so they can sort it out
but why? what would cause them to go on hiatus? Mel was streaming right up until the day before her termination letter was sent out while cover did their investigation behind the scenes.

>> No.69783360

>mfw put on meth as a 5 year old

>> No.69783403

It's not that, it's joining a company that has like 20 things you dislike/can't handle and on top of that which requires you to occasionally travel to Japan where you'll be unable to use your "medication". And then doing that voluntarily and completely freaking out and being miserable the entire time.

>> No.69783426

Mel's been there for much longer. Of course she'll get better treatment till the very end.

That being said. If the rrat is true, it would have had to have been a lot of shit if it took that long

>> No.69783460

If that holds any truth, then where was his manager at the time? Where were they to instruct him to go where they need to be?

>> No.69783629

No one even asked him to come to Japan in the first place. He didn't have any business reason to be there. It was supposed to be a vacation.

>> No.69783659

What did mel even do?

>> No.69783676

there's a big difference between whatever I believe and anon saying he quite literally spelled it out when he did nothing of the sort.
They might be very believable rrats but they're all rrats in the end.

>> No.69783743

he seriously thought he could just appear unannounced at the cover office for.... what reason? they probably thought he was some creep gachi foreigner trying to sneak a photo of the girls if they didn't even know he was supposed to be there.

>> No.69783855

>termination letter
They werent terminated tho, you wont be listed as alumni if you were terminated.

>> No.69783871

Magni only joined to try and push his friends onto the girls. When it barely worked he just gave up and left first chance he got.
Vesper kept picking fights with management and putting girls in bad situations because he couldn't help himself.

>> No.69784000

Leaked something we don't know what to someone not apart of hololive. This happened around the same time she was starting to hang with those streamers outside of hololive and in that GTA thing. So chances are she accidentally said something and they reported her for content. Or one of the management snooped on her discord or something and saw some stuff she said to one of them.

>> No.69784198

Didnt he record his cover of shinigami at cover hq?

>> No.69784202

the announcement said they wanted to graduate and it was mutual. this is why i don't understand the tachibana rrat. why go on a 2 month hiatus and then decide to graduate if the only thing that happened was tachibana doxxed magni? you do the professional thing and put out some statement saying
>we regret it has come to this but we're terminating our contract with tachibana due to doxxing
or some shit after the investigation is done.

>> No.69784685

That's the best we can make out of the tachibana rrat...

Either way, we probably won't know until NDA expires, but even then I doubt we'll hear anything. Magni's still friends with the other guys, so he probably won't say shit.

On an unrelated note. I'm surprised Bettel is still active. After seeing Vesper and Magni, I was fully ready to accept him to also book it after his first year.

>> No.69784775
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>Found out they weren't a part of Hololive (Surprise Magni! It was literally in the name!) and couldn't hang off the girls like creeps.
>Found out they weren't going to get babied and had to actually work and do shit.
>Found out that yes, permissions, which everyone knows Cover operates with, do in fact apply to them too.
>Found out that as male idols, yes, they would be expected to dance and sing. Crazy I know.
>Found out that no, you can't take fucking weed to Japan you retarded druggie.
>Found out that after a while of doing nothing remarkable and being unentertaining, even the sisters would stop donating.
>Found out that a serial quitter is still in fact a serial quitter with a fresh coat of paint.
Faggots were failures then and even now still failures as indies. I'm glad they're dead and gone.

>> No.69784974

idk why they left or got fired, but they did all of hololive EN a huge service for showing that mixed collabs were not what most people wanted and only hurt the girls' numbers. if they had been normal likeable guys that didn't act like retarded manchildren and then leave, people might have warmed up to the mixed collabs more and we'd be somewhere completely different now. so unicorns and girls-only enjoyers owe these two faggots a big thanks.

>> No.69785433

That was THE collab. It was so funny and enjoyable it made people want more collabs with the boys and sequels of that physhologist stream

>> No.69785499

>nodoka stopped appearing on streams/vids
>2 homostar gets booted
>Nodoka starts appearing on streams/vids again
They did the bad touch on nodoka

>> No.69785535

>bails to go back to making videos about fucking men in dresses

>> No.69785554

Too bad it turns out vesper was impossible to work with

>> No.69785616

Yes. His manager was there with him, too, to help with the recording

>> No.69785632

I mean, the real reasons are boring but funny in their own way.
>1. They were frustrated with management.
>2. They thought they could do better on their own.
So, they bet on themselves and, presumably because I do not keep up with them, lost.

