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69249826 No.69249826 [Reply] [Original]

The livers made verifiably false statements about the privating of Selen's cover that are contradicted by their own evidence.

At 4:54 in the black screen video, Vox Akuma makes the following statement:
>she released her cover without giving management time to check it, and as a result, it needed to be made private
>it was going to be made public again once the checks had cleared
>management absolutely intended to let her release the cover
>once they had made sure it was okay to release

However, these statement are contradicted by the message from management to Selen sent at 12:30:34 JST, attached in picrel, which reads:
>The video is set to private until I got [sic] confirmation.
>There is also chance [sic] you might need to adjust it before setting to public again.
This is a blatant contradiction. They did not intend to unprivate the video once routine checks had occurred, but instead, management planned to force Selen to make changes to it before they would allowed it to go public. This would force Selen to go back to her animators and pay them even more money to edit the video to suit management's whims.
>b-b-b-but they just said there might be a chance!!!
Look, if you've ever had a job, you'd know that when a manager tells you "there's a chance you might have to" do something you highly dislike, 99% of the time that means you're absolutely, incontestably required to do it. It's just management speak designed to soften the blow, along the lines of "ummmm yeah Peter, I might need you to come in on Sunday too, m'kay?".
But even if we take these statements "at face value", it still contradicts Vox's statement. There was never any plan to make it public at some later date, and they certainly did not "absolutely intend to let her release it", they literally told her she might have to change it. At the very least it should get you asking: "If management always planned to release the cover, why did they ever suggest the opposite to her?".

This is a serious issue. If the livers cannot be trusted to accurately communicate the contents of their own evidence, what reason to we have to believe anything else they have to say? The fact they would release something with such an obvious contradiction deeply undermines their credibility, and suggests that their interpretation of all of the other events they recount has been similarly massaged to fit their narrative. Even if you are heavily inclined to give Nijisanji and their livers the benefit of the doubt, this should have you asking questions. What other critical details are being omitted? Are there any other messages between management and Selen that haven't been posted but might add critical context? And if the livers are willing to simply gloss over something as significant as this, what are they glossing over in their retelling of their actions in the events leading up to Selen's suicide attempt?
We are not getting the full story by a long shot.

>> No.69249864
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>>69249826 (Me)
It's important to note that this is not an isolated incident. Attached in picrel is my greentext of Pomu's statements about her own "hellish" experience (her word!) in being cockblocked about releasing a music video when management demands changes at the last minute. Timestamp available here:

Nijisanji and their livers want you to believe is was an isolated incident. They want you to believe it was something no one else had a problem with except Selen. They want you to believe she's just a menhera bitch who couldn't follow the rules, and for everyone else it's just sunshine and rainbows.
If that's really true, why do we have Pomu, right here, going through the same struggles as Selen? You can see the suffering in her words. You can hear the pain in her voice. Do they honestly expect us to believe Selen wasn't going through the same thing?

>> No.69250125

Who requested in particular to take down the video and why?

>> No.69250211
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management doesnt have the balls to tell the true reason the mv was privated lol

>> No.69250525

You're overreaching.
>"it was going to be made public again once the checks had cleared"

>The video is set to private until I got [sic] confirmation.
>There is also chance [sic] you might need to adjust it before setting to public again.

I don't see that as a contradiction.

>> No.69250582

it'd be hilarious if niji's next move is to point at nina and mysta and say "they didn't want to be included in the video"

>> No.69250710

Elira stated that there was information in Selen's document that ALLUDED TO (emphasis mine) where she and Millie lived, and that she viewed this as a threat to their safety. However per Doki's subsequent statement no addresses were included in the document; in light of this Elira's statement is clearly using weaselly language to create an imagined threat of doxxing where none existed, "alluding to" where they live could simply mean the city or even the country, in addition to the fact that the document was never meant to be published or shared outside of the legal team/management.
Additionally their statement on the termination they said that Selen's actions "could potentially lead to the violation of third-party rights, including copyrights" again obscuring the fact that there were in fact no such violations as shown by their only objection being the use of the company's own IP
If the facts were on ANYCOLOR's side, why do they feel the need to twist the truth in this way?

>> No.69250794

Also why do they have Private coms of her and her manager. Why has no one asked this yet.

Does this mean the other TALENT was always watching her communications with the manager.

>> No.69250902

sisters are already spreading this narrative

>> No.69250919

even i think this is a stretch

>> No.69251176

Tell me, how does the cow result in better team performance?

>> No.69251269

JP staff always use "it might not be possible" and similar to say no. They actively avoid saying no directly and beat around the bush instead. Anyone who's studied even N5 Japanese will know this.

