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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 17 KB, 236x214, 217diglett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69351639 No.69351639 [Reply] [Original]

cat edition
>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Stay hopeful stay grounded

Previous thread: >>69319738

>> No.69352064

Sanctify this thread

>> No.69352196
File: 165 KB, 640x480, commandments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/asp/ Commandments
>1. Are you a girl or a boy?
It is not of our concern.
>2. Are you a babi or a femboy?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Did you guys see the aspie numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you see what twitter/discord is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>5. The baiters are insulting your aspies!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. Hey guess what I heard from /asp/cord!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>7. You guys should quit...
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.69352280

Merlie's voice is so fucking annoying, and his accent makes it worse.

>> No.69352289
File: 159 KB, 640x480, Crane_Aspmandment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Why not merge with /wvt/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with /lig/?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with corpos?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see [chubas] numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. Did you see what /catalogue/ is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. The baiters are insulting your oshi!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>7. Hey guess what I heard from the crabs!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>8. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.69352335

You faggot, have you not learned that sanctifying the thread makes it full of crabs?

>> No.69352408
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>> No.69352487

I wish Merlie would lock me in his basement and force me to watch dragon ball with the portugal dub with him...

>> No.69352591

>ExWACTOR also on fire
>Yabs from vshojo to livers of niji
Yep, board will never again be slow... Thank god I am just a normie passing as a chuuba.

>> No.69353001

>Nobody ever painted over Cheen's art
Was this the one?
This anon went off on cheen then dropped it right after
I mean if I got one like this I'd be over the moon but I dunno
I like cheens art but this menhera shit over some anon helping is messed up

>> No.69353200

That was almost a year ago, what does that post have to with anything? He wasn't even an aspie back then if im remembering right

>> No.69353236

He speaks spanish not drunk spanish

>> No.69353485

>He went back a year digging into the archives to produce nothing of importance

>> No.69353518
File: 68 KB, 617x101, 1707530364300855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more girls in glasses

>> No.69353609

You there, on the other side of the screen. I want (You) to know that I believe in you. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and you can get something going, I'm sure.

>> No.69353665

Thanks, I was thinking about giving up on crabbing Camui but you gave me the push I needed to keep going!

>> No.69353691

thank you

>> No.69353715
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>> No.69353924

Beryl what the fuck are these games

>> No.69354015

You don't know me, this is horse shit. You can't say you blanket believe in people you've possibly never met. This is false positivity.

>> No.69354285

You're (presumably) a living, breathing human being posting in this particular thread full of individuals with a shared interest, that's really about all I need. If (You)'re /here/, I believe in your potential. It's that simple. You can choose to believe me or not, it won't change that I want you to find success.

>> No.69354287

Luna is a babi(cute boy)

>> No.69354440

Enough with the toxic positivity

>> No.69354761

>he doesn't know lore

>> No.69354896

well? does anyone have it?

>> No.69354915
File: 1.56 MB, 947x938, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>khubie does lengthy jonging streams
>eventually gets found by Pippa
>joins her queue
>raids her a few days later
be happy that she's making it, /asp/, you just need to find something to focus on and you too can get noticed one day

>> No.69354992

Perhaps to add to this, I like to believe that anyone can do anything with the requisite will, time, and dedication :] even if you don't build Rome yourself, it won't ever get built unless you lay the first brick. Besides, there are worse ways to spend our time, I figure.

>> No.69355011

>be a girl
it's just that easy

>> No.69355030

She has never been an asp, she never posted here so stop bringing her up

>> No.69355165

>numbers are everything
>be a total shitbag as a creator
>the numbers justify the means
Honestly. Now I don't feel bad that the phase thread is a dumpster fire.

>> No.69355200


>> No.69355359
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>> No.69355401

This will only happen to you if you're a girl and raidable by other girls. If you're a guy you will never get this and on the off chance you do, none of them will stick because you're a guy.

>> No.69355481

Isn't toxic positivity more like denying someone their right to work through negative feelings? It seems to me that anon is just trying to encourage people to start and/or keep pushing to do something they enjoy, even if it might be difficult sometimes. That doesn't sound so bad to me. Sometimes all someone needs is for someone else to believe in them. Though, I'll concede it isn't always that simple.

>> No.69355582

cheers, brother.

>> No.69355690

I think Pippa found her thru the jong thread

>> No.69355767


Toxic positivity isn't just about encouraging people to keep pushing forward. It's about invalidating legitimate negative emotions and experiences. Saying "just be positive" dismisses someone's pain, struggles, and trauma as if they don't matter. It's like slapping a bandaid on a gaping wound and pretending everything is fine. People have the right to feel their emotions fully, whether positive or negative, without being pressured to suppress them for the comfort of others. Encouragement should come with empathy and acknowledgment of the complexity of human emotions, not shallow platitudes that sweep real issues under the rug.