>> No.69785871

Fagni being a woketard coomer is nothing new

>> No.69786481

I think the straw finally snapped with management somewhere near their anniversary because it seemed oddly out of nowhere. I want to say Altare did a stream on twitch where he said things were rough behind the scenes and there were arguments or something but my memory is shit.
>2. They thought they could do better on their own.
Vesper got off clean with his fans but a good amount of Magni's thought he was shitty for quitting. Mostly because he was also actively streaming on his PL and put out merch with the same artist that was doing tempus merch around their anniversary

>> No.69786710

The vampfag is doing alright, but only because he was an absolute nobody before. Used to get about 80-90 viewers, now about 1-200 on twitch, about 500ish on youtube. Still no doubt flopping compared to if he'd stayed.
The other faggot only does good on videos, and apparently he actually deletes all the ones that do badly to make himself look better. I think he only streams on twitch and he only gets about 2-300 viewers on those.

>> No.69786927

The person behind Nodoka isn't even the same since she came back.

>> No.69787123

>We will never know why they left
Vesper: “I'm not an Idol. I just wanted to play games, also I'm literally homosexual”
Magni: “Got canned hard, I'm bored. Meh, this is not worth the pay”.

>> No.69787309

Considering how Orcman got his merch too, the artist probably agreed to their collab merch knowing both were going to be out.

>> No.69787774

Holy GRIM. I don't think I've ever tossed away an opportunity this huge but I see in this guy everything wrong with me in the past ten years. I should print that screencap and frame it out.

>> No.69788087

Wanted to do longform skits and scripted content, but didn't realize how much red tape there was in doing that as a holostar. Probably got frustrated that his racy ideas were getting constantly shot down.
Became a panicked mess whenever he remembered he was an idol. Self medicated with alcohol and was spiraling down to his college-era level of alcoholism. Started becoming a brand risk and a risk to himself.
Both of them probably ended up deciding that the gig wasn't for them, and cover probably didn't feel that they needed to fight too hard to keep them.

>> No.69788245

Do you believe that Kronii's RM stumbled into a VA role for VShojo? I don't think she wants to leave HoloEN but the coomer pandering was slowly burning her out. When the talents were staying up all night for management meetings in December there was obviously something going on behind the scenes.

>They were standing up for Kronii?
Yes, and that is why they got fired since Japanese companies do not like collective bargaining. Cover was angry with them for getting involved in another employee's contract dispute but did understand their reason which is why management gave them "graduations".

>> No.69788760

She hasn't done "coomer pandering" since like 2 months after her debut in 2021.

>> No.69788972

They tried so hard to force a clique with Mori and Kronii so they could leech and if Vesper hadn't gone menhera it'd have actually worked

>> No.69789284

Vesper was trying to get into Kronii's pants, Kronii friendzoned him so he quit.

>> No.69789587

oh fuck. these atrocious mofos again

>> No.69789629

why are male vtuber models always either ugly or faggy looking
too many fucking ikemen like there isn't one I've seen where I think it looks cool

>> No.69790376

>coomer pandering
She never did coomer pandering.
The most was reading shitty supas out loud and she cut that off pretty quick too.

Bargaining for what?
What contract dispute? Do you have anything other than your wild fantasies backing this rrat up?

>> No.69790831

>saying this shit about the woman who slap her tits in 3D
Aren't you tired of peddling the same retarded shit all the time contract schizo? what is it, is it genuine fucking autism or schizophrenia?
Kronii like her model, owns 2 daki of herself and can't stop to praise Wadda, fucking kill yourself already

>> No.69790998

>like a male kronii.
Kronii got genuine reasons to take breaks, like getting surgery
You wanna talk flaki go with mumei or gura

>> No.69791346

I mean by that logic Mumei also has genuine reasons for taking breaks since she couldn't stream without coughing her lungs out.
Doesn't matter anyway, Kronii and Mumei have streamed roughly the same about of hours

>> No.69791547
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>> No.69792112

they're meant to appeal to young faggots and femcels. straight guys and normies don't watch male vtubers, they watch male fleshtubers.

>> No.69792287

>young faggots

>> No.69792372


>> No.69792707

>slaps her tits in 3D
By accident, because her real tits are way smaller.
What does this prove?

>> No.69792815

They thought they were signing up to be streamers and not idols. Neither of them can sing and dance so it just wasn't a right fit for them.

>> No.69793002

>I’m surprised bettel is still active
Me too but the more I considered his past the more it made sense. Compared to the other two dropouts bettel had hints of aspiring idoru desires. If he was niji he would have dipped already, but cover is committed into developing their goth rock clown man.
The pressure is getting to him though. My bets are on lasting until after he gets a 3D. He seems motivated by that… for now.

>> No.69793201

I know why but you niggers won't believe me and I don't care if your fags know.

