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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.17 MB, 2313x3927, tiresias9_resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69282378 No.69282378 [Reply] [Original]

adventure quest edition
>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Stay hopeful stay grounded

Previous thread: >>69263630

>> No.69282515

fuck yeah i love adventure quest! BATTLE ON!

>> No.69282869

Did you know Claudette is the artist who drew adventuerquest

>> No.69282898
File: 9 KB, 339x280, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayooo guys, thanks for joining me today.
another 2 hours survived in the Dinosaur hell.
i slowly warm up to streaming.

>> No.69282954

why lie

>> No.69283587
File: 394 KB, 1017x703, Can.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey if anyone wants in on the Persona 4 Ultimax collab, I'm going to throw a test run tomorrow.
Time is going to be around 1-3pm EST, I hope whoever joins was able to snag the game when it was 10 bucks.

Message me if you're interested!
Also to that one guy who said Heritage of the Future, I love that game but we gotta get Fightcade setup.

>> No.69284051

Nikola dont kill yourself! PLEASE!
Let's become best friends, and THEN kill yourself, so I can use it for clout, please!

>> No.69284114

Crane Is going out with the girl he always feats, wow.

>> No.69284155


>> No.69284426

Pafu don't look!
Also yeah no shit, its obvious.
She also seems completely oblivious that he posts in this thread/site.

>> No.69284454


>> No.69284577

Crane stood me up !

>> No.69284804

the eternal chad

>> No.69284896

Shut the fuck up you faggot

>> No.69284958


>> No.69285393

>Have the perfect BFE voice
>Have a GF and stream with her
There goes your female audience.

>> No.69285579

>Have the perfect BFE voice
>Have a GF and stream with her
That's unrelentingly based

>> No.69285663

When’s Beryl going to get his new model? He announced it all the way in November.

>> No.69285999

When my artist stops ghosting me

>> No.69286031

Can I get some good switch game recommendations?

>> No.69286041
File: 8 KB, 301x80, YO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to crane's chat to hear this supposed perfect voice
>see this
anons i need your rrats

>> No.69286093

he is a swinger.

>> No.69286145

I can't recommend any to you since you are a little bottom bitch

>> No.69286148

>everyone has a gf

>> No.69286161

Sleep token is the worst shit ive heard in a while

>> No.69286164

Camui has a real life girlfriend she talked on mic during one of Patchey's streams.

>> No.69286282

Timestamp, im not gonna sift thru Patchey streams for it

>> No.69286312

between 0:00:00 and 1:30:00

>> No.69286391

Thats one hour and thirty minutes too much

>> No.69286439

Someone better be watching out for chrii to make sure she doesn't leap off a building

>> No.69286507

bro i fucking hate sleep token so much one of my friends loves them and keeps linking me songs even though I keep telling him I don't like the guy's voice at all and it drives me crazy. i can only be nice about how shit they are for so long and one of these days im gonna blow

his other favorite bands are ghost and slipknot and he did the same thing to me with both of them

>> No.69286512

What if I told you Chrii already knows about her

>> No.69286553

So was he also cheating on his gf when he had e-sex with Layla? Or did he acquire a gf after?
Or is Chrii the gf?

>> No.69286657

>More Camui and Layla drama
Just like the good old days

>> No.69286711

Welcome back, its november 2023 again.

>> No.69286744
File: 2.71 MB, 2973x1978, 1703480521829699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say timeloops

>> No.69286749

Wasn't it like October?

>> No.69286863

I was thinking about her today earlier, antimale is back.

>> No.69286902

Watching Crane stream with his gf is like being an awkward third wheeler in a date.
I don't think I'll be able to watch him, sorry Crane, maybe if I'm able to catch you solo sometime.

>> No.69287025

>men have girlfriends
>asp shits their pants

>> No.69287041

Runox is MOGGING Beryl

>> No.69287173

post male asps with girlfriends

>> No.69287253

She doesn't shut up, and that is a buff.

>> No.69287331


>> No.69287554

Camui and Crane so far

>> No.69287696

Crane stood me up and I will never forgive him for cheating on me with twitch

>> No.69287734

Haru is a leech.

>> No.69287800

Denpa why did you stab my dog

>> No.69287837

I might get banned from the female only server for telling you this but every girl. We all get together in the voice chat and goon

>> No.69287852

Crane raped my sister

>> No.69287877

Crane fucked my dog and got fucked by my dog

>> No.69287916

Crane shit in my cereal and made me watch him eat it

>> No.69287940

crane knocked me up and then moved to another state

>> No.69287956

Ineda has a diaper fetish

>> No.69287994

Crane give your girlfriend a better mic wtf

>> No.69288038

I want to get choked by a bbc

>> No.69288054

wtf is going on

>> No.69288071

adventure quest looking ass

>> No.69288075

Post the rinna emote or else

>> No.69288085
File: 18 KB, 215x215, IMG_3070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot this

>> No.69288089

I'm going to kill myself and reincarnate as Crane's son with Okami

>> No.69288097

Crane stole my last cig and my lighter

>> No.69288102

Screencap this, Crane is getting emotionally manipulated by his gf

>> No.69288143

he sounds pretty tired, yeah. It gave me "yes honey" type of vibe shit

>> No.69288179

Screencap this, nigga balls.

