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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69634621 No.69634621 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.69634806

fuck honkies

>> No.69634860

Woke shit, his next move will be to play the oppressed victim as some minority gay guy and some kind of made-up past event to victimize himself.

>> No.69634861

Some of those he was sitting on.

>> No.69634901

Guy thinks that being a troon gives him a pass to be racist.

>> No.69634945

BASED uki blowing the fuck out of the troon suisei fag

>> No.69635047

This is not really out of the ordinary for social media tho.

>> No.69635070 [DELETED] 

I hate whitoids so much it's unreal.

>> No.69635342
File: 15 KB, 640x272, nLlatDYVwxIEsMRq9jupbKf6baG-oxMrfh6yyJBgBWY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uki did this to get terminated
>he cuts ahead of Scarle in the termination queue

>> No.69635408

Why do these threads keep getting deleted? Suspicious...

>> No.69635513

someone doesnt want to get their baby terminated

>> No.69635578

Damn that tweet got 1k likes do you think her next stream will get 1k views

>> No.69635582
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Fun rrat, but he's not smart enough for that

>> No.69637485

Think people will hold Uki to a higher standard or just let it pass yet again

>> No.69637869

It's on the front page of r/nijisanji now

If the drama channels DON'T bite, i'll suck a dick (Marine's)

>> No.69637883

Why is his entire personality being gay and hating white people?

>> No.69638042

He's a gay minority

That's what ALL of them are

>> No.69638113

It's what his fans want, that's the audience he has cultivated

>> No.69638152

Isn't Elira white?

>> No.69638217

Thats the rub

>> No.69638283

Why did he felt the need to reply from these bait replies?
It was the same with Vivi.


>> No.69638338

Without proper wranglers, chuubas are children.

>> No.69638475

vivi's was actually kinda based, nothing wrong with calling out a person for being to sensitive. It isn't all about what you do, it's also about how you do it.

>> No.69638530

Unironic racism, inappropriate for a large corpo vtuber, but ultimately I don't care

>> No.69638545

Small pp

>> No.69638575

Wow, its real. What a retard.

>> No.69638586

she's at least half Japanese i think

>> No.69638648

no proper tardwranglers

>> No.69638651

Their wrangler was the clique and Elira but that created more problems than its worth clearly

>> No.69638660

wtf I like nijisanji now

>> No.69638665

Will she be kinda based again and call out Uki?

>> No.69638738

ESL here, what did she mean by that?

>> No.69638801

Eh, its for the par for the company nowadays
I'm just waiting for someone to make a Shrek meme out of this, because its perfect

>Could you not shut up... FOR FIVE MINUTES
and just plaster this, Riku's bowing, and the termination notices over Donkey's head

>> No.69638803

You don't stir shit as a public figure in a job revolving around entertainment.
It gains you nothing and loses you viewers.
The same reason your "based", "no filter" 2-3 view chuubas are still 2-3 view.

>> No.69638812

racism against whites isn't a thing retard

>> No.69638929

yes it was based but it doesn't really help their current situation tho, doesn't it?

>> No.69638977 [DELETED] 

Same thing goes for blacks. At worst for them its animal abuse.

>> No.69639008

racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

>> No.69639015

doubtful, she seems pretty clever honestly. Even if Niji is suffering right now you don't want the rep of being someone who torpedos a coworker. Look at that happened to Elira.
eh debating able hecklers and mocking them have been a part of stand up for a long time. you just have to be smart about how you do it. Hence why people are shitting on uki right now and not her.

>> No.69639070
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>> No.69639153

What did Uki say about straight white men originally?

>> No.69639154

Palm colored is still my favorite

Like yeah, lmao, we are the same color all over, we don't have different colored hands and feet like fucking apes

>> No.69639184

t. lives in a country like flipland that is 99.999% non-white and has never met a white person outside of spics pretending to be white on 4chan.

They are tumblr people and a very strong example of why nepotism is bad, so was sana. Stop hiring your dumb friends to fuck up easy jobs.

>> No.69639187

fuckin "ketchup is spicy, I just paid off my mortgage" mother fuckers

>> No.69639210

Because he actually hates white people retard, in case the fact that his response contained no pun or joke didn't make it obvious

>> No.69639213

Oh shit I forgot. You can't be racist to those in power, and since whites are all-powerful...
Wait a minute, who came up with this rule again?

>> No.69639302 [DELETED] 

a list of things white people did
>invented racism and pretend to be good bois.
>enslaved blacks, killed innocent arabs in the crusades, raped native americans, gassed people, nuked japan and treat almost everyone as subhumans.
>are the reason of poverty in africa, islaeli-palestinian conflicts, civil war in syria, literally went to war just because some countries didn't want to be addicted to drugs anymore, etc...
And don't try to deflect this on jews because whites enable their behaviour for thousand of years

>> No.69639318

It doesn't, but I think it doesn't hurt either. Telling a retard: "Fuck off retard" while not sounding retarded yourself is always pretty neutral, and she did that perfectly fine.

