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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69655510 No.69655510 [Reply] [Original]

Guys help me out I am a niji kidney

Management just said "hey literally anything you say will be repackaged for drama by the 3 dramafags we tried to murder, watch it" but some random faggot on twitter asked me what I think about white people.

What do?

>> No.69655596

>3rd thread on this subject
>tfw hololive has such few streams that anons need to make a general about a faggot's tweet

>> No.69655796

>Vox hasn’t streamed in nearly a month

>> No.69655818

cute esl, i just want to pat your little head

>> No.69655872

Is that actually on the official account?

>> No.69655916

Terminate him tell him that you have zero tolerance policies about racism then call him a violent racist and say he threatened your life

>> No.69655930

let me know what's esl about my post
>implying i give a shit

>> No.69655959


>> No.69656065
File: 400 KB, 622x413, 8f45bd56f31404d52e894c3c6e279439322a7b72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijisanji EN talent: do not be an insufferable spiteful drama creating retard challenge: IMPOSSIBLE

>> No.69656117
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Yep we eating good tonight

>> No.69656160

The only people profiting from the nijien brand name at this point

>> No.69656190


>> No.69656279


>> No.69656473

That is messed up, I thought they booted other talents over this. Gotta push to clean their image.

>> No.69656569

how much do they pay you?

>> No.69656600

Good to see Yucky Wilson getting pissy as well. The fake positivity is really getting exposed.
Reminder that Yucky Wilson is the guy who wanted a mascot design from artists
stole it from artist A
gave it to artist B
paid artist B to make slight edits to original design
announced artist B as the designer
and didn't even credit artist A
And now, on the day where whole branch is "showing public support for artists" he gets roped into pathetic shitfling. Hilarious overreaction too with overblown accusations. These guys are really projecting their insecurities.

>> No.69656697

The purple faggot just confirmed all the bullying allegations. Niji PR in shambles, thanks Doki

>> No.69656763

>be leftoid faggot
>I hate whites

>> No.69656765

the company largely agrees with him

>> No.69656912

Maybe EN management. I don't think the Japanese beancounters like him potentially alienating 1.3 billion people. That's just bad for business.

>> No.69656924

Good to see the company being openly racist.

>> No.69656934

When the only winning play is to shut the fuck up, a team of narcissists are doomed to fail

>> No.69656972

Wait so Uki
>Speaks Mandarin fluently
>Is Racist
Oh god is Uki a Communist?
Cause either of those things on their own is fine but together?
That’s raises a big red flag
(Specifically one with 5 yellow stars on it)

>> No.69657235

meanwhile in Niji main branch, Ban Hada is building an ALL WHITE PC...
Ukikeks... your response?

>> No.69657300

He's Asian American man that larps as a woman. The worst of all worlds

>> No.69657309

oh no, Uki please don't ban Ban..

>> No.69657395

Ban is JP branch, uki can't do shit against him.

>> No.69657417

He gets paid in inches of uki's dick up his ass every night

>> No.69657453

I wonder what he has to post to get all 3

>> No.69657455
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If you think that's bad...

>> No.69657521

Nijisanji is a circus at this point and everyone has free access to their shitshows

>> No.69657534

I'm sorry holoEN members aren't stupid enough to post blatant racism and feed the drama channels on their work account.

>> No.69657589

>Nijisanji is a circus
without a ringmaster to tardwrangle the animals, freaks, and idiots.

>> No.69657597

This fucker really said “Selen was never bullied and you only believe it because of dramatubers”. Maybe we believe it because both Nijisanji and Selen admitted it you sewer monkey fuck

>> No.69657651

They've turned the drama into an interactive event, now everyone can have a go to see if they can trick them into responding to their bait. Extra points if anyone can dunk on their reply like in your example.

>> No.69657687

Holy shit, I kneel

>> No.69657869

oh no, wilmoms what now?

>> No.69657895
File: 1.44 MB, 666x720, Retard siren[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fm86dsg.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-white racism can be funny when it comes from black guys, but when an asian guy does it I just feel like he's butthurt and trying too hard.

>> No.69657965
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I wonder if the news about "Office W" got them all fucked up. They retweeted it before lashing out against Wilson.

