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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 757 KB, 4096x2304, yukocar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69645451 No.69645451 [Reply] [Original]

I watched her stream earlier and she seems nice.

>> No.69645523

Not sure, she seems to really love her fans

>> No.69645615

I don't even know who tf is she

>> No.69645625

What was the stream about?

>> No.69645696

Pandered to GFEfags for a long time and then just abruptly decided to stop doing GFE after two months of ghosting and is gonna do IRL vlogs. Or something.

>> No.69645709

The short version:
>Made her name out of the gate as a GFE ASMR streamer with openly lewd content.
>Usual suspects eat that shit up and simp massively for her.
>She goes ghost for a bit and comes back wanting to outright drop the parasocial stuff.
>No more ASMR or lewd, just regular streamer stuff.
You are now all caught up.

>> No.69645715

She sang karaoke while driving

>> No.69645990

How were the numbers? Genuinely curious if recent stuff affected her or not.

>> No.69646021

>out of the gate as a GFE
Never trust it.

>> No.69646047

You forgot to include these
>Mass deleted all previous lovey comments and GFE ASMR streams, including almost all members streams.
>Deleted all comments critical of her change in direction

>> No.69646170


>> No.69646189

It's just pedos having a meltdown. The whole board will get better after they kill themselves.

>> No.69646222
File: 303 KB, 1278x717, 17051498495846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never go full GFE. Always leave room for doubt so it's safe for you as the talent and the audience to detach.

>> No.69646295
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>> No.69646310

I knew GFE was cringe but holy shit

>> No.69646433

>out of the gate as a GFE
Why lie? Yuko devolved into the gfe piss loli coomer baiting bs, she didn't start out as such. She was sweet sure but she didn't do any of the stuff boocucks currently love(d) her for when she started out

>> No.69646458

Based Gura, trips of truth

>> No.69646490
File: 2.59 MB, 5213x1591, Parasocial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you encourage one kind of content and attract a certain kind of fanbase, you can't be surprised if they feel betrayed when you push them away and change the kind of content you do. Just as you don't owe them anything, they don't owe you anything either. They are well within their rights to complain about things and leave. And you are free to build a brand new fanbase of people interested in your new content. If you can.

>> No.69646498

Note that "lewd content" for her doesn't just mean horny baiting. She has masturbated on stream and drank her own urine.

>> No.69646530

I remember how disappointed I was when h3h3 went from videos to livestreaming, and I imagine Yuko fans are feeling that same whiplash. Worse even due to the parasocial nature of their relationship.

>> No.69646562

it might be unwise to trust a woman who drinks piss for money

>> No.69646601

Gura unironically gets it.

>> No.69646607

Big oof

>> No.69646664

The Ex-Chumbuds she milked for years moved onto Muyu because Yuko wasn't good enough for them anymore

>> No.69646681

How original

>> No.69646685

>masturbated on stream
I need links anon for stress relieving exercises.

>> No.69646730

I will shit on every unicuck simp on this shit board till i get an aneurism but to call them all pedos is disingenuous. They're just lonely losers that can't get a real girl so they cling to fake anime ones that don't immediately tell them off

>> No.69646732

Don’t worry about it anon, just keep watching streams.

>> No.69646857

>ghosts her audiance

>> No.69646893

Fuck this blacked bitch.

>> No.69646944
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>> No.69646970

She said she loved me! ME!! I know she was talking to me specifically amongst several hundred other viewers. She lied to me!!!1

>> No.69646982

she managed to keep her numbers* with just came back buff and drama buff

>> No.69646985

just look through recent Idol and Yuko threads since her return. links to stuff have been posted here and there.

>> No.69646994

Is this true? It's one thing if she decides to go a different route and doesn't either wan't or feel like doing that kind of content anymore but actually deleting old content? And even content that people paid for? What the absolute fuck? That's an instant unsub for me if so. What's even with this current change anyway suddenly? She was gone for almost two months and then suddenly she comes back and makes this sudden change. Did Riro Ron graduating break her? Did the corporation force her to change her and delete the old videos because they are afraid Yuko is going to do exactly what Riro did with her fans? I'm so confused.

>> No.69647013

I think the most hurtful thing is that she deleted all her previous content without warning and has actually banned some her biggest supporters.

>> No.69647054

I can assure (You), she very thoroughly was even before joining idol

>> No.69647057

Yes, it's all gone.

>> No.69647063

You left out the (multiple) groomer circles.

>> No.69647141

>banned her biggest schizos

>> No.69647158

nobody put a gun on her head to do gfe, she did it by her own will, but i am not blaming her for betraying her audience, this is most likely direct orders from her new boss.

>> No.69647246

I dunno, man. People keep trying to pin the blame on Brave, but Yae exists in V4Mirae.

>> No.69647296

She literally said it was a corporate mandated stream/announcement. boocucks are throwing a pathetic fit over what might not have even been her choice. She's going to HAVE to put out consistent and varied content now to make up for it

>> No.69647307

member streams went from 42ish to 12-14

>> No.69647312

most rrat a boyfriend.
but the real rrat is a girlfriend (pippa).
but as for deleting the content, it was because
>'i dont want newcomers or people to see it and get confused about what content im about now.'

>> No.69647368

If it was direct orders from management, I'd expect management to step up and take the blame rather than nuking their own talent's reputation. I'd be fucking furious if I was expected to tow the line for managements decisions without being able to explain it's out of my control.

>> No.69647480

You left out the part were:
>Goes back to her old /k/ pedogroomers
>Support them while they mock her boofags

>> No.69647505

so you're gonna watch her and financially support her....right?

>> No.69647622

she "masturbated" in the pampering one and did "dick sucking" in the onii chan one

>> No.69647661

She had about 800 live viewers.

>> No.69647680

me? I won't support her financially but I'll watch her here and there

>> No.69647707

There's also the issue of donothon content that still has not been delivered, including Spicy ASMR - which will probably now never be done. She straight up bilked her audience.

>> No.69647780

>'i dont want newcomers or people to see it and get confused about what content im about now.'
Sounds exactly like how it was with bronies back in the day with many artists in the fandom suddenly making all their pony related videos and other works private or deleting them because they moved to other fandoms or other content and didn't wan't newcomers to think they were le cringe brony poner anymore which would according to them mean no new followers and not making it anywhere. Vtubers never truly beating the brony allegations.

>> No.69647860

so it's a great thing she banned and scorned the people who gave her money then, knowing no one else is going to fill the gap.

>> No.69647875

If you don't financially support a content creator then your opinion on their content or their supporters is worthless. It's easy to say "You go queen!" then fuck off and leave them to rot. The people who spent money are leaving, and those are the people that actually matter.

>> No.69647891

22 minutes left will the dick sucking part happen yet?

>> No.69647945

She gained +1000 subscribers after her announcement. Idk how much she earned in Streamelements. Her viewership numbers seems to be the same as before for karaoke stuff

>> No.69647957

Ninisanji continues to yab so they need to distract people with other news. The Great Cuckening was what they chose to spam, but yuko isn't that relevant outside of /jidf/. She didn't even break 10k on her cuck stream.