>> No.69639362

I feel like it has not been that long since Niji had some shit blow up, why does this keep going on?

>> No.69639407
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Fag sounds like he got turned down by a white dude a while ago and his ass is still burnt about it.

>> No.69639427 [DELETED] 

>lol the blacks
yep, typical whitey

>other races: experience systems literally built against their interest
>whites: boohoo someone called me white
such a snowflake lol

>> No.69639570

English come From White People

>> No.69639575

nigga, uki's audience are the turbo woke blue/green haired communist with septum piercings.

>> No.69639642

>farm equipment talking

>> No.69639689

>You can't be racist to those in power
you literally can't retard, racism requires power

>> No.69639701

Oversensitive white boys should kiss each other and get over it

>> No.69639804

Who doesn't have power now? Even the us has had a black pres

>> No.69639827

oh nvm you must be a mexican cosplaying a whitey

>> No.69639928

That was really cool when Obama ended racism forever.

>> No.69639984
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>> No.69639992
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>posting the edit

>> No.69640012

what is the point of a post like this anon, you clearly know that wasn't what I said. Unless you can't read

>> No.69640029

Nijisanji hates white people, and its based?

>> No.69640048 [DELETED] 

oh right I forgot the blacks run the majority of america now, must have forgot

>> No.69640054

After further review, Monday-san is a notorious Holoan/jp dogfucker after going through his tweets. Therefore Uki wins and he deserves the wrath of the demented sisters. Monday-san will be charged with a timeout. Third Down.

>> No.69640061

You gave it away, anon, the Tumblr/Twitter crowd considers retard to be a slur

>> No.69640111

Was it not cool when that happened? I thought it was cool.

>> No.69640127

white poeple elira,vox,fulgur,ren, etc.. riku should terminated this white person on nijiEN

>> No.69640169

surprisingly quick

>> No.69640262

and I consider you a retard, retard

>> No.69640264

anon they literally got away with burning down cities

>> No.69640318

That happened?

>> No.69640338

oh yeah? which ones?

>> No.69640419


maybe not, but they literally get away with rape and assault all over europe. Cops are not allowed to arrest you for sexual assault so long as the perp is black and victim is white in sweden.

>> No.69640434

nobody even knows who this fag is, it will go unnoticed

>> No.69640435

shit chuubas deserve a shit audience that'll clap for this retarded shit

>> No.69640535

>but they literally get away with rape and assault all over europe.
source: trust me bro

>> No.69640590

It's actually hilarious how every time nijisanji tries to score a PR win they end up shooting themselves in the foot

>> No.69640596

NijiENs trying their best not to say absolutely the most retarded thing possible and make themselves look braindead for at least one fucking day, IMPOSSIBLE

>> No.69640618

I too love saying whatever fucking retarded bullshit I want and claiming it's true.

>> No.69640710

Is Niji the community's own lolcow?

>> No.69640715

>being allowed to rape euros consequence free
damn that's pretty based of them ngl

>> No.69640768

He's been like this since debut anon.

>> No.69640973

I liked him more when his account was still run by management

>> No.69641055

You're not white, why do you care so much?


>> No.69641098

So True chink

>> No.69641132

yo is this real?

>> No.69641142

No one cares about white "people"

>> No.69641253

imagine saying stupid shit when all eyes are on the company and its talents
what a retard kek

>> No.69641394
File: 277 KB, 663x711, 528f104e78b26ffb99b2495fef43a929c3d204b0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most vtubers are just lolcows or people waiting for lolcows
which is why you should avoid any vtuber that talks about reality often as if they live in reality and not their anime pocket dimension

>> No.69641403

>imagine saying based* shit when all eyes are on the company and its talents

>> No.69641451

he really couldn't resist not replying lmao

>> No.69641454 [DELETED] 

Why are you seabrowns pretending to give a shit about this? I'm like 90% sure no actual ytie gives two fucks about some fag taking jabs at them.

>> No.69641475

This is just business as usual in NijiEN, it's a shithole. It won't even be a blip on the radar, it's not like he uploaded a song cover.

>> No.69641589

Nobody actually cares, but if they manage to ban the fag it'll be pretty fucking funny.

>> No.69641592

Nah, hearting an anti's comment is probably WAY more egregious to Niji than non-Asian racism

>> No.69641628

Good point anon, and I agree that people who really blur the line between personal and professional life are bound to have some catastrophic meltdowns that ruin things in both spheres.

It is good to leave it at the door, going both ways.

>> No.69641649


>> No.69641720

is he wrong though

>> No.69641836

of course things will get wrong when you let out twenty-something manchildren with influencer house mentality letting loose

>> No.69641867

While it is a shitty generalizing statement, I have seen far worse. Gotta say. Mild by my standards.

