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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69745470 No.69745470[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

At what point did you realize that unicorns are the life blood of vtubing and supreme beings?

>> No.69745567

they don't exist

>> No.69745692
File: 28 KB, 554x554, 8snfc73grfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say that again

>> No.69745721

They are streamers, not some gold diggers that will be obligated to follow your instructions just because you shove the greens in her breasts

>> No.69745768

>unicorns are the lifeblood of vtubing
Tell that to fandeads after the canon event that is the collab stream with Miko

>> No.69745783

Late 2021-mid 2023 NijiEN and Unityfags had the floor.
They could have shown all the unicorns that their way is the better way. They didn't do shit. Corpo Males crashed, and as for Holos, 2022 was considered the dark ages for HoloEN.

>> No.69745836

When beggars gave them power. Just thought they were fringe crazies, but evidently they're the cabal of vtuber viewership.

>> No.69745852
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Ever since HoloEN tested both extremes, and the unicorn life is inarguably much better.

>> No.69745919

But Anon this video is literally one of the most kino things to occur and to have witnessed in vtubing in like the past 2 years and it wouldn't exist without unicorns, even if it came from this unicorn being hurtfully and callously deceived: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFxbpEpELQA

Punished Unicorn denied his kami-oshi.

>> No.69745923

Unicucks, most pathetic life form on earth

>> No.69746052

EOP, go watch twitch

>> No.69746109

As what George Washington said,

"She ain't gonna fuck you, lil bro"

>> No.69746316

When the whores of HoloEN reclined in viewership for collabing with the boys. Also when 2 retards left and hang the whores to dry made my day.

>> No.69746538

Many people mistakenly believe there would be vtubers that don't do male collabs without unicorns. Anyone that is not a homobeggar should thank unicorns for their existence

>> No.69746659

I'm not a "real" unicorn but it's been so easy to see from the very beginning that their side was the best for the hobby as a whole. I just wish the unicorn bros didn't fall for jewish tricks

>> No.69746759

I stopped falling for Jewish tricks. As much as she tempted and lured and guided me to her like a moth to a flame I avoided Shiori at all costs to avoid falling in love and went through a significant vetting investigation process from a distance. I would have went up in flames just like a misguided moth if I hadn't done that.

>> No.69746925

That's most people honestly, few are true unicorns but the majority leans more towards no male collabs and shit like that, it doesn't even make sense, they have 60+ members now, anything they want to do they can do between themselves, I doubt a hololive fan would prefer a holo participate on a random e-celeb tournament than they making their own holo tournament

>> No.69747034

pagpag deflection thread

>> No.69747077

Kino of the highest order

>> No.69747139
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>it was commonly described as an extremely wild woodland creature, a symbol of purity and grace, which could be captured only by a virgin.

>> No.69747221
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I dont get the current meme mindset of current unicorns.

Like I get it, if your oshi decided shes gfe and pronounced herself your true real girlfriend, youre well within your rights to expect her to not interact with other dudes cause that'd basically be cheating.

But apparently they now try to apply that
mindset to every single chuuba.

That shit doesn't work on women like Botan who just so happen to like competitive games like shooters and fighters who have a overwhelming male majority of players.

>> No.69747393
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So I don't watch Botan? She's not even great outside of the garden.

>> No.69747401

Botan was the biggest nepolabo member, now she's the most irrelevant one, she stayed 2 years without doing male collabs, for sure that isn't a coincidence, right?

>> No.69747454

Most people just don't want these cancerous people anywhere near Anycolour member.
Just look at what happened to NijiEN, in EN especially the fanbase is a lot more hyper because all ecelebs are seething shitters, there is virtually no exception Hololive does not mix well with these faggots, so it's better if there is no connection.

>> No.69747455

life blood of seething and drama everytime more like it

>> No.69747488
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this thing is the life blood of vtubing and a supteme being?
this is what the average vtuber looks like so you might be right.

>> No.69747833

Botan's audience doesn't give a shit if she collabs with dudes since shes already been doing that for years with all the shooters she plays.

They just don't really like her recent sf6 obsession, and I agree cause that shits boring.

>> No.69747877

I think the term unicorn became another buzzword and it has lost its original meaning.

>> No.69748098

Nope, still being used to refer to single weirdos who throw copious amounts of money at their favorite chuubas just for the aforementioned chuuba to read out a message as to who they should and should not collab with

>> No.69748148

I'm 6'2, fairly fit and quite rich, you faggots clipperniggers are the ones who looks like that
Unicorns are right all along, if not the entire industry would already be like niji, and I think you would like it since you guys are a bunch of faggots who just want to see this hobby burn
Get filtered normalfag

>> No.69748194

>this is what the average vtuber looks like
do your dox reps retard

>> No.69748383
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Damn googles savage tonight.

also who is that the room mate of, share the forbidden knowledge?

