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File: 438 KB, 1000x563, Addressing-Your-Concerns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69399606 No.69399606 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that we NEVER saw this guy shows up that's not in the form of still image

Even Roa drama didn't bring him out to make apology video to the japs for their terrible handling of that shit

The fact that he had to make a video dogeza-ing in front of million people means NijiEN is in very deep trouble and Selen drama is only the beginning

>> No.69399768

a jap businessman bowing is like committing fucking seppuku

>> No.69399815


>> No.69400214

What position does your body take when you thrust a sword into your stomach?

>> No.69400230

Niji EN management made the CEO dogeza to the shareholders. When the EN branch is absorbed into the main branch like ID and KR were and half the livers graduated or terminated, the only surprising thing will be that it didn't happen sooner.

>> No.69400472

Don't worry, I'm building a comprehensive plan to rebuild trust for both investors and the overseas audience, starting with a thorough assessment of current staff and support policies and processes.

>> No.69400584

Fucking ChatGPT ass reply, I swear the internet is so fucked

>> No.69400596

When Anycolor's foreign expansion ended, Hololive announced more worldwide expansion.
We all know who investors will prefer. One has a bigger market than the other.

>> No.69400794

It's just chickens coming home to roost. For a long time now we were openly wondering, "HOW is this possible, why would they allow this" for so much petty drama and audience-shitting behaviors in nijiEN clearly making them fucking eat shit in numbers and induce negative growth for a year+. That should not happen but it just kept happening and it seemed JP headquarters was completely out to lunch or just plain misled as to the general consensus about nijiEN and its talents forming in the West, the target audience. They didn't want to listen to us because they thought they were too good to hear our grievances and now the boiling water is finally killing the frog. About time IMO.

>> No.69400824

That was just a 5-second 90° bow though. Still pretty severe, but not as severe as a dogeza. Learn your bows, fake weeb.

>> No.69400884

Yeah... we're definitely gonna see more shit come out.

Ren Zotto posted a selfie on his PL today after retweeting the PR disaster so I'm thinking he didn't know about the clique's harassment and now wants out.

Ren has NEVER posted on his PL since getting into Niji so this is a standout thing to take note of

>> No.69400915

Riku has his hands behind his back so it doesn't count
It's like crossing your fingers

>> No.69400930
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>A Japanese businessman bows
>Three gaijin underlings come along while he's mid bow and almost literally pushes him over live on camera

I mean, how else can Tazumi even respond now? He was undercut and humiliated internationally.
If this doesn't end with a complete lopping of the English branch, I'll be amazed.

>> No.69400991

Nta but that is a formal "I fucked up, forgive me" bow and not the casual formality bow. An actual real dogeza I don't think we would see because CEOs don't do that. But this was not far from it.

>> No.69401045

The rrat that managers were keeping information from JP branch seems more likely with each passing yab.

>> No.69401063

>Even Roa drama didn't bring him out to make apology video to the japs for their terrible handling of that shit
Because they haven't went IPO yet and didn't have any stock or investors to worry about

>> No.69401076

I can assure you that my reply was typed by human hands, and our plan will be formed around several new core values designed to bring NijisanjiEN into the competitive sphere for the western market.
I'm fucking struggling to type the most bland corporate speak as I can, does ChatGPT just shit that out for free? I struggle to insert words like synergy, disruption, or ecosystem as often as I'd like.
I actually do budget planning for fun though I don't have anywhere near enough information to claim I could unfuck a business in an industry I barely understand

>> No.69401954

I'll be frank, i think our boy, Ren is aware. He might seem clueless but maybe that's on purpose due to the clique shutting him out. It's interesting how they tardwrangle super hard during that PR move which means they're getting even more toxic.

Wait, huh, didn't someone fucking say this same shit to me long ago before this shitstorm. Oh, I'm seeing it all now... rrat bros, I miss you...

>> No.69402093

ChatGPT's AI is so retarded good that yes, I think it's possible for free. It's going to ruin society lol

>> No.69402095

Nah, they bow all the time, that wasn't even a dogeza.
A real Japanese apology involves a loss of body parts.

>> No.69402200
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He was probably clenching his hands in rage, and with how the EN branch kept him in the dark about a lot of things, he cannot be blamed for any of it. Hell he seemed to be on good terms with people like Selen the few times they interacted, I doubt he was happy hearing about her graduation either.
If anything I'd be real fucking scared if I were Elira, or any other EN talent currently staying in Japan, because Riku is no longer the silly looking kid you see in old photos or video stills, the kid who would probably act chummy and casual with you. He's now the grown up, angry businessman seen in the OP who signs your checks and is getting increasingly sick of your shit. It is not hard to imagine him staring daggers into the soul of any person affiliated with EN from here on out, should they ever have to cross his path.

>> No.69403421

That's like saying SBF had no clue what the fuck happened in his FTX company, because in reality he knew, he just didn't react until shit hit his wallets

>> No.69403642

Pretty sure a jap committing seppuku would be like committing seppuku.

>> No.69403647

>forced to bow to gaijins in apology
>black screen stream was such a fuck up that he might even have to do a second one
I wouldn't be surprised if Elira has been converted into a glory hole at niji headquarters.