>> No.69355786

I hate that one guy and wish he'd never stream ever again!

>> No.69355975


>> No.69356055

Yeah, that's what I thought. I just feel like saying that you have the faith in people in general isn't inherently toxic or anything. It's innocuous at worst.

>> No.69356120
File: 1.79 MB, 873x876, i am alpharius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

live with dawn of war.

>> No.69356146

I hate Haru. He should kill himself for being such a leech.

>> No.69356200

Accurate photo of what I see as stand here in the subway trying to get to grand central station

>> No.69356206

>It's innocuous at worst.
Or ignorant

>> No.69356255

Is the schizo gone

>> No.69356459

I love Haru. He should treat himself for being such a nice friend.

>> No.69356475
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>> No.69356518

Pafu please stop posting nudes of yourself your making me hard

>> No.69356670

He's not your friend. At best he might stay friendly after he's used you for all you're worth.

>> No.69356869

He loves me more than you hate him

>> No.69356951

I trust him when he personally goes out of his way to check on me.
We might ot be real friends but he does more for me than anyone else here.

>> No.69356960

Thats a lot of love then, cause I really hate Haru a LOT

>> No.69357072

He doesn't feel love, he's just using you. The sooner you realize this, the better. He's textbook manipulative.

>> No.69357152

Which /asp/ has the highest production quality but the rarest streams?
Who put in the most effort for the least value?

>> No.69357320

Ask /wvt/ this is a thread for vtubers. Viewers stay out unless they want to get koragi korrected like uwo.

>> No.69357380

Every time I see you guys crab I go out of my way to tell my friends who tend to be crab targets I love them.

>> No.69357421
File: 457 KB, 1440x1016, ancient meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time-traveling Engineer is reviewing a catapult building game. https://www.twitch.tv/dantedaedalusch

>> No.69357599
File: 101 KB, 330x306, rrrosemirrrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69358112

When Haru kills himself no one will mourn him.

>> No.69358168

Thats literally the whole point of everyone getting into mahjong

>> No.69358253


>> No.69358737

Why are aspies so suicidal? Shania keeps reminding everyone here to not kill themselves everyday.

>> No.69358772

Thank you suggesting me anon, I’ll be sure to return the favour in the future.
YIPPEE CHICKEN NUGGIES!! Thank you once again, you’ve caught my goblin-like characteristics very well with this art :)

>> No.69358866

I love you grace, keep being the awesome little goblin you are.

>> No.69358891

You can save all his doodles off his twatter and feed the AI if you're that set on it.

>> No.69359199

most are failed males

>> No.69359543

Haru adds nothing to the vtuber sphere.

>> No.69359555


>> No.69359589

Claudette adds nothing to the vtuber sphere.

>> No.69359836

/asp/ is kinda like the movie Whiplash if you think about it!

>> No.69359997

Which /asp/ie can do a JK Simmons impression?

>> No.69360177

Seconding this. He's a worse knockoff of his oshi.

>> No.69360512

he just sounds gay anon

>> No.69360581
File: 278 KB, 1754x1240, ChristmasKaraoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live now! Short karaoke stream. Just want to do some practice and sing a little!
Also I love this art so much, I might ask my art fren to just redo the hat part so I can use it whenever!

>> No.69360604
File: 820 KB, 1920x1080, blackthorne 0-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to play games with a headache! I'll be (hopefully) chilling with Blackthorne as we (also hopefully) end it tonight.
Next game will be Giants: Citizen Kabuto, and I'm eager to see what weirdness and jank is waiting for us.

Chilling and slaying live here: https://www.twitch.tv/manasongwriting

>> No.69360631

kill yourself

>> No.69360670

Why crabbing Ruadh of all people

>> No.69360679

Your link, handsome man.


>> No.69360923
File: 1.65 MB, 1600x800, frankybolt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanted to play some Quake but it aint working somehow. So we play Warhammer 40k BOLTGUN - Partially blind.


>> No.69360993

ritual hazing, nobody actually hates ruadh but we don't want him to feel excluded.

>> No.69361225
File: 353 KB, 984x968, IMG_4413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, i always thought we wouldn’t have great chemistry on stream but I’m glad you like our dynamic! i hope i don’t come across stupidly annoying collabing with him though. That stream was really fun and reading copy pastas to him from chat was really goofy lol

>> No.69361265

Kill yourself Haru.

>> No.69361386

Kill yourself Gumpai.

