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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 292 KB, 1536x2048, GDIRTvYWAAA7OLC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69619540 No.69619540 [Reply] [Original]

look at this gunky ahh dog

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: TBA

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>69595129

>> No.69619586

schedule soon sorry for not waiting for her to post it before baking

>> No.69619592
File: 252 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20240106-054012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69619615


>> No.69619648

disgusting fleshposting whore grrrrr

>> No.69619783

I saw this art before in the tag, so that means he blocked me recently. Maybe because I didn't like it but I liked others on the tag?
I think so since I chatted on FT's stream.

>> No.69619798

those cats are disgusting

>> No.69619844
File: 323 KB, 640x578, 1706193296569348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm killing you very slowly with my mind

>> No.69619861

Did you like my art?

>> No.69619916

Which one is yours?

>> No.69619958

yes or no anon, which is it? I dont want to have to block you

>> No.69619961
File: 1.03 MB, 960x1553, 1706647141021104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69620029

I forgive you

>> No.69620032

If you pleased my eyes then yes, if you didn't then no

>> No.69620044

Nta, shogga are you fucking autistic?

>> No.69620100

I'm diagnosed with ass burgers. Why are you mad at me?

>> No.69620229

Not mad, just wanted to know, I unnecessarily used "fucking", sorry
It's obviously the art of the person you were talking about is all

>> No.69620391
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i regret not doing anything for valentines. i will make it up to her somehow

>> No.69620435

don't notice

>> No.69620491


>> No.69620495

I actually didn't notice anything. What is it this time?

>> No.69620513

grrr i should get all the attention grrr

>> No.69620529

im retarded what am i not noticing

>> No.69620590

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1760076759368860034

>> No.69620610

shondo in my arms

>> No.69620680

im known /here/ and not blocked so its something else that made him block you

>> No.69620690

not looking forward to this week desu bros....

>> No.69620793

Can only think about the like thing, I really never did anything out of the ordinary to be blocked.

>> No.69620896
File: 18 KB, 624x277, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's adding more emotes

>> No.69620907

she cut my face so now I get to beat the shit out of her

>> No.69620935

what a nice lad

>> No.69620966

I'm excited for the end of lanoir

>> No.69620990


>> No.69621000

sorry FT I'm not using the reddit frog emotes

>> No.69621073


>> No.69621215

This week seems fine! Not too bad, not great
The fan made game probably means a lot of zatsu
Detective game is always fun
I usually skip the collabs, but i might attend this one! Hopefully it's fun!
I'm not into asmr, so I'll skip it, might drop by to say hi, but i won't stick around
I actually thought project zomboid to be quite entertaining! A bit slow, both in gameplay and chat, but there's a lot of tiny things to commentate on! And you can get read easier!
I posted the wrong screenshot, it was the uncropped one
Truly shoever

>> No.69621265

This week sucks, asmr saves it though

>> No.69621283

You type like a female

>> No.69621359

I do? Fucked up

>> No.69621379

why is dewd doomposting

>> No.69621439
File: 335 KB, 615x685, IMG_3507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fan game
Based. Even if they’re not “good” it’s neat to see what people in the community make.
>Detective game
Kino. I’ve really enjoyed the play through. Solid game and she seems to enjoy it too.
>Barbie Collab
I’m scared of women
based. love me wife’s ASMR
>ear nommies
it’s gonna be hard to fall asleep with a throbbing erection haha
>Zombie game round 2
Game itself is mid but the last stream was really comfy.
Pretty solid week if you ask me

>> No.69621487

Didn't get a follow after 1 drawing

>> No.69621596

Please understand, he's Canadian

>> No.69621663

does the manager have eczema

>> No.69621723

no i'm pretty sure he's a cat

>> No.69621741

where the FUCK is this from? link immediately

>> No.69621774

are you stupid?

>> No.69621805

Please do 1 rep before posting

>> No.69621836

lmao look at ft's AINTNOWAY emote. is he calling out his own sister?

>> No.69621902

oops meant >>69620896

>> No.69621963

its fine because we're going to get the best zatsu in a while on day1

>> No.69621975

it's literally not there

>> No.69622013

you owe me
donate 10 bucks to shondo rn or burn in hell forever

>> No.69622065

you are everything wrong with this thread. stop spoonfeeding tourists

>> No.69622192

nah she told him to add it cause its my favourite emote :)

>> No.69622280

I want to pin Shondo down, wrap one hand around her wrists and the other around her neck, and make her say embarassing things and call me Master and if I'm not happy with her line delivery or levels of enthusiasm I will choke her until she's on the brink of unconsciousness and then tell her to say it again.