>> No.69793283

You know Vesper mistook Kronii's kindness and friendship for affection and he hit on her.

>> No.69793403

>magni got his 1.5, gaining some leverage.
>vesper got his 2.0, gaining some leverage.
>homos are a stagnant branch.
>plus having to suck the useless managers' cock.
>"let's at least get more money or we just fuck off"
>cover refused
>also cover: would you like to have your graduation, so everyone will praise us for-
>both: see ya.

>> No.69793429


>> No.69793802

Congratulations on keep proving the insecure, incel, closet repressed homosexuals this place is filled with.

>> No.69793823

Everyone knows no graduation is on them, nobody blames cover.
This is why they quickly became person non grata unlike others who graduated.
It was a dumb move on their part really, alienating any fans they gained over the year in hololive

>> No.69793878

holy shit the dude is actually autistic

>> No.69794010

They didn't want to do Idol stuff. They thought Stars weren't Idols, also scheduling things was annoying for Indies who do shit off the cuff.

>> No.69794092

I could buy the rrat that they left because they were unsatisfied with their jobs but the fact that all the big homo shills (Mori, Kronii, and Ame) never mentioned them again and stopped collabing with Stars EN entirely makes me think they did something that girls found unforgivable.

>> No.69794469

yeah I was a big Magni fan before he left, but it really just felt like a fuck you I'm outta here when we didn't get a graduation stream.

>> No.69794474

Nah, it only means those 2 were the collab beggars because the rest of the males aren't forcing themselves on the girls

>> No.69794576

Mori was pushing collabs up until the end.
Ame was just burnt out on collabing and in general and Kronii I think kept her distance since the first few streams.
She stopped all contact after vesper's menhera arc and it was only through mori that there was any contact.

>> No.69794577

>makes me think they did something that girls found unforgivable
yeah, nuked their numbers

>> No.69795300

I'm now imagining him in a meeting with Kronii and other Holomems and Kronii accidentally loud farts after which he says this shit. Would explain why she never mentioned him again and banned his name in chat. Yes I know he's probably not talking about his Holo job.

>> No.69795527

>Granpire got fired because his anger issues did not "mesh well with Japanese corporate culture" and Mr. Hands hated his model and quit in solidarity as he was looking for any reason to leave.
I thought it was the other way around, Magnus was fired and Vesper went with him

>> No.69795734

No but they do rage and stay angry when the weed leaves their system. Japan doesn't allow weed and being a filthy baka gaijin he has no way to contact Japanese dealers. Couple that with the fact that he already has anger issues to begin with and he wound up having too big a meltdown for Cover to tolerate.

>> No.69795982

>Stick around long enough and you'll be able to commission outfits or get changes.
Which is exactly what happened to Vesper. Magni was probably next in line to get his new robes but being the little bitch that he is couldn't wait for it.

>> No.69796648

Ironic that Altare and Axel let their 2nd outfits be delayed until after Magni and Vesper got their upgrades so they could do a group thing and those 2 bailed on them

>> No.69796765

Someone had leaked that during their disappearance.

>> No.69798190

I see no world in which magni got fired before vesper.

>> No.69798749

Probably had a threesome with Kronii and got found out. Who cares really

>> No.69799136

>makes thatt joke
>wtf what did i do
this is some shit you see on a 4chan greentext crop on other websites

>> No.69799554

No, Magni was the one who had and issue with management last summer, Vesper was chill with Cover by that time

You were close but you inverted Magni and Vespers roles

>> No.69799642

That was at his office job

>> No.69799777

It was clear Mori had her own little clique set up to fight the CGDCTs wing of HoloEN.
Then the guys fucked off because they weren't allowed to be sex pests by management, so we were stuck with these really awkward collabs that Mori forced onto Kronii where it was just the two of them playing 4 player games.

>> No.69799854
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Actual factual answer:
Sana told them something that made them reconsider their position in Holo

>> No.69799986

>let's at least get more money
>cover: would you like to have your graduation, so everyone will praise us for-
>both: see ya.
So they wanted money but turned down a graduation stream, a stream almost certain to flood them with money according to you?

>> No.69799997

Magni wasn't fired, but there was an issue between him and Cover that they couldn't work through.

Most of the people in this thread don't watch their current stream and are unaware of how not!Magni talks about last summer. Magni was the one who had to go and Vesper left with him.

>> No.69800061

I agree with everything but
>then the guys fucked off because they weren't allowed to be sex pests by management
They fucked off because they realized there is not as much money and too many restrictions and expectations.
Not sure they are getting more money now though.

>> No.69800167

After I heard that the fags got a pep talk from Sana I almost completely stopped being sad she graduated

>> No.69800188

>Not sure they are getting more money now though
They definitely aren't. I know for a fact the fagpire isn't based on views and donations alone, and the other faggot literally started whining about having no money not long after graduating.