>> No.69658023
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good post I'm gonna remember that one

>> No.69658171

I can't find this response anywhere, is it removed?

>> No.69658181

This discredits dramafags, not Niji. You knuckledragging porn addicts just had to cart in your Culture War grift. If Elira, Vox, Ike, and Riku get away with what they did to Selen it’s because you drooling retards made the argument about a fag saying mean words and not that they basically tried to kill their coworker.

>> No.69658291

Even the fucking Niji subreddit is disliking this tweet. If reddit of all places sees it as an issue than the majority of normies will.

>> No.69658319


>> No.69658332

According to another anon, Willson blocked the guy and twitter makes those harded to find? I have no idea how the blue bird site works

>> No.69658335


>> No.69658344
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When the majority of nijisisters are chinese girls with a thirst for the british broadcasting corporation, tweets like that seems a little short sighted.

>> No.69658378


>> No.69658409

I can speak from experience that the asian girls paying all the lip service to "muh white people" are also the ones desperate to fuck them. I assume the same applies to gay asian dudes.

>> No.69658449

YO, is that Vedal?

>> No.69658525
File: 25 KB, 500x388, 4522621+_656ecdd05964d9ba340206cbf127d75e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such few.
So few.
You're either ESL, or just have awkward diction.

>> No.69658609

What is this?

>> No.69658628
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Fucking turbo-oof.
It's like a gatling gun that fires nooses at you.

>> No.69658661

Unrelated small corpo imploding.

>> No.69658663


>> No.69658705

Wactor has been imploding for months ever since their dox incident. Everyone knows they're shit Why is this relevant now and how is he related to it

>> No.69658760

They recently lost all their remaining members who did an expose on them on the way out

>> No.69658872

Isn't there still one girl left? The one who tweeted "what should I do?" or something? Or did she leave too

>> No.69658874
File: 93 KB, 777x632, Screenshot 2024-02-21 094924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His racist tweet got more exposure than the "support the artists" tweet

>> No.69659070

I watched the kaela Lethal Company Collab all the way through and that was enough for me for today. This Faggot putting his foot in his mouth is funny though, and thus I will post about it.

>> No.69659336
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Uki yab thread detected

Deploying theme song

>> No.69659397


>> No.69660191
File: 123 KB, 850x1247, 1698194256669587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, fuck
i also use "such few" colloquially
thanks anon

>> No.69660236

Isnt that a german thing? I usually hear native german speakers say that

>> No.69660253

I'm american and it's pretty common here
Yuro moment

>> No.69660328

Does he not realize he's on a corporate account and not his leftist hug bubble private account?

>> No.69660361

quadruple the fuck down

>> No.69660439

No, he's just part of the crowd who thinks being racist to white people is ok. Just an excuse to hate on a race of people

>> No.69660450

>tfw trying to keep your company afloat through a PR nightmare but you realized you hired a bunch of twitter brained chinese and homosexuals

how much do you think riku regrets his life choices

>> No.69660534

I will legitimately laugh if one day, one of these talents cross the line and say something on twitter that actually gets the account banned.

>> No.69660623

I reported uki on twitter and got an official response saying no action is being taken because he didn't violate any guidelines

So no, nothing will happen. Unless someone insults muskrat

>> No.69660700

Fuck off, leftoid. It's unprofessional as hell at a time when they really shouldn't be engaging in this shit.

>> No.69660811

We saw her bullied in real time! They're really showing what they're about

>> No.69660906

And the faggot deleted the reply

>> No.69660934

Expect it to stop soon. The mods (who are all livers) came back from their little vacation and are deleting posts again

>> No.69661066

Based Kirsche. Not letting this shitty company sleep

>> No.69661090
File: 40 KB, 444x918, adsgdgsfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter thinks its a nothingburger, bummer

>> No.69661137

I wouldn't be surprised if a mass exodus from that reddit happens quietly now. A lot of them have awoken to how things really are and the cognitive dissonance will drive them out.

>> No.69661143

I can't imagine a Japanese company wants that image for itself

>> No.69661257

Initially I thought maybe there were only a few bad eggs at nijiEN, but it's clear that there's a culture of toxicity that infects everyone there. Badly need to fire like half of them and hire professional tardwranglers who forces basic professionalism on them

>> No.69661425

Well we live in a reality where that company clearly doesn't care about the image of its non-JP branches

>> No.69661705

Lmao of course it does. Racism against white people is not only socially acceptable but encouraged.