>> No.69403720

No, in business terms that would be like a banker taking the express elevator out the window.

>> No.69406144

Ren would be one of the few guys that I hope makes it out of NijiEN by merit of being one of the few normal, mentally well adjusted individuals in that whole branch. I dont think he would've expected the branch to go out like this like other early NijiEN fans either.

>> No.69407927

He did just post a pic in his PL maybe resurrecting soon

>> No.69408145

>We will establish a more robust reporting system so that this never happens again
So you're basically saying the stuff that reached central was likely tampered and/or false information which led to this debacle

>> No.69408510

You don't know the truth about Kingyo and Roa, and you don't know the truth about NijiJP.
You don't even know that the Twitter account named Sakana, who was leaking slanderous information about Kingyo, was also a switch friend of Siina's.

>> No.69409077

The bow wasn't supposed to be seen as "expected". The whole point was a bit of shock-and-awe i.e. "Oh man he's really taking this seriously" and nipping (lol) the whole thing in the bud.
The nijikuro stream really fucked him in the ass. If that hadn't happened and we'd seen this response so much of this would have died down already and he'd come out with more face than before. Now he looks more like a clown wrangler.
>Verification not required.

>> No.69409733

Bankman would be part of the clique in your comparison. He was absolutely, hands-on involved in the shit that turned up. He's more like Vox than Riku. Riku is Bankman's aunt or mom.

>> No.69410149

The issue is that he didn't seem to learn, his job opening ads are laughable, they are recruiting wranglers for 7 bucks an hour.

>> No.69410386

Don't forget the "no defree in Law required' legal team

>> No.69410868

Daihatsu in Japan (Toyota group company) just recently fired their chairman and CEO for falsifying crash safety testing for years and forcing over a month of full production stop and full government audit. This is how they bowed for that fuck up.

>> No.69410969

It was a shockingly unnecessary loss of face, in retrospect. There will be repercussions

>> No.69411047

Elira's gonna have to learn to type all over again

>> No.69411560

His decently written statement and non hostility against Doki was actually gonna calm the situation, by now the ENs would've resume normal activities but some genius though that 15 mins hit piece was a good idea and here we are.

>> No.69411694


>> No.69411967

I would be surprised to see a string of graduations/terminations/separations. NijiEN's just given every one of their livers in a first world country enough leverage for an escape hatch, they just have to move quickly and lawyer up.

>> No.69412194

Nijisanji is stuck in a catch-22 because they need to turn public opinion in their favor and against Doki, but any move they make towards that will be seen by the public as further bullying of Doki, so they effectively cannot turn the public opinion.
The solution is to no longer antagonize Doki, but instead try to make amends. They need to show the public that they regret everything that happened, that they take responsibility for it and that they will take steps to make sure it never happens again. Make promises to restructure EN management, improve communication with livers and treat all livers fairly with no favoritism. Get Doki to agree to let bygones be bygones. If they can get her to make a statement that all hostilities are dropped, they might be okay.
This will require a lot of humility though.

>> No.69412272

That's all we've fucking wanted, but unfortunately we know that's not happening. At least not unless daddy riku gets involved more directly.

>> No.69412597

Mind boggling decision by NijiEn to release their video, considering they already knew that the ceo was going to release his own video. Why not wait until the ceo's video came out before relaeasing their own statement so they won't be contradictory? Or maybe they already knew what Riku was going to say and willingly contradicted it to get one more shot at Selen?

>> No.69413176

I don't remember if he bowed during Gundou termination either when it reached national tv from what I heard. This shit is so deep NijiEN forced him to bow AND speak in engrish

>> No.69413263

Japanese hates humiliation especially with filthy gaijins. The suits have too much pride so the CEO bow is a shock

>> No.69413468

Anycolor paid 2.7 billion yen for stock buyback program that pump their share price from 3170 yen to 3370 yen. But now their price drop back to 3150 yen

Cover paid 2.3 billion yen just to build their new 3D studio.

>> No.69413557

Nigga didn't even bow properly, had his hands behind his back all the time dictator style.

>> No.69413558

The amount of bullshit that pops up whenever NDF pushes for good Niji threads by creating multiple shit posting threads on everyone else is mind boggling.

>> No.69413602

This is true, it's honestly destroying their reputation they created if they use a stop gap measure to prevent all their stake holders jumping ship. You could tell they were sweating because small companies bailed all it would of taken is a large one to create a Titanic tier tear in the yacht.

>> No.69413653

So basically Anycolour burned 15mil USD to get back equity that doesn't help them at all, and all the benefits they recieved from it is all lost, so basically they lost 15mil USD for nothing.
Even a small studio or some assets would've been worth it, if they don't let the organs use it they coudve rented it.

>> No.69413663
File: 72 KB, 1440x793, Big Lez Datura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's real easy to say it's Japanese Face-Saving that caused this, but there's something even more powerful.
Good ol' Western Narcissism.