>> No.69361629

Kill yourself anon! Yes, (you) the retard reading this. I fucking hate you!

>> No.69361706

i wish i had the ability to see who is posting posts here, i am scared i'm talking to someone who is telling me to kill myself

>> No.69361777

The people posting these are other aspies you're regularly interacting with.

>> No.69361797

To spite all the crabs and haters, I will succeed, you will be overshadowed by me, I will make it.

>> No.69361804

Even worse you're probably talking to someone who trashes you to someone else in dms

>> No.69361854

don't kill yourself anyone reading this and also check out this link

>> No.69361877

I’m pretty sure the people who continuously crab the thread are from aspcord and not from the tierlists. There are very bitter individuals from that server

>> No.69361973

ruadh i want to lay my head on your chest and feel every blood cell move within your veins, i want to feel your body vibrate with each word that comes out your lips, i want to become one with the heart and its beating within your ribcage

>> No.69362007

Your audio is a little blown out and is peaking. Try lowering your gain perhaps.

>> No.69362046

I fucking hate Haru and I'm not in that circle jerk.

>> No.69362112

I don't support anyone still in jinxcord/aspcord
It's a known schizo hideout ran by /wvt/ers and if you choose to stay it tells me everything I need to know

>> No.69362137
File: 17 KB, 314x131, goss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saw it with my own eyes

>> No.69362189

Just off the top of my head a lot of anonymous posts come from these people
Vita (formerly)
Rebel (not hard to spot)
Hyde (formerly?)

>> No.69362216

he is not going to hell alone, his fans are probably going to kill themselves too with how cult like they behave

>> No.69362235

who do I befriend to manipulate them for their connections?

>> No.69362251

I'm 18 yo nerdy ginger virgin. I want to start vtubing.

>> No.69362259

I can't draw for a few more days! This is torture!! I want to draw more cute girls...!!

>> No.69362290

Don't think Iriya still posts here but the rest cheek out

>> No.69362303

I hope they do for supporting his leeching ass. I don't want to see any of them in my chat.

>> No.69362387

Why are you throwing random names?

>> No.69362395

Add Eraxs to the list, he is obsessed with Camui lol

>> No.69362409

And I will overshadow you, as I do it out of love

>> No.69362435

Who /here/ would you say is the opposite of a leech? Who gives back the most?

>> No.69362445

are you a girl? do it
are you a guy? do it, and expect 0 results

>> No.69362464

It's pretty spot on
I'd take Gumpai and Crane off because they self identify often though

>> No.69362508

Jamie, whoever they are

>> No.69362533

** Larp as a girl/femboy and you'll get attention

>> No.69362559

it's farcical how unsubtle the haru crab is, little retard actually thinks anybody else is going to take their stance from seeing this utter spergout

>> No.69362619

nigger who do you think was posting the menhera haikus a few threads ago? i think he just uses this place as an outlet but doesn't read it

>> No.69362663

That feels more like a list of people that get told to kill themselves rather than one of people telling others to kill themselves.

>> No.69362676

i will give my view and support to whomever has seen planetes

>> No.69362730

They just said people who post anonymously which is accurate. Most of those people are known to post regularly but rarely self identify

>> No.69362739

The only planets I know are the suite by Holst

>> No.69362790

There were waspies because they KNOW how bad the big majority of guys from /here/ are.

>> No.69362823

Name anyone in this community he has supported. You can't name even one because he's a shameless leech.

>> No.69362963

vita gumpai and crane are attention whores that self post all the time and they have very obvious posting styles

i do believe cheen spends some of his time crabbing here, he just seems like the sort of guy who is petty to the extreme and will hold a grudge for years if you slight him

>> No.69363050

Me, he told me thanks when I just raided him, then he raided me back and few days later gave me a random shoutout.

>> No.69363102

>this community
mistake #1, no one in /asp/ owes anyone shit and viceversa stop supporting /asp/ies out of some belief in there being a 'community'

>> No.69363106 [DELETED] 

If you knew Cheen you'd know he's not a vindictive person, but then again you've been continuously shitting on me to begin with so who cares what you think. Learn to get to know people outside of the vibes you get from them.

>> No.69363191

>If you knew Cheen
>but then again you've been continuously shitting on me to begin with
hi cheen

>> No.69363192

Thanks for the support. Now add who you are so that I can dstart unsupporting you the first!

>> No.69363220

Yeah and he raided me with 600 people and sucked my dick. Kill yourself Haru, no one is buying your lies.

>> No.69363275

Ayyy lmao, yes anon, Im so Haru.