Why care about this person?

>> No.69641896

Just black company things, also based.

>> No.69641937

Uki has always been a cunt even in his PL. Elira’s diversity hire doing work.

>> No.69641965


>> No.69641974

wake up fag, new niji drama just dropped

>> No.69641978

Gotta keep their ESG score up!

>> No.69642028

The millions of white people on twitter that are already extremely angry at Nijisanji are going to care. LMFAO.

>> No.69642175

Damn those clips actually look pretty bad. You can tell he aint joking in some of them.

>> No.69642226 [DELETED] 

based. i hate niggers.

>> No.69642262

It's over white men bros...

>> No.69642318

how do Niji keep taking Ls like this, unbelievable man

>> No.69642372

He said this in a time dramaniggers are circling, waiting for nijisanji to screw up
He's a niji talent acting like a retard in public

>> No.69642438

whites like to manipulate images like this

>> No.69642479

Fair. That timing, the carelessness is some tone-deaf behavior.

>> No.69642498

that song is really good holy shit

>> No.69642504

you can almost hear the hollow metal pipe hitting the ground

>> No.69642585

Vivi I can at least forgive because she was just saying a fanart looked cute and the dude came out of nowhere and called her a corporate bootlicker for some reason. But for Uki this is just showing how much of a hypocrite he really is.

>> No.69642611

Reading through all these comments I gotta say; can't Americunts just go have a gangbang in a motel somewhere. Get all that racial tension out with some orgies.

You fucking savages.

>> No.69642709
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Terminated for racist comment when ?

>> No.69642724

The thing these sorts of people fail to understand is that power exists on more levels than just structural. Interpersonal power differences also exist—a teacher for example inherently has power over their students; a chink teacher being prejudiced against their white students is thus using their power to discriminate a group with relative lack of power.
Uki may be a gay minority but he is an entertainer with hundreds of thousands of followers, which gives him far more social clout and power than Bubba McHick or social media nobodies. He's not just some rando fag bitching about evil whitey and he should no longer be treated as such.
In short, if racism requires power, Uki has more power than 99% of whipipo that he bitches about.
Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.69642744

>4chan is now unironically against racism
W-we did it reddit!

>> No.69642920

It's normal boba-liberal sj shit. He probably mostly dates white bears while saying this shit. Just like all the girls saying this have white bfs.
At least they didn't get the worst of the west coast: the south asian that lectures you on ethics while having 'servants' back home getting paid 200/yr.

>> No.69642975
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>Without a wrangler
>The chuubas know no disgrace

>> No.69643010

The redditor infiltration rrat is real btw.

>> No.69643066

man white people live in his head rent free seems like

>> No.69643085

only nijisanji


>> No.69643087

thats what the hippie generation tried to do. now all the grown up hippies are some of the most racist people I know

>> No.69643132

Walking talking stereotype of a zoomer gay does zoomer gay things, more news at 12

>> No.69643142
File: 219 KB, 936x697, 1707800232479331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uki's gen is releasing a song today

The comments are a bit one-sided, don't you guys think?

>> No.69643172

Kinda hard to ignore the fact he does it in front of the other talents and they don't say anything.

>> No.69643200

Disappointed in vox's larval stage chinese fans for accepting this slander towards milord. I remember a long ass time ago they got mad at fulgur for some totally harmless banter he was doing on twitter with vox but nowadays uki can just straight up say racist shit and they don't even care. Kindred just ain't what they used to be

>> No.69643255

(We)'re against hypocrisy. Either none of it is ok or all of it is ok.

>> No.69643308


>> No.69643317 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 400x226, e3c83bff-91b0-4ee1-8820-c2cd316183ac_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucking wonder Kyo left. He probably couldn't stand the fact this fucking korean twink

>> No.69643333

>the only ones with likes are the negative ones which got filtered to the bottom

>> No.69643367

What does /vt/ think about vtubers racist against white people?

>> No.69643466


>> No.69643471
File: 265 KB, 400x226, e3c83bff-91b0-4ee1-8820-c2cd316183ac_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder Kyo left, he probably couldn't stand this korean twink

>> No.69643514

>I have seen far worse. Gotta say. Mild by my standards.

>> No.69643519

No, racism is based, I just want them to own up to it

>> No.69643562

holy kek niji cant help themselves

>> No.69643590 [DELETED] 

the irony here that /vt/ are mostly sea niggers yet they're being anti-racist since niji is going racist. kek

>> No.69643645

this level of obsessed goes beyond "joking" this ugly chink fag got generational trauma from grindr

>> No.69643688

Why all of this resurfacing now? From the looks of it seems like a common and old thing?
I don't care about this fag, but the other nijis not calling him out tells you a lot

>> No.69643714

Asian americans/canadians are incapable of being based.