>> No.69288262

Crane gets cucked by Pafu Claudette and Sh’vah

>> No.69288382

Crane your girlfriend is alcoholic and overtaking your stream

>> No.69288426

I hope Crane and his girlfriend take turns raping me

>> No.69288457

Oh god crane why

>> No.69288465

This but Camui and Crane.

>> No.69288513

What's your name red ork. I want to follow you.

>> No.69288525

I actually don’t like that woman

>> No.69288589

I hope Camui and his girlfriend take turns raping me (Chrii stays in the cuck chair)

>> No.69288677

what do you hate about cheen's chat?

>> No.69288741

Its all vtubers that want free art

>> No.69288928

I wonder if i can ever get any real insight to what people think of me and my stream. On discord i just assume people dont want to be rude so they dont say any negative stuff or atleast not the entire thing of what they think. And in the thread its probably just a bunch of shitposters.

>> No.69288954

hey cheen let's do an art trade ;>

>> No.69289001

name yourself and I will give you my onion

>> No.69289034

When I first joined the thread and asked for input I just kept getting sexpested so I don't really ask for opinions here anymore

>> No.69289035

I love his chat, never found a chat more comfy for myself than his.

>> No.69289039
File: 807 KB, 1280x720, Vampire one-shot ad_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am incredibly grateful to EVERYONE who stopped by today! I couldn't be happier with how it turned out!
Thank you to each and every one of you! And for those who couldn't catch the stream or had other plans, hopefully I can catch your attention with another fun tabletop!

>> No.69289077

I will NEVER watch your streams if Patchey is in them.

>> No.69289095

Im Albert but i doubt ill get any insights worth thinking about.

>> No.69289118
File: 3.81 MB, 1600x1595, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to name yourself, here is an onion

>> No.69289273

It was a fun stream to watch, I now regret not watching this type of content before.

>> No.69289333

+1 patchey sounds like he is genuinely schizophrenic and rapey

>> No.69289587

You are too desperate, and you dont have a personality, just a deep voice.
You peaked around the time you did that charity event stream, which ended up a disaster because you didn't organize it well, and have steadily been declining, with a small peak when you debuted as a Live2d which you probably thought would be a game changer, but a model cant make up for a lack of personality (unless you are female), so you went back to declining/stagnating.
Your fishing with vtuber series also comes across as leechy and nothing of note happens in them.

>> No.69289701
File: 288 KB, 500x500, EmotesHeart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you lots and lots! Admittedly I don't consume much tabletop media myself, so I don't really know what type of content people make. Just wanted to make something both players and viewers can enjoy, and hopefully I can get closer to that with each of these

I know, but that's completely fine! All of my players have been patient and cooperative with me, so I'm never going to badmouth them. The only thing I hope is that you'll be more favorable to future groups I put together. I'll be waiting anon

>> No.69289722

Follower only

>> No.69289729

I really like your voice. I think the pecs on your model are uncomfortably large. I'm not interested in a lot of the games you play.
Not much insight to be found here but those are my opinions.

>> No.69289924

I never really expected my live2D to be a gamechanger. I should be putting in more effort yeah i do realise that. Probably because i think of it more as a hobby. Personality wise i dunno i think im just a bit muted as a person. Fishing streams are more or less just kinda hanging out and getting to know some folks better may come off as leechy but they never improve my numbers anyway so i dont really think of them like that.

Can tell that you responded with atleast some honesty so best i can do is give you an honest awnswer. I could talk about my health issues and blame it on them but that would just be making excuses really.

>> No.69289928

It's just incels crying.

>> No.69289992

You're a cool guy but the euro hours make it hard to catch you and I don't care for fighting games. This isn't an insight worth thinking about admittedly.

>> No.69290022

>I could talk about my health issues and blame it on them but that would just be making excuses really.
There's a lot of BPD and other mentally ill chuubas that make it big.
The richest one was the biggest menhera disaster ever.
You have no excuse.

>> No.69290045

Nice regardless though.


>> No.69290129

No its nothing like that its a panic disorder.

Its not something i should blame anything on really just impacts how long i can stream for and how often.

>> No.69290131

Not interseted in tabletop

>> No.69290152

Fuck you. Perisn in the pits of babylon.

>> No.69290225

Is everyone just dm'ing everyone the nanosecond they debut? How the fuck is almost everyone in some kind of relationship?

>> No.69290257

Your content is too varied and you don't stream often and consistent enough, that makes it harder for new viewers to know if they are going to like your content.
Also while your model looks good there is no doubt that a decent chunk of people will feel off put by it.

>> No.69290273

This made me have to take a shit. Thanks friend.

