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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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689096 No.689096 [Reply] [Original]

>t-this isn't a hololive board
>delete everything criticising hololive
>delete everything complaining about hololive
Either the mods are gay, anons are gay or this is a hololive board.

>> No.689150

>t-this isn't a hololive board
Who are you quoting?

>> No.689161

Anons and mods.

>> No.689215

take your meds op

>> No.689449

No one deletes VOMS, tsunderia or niji threads, get help anon.

>> No.689601

But they do delete threads complaining about hololive. But seeing that this thread is still up. Might be because you fucks hate people hating on hololive.

>> No.689741
File: 20 KB, 400x400, zk6fZaF2_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, meidos sure have deleted criticism re vshojo lately, especially to do with nyanners.

All vtubers are not immune from criticism, especially the shitty scumbag ones.

>> No.689815

Quit being a bitch and maybe your garbage ass threads won't get deleted.

>> No.689923

Antis are not discussion, particularly when all you do is scream, leak into other threads and doxxnigger.
You're not being booted out for trashtalking hololive, you're being booted out for being an annoying bitch.

>> No.690043
File: 96 KB, 1000x1000, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the truth

>> No.690044

Wrong. Hating on something is discussion.

>> No.690094

Write a blog instead faggot.

>> No.690113

I'm not a boomer.

>> No.690132

I remember some of the Nyanners ones were deleted because 2 were already up and people kept spamming new ones (both anti and in support of her).

>> No.690154

No shit. There is no such thing as a "free" service. If you are not paying for a product, you are the product.

>> No.690163

Yet hololive can't even have one.

>> No.690241


>> No.690283

>nooooooo muh doxxing threads
Go fuck yourself

>> No.692280

this board wouldn't exist if it wasn't for hololive

>> No.692350

That's bullshit, but I believe it.

>> No.692398

>get deleted for off-topic
>come back to complain about moderation which is also off-topic
>will probably rage like an autist when the thread inevitable gets deleted

>> No.692469

Anti threads of every other vtuber/group stay up including dox information and users don’t get banned. Say anything about the holo past lives or criticize them and you’re immediately banned. Vtuber fans aren’t the next brony but holofags definitely are.

>> No.692563

>Anti threads of every other vtuber/group stay up including dox information and users don’t get banned.
If nobody reports it of course it's gonna stay up, there are porn pics that stay up for days in some threads.

>> No.692585

Oh no anon, did you 67th AO thread get taken down?

>> No.692598

>Either the mods are gay, anons are gay or this is a hololive board.
How about ALL of the above.

>> No.692668

So Hololive gets the privilege of being a big company that fans latch themselves to

>> No.692721

It just gets more anons willing to spend 10 seconds to help remove off-topic trash.

>> No.692725

If you make an anti thread for a Holo they sperg out. They want this place to be a redd*t style hugbox.

>> No.692748

If you actually care about the other company report it, dumbass. If you can't even be bothered to do that you shouldn't be bothered enough to complain either.

>> No.692782

>I made a shit post and it got deleted
>b-but I was just criticizing
ogey OP

>> No.692802
File: 170 KB, 312x290, 1606549416087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry more bitch faggot

>> No.693036
File: 33 KB, 750x504, erotic takos with sex words next to their faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why rude words combined with Ina's face kills my sides as much as it does, but I'm dying anyway

>> No.693095

It's the juxtaposition, but also imagining Ina say such a sentence with her chill ass voice

>> No.693247

now thats a good rrat

>> No.693823

>there are porn pics that stay up for days in some threads.
Hecatia is so puffy.

>> No.694404

So are we saying we need a containment board for a containment board?

>> No.696821

Because those always degrade into doxxfags throwing info like it is some sort of school board in a goddamn middle school.

>> No.697095
File: 35 KB, 444x495, 1613176097492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggers tongue my anus

>> No.697597

Crying because the mods won’t let you make another Kiara anti thread? Go to lolcow or kiwifarms if you want to hate on Hololive you’ll be in good company next to the trannies and doxxniggers.

>> No.698802

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess what you mean by "criticizing" and "complaining" is shitposting and baiting.