>> No.69643739

nigga he's part of the clique.

>> No.69643783
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>vtubers racist against white people
>vtubers racist against Korean people
>vtubers racist against Black people


>> No.69643794

Okay that was way worse, WTF

Dude seems to wear it like part of his personality, so he is a traditional tribalfag, complete with the regular jokes about ''the other group''. Sad shit to platform.

>> No.69643811

More eyes
Nijisisters were divided into two circles
Boy crazy chinks/indogs, and girl-likers
Drama put more eyes on the situation
Uki was baited into outting himself in front of an audience

2IQ dog eater couldn't figure out that he wouldn't be getting off scott free like before

>> No.69643885

>assumes all of SEA is about racism
Bro we just like to shit on the other team and take their land, do not confuse us with that garbage

>> No.69643953

an actual W for these racism bro's, I can't believe it, 2024 full of surprises

>> No.69643972

>the most obvious bait in the world
>just as the drama is beginning to quiet down a little
>this retard bites the bait hook, line and sinker
i'm more convinced than ever that uki is a clique member, there's no way someone who isnt locked in their own little bubble would lack the awareness to not bite such obvious bait.

>> No.69643987

>Lower case White
>Capitalize Korean and Black
Libtard detected.

>> No.69643992

This one is effective, gotta start posting this version when replying on X.

>> No.69643995

I mean... every other profile on grindr does say 'no asians'

>> No.69644001

>Enna jokes about blacks eating chicken once
>Get cancelled but freaks for a week and had to appologize
>Kyo jokes about Korean surgery once
>Forced to appologize by Anycolor despite him saying he will never appologize
>Gets fed up and decides to quit
>Uki "jokes" (straight up racism) about white people frequently
>Never get any backlash neither by fans or his company
I'm not even white but the double standards are insane

>> No.69644017

LMAO. Who the fuck are you talking about? No one hates white people more than white people on Twitter. The only people who actually care about white people racism are people here.

>> No.69644041

Good point, figured he was safe, guard down.

>> No.69644146

hating white people and being gay are his only personality traits, so he just didnt see anything wrong with it. clique probably cant protect him anymore though.

>> No.69644148

>You can't be racist to white people, and its consequences.txt
Stupid people lap up idiocy, and here we are with the fruits of the harvest.

>> No.69644209

i dont agree that "millions" of white people would be angry but there are a lot of us who are tired of seeing this shit but don't say anything for fear of backlash

>> No.69644225

got terminated

>> No.69644243

I hope and pray that they are so incredibly retarded they double down and dig deeper. The fallout would be glorious.

>> No.69644477

>this one vtuber is gonna inspire everyone to hate whites and then we'll be the true victims just you wait and see
damn, I sure hope so anon

>> No.69644537

Or it's just genuinely who he is and he doesn't give a shit about the consequences. I mean, what, he's gonna get fired from nijisanji? His underage asian fans don't care so he can just go back to being indie.

>> No.69644563

hippes were just assholes from rich white families with no responsibilities

>> No.69644567

Why stop at one group, that's just narrow minded

>> No.69644604

You think anything is gonna happen? He will probably get away with it, white people don't care about silly third worlders being racists and self hating americans love it.

>> No.69644651

WHY does he hate white people so much though?

>> No.69644766

>straight up racism
racism against whites isn't a thing retard, also why are you pretending you're not white?

>> No.69644804

Snow Bigcock didn't wanna break his Asian androgynous ass as there was no muscle and he would break.

>> No.69644814

For every White person who's tired of it, there's like 10 that will like it either out of self deprecation or because they think they have to. "White people when" memes are still easy bangers on Twitter. I can almost guarantee that Khyo will get more backlash for covering it, than Uki would for saying it. Especially if Khyo is white himself.

>> No.69644840

>white people don't care about silly third worlders being racists
over here if some chink talked shit like that he would get his face remodeled for free very fast, idk how americans are.

>> No.69644855

because he's white himself, obviously

>> No.69644894

He's a gay asian who lives in america. Pretty grim, really

>> No.69644903

He fell for the government propaganda to divide and conquer the population so they're easier to manipulate.

>> No.69644971

If he's gonna do it he should be forced to do it on kick or dlive or rumble whatever streaming platform the others are doing it on.

>> No.69645033

good, he should get stoned everytime he goes out

>> No.69645131
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What the fuck is NijiEN doing?

>> No.69645205

So he's wealthy enough to go to thailand and get buck broken by tourists or whatever he wants. Don't see what he has to complain about.

>> No.69645228

I hope to god this is real. They are so fucking dumb.