Riku was attempting to wipe the issue away with a very Japanese apology which would have, along with Doki's insistence that she wants this to end, actually been the end of it.
But good ol' Western Narcissists decided to make an incredibly stupid video which made everything worse, and now they've got a good ol Westernized Asian Narcissist spouting stupid shit making everything even worse, and now good ol Western Narcissists are using this for views and Nijisanji is being Akku Yadav'd in the court of public opinion. Look that up, it's a fun story.

A Japanese company with all its Honor-protecting and Face-saving has had both utterly obliterated by some good ol Western Narcissists in its employ who simply couldn't shut their fucking mouths.

>> No.69413791

Isn't it a good thing that this issue has effectively ended Nijisanji's expansion to the English-speaking world?

>> No.69413793

Elira live sepokku on international waters, soon!

>> No.69413836

Not for them, no.

>> No.69413900

No, a monopoly is never a good thing, but right now I'd rather have a holo monopoly than share market space with that black company.

>> No.69413934

They already said that they investigated themselves and did nothing wrong. I don't know how they would be able to turn that into an apology without admitting they fucked up. Which won't ever happen.

>> No.69413952

>Weebs believing this is TRUE APOROGY HONORABRU BOW
Dog, this shit means nothing. No, it doesn't matter "how deep it was". This was boilerplate JP corpo bullshit.

>> No.69413959

You know that SBF authorized the outflows and the schemes that allowed them to skim money? Riku didn't organize the bullying clique or anything directly here unlike him. At best, he is culpable because of chain of responsibility but he had no direct hand with NijiEN's management getting to the point where it shafted talents.
This would be ideal but it remains to be seen if that can be done. The only way we would know publicly that this happened is if Anycolor and Doki both co-released a joint statement. Right now, I am more inclined to think things are headed in the right direction given how streams are now happening with other talents at NijiEN and nothing else has happened with smaller scale dramas which seemed to have been swept under the rug. The main thing though is I would not put it past Anycolor to finish an investigation before their earnings call and terminate people or graduate them to minimize fallout with investors. But the damage has already been done, Anycolor ceded the Vtuber English market #2 position effectively.

>> No.69414050

He posted on his PL today, probably wants out

>> No.69414082

Further proving the gurrat...

Meme magic is just sad now

>> No.69414090

I will cut down anyone who leaves Nijisanji in it's hour of need.

>> No.69414113

Yeah, that’ll help your image.

>> No.69414137

*teleports behind you*
nothin personnel kid

>> No.69414155

but did he do it on any JP issue? Niji has a shitton of yab on JP side but I never heard any of those made him bow

>> No.69414201

It had to be released before Riku to overlap with Doki's neopets stream in an attempt to get her to fuck up live

>> No.69414277

You know what's the funniest part of all of this, that doki showed us. She's the one that has the EA connections, not NijiEN. This motherfucker lost his chance at a Shibuya Hal. Negligible my ass.

>> No.69414433

I don't understand why they think these sanctioned slander campaigns against people who leave/ are terminated are a good idea. I've never seen this type of behavior from a corporation.

>> No.69414556

I am betting for at least Blizzard levels of fuckery.

>> No.69414599

Btw Kotoka soft quit, and will only release music for a while. Take it however you want.

>> No.69414669

My suspicion is that the video wasn't aimed at the public but at other EN members. Literally high school behavior.

>> No.69414722

Not once. In fact you cant find another video of him standing in front of a anycolor logo
Nippleman catastrophe costing them sponsors and thousands of $ worth of merch lost because they had to remove him? Didn't even bother making a twitter post
Roa? Who the fuck is that lmao
That clown attacking Pekora? Too busy sailing on his yacht
More than 20 graduations/terminations a year? Look at my profits though!

>> No.69414810

I imagine we'll see more by the beginning of next month.

>> No.69414859

I bet they do it to deny allegations. Any terminations aside from graduations = problematic employee and blame it all on that employee. Didn't work this time as public opinion sided on Selen instead. Vtuber companies need good will from their audience as their income comes from that and merch too

>> No.69415035

They think PR stands for Petty Retaliation

>> No.69415090

Kek. I think Tazumi had to bow as they are planning to expand more globally and EN is that stepping stone. Unlike their focused regions like IN/CN/ID/KR, EN has larger potential but the whole shitshow has cucked their bigger plans.

>> No.69415102

on the contrary. it was deliberate to force Doki to act emotional and fuck up but they weren't expecting her lawyer or manager to be competent.

>> No.69415434
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>> No.69415587

Its not complicated retard just look at the stock
Nah its just how they publically apologize

>> No.69415741

How low do you think Elira had to bow to keep their jobs

>> No.69415789


>> No.69415863

See more soft quitting?

>> No.69415915

Bow? After pulling that stunt, nothing short of a full dogeza for an hour straight would seem reasonable.

>> No.69416111

japs bow every fucking hour you retard

>> No.69416315

She had to bow to dick level

>> No.69417335

She must've been so happy to go to Japan together with Petra

>> No.69417712

He's going to come out of this looking the best. If they followed selens termination with his apology video and nothing else happened it'd been fine. He's been fucked over by his staff. We've been memeing this guy as an evil overlord but in reality he probably doesn't have a thing to do with nijisanji and is off doing other shit then he gets a call saying stocks are down 150m and comes into the office to apologise lmao. It's incredible that whoever he's left in charge in his stead is so incompetent.