>> No.69622293
File: 25 KB, 212x137, 1706350934695576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Additional notes, A splash of coconut non-dairy creamer and if you're feeling extra adventurous a dose or two of codeine syrup (be VERY careful about mixing this depending on your tolerances).

>> No.69622617

you need to stop spoonfeeding.

>> No.69622734

are you two retarded? it's in the op

>> No.69622746

im sorry im feeling very emotional right now :(
where's the dono? you can donate anonymously

>> No.69623134

anyone else feel like she's getting a bit lazy with the schedule art? she's not even incorporating the fanart into the schedule at all anymore, she just puts it to the side which takes like 2 seconds in photoshop

>> No.69623164

that is still spoonfeeding to retarded nigger tourists that cannot read

>> No.69623213
File: 2.81 MB, 3840x2160, 1687158149227796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... that's, what she's always done?
Are you losing it?

>> No.69623231


>> No.69623336

god look at that schedule. current shadow would never.

>> No.69623372

this is what he posts publicly, imagine her dms and emails

>> No.69623423
File: 1.47 MB, 3840x2160, 1685727170798367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you explain to me what exactly you thought she was doing before and how it's different to now, because her schedules are the exact same format as they were 2 years ago.
Are you drunk or something

>> No.69623443

It's been a whole week since the last otis pic... Otis doko...

>> No.69623479

why not ignore or mute and move on?

>> No.69623503

Posts like this genuinely confirm how delusional "uuuuuuu her content chaaaaanged" posters are, how in the fuck is this a "current shadow would never"?

>> No.69623606

even if i was a bit wrong it's still lazy bro...

>> No.69623659
File: 1.09 MB, 3840x2160, 1686580950343873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon are you actually losing it, her schedules have been using the exact same layout/PSD since her original debut in 2021, she just cleaned it up a little and now adds additional text and emojis to it.
The way the fanart is presented has literally always been the same. Are you high or seriously desperate for something to complain over?

>> No.69623699

did he remove it? what did he say?

>> No.69623718

why the fuck are you sperging out about some schedule stuff FUCKING ELDEN DLC RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT TOMORROW WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO https://twitter.com/ELDENRING/status/1760076880764449173

>> No.69623732

Were you under the impression that vtubers draw their schedules by hand from scratch once a week or are you fucking losing it

>> No.69623731

>5 days
>no collabs
>early start
>good games

>> No.69623766

go look at picky's schedules and tell me those aren't less lazy...

>> No.69623825

FT better stream it for us

>> No.69623912

>valentines zatsu got deleted
>that could've been the RE8 stream she was in a terrible mood for and ended early on
>she didn't start the GOI stream early, it was late because Silvi had a meltdown and she had to babysit her in vc, and then she was in an awful mood the whole stream because of it, which ended early.
>spider game stream that was like 2h long
Kek you need to stop larping that you were there in 2021, newfag

>> No.69623985

>random sudden complaining of something that has been the way it is for over 2years and is the same for all vtubers (that actually do schedules)
>it's a 2view selfshilling
Kek of course

>> No.69624014

who the fuck has complained about her content changing? what people are sad about is the change in interaction, you dumb retard.

>> No.69624036

you cant make this shit up

>> No.69624087

She was not kidding when she said that this board is just jealous bitter women and seaniggers

>> No.69624094
File: 126 KB, 1170x751, A great deal of my thoughts are basically unsharable with anyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll often see some of the posts /here/ and think holy mackerel if you're comfortable sharing something like that online what are the thoughts that you keep to yourself

>> No.69624164

>uses an example of a 2view to prove a point
actual alex jones making up conspiracies out of thin fucking air-tier. we're not called the most mentally ill fanbase for nothing i suppose

>> No.69624228
File: 6 KB, 766x94, 1677477739091652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This you? Nice schedule

>> No.69624256

I share my worst thoughts here. Keeping them to myself only eats away at me

>> No.69624263

yep, that's me alright kek

>> No.69624306

call her "lazy" all you want, she works harder than you ever will, faggot.