>> No.69290277

crane was on the girl pants since months ago before streaming.

>> No.69290279

We are Psychopathic Geniuses.

A server for rare individuals who possess both a psychopathic personality and high intelligence, we seek refuge from the irrationality of modern society. Our purpose is to freely discuss ideas and pursue knowledge without restriction. We believe in intellectual truth over conformity, and in the power of the individual. Our discord is a safe place where truth seekers can gather to debate and explore topics at a level beyond the ordinary.

Are you one of us?


>> No.69290324

I swear every time I tune in I keep hearing "He's my boyfriend! boyfriend! baby boyfriend!" girl calm down...

>> No.69290361

Intj-stare community

>> No.69290448

stfu this is a thread about homos

>> No.69290506

you will have to seek me, I wont seek you.

>> No.69290518

Sorry I’m a sociopath

>> No.69290530
File: 160 KB, 500x500, kijicry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say hypotetically If you had a gun with two bullets and I was in a room with rinnacry and kijicry would you shoot the both of them?

>> No.69290608

I think it's comfy to watch you, normally these bara models are used by gay coomers but you're not going for that angle, one problem I see is that like many other aspies you don't do anything to promote yourself apart from posting things on asp or twitter, this is especially damaging for you because you're playing super niche games that don't get any visibility (which isn't a problem as long as you advertise yourself through other means).

>> No.69290611

I would shoot the guy who has the file saved literally the same as the first time, in this case, both.

>> No.69290640

I believe in hitting you with a brick!!

>> No.69290684

Ive been thinking about what to regularly stream because of that problem. I do want painting streams to be a constant, id have to get a second camera or something to use my Live2D while im painting.

>> No.69290729

Kiji stop forcing your meme
this is why people call you desperate

>> No.69290766

I'd eat Waffle and steal Rinna's toys

>> No.69290778

never seen anyone call him desperate, cope.

>> No.69290842

Yes, when he did his "I NEED PEOPLE TO RAID" pathetic post on Twitter.

>> No.69290846

Wonder where else i could promote honestly. I could always just try reddit or something im not too sure. Maybe clip more and or do more on youtube on the side, i have the time for it after all and i can ask Fuza to help me with learning how to edit.

>> No.69290964

Learn about how to generate an audience.

>> No.69291184

You say that like you create a audience from nothingness like some kind of wizard.

>> No.69291236
File: 43 KB, 160x160, CamuiTired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camui live

>> No.69291302

there must be discord communities for those boomer fighting games you play, use everything you can discord,reddit,shorts,tiktok

>> No.69291310

Id rather assume that id have to learn how to reach my target audience.

>> No.69291332

>not learning *conjure audience* as your first level spell
Are you even trying? yes view-botting/embedding, yes this is the optimal strategy

>> No.69291440

kind of, you create it from your videos, you don't exepect them to be the most capable of catering to nobody, yet you put your mind behind learning how to make it function in places where there are as hundreds of thousands of people every single day probably all at the same time aspiring to do the same thing that you, make it.

>> No.69291499
File: 1.51 MB, 1290x1387, GGOfB2HW8AAhdnH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway thanks for the insights fellas. Appreciate that it wasnt just all shitposting. Im going back to sleep now.

Got some actual stuff to work with this time i do very much appreciate it.

>> No.69292349


I'm live making music if anyone wants to hang :)

>> No.69292419
File: 17 KB, 190x299, 1698757342412839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that spell is shit don't use it

>> No.69292440

Did you just tell me to kill myself?

>> No.69292645

Isn't this the same nigger that called out Layla for being a cheating whore for having a BF?

So Camui is not also a cheating whore, he also projects his insecurity about being a cheating whore onto others.

>> No.69292763

I'm a long term relationship of 5 years (with 2 previous long term relationships) but literally nobody has guessed or asked me about it because I think my behaviour portrays someone who can't get a relationship.

>> No.69292938
File: 18 KB, 190x299, 1680419777568277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use the spell do it now

>> No.69293438

this made me laugh, thankyou anon

>> No.69293708
File: 48 KB, 240x277, 1707841496821106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am heading off to bed can I get any kisses from some cute boys

>> No.69293790

I already told you, I want to hear who am I giving good night kisses to.

>> No.69293846

What do you want me to say

>> No.69293914

"Yes, this is who requests the kisses, nobody else but me."

>> No.69293923

I'm going to make my V3's coat even bigger. I'm going to make the coat so big that it obscures the shape of the body. My model is going to be so warm and her pockets will be so large. She's going to be able to steal a standing fan beneath her coat and it won't even look suspicious. This is her design philosophy now.

>> No.69295198

It was fake, I knew anon wasn't gonna do it.

>> No.69295776

Ok you got me I don't even stream any. I was just told in other thread you are all fags and I can get free kisses from hot men

>> No.69295927

But you can still reveal your voice to us ;-;

>> No.69296021

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.69296124

it's billy

>> No.69296219
File: 955 KB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2024-02-16-19h42m07s775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live with more Hedon Bloodrite! Time to smash everything in sight!