>> No.69748476

fucking kek

>> No.69748858
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Unicorns I liked this unicorn even if she was a communist great model lol

>> No.69748915

>Unicorns left her to rot after being betrayed
Anon? you're not proving him wrong at all, you're doing the opposite.

>> No.69748964
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>> No.69749003

True, the original meaning meant you cared what the roommate does, but I don't. I just have been called a unicorn so many times I have accepted it

>> No.69749300

As they should be, for one, why the fuck would you financially support a woman you're not fucking to begin with, let alone financially support a woman who's fucking someone else? That guy should be financially supporting her. Not using your donation money to go to fancy places like Red Lobster.

>you cared what the roommate does
Yes, I care what the roommate does. You are a fucking corporate vtuber making thousands upon thousands of dollars from lonely men, this is the fundamental undeniable grift, the undeniable hustle, it is no more complicated than that. These women have gotten a golden ticket to massive success and riches and unlike actual fleshtubers DON'T EVEN HAVE TO SHOW THEIR FACES. They don't have to put on fucking makeup to present themselves to the world. They do not have to be attractive. They don't have to do anything but be entertaining at a base level and, ideally, not be such entitled, horrible cunts that they can't stop themselves from tripping and falling pussy first on to cocks for the duration of their fucking career as a vtuber. Literally the only thing that unicorns ask of them.

As simple a request as "don't be so fucking disrespectful and entitled as to think you deserve to have your cake and eat it to for the 1, 2, 4, 8, 9 years you have this job". A job which is entirely to their discretion is leave at any point and which they will make untold riches from.

>> No.69749454

> be unicorn
> find an oshi
> oshi must remain free of dick
> have a dick
> cannot be with oshi
> but still want to be with oshi
> must support oshi because she is perfect
> oshi wants money
> give your oshi your entire salary for the sliver of hope she notices you
> make the superchats
> buy the merch
> buy the wedding ring
> surely she will notice me and we will be together forev-
> dickpick.jpg
> realize she was never interested in you, just your money
> you were paying her boyfriend's student debt this entire time
> realize your room is covered in the merch of someone else's woman
> realize you were cucked
> fapfapfap.jpg
> pretend your oshi never existed
> repeat

>> No.69749629
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>> No.69749794

so uppity

>> No.69749828

what about that post tells you I'm mad? I'm speaking truth to roastie and cuck lies. Vtubers acting like it's not the easiest most golden ticket form of live-streaming is the most entitled shit around. And with this massive blessing they've obtained they somehow think they're entitled to more? They can't put their cock carousel stuff on hold while getting the massive bag?

Ironically the girls who actually respect idol culture and cater massively to gachikoi/unicorns while clearly being immensely grateful (FWMC) are also among those who have had to grind the hardest and longest before they finally made it. They know what's up.

>> No.69749951
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>posting paragraphs in respond to just an image.
Yes, I do wonder.

>> No.69750061

you specifically would still feel cucked unless she never quit

>> No.69750085

I guess I just don't care enough to look out information on what the roommate does. There is obviously a point where I start to care if they become like mori or something and it's impossible to ignore

>> No.69750107

>Botan was the biggest nepolabo member, now she's the most irrelevant one
What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.69750292


>> No.69750431

>you specifically would still feel cucked unless she never quit
I don't even know what you're talking about, I am not her fan.

>> No.69750442


>> No.69750460

When are you going to kill yourself? Please stream it.

>> No.69750461



>> No.69750610
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>They don't have to do anything but be entertaining at a base level and, ideally, not be such entitled, horrible cunts that they can't stop themselves from tripping and falling pussy first on to cocks for the duration of their fucking career as a vtuber.
You lost your hinges, bro

>> No.69750625

The lifeblood? Yes, but only by being the ultimate marks. It's the same way clueless boomers are the "lifeblood" of the pajeet IT scam industry.

>> No.69750651

I don't care if vtubers outside of hololive collab with men. I just won't watch them. But hololive is one of the few places where male collabs are not the norm. That's why I'm a lot more protective of it. I used to not really care about it, but with tempus there was a critical point where male collabs were close to becoming the norm so I took a much more aggressive stance against them. It doesn't help that cover will also take any chance to shill the homos, even on hololive events and homocollabing holos enable that

>> No.69750795
File: 394 KB, 492x675, HornoftheUnicorn-EN-Anime-5D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast newfag.
I equip you with Horn of the Unicorn! It gives you a 700 attack point bonus.

>> No.69750943

I also enjoyed botan's content much more before she started to spam collabs with ecelebs and esports players. I don't think it was a necessity for her to start doing them. I would just watch actual pro players if I wanted competitive gaming content

>> No.69750949
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you have just cursed that poor anon...