>> No.69800269

>whining about having no money
failed grifts make me immensely happy

>> No.69800361

You would think we would have reached a consensus about this at some point over the months of having the same discussion over and over.

>> No.69800646

We'll milk this until the other company's drama is noteworth again

>> No.69800697

The point is, his autistic ass can't tell when a woman is being cordial and romantically interested.

>> No.69800863

you'll present even the remotest scrap of real evidence next thread, right?

>> No.69801021

same, i had the impression vesper was actually at least liked enough in general and that magni was the one that was having problems

>> No.69801166

>hated his model and quit in solidarity as he was looking for any reason to leave.
Honestly the fact that they utterly wasted their first male attempt with such god-awful models I can't blame him if that was the reason. Indies have better models than homostars first wave.

>> No.69801221

This isn't like NijiSanji, no 4chan rrats are right!

Cover and the boys are keeping it air tight and it wasn't a contract/money/perms/DMCA issue, the main problem happened with Magni not Vesper

>> No.69801299
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>They were fired/terminated loops
Proof that catalogniggers know nothing about HoloPro, you dont get alum status if you are terminated, Hitomi Chris didnt, Rushia didnt and Mel didnt.

>> No.69801404

He was making a "not work place appropriate" joke, that has nothing to do with "telling when a woman is being cordial and romantic".
When fans told him they wrote shipping fic with them he said it was like writing a fic about him and his sister. Kronii was always just a friend to him.

>> No.69801458

>What contract dispute? Do you have anything other than your wild fantasies backing this rrat up?
HoloEN was falling apart in 2022 with radio silent "health" breaks, a sudden graduation, and talents have called it the year of fake smiles. Cover replaced the EN project manager so there was evidence that something major was going on. They were more optimistic in 2023 but several talents were still disappearing for months and frequently delaying things like membership badges. Considering that Tempus got into contract fights over model redesigns it's not that hard to imagine Kronii asking for a new design. Magni posted a cryptic message that he always repays a debt, got into a fight with management, and had that "graduation" so there have been a lot of coincidences in the EN branch.

>> No.69801581

they were escorted from the premises

>> No.69801634
File: 49 KB, 304x422, 4 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mr. Hands hated his model
I never understood this and I'm fairly certain that there was no Magmite that ever said "Man I love Magni, hate his model." Do you think the guys that wear sports mascots ever say "Man my mascot is so uncool and lame, I'ma ball out." Do you think people that work Renaissance Fairs say 'Man my hat looks dopey, that's it I quit'. I don't believe for a second that him not liking his model was a contributing reason to him leaving Hololive, especially when you can commission another model.

Anyways I think that they quit because both applied assuming they wouldn't get in, got in to their surprise, but was unprepared for the corpo environment and still clung to their indie mindset. Like what I said about Sana, they tried, it didn't work out, and they moved on. I can't fault them any more than I fault Sana.

>> No.69801702

They were blessed by having the better art and rigging of Tempus, so they can carry themselves while everyone after them are getting new outfits.

>> No.69801847

>People don't care about your model.
if models don't matter why even have one
why not just be a regular streamer with no cam since it doesn't matter anyway?
of course, the truth is it does matter, i see this fucking cope every time someone's oshi gets a model downgrade, especially if said vtuber cries about people complaining or dropping them.
the model is the essence of a vtuber, its soul, the way its user expresses itself to the audience. furthermore, it is central to the branding of a vtuber, having a bad model is akin to having a shit logo or package design on your product. it is in fact so important that even a boring cunt of a woman can get massively buffed by a strong model, and i'm sure a name has already popped into your head.

>> No.69802095

Magni left primarily due to creative differences/constraints. He was basically the most creative Holo en, but he kept getting denied by management.Secondary reasons is cause he had been stressing himself out with his terrible perfectionist tendencies. He was notoriously bad at doing things on time due to his perfectionism and inability to work on a schedule set by others. Third is that he is bigger in his PL compared to all other Holo en's. There was no point in him staying. Also hated his model which is fine because it did fucking suck.
Vesper just decided to go along with Magni when he decided to bail.
The sad thing is that those two could have done whatever and their fans would be totally fine with it. Their departure really took the wind out of stars en's sails.

>> No.69802525

You talk things out before signing - it's not like they were surprised by the way everything works, not in a corpo. They probably agreed hoping they can make themselves room to breathe, but they were too thin to do that.

