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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.12 MB, 1659x3012, I love my family.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69583909 No.69583909 [Reply] [Original]

Man, there's a LOT of VERY ORGANIC Nijisanji tweets about supporting artists. It makes me feel that they're all family. I wonder what is is all about...

>> No.69583965
File: 224 KB, 1267x1779, 1707043767998956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69583968

Niji, your move

>> No.69584330


>> No.69584549

Is this real?

>> No.69584631

>Do what you love artists!
>I really appreciate all the art you make of me
>The rest (getting paid for your work) is meaningless

>> No.69584645
File: 71 KB, 250x270, 5712027-1399f58b6fba99caccd24c1383e207eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artists pls stay we will pay you i promise

>> No.69584880

kek battle of the grifters

>> No.69585032
File: 176 KB, 678x1064, Dragoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her email is "DokiCanRead"
>She needs to specify this.

>> No.69585074

>thank you to each and every artist on the planet *heart emoji*
aww, see enna, you really do like doki!

>> No.69585145

This probably isn't intentional on her part (she's been planning and hinting at this since last week) but how does she keep stumbling into dunking on Niji

>> No.69585195

>Agent LK

>> No.69585245

He was a double agent all along.

>> No.69585268

give me ONE genuine praise, love, or compliment from niji.

>> No.69585286

Doki plssssss ur making a billion dollar company look too incompetent

>> No.69585340

>does her own thing
>still shits on nijisanji somehow

>> No.69585415


>> No.69585644

God was bored and decided to make this little aga more interesting.

That's why Elira, Selen, and Zaion lore line up as well

>> No.69585661
File: 178 KB, 1214x979, 121110134715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy mogged. Actions speak louder than words anyday. I hate how these nijifaggots run on lip service alone.

>> No.69585704

You misunderstand, Niji is voluntarily dunking themselves. I wouldn't be surprised if these messages are a response to Doki's announcement

>> No.69585760
File: 222 KB, 487x487, 1691708552718773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who, or what were they trying to respond to with this? Fucking third-rate chubas thinking most people would look at this and say "huh, what a loving family. nijisanji is the best!"

>> No.69585763

>I looooooove you all
>paid comment

>> No.69585824

because she's doing what she's always being doing
she cares about artists
she has been in a bad situation and now has a fundraiser for mental health support
meanwhile nijisanji is just saying no u to everything
>its been revealed there's a bunch of bullies
>someone tried suicide twice
>we didnt pay artists

>> No.69585833

The PR department is only getting paid $8/h, don't be too harsh on them.

>> No.69585837

[LEAK] PR strategy training documentation from outside firm reportedly hired by NijisanjiEN to mitigate public fallout from recent graduations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hoEYaLuDdc

>> No.69585912

>but how does she keep stumbling into dunking on Niji
Niji keeps standing under the hoop

>> No.69585924

Nijisanji reeducation camp circa 1943, AI upscaled and colorized.

>> No.69585981
File: 204 KB, 587x2048, 1691567725873432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one thats going into the niji family collection

>> No.69586039

It was an "ironic shitpost" to try dispel rrats about them, which ended up just creating more suspicion due to no self awareness. Similar to Millie's GC stream.

>> No.69586052

Only one who isn't showing signs of being skin walked by PR is Vivi. Who drew a cute doodle then actually got mad. The rest of them all have the funky mark.

>> No.69586199

>nijisanji is my oxygen
>nijisanji streamers are the water that feeds me
holy cringe nina

>> No.69586205

they're doing this most likely in support of this https://twitter.com/maenamagic/status/1759513183449178518?t=4_7qIy-GD4TXal-hlfQhiQ&s=19 not to dunk on doki

>> No.69586255

>no Pomu
>no Selen
I love my oshis.

>> No.69586402
File: 912 KB, 960x540, 1704590417791045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While I was right beside those two people in front of our booth, they laughed while gossiping about NijiEN and pointing at my , then loudly said “nice joke” before walking away.
>At that point I couldn’t take it anymore, and I had to leave our booth because I broke down.