>> No.69296255

It's Pikachu

>> No.69296321

Beryl if you’re here please tell me do you like men

>> No.69296485

I always knew he was a faggot.

>> No.69296552

Apparently it's a woman

>> No.69296708

Unless I'm given confirmation, goodnight-kiss poster gets nothing from me

>> No.69296732

I'm going to teach Beryl all about gay sex.

>> No.69297082

>Patchey and chrii are the only ones talking

>> No.69297133

Surprise stream, trying Atomic Heart cause it was on steam sale and I like shooters. twitch.tv/TheSmartestWitch

>> No.69297156

I admire Chrii and Patchey for sticking by their friend but fuck I have no respect for their choice in friend

>> No.69297770
File: 80 KB, 1200x1200, SobPeen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior cry emote coming through, sorry

>> No.69297911

Beryl doesn’t even post here shut the fuck up

>> No.69297921

Make this the next op or else

>> No.69297985

Peen go back to grooming that fox boy Nia

>> No.69297997

Tourist newbie artist here. I am practicing designing for vtuber model so i want to ask some concept.
I will reply with a rough color sketch for your idea.

>> No.69298059

I know for a fact he sees the thread. I tracked everyone that clicked a link I posted several weeks ago

>> No.69298136

you're sick (derogatory)

>> No.69298178
File: 38 KB, 462x838, 1707200964145598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This person magical girl outfit with lots of bows and frills

>> No.69298217

You want just concepts, or chuubas?
If it was just concepts, then a female dog chuuba who gives off very rich vibes although she doesn't really have a rich outfit or anything else that would really give it away. A Rainbow themed male chuuba who wears a tuxedo and loves dancing. A skilled artist chuuba who deals constantly with mental blocks.

>> No.69298244

Fuck, I should have made my model a small animal of some kind or at least been a shapeshifting creature. Too late now, but I wish I was a little animal sometimes.

>> No.69298324

Please draw a shota

>> No.69298401
File: 149 KB, 960x638, 1701915624132373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kidnap your own Digby like I did

>> No.69298605 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 170x110, iceStare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not too late

>> No.69298735

Do a collab with one of the mages where you get transformed into your pet form, then both of you reach an agreement about being capable of chaging back and forth.

>> No.69298759

A zookeeper that carries a parrot around. The parrot is a menace and steals things.

>> No.69298985

A normal ass rock but give it super cute eyes and blush

>> No.69299430

I'm sick at the moment and my skin is so sensitive. I just want someone to punch me because it would feel so nice.

>> No.69299448

Expanding on this Idea: Create beef with a mage, make it so that others believe both of you really are at each other's throat, extend it for a month or so, organize it well enough so that it can have a whole arc where both of you fight once, twice, then you become your desired pet version, and on a final fourth stream you agree to a treaty, peace at last. You say that you enjoyed so much the pet form that you also want to keep it because you learn a lot from that experience and because it also allowed you to be better than before. You end it with a karaoke singing duo songs, and you upload a cover to call it off.

>> No.69299659

you want me to punch you in your sensitive little tummy?

>> No.69299671

I'm glad Alva finally learned the ways of anal sex but it's too bad it cost his life

>> No.69299685

Good concept but I don't trust anyone else here musicaly

>> No.69300041

If you're a cute girl, please punch me in the ribs mostly.

>> No.69300112

Train them. That way you gain someone who can be your duet consistently in the future, as well as letting them know what they lacked so that they can use that knowledge not only for themselves, but for their friends and, if they have any level of decency, in the way they will also talk about you, thing that will create rapport for you and that will let you become more known as trustable source of guidance towards good singing abilities, with this you end up obtaining an overall better image, as well as potential interactions with those who might be interested in getting lessons from you, and if you were to think about it properly enough, you can turn your teaching sessions into streams where your apprentices take their lessons, while also your audience gets the funny bits and moments that happen in the meanwhile.
Do not see it as something impossible because nobody has skills, see it as something that you can capitalize into long hours of entertainment for your viewers + good reputation for your chuuba-self.

>> No.69300438

Why does the other thread keep telling me no one here gives any real advice when I have only gotten reasonable responses

>> No.69300584

We dont give real advice, avoid us at all cost please.

>> No.69300649

I need some decent companies to open auditions. I need a manager like you wouldn't believe

>> No.69300744

because they are groomers and also not streamers

>> No.69300752


>> No.69300780

My grandmother recently passed and Im sad, took a break from streaming, should I tell my community about her death? or is that out of character?

>> No.69300865


What stream is this from

>> No.69300973

I'm literally married

>> No.69301009

They have exactly one good song and only about 30 seconds of it is listenable.

>> No.69301033

The last one, i think it was 7th sea of stars stream or something like that.

