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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69301693 No.69301693 [Reply] [Original]

Name a more boring, undeserving vtuber

>> No.69301740

Elira or Vox

>> No.69301749


>> No.69301751 [SPOILER] 

Deez nuts, gottem

>> No.69301772

If putting up with nijien horseshit for 3 years was not enough, what is?

>> No.69301787


>> No.69301793

Anyone remaining in NijiEN

>> No.69301854

elira, enna.

>> No.69301874

Ok, sis.

>> No.69301917


>> No.69301930

sisters buttmad at getting exposed in the lawyer stream I see

>> No.69301938

You, Enna

>> No.69301943

Your whore oshi

>> No.69301944


>> No.69301960
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>> No.69301975


>> No.69301983


>> No.69301988

I, too, will give (You) and easy (You).

>> No.69301989
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>> No.69302006

L-lira Snakedora

>> No.69302023


>> No.69302113

"Sigh" . "Burp in my pussy". Muh Xenoblade"

>> No.69302185

The rest of niji, dozens of Hollowlife streamers who's names I don't keep track of. A lof of those tiny American and JP boobtubers....

>> No.69302221

Elira Pendora
Finana Ryugu
Rosemi Lovelock
Petra Gurin
Millie Parfait
Enna Alouette
Reimu Endou
Luca Kaneshiro
Shu Yamino
Ike Eveland
Vox Akuma
Sonny Brisko
Uki Violeta
Alban Knox
Fulgur Ovid
Maria Marionette
Kyo Kaneko
Aia Amara
Aster Arcadia
Scarle Yonagumi
Ren Zotto
Doppio Dropscythe
Meloco Kyoran
Hex Haywire
Kotoka Torahime
Ver Vermillion
Vezalius Bandage
Vantacrow Bringer
Yu Q. Wilson
Kunai Nakasato
Victoria Brightshield
Claude Clawmark

>> No.69302330

Elira, Enna, Millie, Vox, Ike, Kyo just to name a few.

>> No.69302346

Nijisanji talents

>> No.69302372
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you know she's doing something right when she's making random catalogniggers seethe this hard

>> No.69302409


>> No.69302465

It picks up at midnight EST like fucking clockwork. Good morning sis.

>> No.69302471

That Shark fag that was leeching in Gura's chat
Artemis was his name?

>> No.69302503
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All of NijiEN also here is a reminder

>> No.69302586


>> No.69302594

Nobody is more boring than DramaBird, even her drama is boring. She had one job.

>> No.69302633

Everyone in niji EN

>> No.69302751
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>> No.69302823

Gura is overrated, idk why so many people liked her, i even doubt she enjoy streaming if it isn't for the money.
But well, you do you

>> No.69302827
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You, Niji Sister. I hope your oshi stays in Nijisanji forever.

>> No.69302855

Luca outsourced even his fucking signature

>> No.69302891

Yeah, I wish it was Pomu who came back and got big again. I never watched Selen even when I was a Niji fan.

What I really wish is that Pomu joins her sister at V4Mirai and their mama gives her a new model.

>> No.69303024

Good model wasted on a pos badmouthed troon

>> No.69303058

February 2024, anons are enabling suicide baiter

>> No.69303151

she was genuinely great for her first two years, you honestly kind of had to be there to get it. it took a lot of her blatantly not giving a shit for a long time for her reputation to slip at all

>> No.69303219

Pomu's in VSPO EN with rosemi.

>> No.69303898

Brave Group owns both V4Mirai and VSPO, but V4Mirai has 3D, concerts, cute girls, and her sister Mariya. Pomu also isn't an FPSer so why would she be in VSPO? Plus Rosemi is going home to Phase.

>> No.69303969

99.9% of them are boring and undeserving.

>> No.69305205

who is the .01% anon?

>> No.69305323
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Retard detected, go cry harder nijifag

>> No.69305451

Elira actually is boring as fuck. Doki made Yugo seem fun.