>> No.69586422

Maybe she is actually pissed and fed up with all the emotions on her end and over sympathized with the con artist enough to rage out
Pretty dumb thing to do given the whole situation of niji drama, accusations of not paying artists, the artist being too mentally weak to take niji directed hate personally, the clear corporate co-ordination with the response tweets and to top it off the wording of some of those tweets looking aggressive with double meanings like the bitch one
Nonetheless she did it and now has a mark as an actual corpo bootlicker defending niji when she could have not responded and keeping her head low acting cute

>> No.69586464

>she cares about artists
>Collabs with known pro-AI slop Filian
Pick one Dokifaggot

>> No.69586507

Double based Dokibird.

>> No.69586567
File: 599 KB, 600x600, 1708266037244501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're still here, you collectivist bitch?

>> No.69586693

Vtubers been sucking artist dick since the start of this trend because >free fanarts

>> No.69586708

Are artists really affraid of a computer program? It's like saying photoshop is bad and should be banned cause the real art is made with paints and brushes.

>> No.69586731

God I fucking hate artists. I can't wait for AI to stomp them into the dirt.

>> No.69586781

same energy

>> No.69586833

God I fucking hate programmers. Can't wait until AI stomps them into the dirt.

>> No.69586873

Most of these have signs they were posted by the PR team skinwalking. Except Vivi.

>> No.69586890
File: 346 KB, 1027x1694, IMG_20240220_190616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure this is the same sister that got community noted on her twitter post for accusing doki for being untrustworthy because her BPD.
She's also the one that started the #positivespamfornijiEN

>> No.69586911

They're even worse than the artists but it's a lot easier to avoid seeing their faggotry

>> No.69586949

I refuse to believe Kuro has a PR department.
No PR person, no matter how mentally challenged, would let the blackscreen of death happen. There's just no way.

>> No.69586951

why are some people like this?

>> No.69587020

Trying to fix the fuck-ups they made.


>> No.69587024
File: 21 KB, 400x267, CsV0hUaUAAAXIOF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kneel to the most powerful race

>> No.69587224

Read the qrts

>> No.69587244

I agree with you. I mean they did it twice. The 1st time they barely got away with it because she was new. And they still got backlash. They did it a 2nd time with an og talent and they're pretty much suprisedpikachuface.jpg. All the while they've been bleeding talent between the 2 incidents.

>> No.69587257

don't forget the best example
>proof of a liver harassing another

>> No.69587368

It's more because the datasets are made by scraping the internet of everyone's art. Most artists in the industry I know are fine with it as a tool as long as the datasets used to train the AI are legit. Hell, there's already people selling voice packs to be used with the singing related AI.
However, people who spam places like pixiv with their AI slop should get the rope because they don't even do any edits to fix anything, just shit out their "art".
More idiots like this will be in corporate and then instead of pajeets + people crying about having to fix pajeet code, you'll have AI + pajeets. Then shit will really be bad.

>> No.69587582

or this synchronised virtue signalling twitter posts
are they actually run by high schoolers

>> No.69587634

>This entire drama is being launched because 2 flips thought some nobody was making a joke and complimented them for it.

>> No.69587865

>Hell, there's already people selling voice packs to be used with the singing related AI.
Haven't this been a thing for years being that just how Vocaloid work beside the AI part

>> No.69587901 [DELETED] 

You can't make a Vocaloid out of someone without their permission

>> No.69587970

I see my bad that just how utau work

>> No.69588041

Whenever multiple organs make a tweet at the same time with the same message I can't help but feel it's disingenuous and scripted

>> No.69588056

You're essentially asking why horrible human beings keep being squeezed out of stinking, crusty vaginas. It's in their genes.

>> No.69588104

>Nina: I am kept fed and alive by your excellence

Note: the entity that was Nina Kosaka is now fucking dead

>> No.69588189

No I misread the post and am a retard, disregard

>> No.69588221

>all the retarded dramafags were flips
yup that make sense given most of the retarded "sister" posters

>> No.69588300

They could at least have them all quote one tweet and add support to it so it looks natural but no, they're just that incompetent

>> No.69588417

Facts = Hurtful
The truth always hurts kek.

>> No.69588434

This maenamagic is the same bitch as >>69586890
You can't change my mind

>> No.69588528

They are even crazier when it comes to kpop...