>> No.69751098
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>> No.69751115

>NijiEN, the only company that made male Vtubers work in the west, is now utterly imploding
>Tempiss is filled with 3views and it's pretty clear there is very little overlap between their fanbase and Holofans
>HoloEN reached their absolute lowest point post Tempiss and they almost instantly recovered when debuting EN3 and cutting off homo collabs
you can cry and shit on unicorns as much as you want to farm leddit updoots but it's very clear what the fans actually want.

>> No.69751212

If the people posting in this thread had their way collabs with males would be mandatory. To epically own the "incels". These are how most normalfags feel too. They hate you and you should not be entitled to any space. They will take everything from you. It's standard normalfag colonization of niche spaces. They do this everywhere like an invasive species and celebrate when the former natives are driven to even more disparate and niche corners of the net. Which ironically only serve to embitter and eventually potentially even radicalize these people who have been driven out.

They should be grateful and count their blessings if at the end of their rope the only thing these people do is quietly off themselves in peace, especially in times where sexual and intimacy disparities are only growing, and more and more sexually dysfunctional and bitter, unfulfilled people are coming into existence. Personally I hope all the disenfranchised individuals who have had their spaces colonized by entitled normalfaggots who think they don't even deserve to exist with the most basic distractions in some peaceful nowhereland, don't go silently at all. Rather, very loudly.

>> No.69751654

Unicorns radiate beta virgin energy ngl. Like I empathise with the cause but reality of fhe girls behind the avatar.. Sometimes you can take the delusion too far. You are suppose fo have the mental that you are their number one IF you had an actual SO relationship but that's schizo territory when you obviously don't.
If you mean Unicorn energy for the kayfabe it's understandable as they risk publicity that will weaken their appeal if they aren't faithful to their chat. But the majority of the time it is friendly banter, and that's enough for the real losers here to Reee and post about it.

>> No.69751781

Nahh her game choice of not FPS is a huge debuff. But alot of this can be blamed on AAA clowning around.

>> No.69751859

>even if she was a communist
Here's a tip: women never have strong political opinions by themselves. If you see a girl spousing this sort of retarded shit you can be 100% sure she absorbed it from the dudes who were fucking her at the time

>> No.69751945

HoloEN was already going downhill with Council. Advent is only succeeding because they're just objectively better than what came before (yes, even Shiori)

>> No.69752654

>No response to it besides insult
As expected of cucks, they can't formulate an argument
>She doesn't owe you nothing
Neither we owe them, but respecting each other is a sign of a good human being, you can't possibly think you're a victim when you get an easy job, hundreds of thousands of dollars, thousands of positive comments and all you have to do is keep your profissional and personal life separate for a few hours a day

>> No.69752770

Honestly, I have the highest respect for unicorns that are fully conscious of the futility of their devotion but still stick to their creed. It reminds me of the old monks that spent so much time and effort trying to detach that they became attached to the path of detachment.
If one can find the beauty in the tragic and the imperfect, then one can find few as exemplary as the acutely conscious unicorn. They are the misunderstood sages of our time, who will die alone and who’s names will not be remembered, yet they will have lived a most fulfilled life.

>> No.69752890

Is this your delusional cope? Lmao Mumei and Fauna are some of the strongest Vtubers on the market. And at some point there must be a reason why even the homocollaber in EN dropped the homos.

>> No.69752991

Says the guy who doesn't donate. Yea I'm sure your oshi really appreciates that watch the YT ads on her videos.

>> No.69753025

sisters are born delusional

>> No.69753368

>the most fragile mentally ill retards
>supreme beings
they're literally the lowest form of betas

>> No.69753630

Don’t invest in people you don’t like simple as, if your career is based on a lie your career is a lie. Still profiting though I guess lol

>> No.69753766

Civil war throughout the West. Maybe in the East too lol

>> No.69753835

To all unicorns get a hooker you only need money lol

>> No.69753875

Real alphas bulls sit in their cuck chair and watch pathetic subhuman eboys flirt with their oshi live on stream. Because women are queen and you have zero rights to give inputs on the content you like to watch. Lmao.

>> No.69754039

This is lame because it's not actually a fan of hers but some drama clown who always does this kind of shit.

>> No.69754193

Are you sure?

Because I've been fucked and betrayed by 2 oshis at this point and if people recognized me sperging over a third my reaction would be short of the same (not that loud) and arguably sincere but people might doubt my legitimacy.

>> No.69754337

The lowest form of beta are those who financially support a woman that hangs out with other men even though he doesn't like it. At least unicorns have standards for women

>> No.69754351

I made this thread. I wish every unicorn chad a good day.