>> No.69802980

>Holo en

I see what you did there sister

>> No.69803345

you're responding to sister or a troll but it's not clear what they were promised by omega or other homoenablers during auditions, was homostar branch even mentioned during first stage or did they really think they're actually joining hololive as equals to the girls rather than a novelty side-attraction Cover hopes might bring them some of the luxiem fanbase. I mean it does feel like they've tried to push them as gen 3 in all but name back in 2022 but majority of hololive fanbase is not homosexual so it couldn't work.

>> No.69803380

Magni was clearly a sex pest and Vesper hit on Kronii, there is no other way to explain why Kronii did such a 180% on him after she threw a chunk of her fanbase under the bus for him.

>> No.69803471
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>> No.69803527

magni is just as succesful if not more in his past life. He didn't want to be tard wrangled for the same amount of money. So he quit.

vesper hated singing, is literally an autist with anger issues, and hated being wrangled, so he quit.


>> No.69803775

Idolshit should always be an option

>> No.69805202


he's gay

>> No.69805387

magni more successful before holostars
vesper is an angry manchild and just overall faggot.

>> No.69806192

He's a funny faggot, but a fagoot regardless.

>> No.69806237

Sorry for the sudden canadian accent. I'm retarded.

>> No.69806328

Hi Vesper

>> No.69806380

it is, just go to niji or vshojo

>> No.69806508

>talents have called it the year of fake smiles
that seems like the only actual evidence you have, do you have a source? I don't remember this.

>> No.69806718

he made it up

>> No.69806839

It's possible, she defiantly dropped him but it was probably because she got bad vibes from how much of a menhera he turned out to be.
I don't know if mori would have kept the group thing going if she knew.

>> No.69807049

Because no talent to do chat stream

>> No.69807061

Constant arguments with axel and gavis.

>> No.69807245

Don't forget your prayers before bed, Timmy

>> No.69807265

Why are you conceding?

>> No.69807764

People did make fun of it and he made a tweet on his rm talking about how his new work uniform sucks. I doubt it was the only reason, but he clearly didn't like it for one reason or another.

>> No.69808675

Magni hated his model, not even a bit, he hated it so much + he didn't want to perform songs.

Vesper has anger management issues + the fact that he hated holo's parasocial fans that is always out to get the stars members.

my theory is that 1 of them made a decision to leave and the other one went with it aswell.

>> No.69809239

Why /hlg/?

>> No.69809566

Who knows? Who cares? Y'all are worse than the mindbroken Sanalites at this point, get over it.

>> No.69809850

They were doing collabs with Mori until the end, what do you mean she dropped him?

>> No.69810609

Great thread everyone. Same time tomorrow?

>> No.69810633

Playboard says that his average is 483. Why lie?

>> No.69810638

Why does /vt/ have so many females? Shits crazy

>> No.69810698

He multistreams. Averages around 700 combined not great not bad.

>> No.69810711

>You'll get fired in every culture
The difference is that in Japan the talent is there for the managers, whereas in the west things aren't that retarded.
The amount of money that JP companies are leaving on the table by being stubborn to an unreasonable extent in every single industry hurts my brain and my fax machine.

>> No.69810754

>Why lie?

That's like half this thread anon,

>> No.69810789

I would rather stream with an AI generated .png than what Magni and Vesper got at debut.

>> No.69811198

If you don't have talent or ambition you can just choose to go to niji or vshojo, what am I conceding?

>> No.69811220

I don't think what you are saying holds any weight, seeing how Magni without Holo is making more money than Magni with Holo.

>> No.69811256

man, just imagining yagoo finally having English bois and discovering that they're kinda pieces of shit must've sucked after getting excited with magni.

>> No.69811297

Because you're ignoring the ones who don't fit into that pattern you established.

>> No.69811313

i remember when people didnt like how ame or ina looked lol

>> No.69811902

>Be Magni
>got a chance to talk with Sana pre-debut
>Sana was an open book and willing to help you
>Sana went as far as saying it's completely ok to quit after the one year contract ends, in fact it's a smart thing to do
>they wouldn't let you stream Genshin and other weeb gacha games
>"why should I even stay here"
>Vesper also quit because Magni was his only friend in Hololive "If you quit I quit"

>> No.69811970

yeah they were so bad he hired 2 more gens

>> No.69813205

Probably more like he had those kinds of moments in HoloEN and alienated everyone but Magni.

>> No.69813312

That was one of my favorites. Back when I was a Vestie on /mans/, I was the one who added the samurai section to the original version after he told us that story. I miss him even though he's right there, it's not the same anymore. The forced filter really did make something special. While I'm genuinely glad he can be himself, it's just not for me anymore.

>> No.69813338

Aren't they happier as indies? I'll admit I watched some of Vespa's morning streams when Kiara wasn't on and enjoyed them but if it's true that he was a pothead who had no interest in dancing/performing, it was better he left and did his own thing.