>> No.69588550



>> No.69588613

It's funny how Selen was never on any of these big discord leaks. She really was just trying to stay in her lane

>> No.69588654


>> No.69588734

Check her "art"

>> No.69588808

Show her "art"

>> No.69588885

>vox casually being a cunt to reimu
the more I see of this guy the more I dislike him
big discord groomer vibes

>> No.69588904

>Niji "we own your submission even if you don't win" sanji


>> No.69589089

birdbrain sama.....

>> No.69589816
File: 473 KB, 1310x1817, NJ master plan step 74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riku has it all under control. Watch how effortlessly he apeases his investors next.

>> No.69589949

LK actually made me laugh

>> No.69590886

Not everything is an ALL OUT WAR. You don't have to "stream blockade" everyone who has ever touched AI.

>> No.69590951

I forgot about that.
Pure lipservice, snakes.

>> No.69591116

You'd think companies would stop doing that after kyoani ended up fishing a schizo that was actually willing to kill with that policy

>> No.69591379
File: 590 KB, 716x869, 1707973231869513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Niji refused to pay artists for months until Selen had to be forced to pay out of pocket to make sure they weren't screwed
"WE SUPPORT ARTISTS" my fucking crusty asshole

>> No.69591512

The Artist Pogroms is the lamest arc in this war. Who writes this shit?

>> No.69591530

I myself am an artist and am also "pro-AI" in the sense that I do not feel my livelihood is threatened by them whatsoever and they're a fun toy to play with. There's no reason to worry about the appearance of some automated art programs when the demand for art vastly outstrips the supply

>> No.69592099

Maybe their building isn't as flammable so they think they're safe

>> No.69592101


>> No.69592201

Even when God throws them a lifeline out of pity, somehow nijiEN manages to accidentally swat it away

>> No.69592233

>Selen tries to kill herself over the harassment she suffered
>I sleep
>An artist gets some mean comments

>> No.69592341

The core issue with AI isn't what it does, but how it works.
Someone needs to feed it real art real people have made.
It then probabilistically blends all this training data together with weighted values by pixel to produces results.
While the outcome is novel, it's reliant entirely upon the quality and breadth of its training data, and all the "AI" is actually doing is taking different pieces of its training data and mixing the pixels. It can't create "new" work. If you never give it a blue pixel it can't make the colour blue. If you give it 500 photos of men frowning it cannot make a smile. Incidentally, this is also why ChatGPT's diction is so fucking terrible and easy to recognize--it picked up the writing style of Quora editors because that's the top google result for all of its training data.

Fundamentally, it's just a complicated filter. Which is fine, you have similar AI driven filters on your phone apps to give you cat ears and shit. The issue is that the companies profiteering from it, and its evangelists, try very hard to pretend this isn't the case. The whole market around AI image manipulation is built to justify the wholesale theft of intellectual property so that it can be thrown into a digital blender and resold. As a person who cares about being credited for your work--or who actually makes a living off of art--you should be concerned not because it's some existential threat to your business but because some silicon valley ghoul and his team of bangledeshi codemonkeys have their hands in your till.

>> No.69592488 [DELETED] 

Anti-AI niggers have no internal monologue and cant see any nuance in the AI discourse.
There is this yugioh content creator he was sick for a very long time and couldn't record voice lines for very long time, he decided train AI on HIS OWN voice using old videos so he could make some new videos so his editor can get payed.
it blew up on twitter and all anti AI retards said its wrong because AI is stealing from the artists

>> No.69592514

I am no expert on AI, but I am knowledgeable enough to know by your description that you do not actually have any idea what the fuck it does. You are fundamentally wrong in your description, and if you want to make criticisms of it you ought to try to honestly approach learning about it, rather than listening to what angry artists on twitter tell you it is. The only thing you are correct about is that it does require a dataset - but I fail to see how an AI learning art from existing examples of it is any different from a human doing the exact same thing.

>> No.69592523

maenamagic's other account has a different Genshin ID in the screenshots than the ones in maegixx. maenamagic wasn't always called maenamagic and they renamed it to that. If you compare posting style then maegixx throughout the whole account is an absolute bitch. Also maegixx tried to grift and actually put their real name in the linked paypal lol lmao.

