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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 169 KB, 671x433, 1697722295063122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69748080 No.69748080[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well anon, you're not still supporting Idol are you?

>> No.69748113

Only Indonesians seethe about this

>> No.69748208
File: 95 KB, 600x600, 1693608421468551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69748266

People like this is why Israel still exists we need better propaganda not this shit.

>> No.69748301

phasecuck for sure low tier vtuber company are fighting to take down racist company

>> No.69748347

The retard troons want to cancel jews now because they are jewish? you can't make this shit up if you tried to be funny. they are inventing antisemitism again.
Dumbfuckistan lol

>> No.69748426

In English please old chap.

>> No.69748438
File: 226 KB, 770x462, 1707646633987894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Supporting Idol means there are less muslims on the world
I didn't, but now I do

>> No.69748450

I believe in the Zero state solution, where they both kill each other to extinction.

>> No.69748520


>> No.69748569

civilization thrives on conflict and violence? sasuga

>> No.69748575

How much brainrot do you have to have to project this shit on cute 2D girls trying to sing?

>> No.69748589

how the fuck did these people watch idol without ever googling them a single time
or given that 90% of the replies appear to be rinfags, not notice that rin brings up aviel by name practically every stream she does

>> No.69748634

Judging by the discrepancy between subscribers and CCV, I don't think short watchers watch streams.

>> No.69748648

What the fuck are you even attempting to say, sonny?

>> No.69748690

I won't support Palestine unless Hamas made their own VTuber Corpo

>> No.69748717

Very timely that Yuko just recently betrayed her audience. Not looking so hot for idolcorp here.

>> No.69748744
File: 121 KB, 595x540, 1692103873958286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never did. Putting the genocide aside, middle easterners can't weeb.

>> No.69748764

I don't get why people get so caught up in two satanic evils killing each other. Surely the superior stance is to observe and strike when one is gone and the other weakened.

>> No.69748783

I will never forgive H*mas for scaring my oshi Katta and forcing her to stop a cute Minecraft stream early by launching rockets at her apartment. They should all die.

>> No.69748813

All "Palestinians" deserve to die.

>> No.69748829

it is beyond my comprehension why i would ever take the side of a palestinian

>> No.69748839

Unfathomably based

>> No.69748842

Zionism is antisemitic.

>It would be an excellent idea to call in respectable, accredited anti-Semites as liquidators of property. To the people they would vouch for the fact that we do not wish to bring about the impoverishment of the countries that we leave. At first they must not be given large fees for this; otherwise we shall spoil our instruments and make them despicable as “stooges of the Jews.” Later their fees will increase, and in the end we shall have only Gentile officials in the countries from which we have emigrated. The anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies. We want to emigrate as respected people.
The Complete Diaries of Theodor Herzl Volume I, pp.83-84

>Great exertions will not be necessary to spur on the movement. Anti-Semites provide the requisite impetus. They need only do what they did before, and then they will create a love of emigration where it did not previously exist, and strengthen it where it existed before. Jews who now remain in Anti-Semitic countries do so chiefly because, even those among them who are most ignorant of history, know that numerous changes of residence in bygone centuries never brought them any permanent good. Any land which welcomed the Jews to-day, and offered them even fewer advantages than the future Jewish State would guarantee them, would immediately attract a great influx of our people. The poorest, who have nothing to lose, would drag themselves there. But I maintain, and every man may ask himself whether I am not right, that the pressure weighing on us rouses a desire to emigrate even among prosperous strata of society. Now our poorest strata alone would suffice to found a State; for these make the most vigorous conquerors, because a little despair is indispensable to the formation of a great undertaking.
A Jewish State: An Attempt at a Modern Solution of the Jewish Question by Theodor Herzl, p.68

>> No.69748864
File: 301 KB, 732x720, 1707214534915203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny because Rin isn't even a Jew, she is Anglican. Looks like my Deuteroshi is going to take another blow to her numbers by filtering out her Anti-Semitic underage fans who only realized now she works for JEEEEEEEEEWS.

>> No.69748872

You know on the other side are dirty fucking Muslims, right? Oh I forgot there are probably quite a number of fucking Indons here.