>> No.69305931

Because VSPO EN is sooner, and pomu is someone you can place at the "center" (if you understand) of a vtuber company. That's why she hasn't said anything about going back to streaming. Otherwise, she's in VShojo

>> No.69306498

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.69306902

>non-esports idol vtuber joins esports-focused branch just because their next gen is debuting sooner than that of the idol-focused branch

>> No.69307185

stop calling her dramabird

>> No.69307249

(you)r oshi

>> No.69307277

Everyone currently in NijiEN

>> No.69308112

Elira Pendora
>does nothing to help Pomu
>stabs her lore SISTER in the back

>> No.69308155

Scarle is the one who didn't post the corpo solidarity message and also liked a "kurosanji" post.

>> No.69308301
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>> No.69308352
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Name a more rich vtuber

>> No.69308458

BPD hag only good for drama. Shameful bird should keep her mouth shut.

>> No.69308596

I'll name five. Elira, Vox, Ike, Enna and Millie.

>> No.69308749
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Incest brother and sister vtubers when?

That brother? Me.

>> No.69308771


>> No.69310505
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10 nijishekels have been deposited into your steam gift card account.

>> No.69310648

Enna may be a bitch, but she's more talented and entertaining than Doki.

>> No.69310709

Sorry Enna. But you are as bland as a mildly aged cardboard box that has been kept from even collecting dust.

>> No.69310718

The numbers show she was well above the other female talents, so if she's boring and undeserving fuck me I hope you hate nijien just generally or you're actually legally retarded

>> No.69310768

vox isn't going to finger you just because you defended him, you'd just disgust him for it.
Calm your tits nijisister

>> No.69311067

That nasal voiced bitch is only talented at sucking Riku's cock.

>> No.69313809

a lot of zoomer kidos want to watch shootie zoomer games being played by anime girl.

>> No.69314476

Unironically kuzuha

>> No.69314540

Kenmochi when he stopped uuooh-ing at Ui-chan

>> No.69315078


>> No.69315704

I’ll name 2: Fauna and Bijou

>> No.69316842


>> No.69318126
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Picrel is pity farm #1

>> No.69318164


>> No.69318431

literally any holoEN

>> No.69318438


>> No.69318620

(You), the seething 2view

>> No.69318643


>> No.69318973
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birds of a feather...

>> No.69319076


>> No.69319533


>> No.69319628


>> No.69319706
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That purple dragon sounded obese with an irritating laugh and had really obnoxious fans. Luckily she was fired.

>> No.69319832

you're already too old for vox
>Verification not required.

>> No.69319861


>> No.69319914

pomu got accepted into holo
its the only company that would enforce such a strict radio silence.

>> No.69319969

Anyone who unironically uses retarded nickname insults like “Dramabird” or “Dooki” or some shit are the easiest self-reports to notice. Go back to your discord sister.

>> No.69319973

100% true, that was quick

>> No.69320023


>> No.69320057
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>Sister doesn’t want Selen’s sweaty fat ass to sit on her face
Good, more for me

>> No.69320086

Amber Bird is a grifter and a lair, cope

>> No.69320131

Selen and Millie seems to be alright with each other.

>> No.69320230

You're a female 14 year old SEAmonkey. You aren't old enough to post here.

>> No.69320327

>noooo you're not allowed to call my based bird le bad names
You sure you want to play this game bro? You sure this is a good idea? 4chan is a contrarian central. The more you insist how a thing is not allowed, the more people will do it just to piss you off

>> No.69320355

Elira Pendora

>> No.69320470

>Amber Bird
You are embarrassing yourself and your doxxsite sister. Please consider killing yourself

>> No.69320496

I'm a 30 year old man, you dumb fucking nigger.

>> No.69320517

They might in march when we get the real juice. Can't wait.

>> No.69320574

>and a lair
Yeah, mine.

>> No.69320724

another thing 4chan has always been good at is identifying retarded tourists like you. go the fuck back

>> No.69321506

Anyone that tries to deflect with doxxsit, discord, NDF, and sisters outs themselves. I know this for a fact. People that are using dramabird are just making you go insane and you keep falling for it.