>> No.69592546

If it's just one or two talents people would've easily bought it. They basically fucked themselves over (again) because of their need to act like a single-minded bug colony for every single shit

>> No.69592676

>You are fundamentally wrong in your description
It's weird and funny that every time I see a "moderate" defend """AI""" they use this exact defense to any criticism. No you see, AI is just so unique and magical and complex you detractors couldn't POSSIBLY understand anything about how it works. But I, the disinterested moderate only casually side-eying the conversation while I go about my busy life banging supermodels and driving sportcars, I possess exactly enough expertise of this arcane and mysterious technology to know exactly how it works and how every criticism of its fundamental operation is clearly just ignorant.

You have the subtlety of a brick. You'd be better off having ChatGPT write your shill posts for you.

>> No.69592698

too bad im not paying almost 200 dollars for a fucking no colored head only piece i would rather go through the free option

>> No.69592740

holy based which yugi tuber was this?

>> No.69592876

This reads more like theater kids hollering backstage to settle their nerves. I wouldn't pin them harshly on this.

>> No.69593221

Am I considered pro-AI or anti-AI if I want the datasets used to be made by the user/user bought the rights to use in dataset? Because pro-AI seems to be associated with retards like this >>69592514

>> No.69593619

NTA, but the problem is that you described a human. Colorblind humans will create works deficient in that spectrum. Normal humans create bland works when viewed by ultraviolet insects.

This AI "filter", to borrow your analogy, is further from conventional "filters" than it is to humans. We're wet machines, more imaginative for now.

I actually agree there's an aspect of theft, but humans work similarly. If a workable system existed to compensate artists I would wholeheartedly embrace it.

Most detractors I've run into ARE legitimately rebuffed by sheer ignorance, but to your credit you seem to argue in good faith and have a better understanding than most.

Regardless, years will pass and these discussions will peter out into inevitability.

>> No.69594227

History lesson:
Generative image AI emerged organically from research by NVIDIA on dynamic scaling algorithms. This research formed the basis of all those funny image filters you find built into phone photo apps and photo-centric special media like instagram, and evolved from the shitty upscale techniques used to butcher old media for digital rereleases in the early 2010s.
The goal was to find a way to algorithmically predict what should be in a pixel based on existing information present in an image, so that the algorithm could, for example, take a 100x100 pixel image and blow it up to 1000x1000 without losing too much quality. This "superesolution" method allows you to render something in a lower resolution (which takes less processing power) and then use the algorithm (which is cheap to process) to upscale it and fill in the blanks left by adding 990^2 more pixels.

To accomplish this, it needs to determine 2 things: the location of pixels that need editing, and the colour the pixel needs to be. Both of these things can be quantified and then reduced to a mathematical formula. Upscaling algorithms would find this information via a tonne of metadata baked into the image made specifically to quantify values for this formula to use. This tech has been "mature" for almost a decade, but has improved as the assumptions the algorithm has to make about what should be in a pixel has been refined, both by better, more efficient data and by some meaningful improvements in the underlying mathematics.

Generative image AIs (they aren't really AI but we'll get to this) pair this algorithm, which is already a mature technology, with an image recognition Neural Network. NNs are probably well understood at this point so I won't belabour the point, but they basically let the developers set an initial series of criteria and then the training process guides the model in creating the quantifiable tags for image attributes themselves. In other words, it creates the metadata we talked about earlier via training instead of needing it provided externally. The rest of the process is exhaustively well understood and not in any way new. Your graphics card is doing it as we speak. What makes these AI models "unique" is just that training and refining neural network until it stops spitting back out eldritch horror is expensive and time-consuming process, which is essentially all that these various AI companies have actually done. But as is already widely understood, there are serious ethical issues with using someone else's intellectual property as training data without their express permission or any form of compensation--which is one reason that these companies clutch pearls over keeping their training data confidential
>these discussions will peter out into inevitability.
Actually this kind of generative AI is on borrowed time. Adversarial imaging is on the horizon (it's technically already here, check your captcha) and when that becomes widely available to end-users rights holders will be able to foil NN piracy with a simple watermark. While in an ideal world this would create a more equitable market where people are compensated fairly for their work, I suspect it will just expose the whole industry as a grift that can't be profitable if it has to pay for things it was taking for free.

>> No.69594603

>The fucking one that started this thread is now on record to his fans as having left for months at a time cause it's so shit in this discord.

