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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.24 MB, 1080x1182, interview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69585580 No.69585580 [Reply] [Original]

I don't use the word "kino" like the rest of you braindead reddit-mindset fucks but



>> No.69585619

Fuck. The final yab.

>> No.69585646

Slop bros, are we ever going to get tired of winning?

>> No.69585712

What is Madam Web?

>> No.69585741

Madame Web is so shit, then again they're trying to get the Japanese to watch this crap.

>> No.69585814

It's the new Morbius-tier superhero shit movie from Sony.

>> No.69585921

Dropped harder than Fatman and Bigboy

>> No.69585946
File: 53 KB, 557x499, 1703596385733157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck did they push this on Lui? madame web is vile, hot garbage and she doesn't deserve being made to help promote that "movie". Did she somehow pissed someone off at Cover?

>> No.69586087

The sycophancy is strong in this one. Must feel awful being a paid clown on the internet.

It's like Calli doing a CM for One Piece or the sneakigger thing.

>> No.69586111

It amazing how Sony produced both best and worst spiderman related movies.

>> No.69586116

It's webbing time

>> No.69586140

Please spoil the movie. I'm not watching any MCU shit until Deadpool 3.

>> No.69586236

it's not MCU it's venomverse

>> No.69586253


Mid interview opp for a mid talent. Sorry but it's true.

>> No.69586252
File: 694 KB, 3000x2796, fubuki morbin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubuki did Morbius.

>> No.69586297

Madame Web is a Spiderman side character, right? Why don't I see Spidey in that promo poster? Who are these girl superheroes? Why is Madame Web not a grandmotherly hag? Oh right, it's another girlpowerslop.

>> No.69586309

woman browses internet for the first time and she ejaculates web after discovered elsagate

>> No.69586362
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That's actually fucking horrible. Like why? That movie is already a fucking dumpster fire.

>> No.69586393

The only good Spiderman movies were the ones directed by Sam Raimi. All the other ones sucked.

>> No.69586395

Experimental internet web cooch gas?

>> No.69586438
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Proud for Lui but yeah the movie bombed, Marvelcels are tired of le women (Marvels, Ironheart, Madame Web, they're kinda not wrong this is overcompensating super hard on Disney's part)

>> No.69586492

It says the interview is in English so it should be good for that reason alone.

>> No.69586547

>tired of le women

Tired of terrible writing, more like it. WandaVision, for example, is good stuff.

>> No.69586577

Fuwamoco could personally tell me to watch a marvel movie and I still wouldn't waste time on that goyslop

>> No.69586612

Anon, that was 3 years ago...

>> No.69586631

Meh not that matters much. I hate that movie, I will not watch the stream, and Cover will still earn that Madam Web PR money. Win-win situation

>> No.69586674

No one is going to watch the film.

>> No.69586728

This is the hag collab I didn't know I wanted!!!

>> No.69586774

Do you have the one with Fubuki and Jared Leto/Morbius?

>> No.69586787

When the fuck will Hollywood approach Holomems to interview them on GOOD movies? I mean, FUCK.

>> No.69586788

This one is on Sony not Marvel, only Marvel thing in it is the characters.

>> No.69586840

The brat la+ did an interview for The Batman, so there's that. Lui and her should have switched places.

>> No.69586910
File: 193 KB, 323x389, 1693095579301769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically loved the Foobs x Morb and Lap x Bats interviews.

>> No.69587017

They are trying to morbin' time this movie.

>> No.69587077
File: 2.30 MB, 1920x864, 1708000129955868.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Main villain dies to pepsi

>> No.69587193


>> No.69587197


>> No.69587274
File: 2.66 MB, 334x298, 1708268792490100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm losing brain cells just watching this shit.

>> No.69587373

I know (now) that this isn't MCU, but they really should have stopped at the first Avengers movie.

>> No.69587469

Sony can't use Spider-Man in their own cinematic universe, so they're throwing whatever characters they have at the wall hoping for one to stick. Venom came the closest to being good, but it's all shitters.
The animated Spider-Verse series is co-produced with Marvel.

>> No.69587471
File: 27 KB, 300x300, 2q34e2424342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a worthy contender to Geoff "Dorito" Keighley for the "Worst Ad Placement In History" award.

>> No.69587512

*Sony can't use Spider-Man in their own Spider-Man cinematic universe

>> No.69587516

Gotta disagree with that, anon. I'm with the "everything went to shit after Endgame" crowd.

>> No.69587584

>Only the P and S fall
>PS = PlayStation
Subliminal advertising for PlayStation

>> No.69587695
File: 3.36 MB, 1280x720, 1707841606545948.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already posted my thoughts about this on /hlgg/ but I can tell it's going to be even worse than the Morbius interview becauss this movie is just complete dogshit. Here's the reasons why that I posted in /hlgg/:
>Marketing was focused on the 3 Spider-Women in their suits fighting bad guys
>Villain (who's just an evil Spider-Man) also has a vision of getting himself killed by 3 Spider-Women
>Villain somehow takes his visions and puts it onto a computer to figure out who the Spider-Women are in present day (movie takes place in 2003 btw the tech must be crazy futuristic)
>The 3 Spider-Women in the film end up being normal ass teenagers and they never get their suits, powers, or fight the villain in the movie because that was just a vision of the future that both Madame Web and evil Spider-Man had
>Evil Spider-Man gets killed by a fucking Pepsi sign falling on top of him which was foreshadowed earlier in webm rel
>Continuously obvious product placement of Pepsi in general
>Movie doesn't explain why villain is evil he just is (he was the exploration guide for Madame Web's mother who he betrays, shoots and leaves to die)
>Shitty editing
>Shitty CGI
>Half of the dialogue is dubbed for some reason, mainly the villain's
>Soundtrack songs are literally copied from the Spider-Man 2 game without any credit

>> No.69587745

>another capeshit interview
fuck off with that shit

>> No.69587792

Is the quality of the movie actually important? What matters is that the interview goes well and gives Lui exposure.