>> No.69251293

>Also why do they have Private coms of her and her manager. Why has no one asked this yet.
Because their manager gave them to her?

>> No.69251329

>AR live is postponed

>> No.69251357

I thought about giving this a rest, since things have quieted down. But it's time to get digging again, there's no way these fuckers should be able to get away with it.

>> No.69251368

Tokugawa did his job TOO well. He cut the fangs out of the Japanese.

>> No.69251648

what kind of manager doesnt follow the projects of the person he is supposed to manage? Why wasnt he aware of the contents of the video far far before it was made? Why didnt he investigate how the project was going and what was inside the cover video before the final video? Your job as a manager is to make things possible and not deny everything at the last turn because you are incapable of doing your job. If that manager had asked about "What is this cover project about? What are your plans for the MV if there is gonna be one?" this couldve been avoided but because anycolor apparently hires high schoolers that use DeepL to converse with adults from overseas, these kinds of things got neglected and the fault for this was pushed onto the talent.

>> No.69251697

Well, that's quite clear. A rule forbidding to show ex-members which was approved mid-project.

It doesn't make sense, since the company owns the IP for the characters and all the materials produced. But dumb rules and Japanese companies go together hand in hand.

>> No.69251716

i still think this is a reach but that's a great point lmfao

>> No.69251769

All of the NDF's arguments about the Selen incident require you to forget about all of the Livers who have matched parts of Selen's stories. The reason they are hyperfocused on the video issue is so they don't start having to defend the claims made by Zaion, Pomu, Nina, and others, or explain why Nijisanji doesn't pay artists and ignores its financial obligations.

Because as soon as people realize it's a pattern of malicious behavior with this company, they have to make insane assertions like "Well ackshually, it's all a conspiracy by these ex-employees working together to defame the company!"

>> No.69251814

They weren't employees anymore
>goo goo gaba gee gee

>> No.69251815

it's almost like EN talents should get EN staff so these kinds of language barriers don't happen.

>> No.69251847
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how is it the trash taste guys made billions of hours of commentary about mikeneko but somehow this doesn't get talked about or alluded to at all. not that they'd say anything intelligent mind, but it makes me wonder how strong Niji is.

>> No.69251870

So here's the thing. It doesn't matter if there was a permissions issue or not. Anycolor could have said yes, Anycolor could have said no. It's utter nonsense to believe that her manager needed to wait until the last minute to check for said permissions from upper management.
>but she only posted the video a few days before
Yes. The FINAL version. There is no power on this earth that can convince me that a MV that has been planned since 2022 didn't at least have a storyboard. This shit went through iteration after iteration. And through all that time her manager never thought to check if it was okay to include certain characters? No. I'm not buying it. They could have checked an entire YEAR before it was due to release and cleared it with the suits.

This wasn't incompetence. This was power harassment. Doki was already planning to graduate. They waited till she was ready to release her farewell gift to her fans. They ghosted for over a day, gave her a bullshit excuse to stall for time, and went right on back to ghosting her. All so she couldn't release it on time. One last "fuck you" to the person they had been bullying for months if not years.

>> No.69251881

It's a bit of a reach because the public statement was "cancelled" but Pomu and some others were coping about "postponed", possibly because management gave them false hope with some vague statements

>> No.69252015

Again, if it's a reach, it isn't management speak, and Vox was telling the truth that they intended to release it, why the fuck did they tell her that in the first place?

>> No.69252018

We have no idea when this "rule" was created. It could be that the rule was created ex-post facto to develop an excuse to private the video.

Given that Nijisanji has a tremendous hateboner for Selen and has repeatedly played games with the truth in public statements, I simply don't believe anything they say about this situation anymore.

>> No.69252076

Sadly, all this mismanagement only makes sense from the optics of being bullied by the company, or a total incompetence improper of a multi-million company.

>> No.69252168

The same manager that declined Pomu’s once in a life time opportunity, which rrats are saying might have been the Metal Gear collab that Calli got instead. Probably too lazy to do actual work and just get a paycheck

>> No.69252246

Connor says he can't talk about it without getting in trouble.
But then Joey made a video about Rushia and said that Cover fired Rushia for having a relationship and got away with it scot free.

>> No.69252332

Don't forget that they did something similar to Pomu's AKIBerse MV, and she had to rush out the changes before she graduated.

>> No.69252347

It takes one twisted son of a bitch to decline a collab and let your direct competitor get it instead. That's genuine spite. You hate that person so fucking much that you would rather fail at your job, risking being fired, than allow them some happiness.