>> No.69624326
File: 241 KB, 813x482, 1696543849188483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't make this shit up, holy fuck
Imagine if these "women" streamed instead of shilling themselves and tearing better vtubers down on fucking 4chan all day, jesus

>> No.69624359
File: 1.11 MB, 2273x1253, 1678189816050730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, she works a part time job where she just chats and plays video games while people throw money at her for no reason. what are you even talking about

>> No.69624389

your bait is no good here.

>> No.69624404

I think you have the impression that what people say /here/ is a filtered version of their original thoughts. The reality is that it's more like an exaggerated version of their brainworms and not at all close to their actual genuine thoughts.

>> No.69624421
File: 3.65 MB, 498x348, 1685473372279924.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's lazy because uhhhh
>she uses a schedule template, which is what she's always done and so does every other chuuba that makes schedules!
>uhhhh you should look at how this 2view who is not lazy (UNLIKE FALLENSHADOW) does it!
>no schedules visible on xer's twitter whatsoever
>last stream 22 days ago

>> No.69624429
File: 103 KB, 400x400, 1677411419727873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>objective fact
literally mentally ill, My Guy.

>> No.69624483

>too retarded to use twitter's built in search function
ngmi. no wonder you need to be spoonfed everything. literally too low iq to do even the most basic reps

>> No.69624499

You stated no objective fact, you used jewish subversive linguistics to make her appear lazy and you failed. Go suck some more babycock rabbi.
Your bait is no good here, "my guy" (you are a faggot)

>> No.69624518

two views in the thread post your @'s I need some side hoes

>> No.69624552
File: 104 KB, 450x450, 1681608406698400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do realize your wife is jewish, correct? also, 20 hour weeks is part time in every part of the world (except for yours apparently)

>> No.69624560

leave and dont return nigger

>> No.69624648

She works harder than you ever will faggot, your bait is no good here. Kill yourself already.

>> No.69624659

The lack of filtering is the whole appeal of this format.

>> No.69624699


>> No.69624712

>defaulting to URM UR STUPID LAWL KYS posts
i accept your concession. maybe read a book on logic before trying to out-argue me again moron

>> No.69624751

>What is behind the scenes work
She probably works 60-80 hours a week

>> No.69624792

i didn't even know she read replies to her comments

>> No.69624800

doing her copypaste schedules and sending emails to artists? phew, how does she manage

>> No.69624831

she works 150 hours a week you fucking disgusting antis

>> No.69624849

Get fucked nigger, I win.
Shondo works incredibly hard and countless hours (more than you could ever imagine)
You have no idea how to argue
You have no idea how to bait
You have no idea how to anti
You have no idea how to create a statement that makes any sense.

Congratulations you literal fucking retard, everyone is laughing at you, because you are a pathetic nigger. Congratulations indeed.

>> No.69624866
File: 126 KB, 982x1017, She's cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most obvious gay and retarded bait in the world
>still takes it hook line and sinker
can a writerfag post a rape story or something please

>> No.69624915
File: 65 KB, 641x680, FhVf7bDXgBcpBWK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my hard working wife

>> No.69624917

if you count watching movies for hours is working then im the most productive human alive

>> No.69624918

Only to artists anymore

>> No.69624944

find shnidoo rip clothes put pp in vageen wiggle shoot thick ropes she cry run away the end

>> No.69624964
File: 666 KB, 593x925, 1693244712635728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

giru on suicide watch tonight

>> No.69625019

half assed thoughts shit into the internet

>> No.69625062

she can be so autistic sometimes lol

>> No.69625144

>it's actually real
goddamn that's some funny shit

>> No.69625208

Shondo please I like Sho

>> No.69625226

i can only imagine what she says to him in the dms

>> No.69625299
File: 457 KB, 658x748, promised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir this is the anonymous image boarding school, this is where i post the thoughts i do keep to myself
>file size

>draw my sexy husband
gives me a warm feeling in my chest

>> No.69625309

she's ruthless in dms she made me cry multiple times already :(

>> No.69625349

she knows her job is easy, she jokes about it on stream
>me when I have to wake up at 4pm to play video games for a living

>> No.69625350
File: 162 KB, 1080x1368, GAoryTnXoAAbNZS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly, its most likely 100+ hours/week if you incorporate all of her BTS efforts.
I love my hardworking wife.