>> No.69587870

I would have never thought it could be this bad, but companies like Sony just want to burn their money for their Zionist daddies I guess.

lmao Right on.

>> No.69587896

The movie's reputation is not only in the negatives, but downright radioactive. It's so bad that the lead actress dumped her agent and got a new one after the movie was released. No one sane would want to be associated with it, in any capacity.

>> No.69587927

>>Soundtrack songs are literally copied from the Spider-Man 2 game without any credit
You're fucking with us.

>> No.69588028

I doubt it's that bad in Japan, but if someone here is her member or otherwise close to her it might be a good idea to inform her so she can make an informed decision on whether she wants to avoid praising the movie herself.

>> No.69588151

Which holo will be the one doing the Kraven the Hunter interview?

>> No.69588161

>movie takes place in 2003 btw the tech must be crazy futuristic
>Half of the dialogue is dubbed for some reason, mainly the villain's
Weren't there rumors that they did reshoots to change the year it took place because they wanted to tie it to the Amazing Spider-Man movies.

>> No.69588184

Who's the biggest animal lover?

>> No.69588264

Morbius and Madame Web were written by the same guys, there's probably Kurtzman/Abrams-level nepotism going on in there.

>> No.69588304
File: 787 KB, 849x1200, 8fd8391ad8d68420a83b36766f70ab89 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so she can make an informed decision on whether she wants to avoid praising the movie herself.
are movietards really such manchildren you'll cry if a vtuber gives generic pr compliments?

>> No.69588341

Have you had the misfortune of watching madame web, anon? Be honest.

>> No.69588553


>> No.69588625
File: 66 KB, 640x480, MV5BYzM1Y2Q0YmYtNDJhZi00OGZjLTliMTQtNjkyNDhkZDZkNDAyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA3MTI1MTEw._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't they plan to do a Silk movie/TV series before? Could've just done that

>> No.69588719

Good movies don't need shilling by anime girls. Hololive audience is pretty small by holywood standards, so that should tell you how desperate they are for any promotion.

>> No.69588873

Is there any reason why Cover get their hags to promote marvel slops? Foobs, mr koro, Flare, and Lui

>> No.69589103

Don't know about Flare, but the rest are huge westaboos, so they take any chance to get connections with western companies.

>> No.69589108

Penis Parker

>> No.69589161

Penis Pepsi

>> No.69589395

Was this the only time a Vtuber and a celebrity got along/ seemed to not be awkward as fuck?

>> No.69589543

I really wish Sony Pictures would die off in favor of their game studio and partnerships with third party devs. Especially since the latter makes them more money anyway.

>> No.69589809

The morbius guy also seemed to like Fabuki, but not to the level of Mr. Waltz there.

>> No.69590116

>Foobs, mr koro
>Flare, and Lui
Cheaper (Sorry its true)

>> No.69590178

Lapras and The Bat Interview is actually good tho.

>> No.69590609

Tell Jared Leto and Shirakami Fubuki that I forgive them.

>> No.69590671

goykosher is on the menu

>> No.69590751

I like that he was interested enough to ask her some questions.

>> No.69590954

Why would they make Lui such an evil person like that?
If she lies and says the movie is good, she is no better than a no shame shill.

>> No.69590961

I hope we get a venom interview one day

>> No.69591212

Dakota Johnson hasn't aged very well judging by this picture...

>> No.69591228
File: 42 KB, 730x391, 1636190327693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dogshit gets released into cinemas and bombs to the surprise of nobody yet on the other side of Hollywood some fat bozo in a suit can delete off a hard drive a completed movie like 'Coyote vs. Acme' that some people would actually want to see for a tax break.

>> No.69591406

I can't believe there is a review for MW out there that actually starts with "I apologize to Morbius"

>> No.69591450

>Coyote vs Acme
Blame Zaslav for that, he chose to push out the Flash instead.

>> No.69591474

Hey at least she isn't leaking Sony legal documents

>> No.69592247

Shit movie. However, the girls are always so completely enamored with the stars they're interviewing that the video comes out good. These interviews are kino.

>> No.69592301

Because she kind of speaks English

>> No.69592423


>> No.69592652
File: 77 KB, 202x254, cringo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's an expression of pain.

>> No.69594163

Hag on hag violence.

>> No.69594610

Make that a breeding competition.

>> No.69594742

Which holo should interview Ryan Gosling?

>> No.69595635

This. That anon is a delusional retard who just wants to cry about something.

>> No.69596125

It's funny because Dakota Johnson's press tour has already been a disaster since she fucking hates the movie. A vtuber interview is nothing.
She basically said she didn't want to watch it herself because it would make her feel bad.

>> No.69596391

e-celeb begging hololive are twitch now

>> No.69597246
File: 47 KB, 1600x900, Friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69597306


>> No.69597448

It's not even Venomverse, it's been relegated to its own canon

>> No.69597471

In her dreams. Ryan doesn't do interviews with whores.

>> No.69597500


>> No.69597677

It’s been delayed they fired the entire writing team and are starting from the beginning. Probably for the best

>> No.69597848

If only it was Spider-man 2 for the PS2. Just use the Pizza delivery song the entire movie

>> No.69597924

I hope we get kino and not some disaster that will make my hag sad.

>> No.69597934