>> No.69645268
File: 100 KB, 203x203, jiru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every nijien fan left is making the "racism against whitey doesn't real" argument
well they are all chinese or SEA, so i guess it tracks

>> No.69645275


>> No.69645303


>> No.69645305


>> No.69645311

What the fuck are they doing? Weren't they being coached by a PR team? Holy shit

>> No.69645321

Throw us a link retard

>> No.69645376

Are they cooking up these in their discord together?

>> No.69645403

>coached by $8 per hour PR manager

>> No.69645405

this but unironically

>> No.69645435


>> No.69645445

How do you even really.respond to this?
There is kowtowing to the company but this kind of bullshit is like a slave worshipping their master.

>> No.69645457
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>> No.69645473

talents managing talents. cannot wait for rifu's company. what's been happening with niji lately is a small taste of the shitshow that will be.

>> No.69645476

vivi got a positive response for punching that sandbag yesterday so it seems this is the new meta

>> No.69645480


>> No.69645503


It's over, the dramatuber made a video about Uki's white racism

>> No.69645526

well i dont really disagree with you I just think a larger portion arent actually okay with it but just dont know what to do about it.
for the drama tuber I dont see it going bad for him unless someone even bigger than him dunks on him for being a "fragile snowflake" or whatever

>> No.69645551

Why do they put up with this shit?

>> No.69645569

Idk I mean Hololive chuubas talk about reality quite a lot- granted as if their reality was lived by their chuuba personalities- and it makes for some funny stories at times.

>> No.69645601

>But it okay against White
And thus a tiwttard out itself

>> No.69645608

Post-modernist philosophy also thinks that pedophilia is a genuine sexual orientation. You don't get to pick and choose which ones you agree with when you prescribe to a particular philosophy. You should be turned into mulch.

>> No.69645611

Why are all the livers so ride or die for Nijisanji right now, is there something going on behind the scenes, are they afraid they'll become irrelevant if they leave Niji to go indie, or are most of the livers actually involved with the clique?

>> No.69645618

is this the next step of their master plan?

>> No.69645623

I never was racist. Just hate stupid people, which happen to be of a certain race most of the time but there are some good ones out there.

>> No.69645627

>full of nijisisters supporting
as expected, someone throw them the facts instead, the termination notice they seem to memoryhole

>> No.69645658

Maybe it's better that none of them have access to social media.
When given an opportunity to make a good choice or a bad choice, nijien loves to make the 3rd, worse choice, EVERY SINGLE TIME

>> No.69645698

unreal they did it again

>> No.69645713

>asian dude
pissy about white guys
>will not stop talking shit about them
>twitter and fujos defend them
sounds about right

>> No.69645727
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>> No.69645745

Love how this one actually makes sense kek

>> No.69645793

Japan totally wasn't murdering my grandfather's generation for explicitly racist reasons.

>> No.69645803

They are playing it up themselves. The absolute state of the numbskulls Niji hires...

>> No.69645820

Literally Kyo

>> No.69645841

Gay chink being a gay chink. He better pray that his kind doesn't end up like the Japs during ww2.

>> No.69645855

Typical faggot behavior

>> No.69645897

>If we just change the definition of racism which had been established for over a century at this point, then I'm correct

>> No.69645925

Correct, there is only working class and ruling class. All the races, the tiers of class, the bullshit drama the media peddles - its to keep the sheep pushing at each other instead of the fence.

>> No.69645933
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>> No.69645946

He's a chink, anon

>> No.69645972

>coordinated le epic clapback tweets against randos
will it work? i only see people slready on their side cheering them on

>> No.69645991

PR manager in shambles, new yab on first day at work. ACKK

>> No.69646004

>If one person does it and people permit it. Surely others won't do it also?

>> No.69646035

im beginning to think that any niji that has majority female audience can get away with literally anything.

>> No.69646040

Time for coffee and an all-nighter, intern will help post counter-rrats in /vt/ while he yells at the talent.

>> No.69646052
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>their new strategy is unironically bashing anyone who points out how cringe and lame their faggot ass hugbox is

>> No.69646054


>> No.69646055

I don't see how a bunch of them jerking each other off will do anything

>> No.69646070

It's gonna make them seem crazy and insular to anyone on the outside looking in. Imagine if they didn't do this, and just carried on normally. Bunch of fuckin' retards.

>> No.69646087

>It somewhat worked with Vivi
>now the faggots are trying and failing

>> No.69646096

Everyone assumed that because they were staying silent, but it seems like that they were just scared.
Once Vivi got an easy dunk on some guy who instantly folded, apparently the rest of them assumes there was no longer anything to worry about and any drama had blown over.

It's about to get a whole lot fucking worse real fast once people realize that Niji talents are such easy bait.
If they're willingly interacting with replies about bullying/harassment, which should be something they've been told to ignore at all costs, then they're fucking doomed.

>> No.69646115 [DELETED] 

No I just hate niggers. Everyone else is fine. That's not be for or against racism. Only caveman think in such pre-defined categories.