>> No.69417898

>they investigated themselves and did nothing wrong
lol irl

>> No.69417960

It ain't slander if its true. Sorry it hurts that your oshi is fucking stupid

>> No.69418067

Anons not knowing Riku got shit from the JP side cause of his arms during the bow.

>> No.69418083

Telling me i made a mis
ake is bullying wahhhhh

>> No.69418175

>if you leave the plantation, you’re a fucking idiot
Actually, as you may find, that’s rather incorrect.

>> No.69418251

Thats what makes me laugh the most, she literally just got there
Almost seems like karma is trying to tell us something

>> No.69418286

>one more shot at doki
It's that. One had to remember these are essentially wo/manchildren that never grew out of high school mentally.
They saw their victim open and thought, hey, one last push will finish her off!
That's as far as their tiny underdeveloped brains were thinking.

>> No.69418436

Imagine if Elira returns and is doing a mental health charity donothon. KEK

>> No.69418525

Yes, but not the fucking CEO of a company, not to the public, and usually they just bow a few inches, not trying to suck their dicks like Tazumi did.

>> No.69418571

>he thinks selens termination wasnt planned months ahead
they're literally just waiting for a chance to get rid of certain livers
this was 100% a business trip

>> No.69418649
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so many people talking out of their asses learn a little

>> No.69418919

I will aggressively walk towards you while bowing and you can't do anything about it.

>> No.69418965
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Aside from Pomu, was anyone else in nijiEN close to and collabed a lot with Selen? I remember Rosemi being fairly close, and that doesn't even account for the Obsydia dynamic since they had a lot of collabs, both group and 1-on-1, without Petra.

>> No.69419050

>Akku Yadav
Holy fuck. I remember hearing about that story when it happened.

>> No.69419056

Don't forget the Katana, Anon.

>> No.69419119

No you won't faggot

>> No.69419184

Rude foreigner... I bet you also like to manipulate images...

>> No.69419190

She offcollabed with yugo

>> No.69419193

>Retards ITT don't know the impact of a prolonged bow in JP culture
lol lmao even

>> No.69419474
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>he cannot be blamed for any of it
All of this, could have been prevented if Riku hired more staff and payed them well enough to stay long term. This whole bullshit - even if the GURRAT is real - is 100% on his ass.

>> No.69419694

>A real Japanese apology involves a loss of body parts.
Do hospitals now call circumcision "Japanese apology"?

>> No.69419760

people still call nijisanji an idol company, what do you expect

>> No.69419811

It means nothing coming out of nijisanji

>> No.69420045

>NijiEN is in very deep trouble
They realized that their image in the west was very rapidly declining, potentially making them lose their status as #2 in the west.
And while this was not a problem for ID or KR, because who cares if does branches are closed lol, the EN market is not something they can just merge with main and ignore. They HAVE TO make it work.
They probably don't fear having to close the entire branch or anything (yet), but having other companies catching up to them or even getting bigger would devastating for the stocks.

The japanese way of showing this would be what they have done and accepting fault. They just missed the mark because they don't understand what is happening nor why people are mad. Also people in the west just doesn't give a shit about japanese company customs.

>> No.69420558

Who said he didn't lose any?

>> No.69420956

Holy ESL Batman.

>> No.69421026
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>but having other companies catching up to them
That's a whole other issue for them, isn't it? They've underinvested in their talents for years and now that their 2D looks heavily outdated, they can't just dump a lot of money in the EN branch without the JP branch starting a riot. It's even worse for events because their whole tech is based on a single studio in Tokyo, so good luck fixing that. Also last year the JP events underperformed compared to the year before and I believe two events got cancelled, so it's not like they can - again - dump a lump sum on EN without JP starting a fuss.
The whole company looks like it rode on a working model for years and never updated it for the future and now that the future is here they're so fucked.

>> No.69421133

Enna claims to be a virgin to appeal to her femcel audience.

But Enna has dated and moved in for more than a year with multiple boyfriends and fakes being a femcel for viewer engagement

Also Enna craves BWC and fucked Kyo during their offcollab

>> No.69421364

> they are planning to expand more globally and EN is that stepping stone
Then why the fuck didn't they give proper managers to the branch for 3 fucking years?
Did they think all the livers would just spontaneously learn Japanese and communicate smoothly like how it goes in JP?

>> No.69421371

Hololive is one things, but it's absurd that shit like V4mirai can just dump new talents with funding and even good quality 3D moments while NijiEN livers live in relative squalor. Of course those guys are funded by the shadow cabal of Brave Group, but that only shows that there's other JP companies willing to actually support their western talents and expand, despite said talents being a blip in the radar. What's Niji's excuse?

>> No.69421400
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This was long predicted.

>> No.69421444
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It's Nijisanji no one cares. If you want to spam bait at least spam something people would care about.

>> No.69421875
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There's some stuff they can recover from.
> Remove the liver-managers, punish those abusing the position (either LONG public suspensions + forced training, or terminations).
> Hire some minimum amount of competent managers for EN.
> Publicly acknowledge "stealth suspensions" and liver account puppetry, promise to always have a note when management is tweeting on behalf of a liver.
> Public apology from company to Selen (from CEO, or through a statement), and from the livers who bullied her if they are not being outright terminated.