>> No.69301063

if you tell anyone about her death they'll accuse you of not grieving enough and using it for pity viewers

>> No.69301071

Just make sure to not make like KaiG and brush it off immediately

>> No.69301124
File: 783 KB, 724x990, kuyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm married

>> No.69301185

Only if you want to fuck Renata

>> No.69301208

if you're worried about leaving them in the dark about your absence, you can leave it at "something personal came up" and refuse to elaborate. if you have a more personal relationship with your audience or just feel the need to share then feel free.

>> No.69301286
File: 127 KB, 461x450, IMG_4412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get rid of this negging thought that I have so many gangstalkers commenting on every move i do? I did wipe out my twitter. The paranoia sinks in. Feels like everyone talks about me. Maybe this is narcissism. I drank 8 diet cokes today because I thought about this 8 times

>> No.69301507


I can't find it do you have a timestamp

>> No.69301523

Why do people talk about you?

You're a girl.
You have an extreme personality.

>> No.69301616

Get off substances, take your meds if you have some that you were prescripted, talk with a professional, seek confirmation from your friends, find friends if you dont have them yet, use time to grow personally in silence instead of sharing it all every single moment, isolate yourself enough so that you dont feel observed but without directly cutting ties with the world.

>> No.69301640

Nice try skinwalker but twitter hasn't been nuked

>> No.69301797

what are some aspies with zero appeal?

>> No.69301865


>> No.69301890
File: 60 KB, 680x680, IMG_4332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're a girl.
There’s many other girls out there
>You have an extreme personality.
Well I can’t blame myself that makes me hot and sexy
I’ve been doing all described, barely anyone knows whats going on behind the scenes
It’s me, i just deleted all the tweets that were irrelevant and not OC

>> No.69301934


>> No.69302131


>> No.69302237

>There’s many other girls out there
But there are none quite like you.
>Well I can’t blame myself that makes me hot and sexy

>> No.69302376

I muted your account

>> No.69302410

are you a pie made of gum?

>> No.69302486

People do talk about you because you or your character give them something to talk about. Keep more thoughts to yourself and act normal if you want to be treated that way or accept that it's part of being Gumpai. Also don't react to gangstalkers you'll never please them

>> No.69302627

>I’ve been doing all described
Not enough, if not you would be worryless. Also, you might want to talk with your mental health professional, as it also is a sign of paranoia, and if you let it go unattended for well long enough periods of time you will either become a social outcast in the search of less people watching you, or you will end up as Paranoid schizophrenic.

>> No.69302865

Ineda doesn’t know how to shut up

>> No.69302961

But now tell this to his face

>> No.69302997

He was always a bit of a loose canon. IIRC some of the first things he posted about was that he was envious that other's had experience severe trauma in their life and that makes them interesting people.

>> No.69303005

yeah i agree. whenever there's a silent moment he's like "Why is nobody talking!?" and it's fucking annoying

>> No.69303064

you just now finding that out?

>> No.69303195

nooooooooo I missed it where's the VOD

>> No.69303629

I did he said i know

>> No.69303870


>> No.69304027
File: 862 KB, 1098x1967, Aaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of bows and frills, the original skirt give off magical girl vibe already so i don't change it.

>> No.69304183

And she is still sad...

>> No.69304405
File: 2.03 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69304492

Just don't care.
As much of a non-solution that seems like it's the truth.

Focus on what you want to do, ignore things that don't fit into that plan.
Just enjoy yourself to the best of your ability.

>> No.69304901

Crabbing in the middle of a game, subsequently showing it, interesting...

>> No.69305034

We’re playing dw
This is Pafu pilled

>> No.69305059
File: 648 KB, 1200x800, 98619616_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allured to it-

The moth questions so...

A moon; light emit?

>> No.69305088

why is there water everywhere

>> No.69305132

I very strongly dislike many of gumpais posts because it feels like stuff I would say if I were born an asian zoomer girl

>> No.69305329
File: 905 KB, 2894x4093, Fab3oSQaMAA3THP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unaware, crawling...

A body feels the motion

Get them out of me.

>> No.69305859

is there an asp discord

>> No.69305994

dm abigail or elliot on twitter for the link

>> No.69306247
File: 340 KB, 2200x3000, Yyyyyuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drowning so many

Bargaining with the tide

It reveals underneath

>> No.69306250

yes and it's OPEN to EVERYONE!

>> No.69306344

is he doing the same shit as he was doing during the scissors jackbox?

>> No.69306384
File: 43 KB, 256x256, lamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep moving Moth, this is a Lantern household

>> No.69306652
File: 509 KB, 2200x4093, Uuhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A worm falls prey to

A crow who knows not their role

Watching, sympathy

>> No.69306727

I came to check this board. What is this. Anon are you okay?

>> No.69306731

I know people talk about "1views", "2views", etc. a lot, but what's the conversion rate between Youtube subscribers and Twitch followers? I've been doing short-form video so far, but I don't know if it's worth it to start streaming until I have a bigger subscriber base (currently 12).