>> No.69647982

yeah just dm me your address I can probably get there in time

>> No.69648063

It is actually specifically that she did a donothon, then vanished with the money, now she's back and her 'friend' tells her she should do normal content so she's doing that btw donothon goals are dropped (no more asmr stuff).

9/10 donothons end up being rugpulls, it's really fascinating that this is the /vt/ equivalent of a shitcoin scam.

>> No.69648065

that's based though
do what makes you happy, fuck everyone else

>> No.69648136

wasn't that donothon like a year ago? why the hell do people keep falling for this shit it's the same every time

>> No.69648167

Is this the jew girl?

>> No.69648173

I hope someone introduces you to heroin

>> No.69648177

sorry boobros, but I gotta come clean.
I seduced her.

She's mine now.
I used to be one of you, but I wanted her all to myself.
So please refrain from posting videos of my gf's past life.

>> No.69648204

100 dls among her announcement stream and her karaoke

>> No.69648209

Yeah it was and she never fulfilled the goals and now never will lmao.

>> No.69648298

hell even her dedicated artist (a decent one) left because of it. the community is just broken

>> No.69648306

never watched her, but sounds like "i want to be free from any promises or content i made before, but still keep the customer loyalty from people who enjoyed that content"
should've just graduated/reincarnated
not a good look when you abandon your core consumer base to reach a wider audience, messes up the brand image

>> No.69648421

>Mliked the shit out of lonely niggas that felt for (the always fake) GFE content for an entire year
>Ghosted them
>Follow her old groomers (who activaly shit on her new fanbase) again on her PL
>Make a comeback stream (baiting graduation) saying that she is completely dropping GFE
>Deleted a shit ton of her old content incluiding almost all of her membership streams and membership posts
>Deleted comments on YT of the people who don't like her new direction
>Blocked people on twitter for the same reason from before

>> No.69648517

Absolutely based, especially her old groomers

>> No.69648535

funny because shes a brony. swear she mentioned rainbow dash in that stream even, i think.

>> No.69648547

Thanks for clearing that up manager-san

>> No.69648551

Can I come?

>> No.69648560

It's both sad and hilarious that the ones who did remove their old pony content didn't really get anywhere no matter how much videos they pumped out and in the end they abandoned or deleted their whole channel while the ones like TheLivingTombstone left his old pony videos on and still gained tons of subs. Then you also had ones who like Fluffe Puff who also moved on from pony content but still allowed his old content to stay on his channel. His new content never got as much as views as his pony videos got, probably because of the awful Tumblr looking characters he started using. Despite all that, never unsubbed because at least he had the balls to leave the old content on and not delete it like a pussy but if or when that ever happens, instand unsub too.

>> No.69648568

Seems to have worked out pretty well for her so far. Hasn't hurt her ccv at all. If anything, it helped.

>> No.69648587

She's a brony and a furry

>> No.69648677
File: 27 KB, 479x266, cum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah just don't get it in my eyes I really hate it when that happens. people make fun of me and call me "cum glasses"

>> No.69648688

>ghosting her fans
Learning from her oshi, I see. Kek

>> No.69648720

Return stream + drama buff, it's obviously going to do a lot better than regular streams. This is like pretending that Doki was always going to average being a 6 view.

>> No.69648734

sounds like this bitch found a man and forbade her to whore herself on the internet

>> No.69648757

haha hey guys it's the cum glasses guy hey cum glasses didn't know you posted here

>> No.69648845

She doesn't want the gfe audience, sure that's fine. She definitely could've let them down a bit softer, but 99% gfe streamers are dishonest whores exploiting mentally ill men for money so this is really just par for the course. This is why you don't d'nate to vtubers for gfe, it's an inherently exploitative and sociopathic way of making money. No decent human being would willingly engage in this business.

>> No.69648983
File: 106 KB, 940x612, C7DEDF2C-F14D-4683-A866-AD3105639FAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are you retards gonna stop falling for the GFE scam? Fauna is once again proven to be 100% correct. Any streamer that tells you they are your friend is lying to you.

>> No.69648996

Man, its been so long since I seen >>69648677
remember middle school boys washroom, diddle dave? haha man its great seeing you.

>> No.69649098

Wasn't she averaging like 900 before? And she only pulled 800 with all the buffs and got a single donation the whole stream, literally sang karaoke for 2 hours for less than minimum wage.

>> No.69649219
File: 289 KB, 1080x752, Screenshot_20230130-202038~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left because of the weird coomer bait. What i thought was a sweet, surprisingly talented girl who was a little too into roblox and piss showed to be a just another attention seeking whore

>> No.69649274
File: 3.83 MB, 1472x944, Mococo The Ruffians are bullying me now[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F637px5.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69649641

>didnt even lick or suck onichans magic wand.

Do you even know what BJ ASMR is? Man I hope VAllure finds the right loli vtubers

>> No.69649678

to be fair i used ""

>> No.69649881

You get what you deserve. Changing your style and moving on would've been fine. But going out of your way to delete all your past content is about as clear of a declaration as saying "I don't want you as a fan anymore."

Totally mindbroken.

>> No.69650020

Which is based of her. Still not watching her tho

>> No.69650116


>> No.69650118

She had fallen off pretty hard. She was averaging closer to 500 in the months before she took her break.

>> No.69651004


>> No.69651087

that's the first time I see this posted

>> No.69651152

She was caught between two different cliques of groomers and decided to stop doing the unhealthy shit that both were trying to groom her into

>> No.69651376

People keep saying she was "groomed" by people from her PL, and then interestingly never post evidence of it.
Y'all will interpret what she's doing and saying any way except at face value.
"Grrr it's not possible that she could have had a legitimate change of heart, she's doing this deliberately to hurt MEEEE she HATES us!!! It's all a scam and a lie! Betrayal!!"
Jesus Christ it's like you're eternally having your first breakup.

Only valid points are
1. Donothon goal spicy ASMR was promised and paid for, looks like it'll be a rip off.
2. She deleted just about all of her members streams, not just the lewd ones. Casual streams, chatting, watchalongs, all gone. Even if you weren't super butthurt about no more GFE and weren't going to unsub bc of that, she took away almost everything else as well. Why would anyone stay subbed? All the content is gone. Why would anyone new sub? There's no content to unlock.

If you're mad about that, then you have a point. The other shit is your problem.
Learn the lesson.
Don't give any woman your time energy or money outside of a real life relationship.