>> No.69363382

This, its ok if you’re friends in the same circle and collab but if you barely have viewers to begin with why raid someone to steal the few viewers I have. Yes I am insecure

>> No.69363405

Haru earned a couple dedicated antis from /vrt/ as result of one of his fans shilling him there a while ago.
But the crabs here could be from discord too.

I don't really like haru but crabs are true degenerates. They should go back to whatever hole they crawled from.

>> No.69363446

And you keep biting the bait gumpai...

>> No.69363554

>I don't really like haru
The proper stance to take.

>> No.69363573

basils feet ........ basil walking around barefoot so his cloak is dragging across the floor because his shoes gave him a height boost .... basil feet ....

>> No.69363580

STOP this fucking subtle skinwalking I know what you're trying to do

>> No.69363685

I want to cum on Basil's feet I want to cum in Basil's mouth

>> No.69363697

Even read the manga back in 15.

>> No.69363967

uwu probably

>> No.69364035

>fuck up, delete your post, accuse yourself of skinwalking
i don't even know who you are but this is truly 9d chess recovery, i applaud you

>> No.69364060
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>> No.69364125

I wanted to like lookatmymeat but finding out he shittalks me in the threads really soured him for me.

>> No.69364275

Did Cheen just out himself samefagging and tried to delete the post? Then blame Gumpai for it?Does he not fucking know this shit is archived?

>> No.69364388

>be Ainslie
>have a male and female model
>turn your male model female as well

For what purpose?

>> No.69364396

Who is the most pathetic aspie? I'd say Haru, he's floundering despite all his leeching and shilling.

>> No.69364462

Oh wait that's gumpai

>> No.69364482

when you crab too much it gets annoying and actually makes me want to support the person you're crabbing. take a breather and come back in a few hours.

>> No.69364516

Most pathetic would be anyone that doesn't even get mentioned. Like _____

>> No.69364570

I agree its Haru, not even Clauvio or Bloom can save him.
Second place goes to Hanbun who fumbled Clauvio too.

>> No.69364625

So I can fuck both Ainslie at the same time

>> No.69364635

It's pathetic, not even big names raiding him can get him above 10 viewers.

>> No.69364698

Lava won't love you Cheen, be a man and accept it instead of making jokes about kidnapping her. It's fucking weird and uncomfortable to hear.

>> No.69364870


>> No.69364874

When I crab people here I dissociate, so I dont even acknowledge it as me shitting on my friends.
Its like someone else is taking over and its not me, so I dont feel guilty.

>> No.69365044

Dude is in college he's just a retard who internalized all this 4chan and anime shit about being shy you. He's not shy at all. He's fucking normal aside from having his head up his ass. The juxtaposition between the actually fucked up people in his chat and then this mildly sheltered college kid is unreal. He's been surrounded by an echo chamber screaming the world is ending since his formative years and he just believes it. It's almost sad. I hope he realizes all these /pol/ retards are full of shit soon or else he will have something to really cry about.

>> No.69365139
File: 246 KB, 854x704, IMG_4414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do tell cheen I astroturf this thread 24/7 so I don’t blame him I can post the screenshot if he wanted me to

>> No.69365160 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up nobody watches him or talks to him anyways, you don't know what you're talking about. Kill yourself.

>> No.69365176

Stream ARK.

>> No.69365193

all jongniggers

>> No.69365253

I'd say Haru is still worse. He got into retro games just to leech off his oshi he sexpests and other big streamers like Bloom.

>> No.69365323

you're not gumpai

>> No.69365327

Cheen is the male version of girls who grow up online and think they have to be sad to fit in and then the manufactured depression becomes real and they end up tanking their lives.

>> No.69365344

Good picture, OP.

>> No.69365415

You really don't know the first thing about him. Enough armchair psychology in these threads please.

>> No.69365457

He's such an asshole

>> No.69365500

I know him very well. I'm a bit tired of him repeating stock rhetoric. I wonder if he even believes it himself.

>> No.69365533

Anon I'd kill someone for this kind of consistency

>> No.69365566

I'm watching Pippa tonight. My advice to you if you want to make it on my screen is stream on YouTube.

>> No.69365572

Every time I checked out his streams he was just ranting. And all his opinions are just 4chan. Man does not have a brain of his own.

>> No.69365697

His incel friends disrespect Lava and he just laughs in her face I cannot blame her for not reciprocating the feelings if he doesn't care about hers in the first place. I don't want to imagine how it feels to wake up to the messages of a schizo begging you to rape him

>> No.69365704

I'll talk about people I think are uplifting.