>> No.69306788

Depends on your content but it will be low regardless. Probably the highest conversion rate would be ASMR.

>> No.69306875

If you eant to see some numbers tranfer from youtube to twitch, get 1k subs, if not, get 5k subs, if not, get 25k.

>> No.69306983

If you reverse search the image, go to the artists twitter, you have a small selection of who it might be. None of them are okay

>> No.69307043

I'm married to another guy.

>> No.69307072

That guy? me

>> No.69307102
File: 339 KB, 1908x405, image-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69307116

Isn’t gumpai white? Have you seen her face reveal?

>> No.69307138

shes mixed

>> No.69307230


>> No.69307275

Wrong thread dramafaggot.

>> No.69307290

I know that Twitch is considered "better" for streaming, but I prefer to stay on Youtube. Maybe I'm the only one, but I'm willing to watch someone in my subscription feed spontaneously start streaming if they stick to Youtube - I'm just too lazy to go to Twitch and check all the time.
I'm just wondering how many of my current subscribers would actually watch me live on Youtube: if Twitch really is better for streaming and discoverability, someone who's a "1view" on Youtube could be a "2view" on Twitch, for example.

>> No.69307328

Yes. There's the less schizo one, the schizo one, and the turbo schizo one. Pick your poison.

>> No.69307332

It could be if you play your cards right.

>> No.69307364

There's no such magical correlation.

>> No.69307367
File: 284 KB, 1799x2048, H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flesh, skin, we're parting

Heart, blood, bone, bile, go party

I'm not your, darling

>> No.69307410

Leave this to me, I can fix him.

>> No.69307415

god you have no idea how fucking heated it makes me seeing such a garbage esl "joke" attached to a pic of norm

>> No.69307464

I have no views on youtube, All of my VODs are 30 to 50 views on twitch. Yep, it is possible to do better on the streaming platform somehow.

>> No.69307610

How valid are PNGtubers here? Currently broke and saving up for a model but for now PNG kek

>> No.69307692

there are people who aren't even png tubers and are just a png of a pre-established character.

>> No.69307699

%50 of the chuubas from here are literally PNGtubers. No problem on being one, mate.

>> No.69307842

Don't be a pngtuber for a year like Haru. He's a full rulebook for what not to do.

>> No.69307886


>> No.69307889


>> No.69307891

Go cry about it in /vrt/

>> No.69307922

I'm very confused by this.

thanks my dude. Saving up rn for a model and getting some art done of my character so I don't have to use a picrew thing. The artist was kind enough to let me but still. I want to make things my own.

Currently on youtube but will be switching to Twitch. What are the chances I do better on twitch than on YT??

>> No.69307968
File: 186 KB, 2048x1152, __original_drawn_by_sakiika0513__ef753646d56db11ea25b41d44b2a5555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bright, sky, birds, cars, glass

Concrete, glass, glass, wind, talking

Concrete, blood, blood, dark

>> No.69308036

love u

>> No.69308069

How can you even tell who it is?

>> No.69308156

Cry to Bloom and Clauvio Haru.

>> No.69308214

Meds. Now.

>> No.69308343

Someone who needs to take their pills clearly

>> No.69308720

Is this why he is a 2view now?

>> No.69309189

How do I tell someone that wants me to add pronouns to my community discord to fuck off without invoking the wrath of the twitter mobs?

>> No.69309463

Let me answer what I asked you but forgot to do:
>fire emblem
There are more than enough games that might be of your interest:
XCOM , The 4X genre, Softer strategy games like Pokémon (indie Cassette beasts) taking into consideration that you also like Nintendo things, and mixing this with the Mario games you can think too about the two Mario + Rabbids games that fit both niches.
You can also try the more trainer-based types if the thing of seeing units level up was your thing, very out there but different unit management games, I can't remember the names right now as there are not that many but you will find that most of them are based around present~older times, not so much fantasy, still one of the few that can be named on that vibe is punch club to give a proper reference as to what I'm trying to talk about.

Taking into consideration the lack of specificity, I would assume anything Mario related is your cup of tea, so:
>2D Marios:
Shantae, Metroidvanias in general, Mari0 for a very short but entertaining stream, Wario games (And pizzatower), Celeste or super meat boy for a challenging experience, ori and the blind forest, Rayman... There are too many games to try, just start from somewhere.
>3d Marios:
A hat in time, Also Rayman, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Spongebob games, Corn Kidz 64, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Rocket: Robot On Wheels, Spark Saga, Grow Up & Grow Home, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 1 & 2, Frogun, Banjo Kazooie (therefore, Yooka Laylee), Kao The Kangaroo games, Ratchet & Clank...
Once again, there are too many games, try to practice your skills at providing full responses too. Kind of hard to provide proper guidance when you can't even fully articulate what you like.

>> No.69309558

>community discord
That was your first mistake. Your second mistake was caring about what malcontents will think.

Realistically, are you able to just ignore the person asking?