>> No.69625398

shondo please no discord movie tonight please leave the other twilight movies for tomorrow im really tired and want to go to bed early tonight pls bby ;_;

>> No.69625408

baseg wifey, thank you

>> No.69625673

She said last night no movie tonight because she has to work on some stuff today

>> No.69625759

I need to get good at art and make an alt to post it. She interacts so much more with non husband artists

>> No.69625817

perfect thank you wifey <3

>> No.69625819

that's fair, gotta copypaste some schedules. takes long time

>> No.69625883

You need to stop doing that.

>> No.69625991
File: 3.92 MB, 467x315, 1693685921460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo in da klub tonight
she is having a really good time
/shon/ will fucking lose its mind
da klub just wants to see her
shake that

>> No.69626056

so, movies tonight then?

>> No.69626067

I liked the fact that she told everyone that we will be watching a movie. that was very kind of her

>> No.69626071

No matter how I come, you always have some kind of drama. And today I also realized that most of you are juvenile morons. I laughed so hard that I woke up the whole house. Thank you for remaining morons incapable of simple logic and common sense.

You remain the best part of her community. Shon-Shon is in our hearts, but you just fucking give me a reason to wake up every day.

>> No.69626239

cool blog
do you have a rss feed?

>> No.69626288

>>69626067 (me)
This sounds like an anti post sorry. I liked that she told us about the movie

>> No.69626294

eslchama pls

>> No.69626312

you might be a retarded person if you think spats like that are serious, but good to hear you're having so much fun at the expense of your own projection

>> No.69626434

ojisans..... how do we recover...

>> No.69626558
File: 175 KB, 680x680, Shadow-clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how I be lapping at Shondo's butthole

>> No.69626816

take your meds

>> No.69626847

thats nice indonesian shondo

>> No.69627064

I like the condescending ESL he's cute.

>> No.69627202
File: 415 KB, 719x587, 1708233903621141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just love her

>> No.69627524

The Shompy

>> No.69627864

Chinese water torturing Shodno

>> No.69627944

I’d prefer to waterboard her normally myself

>> No.69627996

that's for afterwards :)

>> No.69628207

is the new meta just to put lewds in the main tag

>> No.69628419

she appreciates tasteful lewds more than regular arts

>> No.69628510

well it's not immediately evident to people that everything short of sex should go on main still so she sees it

>> No.69628681

I wish she appreciated me.

>> No.69628835

It’s always been meta to draw tasteful ecchi, it can go in the main tag no matter how much nudity there is as long as there’s no genitalia

>> No.69629004

that's not that evident and ren was one of the only ones to even do that much for a long time and posted it to the lewd tag
she just happened to always see it because she followed him closely

>> No.69629143
File: 672 KB, 900x942, IMG_3389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Shondo’s ASMR sometimes I tingle all the way from the base of my head down to my buttcrack it’s awesome. And shivers too my body goes brrrrrrrr

>> No.69629183

>the goalposts have shifted from her not following drama to her just not participating in it

>> No.69629281

yes, and?

>> No.69629300

participating in it but only indirectly

>> No.69629327

since shaduoh tag was filled with seggs art and she stopped looking at it, the meta has become tasteful lewds which she still appreciates in the main tag

>> No.69629394

>she stopped looking at it

>> No.69629618

drama's too good for business sister. she learned this after the "cancellation" arc.

>> No.69629621

she's manipulative and only wants certain people to know what she really thinks
is this seriously news to you?

>> No.69629645

she never looked at it, it was containment from the start and she said so

>> No.69629740

>shondo having secret opinions
>not simply her being a woman and believing different things on the fly

>> No.69629756


>> No.69629828
File: 3 KB, 187x83, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got me

>> No.69629957

i love my out of shape immobile wife i want to just fold her up in a suitcase and carry her around town during summer and then let her out all stinky and sweaty (she fibs) later and lick her all over

>> No.69629975

you're silly anon Smile

>> No.69630141

Shondo you wouldn’t have tweaked your back bathing out son if you started deadlifting like I’ve been telling you to

>> No.69630484

spelling bee reps

>> No.69630804

>she never looked at it
just like she never comes here

>> No.69631204

>weighs less than 40kg
How muh can she deadlift theoretically?

>> No.69631760

2x body weight isnt unreasonable if youve trained for a little while

>> No.69631812

2x bodyweight is good for a woman, 3x is decent for a man

>> No.69632128
File: 383 KB, 2048x1591, IMG_3522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohp maxing thinking about doing the dirty dancing thing with Shondo.