Lcolonq has been nothing but supportive towards me. He seems to want people to succeed, I'm grateful to know him.
Likewise, Olga Okami has a heart of gold and is really nice person, very humble and wholesome and a goober, I want to be her friend one day.
Lastly, I don't know her very much yet, but Grace414 seems very down-to-earth and supportive of other chuubas, I'm glad she entered the scene.

There are more, these are the first ones that come to mind for me.
Also, I don't agree with the idea "leech". I don't think it's really accurate, and I don't think you should use it.

>> No.69365712

We know, Kenny

>> No.69365808

He can barely breech 10 on days he doesn't get huge raids. That site doesn't report right anyway.

>> No.69365822

Good one, made me laugh

>> No.69365834

You can literally see how hard he fell off between January and February LMAO

>> No.69365851

YouTube is available on almost every smart device.
Twitch is...not.
Therefore pink bunny is more available than 99% of this threads ice queens.

>> No.69365913

I love Lcolonq but he got lucky uwu decided to obsess with him and shill him until he became a high 2view.
He wouldve never made it otherwise.

>> No.69365928

You are the one that doesn't know him if you think that anon is wrong.

>> No.69365953

That site is the most accurate I know of
I've got a viewer that sends me screenshots of my numbers periodically throughout the stream and it lines up with Twitchtracker
Twitch underreports, if you had a 13 avg it'll say you had 11 or 12, and Sullygnome massively underreports to the point where it's laughable

>> No.69366055
File: 535 KB, 570x720, kenny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69366106

Isn't everyone reporting low numbers since the new year?

>> No.69366160

>donating money to people richer than you for free
Why do they do this?

>> No.69366200

What a whale!

>> No.69366246

He dropped like a rock, face it. No one cares, his over sexualized femboy gimmick can only carry him so far without a personality to back it.

>> No.69366256

He gifted 200 on twitch alone

>> No.69366362

I'd still kill for his consistency
The last time he got a 1 digit avg was in August

>> No.69366367

Lance is easily the most pathetic person here.

>> No.69366436

Is it better to stream on both YouTube and Twitch simultaneously?

>> No.69366482
File: 29 KB, 242x269, 1678544037434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69366522

Anything he says on stream you can go to /r9k/ or /pol/ and read the exact same thing. Always funny to see Lava and others trying to help the guy to not dig his own grave whenever he starts being a sperg.

>> No.69366526

>Screenshotting this
For what purpose?

>> No.69366551

>over sexualized femboy gimmick
Okay it's clear you've never watched him. He's the least sexual vtuber I have ever personally seen.

>> No.69366592 [SPOILER] 
File: 10 KB, 300x300, leaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lancecord hate!

>> No.69366616

No the flop was during January but everything has gone back to normal in February.
Seems like the opposite has happened to Haru, but the only reason he did good during January was all the raids.

>> No.69366618

I was watching a clip and it showed up, it was a fun coincidence

>> No.69366646

that's probably the glue eater from /wvt/, I don't know and I especially don't care why he's obsessed with pippa but whenever his usual bullshit about hiring vtubers to commentate over his new vegas gameplay goes ignored he defaults back into trying to neg everyone by saying he's watching pippa instead.

>> No.69366689

It's better to stream on YouTube, and Facebook.
Twitch is dead in the water, and the only people who stream on twitch are the blind, and their enablers who allow them to believe that if they keep trying they'll make it.

>> No.69366743

rebel sometimes comes to lend his infinite wisdom to the lower castes yes

>> No.69366742

Kenny why dont you use the money to buy a better model and have more than 2 viewers on your streams every time?

>> No.69366860

Sell out and leech off those around you like Haru. He's as boring as watching paint dry and has the personality of a bag of rocks.
You're straight up retarded if you don't recognize his piss fetish baiting as sexual pandering.

>> No.69366869
File: 3.53 MB, 3045x4069, 1880621-1d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know I didn't expect the artist draw me a full body art with different expressions
Just showing I can be your fembro
But maybe I will request futa Scout fucks me in future
And welcome everyone give me any ideas
That work too...

>> No.69367009

>Sell out and leech off those around you
But how did he do it? I can't seem to connect with anyone but /asp/ies

>> No.69367076 [SPOILER] 
File: 96 KB, 700x309, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69367079
File: 74 KB, 768x768, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please spoonfeed me a boy with a nice soft voice.

>> No.69367129

Claudette :]

>> No.69367164

Be a woman, pretend to be a woman, or gaybait
Look at all the 'male aspies who have made it' and then note how many have lisps

>> No.69367224


>> No.69367232

Actually Haru, ignore the crab that's been going off for hours.

>> No.69367254


>> No.69367659

Sh'vah is the cutest boy with the softest voice

>> No.69367769

Tornkite, currently missing in action, we pray for his safe return.