>> No.69646126

Cause no one is there to clapback, not even the one who posted it, my guess is that it’s another alt account created just for that like with vivi

>> No.69646153

no, this one is a real account at least

>> No.69646157

It will make the collective tighter, but some are going to bail because of it. Hugboxing is cringe, and its obnoxious when enforced.

>> No.69646179

chumkek deflection thread

>> No.69646188

That's because her response was pretty tame and the guy bitched out and deleted his account, so she came out looking OK. OP pic and this one are the equivalent of pissing yourself in rage on the part of the livers.

>> No.69646210

almost 2 in the afternoon JST, just getting back from lunch?

>> No.69646226
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What's the endgame of GIVING dramatubers content?

>> No.69646259

Already seen rrats claiming the account Victoria was dunking on "Baronsvt" was potentially a sockpuppet account.

>> No.69646270

I thought they were being coached as well, holy fuck

It is so fucking funny how Vivi's art of owning someone was smart but everyone else is SO FUCKING BAD that they opened themselves to trolls, more harassment, etc. WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING

>> No.69646267

I don't get this guy Wilson, is he disagreeing?

>> No.69646280

Niji guys, I know you're reading this cause all of you lurk. The Vivi one was a lucky fluke, the Uki one already fucked up any possibility of this "epically pwning randos on twitter" thing being a good PR strategy, quit while you're ahead before you hurt yourself.

>> No.69646291
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its just gonna push people to bait even harder until one of the retard inevitably fucks up hard
its so retarded

>> No.69646292

Please kill yourself you subhuman tranny. You can be racist no matter your social status. Look up the original definition of racism, not your liberal slop that you picked up on tumblr.

>> No.69646294

imagine being this brown

>> No.69646300
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Maybe (You) should study more.

>> No.69646322

WTF is this idiotic cope?

>> No.69646321

The endgame is to make a hugbox that has cult levels of fact-resistance when dealing with outsiders. Tribalism is so effective at turning problematic individuals into loyalists.

>> No.69646336

>pinned own comment for the ad
I gotta respect the man.
Did he at least say WOMP WOMP?

>> No.69646338

I guess all publicity is good publicity. Better to be hated that ignored or forgotten.

>> No.69646339

>racism against whites isn't a thing retard,
If you are prejudiced against someone because of their race, that's racism.

>> No.69646359
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I look forward to it

>> No.69646378

(You) must be at least 18 years old to post here.

>> No.69646390

you play dumb and reply genuinely to irony

>> No.69646403

Easy clout points.

>> No.69646475

Based answer, I challenge >>69639689
to show us a link of a definition on racism, from a recognized dictionary, that supports this garbage. Racism is for tribalfags, and tribalfags get the rope.

>> No.69646502

Based Khyo drawing attention to the racist faggot.

>> No.69646528

Why do you want to be oppressed? You literally have everything handed to you on a silver platter in life. Why do you want to be a victim?

>> No.69646534

This board should had been nuked long ago, it's mainly a containment tank for discord raids and twitter screenshots.

>> No.69646532
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Lets bait them even harder then. Niji better send me some steam gift card after this

>> No.69646535

>apparently the rest of them assumes there was no longer anything to worry about and any drama had blown over
just look at >>69644122 responses. sisters infiltrated all social media and are ready to suck their cocks at moments notice.

>> No.69646561

These twitter replies are fine. it won't hurt the livers. They're going after literal whos with no followers. The only issue is if they start taking pot shots all over the place and hit someone with followers or clout or another liver. Then you'll see shit start to fly.

>> No.69646584

Unironically, this. Without their tard wranglers a lot of these people immediately fall apart. With no professional management, no PR training at all, and a toxic working environment, these meltdowns are bound to happen.

A huge part of the reason Hololive is so successful and yabs have slowed to a near halt from them is because they have so many professional tard wranglers keeping them from spiraling out of control.

>> No.69646638

>someone is racist towards you
>yes it is?

Stop being racist towards others and they wouldn't feel oppressed would they?

>> No.69646653

>Did you form that opinion from your favorite dramatuber?
The fuck is he talking about. It was literally mentioned in Selen's official termination letter. How is this a gotcha?

>> No.69646723

A very specific reminder that Hololive's ads for talent managers had a line that said experience dealing with children or the mentally infirm would be a positive.

>> No.69646738

You late.
Already I got 3 target gift cards with $5 each. With the access code.

>> No.69646810

Twitter being twitter is typical, but that only makes it worse, because the replies are full of positive feedback.
At this rate sisters are going to manage to gaslight Elira into revealing she was the embezzling cliqueleader and claiming it was a good thing.

>> No.69646818

Already seeing people questioning the validity of the person Victoria dunked on now too.