>> No.69748914

People don't like watching women and children being butchered to clear way for more land, Schlomo. It is pretty straightforward.

>> No.69748930

The existence of Israel fucks both Jews AND Muslims?!?!?!?!
Am I dreaming? Truly it is the holy land.

>> No.69748940

Do you have a clip of that?

>> No.69748951

>start a war
>whine about the outcome of the war you started
Muslims are truly the worst crybullies.

>> No.69748990
File: 33 KB, 1254x157, israel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

until there are palestinian vtubers, /vt/ is pro israel

>> No.69749012

Meanwhile no one bats an eye about concentration camps in China.

>> No.69749022
File: 126 KB, 595x677, 1651273454911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't start /pol/ shit guys, at least post cute vtuber pictures with your walls of text. This should be a MINIMUM.

>> No.69749032

See >>69748842

Also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Oaths

It fucks you by sucking billions of dollars every year and selling United States weapons technology to communist China.

>> No.69749074

I won't defend you just because I don't like the people on the other side, schomo, give up

>> No.69749090
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>> No.69749112
File: 20 KB, 693x223, 8764998765987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, you weren't kidding.

>> No.69749132

Don't care about either of your sides.

>> No.69749141
File: 179 KB, 1040x1632, 1693882040063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even during the Holocaust in 1941 the Zionist Stern Gang/Lehi tried to form a military alliance with the Nazis.
Not one, but TWO attempts at a military alliance were made; the first being delivered by Naftali Lubinchik, and the second by Nathan Yellin Moore, who was detained by the British.
Pic related is the covering letter to one of Stern's offers to the Nazis in 1941.
Israel: A History, by Martin Gilbert, p.111
>>When Mussolini's troops were defeated in North Africa, Stern tried to make contact with Nazi Germany, hoping to sign a pact with Hitler which would lead to a Jewish State once Hitler had defeated Britain.
>Gilbert described himself as a proud practising Jew and a Zionist.[41]
The Stern Gang: Ideology, Politics and Terror, 1940-149 by Joseph Heller, pp.85-91

>> No.69749151

That explains everything.

>> No.69749166

And I'm convince every single one of you is brown, as reflected in real life, so I don't see why you think your opinion matters to human beings.

>> No.69749189

>how the fuck did these people watch idol without ever googling them a single time
People who grew up during the thin screen era of the internet don't even know they could google anything in their life. None of these people have ever done a google search of their own names, much less a search on companies they consume from.

>> No.69749226
File: 391 KB, 1080x2183, Screenshot_20240222_092746_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally lean pro-Palestinian in the conflict, but when I saw this I instantly suspected the Twitter OP was an anti-Semite. And turns out I was absolutely right. Their entire feed is nothing but pro-Palestinian propaganda, not a VTuber in sight. Twitter has succesfully poisoned its impressionable teenage audience with its toxic coverage of this conflict from both angles. Sad to see.

>> No.69749231

Why the fuck does /pol/ have to bleed into everything and ruin it...

>> No.69749255
File: 265 KB, 600x399, 11023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Idol Corp can weather the storm.

>> No.69749259
File: 53 KB, 624x351, 3254536453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think there are so many rabbis who have publicly denounced shitrael? Just like how Islamist terrorists arbitrarily declare jihads, zionism is just some bullshit concocted by the americans, the british and the ashkenazis so they could have a foothold in the Levant.

>> No.69749273

jej i love how zoomers think this conflict is somehow new. such vigor and engagement. listen kids, its been going on for a while and it will carry on well into your adulthood. just chill

>> No.69749279

Wait people supported them in the first place? I thought the final nail in the coffin was yuko telling the only people that give her money to fuck off

>> No.69749299

I don't know about the guy you replied to but I know for sure a roach-like Muslim is behind your post. Now stop wasting time on vtubers and go do the only thing you are good for, which is bombing Israel, people are tired of your procrastination on the matter.

>> No.69749343

Are you that afraid of Palestinian kids, anon? They're not going to swarm your borders and turk yer jerbs.

>> No.69749366

I get regularly banned for comparing NDF tactics to Russia and somehow these posts fly. Nijijannies, do better.