>> No.69651512

Corp discontinued sales of its main products and panders to a different ideology and sells different products
Fans boycott Corp as they can no longer buy their previous products
Many Such Cases

>> No.69651580

>Don't give any woman your time
this is a vtuber board anon

>> No.69651581

>Made her name out of the gate as a GFE ASMR streamer with openly lewd content.
Wrong, it was a gradual change as she got more and more comfortable with her chat. The turning point was a bit before 2023 valentine's (around 3 months after debut), where she did a maro reading members stream full of love confessions, and after that her entire love for her fans felt so genuine that it was hard not to fall for her. Even before and during her break last Christmas she made it look like she couldn't wait to be back to spend more time with everyone.
And then after she came back this monday, "sorry I'm burned out on a certain kind of content so I'll be deleting it so my new members don't get the right idea. I loved it though so I'll save a copy for myself wink wink", at the end of the day 3/4ths of her members content was nuked, and amusingly enough, at no time in both of the streams since she came back did she refer to her fanbase as the pet name she gave them.
Really, I don't know why you people keep trying so hard to paint this situation as "wah unicorn bad" when you can take one look at >>69646490 and see how much she spurred everyone on.

>> No.69651738

>this is most likely direct orders from her new boss.
Completely wrong, as proven by how much coombait there is in V4 and how one of the current Idol members is going all in with lewd ASMR as well.
Yuko's mess is entirely her own doing.

>> No.69651750

She was clearly making her new boyfriend happy. I have no idea who this woman is but it's clear as day, my friend.

>> No.69651869

And at the same time, despite always earning a lot of money on her karaoke streams from streamelements tips, she made a grand total of 10 bucks today from one lost dude who was trying to order a burger.

>> No.69651908

Traitorous bitch, hope she enjoy her new tourist fans.

>> No.69651926

see I would agree with you if she hadn't willingly done the gfe coomerbaiting on her own, before and after joining idol

>> No.69652038

>10 bucks today from one lost dude who was trying to order a burger.
he still has to wait a few months for her be hired at her local McDonalds

>> No.69652200

I hate all of the Idol group actually. LoliGFE is cringe and I say this as a cunny chad

>> No.69652245

>her entire love for her fans felt so genuine that-
Another sucker and his own interpretation of things. When will you learn?

>> No.69652349

if shes gonna do this 'outdoorsy' content, she should go full ham.
a month of streams/videos of her training like a madwomen, then she jumps on the Appalachian trail for the next 5-7 months, uploading a video from the local mc donalds each time she goes for a resupply.

>> No.69652373

sounds like someone got a boyfriend, better to delete everything than string people along and lie desu

>> No.69652416

You had to be there to understand.
Not that I care enough to try convincing you anyway, I'm done with her but I still wanted to correct the occasional wrong narratives I see going around.

>> No.69652781

holy fuck what an evil person
it's crazy people can do this level of blatant manipulation and lying and be allowed to get away with it, and even defended, just because it's 'content'
actual psychopathic shit

>> No.69652788

I think that's the big thing, if there was any modicum of truth in her old members posts she herself was getting attached to this and it was getting bad for her mental health. Shame she traded one group of groomers for another but it is what it is.

>> No.69652828

Don't even know her. Is she the one that's in the jewcorp or something?

>> No.69652841

opinion discarded

>> No.69652919

>She literally said it was a corporate mandated stream/announcement.
Yeah be a shame if other girls in the same corpo had done similar content which is still accessible right now and even done as recently as last week.

>> No.69652922


based, GFEfags deserve nothing

>> No.69652927

Isn't this the blacked chick?

>> No.69652963

That's most vtubers. whitebois crying rn

>> No.69652970

Ironically she didn't delete the MLP movie watch along members stream.

>> No.69652973

sounds like her "old groomers" gaslit/shamed her into this lmao
woman moment

>> No.69653069

she did an Idubs, she turned her back on her old content and changed her entire personality to fit with her new BF better

>> No.69653097

Fauna’s entire argument relied on it allegedly being "important" to say that with no further explanation as to why. All of vtubing is abojt immersion, you immerse yourself in the thought that streamer x is a catgirl that looks like that, otherwise you might as well just stream without an avatar. So what if they also want to act like they’re their girlfriends? There’s no argument against this, it affects entirely themselves

>> No.69653135

That isn't entirely true. She started out as a typical retarded cgdct loli, but then slowly turned into full GFE sometime around her donothon. There was even a whole members stream about discussing boundaries.

>> No.69653288
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>> No.69653617

dont get the hype she is just generic panko.

>> No.69653692

no, thats poko.

>> No.69654010

the fact of the matter is that (You) willingly fell for it anyway. get fucked

>> No.69654129

Congrats to Yuko for culling her unicorns in an even more brutal way than Yura did. It's a new record in a small corpo history

>> No.69654169

Think about this veeery thoroughly, anon. What's the difference between Yuko and her boobros vs those other girls and their fans? You almost got it i know you can do it

>> No.69654206

no I didn't, I don't even watch any of Idol, let alone Yuko. I'm just commenting on this as an outsider looking in.

>> No.69654426
File: 668 KB, 1174x1271, 1696566769208845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care, still gonna keep making fun of paypiggies donating money to e-whores. just because these whores use an anime avatar, doesn't mean paypiggies right now are any better than the 3dpd-whore worshipping normalfags everyone made fun of in the past.

>> No.69654472

Wait what happened with the vod of that car karaoke?

>> No.69654576

It was an unarchived stream because she was singing copyrighted songs, anon.

>> No.69654591

>What's the difference between Yuko and her boobros vs those other girls and their fans?
Nothing? Boobros paid better.

>> No.69654737
File: 62 KB, 720x415, 1661297506744388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its actually really funny we are witnessing Nyanners 2 Electric Boogaloo
>was originally a 4chan retard only used /k/ instead of /a/
>built an entire audience doing a specific thing (in this case GFE and lewd content)
>out of absolutely nowhere declares all her old fans are disgusting freaks that she hates
>suddenly throws her entire fanbase into the gutter for new fans
>deletes all her old content to try and pretend it never happened
>somehow expects she can just do this without any blowback
>had a nyanners poster
Its actually so funny

>> No.69655225

Wait I don’t get it, so the GFE clips are from before that?

>> No.69655224

online friends are not real friends

>> No.69655394

>make fun of the victims being exploited
>rather than the whore doing the exploiting
ok retard

>> No.69655423

Idol's main source of income is a large sum of money from wealthy single unicorns, so it's amazing that she cut it off.
The best thing she should have done was just say, "Everyone knows that GFE content is fake and the fans know it's fake too, so don't get jealous."
Why do some Vtubers think of character (acting) and Naka no hito as the same thing, and sometimes talk about it from Naka no hito's perspective on their Vtuber accounts?
You are a Vtuber, please separate fiction and reality.
Please stay professional.

>> No.69655767

i should be mad at her for being an evil bitch. But this actually just made me hornier. She's ALMOST hot enough to be worth correction. Rockin body... but yeah, you need them Jomon genes to really get me going. Choinks just don't cut it.

>> No.69657567

Good for her. She should get rid of all the crazies. She wants to become a holo idol, she should act like one.

>> No.69657649

Yuko will never be hololive

>> No.69657951

>discount Gura
Don't want her, don't need her.
Will happily take Roca though.