>> No.69252504

Connor is friends with the mouse and the mouse is part of the clique. People thinking this problem is silo'ed to Niji are not thinking about the big pic.

The exposé won't be about Selen but about the rot at the core of the Vtuber community.

The coffee boy is about to expand being flesh influencers and coin scams.

>> No.69252536

This is one of the reasons the Gurrat exists. A lot of this is explainable if Elira or other Livers were managers. They would be motivated financially to destroy other Livers to steal their views, subs, and SCs and motivated personally to destroy them for daring to be more popular than the Liver who is managing the branch.

An actual manager is expect to look after the company's interests and help their team succeed. A Liver is motivated to do the exact opposite.

>> No.69252562

Cover wouldn't bother to chase Joey because of the menhera girl because she was already terminated. She's not their problem anymore.

>> No.69252712

>>The video is set to private until I got [sic] confirmation.
>They did not intend to unprivate the video once routine checks had occurred
What do you call this retardation?

>> No.69252775

I donno who Joey is but everything he says in this makes sense.

>> No.69252924

Cover is nowhere NEAR as lawsuit happy as Niji is. They're just a massive ass headache to deal with and they do it to intimidate more than seek damages

>> No.69252949

You also need to remember that management didn't "warn her"
They only said a thing after her Tweet, it was in response to after she already tweeted

>> No.69253037

it only proves that cover is not as black

>> No.69253149

Well Doki did play Arkham Asylum yesterday. A game where the guards are corrupt, the boss is embezzling funds, and the inmates run the asylum. Might be onto something there.

>> No.69253162

This is true. We saw with how Sayu was blacklisted that the reach of the clique is far. Vshojo is complicit

>> No.69253171

It's amazing the more you learn about Japanese law the more you can hate it.

>> No.69253382

He works for Kadokawa.

>> No.69253491
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I was thinking about that earlier.

>> No.69253840

Difference is that Connor is there in a working Visa due to Kadokawa and this is still ongoing, let's say in the case of AnyColor going wild like with False and striking them and even filling a lawsuit from defamation, he's at the risk of deportation due to it. Joey has a Japanese Citizenship, he can talk all he wants and at worst risk his job, but no one and not even Cover bats an eye, because it's already something that happened and they have already terminated her, at worst Mike could sue Joey but she has bigger problems than him.

>> No.69253922

keep up the good work against NDF, their blatant misinformation campaign is disgusting and deserves call-outs like this.

>> No.69254020

This. Reminder Vshojo fucked people over and swept it under the rug, like the Nux thing.

>> No.69254130

selen is the traitor and thats is the end of it

>> No.69254230

Always remember these conflicts of interest when the eventual PuppetGate occurs. Something tells me they're going to dishonestly try to manipulate their audience. I personally don't mind people sharing their side of the story but it shouldn'y be dishonestly twisted like how Nijisanji has handled it the past few months

>> No.69254565

>and the mouse is part of the clique.
Now that's a spicy rrat, except she can't be because she doesn't read her discord messages and ghosts literally everyone and anyone. It's why her company nearly imploded.

>> No.69254727

This was the thing that always got me. I have no idea how Nijisisters can even attempt to claim that “Selen only sent the finished video a day in advance” when we know for a fact that Niji will go out of their way to wait until the last second to make changes. I imagine the video Selen sent was after management doing exactly what they did to Pomu, telling her to change things at the last second, to her and she did and sent it in for one final review. Only to be told muh permissions for an IP Anycolor owns themselves.
The video Selen sent has a (1) which could be indicative of what I’m theorizing, since it means she would have needed to download a file with that same name at least twice. I suspect the video editor kept the file name the same before and after making adjustments to it.

>> No.69254844

something I just noticed is Selen mentioned graduated members "will be shown in future works"; if Selen was aware of the contents of projects others were doing, why wouldn't her manager be aware of the contents of her project ahead of time and raise the issue at the last minute?

>> No.69254927

I feel like nobody should be surprised by this bullshit card. I think everyone at some point in their lives have been bullshitted around only to receive a new deadline on something they had to do because of some other fuckup or person's incompetence. Right?

>> No.69254992
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The plot thickens!

>> No.69255104

I can't believe this has to be said this often, but productions have storyboards. Management had to have known who was in the video before artists started drawing. Coming up with this nitpick at the 11th hour is malicious. I'd have quit on the spot. I'd have uploaded the video, too. Fuck employers like this.

>> No.69255576

>people over and
Yeah, Vshojo rather blatantly purged everyone who wasn't part of the Mouse clique. It's kind of better this way, since at least everyone in Vshojo knows what it is now, but still, not great.