>> No.69367781

Haru sounds like a tranny and will leech you then dump you when you're not useful to him anymore.

>> No.69367843
File: 30 KB, 339x280, aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was just a short stream but in the end i could raid 3rdPT :D idk, felt a bit low energy.

>> No.69367931


>> No.69367988

He sounds like a tranny.

>> No.69368001

ma they're in the thread making up shit about people they don't like again

>> No.69368004

Lcolonq had a pretty steady growth pattern. I doubt you could attribute much of his success to any specific event or friend helping him out or anything.

>> No.69368026

I love this rat, he should stream more

>> No.69368088

It's really offputting

>> No.69368176
File: 80 KB, 360x360, 1704954534670684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fill out this form if you have been watching and let me know how I can improve for future streams!


Also will likely be returning to the Jackbox stuff on Sunday after a few weeks away, you know where it's at if you want to join.

>> No.69368204

I shit the bed today
Bottom problems

>> No.69368224

mating press

>> No.69368229

Haru sounds like Jeremy from code lyoko.

>> No.69368257

We don't want to hear this Haru.

>> No.69368381

>Hanbun who fumbled Clauvio
Explain what you mean by this. I'm interested in how clauvio treats people.

>> No.69368387

He sounds like he's trying his hardest to sound like a woman and failing.

>> No.69368578

Clauvio used to watch and chat in Hanbuns streams way back when he used to stream.
Then she stopped and probably even unfollowed him, not sure why but he might've tried to slide in her DMs.

>> No.69368580

Hanbun only cares about femchuubas and Haru, he sexpest them all the time and he has lost my respect

>> No.69368623

Han is one of the few people here who is a legitimate sexpest

>> No.69368682

For added context, he used to stream at ungodly hours of the day due to him being Australian, which aligned with whatever fucked up sleep schedule Clauvio had.

>> No.69368704

>Maybe I should post in /asp/.
>Pop in.
>It's mostly people shitting on each other.
>Maybe I should not post on /asp/.
This will repeat next month, as it did last month.

>> No.69368721

There's no doubt in my mind Haru and Hanbun are fucking in DMs.

>> No.69368756

Ahh, poor Chrii

>> No.69368782

the only cure for male collabs are male chuubas themselves

>> No.69368828

Hanbun is fucking American, he just lived in Australia. You fucking ESLs cannot tell that he has a very prominent American accent.

>> No.69368964

Pippa will be live soon.
Please watch, and learn how professionals vtube.

>> No.69369028

Miu is hitting people in Tekken but nicely


>> No.69369033
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>> No.69369053

*fills mouth with cocks* he's gonna burn chrii he's gonna destroy her just wait and see i've been telling you guys this for months and nothing's happened but you'll see just wait i feel so bad for her he's using her he's going to ruin her poor chrii she's so mistreated you'll see two more weeks and i promise it'll really happen this time you guys trust me!

>> No.69369069

I know he is American, but he was living in Australia at the time.

>> No.69369142

>Clauvio used to watch and chat in Hanbuns streams way back when he used to stream.
This surprises me.
>Then she stopped and probably even unfollowed him
This does not. She's not on twitter anyhow.

Thanks for explaining.

>> No.69369177

thanks for your great advise, sage

>> No.69369210

I have a really scary day tomorrow... I want to draw to take my mind off it, but I can't right now!! I can't even play games or watch streams or anything...!!
Please tell me about what made you choose the vtuber concept and design you went with/want to go with!! The more detail, the better!

>> No.69369222

>living in a country means you are from that country

>> No.69369306

Calm down cam

>> No.69369342

you don't understand c*mui is going to literally murder chrii!!!

>> No.69369551

>She's not on twitter anyhow.
She is and she follows Haru lol

>> No.69370017

All his clout chasing got him somewhere.

>> No.69370103
File: 161 KB, 850x1071, twitchpfp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Feeling lively tonight? Feeling up for some kickass retro action with GODHAND?

Well, I formally invite (you) to come join in the fun!

Let's party!

>> No.69370257

I picked up asp for the first time and saw people complaining about hoodie vroids. I was a hoodie vroid so I decided my own design that was unique. I tried making mood boards and making gingerbread man from other designs on Pinterest, but I didn’t like it. I ended up scrolling through all Yugioh cards looking for things to base my design off of. I saw a card I hadn’t played in years, but was one of old favorites when I was little. I based my design off it and transfered the idea from there onto my VRoid. I kept my hairstyle and eyes since they were two of the only really unique parts of my old design.

