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69409527 No.69409527 [Reply] [Original]

I'm more than certain that it's not her fault entirely. She was put into this managerial position and stepped up when no one else would or could. She must've caved in from all the stress serving as a streamer and manager. She's gonna come out fine... she just needs to ride out the stupid tourists and outsiders that have no clue about the vtubersphere.

>> No.69409576

Okay Elira

>> No.69409628

>innocently giving herself all the merch sets

>> No.69409768

Ultimately it's really Riku's doing for being cheap
Well she figured "I'm doing all this wrangler job unpaid? fuck that! I'm getting the bag first, you bitches get the scraps"

>> No.69409937

same but its fun to shitpost

>> No.69410063
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>> No.69410101

You'll be fine if you learn your lesson and shut the fuck up, Elira

>> No.69410115

Ratna cute

>> No.69410205

Even Nijisisters believe in the kong od rrats


>> No.69410271

Stop huffing the copium sis.
It's not good for your health.

>> No.69410410

Reminder that she hogs most of the merch and sponsorships, despite being one of the lowest viewed livers.

>> No.69410521

Sure, I'm completely willing to accept it's not totally her fault. Management is supposed to stop shit from going this far.
Except at the moment with the stuff we know she pulled nevertheless, from the perspective of her public-facing career, that's looking a hell of a lot like merely the difference between twenty life sentences and ten life sentences.

>> No.69410556

what kind of things do we know?

>> No.69410637

You can start by proving she is a manager when this is made up shit. And no, telling people to get their shit done sometimes would also not make her a manager, otherwise Kiara is Myth's manager and nobody believes that.

>> No.69410725

Honestly, her mere statement on the blackscreen stream was enough to torpedo her PR-wise. It doesn't even fucking matter if she turned out to be completely innocent and it comes out later with a whole authenticated discord chatlog that management browbeat and threatened her into it. The fact she did it is enough of a guilty verdict in the eyes of the public.

>> No.69410771

this raid of "elira is good gorl that dindu nuffin" is embarrassing NDF

>> No.69410900

She does the extra management work for free and niji is too much of a cheap skate to hire more manager and rather throw some bones and favors her way to keep her working.
Many talents themselves probably support such status quo because that means there will be lax management and having more "talent freedom"
This shit happens all the time in small corpo's btw. It always causes problems in the long run.

>> No.69410932

>despite being one of the lowest viewed livers.
So you want your homos to get more attention, right sister?

>> No.69410937

The common theory is that she is a liason handling communications between management and talent, because Niji couldn't be bothered to hire new bilingual staff.
This way she can choose to "forget" to translate and send messages sometimes/purposefully delay them.
And I don't need to explain how as a direct form of contact living in Japan she gets preferential treatment for herself and her clique friends.

>> No.69410939

Well then, if she WAS given the management position, why did she shitcan Pomu's dream collab back in April/May 2023?

>> No.69410979

There's another thread going on about how she couldn't have been management cause she streams too much. You ndf gotta get your facts straight before coming here

>> No.69411032

Elira will be redeemed if she does a stream in naked apron outfit and performs a 1-hour naked dogeza followed by blowjob ASMR.

I hereby declare.

>> No.69411127

keep lickin elirass niggers is more famous after drama than ever

>> No.69411420

Holy ESL, Batman

>> No.69411623

You forget that most people that aren't really into vtubers are gonna forget, even if big youtubers have covered the issue. If Sayu can be vindicated, why can't she? Sure she wasn't bullied but it'd be understandable that she had no choice but to follow orders from above.

>> No.69411790
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>Well she figured "I'm doing all this wrangler job unpaid? fuck that! I'm getting the bag first, you bitches get the scraps"
Well he figured...

>> No.69411931

Doing a rape Joke about a fictional character = Bullying someone until she attempts suicide. You should actually kys Nijinigger. Sayu is a Saint compared to this bitch.

>> No.69411986


>> No.69412285

vindicted of what? Sayu never did anything wrong. She was destroyed by dox sisters and Kindred fujoshis.

She made a rape joke about a fictional character, meanwhile Vox was literally doing rape and sexual assault ASMR streams and his fujoshi fans were loving him.
You twitter feminists are hypocrites, don't bother pretending otherwise. You have no moral framework and no principles. You are utilitarian.

Concern trolling about Sayu from the sisters that destroyed her is hysterical.

>> No.69412648

Anon, I know this may be hard to believe, but it could simply be that Kojima asked for a higher sum, one that the management were not willing to negotiate. And that fault may not be on Elira, but whoever Nijisanji sent as a rep to Konami on that day. Just because Elira had one managerial job does not mean she did "everything". Its also another reason why Doki may not want to name names - this matter is a lot more complicated than just mean girls, even if mean girls was a part of it

>> No.69413078

She got 2x as much merch as fucking Vox. She got 3x more merch than Pomu.
"Not her fault"
It's all her fault, half the people in the branch are her personal friends who she gives a job to if they suck up to her enough. They act like lapdogs for her.