But at the same time they have waaay too many fuckups that they literally cannot correct because that's just how their company was being run in Japan as well.
> Not giving livers their play buttons
> Terrible merch cut (assuming it's universal and not clique shenanigans)
> Skeleton crew of management
> ACCELERATE/Sweatshop work environment
^ these are things that affect the JP side as well, but thanks to this yab it's all been blown out into the public.
And they can't really fix this shit without SORELY affecting their bottom line, stock value, and implementing it in JP side as well (believe me, they WILL ask for that when they catch wind of this).

This is what happens when a company tries to expand before being foundationally solid.

>> No.69421883

>What's Niji's excuse?
See >>69421026
Both hololive and Nijisanji are struggling to adapt to new technology. In a big company, having to use new, faster and better tech requires having a lot of people learn this new thing and struggle with other limitations / troubleshoot all over again.
It's usually not done until shit hits the fan and other companies are out competing at a level where the big companies marketing make up for the difference.

>> No.69421998

Can't make up for the difference*. Phoneposting is tough

>> No.69422222

Man I'm trying to imagine a world where the only video that went up that day was Riku's video and not Elira's...
Doki had said she wanted to move on, she was playing Neopets... 5 hours after her stream started, she would get a corpo apology and promise to improve from the CEO... None of the livers would be self-reported, people would continue thinking it was all a management fuckup, Gurrat wouldn't even be an inkling in anyone's eye...
That stream really was the final nail in their proverbial coffin. And if the EN branch is to survive, I think at least Elira and Vox would have to go.
Problem is, Vox is ALSO their biggest cash cow on the EN side.
Can they afford to cut him off?
Will the fujos Kyoani Anycolor headquarters if they go through with it?

>> No.69422333

> Not giving livers their play buttons
Give the buttons to the JPs as well and say it's a new company policy. This is probably the easiest one.
> Terrible merch cut (assuming it's universal and not clique shenanigans)
Update the contracts across the board (JP included). Will hurt a bit, but it should be preferable to losing market share in the long term.
> Skeleton crew of management
> ACCELERATE/Sweatshop work environment
Probably the biggest problem as this will heavily increase their expenses. The best thing they can probably do is a gradual increase in management size and salary so the pain is spread over two-three years, instead of hitting the shareholders all at once.
Also I think that
> Remove the liver-managers, punish those abusing the position (either LONG public suspensions + forced training, or terminations).
Is the worst action they can take, because it'd ruin the reputation of those livers permanently and I don't think they can even afford scapegoats right now. Better to deny everything and blame it on a no-face manager. Acknowledge the toxic environment but again blame it on management. Explain that that video was just the talent reading a script, they've never seen the documents and it was all management mandated, have Elira apologize for going along with it, maybe have her work the water ducts that she's ashamed of herself.

>> No.69422401

>Public apology from company to Selen
Only Selen? There are so many other victims of their incompetence. Maybe this apology would satisfy tourists, but anyone else would see it as a half apology.

>> No.69422578

That stream gets worse and worse the more you think about.
>Vox is the chink fujo cash cow
>Elira is arguably the face of EN for the jps. This entire situation has also made a lot of jps hate Selen and love Elira
They can't really terminated either without another shitstorm. They really dug their own grave with that stream.

>> No.69422586

I'm not sure Vox's audience cares all that much.

>> No.69422639

Isn't the Elira VOD still up? I feel like it was management sanctioned, the Millie discord yab stream was deleted quickly

>> No.69422748

> Is the worst action they can take
Assuming that it WAS indeed some upper management guy using Elira as a front.
If it was Elira herself, as well as other livers, doing the bullying - multiple hints have been dropped that this was the case - then keeping her and blaming some ghost manager is only going to exacerbate the problem and cause a much bigger blowout later down the line. Liver resentment isn't going to go away easily. No one would want to do collabs with them. And all of that will be SUPER PUBLIC and easy for anyone to connect the dots.
Agreed, but she's the only public victim. Rest can be kept internal and not dragged out into the public. The aggressors (if they're not being terminated) can do private apology to the individuals involved and tank a long suspension to cool tempers.

>> No.69422761
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>> No.69422813

I honestly think the GC stream was a self-delete, very likely on instruction from Elira herself.
In her position, the last think she'd want was 4chan's attention on them more than necessary.

>> No.69422992

Regardless of whether or not it was a rogue post by Elira and her clique or sanctioned they can't and will not delete it because that will be an obvious confession of guilt

>> No.69423041

>Will the fujos Kyoani Anycolor headquarters if they go through with it?
They can't even persuade people outside their bubble with their "goodwill"/anti campaigns online. They have neither the resources or ability to do anything else. If Vox leaves, especially on bad terms, it's more realistic to expect a lot of Kindred self-harm and attempts.

>> No.69423060

They 100% thought people would react to it like they did with Zaion and tried the same MO.