>> No.69754366

once i realized im a unicorn and i buy too much merch

>> No.69754708

Yes. In the original video you can see that the guy screaming is named 'kimono' and somehow the guy who posted it on twitter is also named 'kimono' and all the other names are 'love you rushia' or something similar. The guy runs a channel where he does reactions to drama and other stuff.
It's obvious that he just organized a fake fandead meltdown meetup on his own discord server.
I think he did the same thing the first time around too.

Believe me when I say that I would find it funny if it was real, but it isn't.

>> No.69754876
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a whale sister 's opinion is disregarded
even a beta won't be such a cuck
chad thinking don't be a Gamma/Omega male those are all cucks and are all for homobegging

>> No.69755172

Deltas are the balance

>> No.69755564

I never can understand the point of LARPing as whales to justify a virginity fetish. I have yet to see any proof that the unicorns here actually spend money on vtubers. It's weird that the same group claims to be the primary source of vtuber revenue.

>> No.69755589

Nijishill falseflag op

>> No.69755661

They are indeed the lifeblood of an industry dedicated to taking money from lonely losers. Supreme beings though? Fucking kek

>> No.69755691

If unicorns are the life blood of vtubing, why is there no unicorn vtuber that's not some western indie 1view.

>> No.69755786

>You have to act according to what I want or I'll throw a tantrum
>I'm totally justified because you are clearly supposed to behave like I want you to because of an unspoken contract I made up in my head

>> No.69755799

Gachikois are the reason the business is thriving they're the ones buying merchandise superchattng and gifting memberships. You faggots are poorfags masquerading as gachis taking credit for their contributions you fucking twink.

>> No.69755817

I'm a "unicorn" in my values. But I don't financially support women period. I give my oshi my time and my emotional and psychological investment. Sexual investment. Even psychic investment. The latter two are actually important currencies as well if you know anything about the noosphere or the power of thought patterns en-masse. I give them free advertisement when I sing their praises or wax poetically about my love for them for hours at a time across multiple digital venues. I give them my deep knowledge of memetics by employing it in their favor. I don't ask them to ever directly acknowledge me or pay for them to do so, or ask them to sing me happy birthday or anything. And I am forever in their corner so long as they don't betray me in some egregious manner. All of this provided I find them to be something special enough to become my oshi to begin with, to catch sentimentality and emotional attachment and a sense of longing and love for.

However should she do so egregiously I swear to forever anti. I wish death upon her and her cohorts in public forums, go full scorched earth unhinged mode and continue this until the sharp twist of betrayal fades to an ache. Only rearing my head back up a little time later, still feeling bitter about it. Like some vengeful spirit that went away only to let the bitter chill of itself creep back into and haunt and linger in the spaces it once found profound mirth, love, warmth, happiness and joy in. I want only to make the remaining cucks in her community's life hell, to ruin the illusion for them, to make sure everyone knows. To validly disparage her in all the truthful details of just how much of an evil grifting two-faced cunt she is. Make it known to everyone what she is, what she's done, what she's doing. Until the end of time or she graduates I'll spew bile and vitriol and virulent hatred and shit all over everything associated with her.

Hypothetically, of course.

>> No.69755842

oh now you're gachikoi not unicorns?

>> No.69755889
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sanest /vt/ unicorn

>> No.69756039
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>meidos keep this thread up
>delete the anticorn thread
Kek, sasuga SEAjannies, totally not colluding with the shitposters though!

>> No.69756207
File: 137 KB, 1379x460, IMG_0046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren’t any of that, however I do agree that unicorns are very powerful.
Pic related

>> No.69756390

/vt/ meidos are truly the worst

>> No.69756479

Unicorns/gachis being the backbone of vtubing has always been unicorn/gachi propaganda. They use it as a justification for requiring that talents pander to their fetish.

>> No.69756609

You want to know how bullshit their claims just look at women like Kiara. If unicorns were telling the truth about who they are and how they move the needle Kiara would be pulling numbers close to gura. Instead only sea with white women fetish and unemployed euros are the ones watching her.

>> No.69756641

Unicorns won.
Holochads won.

>> No.69756671

I never claimed to be a gachikoi. Do your English comprehension reps sea chama.

>> No.69756855

Don't you guys get tired of making the same threads over and over again?

>> No.69757008

This is bait to get me to talk about Kiara.

I do watch Kiara and she's one of the only ENs I truly respect to some degree and who I will praise. Also the general perception of Kiara has come around among unicorns. I've seen it. It's a far cry from the impression people had in the beginning.

>> No.69757036

Kiara is way too alpha for their pathetic asses

>> No.69757116

unicorn, gachis and GFE are completely different things newfag

>> No.69757242
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sorry I simply didn't read the rest of the post, it's not that I can't read I simply didn't read

>> No.69757302

You are possibly the most fragile people I have ever seen. The most insignificant thing can crush your entire world. I don't know whether to be sad or scared that you exist.

>> No.69757557
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