>> No.69370324

Fuck off rapist

>> No.69370332

I've seen her hopping around a lot of different /asp/ streams and chats from time to time, and is a terminal lurker by her own words. She's even asked multiple times to find people to raid that have low views. People here are quick to make rrats for no real reason.

>> No.69370653
File: 45 KB, 518x592, 5FE626B1-1899-4C0C-B514-0CEDC3977505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably even unfollowed him

>> No.69370659

stop saying this stupid shit and WORK ON YOURSELF

>> No.69370693

you shouldn't bother arguing with someone clearly shitting on others for the sake of shitting on others. nevermind that any "she hasn't been in his chat for a month!!" rrats can be written off in an instant with a three second glance at her twitter and noticing she's been busy with IRL stuff.

>> No.69370961

I need to rest my voice, but karaoke is a lot of fun! I will get better to do justice to Jim Croce!

I'm dumb...thank you

Thank you, crabbers. Can a Vtuber really call themselves a Vtuber without their a single anti?

Based heartbeat enjoyer.

>> No.69371208
File: 57 KB, 652x680, RenataHeadpats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*their having
Also forgot to headpat (you)!

>> No.69371598

Maybe Patchey shouldn't say misogynistic and rapey things if he doesn't want to nuke his reputation.

>> No.69371626
File: 880 KB, 400x224, 11004204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I fix the "eye tremble"?. I look like I'm going crazy even if I don't move my eyes at all. I'm using a webcam in VTStudio. It doesn't make a difference if I'm using glasses or not and I have good lightning on the desk. Everything else in the model works just fine.

>> No.69371699

Become PNG

>> No.69371822

Put a helmet on your model, or sunglasses.

>> No.69371863

>she is
I couldn't tell, my bad.
He's still in her discord anyhow so they're probably not on bad terms.

>> No.69372040

just set your eyes to track your mouse, as someone that wears glasses I've given up on eye tracking in vts, that's why I'm a skeleton.

>> No.69372292

Mess with they eye x/y parameters until they don't tremble anymore

I had to make mine stop looking up constantly because of my glasses

>> No.69372481

Embrace the menhera

>> No.69372585

I'm tired of pretending I don't love you, I will confess to you tomorrow and be done with this.

>> No.69372821

Gay ERP!!! They were right! /wasp/ was right. It really is /asp/ and it really is gay ERP!

>> No.69372828

Embrace it. Start acting crazier.

>> No.69372831


>> No.69372917
File: 2 KB, 174x247, blushed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

futures, made of. virtual insanity

>> No.69373143

Wear two eyepatches on your model.

>> No.69373514
File: 26 KB, 739x415, images - 2024-02-17T194254.116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69373993

Do it now. Don’t procrastinate.

>> No.69374177


>> No.69374426


>> No.69374761

Wish I had your courage, I can only do it through here, I love you haru even if you don't feel the same way about me, I truly love you and I'm okay with nothing resulting from my feelings

>> No.69374852

thanks for stopping by.

>> No.69374952

Haru doesn't love you or anyone else.

>> No.69375182


>> No.69375276

when is strerling's birthday? i wanna sing dedicate a ñ song for him

>> No.69375314

Haru's viewers are like a cult.

>> No.69375686
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x718, dead rising1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finishing Dead Rising today! See the ending with me if you want to!

>> No.69375905

This level of samefagging is sad. Imagine manufacturing entire scenarios to harass some random 2 view

>> No.69375935

fuck off vtweeter

>> No.69376045
File: 28 KB, 669x500, IMG_1288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No !

>> No.69376852

Even I'm not drunk enough to make a post like that one.
On a more serious note I think I have gone too far with the gay jokes, how do I fix that?
I seriously think I made a mistake and now I'm feeling some aspies are basing their opinion on that rather than how I behave in chat.

>> No.69377196

You can't undo what you've done at this point. You can't make jokes about kissing Billy and calling him your date and husband and not be labeled gay.

>> No.69377201

Back again with questions

1.) For mics, if you're on a budget (currently in college & unemployed despite my best attempts) what are some good budget-friendly microphones?

2.) What are some games that you can play on a laptop (not specifically gaming) that won't cause too many streaming issues? While my laptop isn't super old (mid-late 2021) it has issues running more graphics-heavy games, mainly 3D games.

Thank you all for the advice so far, it's been really helpful.

>> No.69377231

Is your webcam quality shit? I had eye and mouth tremble for ages but once I upgraded to a better webcam it went away.

>> No.69377589

shure sm58 (ideally) or sm48

minecraft, indie games, retro games (emulators), roblox

>> No.69377822

What’s your budget and laptop specs?