>> No.69632208

ohp is the manliest of the 4 main lifts
fuck bench press all my homies hate bench press

>> No.69632247

3x would be extremely good for someone who weighs 200

>> No.69632623

is this what asmr is to other people? I just enjoy listening to it but i've never felt this, i only feel this from hitman blood moneys soundtrack

>> No.69632641

t chestlet

>> No.69632760

This is true, the heavier you are the more impressive the multiplier is
The world record deadlift was only like 2.5x bodyweight
275 lbs x5 bench btw :^)

>> No.69632765
File: 205 KB, 621x503, IMG_3233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she’s so small she can hide behind the waffles

>> No.69632807

there's at least anything she cares about to look at here

>> No.69632852


>> No.69633142

nta, i used to get it a lot stronger, then as my mental health deteriorated that went away. i have to really try to relax and let loose with the right trigger to get them, you might be the same way
there was a point where i couldn't get them at all no matter what but i was less practiced/aware of my meta-cognition back then

>> No.69633918
File: 89 KB, 1004x738, IMG_2682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bedge time

>> No.69633981

gn wifey I love you

>> No.69634851

Why would she sleep at this hour? It's only 2AM for her.

>> No.69635225
File: 268 KB, 1752x2000, 1679874097256887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wifey I kneel

>> No.69637144 [DELETED] 

I'm feeling really down tonight and wish she could comfort me
Nothing to do with her just a bad week so far. Nights like tonight really test this whole thing for me, but I know I love her because I always make it through

>> No.69637851


>> No.69637921

just went from a pretty good high to a really low low i want to fucking die

>> No.69638256

I think they meant the "I'll do/be better", not exactly sure how it went

>> No.69638335


>> No.69638360

its nice to know that shondo i hope you enjoy them

>> No.69638410

don't care lil nigga

>> No.69638488

you cant use that word youre white

>> No.69638625

she isn't /here/ btw she just reads youtube comments

>> No.69638747

>we're not called the most mentally ill fanbase for nothing i suppose
We get called that? That's cute
I don't go outside of /here/ so I wouldn't know

>> No.69638887

shadowmama found the archive

>> No.69638911

she just did the
right now

>> No.69638930

more lewd posts please

>> No.69639272

shondo... i feel like shit... i will write more in 2 weeks if all goes well... i'm sorry, the shock collar story is still in the works...
in the meantime i'll make more shitpost stories

>> No.69639332

You have to write your stories in the comment section of clips so shadowmama can read them to shondo

>> No.69639446

good idea

>> No.69639484

i dont think she has the presence of mind to order by newest

>> No.69640038

she realized her "artistic appreciation of porn" sounds bullshit so she has to say it's just icky words

>> No.69640082
File: 3.80 MB, 350x350, 1707949381355994.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nade nade

>> No.69640346
File: 815 KB, 592x370, 1706321587032583.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69640678

Write good enough stories to become top comment

>> No.69640776

no i achieved something and it put me in a really good mood, and minutes later i fucked up super hard and it killed my mood again

>> No.69640904

jeez, just chill out my guy.

>> No.69641194

Hope it gets better soon
Both your situation and mindset

>> No.69641323

is she telling us to write stories where she's the one doing the violense? because now that i think about it there hasn't been much like that. i'll do it anyway

>> No.69641375

youtube is not ready for them

>> No.69641529

i love my pent up wife i would even let her (try) to beat me up. no cutting though she would have to wait until i was asleep like what i wrote last thread

>> No.69641914

I miss the writefag era of /shon/
It was chill

>> No.69642044

i cant write im esl :(

>> No.69642079

that one thread we had the other day was pretty nice. i enjoyed it.

>> No.69642082

I have such a great idea for fanart but I'm so mediocre to pull that off. How can I get better with very little effort? I'm lazy.

>> No.69642140

>i have an idea
>i'm lazy
either do nothing with your idea or skeb it

>> No.69642164

Just skeb it instead

>> No.69642395

I'm sorry

>> No.69642510

I'll do better

>> No.69642517

Me ~3 months ago:
>I will enjoy this cute vtuber responsibly, careful to not become like her regulars
Me now:
>I will respond to each of her tweets within 4s, and eat less delivery food so that I have more money to donate every month
The change just kinda crept up on me

>> No.69642620

I'm not sorry and I'll do worse

>> No.69642731

They grow up so fast

>> No.69642763

How I want to be
How I actually am

>> No.69642779

same with me, but instead of delivery food is just food in general

>> No.69642953

Good one shoomfie

>> No.69643284

I don't think I have anything to apologise for, but if someone points out something then I'll reflect on it and apologise

>> No.69643395

my skills are too low im going to skeb a shitpost

>> No.69643448

On second thought, fuck that. Everyone can kiss my ass, and I'm not apologizing for shit.