>> No.69423180

>If it was Elira herself, as well as other livers, doing the bullying
Muzzle her and make sure she never has any power ever again. She can only speak to a manager through a manager.
>And all of that will be SUPER PUBLIC and easy for anyone to connect the dots
If it's only now that shit is coming out, after she fucked up (if true), then everyone else is pretty fine with not talking about it. They were before, they will be after. Provided Riku makes sure Elira is permanently defanged.

>> No.69423218

>showing your failure to understand japanese business culture
on their eyes anything related to selen is whatever as it daily occurence, but lying it being negliable is real reason. did you wven watch that video?

>> No.69423316

I wish
Based Vox tanking chink birth rates

>> No.69423716

>on their eyes anything related to selen is whatever as it daily occurence
No. As stated by OP, anycolor has been in a lot of shit over the years. And they have never given a fuck. Not even an apology on their twitter let alone the CEO.
>lying it being negliable is real reason
They didn't lie. If this revolt from fans didn't happen, her termination would be negligible for their finances.
Riku apologized for making it seem like they did not value the livers and the lack of support in the form of 3d and events - Which is not what people are mad about.
This is definitely a panic move, trying their best to appease fans and investors at the same time.

>> No.69423876

they panicked and took one last shot at her when they realised that they wont get away with their shit this time.I mean its proven that they come here so seeing all these anons diggin into their shit+the lawyer stuff might have been too much for them.

>> No.69423918

>Nijisanji is stuck in a catch-22 because they need to turn public opinion in their favor and against Doki, but any move they make towards that will be seen by the public as further bullying of Doki, so they effectively cannot turn the public opinion.
Now if only the nijisisters understood that before they embarked on their stupid "She has bpd so she can't be trusted, and therefore anycolor is the good guy all along" document

>> No.69423961
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For anyone in the thread, the stock has started to recover.

>> No.69424003


>> No.69424072
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I wouldnt be surprised

>> No.69424081

It's the weekend, it hasn't moved since 3pm jst on friday.

>> No.69424428

>Riku cheaps out on EN staff.
>EN staff is exactly as good as Riku paid for.
>yabs everywhere. EN staff pretends everything is fine.
>Riku actually believes them.
>the final yab. Riku loses face because EN staff makes him look like a fool who doesn't know shit.
>Riku purges EN with rage. Begins planning staff replacements to fill void.
>Riku cheaps out on EN staff.

>> No.69424429

The stock value is a reflection of what jps think right now. Not the future of the company.
The new support 3D support Riku promised does show that they care about EN and will likely make some money.
But with horrible public image its going to be harder to find new indies, audience and free marketing (Clippers etc). So they question is, is EN going to be facing a slow death or turn it around? The stock is only really going to drop significantly with ENs next finical statement, where they can see how much money they make and how much they spend.

>> No.69424503
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>> No.69424720

It bounced back 2% after a 20% drop in 10 days. Last time something similar happened it took them a month to be back at that previous level. That's not even mentioning that the stock price has been limping along for over a year.

>> No.69424869

They definitely don’t give a shit. But if Niji really wants to repair it’s rep in the west terminating him or Elira is the only option

>> No.69424914

And what Japanese news do you follow to know this, because I assume you aren't just talking out of your ass.

>> No.69424930

yep and that even ignoring that ninji was buying back stock like crazy, pumping the prize up

>> No.69424979
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQP-MIGBhzY its starting

>> No.69425045


>> No.69425078

Screenshot this.

A lot of JP commenters noted he's hiding his hands behind his back when he should have them at his sides, indicating a lack of sincerity.

OR he's hiding them because he gave up a yubi to the yakuza for losing most of the money they gave him for the stock buyback.

Prosthetic fingers have gotten better, but I wouldn't be surprised if he obscured his hand or had a suspiciously stiff pinky in media shots from now on.

>> No.69425100

what else is there to discuss? haven't he gone through all of the documents from both sides already?

>> No.69425114

It bothers me that he's a billionaire but his doesn't fit.

>> No.69425117

>rat for win

>> No.69425139
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Now he's taking the fight to nijisisters because they just can't get enough of him

>> No.69425163

>male sisters

>> No.69425166

While the video is a really big deal, still not a nuclear dogeza, pretty sure any official announcement demands a bow even if it's a neutral/good one
but he coming out and speaking in english is fucking massive, if it was purely to appease investor he would be subtitled

>> No.69425169

>OR he's hiding them because he gave up a yubi to the yakuza for losing most of the money they gave him for the stock buyback.
The yakuza games has thought me that this is true.

>> No.69425183

>The stock value is a reflection of what jps think right now.
It's a reflection of what JP investors think. This can be entirely different from what the general JP public thinks.

>> No.69425196

work sisters and male sisters, sounds like some sjw woke shit ngl

>> No.69425198
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oops meant to post

>> No.69425200

>4 minutes late
Dramabros, this is your oshi?

>> No.69425219

Niji force delaying inevitable.

>> No.69425256

>she has bpd tho
Yeah, big penis disorder must be a hell of an issue

>> No.69425309
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I updated that one with more seethe from the sisters.

>> No.69425328


>> No.69425342

>literally can't apply if you're a graduate/already a working professional with relevant experience to the trade

>> No.69425361

do you have maybe a version with more pixels, kinda hard to read

>> No.69425388

it begins in Legal Mindset.