>> No.69657985

She just eventually became honest, its a grift and she farmed her fans for cash, even going so far as to “cancel” dono goals that was reached because she can get away with it.
I feel bad for her fans due to being fooled and scammed for so long
I don’t buy the “corpo mandated” rrat, I just think she were tired of lying so much

>> No.69658070

She made a graduation bait thumbnail for a stream where she said she deleted over 30 membership videos. That's it. If she said nothing and deleted nothing and just went on with her new content only like a couple people would be bitching in a "I miss the old Yuko" sort of way.

>> No.69658156

being the same as before in the midst of comeback and drama doesn't bode well.

>> No.69658249

my rrat says you got ntr'd

>> No.69658436


>> No.69658521

She pissed in a cup on stream and then drank it. She is never being hired Hololive, and thank fuck for that. Keep this shit well away.

>> No.69658757

I dunno, I am kinda happy where Roca is. I'd rather see Idol Corp grow stronger - Hololive needs REAL competitors, and I sure as hell don't want it to be Kurosanji or Vwhorejo.

>> No.69659078

Well, Matsuri wasn't that far off from drinking piss.

>> No.69659130

I'm sure that doesn't surpirse anyone

>> No.69659139

ogey sis

>> No.69659174

This, but she actually did it to me.

>> No.69659325

If you need another VTuber that sounds like Gura to replace the Yuko shaped hole in your heart, check out this cute indie called KrumRoll.
She's very sweet and loves her fans with all her heart.

>> No.69660511

Matuly got in wen hololive was nothing of any importance. She gets to have her piss.

>> No.69660639

they deserved it. and they deserve to be made fun of.

>> No.69660745

>>out of absolutely nowhere declares all her old fans are disgusting freaks that she hates

Nah not the same this part didn't happen.

>> No.69662186
File: 2.71 MB, 468x726, forever[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F666250.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump =)

>> No.69662316
File: 673 KB, 1484x1005, boocucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but I still thought it was worth mentioning

>> No.69662346


>> No.69662904
File: 533 KB, 600x600, 1689971584713255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to all the indies and 2 views
remember to release schizo gosling pressure every once in a while
you have to vent them into space every once in a while to kill schizos
male collabs at regular milestones work wonders as long as you don't overdo it
just remember to follow up with something saccharin
just sprinkle them in at 3-6 month intervals

>> No.69663076
File: 804 KB, 1275x763, 235325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that gfe cucks and coomers are the ones responsible for derailing her original content plans.

>> No.69663159

Many such cases

>> No.69663222

Right, they physically compelled her to pander to them and farm them for money and attention. Entirely the audience's responsibility

>> No.69663310

yeah, they held a gun to her head and forced her to only do this nature walk stuff until after she had made enough money

>> No.69663504

the only reason she would filter her old fanbase this hard is that she are planning on doing her IRL stuff with her BF, otherwise it would not be incompatible with her old content and fanbase.

>> No.69663597
File: 67 KB, 602x636, 1706438405821903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she are

>> No.69663641


>> No.69663673

holy shit you managed to watch (1) stream, big props to you, hope you're not too disappointed to learn most of her "skills" are pretty mid despite what she said there

>> No.69663807

>doing her IRL stuff with her BF

>> No.69663842

>GFE cucks are culled
>actual cucks take their place

>> No.69664083

That's what people consider gfe? That's just oversharing and developing a dependent relationship through it. EVERYONE steps back from that eventually, it's nothing to get mad over.

>> No.69664150

she will graduate and do onlyfans
start the stream with "sup cucks?"

>> No.69664259

Why would a microcorp care about a stream getting claimed?

>> No.69664362

indies do unarchived karaoke too. they don't want youtube to bonk their channels.

>> No.69664420

It's mostly coomers having a meltdown

>> No.69664500

Yura shizo, stop breaking out of the containment

>> No.69664547


>> No.69664595

qrd? can't remember the last time I saw Yura mentioned on this board

>> No.69664717

>3 days no boo bros, i'm going to get pent up.. give me a maro i can read before bed
>just oversharing
Anon, she said she was horny and wanted to masturbate to messages before she sleeps. Writing that off as "oversharing" is underselling it a bit.

>> No.69664841

what kind of maro did she shclick to?

>> No.69664943

Don't hate her. During Gura's absence, she reinforced that there is no replacement for the shork.

She tried too hard for the wrong crowd and is now paying for it.

>> No.69665236
File: 23 KB, 600x342, You_Were_The_Chosen_One.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was supposed to be gura killer

>> No.69665319
File: 2.12 MB, 2240x3008, l3kyyqac3hs91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actively moving away from content they regret doing
>evil person
>actual psychopathic shit

Name a more iconic duo than unicorns and melodramatic hyperbole

>> No.69665387

Stfu yuko, will kill you next week

>> No.69665446

Farming a bunch of lonely fucks telling them how she loved them so much, to send her romantic maros because she loves reading them and pent uppies posting whilst quite probably having an active BF the entire time is just malicious "get that bag girl" mentality that only other bitter women would call based. It's not surprising but there were actual autists in her community, one sad fuck died buying into her grift. You have to be maladjusted to treat men like cattle then cut them off like none of it ever happened no matter how "low value" or disgusting you may see them as.

Everyone involved deserves their share of mockery but this bitch is shameless and there are far too many women comfortable with taking retards on the GFE mindfuck nowadays whilst thinking they are doing nothing morally wrong.

>> No.69665485

This is missing a lot of info about the groomer circles she's a part of and the vlog shit

>> No.69666109

>one sad fuck died buying into her grift

>> No.69666211

A boobro called fireholder, died months ago - not sure what he was ill with I was never part of the discord clique

>> No.69666476

Bur I just saw the what if I was ur daki post okay I was wrong

>> No.69666839

she basically had a breakup stream where she dumped anyone who had brought into her GFE stick, im sure she will be fine, but her old fans are understandably bitter about this.

>> No.69667135

Remeber to kill phasecucks on spot.

>> No.69667541

I can't tell if its more or less fortunate to die ignorant of her true nature

>> No.69667574
File: 41 KB, 1212x1050, i_never_wanau_see_you_again_[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fslxcm6.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69667796

That's why bf rrat is most compelling, she is getting fucked so she no longer needs her audience for that. I still think it's fucked up the way she did it, very fucked up. Normal thing would be if she just toned it down, not deleting shit, ghosting her fanbase, while following guys on her PL that hate her fanbase or some shit. Also, she cultivated this fanbase herself, I could understand if they were unwanted coomers from one stream, but she kept enabling gfe for a year.

>> No.69667972

That or she were manipulated to cut off any source of income that is not her old simps, so she ends up more dependent on them

>> No.69667990

>Return stream buff
>Her paypigs have now all left
>The drama buff ccv will soon fall off
Anon you have to be new here right? Surely you know how things work by now don't you?
Dramafriends DO NOT stick around for every stream.

>> No.69668036

>Pippa cuck telling chuubas to do male collabs
You really don't help yourselves do you?
You know people would actually like phase if it wasn't for you retards non-stop shitting up the place.