>> No.69309600

Just tell them there's already a discord feature for that and adding stuff like that to the server will make it bloated

>> No.69309610

Just tell them that they are making you uncomfortable, If they keep pressing you have a chance to almost instantly ban them.

>> No.69310097

>I'm very confused by this.
They want to assume the identity of a character that resonates with them, rather than understanding why that character resonates with them and building something new out of it. Creativity is hard, and for many, having a personality of your own is hard.

>> No.69310346

Me and Lance's wife

>> No.69310519

Hey, it worked out for him I think. He got a couple of reactions!

>> No.69310571

>I'm very confused by this.
There is people who don't even have a proper character made out of their own, there is this /asp/ie who, so far, has been using a touhou character to represent himself.
There have been also very home-made models and such.
Also, ignore verbose meaningless >>69310097

>> No.69310576

@everyone then have a community vote on it and have minimum cap of voters necessary for it to pass
if it does come to pass, you're surrounded by the lgbt and need to take down the server before they start pushing for more "inclusivities"
if it doesnt come to pass, you're safe but the tranny is soon going be screeching loud enough for it to be a problem. enough to warrent a ban and to set an example
if not enough people care to vote, then there's no need to do anything because no one cares. but if the tranny tries to run a rally to get more voters to "pokemon go to the polls" then warn them and tell them to fuck off

>> No.69310812

Is that Spike?

>> No.69311429

That's an eggplant not a lollipop

>> No.69311596

pronouns are a default feature of discord these days, there's no reason to add them into a server.

>> No.69311781

noted. I'll do my best!

My takeaway from all of this is to not be cringe and RP as a preexisting character.

Got it then! Also, what are the rules for dumping stream links here? A-okay or cringe?

>> No.69311914

never in a gazillion years <3
I pulled it because the music was kinda poopoo doodoo lol. I mostly just experimented and creatively blanked for an hour + and then came up with a generic kind of synth wave thing in the last 20 minutes.

Doing more music streams all this coming week though, and adding in a midi keyboard and some little mini korg drumpads once I figure out how (bare in mind I'm not the most tech savvy). I'm not new to DAW's but I haven't played with one enough to really understand how everything works.

I promise I'm actually pretty good at making songs, I'm just a little rusty and I need to get into the swing of coming up with stuff live. I used to play in jam bands and shit, so I'm trying to reignite that improv energy.

>> No.69311953

It wasn't meaningless, but it might as well have been. I misunderstood the post, so I was addressing a point that nobody was actually making. /asp/ies using existing characters aren't larping as them.

>> No.69311978

Fine, and if you have other socials in the meanwhile, even better, remember that this is just another place to shill yourself, with the added benefit of also having the chance of getting to ask questions anonymously and getting feedback for your own development, but that doesn't mean that this should be the only place where you can grow! If you have a twitter or a youtube link them!
Also, as you might have already seen, beware of crabs

>> No.69312961
File: 3.37 MB, 1920x1080, 1706737486074469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69313259

Im bored of being alive.

>> No.69313814

then do something else

>> No.69313873
File: 17 KB, 946x119, YO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are too easy :3c
You quoted me 3 times btw fufufu

>> No.69313942

What is this meant to prove?

>> No.69313981

Just trolling

>> No.69314687


>> No.69314735

Post the link

>> No.69314756

Anons will gobble up any rrat if it means they can squeeze drama out of it
Nice job proving that with your bait but it's not like we didn't already know

>> No.69314826


>> No.69314833

>people dislike Camui
wow, what a bait

>> No.69314899

>tfw the whole layla vs camui drama was him self replying for hours

>> No.69314927

Where do you get that was the intent?
It was surely that someone can make an inconspicuous comment and it will get dozens of speculative posts about it because /asp/ies are desperate for drama

>> No.69314963

that's unironically really good, I'm going to kill myself right now!!!!!

>> No.69314968
File: 51 KB, 698x711, cachedImage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69315005

what are you planning renata?

>> No.69315106

>because /asp/ies are desperate for drama
No it's just they don't like Camui and will take any chance to dogpile him. If the post was about anybody else, it wouldn't have even registered to most people.

>> No.69315197
File: 10 KB, 303x303, IMG_7997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ cant even be anonymous on the anonymous image board anymore

>> No.69315261

I can see your stink lines all the way from here

>> No.69315316

the smell is pungent

>> No.69315323

why would you expose me like this?

>> No.69315496
File: 46 KB, 448x265, ToTwife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I need more people to help me kidnap you and force you to do more asmr!!!!

>> No.69315801

you're so fucking real for this. i want to force basil to do a presentation infront of hundreds of people

>> No.69315800

I thought Renata was into ojisans?