>> No.69425399

I don't you darn phoneposter.

>> No.69425453


>> No.69425455

PC but okay, forgor i can open the img in a sepret tab, hello i have the stupid :D

>> No.69425467

pretty sure the final decision about Niji+Roa vs Narukami was after they went public
they lost a 3yo case and Roa never returned

>> No.69425560

I'm surprised how much this guy looks so annoying compared to Yagoo. You'd think the older one would look much more annoying because he's, well, like 30 years older than Riku. But Riku just looks like a big annoying kid.

>> No.69425590

Funny how Elira gets more deals than the literal biggest chuuba in their branch and these people think it's 100% fair and deserved when she clearly has an unfair advantage in one way or another

>> No.69425641

>what else is there to discuss?
The grift never ends anon. After this he'll go over the Reddit Rrat going around and after that he'll probably find some other shit to milk. Man hit the biggest gold vein in his youtube career and his riding this until the end.

>> No.69425670

>literal biggest chuuba in their branch
Does Fulgur really deserve it?

>> No.69425678


>> No.69425737
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Is this person making shit up or what?

>> No.69425762

Legal Mindset more like Numberfagging Mindset

>> No.69425913

Based grifter (not a criticism, I would also milk for all it's worth)

>> No.69425949
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>pov you

>> No.69426070

billionaires typically dont bow to people

>> No.69426216

bowing in Japan is quite important, not doing it right will not do you well, no matter how much money you have

>> No.69426300

Ey man, be nice to Fulgur he's a pretty good streamer. Unless you count pound for pound, in which he would be the worst

>> No.69426359

Don't worry he wont shill CCP.

>> No.69426402

His point was unless the situation was dire a billionaire CEO shouldn't have to bow at all

>> No.69426420

a bit of context btw if you care

>> No.69426480

They can't release it in subs because their translator is busy being gangbanged to appease the investors at the moment
He had to make do with deepl + chatgpt so he can read it out himself

>> No.69426577

does /vt/ have any good dogeza art?

>> No.69426610

Nijisisters...he's doing the ASMR again...

>> No.69426631

Its so retarded that I believe it coming from nijisanji. They're known to seethe about hololive

>> No.69426667

It's a tag on most booru type sites.

>> No.69426804

Twitter Propaganda accounts are real, Don't trust annyone, only trust /vt/ kek

>> No.69427002

If this is true, this might be our "proof."

The moment someone outside Japan with more westernized defamation laws accuses Elira of being management, isn't the defamation lawsuit against that person far less likely to crumble if the accusation is TRUE? I think the one thing making it possible to succeed is that none of us actually have hard evidence Elira was doubling as management, but I'm unsure how defamation works if someone makes an accusation that's factually true but cannot actually provide evidence for their claim.

Either way, if anyone (outside Japan) actually does cross the line and speak as though Elira being management is a fact, it could be interesting to see how Niji responds. It should technically be clear defamation...unless it's true.

>> No.69427442

Do you really think someone would go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.69427729

Nah, she gets way moremerch by being middle management but shu, Melo, koto(before Mel incident?) all have better recognition in jp than Elira

>> No.69428087

yeah, she's not even entertaining in the EN branch, yike if she ever has to explain to a judge lmao

>> No.69428227

The assumption from one of the leaker posts was that a lot of liver's didn't even know that fuckery was going on back stage. They all believed Elira was being fair with them. Which might no longer be the case after seeing what she did to Selen.

>> No.69428413

pound for pound is foul lmao

but seriously, compared to vox just grifting with the BFE, he actually puts in the work to understand the chink market so him getting more merch is way more justified than whatever elira was doing

>> No.69428581

Noble Jōmon vs. perfidious Yayoi physiognomy

>> No.69429186

>"goodwill"/anti campaigns
Did they seriously use that terminology?
>Third week of 3-day Special Harassment Operation
>NDF members are dropped into /vt/ where they have zero support
>Nijisisters withdraw from Twitter "as a gesture of goodwill"

>> No.69429244
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>Bad handling of Roa drama
Don't speak of things you know nothing about monkey.
The thing that led to the judgement against Roa was because of voice packs and other good being released during the time the case was playing out, obviously Roa needed some kind of income during this, but was the basis to essentially dismiss the case.
Now let's move on to someone else, remember Lulu, she graduated because anycolor had cases going against her stalkers? The graduated because was kept from streaming, it was the only to prove the stalking was affecting her.
The Roa case proved that correct, because Roa didn't just sit with a thumb up her ass, she lost the case, if Lulu had just streamed like normal, the case would have been dismissed as well. This is how shit is in JP courts.
No I don't care about EN, just making a clarification over your stupid OP.

>> No.69429615

If you get close enough to a company, you will see part of their future plans are inspired by their seething over competitors. It's normal.

>> No.69430014

they had no idea how this place works which is why their lingo/retarded posts instantly betrayed them.Im surprised that they didnt shoot a missile at the vtuber equivalent of a civilian airliner.