>> No.69749379
File: 1.55 MB, 1280x720, skidaddle skidoodle [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fyhc20y.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casting a spell to make this horrible thread go away.

>> No.69749382
File: 433 KB, 541x2823, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His full 'investigation' is funny as fuck.

>> No.69749444
File: 45 KB, 412x416, 1700241649735584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a considerable distance from the truth my Jewish friend.

>> No.69749446

Look like phasefag win small corpo by doing nothing

>> No.69749468
File: 151 KB, 400x400, 1691729754240906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims this nakba is about rescuing hostages
>sends F-16s larping as B52s to level entire towns instead of special forces performing extraction

Your stupidity is astounding.

>> No.69749470

>Supporting Godless atheists/Sabbatean Frankists murdering Christians and bombing churches

>> No.69749503

I couldn't give less of a shit about subhuman browns killing each other in the Middle East, Ahmed. That's called Monday. However the imported subhuman browns into our countries are vandalizing our shit and thinking they have the right to tell us what to care about. It's not the Jews doing that. It's the dirty fucking Muslims.

>> No.69749534

fucking retarded nigger
muslims are the worst butchers of muslims ever, but you dont see public outrage for that because thats just how normal it is to their fucking mode of being
you dont even have to know a speck of history, just take a one look at how people in israel live and compare it with the life of ordinary people in islamic states
its very clear who you should support if you have a half a brain
all religion is shit including judaism, but islam takes the cake as an unreformed, medieval hate & death cult
whenever the skull of a palestinian child gets split in half in gaza, it is the doing of islam
every palestinian mdoerate who wanted to make peace with israel got murdered by religious fanatics from their own family in the blink of an eye
you cannot make peace with these retards, only eradicate them
and so they will be

>> No.69749554

How the fuck does Phase make anons on this board foam at the mouth? What about it makes people post like this? It's like a reverse NDF.

>> No.69749559

This what? I don't understand gutterspeak. Try a civilized language, Muhammad.

>> No.69749574
File: 276 KB, 635x512, 1691616365598381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hamas membership : about 20k
>"Let's randomly kill 30k Palestinians for fun!"

Get roped.

>> No.69749584

The only winning move is not to play. If only you would take your claws out of my wallet.

>> No.69749583

If you guys really want to start being retarded I'll crosspost this thread into /chip/
Stop being retarded and post anime girls ffs

>> No.69749599

phasefags have been raiding /jidf/ for MONTHS and you try and say others are seething lmao

>> No.69749617

You can be pro-Ukraine and pro-Palestine. In fact it is the moral thing to do; history didn't start on Oct 7th.

It is simply a matter of fact that Zionism is incompatible with Judaism and is in actuality antisemitic. Discussion about a Zionist Vtuber corporation cannot be had without mention that anti-Zionism is not antisemitism.

>> No.69749644
File: 84 KB, 589x723, 12700245213463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no Christians in that Muslim hellpit.

>> No.69749660
File: 164 KB, 640x358, 0475348573762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive will get drag to this as always

>> No.69749669

Hella ironic that anons are still seething about uki being bigoted cunt, and then there are people like you /here/.

>> No.69749695

If jews can have derogatory words for non-jews (gentiles) then non-jews should be allowed to call them names, it's only fair
back to vtubers, that greedy ass hooknosed rat Aviel is clearly looking for buyers, he's unfit to manage if he couldn't even keep the 5 initial hires on board, hurt his own company with a termination letter and ruined Yuko's growth. Shame about the remaining girls but I predict most will jump ship before or soon after they get acquired

>> No.69749716
File: 331 KB, 1280x720, Sister Abigail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>69749470

You support the slaughter of Christians.

There are. Check any of the links. It's simply indisputable.
Israel bombs churches and shoots churchgoers.

>> No.69749728

As if there's a big difference between Anglicans and Jews at this point.

>> No.69749737
File: 44 KB, 846x327, e321r41324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know who cares about Muslim life the least? Other Muslims. Cut the shit, Ahmed.

>> No.69749759

Gentile isn't derogatory; you're thinking of goy/goyim.

>> No.69749777

Name one positive thing Muslims bring to any society.