>> No.69594838

good read, thanks

>> No.69594890

It's all just so blatently disingenuous...

>> No.69595063
File: 828 KB, 1304x1516, 20240217_222915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Virgin Alpha BPD vs the Chad Sigma BPD

>> No.69595184
File: 339 KB, 1300x1300, GGtT7wyXAAAmXOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is playing an neural network-assisted game today

>> No.69595196

Here's a twitter thread about an artist who sold some Nijisanji merch at an anime con recently and basically had a really miserable time. People were making fun of Anycolor/Nijisanji but were pointing out the artist's work so it felt like they were making fun of the artist's stuff. Even if the ridicule isn't explicitly and directly AT the artist, it's still shitty to have to endure for the artist and I bet shit like this is going to impact what kind of fan merch artists make available at conventions and in general going forward.


>> No.69595279

its hilarious watching these bugs all try to copy her now, after they stabbed her in the back. I dont think a single niji can be redeemed now even if they reincarnate.

>> No.69595381

Good job agent L.

>> No.69595398

Very interesting, nice job anon.

>> No.69595467

Literally no one is claiming that AI is unique and magical and complex except you, as a strawman. You absolutely possibly could understand how it works, because people are building it. The problem is that *you*, you *specifically*, going by the description you gave, do not understand it.

>> No.69595515

nice joke

>> No.69595611


>> No.69595850

Luca always reads like he's being sarcastic now.

>> No.69595895

You also do not actually understand how it works, and you simply use a cursory knowledge of the history of research in the area, which I assume you gleaned from wikipedia, to fool midwits. No, generative AI is not well-summarized as an "image recognition network paired with superresolution algorithms". No, in superresolution methods these things cannot be simply "quantified and reduced to mathematical formula", nor is it a solved problem, which is exactly why research into this particular method is still ongoing.
Honestly for any anons who were fooled by this one hundred percent bullshit word salad, I am begging you to not take posts on 4chan as indicative of truth. If you want to know how these methods actually work, *there are reliable sources out there.* This retard didn't even really give an accurate summary of the history, let alone the method.

>> No.69595947


>> No.69596057
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x1226, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Someone needs to feed it real art real people have made.
like a loom, perhaps?

>> No.69596110
File: 285 KB, 727x971, niji artists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh I thought it was about this

>> No.69596509

Agent LK is a professional. He's the vtuber version of that DnD character that was just a bear with max disguise.

>> No.69596662

This can't be real

>> No.69597147

*sigh* nice bait sister

>> No.69597216

I found this actually funny though?

>> No.69597292

AIniggers are the biggest attention whores

>> No.69597796

didn't this start because some anti-AI faggot seethed because Filian interacted with AI without the twitter-mandated propaganda disclaimer about how artists are suffering and we need to cancel it

>> No.69597967

Note: Fulgur never paid any of them.

>> No.69598007

I can hear the seethe and smell the onions from your breaths kek. You and your retard ""artist"" friends will be replaced and be forced to get real jobs. AI is here to stay. Cope. Seethe. Dilate.

>> No.69598034

I'm sorry anon but the more likely explanation is it was set up by her managers as in "doki can (has the ability to) read this inbox" as opposed to his personal or his managerial inbox she cant read or access

>> No.69598152

This is unironically a flip teenager having a mental breakdown because of shit in their own head
>first time tabling at a con
>someone talks shit about their art to themselves but they can overhear
>has a breakdown
>leaves table and cries
unironic issue on their part, this is so fucking common at artist alleys and you have to have thicker skin as long as the person isn't talking to you then their words don't exist

>> No.69598322

He just told them to send their invoices to management

>> No.69598373

Why in the flying fuck do I think all the most virulent nijisisters are Famillie?

I mean I'd always had some suspicions about Lyrica back in the day and her cadre, but this is another level.

>> No.69598575

I thought that was an injoke, since she keeps saying she can't read

>> No.69598583

she was in >>69583965
but you'll rationalize it anyway, i know

>> No.69598772

Don't even need to include flip in this. Artists are fragile.

>> No.69598817

Niji has backfired on themselves so much that I'm starting to believe that their PR team is an inside job.