>> No.69430820

then NotLulu even did IRL streaming in public parks and nothing happened to her

>> No.69431251

literally doesnt count
nijisanji can do no wrong

>> No.69431366

I need something JUICY to happen bros. I'm not getting sustained just from watching all the different interpretations of legal documents and comments. I need something big like Doki killing herself. Just think of all the threads we could have.

>> No.69431554

>he cannot be blamed for any of it
I feel bad for him, but it is his own fault. He won't be in the dark if he is not unreasonably stingy and invested for more EN staff (as he promised to do after the graduation complaints from investors) and improve communication channels.
Hololive might have shit communication, but at least their CEO actually cares about having good communication, which leads to him hearing the concerns of HoloEN mems and addressing it by putting Jap. Now, the mental health of HoloEN members are mostly unfucked.

>> No.69431711

>Hell he seemed to be on good terms with people like Selen the few times they interacted
Selen was trying make Riku appealing like Yagoo was to fans, if I was Riku, I'd be furious at NijiEN for bullying Selen out.

>> No.69432153

>I feel like it was management sanctioned
Management did not disapprove the video, but they also did not endorse the video and merely painted it as the words and responsibility of the livers.
What's important is that it racked ad money.

>> No.69432846

The effects of the termination shitshow won't reflect on the next financial statement, only the effects of the MV takedown, which I am sure is negligible, especially since NijiEN as a whole is becoming more negligible. I expect NijiEN to contribute 8-11% of the whole Anycolor revenue.
The effects of the termination of Selen and the following shitfest will be reflected on the second financial statement. I still believe Selen's termination has negligible effects on the overall Niji finances, but it is because NijiEN as a whole is becoming more negligible (I expected 3-7% NijiEN share if the Selen termination did not cause a shitstorm, but 2-5% now since the backlash happened)

>> No.69435275

I think literal gurrat is wrong and she's not the manager but fuck me if she doesn't have absurd influence on whoever the manager is. I don't know if she blew them under the table or whatever she did but its not even subtle.

>> No.69436011

more like Elira,enna or millie or they making rosemi do it to make doki look bad

>> No.69436194

>she blew them under the table or whatever she did but its not even subtle
This has been my assumption for awhile, that she has management comped in some manner rather than pulling a Stalin.

>> No.69436219

Does anyone have any actual dogeza videos? Not those extreme dogeza meme ones.

>> No.69436241

Well, anycolor already failled : IN, ID, KR, and now EN and maybe CN as a collateral damage of EN.
If EN actually crumble, how are they even going to compete against cover who is cruising around the world easy peasy and still extending their reach to other regions.
Imagine sponsoring niji when you could sponsor cover and have a worldwide coverage in a one pack deal.
Imagine investing in a company who is irremediably locked in local market when the direct concurent is succeding in global market and that company failled at that.
If the niji EN branch crumble, even niji JP will end up suffering from it at the end of the day.

>> No.69438207

Delusional take from a retarded person.

>> No.69439175


>> No.69439507

We've already had near-Blizzard levels of fuckery. It's why Doki tried to graduate twice.

>> No.69439783

Last report had NijiEN contributing 19% of revenue. If it's fallen to 8-11% before the drama that's already near disastrous.

>> No.69440189

The bugmen don't care about their culture the way you think they do. They bow in the hopes that other people will observe and honor the traditional nature of their apology, it's an appeal to a spook that will work on a high profile recipient because it's in the target's best interest to appear like they also respect tradition. No one actually gives a shit beyond securing the tangible utility performing such pageantry can pull in for free.

>> No.69440445

Stalking is a different crime to defamation, and Niji never did manger to take Lulu's stalker to court nor did they get the JP police to provide a protection detail (considering that Lulu has done IRL streams walking around and shit without getting raped I guess they were right to say no to Niji), Regardless, in both situations they lost a talent and received no compensation for it.

Come to think of it, have Nijisanji's lawyers managed to win any court case?

>> No.69441551

If we're talking about entertainment, I want a tearful guerrilla blackscreen from Elira begging someone to rescue her off the yacht, with the VOD quickly disappearing and her never being heard from again.

>> No.69442345
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The situation isn't that dire yet, but NijiEN only accounted for 16.3% of revenue for the branch in September, and in December's presentation materials (which are easily viewable on their website in their IR section under Presentation Materials), the number dipped down to 14.7% in the span of a few months. That's already a small drop and it happened well before Pomu's graduation or any of the drama involving Selen's termination. Now imagine what that percentage would be like after all the drama, especially since the EN side has already begun streaming less and less and who knows if there was a boycott on Anycolor merch.
Sure, you could argue that the financials might be "negligible" right now come their earnings report in March, but it absolutely wont be in later months when you think about how much of a nightmare situation it could be when conventions come into the picture. Will any conventions be willing to host them with how currently vilified they are, will they need to start beefing up security if an actual schizo starts a confrontation publicly, and that's not even getting into how stressful open mic sessions or one on one talks might become over time.

>> No.69442851

Aside from that being something purely from the west culturally speaking, so having really not a lot of chances of happening, it would also require the three stooges to come up and say "yep we fucked up" to truly calm people down, but we all know that they won't do it

Especially vox