>> No.69749780

>Thats about it since the agency isnt too popular...
How can Idol Corp fags ever recover from this?

>> No.69749797

nta but 4 billion every year from taxpayer money going to a country in a fuckoff land seems like a good thing for you i guess

>> No.69749868
File: 502 KB, 2491x1887, 1706815808997782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m pretty sure Twitter is an American company and the US has done way worse in its history than Israel, America is funding them, and Elon Musk supports Israel, so why are there no Twitter boycotts from these people?

>> No.69749874

döner kebap

>> No.69749873
File: 497 KB, 900x900, 1692105546865583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a (You) problem. What's even funnier is that you think your domestic issues somehow justify civilians, especially children, being killed en mass. I guess the next time the US or the UK gets hit with a terrorist attack, I should cheer for the terrorists because american and british tourists have been acting like total dicks in my country.

>> No.69749880

Ancient Muslims were good at math.

>> No.69749891
File: 534 KB, 1584x1584, 05_Deu_19_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates religion
>advocates Eye for an Eye morality
You think like a Jew, if course you would unconditionally support them.

>> No.69749892

Are you referring to financial contributions to UNRWA and other Palestinian-related financial aid?

>> No.69749902

There is nothing, in fact they only ruin any society that they're introduced to. That said, guess what Jews bring to society...

>> No.69749903
File: 242 KB, 1591x2131, ErzIXZHW4AEE6-D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muslims! Muslims! Muslims!
You support the slaughter of Christian women and children.

>> No.69749936

>Putting Women on Kitchen

>> No.69749949

You've been shooting kids since the 60s, you disgusting jew

>> No.69749953

You mean $4 billion in arms? Which are bought in the US? And make Israel reliant on the US for their defense? Or you mean $400 million in cash going into the "martyr pension" of hamas?

>> No.69749973

I haven't met a single respectable white person making this argument. Save it, Aisha.

>> No.69749977
File: 61 KB, 1082x742, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no anon, im referring to the us government giving israel approximately 4 billion dollars + arms every year.

>> No.69750002
File: 67 KB, 203x294, 1698814538501068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure why you think the hatred of kikes equals love for muslims unless you're a kike yourself. You can hate both but still hate one of them more

>> No.69750017

We had this same thread yesterday

>> No.69750033
File: 37 KB, 640x452, 1692105780925365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whenever the skull of a palestinian child gets split in half in gaza, it is the doing of islam
[citation needed]
>every palestinian mdoerate who wanted to make peace with israel got murdered by religious fanatics from their own family in the blink of an eye
[citation needed]
I know 4chan as a whole loves hyperboles, but at least make your schizo rants semi-believable.

>> No.69750049

I think you're referring to Palestinian-related aid.

>> No.69750053
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>> No.69750102

Shut the fuck up, Muslim. What makes you think the rest of us even like you?

>> No.69750179

>every palestinian mdoerate who wanted to make peace with israel got murdered by religious fanatics from their own family in the blink of an eye
Israel funded Hamas to oppose secular Palestinians and the creation of a Palestinian state


>> No.69750198

uh no, im specifically talking about Israel and not UNWRA, israel fucking hates UNWRA. the image was from the wiki itself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93United_States_relations

>> No.69750230
File: 288 KB, 604x822, 1692447009954186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh english

Nothing about that post is grammatically incorrect, though? The zionists are currently conducting another nakba, and they're using F16s to bomb indiscriminately instead of performing surgical strikes. They're claiming that it's all about "muh hostages". Here's a hint, kid: you don't rescue hostages using indiscriminate airstrikes ; you send in the special forces. Should I have added "y'all" or "yeehaw" to make it more agreeable to you?

>> No.69750242

See >>69749470

>> No.69750264

What does Israel hating UNRWA have to do with the United States funding an entity in a fuckoff land to the tune of billions? I thought you didn't like that?

>> No.69750266

Shawarma and Math

>> No.69750303

>You can be pro-Ukraine and pro-Palestine
Who said I wasn't? Also, you are a textbook River to the Sea shill for conflating Zionist with "being based in Israel" in order to hamfist your /pol/ copypastas into the conversation.

>> No.69750315

I know this plays well with the retards on your WhatsApp group, but literally nobody else is buying it.