>> No.69646832

It's not wanting to be a victim it's just annoying how people misuse the language. Racism is the idea that some races are just better than others based on a bunch of metrics that racial theorists took into consideration back in the 16th or 17th century or whenever it was devised.
I don't like collective guilt or collective punishment. I'm not an american so I don't give a fuck about sharing the guilt for your own problems.


>> No.69646837

You don't know anything about me

>> No.69646844
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counter psyop by a single holobro worked like a charm. he successfully baited whoki into revealing his true colors.

>> No.69646858

No retard, racism requires prejudice against someone based on their race. This applies to white people. Do us all a favor and go back to twitter, if not kindly kill yourself

>> No.69646914

fell right into his trap lol

>> No.69646935

>You literally have everything handed to you on a silver platter in life
Leftists talking about "privilege" when over half of the US is low income is always going to be funny

>> No.69646947

>be white and racist
>move to sudan
>suddenly not racist anymore

>> No.69646967

So they have actual tard-wranglers? Based practice, gotta keep the talent under control, by any means.

>> No.69646992

didn't you guys spend 5 years calling them all nijjers? why do you care if they're racist

>> No.69647018

>you have everything handed to you on a silver plate
do we dare talk about how asians and jews are on average better off in america and canada than white people?

>> No.69647031

You're thinking more along the lines of nuspeak, anon.
Altering or changing the definition of works to fool people into being unable to articulate a problem.
Wells did not intend his book as a guide, but a warning and now we are here.

>> No.69647076

Built for BBC

>> No.69647103

Unironically some the girls are actually borderline unable to look after themselves.

>> No.69647150

Again and again, the sisters show that they're stupid as hell by trying to comment on something they don't understand

Pulling that kind of stunt in the middle of a PR disaster, when the higher ups are supposedly cleaning house, is completely idiotic and will look bad no matter how you look at it

Again and again, they should just shut the fuck up and let things die down on the public scene

>> No.69647156

You have to be underage for the British Broadcasting Channel

>> No.69647208

People were questioning whether it was a setup/strawman/psyop very early.

But honestly? These recent replies make me assume it isn't. If Niji EN had coordinated to make fake accounts to give eachother easy PR wins, why the fuck would the strawman be racism or bullying?
That's no longer a strawman that's a powder keg.

The only other possibility I can think of is that they coordinated it in a really shitty way, where they were told
>Okay, I'm gonna post a troll tweet for you to dunk on, so keep an eye out
And then they pick out the wrong fucking bait.

>> No.69647237

It's not the racism, it's the double standard and hypocrisy. I call you a nigger, I'm a racist, cool. You call me a snow monkey? That's somehow not racism because of reasons.
You don't get to act high and mighty about being against racism in all it's forms then use racist terms when it suits your clout chasing.

>> No.69647253

because they're held to a higher standard and we're just faceless nobodies, retard. if they take the bait, they're retarded, which uki is

>> No.69647254

Khyo is a cock sucking faggot but lol based

>> No.69647300

Dramatubers are feasting like kings lately

>> No.69647305

>you guys
go back
but to answer your question, it's because he doesn't own up to being racist and because niji lets it slide despite being a pattern and not just innocent jokes

>> No.69647313

Man's gotta eat, based Uki providing food on the table for brown dramatubers.

>> No.69647349

>Nijisanji Won't Let Me Have A Day Off

>> No.69647405

Wtf bros I reported his comment for racism how is he not suspended?

>> No.69647484

You've stuck around for superchat reading before. You heard dozens of cringe weirdos pouring praise on your favorite chuuba, tell them how they saved their life. I remember when Gura used to get like 5 superchats every stream saying she was the only reason they hadn't offed themselves yet. That gets to a person after awhile. Messes up their ability to act rationally. Niji is even worse because all their fans are trannies and tumblr refugee women. They're a self training mob that bombs you with positivity as long as you think the right thing, and will try to ruin your life if you think the wrong thing. He never stood a chance.

>> No.69647619

>Khyo is a cock sucking faggot
is he really? then hes fully qualified to call him out since hes not straight (white) male :)

>> No.69647663

>Virtue-signal in front of liberals with this one simple trick

>> No.69647687

I'm not against racism. I just really want Nijisanji EN to burn down.

>> No.69647709

he's also brown so he can PoC all over uki.

>> No.69647772

omg i'm gonna PoC

>> No.69647824

>Using Marine image for his shitposts
Fuck off

>> No.69648316

Guys help me out I am a niji kidney

Management just said "hey literally anything you say will be repackaged for drama by the 3 dramafags we tried to murder, watch it" but some random faggot on twitter asked me what I think about white people.

What do?

>> No.69648320
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>> No.69648344

It's always weird seeing Asian American/Canadians complain about racism as a black guy. Their communities aren't over policed, there isn't systematic laws oppressing them outside of some colleges limiting acceptance rates for them which is more of a result of a progressive system. There are no concentrated voter oppression efforts on historical Asian communities outside of Hawaii
Why are they always bitching

>> No.69648445
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Dramatubers clearly live in this idiot's head rent free!