>> No.69813402

I genderbend them and make them bear my children.

>> No.69813952
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Gura and Ame basically confirmed this rrat in their Pranormal Cleanup stream. Gura made a joke about asking for money from Ame (manager), and Ame fired her for asking for more money.

>> No.69814079 [DELETED] 

Dimitri Jap probably realized that mixed Collab dillute both brands since their core audiences doesn't have that much overlap. Also some fans legitimately get upset about male collabs. This is not a ban, but it's discouraged, and Mori is not gonna push it since she isn't friends with the remaining homos.

>> No.69814252

My theory is that Omega was fired before the homos debuted which caused problems for their debuts, and led to weak management for a while.

>> No.69814299

Pothead thing is pretty much "say it enough times and it'll become truth". There's clearly no confirmation. Randon said t on one of the streams that he tried it before, but it wasn't his thing. It's up to you to decide if you believe it or not. There's post from archives you can use to find timestamp:
Vesper wasn't passionate about dancing/singing stuff (but I don't think he was fully repulsed by it) although he clearly was getting a lot of stress out of this idol thing, so it feels like he's happier now

>> No.69814602
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>worst model in the company

>> No.69814661

Even before those two are gone, none of the Stars EN really interact anymore with any Holo EN. Bettel is probably the only one and that's only with Bae.

>> No.69814725
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>> No.69815038

Apparently the pussy wasn't that worth it but I also wouldn't put it past these queer-tier faggots that there's a lot of dirt the other talents had on them

Magni is a twink and Vesper always struck me as some grandiose poser/autist who hadn't gotten his shit kicked in enough, the rest could be said for this board

>> No.69815746

>Magni was his only friend in Hololive
Gotta wonder what he did to lose Mori and Kronii.

>> No.69815759

Magni left because he wanted to do a lot of big things but he wanted to include Holos. He didn't want to be contained just in Holostars.
Vesper left because he thought that all that was going to be asked of him is to stream and not do any dance and singing. Also his breakdown started when he went to Japan while not being able to bring his medication.

That's the whole just of this shit. I dunno why people still keep bringing it up.

>> No.69816019

faggots leave
who cares

>> No.69816411

I genuinely don't follow any if this closely enough but they seemed really cool.

>> No.69818409


>> No.69819297

it was Bae, and she said it because she was juggling between trying to finish college and being in Hololive, on top of other shit like having to give up her cat

>> No.69819700

Because they wanted Luxiem money but weren't lucky to get Luxiem models. And the brotuberfags whom their ugly models did appeal to weren't willing to give them that amount of money.

>> No.69819756

I still love that Vesper's last tweet was "we are so back".

>> No.69819803

What did Mumei's fart smell like

>> No.69819834

We more or less know that Vesper simply couldn't fit in with the corpo culture. Too much of a manchild. I'm not sure about Magni, he seemed like a better fit, but I guess his numbers were too low compared to his RM.

>> No.69820290
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>> No.69820513


>> No.69820647

randon is struggling to maintain 1k viewers.

>> No.69820701

He's also a man

>> No.69820735

This rrat is pretty much impossible but it'd be funny if even an inkling of it is true.

>> No.69820753

not enough support

>> No.69820901
File: 3 KB, 119x126, wolverinemocksyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are still talking about these fuckwits. It's like continuously reminding your friends that you squashed a couple of cockroaches sometime last year, as if that's some interesting and relevant shit.

>> No.69821051

That's not too bad for random indie male. Still, he could had been so much more if he took his stars career seriously and behaved professionally/kept up with the ojisan character he managed to establish initially.

>> No.69821112

/vt/ will never stop dunking on Vesper and Magni.

>> No.69821175

my personal theory is that they were told they had to dance and sing soon so they said "hell naw" and just left

>> No.69822473

Can't get COCK out of your mind huh?

>> No.69822956
File: 9 KB, 1254x91, vesper and management's death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking back at this its crazy how many people were in denial about them wanting to leave the company, or atleast Magni since Vesper's was a bit more sudden but the signs were there in retrospect.
Magni consistently had that "tired boy" energy or lack of energy in his streams and would crack jokes about getting out of there.
But I guess it just goes to show that vtweeters and sisters don't actually watch da bois.

>> No.69823793

Several of the EN talents have vaguely hinted at 2022 being a horrible year but if you watched streams you knew they were angry with management in the months after Sana's graduation. They were acting like she was fired and Cover deleted over a dozen of Sana's VODs with no explanation. The stealth suspensions were an issue that she had with Hololive and it was obvious that Vesper wasn't the only EN talent getting into fights with management.

