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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69497382 No.69497382 [Reply] [Original]

>actual real venue live tomorrow
>not a single shill stream to hype it up in the last weeks
What have they done to Hoshillmachi Suisei. I liked this album even better than Specter but I feel like it's intentionally not being advertised in all possible avenues and no one besides her own fans know it's even happening. Where's the label's marketing budget?

>> No.69497454

Is she banging that guy behind her?

>> No.69497503

No he is a married ojisan

>> No.69497537

its already sold out OP

>> No.69497545

That's never stopped people before.

>> No.69497702

Inotac is innocent, he did nothing wrong besides having an awful bowlcut.

>> No.69497807

...its sold out...

>> No.69497849

She can still shill more streaming ticket sales. MGO stuff still has a fraction of the views of her own songs.

>> No.69498004

is there an online ticket?

>> No.69498313

It's streamed on spwn

>> No.69498773

I don't think they wanna spend much on marketing. They probably don't want to distract from Suisei main work at holo or shift that perception.
I still prefer they spend the budget on the actual concert production like last time. It's not like MGO is doing poorly and you can definately see the love behind it even if it isn't mainstream.

>> No.69498872

It's music label autism, no way Suisei would voluntarily not do any kind of aggressive marketing for it.

>> No.69500053

My rrat is they didnt pay her for advertising it so she doesn't

>> No.69500588

Shill on where? Her channel?

>> No.69500667

Yeah that’s typical of MGO. Suisei doesn’t have the marketing rights to shill it as often as her own projects. Also MGO deliberately tries not to attach it self to the Hololive brand.

>> No.69501410

Yes. She isn't even tweeting about it as much as she could

>> No.69501662

Suisei doesn't shill half as much as she used to. She needs to be prompted to shill stuff in other people's streams these days.

How much did she shill her latest covers? Very little. She tweeted them and briefly talked about them in her next stream.

>> No.69501902

She has been hyping it up a bit, no? And she didn't hype up the first MGO concert that much too IIRC
And MGO is MGO not Suisei's solo project

>> No.69502830

I dont think there was a single stream talking about the fact that the live exists in the last month

>> No.69505046


>> No.69506856

Yeah, Hoshillmachi was a phase when her first album and solo live came out, it just happened to be a very funny phase so it was clipped a lot. Though she has always been both aggressive and shameless enough when it came to advertising her stuff, but at the same time it's really just your standard indie 2view hustle that's not really all that unique to her.

>> No.69507057

Star Pegglo? what the fuck does that mean?

>> No.69507123

Those outfits are fucking hideous

>> No.69507681

the album's called starpeggio, a portmanteau of star + arpeggio, arpeggio being a musical term.
yeah they are, thankfully they're most likely not what they're gonna be wearing (or at least she, dunno about the dude because he has 0 swag).

>> No.69507770

>Where's the label's marketing budget?
There's actually been extensive shilling but in physical form, and as you can imagine that means it's pretty much all in japan. They really suck at online shilling though.

>> No.69507771

kind oot but it's a neat art. what is the artist name ?

>> No.69507855

>I'll give you endless night
suipiss ?

>> No.69507888
File: 459 KB, 1448x2048, GAl6Or9bAAA4rJo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midnight Grand Orchestra, It's Suisei's sidegig with Inotaku, the composer.

>> No.69507985


>> No.69508092
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until you see this.

>> No.69508148

I cannot fucking read...

>> No.69509727

I have a feeling it may be a bit of autism on her part as well, seeing how well this can do without being intrinsically tied to the Hololive brand. She does still shill out, but nowhere near as aggressively as she shills anything else she is involved in.

>> No.69509990

I'm old enough I can appreciate this because it reminds of the Rankin Bass Christmas Shows.

>> No.69510595

This is entirely my unsubstantiated theory but what if they simply don't pay her enough to shill it? We know that labels are stingy and strict, so what if it's just a power play on her part?
The entire reason MGO is selling at all is because of her brand power, which she is giving to them basically for free. But it's the label's job to spend money market the artist, not the other way around.
Suisei and Holo invests a lot of money to build her brand and she would be getting ripped off if she also gives all her brand power to the label and they then take a cut but don't pull their marketing weight.

>> No.69510672

>The entire reason MGO is selling at all is because of her brand power
Yes, yes. Who even is InoTaku?

>> No.69510950

Inotaku has brand power as well, he has his own niche fanbase. There's people who religiously go to Mogra when he's there.