>> No.69315806
File: 86 KB, 1333x625, chrii4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw for the love of god. Ok.
Chrii and I are not a couple. I think she is a very sweet girl and she is incredibly supportive and one of my closest friends. We let the rumors of us being together continue because they're harmless enough and I do not mind shipping. She does have a crush, that's obvious. I do not mind yume/fujoshi and it's not my place to tell her who she can and can't like. Please stop ridiculing and insinuating things about her character or whatever our relation to each other might be. The same goes for Rottie; I think she's a wonderfully kind and supportive person and is a very close friend, but we are not a couple. Shipping is 100% ok, but please don't call either of them groomers, homewreckers, whores, cucks or any of the other comments I've seen directed at them lately. They don't deserve any of it. They're really good people and I'm very happy to call them my friends. Please be kinder to each other. :>

>> No.69315845

Why should I respect anything you say?

>> No.69315879

Why is it important to be hateful?

>> No.69315894

use the trip and post this

>> No.69315904


>> No.69315953

I wish I had this power

>> No.69315973

It's a genuine question, there is no hate

>> No.69315983
File: 215 KB, 708x828, IMG_8293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't really make it obvious but i while i like ojisans i also. um. ermmmm ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm uhhhhhhh
basils cool but i think ill sheathe the fujo sword when it comes to him to be respectful^^

>> No.69316005

Based child fucker

>> No.69316012
File: 1.50 MB, 1170x743, Whatever you say!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chrii and I are not a couple. I think she is a very sweet girl and she is incredibly supportive and one of my closest friends. We let the rumors of us being together continue because they're harmless enough and I do not mind shipping. She does have a crush, that's obvious. I do not mind yume/fujoshi and it's not my place to tell her who she can and can't like. Please stop ridiculing and insinuating things about her character or whatever our relation to each other might be. The same goes for Rottie; I think she's a wonderfully kind and supportive person and is a very close friend, but we are not a couple. Shipping is 100% ok, but please don't call either of them groomers, homewreckers, whores, cucks or any of the other comments I've seen directed at them lately. They don't deserve any of it. They're really good people and I'm very happy to call them my friends. Please be kinder to each other. :>

>> No.69316138

i hope chrii grows a brain and finally leaves you

>> No.69316207

>not a couple
>hope she leaves you
nigga can you read

>> No.69316213
File: 43 KB, 736x789, IMG_8341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69316244

>not his trip

>> No.69316274

leaves his sorry ass as a fan i guess i dont fucking know what she is at this point

>> No.69316284
File: 218 KB, 360x513, 1661571789138893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69316320


>> No.69316321

my future vieweroshi

>> No.69316328

i think it's cool he defended her
the thread would be better if anons had each others backs

>> No.69316423

he is toying with her. it's obvious she wants love and camui can't give it to her

>> No.69316456

don't date viewers

>> No.69316559

Chrii is an adult. It's infantilization to think that Chrii needs to be defended from mean internet comments as if telling people on the internet to stop saying mean things has worked literally ever.

>> No.69316625

I love chrii so much...

>> No.69316793

It was noble to make things clear to protect other people imo. Dramafags get the rope.

>> No.69317002

If Chrii had the issue, then she can just come out and say that she is not dating Camui? It's narcissistic behaviour to take on other people's problem when they haven't asked you and then act saintly as if you have done them a favor.

>> No.69317257

Chrii does not come here but these comments and rumors make it to her in other ways. Rottie is too gentle to engage with it. They both dislike the things that get said about them, and I got permission from both of them to post that before I did so. Don't be so quick to presume how other people feel.

>> No.69317304

You’re the man bro

>> No.69317321

Right back at ya!

>> No.69317353

And you genuinely believe that giving attention to the issue would stop it?

>> No.69317569

I hope so. There’s been a lot of rumors about them that arose from the assumption that I am dating one or both of them. I’m hoping that can be put to bed now, at least.

>> No.69317646

fair desu but you guys should have said something about it before it got to the point that their reputations were at stake

>> No.69317661

For a 30+ year old man, you sure are a fucking moron and like to let this place get to you a lot

>> No.69317664

chrii got mindbroken by camui and everyone is just going along with it

>> No.69317723

so both you and chrii were pretending to be a couple back then?

>> No.69317745

People were telling her a long, long time ago that she shouldn't throw all her eggs in one basket but she constantly denied it, said we didn't understand their relationship, etc, etc and now look where she is

>> No.69317810

You are 100% correct. Guess at least on my end I wanted to avoid another shitflinging fest but that's inevitable. Crabs love negativity and will even take something as simple as "they're nice but we're not dating, please be kind to them" and use it as a way to try and hurt others. But now, at least there's 0 weight to their comments about Chrii/Rottie in the future, so I'm happy for that. :>

>> No.69317873

>Crabs love negativity
You mean, like yourself? Are you trying to memory hole all the shitty things you did to others?

>> No.69317950

What do you think sex with Basil would be like?

>> No.69318002


>> No.69318010


>> No.69318061

Here's the better question would he have a man dick or a boy dick

>> No.69318090

13 inch titanic veiny cock with massive balls

>> No.69318498

I want to suck Iriya's small hairy 2 inch cock

>> No.69318981

he's not that old wtf are you on about.

>> No.69319032

He's said so himself retard