>> No.69668164

I think he was an actual ojisan so at the very least you can hope he experienced real affection at least once in his life before falling for a egirl for whom love and affection is a """content""" choice that can be turned on and off when it's no longer convenient for her, but then again he ended up right there with the rest of the people being strung along so who really knows.

>> No.69668330


>> No.69668494

you forgot to mentioned that she went back to her old groomer who's a convicted pedophile and they made fun of boobros together

>> No.69668520

Why are you even in this board if you have such a hate boner for autistic woman online

>> No.69668549

Then she is even more retarded than she lets on. You have the entire company backing you up, that loves fucking money. Who could've manipulated her? Bf? Some retard from her PL? How would he do that? I don't know, I don't like word "manipulated", because it shifts the blame from her when she is a grown up girl.

>> No.69668657

im p sure she wasnt doing gfe coomerbait before idol
she was just fucking /k/ guys on a ranch, thats very different

>> No.69668787

lol no the only losers are the people who fell for it, based yuko

>> No.69669159

The worst case scenario is that the additional Subs may be GFE Vtuber haters who neither watch nor support financially.
They learned that with the influence of Niji's reputation, this place cannot be ignored.

>> No.69669262

ITT seething unicornfags mad that she don't want to do GFE anymore

>> No.69669457
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, 1701643257333286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as an outsider
then why do you care so much about "fan betrayal" when you are not even part of her fanbase??
She just changed up her content and the ones that are seething are unicorns

>> No.69669490

fucking slut

>> No.69669592

I don't care that she doesn't do GFE, but I can't overlook someone who hates GFE manipulating Vtubers.
Niji refugees are already trying to make Niji-like changes within the Holo community.

>> No.69669675

Oh, but she'll do plenty of gfe for her groomers from now on. (still won't tell them about the black bvll plowing her every day though)

>> No.69669690

I know when you are a buzzword spouting retards nuance can be hard but
>Yuko dindu nuffin it's all the evil unicorns
is both wrong and shows you have no idea who she or her fans were.
Is just a taste of how hard she grifted these fucks, and as for the unicorn part, she had far too many red flags and previous information dug up to actually appeal to anybody that wanted purity. They bought into her (feigned) affection, GFE and coomer content. That was her audience, not your holobrony/unicorn boogeyman.

>> No.69669886

dude this isnt about GFE, she stopped doing it because she went back to her old /k/ groomer who's a legit convicted pedophile, that's the main problem here

>> No.69669988
File: 514 KB, 574x410, clown world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual boomer dies of cringe waiting for a cute and funny 2D ghost to give him the GFE the war/s stole from him
There's a non-zero possibility that his account will still be paying her until it runs dry. Imagine wasting your life's savings to be cucked from the afterlife.
May this be the fate of all unicorns.

>> No.69670188

she is still responsible for her shitty decisions, if she “proved her loyalty” by doing all of this, it does not change that she made her choice even if that choice were forced by a third party who wanted more control over her

>> No.69670747

He went before she pulled back the curtain so he got plenty of GFE and he most likely unironically made arrangements for his sub to keep renewing because he died loving her. Yeah it's clownworld shit but you are still a shitty person to take pleasure in him being "cucked" for the crime of... being a sad old boomer who ate up the affection he got from her. As far as I recall he wasn't even pushy about the content she did and the blanket removal of all the affectionate members posts would have hurt him more than pulling back on the hard GFE/coomer shit.

You rubbernecking women/anticorns ITT are something else.

>> No.69670799

You are evil and I hope you receive karmic punishment for your actions.

>> No.69670986

they don't. a handful of incel psychopaths are mad that she's trying to better herself instead of wallow in the slop like them as their personal cum dumpster. The vaaaaast majority of boobros are happy she's back and having a great time!

>> No.69671150

>Why does everyone hate her now?
i literally don't care about your little 1view
>I watched her stream
interesting, with that model i would have bet money that that's a boy

>> No.69671216

I'm not an anticorn, but I just can't bring myself to care about GFE-tubers. It's always struck me as incredibly fake and disingenuous. And every time a GFE-tuber slips up, I'm proven right. You guys brought this upon yourself. How many times do you people need to be tricked before you learn your lessons and stop becoming victims to obvious lies? I promise you that there is not a single GFE shitter who genuinely loves her fans romantically.

>> No.69671560

Also you need to add on top
>get your direct competitor to promote your alt on her account and promote upcoming streams
It's one thing to start saying you'll move to your alt, but then doing that must've made her manager freak the fuck out, people get terminated over much smaller shit

>> No.69671740

she's a 4 view with 250k subs you stupid faggot. she's bigger than your oshi, odds are

>> No.69671766
File: 6 KB, 208x250, 1691413348051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not get angry at a woman for being a woman, get angry at yourself for falling through at elaborate ruse, to see a 3DPD woman as a 2D anime girl, the reason you like 2D anime girls is that they aren't real, and they exist in the fabrication of your ideals of how a woman should act, they don't act like IRL women in your mind.

Don't be deceived by vtubers, because ultimately they are just IRL women, with their own personal life that you will never be part of, and that they deliberately hide to gain economical gains and attention, just emotional whores, accept it and move on.

Decide if you can enjoy Vtubers as entertainers playing a character, while remembering that they aren't your friend, lover or acquaintance, and that you should never give them money for some fake and calculated attention. If you can't do that, and you helplessly fall in their mind games, then get a new hobby, because you are using vtubers as a cope mechanism that is the result of your lack of social life.

Never forget that vtubers are backed by companies that have the unique purpose of making money off you, selling a service or product.

>> No.69671818

Everyday I'm thankful for my above-average intuition. I sniffed her out before falling for the spiel.
Never been betrayed by a chuuba.

>> No.69671827

Bf told her to stop with the gfe shit. Bf tired of being cucked.

>> No.69671951

>You guys
I watched her to coom and because she did some boomer rock karaokes (entire dark side of the moon album on kazoo) that were silly and fun. Some cute loooooong members streams too. I never bought into the hard GFE like some other people, that doesn't mean I don't have empathy for the people that did, especially when she has cut them off so coldly and stalined her own content to facilitate the transformation, banning/blocking regulars and not just the worst of the schizos either.

My main point is that these women should bear more responsibility for mindfucking autists by telling them all these lies about how much they love and need them and how pent up they get without them, asking them to express themselves romantically to her to really lock in their mental illness, all for cash. It isn't based, they don't deserve it no matter how stupid you have to be to fall for it, and handwaving it away with
>oh I did that type of content now I do this type of content
absolves them of responsibility of their actions, and leaves only a bunch of confused disillusioned sad fucks who other women and twitter tourists seem happy to dunk on whilst ignoring what the content creator did to exploit them. Drives me crazy and seeing it coming is one of the reasons I dropped her about half a year before this happened.

>> No.69671967

I like the vlogs. I don't care for ASMR. Where everyone else says no thank you, I say yes please.