>> No.69510965

I see where he's coming from since she's undeniably the one who's bringing the biggest portion of the audience, but indeed he's not some literally who, he's a fairly big deal in japan over im@s and tekken.
I don'y buy it, Suisei cares about people seeing her performances more than anything.

>> No.69511036


>> No.69511144

For some reason labels don't advertise shit, I mean compare advertisement for SoraAZ concert and Watame sololive. For some reason Cover is better at being music label than the actual labels.

>> No.69511359

>I see where he's coming from since she's undeniably the one who's bringing the biggest portion of the audience
I'd argue that that is somewhat debatable, she's undoubtedly one of the most popular Holos at this point but as can be demonstrated by MGO there are a lot of Hololive fans who just won't give a shit about something that isn't explicitly Hololive. Concert sold out regardless, and I'm sure the online ticket sales are fine, but I definitely don't think it's overly one sided either way as to who is bringing this thing the most eyes.

>> No.69511479

Also consider this, there is an opportunity cost to Suisei doing MGO.
She only has a limited amount of time and energy to sing and perform. And she has to choose between doing things under her own name, and under MGO, where she probably gets a much smaller cut. And currently her own songs sell much much more than MGO. Every MGO project means less Hoshimachi Suisei projects, even though it probably doesn't translate 1:1 because she is much less involved in MGO and doesn't have to plan anything, just go there and perform.
So it's the label's job to make the trade worthwhile for her, not hers. I think they've done a good job so far, with providing her pretty banger MVs and kino concerts.

>> No.69511617

>there are a lot of Hololive fans who just won't give a shit about something that isn't explicitly Hololive.
they might if suisei actually were to aggressively shill MGO stuff on main like she does her solo stuff. when she had that stream where she promoted her latest MGO single front and center, a shitton of people left comments saying they had no idea she had this side project in the first place; when she released the 夜を待つよ mv, a lot of people commented "i clicked because she looked like suichan and wtf it really was her i had no idea". the starpeggio singles/MVs are WAY more successful than the overture MVs because they actually feature suisei front and center in the thumbnail.

i think people do care, they simply won't go out of their way to look for it.

>> No.69511783
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It's in plain sight on most of her shit, anyone who cares enough to know knows.

>> No.69511788
File: 100 KB, 927x1610, 1708287011172429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69511811

I'm not saying that it's Suisei vs Inotaku. If anything it's Suisei and Inotaku vs VIA. Inotaku also has his own major label contract so they also have to offer him the same value over just doing things on his own besides the sentimental one of "he gets to work more with Suisei"

>> No.69511956

>people reading descriptions
people won't see anything they don't get plastered all over their faces. if marine were to promote her new songs or singles just in the description of her streams what do you think will happen?

>> No.69511964

Same reason why youtubers keep repeating "SUBSCRIBE AND SMASH THE LIKE". Obviously everyone knows but actively, explicitly saying it when you have people's attention has more of an effect of pushing people over.

>> No.69512296

That was just an example, go to her twitter and it's pinned to the top. It's in her little advertising scroll she has on stream. Anyone who doesn't know this is happening likely wasn't going to pay for it anyway, as they don't even watch Suisei.

>> No.69513186

But that's the point, you can't just market to your existing fanbase. Marketing has to reach the people who don't know about you.
You could take any random non holofag vtuber fan and tell them the name Hoshimachi Suisei and they roughly know who you are talking about. But if you take the same person and tell them the name Midnight Grand Orchestra a majority will have no idea what that is, and that's a failure of marketing.

>> No.69513322

I bet you that nobody here could name a single thing from Miko's ad scroll in her streams nor remember what her pinned tweet is either. And it's not that people don't care, it's that once again people won't see it unless directly shoved in your face because people are lazy, not necessarily disinterested. I'm sure a lot of people who aren't aware and don't pay attention to those things would be interested if they were.

>> No.69514925
File: 422 KB, 1920x1080, 1694222779480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69516857

I guess they're not too worried if the venue tickets sold out easily. Can't wait anyway.

>> No.69517047
File: 571 KB, 2048x2048, GBJYF2WaAAADhmt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need to plaster her blue face everywhere, there's a reason this limited album cover sold more than the others despite veing the most expensive.

>> No.69517089
File: 143 KB, 1080x1080, 1708364517482346.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that reason is that it included the funny eyed suisei figurine.

>> No.69518116

It sold out before anyone knew the figure would be a shitpost.

>> No.69519067

I considered buying it but $100 for a pretty box is a bit much. I went for the normal CD instead.

>> No.69520969

Outsourced to Japanese animation studios fyi and never credited, in some cases

>> No.69524412