>> No.69661784

Considering your kind came from 3rd world shithole, sucking white dick

>> No.69661852

Why are you all picking on Yu.Q. That dude has only been in NijiEN for like 8 months ffs, do you really think he knew anything about the bullying of Selen? It's not like he's in the Kliq

>> No.69663294

Is he gonna get suspended?

>> No.69663467
File: 815 KB, 1440x775, Screenshot_20240221-181058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Management just said
>nijisanji managment
>doing anything
Lmao nice joke

>> No.69663581
File: 230 KB, 1080x898, Screenshot_2024-02-21-12-02-37-10_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Reddit mods woke up after almost a day!

>> No.69663724

>Virtual Gorilla is NijiEN's manager
Big if true

>> No.69663841

faggots will never be smart

>> No.69663874
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>antiracist is really just antiwhite
Gotta say, I don't like how often this happens.

>> No.69664869


>> No.69664923

Because this hasn't turned into a /lig/ board yet.

>> No.69665104

I wonder if there's a timeline where Fubuki joined Nijisanji instead of Hololive. I wonder what that timeline looks like.

>> No.69666071


>> No.69666122
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>> No.69666574

Riku's watching NijiEN burn. Once it burns down enough and he gets enough flack from the JP investors, the branch will be cut off, and the queen bee will become a sub-queen.

>> No.69666656

Isn't he a reddit moderator?
He probably did it himself kek.

>> No.69666690

If your company is burning down, don't pour gasoline on the fire. Obvious to most adults that aren't KuroEN members.

>> No.69666700

Say something hateful against white people, that always get good results!

>> No.69667123

why would you insult your customers?

>> No.69667242

Do they actually think they have the reputation left to just deny this and they will look good? These organs are disconnected from reality.

>> No.69667428
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God, I hope cour 2 is going to have season 1 quality.

>> No.69668182

Please name names on this because holy shit if real

>> No.69668354

>3rd thread on the subject
>jannies deleted two
>the faggot not suspended
>the faggot tweet not deleted
Yeah I'm thinking we need 3 more at least

>> No.69668447

Meanwhile friend's account got banned for telling a nigger his music is shit

>> No.69668467


>> No.69668606

and yet you financially support them.

>> No.69668649

brown moment

>> No.69668678

I don't think Riku is willing to bow to the white people again.

No longer thinking it's just bad management. It's bad livers.

>> No.69668827

Why are non-whites so evi

>> No.69668850

Full of hatred and jealousy

>> No.69670757

ahem can i just say i hate racists, especially when they act like niggers on twitter

>> No.69670998

Is this the "racist" tweet /vt/ has been raging over? This is literally SJW-level nitpicking.

>> No.69671202

>Most bottom of the barrel dollar tree bait you can find
>They're still feasting on it like it's a gourmet dish they can't get enough of
Where are their PR managers? I would've thought the first thing you'd tell your organs is to not do this

>> No.69671201

Folks here are insecure because it's 4chan, but the truth is that asians in america shit on white people as a sort of mating call. The ones that actually hate white folks don't talk about it openly, they just kick you out of their restaurant, spit in your food or passive aggressively hand you a spoon to eat noodles with.

"WHITEY IS SO LAZY WHITE MEN BUILT THE SYSTEM TO WIN" is about the same energy as "I hate you daddy you don't love me." It's not sincere bigotry, it's begging white people to give them positive attention and validation they crave, and they're misbehaving to get it. They're inured in what they see as a white-centric culture and they're desperate to feel like they have a place in it. It's just really funny when a gay guy does it because it's so much more blatant and shameless. His crying has about as much teeth has his blowjobs.

>> No.69671218

Acts like a faggot, get called out like the faggot he is. Talk shit get hit; it's the rule of the internet.

>> No.69672103

I don't understand anti-white racism from Koreans. If we didn't intervene in the Korean war they'd all be speaking Chinese by this point.