>> No.69750317

jannies do your fucking job and nuke this retarded thread

>> No.69750330

Capital Punishment

>> No.69750331

They used to be very good scientists and excellent surgeons in an age where surgery was seen as a crude practice by christians

>> No.69750334
File: 145 KB, 376x381, 1691601475100627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh whataboutism
>implying I don't shit on "Muslim" countries like saudi arabia for sitting on their asses

Three flavours of soda, and you picked stupid.

>> No.69750362

>for conflating Zionist with "being based in Israel"

oh boy wait til you find out about public opinion polls of israeli civilians lol

>> No.69750366

it's still wild to me how holo lets them play this game considering half of the questions are shit like this

>> No.69750378


>> No.69750398

And mudslimes have been invading shit that doesn't belong to them since the 6th century https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umayyad_Caliphate

>> No.69750402


>> No.69750405
File: 156 KB, 512x512, 1700621919076422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aren't we talking about you preferring dead muslims over jews? aren't you implying its fine if your taxes are going to israel instead of your own country? actually am i talking to an american?

>> No.69750413

Mahmood, I know this may be difficult for you to understand, and you definitely deny 10/7, but if Muslims just stop killing people and generally stop doing terrorist things, you get to live peacefully and not die.

>> No.69750436

>Who said I wasn't?
You told Nijijannies to "do better," suggesting you want pro-Palestine posts b&

>conflating Zionist with "being based in Israel"
Money to Israel is money to genocide.

>I wont listen to facts, so that means nobody will!
Proud declaration. Not smart, but certainly proud.

>> No.69750439

>we wuz scientists
No they weren't. Those were Persian/Greco-Aryan-Indian pagans. Even the so called Golden Age of Islam was only possible after centuries of pillaging and kidnapping people from the corpse of the Roman Empire and adopting Greco-Roman thoughts, which they gave up on because sandniggers likes their fairy tales book better because it suits their avg. IQ

>> No.69750458

lol no it just means those muslims get relocated to western countries, not to mention blacks

>> No.69750508
File: 110 KB, 1237x990, 20240222225804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish he can live longer

>> No.69750551

You can easily tell that Idol Corp has shills in here just from looking at all the pro-kike idiocy being spewed.

>> No.69750576

>/vt/ - Geopolitics

>> No.69750603
File: 463 KB, 692x851, 1695155147237201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ibn Sina (philosophy), Ibnu Rushd (philosophy), Al-Khwarizmi (algebra), Omar Khayyam (analytic geometry), Al-Tusi (function and cubic equations),Al-Jayyani (sines) Al-Haythm (calculus). How much more do you want me to spoonfeed you? Should I cite entire encyclopaedia and treatises?

>> No.69750618

funny how turkey have now fully embraced islam again

>> No.69750640

I mean you just linked a chart detailing financial aid to 9 different other countries all above or close to $100 billion over the same period. And that's not even close to how much taxpayer money goes out every year to all sorts of shit beyond the borders of the US.
I know this taxpayer money argument plays well with the retards of Twitter, but it's really dumb. You're stating at the same time it's fine that taxes goes to Palestinians instead of America.

>> No.69750695
File: 59 KB, 756x508, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wont listen to facts, so that means nobody will!

>> No.69750701
File: 222 KB, 487x487, 1691708552718773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f about me claiming to be white. 0/0
>that geert wilders-tier of arguing style

Okay, Grand Wizard.

>> No.69750754

Wouldn't antisemitic conspiracy theorists who complain about Jews controlling the US boycott American vtuber companies as well?

>> No.69750796

Are you sure this is Vtuber Thread?

>> No.69750848

I'm antisemetic but now that they're killing muslims, i'll watch their whores

>> No.69750853

well duh, The Golden Age of Islam was referred to as so because incredible feats of discovery was made under muslim rule, thanks to the influx of scholars all over the place into the house of wisdom. persians, assyrian, christians even etc. came together and helped translate already known classical knowledge from greeks. which made is greatly accessible to the region.

>> No.69750856

>triggered by Geert Wilders
>bringing up the KKK
Yep, caught us a muzzie. I don't even see white leftoids argue from this angle.