>> No.69823906

>with mori
I mean just that, she dropped him. Her showing up for mori's collabs does not mean she wanted to collab with him. Obviously she did not object so much that she avoided him entirely, which is why I doubt the sexual harassments rrat, but if she wanted to collab with him where was any of that organized by either one of them?

>> No.69823952

Okay, so anon was bullshit as usual.

>> No.69824038

This sounds like something Miko would do for Suisei

>> No.69824071

I was in fact watching streams at the time and remember nothing like that.
There is zero evidence hololive does any stealth suspensions, unlike for niji where it was proven.
Your rrats lose credibility the more you post.

>> No.69824430
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Bummer I guess

>> No.69824459

Tbf it's literally impossible to prove holo stealth suspension exist considering how commonplace it is for them to disappear for weeks to months at a time kek

>> No.69824867

The only reason this rrat appeared was because niji was proven to have them.
There has been zero evidence that holo does this, no talent has ever said this, many take breaks that are obviously for their own reason and it's clearly fine. There is exactly no evidence pointing to this rrat other than mad hijis wanting their black company to not be alone.

>> No.69825383

even if he is a fag or thinks of her as a sister he definitely said something that creeped her out. that story about chair seasoning makes it clear

>> No.69825888

>I'm fairly certain that there was no Magmite that ever said "Man I love Magni, hate his model."

Oh there were many.
Obviously they won't say it on youtube but they would talk about it on discord every now and then.
Even the ones that would stan him hard and were constantly SC'ing and buying all the merch would say stuff like "too bad he got the worst model" or "I wish they hadn't screwed him over with that model" and other comments like that.

>> No.69826747

This is the problem when you get successful big creators into the fold. You get the big creators in there and then tell them they cant do the things that made them big in the first place. No creativity and no edge allowed.

>> No.69827444

>coomer pandering
This just says you don't watch her. Kronii hasn't done coomer pandering for a long, LONG while.

>> No.69829739

When has she ever done coomer pandering?

>> No.69829813

NTA but would you consider ASMR as coom pandering?

>> No.69830201


Yeah, just look at Kronii's alternate outfits, and compare them to Marine's.

>> No.69832272

nta but thank you
that shit always makes me laugh

>> No.69833054

sleeper agents sent by yagoo, they've been replacing Elira's and Selen's medications with fertility pills, lactation inducers, and libido enhancers for months

>> No.69834619

>He's friends with 39IQ
its the opposite. he tried to use his hololive clout to leech of twitchtards. she doesnt like him

>> No.69834750

What does Magni do now anyway? I know orc went back to being the orc.

>> No.69834846

He did a lecture on gooning recently

>> No.69834993

The gooning guide to drawing, or regular gooning?

>> No.69836141


>> No.69836468

Nijification of Hololive would've been a fucking nightmare.

>> No.69836895
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Vesper was graduated because he