>> No.69672183

He says this stuff about once a stream but he's such a a fucking nobody to anybody but fujos so no one hears it

>> No.69672326

Crackers have paper skin please understand. They think racism is only okay when they do it.

>> No.69672382
File: 341 KB, 1080x1120, Screenshot_2024-02-21-15-39-10-78_f9ee0578fe1cc94de7482bd41accb329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mama is not a racist asshole because there have been bigger racist assholes before!!

>> No.69672517
File: 260 KB, 829x802, 1619746855453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asian people were getting killed because of racists
Huh, he doesn't say "by" racists. Curious.

>> No.69672687

Guy unironically has white cock living in his head.
The hosts won't let me win because they are "white people"
While impersonating Reimu, "white people can't cook"
Who walks and runs in the summer? "White people" *awkward laughter*
"White man does the bare minimum"
"You're a fucking white male"
"White people can't kiss"
Some white people give him a friendly greeting on the street. He assumes they're racist.
"White people's hotdogs suck"
These clothes will only match you "if you're a pasty white person". Chat goes LMAO!
"creepy ass white man....I hate you"
The only times white people were mentioned and it wasn't in the negative sense:
"that white man was there again"
"the naked white man"

>> No.69672695

The Asian hate stuff was not that bad even during the worst part of 2020
Asians are so fucking spoiled about this as being the chosen minority who are both preferential for diversity but also better off financially than whites in most areas.

>> No.69672701


>> No.69672827

It's still there, just buried

>> No.69672931

>Guy unironically has white cock living in his head.
Smartest thing ever came in his head

>> No.69672955

Don't you dare act like if this was about blacks, niggers wouldnt have a total meltdown about it and uki wouldn't have been banned. Don't you dare you hillbilly motherfucker

>> No.69673303

What the fuck?
Why do all minorities, even the (on average) smarter ones, have such an inferiority complex when it comes to the fair skinned folx?
"Uwu women of my race won't date me" -> white mans fault
"Uwu i capped three niggers and now I'm going to jail" -> white mans fault
"Uwu I had to built a global shadow government because I'm scared of their ingenuity and sense of justice" -> white mans fault.

>> No.69673405

Not even niggas, white/asian minors lol.

>> No.69673814

>Proceeds to goon to Vox ERP vods for 8 hours

>> No.69673846

You even have an in-Nijisanji example to compare it with, the Enna "chicken" comment. Enna had to do a public apology (IIRC, she was even briefly suspended?) for something that was unintentionally racist against black people, but Uki making intentionally racist comments about white people (on multiple occasions, too) gets ignored.

>> No.69673979

It's buried under a shit ton of tweets, so you have to scroll down far to find it.

>> No.69674293

I wonder how much more stuff is buried since no one watches him.

>> No.69676110

>Blatant racism

>> No.69677874

Anon, that's not what lip service means. Paying lip service means you're approving of something.

>> No.69677932

It's called X now, at least submit a recent report.

>> No.69678072

Agreeing in words only, not actions.

>> No.69678114

link? I want to read the comments.

>> No.69678186

Exactly, it is completely the wrong phrase to use in this situation.They are not "paying lip service" to white people (speaking well of them), they insult them.

>> No.69678305

EN management might not care but letting Nijisanji livers rant about hating white men is a bad look for the company. Even incompetent management should understand that a foreigner moving into Japan and calling Japanese men selfish would generate some controversy.

>> No.69678366

Look at the replies. This might as well be his lefties bubble account.

>> No.69678466

They were considered a chosen or ideal minority in America because they knew to keep their heads down, kept to themselves, and still supported the states through several labors despite experiencing racism, especially for those who resided in low income areas. The later gens are upstarts who don't know what real racism is.

>> No.69679428

Why do you give a shit about this post?

>> No.69679501


>> No.69679503
File: 164 KB, 640x358, 0475348573762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zero word about holo

>> No.69679704

tell Elon, as in @ him with this shit

>> No.69680052

Let's get a 2nd opinion (and 3rd, 4th, 5th etc)

>> No.69680302
File: 698 KB, 1290x943, 1707418758581135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell black people to stop attacking asians: racist
>let them: racist

>> No.69680354

Maybe management should be doing its job (instead of review legal documents very throughly) and controlling their talent