>> No.69671986
File: 6 KB, 222x227, 1708407670648053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true sister, the same way I promise you I'm a niji fan and you totally don't lack the ability to not fall for bait

>> No.69672121

>it was a gradual change
>3 months
Retard. This kind of shit is why you women manipulate you so easily.

>> No.69672160

>My main point is that these women should bear more responsibility for mindfucking autists by telling them all these lies about how much they love and need them and how pent up they get without them, asking them to express themselves romantically to her to really lock in their mental illness, all for cash. It isn't based, they don't deserve it no matter how stupid you have to be to fall for it, and handwaving it away with
On one hand, getting cucked by a VTuber is a skill issue. The autists should have chosen better.
On the other hand. Blame the dealer, not the consumer.
These dishonest hoes should be flogged for what they're doing. I have no pity when gfe-whores get killed, but I feel for every man who was betrayed by his online gf and kills himself.
I do not hate the few genuine gfe-vtubers.

>> No.69672223


>> No.69672277

What is genuine gfe? Doesn't the part where it's an experience imply that it's manufactured to begin with?

>> No.69672406

>What is genuine gfe
The one where the streamer is as emotionally invested in the audience as the audience is into them.
e.G., Kiara, Shondo (tho some of her recent behavior is sus according to the general) and probably some indies.
I don't consume that content normally, so i don't really know.

>> No.69672495

Niji fans don't exist.

>> No.69672500

>I do not hate the few genuine gfe-vtubers.
I don't have an issue with the more slow burn incidental gfe either but I have come to dislike the pandering type mainly because of Yuko. She was saying how she loved her boobros so much in possibly her first real stream which at the time I just laughed at as her grooming paypigs but at this point any chuuba I watch who starts up that shit is a drop for me.

>> No.69672566

spoonfeed me on Shondo's recent behaviour, I dropped her after that Darkhall or whatever stuff, but I still think fairly high of her.

>> No.69672654

The thing is, ain't GFE kind of like a service? So a service provider can just stop, no?

At the end of the day she's just a content creator, shouldn't she be free to create other types of content?

>> No.69672751

Nothing wrong with that, ghosting her fans and then pulling the plug on previous shit she produced is the problem. If she just said I want to slowly move on from gfe, I don't think she would get so much flak, aside from few schizos.
You mold your community for a year in certain way and then get upset at what kind of community you groomed yourself.

>> No.69672840
File: 363 KB, 597x677, 1708501180443840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch really is nyanners 2.0

>> No.69672841

Parasocial spergs started malding after she says she'll be stopping the GFE streams in favor of making streams she likes

>> No.69672934

The other one has a handjob at the end, that's pretty good.

>> No.69672950

>So a service provider can just stop, no?
Yeah, and people who used the service will get pissed when it gets taken away from them

>> No.69672956

Ask them. As far as I know she toned it down somewhat and plays favorites with certain chatters. The latter accusation is probably partially delusional.
Methinks Shondo is holding up pretty good. As she gets more popular and better connected, her peers are probably telingl her to tone that shit down. They'll say it's creepy or weird. Honestly its just normies being normies who can't comprehend broken people who really care about each other on the internet and it makes them mad.

>> No.69673085

Two reason

The big one, mass deleting content. Its ok if you want to change directions but deleting everything was a dick move.
The other, signalling people shitting on your fanbase as if they wouldnt find out.

>> No.69673091

this might come as a suprise, but there are a lot of female streamers who do not do GFE but put out entertaining content.

>> No.69673107 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 556x300, 1708521206373476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still better than Kattarina Qutie the CEO's gf
Pic very related

>> No.69673196


>> No.69673232

Name 3

>> No.69673253

Yeah but no one is mad about that Katta didn't build up a base on GFEtubing. Yuko was Shondo on Steroids due to her much smaller fanbase and their access to each other.

>> No.69673298

She always played favourites afaik, considering some paypiggers were in her X DMs, but she could read you even if you were a pleb/grey, I still think she is more considerate towards her casual viewers than most other chuubas. That's what drew me to her, she is a humble person, that tries to include her whole audience in stuff, or at least that's how it was when I watched her for a few months.

>> No.69673336

This boo is dead

>> No.69673339


The irony writes itself

>> No.69673355

Shondo has had a few fan revolts. She just knows how to manipulate them.

>> No.69673392

and the fucker terminated Riro for doing the same as Katta lmao

>> No.69673417

We hate her because she revealed that she drives a Prius

>> No.69673481

Wtf. I thought Katta is too menhera for Aviel.

>> No.69673512

He fired her and the manager... she was setting up secret fan orgies...

But worse then that she was promoting her roommate account and thus was trying to take from the Jew a crime punishable by stoning. She is lucky she lives in such progressive times.

>> No.69673603

Are you delusional? Katta plays into GFE the most out of everyone in the company.

>> No.69673755

Anyone archived the Yukonade stream ? I'm about to lose my jerk off material here guys.

>> No.69673785

normally, that last part would hold more weight.
except hers is one of the rare occasions where the corpo outright said who her PL was. they outright used that fact in advertisements.

>> No.69673822

its kinda funny how all the deep gfe talents who have active PL's are on hiatus or going scorched earth now. almost like there was a schism at Idol around November and Aviel used whatever means available to get rid of some of the opposition.

>> No.69673932


>> No.69674261

that is the saddest thing I've ever read on this board and I'm genuinely sad for boobros.

>> No.69674524

She won't make coomer content for her pedophile fans anymore, pedos can only see value in things that make them cum as being a pedo requires an insectoid brain with no true thoughts or emotions.
The average pedo is aphantasic, has no inner monologue and "thinks" in primal emotions and memories they can't even envision.

>> No.69674621

shit b8 I r8 1/8

>> No.69674657

Brown minors didn't even watch Rye and it shows, hate unicorns all you want it won't get you in her spats.

>> No.69674776

the company she's in just had a streamer do infinite yab she could just be trying to distance herself from that end of the pool.

>> No.69674814

coomers are crying cause she got tired of being forced to do degenerate coombait, she said that will NOT drop GFE tho

>> No.69674888

She got groomed like Finana and dropped her peak content like Gina
But with added Gura style ghosting
Which is funny because she's a ghost

>> No.69674891

Look guys, i'm not saying she's evil or that anything bad should happen to her. I just think it'd be funny if the next time she's at offkai a disgruntled unicorn played a cute prank on her.
Like creeping up behind her and touching her on the back of neck with cold metal pliers. I hear women really scream nice you do that ;^)

>> No.69675007

coomer boobro spotted.

>> No.69675072

Riro didnt do anything that at least 3 other talents in the company hadnt already done/ did at the same time.

>> No.69675303

i see no problem with taking pleasure in the suffering of those committing the ultimate sin of intentional self-delusion. it's not just lying, it's lying to yourself. it's essentially self-cucking. deal with the truth or kill yourself, simple as.

>> No.69675351

I'm honestly dissapoint in their lack of creativity here desu.