>> No.69643553

Apologize right now for swearing

>> No.69643571

Why are you larping as me

>> No.69643631

shogga, please buy food you need to eat

>> No.69643751

hes shondomaxxing

>> No.69643842

I figure he's the gallon-of-vodka shogga from the last thread

>> No.69644024


>> No.69644079

You did, fuck you anyways

>> No.69644125

I'm spiraling again. Idk what changed but I'm just refreshing everything in case I miss something. I was out of the habit for months but it's been getting worse

>> No.69644136

this gonna be me with my shondaki

>> No.69644252
File: 191 KB, 650x835, 1688670011096413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the idea of Shondo leaving bite marks all over my arms

>> No.69644294

I'm not him but I did drink a lot of vodka today. I mix a little bit of vodka with my coffee in the morning, with my tea in the afternoon and with my chocomilk now at night. And some shots randomly during the day. I've been relapsing really hard...

>> No.69644409

shondo turning red while you're having to explain to the neighbors that 'it was your dog', the dubious looks on their faces when you've said that to them like 20 times already and the excuse wore out after the 2nd time

>> No.69644415

No I eat enough and not fast food or junk.

>> No.69644617

You should be kind to and take care of yourself, shogga.
But if it helps you cope in the short term and isn't causing harm, then maybe it's not something to worry about.

>> No.69644622


>> No.69645317
File: 3.90 MB, 236x310, 1705858274926581.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I don't drink it every day. Just somedays I'll kill a quarter of the bottle In an evening. I just end up with a buzz and no hangover. Going to cut back on it though I think.

>> No.69645800

Personally I would not lie to the neighbours because lying is bad so to avoid this I would recommend collaring your Shondo so it is technically true

>> No.69645907

im gonna have to skeb a shondo wearing an elizabethan collar now

>> No.69646110


>> No.69646313


>> No.69647893

I love my wife unconditionally

>> No.69648546

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.69649014
File: 445 KB, 1365x766, 1707793784496869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lvoe her. night nigth

>> No.69649380

I love shondo!

>> No.69649589
File: 493 KB, 1417x2000, 1692675597090534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife conditionally

>> No.69650206

you can't just say that with no elaboration...

>> No.69650459

what did she say on discord i missed

>> No.69650611

she said that biggie was better than 2pac

>> No.69651204


>> No.69651742

clean your screen woman

>> No.69652557

I appreciate her putting a separator between husband and artist, especially since giru has lily as an oshi

>> No.69652569
File: 19 KB, 594x161, 1705676416233299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many times did she tab in and out while talking about cum and cock back in the day do you think?

>> No.69652664

i like the idea of her reading what i write and imagining it, thanks for this positive brainworm shondo even though you dont come here

>> No.69652711

btw why is the light on in her bedroom at this hour? aren't the critters asleep? is the rrat about her having moved to her own room actually true?

>> No.69652785

She would never fib.

>> No.69653106

She has a light bar above her monitor newchama

>> No.69653244

I want to stick my dick in that creature

>> No.69653384

more heartbeat asmr please shondo

>> No.69653712
File: 7 KB, 230x230, IMG_2759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had nightmare

>> No.69653835

it's ok, don't be scared

>> No.69653853

good :)

>> No.69654265

i had a really weird dream last night, i dont remember the details but shondo did something bad and CF was laugthing at me
maybe i should stop with the vodka

>> No.69654331

I feel very bad for you that your brainworms have gotten so bad that even your unconscious mind is fixated on men, and retarded faggot men that got what they deserved and are gone (reincarnated), have you considered that you might just be gay?

>> No.69654405

If that's not a signal to turn your life around I don't know what is.