>> No.69321572

>he didn't refute that he is SEA

>> No.69321682

Elira, Millie, Enna, Ike, Vox…

>> No.69321724

is this the new plan is this the fabled plan F sucks plans A through E failed nijisis

>> No.69322024
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Sana definitely. Though Kronii has always been pretty funny, her ingratitude for being in HoloEN is insulting. I think it's gotten better though.

>> No.69322063


>> No.69322232

No I won't :)
What now, nigger. Going to seethe?

>> No.69322829

>NDF israel

>> No.69323020

Couldn't find anyone worse than her desu

>> No.69323281

I checked her Batman stream because faggots can't stop spamming her and ended up enjoying it
Maybe I will watch it again if she continues the playthrough
Can't be arsed to watch Shitpex and Backrooms stream though

>> No.69323344
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"Hey guys, do you miss me now?"

>> No.69323461

But she killed herself, you MUST feel sympathy.

>> No.69323604

Isn't she a chink?

>> No.69323684

Sounds based

>> No.69323889

Nigger listen, if you actually wanted to larp fitting in and not be instantly identified like you retards are insistent on doing, goofy nicknames are not going to do that. They are always and have always been an instant tourist hallmark.
>muh contrarian
This sounds exactly what a tourist’s opinion of the site would be.

>> No.69323926


>> No.69323952

She’s HK so she’s not of the mainland bugmen.

>> No.69324009


>> No.69324039

don’t forget Ike. I keep forgetting him in particular

>> No.69324074

I like the way she says almond water

>> No.69324128

Fucking kek. Let me shorten that for you
>saying things I don't like means you're a tourist

>> No.69324179
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>> No.69324352

>mutt/SEA whining about other ppl's ethnicity
lol. lmao even.

>> No.69324393

Adjacent to bugmen then. Keeping an eye on her.

>> No.69324424

They're the exact same people you moron.

>> No.69324660

Even worse.

>> No.69324738


>> No.69324769
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go to bed

>> No.69324816

Gotta grind those cents.

>> No.69325170


>> No.69325343

>the SEAmonkey shrinks back in fear: "I’ve been found out".

>> No.69325469

All vtubers are boring, i only watch them because as a sustitute for female interaction because the last time i had a friend group was 10 years ago.

>> No.69325519

Only honest post in this board.

>> No.69327877

No, it means you have no knowledge of board culture. Go back and collect your steam giftcard sister.

>> No.69329505

unironically present Gura

>> No.69331709

That is not a bad answer actually.

>> No.69336064
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>> No.69336151


>> No.69336329

People forgot to even bash him

>> No.69339668

The dramabird nickname is the funniest and most interesting thing that has come out of this. The actual chuuba is boring in comparison.

>> No.69339884

> funny
> interesting
Nice try, sister. Your shitty nickname doesn't even make sense.

>> No.69340252

I make her laugh. I also like it when she laughs. Pretty entertaining if you asked me.

>> No.69340276
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Anons shitting on Niji ITT be like
>everyone in Niji is boring
>everyone who left Niji is entertaining

>> No.69340413

She stirs drama all day so they called her dramabird. Do you English reps SEA-kun.

>> No.69340544

I think most vtubers have the personalities of wet blankets and I watch a lot of them anyways. Not like Doki's uniquely boring in comparison to like, any other Niji or Holo.

>> No.69340573

OPs oshi

>> No.69340596

its sad whenever drama is the foundation for anything, she won't ever shake that association

>> No.69340831

>She won't ever shake that association
I dunno henya seems to be doing fine after the HW stuff, NePoLaBo recovered after aloe, Hell who except for oldfags even REMEMBERS the chink revolt of 2020 for holo, She'll do just fine as long as niji doesn't shoot themselves in the dick again

>> No.69340900

Man stop falling for obvious bait

>> No.69340905

HL not HW i forgot what the game was even called lol

>> No.69340961

its impossible. there aren't any. The only thing she deserved was for her attempts to be successful. Everyone here hated her guts, but then because she becomes a grifter suicide baiter she's suddenly a fucking beloved saint?

>> No.69341155
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every other answer posted in this thread has charisma and knows how to stream even the OP

>> No.69341291


No wonder so many people try to manufacture a crisis or drama in order to catapult themselves into fame