>> No.69750862

why are people pretending that idol being jewish is some sort of secret? they've been completely open about it since their inception. their first gen was literally hebrew. what the fuck? lmao

>> No.69750878

Eye for an eye is not a religious concept you fucking nutjob its a primal instinct I dont care if your choice of religious doctrine features it.
And I advocate for 'fighting for your life' if anything. War is fair. I don't spite retards for starting them and killing people. If thats how they wanna roll on this gay Earth who am I to say it's objectively wrong. But I am sure as hell gonna 'advocate' for killing them back.
Vikings (in general) didn't rape and pillage to then play the victim and beg for mercy when it didn't go their way. If both sides of the conflict behave like crybabies the deciding factor should always be strength. Israel is strong, therefore it should win. How's that for a morality? If you pick a side you should never invoke morals as a basis for superiority. Only as a means of achieving physical, projectable force.

>> No.69750952 [DELETED] 

Is that it? The way you guys whine I assumed it would be 10x that at least.

>> No.69750970

No. I suggest you delete all your posts here before you get caught up in this ban honeypot.

>> No.69750989
File: 351 KB, 682x640, 1704469720373983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but if Muslims just stop killing people and generally stop doing terrorist things

Deir Yassin Massacre (April 1948)
Abu Shusha Massacre (May 1948)
Tantura Massacre (May 1948)
Lydda Massacre (July 1948)
Saliha Massacre (October 1948)
Al-Dawayima Massacre (October, 1948)
Qibya Massacre (October 1953)
Kafr Qasim Massacre (October 1956)
Khan Yunis Massacre (November 1956)
Sabra and Shatila Massacres (September 1982)
Al-Aqsa Massacre (October 1990)
The Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre (February 1994)
For context, Hamas was founded in 1987. Are you suffering from cognitive impairments, perhaps?

>> No.69751012

Think of how many Jews there are in the United States. That's how many Christians there are in Gaza.
ie, a lot.

>> No.69751021

Most of the girls are in the west though. Hell not even all the HE girls were in Israel.

>> No.69751035

Comparing a Vtuber company's practices to a nation's propaganda isn't the same thing as posting the entire Metapedia article entry for Zionism, you lunatic.

>> No.69751038

Literally untrue.

>> No.69751051
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 1705397520080627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know i was sharing this board with kikes, go back to your synagogue tunnels.

>> No.69751062

Literally true.

>> No.69751072

I've never watched a second of them. I won't ever support anything from isntreal

>> No.69751113

>Saying antisemitism is bad is metapedia now
You're so confused...

>> No.69751151
File: 57 KB, 753x695, 1692330055646915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to pull unconstitutional shit is based xD
>triggered by the KKK
>absolute non-sequitur again
>assuming my religion

I'm sorry, were you angry I got your rank wrong? Grand Magi, perhaps? I don't know, I'm not into larping.

>> No.69751182

I don't fucking care. I just want to grill my anime girls for God's sake!

>> No.69751249

They get grants from the Israeli government.

>> No.69751266
File: 29 KB, 555x174, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, why did any of these happen?
>during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war
Hmm, how did the 1948 Arab-Israeli war start? Oh, right, the neighboring Arabs threw a shitfit, started a war, then promptly got their teeth kicked in. I'm noticing a pattern of how these "massacres" happen. Again, just chill. Stop doing wars and killing people and the terrorism shit. But I guess you've been propagandized hardcore to think your shit smells like roses.

>> No.69751440
File: 485 KB, 750x548, FgFk5B2X0AMOgEn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, excuse me, I pegged your dogshit ideology for a different dogshit ideology, Ragnar Redbeard.

>> No.69751446

Keep watching my schizo Russian wife?

>> No.69751488

world is not black and white you can dislike jews and still support israel
you should get your biases checked, there are other marginal groups of people you could be directing your hatred towards, some of them would even deserve it

>> No.69751530

>the neighboring Arabs threw a shitfit
true, but why?
>Balfour Declaration
the what?
>The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British Government in 1917 during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine.
conducted by?
>The declaration was contained in a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. The text of the declaration was published in the press on 9 November 1917.
ah yes there it is, why am i not surprised.