>> No.69654497

she "grew up" to reacting to sex words like a child rather than a teenager

>> No.69654570

if shondo doesn't talk about the situation with yuko tomorrow I'm going to be a little mad at her, she's still following yuko despite what she did to her audience

>> No.69654720

This is probably all she'll do

>> No.69654779
File: 267 KB, 1536x2048, 1685238543098297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to ask shondo to hold hands with me, hesitant at first, she pulls her hand back when they first touch, but then we touch fingertips and she giggles, our hands entwine and she smiles at the moment, then i take a firm grip of them and start to push her lightly until her back touches the wall, she is more and more flustered and is trying to get free, i move in closer and put my knee between her legs and lean in to kiss her neck, her breathing getting rapid with panic, confusion and arousal. i move up to her face, our eyes interlocking for what seems like an hour before i lean back and let go, smiling at the thought of leaving her wanting more

>> No.69655130

I also crave the physical touch of a woman and consciously chose to have a vtuber as a love interest

>> No.69655272

Shondo sould have used the other version of the pic in the schedule

>> No.69655281

she in her totally drama avoidant way directly alluded to mikeneko's various yabs already

>> No.69655419

she supports it

>> No.69655548

so true shoomfie

>> No.69656197

based shogger stickmaxxing
assuming you're a fat fuck, long term fasting is unironically pretty healthy and safe unless you're a retard about it. Saves money and burns fat all at once!

>> No.69656821


>> No.69656878

This is pretty good, but i felt a bit gay reading it, might be over for me

>> No.69656916


>> No.69657034

>talk about shondo following grackle 2 threads ago
>suddenly she follows more artists
she's so /here/

>> No.69657067

Right, surely that must be the answer

>> No.69657136

shes only here to read my posts not yours

>> No.69657340

That's not true i make great posts

>> No.69657426

she's here to make the abuse and rape posts because she wants to see if and shoggers will come to her defense and make her feel all warm and fuzzy inside

>> No.69657540

If she follows you it's the signal that you're a real husband and can start to dm her casually

>> No.69657603


>> No.69657650

newknights will deny she is here after seeing this

>> No.69657666

I just dumped 2TB of my dick pics in her dms
I hope she rates it tomorrow

>> No.69657800

me to shondo in dms

>> No.69657907


>> No.69658001
File: 109 KB, 652x837, 1708466195118666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never DM shondo
Not that i don't want to, but that i would never do that to my shoggas
If she DM'd me out of nowhere I'd leak it(unless it was a business proposition or something)

>> No.69658074

I'm the opposite, she's sends me a lot of funny dms I want to share but I won't betray her trust

>> No.69658120

Both of our responses are just as bad or just as righteous

>> No.69658161

my arm doesnt bend that way giru

>> No.69658212

His drawings are really fucked up sometimes, i learned to laugh at them

>> No.69658233

i want to sleep with her while she wears oversized band shirts from my wardrobe

>> No.69658308

if shondo DMed me i would probably just assume i was being made the target of some sort of joke or trick

>> No.69658524

i just like the whispering and 'closeness', it loses me when its about playing with triggers or just rustling etc. shondo reading a book in bed or just talking into one ear/side for 10-20 minutes would be great but i get that for most they like what she does already. its honestly a putoff to me when she basically teleports from left to right

>> No.69658692

I feel the same way, the random noises feel like taking something comfy and intentionally making it worse.

>> No.69658743

i hope she makes the 'Satan reads you a bedtime story' joke video

>> No.69658895

Unfortunately, asmr, to me, is literally torture
I can not for the life of me enjoy it, even if it's shondo
I like when she whispers, but anything else and I'm close to shoving a pen in my ear

>> No.69659029

That tweet was shondos way of telling me to draw more fan art of her in lewd positions right?

>> No.69659037

You are a sick person, most likely a psychopath with an incredibly inflated ego?

>> No.69659073

Scared waht

>> No.69659090

The fuck you talking about?

>> No.69659091

she wants more writing so she can tab in and out of here while reading it

>> No.69659140

the only stereotypical asmr thing that got me so far was deep ear cleaning with the cotton ball thing, everything else was unattural sounding and kinda weird

>> No.69659162

I just wanted to know how this made you feel. Is there some kind of childhood trauma or do you feel bad about your ego and the way you perceive the world?

>> No.69659198

asmr is really effective on me and shondo's whole character and voice and everything she does works very well too, some of the best
there's a lot of typical asmr triggers that don't work so well for me but I can usually overlook them if they're not the focus of the entire video

>> No.69659235

bony yet comfortable lap pillow from shondo while she cleans your ears and fights off the intrusive thought to stab the bud into your eardrum

>> No.69659353

Thanks doc, I assure you I'm trauma-free and about as sane as a shogga can be.