>pretended to be Gura to get Free factorio codes
>told his manager to fuck off
>is Laplus' boyfriend and keeps inviting her to Valorant games when she's supposed to stream
>wore a sheet over his head and pretended to be a ghost to scare the shit out of Chloe
>sells Mori her Xanax, lean, alcohol and fastfood
>hacked Rushia's discord during the GTA collab with Miko
>is the Japanese drama tuber that Rushia contacted and lied about her leaking confidential information
>hacked Towa's discord and was the male voice on her stream
>opened the door behind Matsuri and accidentally showed his hand onstream
>is the host that blackmailed Matsuri
>was Mel's manager and sexually harassed her
>fingerbanged Ollie onstream
>set fire to Subaru's house
>orchestrated the trash taste collab
>Connor and Veibae's statements about hololive were written by him
>is the reason for Nene, Laplus and Shion's depressions
>photoshopped Luna out of the holofes poster when nobody was looking
>spoke perfect Cantonese and perfectly impersonated Bae's mother onstream
>convinced Pekora to buy a monkey
>dug the hole in minecraft
>injected Ina with the vax and gave her heart disease
>broke Luna's neck during the VR horror stream
>ripped a fat shart during Mori's stream
>gave Kronii books about woke gender shit during her childhood
>built Bae's cuckshed
>damaged Suisei and Marine's voices
>is the reason why Aqua, Shion and Ayame barely stream
>sent anti messages to Iofi after the among us collab
>made kobo eat literal shit
>traced Nene's drawing
>forces cover to sell acrylic stands
>drugged Mori right before meme review
>gave Mio food poisoning and made her puke onstream multiple times
>runs the Argentinian central bank and is responsible for ARS superchats
>intercepted Flare, Nene and Irys' initial designs and replaced them with designs he made
>coded the YouTube analytics page to list Taiwan
>is the shadow president of Taiwan
>simultaneously runs the Chinese anti botfarms
>managed HoloCN and is responsible for every bad decision they made causing the entire branch to get fired, including watching wolf warrior onstream
>ordered Russia to invade Ukraine so Russian fans couldn't donate to Botan any longer
>Killed Fauna's cat, Noel's hamster, Sana's dog and Roboco's cat
>told Mori's sister about the airBNB and suggested the "rager"
>fed boner pills to every dude at the houseparty and told them where Gura was hiding, told Mori she was up to "shenanigans"
>added himself as a friend on Gura and Irys' switch accounts
>is singlehandedly responsible for every orange woman bad post, ran the eggcord
>convinced Miko that Pekora would totally enjoy it if she initiated sex with her out of nowhere without asking during their sleepover
>is the CEO of Capcom and caused the holocaust by deciding to copyright strike Mio for playing some decade old DS game, requiring permissions for games ever since (also caused the real holocaust)
>planted the Reine dox pictures in Ollie's image folder
>infected Kanata with her ear disease
>got Choco and Kiara shadowbanned
>told Susan to crack down on lewd content
>tweeted out all the anti tweets that made Huke cancel the Kiara minecraft collab
>Fired Shinove
>Forced Kira, Suzaku and Kaoru to graduate
>Hired Hitomi Chris
>gave Hitom Chris her equipment in return for sexual favors
>Graduated Hitomi Chris
>is Aloe's father
>leaked Aloe's private stream
>pretended to be Nijisanji fans and anti'd her until she graduated
>Kronii and Ina to Collab with tempus, still trying to convince the rest of EN/JP
>hired Tempus
>hired Mori
>raped every single member of Hololive in front of Yagoo while doing lines of coke off his dick and suckerpunching Sora
>forced Sana to graduate
>wrote the script for Fauna's and Ina's talks to their chats
>told Shiori it would be a good move to set boundaries with chat on her debut
>impregnated Watame's mother and told her she shouldn't have been born

>> No.69839508

Yeah that doesnt add up. Most likely cover just wanted silent graduations since they didn't want anything impacting advent's debut.

>> No.69839901

Used to believe the same shit, then I started looking at actual studies and current studies actually PROVE that pot changes neural paths long term. And not for the better.
They cause anxiety, paranoia, mood swings, increased chance of faling into alcoholism or other drugs usage, and there's apparently some studies suggesting it lowers IQ, albeit it should be said those are just a few, compared to the ton of other studies that prove the rest.
The fact goverments want to restrict use of weed because they are evil and greedy and alcohol is less harmful is, which is something I absolutely used to believe, it's actually complete BS.

>> No.69839970

That whole drama was a classic example of don't mix business and pleasure.

>> No.69840800

Pine bark and toffee

>> No.69841501

>impregnated Watame's mother and told her she shouldn't have been born

>> No.69841804

It's called weed psychosis or something like that. It's a bit of an open secret among dedicated marijuana enjoyers.

We thought an extended friend of ours was experiencing it because he started acting really wierd suddenly and was agressive for no reason for a couple weeks. He seems to be better now, who knows if he really had it.

>> No.69842093

I think they were probably just fired for being pests and wanting better contract terms than they deserved. They could have said they were graduating or given some kind of hint beforehand, but they were completely silent leading up to their departure, so I think they were probably trying to play hardball to negotiate better terms during that silence and cover finally just said we've had enough of your shit. Also, the part about being included in the alumni doesn't mean anything. It only shows that violating nda or some other major violation with legal implications will get you scrubed from the alumni, but there's a million other reasons to fire someone that wouldn't be extreme enough to remove them.

>> No.69843113

>The only reason this rrat appeared was because niji was proven to have them.
>There has been zero evidence that holo does this, no talent has ever said this
Are you really asking why Hololive talents won't break NDA so they can get terminated and sued? NijiEN management really pissed off Zaion who actually decided to risk a court case. For years though Nijisanji was able to keep their stealth suspensions a secret even with 170 active livers and dozens of graduations. Cover would have to mess up horribly to get that bad of a situation in HoloEN. Things were extremely tense in 2022 but the only thing Sana's RM did was tell fans was that she was completely healthy. Cover shills can keep asking for proof because they ignore the mountain of indirect evidence of suspicious "health" breaks were talents would disappear for months.

>> No.69843458

People forget (don't know) that randon was (is?) a juicer. His anger issues are literal roid rage.

>> No.69844284

Pussy dried up in Holo for them since their hookup was Omegatranny, and that nigger got fired

>> No.69844737

You're the funniest fucker in this thread, anon