>> No.69675495

>she's a 4 view
oh, good for her, didn't know that
>250k subs, she's bigger than your oshi
no... not even close, my oshi reached the 1 mil mark a while ago, sry

>> No.69675559

irony always flies over my autistic head, care to point it out?

>> No.69675753

The “I have the pent-uppies” is so cringe

>> No.69675868

It's true, for the first time in her career, her entire audience agreed to stop pointing guns at her head so she is finally free to make the content she wants to

>> No.69676169

wow you motherfuckers got played like a fiddle. I'm so sorry, but I've got to respect the hustle

>> No.69676309


>> No.69676377

But why not just use an ice-cube from a drink. It'd be colder so you'd (and we know it'd be you, creep-ass) get a better reaction. Why even boobro schizos fucking lame?

>> No.69676404

You're basically asking the equivalent of asking casinos to bear responsibility for gambling addictions. Asking McDonalds to take responsibility for causing obesity. Asking Apple to take responsibility for creating iPad babies. Asking bars and pubs to bear responsibility for creating alcoholics. Asking Funko to take responsibility for Pop hoarders.
If these guys are so vulnerable that one internet girl telling them she loves them and misses them when she's not streaming "makes" them develop unhealthy attachments and behaviours, then you have to question whether these guys should really be treated as adults with unsupervised internet. It makes you consider if maybe the men should be treated as having limited cognitive and judgement abilities, and whether or not they should be able to legally consent to transactions and other contracts.

>> No.69676459

>now has a bf

>> No.69676651

>You're basically asking the equivalent of asking casinos to bear responsibility for gambling addictions
What's wrong with that?
>Asking McDonalds to take responsibility for causing obesity.
Whats wrong with that?

If social media giants are forced to deplatform evil opinions, why can't corporations which actually cause harm be held responsible?
Gambling and obesity cause tangible social harm. Especially if your taxes are used to treat them.

>> No.69676957

Like I said earlier in the thread, plenty of mockery to go around if you are so inclined and though they have their share of responsibility for buying into it I just find it tiring seeing these grifters move on from their actions with nothing but backslaps and you go girl on twitter from other creators and tourists.
I'm not asking for legislation or anything like that I just think the women get off scott free from any condemnation and only the fans are seen as weird/stupid for buying into it.
Manipulating spergs for profit in this way may not be a crime but it should mark you like it does them if you choose to do it. As usual though women get away with everything reputation intact.

>> No.69677061

>If social media giants are forced to deplatform evil opinions
they're not. encouraged by the people who give them money, typically, but there is no actual legal enforcement.
the people giving money to mcd's are the people giving themselves diabetes.

>> No.69677092

you're making a false equivalence that implies hard GFE is the only way to do vtubing, when most chuubas don't do anything near what yuko did. putting on that performance was not by any means mandatory, it was an intentional choice to grift vulnerable people. she then made the additional choice to spurn those people after they devoted time and money supporting her in precisely the way she asked them to. the way people who actually supported her feel about her actions is completely understandable

>> No.69677111

>he doesn't know about ESG

>> No.69677250

Don't forget 2Snacks.

>> No.69677318

sluts in skimpy clothes deserve to get raped if they go out at night for being stupid. in the same way that a simp deserves to be separated from his money for being a simp.

>> No.69677451

corporate governance is not the government, anon. it's a system they use to enforce standards that they think will ultimately earn the most money. you think corpo shills morals for anything but looking good so that people think money is ok to be spent on them?

>> No.69677734

Pliers could never make her scream as loud as guardbro or emo do, cuck. Sorry you lost this one boobro. On a side note, I hear ropes and chairs are pretty cheap nowadays.

>> No.69677746

Being a "Gura Killer" sets you up as a menhera failure down the line.

>> No.69678032

as far as i'm concerned it's not a major yab until a foreigner manipulates an image of her

>> No.69678159

Ok but do you guys have an archive of her lewd asmr? you know... to preserve history

>> No.69678434

i've been looking, but so far it's just bits in archives. ragtag moe and the IA.

>> No.69678484

>previous information
doesn't matter, but you can't bring that up and pretend not to care because "you don't watch her".
>(feigned) affection
As a rule of thumb, when a person you never met in person talks about kissing and cuddling with you as a friend, she doesn't mean that literally.

>> No.69678504

Buy an ad, I will NOT watch your backstabbing bustdown chuuba from the Harvey Weinstein corpo
NTA but you're wrong, it's the 4th power, Blackrock have a seat by the Federal Reserve. The US is so interventionist and so into picking winners and losers in the economy with bailouts and redtape that it's a fascist state not very different to China.

>> No.69678515

The shilling on this whore got really boring months ago, good to know her cuck fanbase got BTFO

>> No.69678693

Amen to that.

>> No.69678723

leave yuko alone, I don't want people to hate her

>> No.69678749


>> No.69678849

you're arguing something different from what i'm arguing. i don't see any conflict with our statements, even.

>> No.69678914

>9/10 donothons end up being rugpulls, it's really fascinating that this is the /vt/ equivalent of a shitcoin scam.
Best description of the situation I've heard so far.

>> No.69679011


>> No.69679055

>ice cubes
She might actually like that. Seemed to enjoy one on the bean anyway.

>> No.69679112

please, you would both rape her if you could get away with it.

>> No.69679175

anyone who thinks anime girl on the internet loves them and only them, when they're a faceless drone in a sea of thousands, deserves whatever they get. That's retardation the likes of which should have been purged at birth

>> No.69679221
File: 301 KB, 512x512, IMG_2747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember what they took from you…

>> No.69679334
File: 358 KB, 1054x944, 1708113430316829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much money did you give her anon? C'mon and be brave. Show us them receipts.

>> No.69679361
File: 1.07 MB, 400x400, 1697595036668751.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her so fucking much

>> No.69679480

creepy and weird is her middle name though, I dont think she'll ever stop being like that. she's the most genuinely authentic autist femcel I've ever seen, and I love her for it

>> No.69679521


>> No.69679558

*standing ovation* well said, couldn't have put it better myself. These disgusting troglodytes think her only worth is a jack off cumrag. It's pathetic.

>> No.69679571

She deleted all her dicksucking asmrs

>> No.69679582

>Idol's main source of income is a large sum of money from wealthy single unicorns
They're financed by the Israeli government. She might take a hit herself, but the company is fine.

>> No.69679601

NTA, but the one from before.
It's unwise to attribute every type of corporate governance to greed. You think Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, or Peter Thiel, for example, only care for number go up? They already have all the money in the world.This fallacy is what irks me with most socialistbros.
Even then. motive is irrelevant.
I argued there are, in fact, institutions who control what can and what cannot be said on socmed. Why not do the same for other "social harms"?
What are you even arguing against?
To your original statement,
>you think corpo shills morals for anything but looking good so that people think money is ok to be spent on them?
I reply with 'Yes, absolutely'
This is the vtuber board, so I'm not comfortable with derailing further.
You do you man. I just think your approach is naive. But I could just be a stoopid conspiratard for all I know.