>> No.69659481

imagine bring in a toxic and reciprocally abusive relationship with shondo. the shouting, the slapping, the sulking and gaslighting. having to make excuses to cashiers and other people locally about the cuts on your face and the bruises on hers, the bandaged arms and sunglasses in winter. overhearing gossip while eating a meal at a restaurant that the police said there was nothing they could do because neither party had ever made a complaint, the look of disgust when you make eye contact with them. you leave early without finishing your meals, both knowing what will happen later tonight

>> No.69659553

Just trust my wife. And also let her trust you so that it will be easier for her to fight. It's very simple, actually.
Then I'm happy for you. But your unnatural reaction tells a different story. You should probably consult a real doctor.
And everyone has mental traumas, it’s just that many do not want to notice them, especially because of their ego. Especially traumas from childhood.

>> No.69659595

I mean, i consider myself pretty goated
Weird thing to just say to someone, but it's fine

>> No.69659627

This makes me sad

>> No.69659764

why? its a happy marriage

>> No.69659768

Shondo is really quick witted and can come up with funny commentary on the spot very often
Pretty impressive given she's a woman

>> No.69659804

hear me out: bottled shondo drool

>> No.69659866

Not good enough, i want it fresh and all over my hands and face

>> No.69659872


>> No.69659878

There's no arguing here. She shows very rare qualities for a woman, which makes me love and be proud of her even more.
Everything can be fixed.

>> No.69659942

Stop that immediately

>> No.69659958

shes also incredibly stupid and ignorant and has a lot of terrible media related opinions. i love her anyway because im sure she would say the same about me

>> No.69659973

everything about her is the cutest

>> No.69660021

last for shondo feets

>> No.69660024

Twilight is so fucking cringe(I'm less than 30 minutes in)
I wish i could laugh though the cringe like she can, jesus christ. I sometimes straight up pause and prune my face from the cringe
It's probably not that bad objectively, but i have a really tough time with cringe

>> No.69660047

i want her to drizzle it directly into my mouth while she sits on my chest and strokes my cheek and head

>> No.69660124

I know and i agree with you, shoomfie, but her snoot was the part of her specified
We're not even on page 10 esl-chama

>> No.69660142

shondo's coffee-drool...

>> No.69660151

the cinematography is pretty bland but honestly it wasnt that terrible of a film just because of the baseball scene. id say the start is certainly the worst and i would never consider watching it if i didnt have the shondo commentary track.
i really really hope she does a watchalong for The Thing (please @ shondo)

>> No.69660261

curling up in bed with shondo and drifting off to sleep to the sound of her breathing and the rampant hammering of her heartbeat

>> No.69660319

Naruhodo, guess I have something to look forward to now
Why is everything so blue though, looks like shit

>> No.69660394

Wait until you get to the second one. I just about died from cringe multiple times.

>> No.69660570
File: 79 KB, 734x833, 1708199402532613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owari da...

>> No.69660855

take the hint shoposter

>> No.69660949

last for shondo love forever

>> No.69660973

last for shondo feets part 2

>> No.69661153

I was the first one to notice it, >>69619961 here I was referencing her reply to giru
I want to manhandle sho and rape him in his mouth while playing with his longer strand of hair

>> No.69661299

Point is, sho is cute(not anywhere as cute as my wife shondo) and i want make a mess of him

>> No.69661367

I love her on the condition that she never transforms into the 44th president of the United States.

>> No.69661431

>44th president
shondo being obummer would be a big twist

>> No.69661445

she only mentioned sho in the giru reply because it gets brought up here in the ritual post

>> No.69661628

We need more Sho art just to read her cute jelly comments, her reaction to the Sho feet art had a bit of salt.

>> No.69661799
File: 178 KB, 558x638, 1708132247781163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schlop schlop schlop

>> No.69661843

That is NOT what was happening

>> No.69661880
File: 76 KB, 205x434, 1680458134925439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plap plap plap

>> No.69661961

lol. being with her cured me of finding the most low effort sex jokes funny but out of context visual gags still get me sometimes.

>> No.69662129

shondos lips greasy with salty popcorn butter on your knob...

>> No.69662245

SadCat uuuu, no plap plap plap was committed anywhere during the marashon... No... Uuu
This can't be, you have to be kitten me...

>> No.69662291

Last for i love shondo hehehe

>> No.69662345
File: 542 KB, 960x1234, 1698192735774720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last for cute shota