>> No.69648528


>> No.69648606

Because it's free clout and easy access to power, there's no other reason. The more they can convince others of their own oppression, the more they can squeeze from the system as well as left leaning political parties pretending to champion their cause to get votes. Haven't you noticed that over time more and more and more groups have come under the umbrella of oppressed because it's literally the easiest way to earn power and votes?

>> No.69648618

Because asian communities, more specifically Chinese, are by far the most insular and racist on the entire planet and love taking shots at everybody else for whatever reasons they can, even if it's hypocritical. So long as they look good they don't care, it's all about the face.

>> No.69648666



the pot is calling the kettle black? classic!

>> No.69648803
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>> No.69648900

Based Khyo.

>> No.69648939

my god those responses, are they for real? do they really have a legion of paid accounts/bots to drown any negativity?

>> No.69648958

Millenia is definitely a real account. I've seen that name in False's videos before and also randomly around Discord
It goes to show that Vivi is an actually decent person who got her opinions by thinking about them instead of listening to some bullshit political indoctrination. Few such cases, unfortunately.

>> No.69649133
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Did you not see it?

They're already memory holing her LMAO

Gotta love my FAMILY

>> No.69649137

good lord it's worse than I imagined possible

>> No.69649167

Imagine if he said this to women or to black people, he'd get socked on the spot, he's racist but hey gay points, right

Even him graduating wouldn't be enough for me I want him blacklisted

>> No.69649268

I came to say this

>> No.69649368

It's always funny seeing black people think only they experience racism and no other race of people ever, not in the past or now, experienced racism. It's as hilariously stupid as Niji's woke tendencies. You're no different from them. The woke mindset made black people think they are the only victims in all of human history.

>> No.69649487

It's fucking hilarious seeing them specify "East Asian" in the anti-racism campaigns when everyone knows South Asia (i.e. India) and SEA get shit on way worse by everyone ESPECIALLY East Asians

>> No.69649523

>no rosemi
She's next, huh.

>> No.69649534

How do we get a community note going?
It would be great to point out that the 'dramatuber' the harassment claim came from was none other than Nijisanji

>> No.69649602

women unironically defend their boys no matter what

>> No.69649606

And Scarle

>> No.69649651

I didn't actually watch so I dunno, but isn't this just people who participated in enna's concert today?

>> No.69649731
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NijiEN is the gift that keeps on giving. Yab after yab after yab... the yabs never end!!

>> No.69649741

I dare you to say that to the whities in south africa slums
I'm brown myself but seeing niggers can run their nationwide apartheid practices without much controversy while also saying "b-blacks can't be racist" always irks me

>> No.69649914

I never said only blacks suffer from racism. I specifically pointed out American and Canadian Asians as those complaining when only one US state genuinely wronged them systematically. You need to try harder than that

>> No.69650079

Asian Americans think that because some people find their food icky and make jokes about asians being smart and eating cats that they're oppressed.

>> No.69650132

holy shit lmao

>> No.69650246

Whats this from?

>> No.69650379

Niji are some idiots.

>> No.69650457

The Stalin treatment, damn.

>> No.69650622


>> No.69650818


>> No.69650852

It'll take more than that to get him suspended

>> No.69650889

Now I understand why not even actual asians want to be associated with asian americans or canadians

>> No.69650946
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This is why I'll never feel bad about shitting on niji liver intestine scum.

>> No.69650981

Such a happy family!

>> No.69651080

Silence marxist parasite

>> No.69651116

>no rosemi
>no reimu
>no scarle
>no vivi
>no kunai
>no ike
>no wilson
>no aster
>no hex
owari da...

>> No.69651188

>Why did he felt the need to reply from these bait replies?
He's a faggot.

>> No.69651225 [DELETED] 

The phosphorous that Israel has been using for the last week was made in Arkansas. 100s of billions of dollars worth of munitions dropped since October, all made in America, with more energetic force than Hiroshima or Nagasaki. It's not armies, but civilians, like they just covered a children's hospital in phosphorous.

Uki is absolutely right that white people are useless under the face of all of this. They literally gave their country away for townhouses and cruses and the next generation was so cowed that they asked for nothing but good boy points.

>> No.69651235

You're not fooling anyone nijirat

>> No.69651369

Anon you do know that America is like 50% non-white, right?

>> No.69651379

You underestimate the average NijiEN clique member's IQ.

>> No.69651434

Racism against whites the worst and most venomous form of racism in modern day.

>> No.69651712

>lmplying that nonwhite americans work
>implying that white Americans haven't been the backbone of the country since Columbus put his boot on it
>implying that the civil rights movement wasn't the larp that gave America away