>> No.69377843

Gonna need a link

>> No.69377905

Seriously ask QB for 2

>> No.69377909

There is an immense library if old retro games to choose, I would go for something between the snes up to the gba

>> No.69377912

Horrible ass vdroid coomer.
He apparently was leaking shit from both aspcords

>> No.69378222

Just do the other side of the coin to gay jokes, misogyny jokes.

>> No.69378597

gaslight them and call them sensitive
you love the “lgbt community”

>> No.69378745


Budget - 135.00 USD is probably as high as I'd go, that way I'd have some wiggle room for any potential shipping costs.

Laptop specs: 60.01 refresh rate, with an Intel(R) UHD graphics. 8.00 GB of RAM, Intel(R) Pentium(R) Gold 7505 @ 2.00GHz 2.00 GHz Processor, and 64x operating system. Runs Windows 11. I got it via my high school during my last two years, so I got it pre-built from them.

>> No.69378809

sexpest all the girls

>> No.69379120

I've been having some level balancing issues lately. I'm starting to think the gain knob on my mic is just shit and slipping over time.

>> No.69379252


Oh absolutely. I've personally run emulators on my laptop when playing Pokemon games (GBA, DS, and 3DS) with very few issues.

>> No.69379658

1. Get an entry level XLR mic and audio interface. 3rd Gen Focusrite Scarlett Solo or 2i2 and an AT2020 is a good combo. Presonus Audiobox is noisy as shit, don't get it. SM58 is an option if you prefer how it sounds or need better sound rejection.

Do not fall for the very popular podcast mic, the SM7B. It is not necessary or worth the price tag at your stage, has the same internals as the much cheaper SM58 and SM57, and they can be EQ'd to sound very similar.

Buy used on eBay, since they have exceptional buyer protection. The Blue Yeti is an option. It's not as bad as people say IF you use it right, but still REALLY not recommended.

2. You can emulate any game from the PS1/N64 and earlier. PC games up to the early-mid 00s. Many indie games from all years.
>135.00 USD is probably as high as I'd go,
If money is that tight, you're definitely going to have to save a little more and buy used.

>> No.69380390

is there a mic thats super sensitive and cheap
like I can just mouth words and not speak at all but itll get picked up
i have roommates

>> No.69380484

Move out.

>> No.69380559

Yes its called a boyfriend. You speak in one ear and out the mouth comes the same thing but louder for your cheap mic

>> No.69380772
File: 1.78 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not sure why anon is set on me being a regular poster here, I mostly just lurk and check out new streamers when they’re posted. I don’t see much of a point in posting here anymore, I think once you’ve been streaming long enough you’ve out stayed your welcome, not that I’m a pro streamer or anything, I just don’t have much to ask or much advice to give either. I don’t participate in aspcords so any drama or whatever with that is beyond me, I didn’t know who Camui was until that one post was sent to me.

>> No.69380990

It's a 100$ cam. Mouth tracking has no issue, and it tracks my eye movement and blinking without problem. It's just that, my irises just tremble like crazy.

>> No.69381247

Haru only has viewers because they want to fuck him.

>> No.69381606


>> No.69381628

That's like 95% of viewers for all vtubers.

>> No.69381684

There's no way that few people want to fuck him

>> No.69381835

not me brother.
there's only one (or two) skeleton fuckers I know about.

>> No.69381871

I proposed to him and he flat out said I will never get to fuck him

>> No.69382480

>I don’t see much of a point in posting here anymore, I think once you’ve been streaming long enough you’ve out stayed your welcome
>I just don’t have much to ask or much advice to give
So why are you even here

>> No.69382639

To crab

>> No.69382770

He already has more viewers than he deserves.

>> No.69383263
File: 31 KB, 340x340, 1707960501469626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asp for this feel?

>> No.69383447


>> No.69383484

What happened to the big raids he used to get?

>> No.69383566
File: 15 KB, 829x140, user.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can actually use the chat command /user [username] to check if a specific user is following a channel

>> No.69383595

I'm afraid of this happening to me, and it already has a little bit. I want friends, not groupies.

>> No.69384175

They realized he was a leech and stopped raiding into him. He doesn't and won't give anything back.

>> No.69384296

Rin Wasabi

>> No.69384410


>> No.69384449


>> No.69384457


>> No.69384602


>> No.69384907
File: 109 KB, 1169x1047, IMG_0090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtubers for this vibe

>> No.69385042


>> No.69385262


>> No.69386598

That cardboard is too expensive for tupo

>> No.69386743
File: 78 KB, 312x317, totora wiggly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69386805

oh no, she is getting astroturfed once again...

>> No.69387439

say "sike" right now