You say creepy and weird, I say honest, highly intelligent and pure.
Shondo is the realest G in the shithole called Twitch. But some of her friends apparently try to change that and corrupt her. Fucking normies.

>> No.69679633

I think she stopped doing GFE stuff because of the Riro Ron shitshow. She doesn't want her own viewers to get too attached.

>> No.69679746

Based. Only Jesus saves.

>> No.69679752

But you should go for her breasts instead of the back of her neck. I've heard much louder squeals that way.

>> No.69679847

>>69679601 (me)
Also she's highly empathetic, wiser than any woman I know other than maybe Fubuki, expects to be honest with themselves from her collab-partners, otherwise she'll just run circles them (see filian collab), and a real goofball.

>> No.69679851

She didn't actually do that you stupid fucking coomer ROPE YOURSELF.

>> No.69679967

Yeah, shondo pretty cute. I'd love to abuse her. You think she's into bloodplay?

>> No.69680040

>capitalism is based
>capital owners will use their wealth to seek control
Based retard anon can’t even think his own positions through, gets angry at other for his own logical incoherence

>> No.69680065

>cold metal pliers make women scream nicely
Oh yes, yes they do...

>> No.69680176

>the state is based
>state politicians will use their influence to enrich themselves and seek control
Based retard.

Also, what is patents? What is lobbyism? What is fiat?
Real capitalism has never been tried :v)

>> No.69680407

I'd also abuse her (consensually!), then cuddle her lovingly.

>> No.69680470

Oh and yeah, and b4 I forgor, copper, bronze, and brass conduct thermal energy better than steel, iron, aluminium, or wolfram. So they'll "feel" colder to the touch. Thus I highly recommend using those to increase the cold shock.
Actually, depending on how you kept them cold, you might actually be able to deliver a nice little static shock too just b4 the moment of contact.
Fuck, I'm actually getting kinda worked-up just typing this!

>> No.69680590

If you haven't touched a cute girls neck with your ice cold hand, you haven't really lived a fulfilling life.
Pliers work too, but I prefer skin contact.

>> No.69680672

Does anybody have a catbox of that clip? I'd love to use to shit up jew threads somewhere down the road.

>> No.69680901

>cold metal pliers
Post it

>> No.69680910

oh I dont disagree. she is honest and pure to a fault. but she's creepy and weird, she'd say so herself I bet

>> No.69680965

>purposefully target the lonely and schizo demographic for profit
>throw them away at the drop of a hat when financially comfortable
>expect no blowback
Adult woman refuses to take responsibility for her own actions. Simps and sisters defend her. Tale as old as time.

>> No.69681010

What I see here is a lot of mental gymnastics to justify your own resentment.
Resentment of how the girls get public support and empathy for their difficulties (stalkers and anxiety) while you get zero empathy because... because you're not a public figure. You're just a faceless name on the stream chat. Nobody owes you commiseration but it's also not something that should be denied to you. It's just not gonna happen unless you have your own personal social connections with people who understand you.
You don't owe them your money and time, just as they don't owe you a certain type of entertainment. If she reneges on the unspoken idol/GFE social contract you are free to cut ties and move on as well, and she will feel some impact from less engagement and income. Isn't that a fair outcome? She is free to rebrand as the outdoorsy normie streamer and she is also free to take the recline in numbers that will come with it.

>> No.69681087

Anon, a state controlled by capital is still a state. You understand that simple concept, right?

A completely necessary tool to incentivize R&D under a capitalist system. If anyone could rip them off, there’s no profit motive. Might as well just remain an agrarian slave state if you want stagnancy.
A system for converting capital into political power. Wonder who that benefits
A low-mid car company anon :^)
>real capitalism
based high schooler doesn’t know about the flour war. Either that or he wants to lay the groundwork for the usurpation of the ruling class like Turgot did. Based desu

>> No.69681229

>cold metal pliers
He is dead literally
Yuko is dead to (you) figuratively
Both your oshi are dead
Seek psychiatric help immediately before you do something the rest of us regret.

>> No.69681362

Is Rye really blocking boo bros?

>> No.69681417

Bros, I just want to shock her with the cold metal. I don't get wtf is up with some of you?

>> No.69681453

If I were to describe myself I'd just say transhumanist by any means necessary. Make it a technologic theocracy for all I care.
My stance is technology has outgrown human evolution. Humans need to catch up quick, or Ted Kaczynski style return to monke is in order.
Fascism, Gommunism and even libertarianism are just means to reach a space-faring civ to me.
What works and what doesn't is ultimately dependent on the genetics and culture of the people under that system.
To remove the human factor from the equation and just assume some kind of uniform human, like Adam Smith and Marx did, makes the effort fruitless.

>> No.69681654

I never said anything about one or another way of vtubing is the only way. I agree what Yuko doing is a shitty thing to do. I disagree that she has some kind of "responsibility" for cultivating and then cutting off a GFE audience because at the end of the day it's as real as Pro Wrestling. There are absolutely many ways to do vtubing, and they will have different rates of reward for the streamer, both depending on the content category and their own skill at execution.

At least I disagree until the point that her so-called "victims" are treated as a protected class of people less able than the average person to care for themselves. There exist laws against swindlers and scammers selling you a product that they don't deliver on. The economics of vtubing are different in that you're sending superchat/tips as donations and not as a direct exchange of goods and services. At most it's a type of "pay what you want" thank-you for entertainment already received. A membership is a month to month subscription that you can stop at any time you feel you're not getting your money's worth. A donothon is just that, a *donation* campaign, meaning donation as in a collection of gifts. That's why they don't call them preorder campaigns for future stream content.

>> No.69681808

>civilised and peaceful discussion about gfe baiting whores turns into shitflinging about political and economic systems
I guess I shouldn't be surprised

>> No.69681954

I'm not to fond of getting baited into politalk, but I think the politicis discussion was comparably civilized and peaceful as well.

>> No.69682425

As a holofan, this type of shit IMMEDIATELY gives me red flags because it tingles my "gold digger" detector.
If the chuuba plans for their brand to be like that or even close to it, they should ease into it.
The awkward initial phase, slowly going closer to each other, small romantic gestures etc. are what makes for REAL GFE.
If a girl is kissing you, sucking you off, pissing for you and generally opening her legs for you within a week, she just wants your money.

>> No.69682497

> What's even with this current change anyway suddenly?
She apparently has a bunch of /k/ groomers attached to her that always start shit with her fans.
This move is basically her siding with them.

>> No.69682553
File: 619 KB, 720x807, yuko old fans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69682559

I wasn't being serious anon

>> No.69682744

> I just can't bring myself to care about GFE-tubers
says the guy posting multiple replies in this thread

>> No.69682763

these people are so delusional. they think posting this shit makes them look good? showing off what deranged creeps they are? its no wonder she wanted to nip this shit in the bud

>> No.69682788
File: 880 KB, 1035x1565, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off cunt

>> No.69682890

Does she do masturbating streams as her old self?