>> No.69414413

The fuck is going to vindicate her? If she and the sisters are right and selen is some sort of massively mentally unstable crazy person then congrats, she's now guilty of trying to drive a person she knows is mentally compromised to suicide.
There is no script flipping for elira because the only question about her actions are whether they are self-serving or outright evil. Sayu was vindicated because she was innocent the whole time. Big difference.

>> No.69414911

Sayu was vindicated because she was subject to management fuckery. Elira is complicit in management fuckery. There is a difference.

>> No.69415082

Even if she unwillingly became their manager, she still chose the path of favoritism after a while.

>> No.69415256

If she is not management then the alternative is that she is dating management.

>> No.69415285

Riku is not sending their best.

>> No.69415392

Some people do believe that Ame does part time management and/or recruitment for HoloEN.

>> No.69415442

Elira is in a position of power and is harassing and abusing her power on her coworkers that she doesn't like. Retarded cliques and high school levels of petty. Simple to understand and literally happens all the time, any wagecuck can attest to that

>> No.69415521

Do you think she's always been like this? Or did the power just go straight to her head?

>> No.69415595

>Nose exposed while wearing a face mask
Bro is fucking stupid

>> No.69415645


One doesn't negate the other. You can stream, try to be a manger on the side and botch the manager role because you don't dedicate enough time and energy to it.

It's almost like it could result in a chain of PR disasters which could cause massive drama.

>> No.69415719

>no ita-bags
nijisisters will never have as much SOVL as holosisters

>> No.69416210

yep. People here are delusional cucks that can't get off Selen's balls for some reason. Elira is no different than Watson back in early myth days. Not enough corpo support, not enough manager help, so they step up and go above and beyond their streamer role to help. And this is the thanks she gets?

>> No.69416244

She was always a bitch but not evil

>> No.69416311


>> No.69416351
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>> No.69416414

>Min became good friends with Nova
This joke will never get old.

>> No.69416558

>'m more than certain that it's not her fault entirely.
NO one have said its 100% her fault but she is big part of it

>> No.69416625

I'm just happily going with big titty elira in hopes of breastmilk and if she's actually evil that will just make it hotter

>> No.69416843

This is 4chan nigger, you and Elira should both kill yourselves.

>> No.69417010

Ultimately none of this clusterfuck would have happened if Riku gave a shit about supporting the talent. Judging by the fact that he's hiring people at 1113 Yen per hour it's safe to say he hasn't learned anything.

>> No.69417157

I just want to know if Meloco is in the clear or not, her ASMR gets me rock hard and I'd prefer to fap without a guilty conscience.

>> No.69417313

It means he fears no one
but also gives those who do peace of mind.

>> No.69417764

Right after Doki. She can't even succeed at it after two attempts.

>> No.69417807

so go ahead and show her how its done then

>> No.69417940

Even if we assume that it’s not her fault at all and that she was just taking marching orders from higher ups, she’s still been set up as a sacrificial lamb, even if that wasn’t what Nijisanji planned to do when they had her release the PR stream. She’s simply the most logical person to get axed in order to calm down the public.

>> No.69417943

She was a tumblr feminist vtweeter, dude. She and her posse crybullied countless small creators for stupid shit like drawing loli and sexualizing vtubers.

She unsurprisingly locked her PL and then once people started posting it here recently, she went ahead and fucking deleted it. What she doesn't understand, a ton of people (me included) have archived everything.
Same for Millie and Enna.

Linking PL shit is blatantly against the rules, and against my moral compass, but they are really trying to push me over the edge with the nijisister astroturf we've been experiencing.

>> No.69418013

I will forgive her if she apologizes to me with her body.

>> No.69418121

Post the nasty stuff she said on her PL, I know of that one of Mocca reply and thats all i've really seen passed around

>> No.69418176

>Look at the “management’s letters”

Nah, anon. Shit in those letters were vile and petty as fuck. Being a rabid feminist doesn’t help her image one bit either

>> No.69418185

I am not going to post anything unless the chink fujoshis push me over the edge.

I have archived over 2000 tweets between all three of them, plus 2 others that I used to follow in their PL that may or may not be involved (most likely not), as well as another prostitute that fled to Vwhorejo.

>> No.69418272

Kinda fucked. I only had a passing interest in Millie's PL and she seemed fun, then I liked Millie's early content after that too. Elira was a big part of my 2021 as well. Well, at least the Elira I thought I knew was fun to watch.

>> No.69418455

So nothing then.
The “PL” that somehow had a join date after her Niji debut?
Convenient how you cry like a bitch about being unable to post anything and all your evidence rests upon it

>> No.69418556

Yes, sister, I will totally post the tweets to win an argument with a random sister so they can get MD5 hash banned!
You deranged holes are so amateurish.

>> No.69418700

>mentally incapable of modification
Thanks for confirming you’re full of shit.
Tell me again how you will post zero evidence

>> No.69418760

>sister doesn't know how MD5 works

>> No.69418880

>n-no I can’t resize anything
actual retard