>> No.69598901
File: 18 KB, 591x96, feeesh-parasocial-fucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> give me ONE genuine message

>> No.69598920
File: 21 KB, 218x265, 188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy kek. Now I wanna see what else he's posted.

>> No.69599089
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>> No.69599185



>> No.69599218

>spreading this to every single art thread (why the fuck are there so many) when they have different Genshin accounts.
Stop being retarded.

>> No.69599356

thanks for the new cope Nijisissies

>> No.69600081
File: 121 KB, 595x540, 1692103873958286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this your new rentry, sisters? Not very convincing, I must say.

>> No.69600444
File: 3.03 MB, 4096x5243, 1708448291757431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if they find a better clone...

>> No.69600664

>people were making fun of nijisanji
>it's shitty for the artist to have to endure
why lol? they weren't saying anything hostile to her or making fun of her. They were making fun of the corporation
is she nijisanji? is her identity so tied into nijiEN that saying anything bad about nijiEN is an insult to her?
I don't get it.

>> No.69602145

>selen will pay you!
>but all the jobs will go to the well off big name artists anyway
if you're a small/no name artist who cares

>> No.69602397

duel logs


>> No.69602634

Long after I've forgotten nijisanji I'll still remember this moment. It's such a perfect summary of female zoomer foolishness.

>> No.69603463

Like the post says, the issue is not you makimg one million images. It's corpos who are using it to steal shit.

>> No.69603501

Wasn't she only known by her dick sucking ASMRs?

>> No.69603532

Why does everyone larp when LK stands for Luca Kaneshiro?

>> No.69603621

Her countdown was pretty fuckin hot, and I'm not one for asmr, sexual or otherwise.

>> No.69603857

Is she dunks on them then it's not intentional, she's just trying to mind her own fucking business while these disingenuous worms have her rent free in their heads.

>> No.69604086
File: 120 KB, 296x344, 1699677568988256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seen some other anon claiming they're just shadow banned in all of the large art circles now after it coming out how much they don't pay artist for their work and fuck up their contracts. So they are trying to run PR into tell artists how much they love them because they can't get into contact with a lot of them now.
Here is your real reason for all of the artist love bullshit. I will say in fact my friend who a very used pro for a lot of these companies was who I first fucking heard the fact that Nji wasn't paying artists and it was on a discord full of pro artists that was talking about it.

>> No.69604321
File: 172 KB, 640x640, 1701586658539837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69604368

Anti-AI sois can't respond as expected. Probably crying on Twitter while opening up $80 emergency commissions

>> No.69604774

>the items dont need to be finished
Why not just wait until items are finished to dobthe auction? Notvsure why sge is rushing things

>> No.69606307

She's talking about people sending in their portfolios and saying it's fine for them to still be WIP, with the assumption that they'll eventually be complete. Of course she probably isn't gonna be selling unfinished work.

>> No.69608402


>> No.69609840

go on then

>> No.69609846

>It's weird and funny that every time I see a "moderate" defend """AI""" they use this exact defense to any criticism.
When everyone is telling you that you don't understand something, an intelligent person steps back and considers the possibility.

>> No.69611877

>if you're a small/no name artist who cares
bad artist cope

>> No.69613410

Except Kyoani never "stole" from that guy, he was a delusional retard who thought he invented buying things on sale.

>> No.69615637


>> No.69616218

It's all coming together

>> No.69616746

elira chill out, no need to seethe

>> No.69617564

Well yeah, the reason is Pomu and Selen are good, the rest bad. It's that simple.

>> No.69617716

She sounded like she came when she got to 4 during that one so yeah it was pretty hot
Too bad she stopped but it is what it is

>> No.69617809

lmao not u pointing out the truth

>> No.69618199

AI takeover is inevitable and you should stop crying and bitching and actually start learning how to use AI so you don't become obsolete. Anti-AI retards have severe tunnel vision and fail to understand the big picture.

>> No.69618221

What countdown?

>> No.69618550

>start learning how to use AI
Wow, I love how AI Prompt Wizard is the only viable career path left.

>> No.69621689

Not really. Humanity will turn into a herd to be herded by AI.

>> No.69622607

even if they get new management artists still don't have a very good chance of getting paid. either riku's underlings keep a tight grip on any funds or the new guys don't get paid enough to make sure the money goes out