>> No.69255671

>damning evidence against nijisanji
>uhh but what about vshojo? maybe they did it!
Try harder next time, NDF.

>> No.69256136

Your screenshot and Vox's statement don't contradict each other you fucking retard.

>> No.69256177

Shut the fuck up enna

>> No.69256256

nigga this is the 10th time you've talked about the black screen video. this shit is boring as fuck.

>> No.69256281

Joey is mentally challenged, he can't be held accountable for what he says.

>> No.69256283

Explain to me how "they always intended to publish the video" and "you will maybe need to change it" don't contradict each other.

>> No.69256355

Not OP, but I assume anon meant the semantics on the sentence
Vox uses "the checks", as in the final checks, when the manager uses "the adjustments"
Those could be the same thing, at face value, but those could also be different things

Occam's just says Vox is a retard (or whoever wrote his piece for the black screen) and made a bad choice of words

>> No.69256585

That's why I hate these morons, they're fucking cowards who pretend to be heroes.

>> No.69256597

This isn't fucking among us, there's no traitor here, she got fucked by a shitty company like multiple others and same company proceeded to destroy itself in retardation. Calling her a traitor really shows how you have a 5 year olds perspective on this shitshow.

>> No.69256743

Holy shit

>> No.69256784

Unrelated to the thread, I just want say, that I want to fuck Scarle's tits they look so inviting and tantalizing, man I want to suck and fuck to fun bags.

>> No.69256793

The checks are what the manager refers to as "confirmation". He or she then implies there will have to be "adjustments", just like the Pomu video.

>> No.69256887

the more likely rrat is it was a collab with the idol group pomu connected with, and that management shot it down because they're signed to a competing record label

>> No.69256907

coffee boy?

>> No.69256969

Because the video will go up after it's been checked or after hypothetical change is made. A contradiction would be management telling her to scrap the video entirely.

>> No.69256975

This is nitpicking. The only thing this highlights is that Vox technically said something untrue, but the general sentiment behind his statement is clear about the option being open.
I'm all for crucifying Vox for other reasons, but something needlessly petty like this is the exact kind of shit people point to in order to discredit points being made by convincing people ALL the arguments against Vox & Co. are just as petty.

>> No.69257025


>> No.69257092

Didn't that one bitch with the rose over her eye release an MV with graduated livers in it after this hot coffee situation with no issue?
Why would perms for a design that Any Color owns be an issue? None of this shit makes any sense.

>> No.69257165

and then another change is needed at the last minute as confirmed by pomu

>> No.69257176

She recorded it with Pomu before she left. Pomu was literally a participant. Look for later releases if you want to see whether Selen's point was legit

>> No.69257242

the only thing that makes sense in all of this is that anycolor is/was determined to assassinate doki

>> No.69257261

Seeing the NDF trying to lie so pathetically to bury the GURRAT is truly a sight to see, never forget how badly the seamonkeys fucked up.

>> No.69257280

Vox is a massive retard, but this ain't it.

The only confirmed contradiction (which is a soft rrat on itself) is that Vox implied there was contact between the livers and Selen after suspension, the implication that made Doki reveal her second attempt.

>> No.69257337

Why does it have to go that far to be a contradiction? Forcing her to go back to her artists and change the video to suit management's tastes is bad enough.
It's not nitpicking. Vox is trying to imply if Selen had just submitted the video earlier, or waited for confirmation, it would have been released. In reality Niji wanted her to go back to the drawing board and edit the video before it ever went public.

>> No.69257346

Rrat: The Clique is responsible for blocking Hololive/NijiEN collabs because Selen and Pomu were the most requested. Mori said she wanted to collab with Enna and Reimu but after the ban was lifted she never did because Pomu speaks to Kiara(Kiara knew about Pomu graduation months in advance of the announcement) and Kiara speaks to Mori.

>> No.69257348

And Selen started her MV before some of those people left. And it took a long time to cook.

>> No.69257356

Or no change is needed and the video goes up as confirmed by Maria.

>> No.69257422

That is what is becoming more clear by the day. That AnyColor actually wanted to destroy Selen.

>> No.69257425

Not that "there will have to be", rather "might need to". Not a guarantee.

>> No.69257462

Nerissa collabed with Reimu, and she literally worships Kiara.

>> No.69257521

Contradictions aside, the leaks show that the entire process was designed by someone who doesn't know how MVs are made and it ends up generating needless expenses for the talents. If they don't like who or what is in the animation, they need to raise concerns at the storyboard stage.
This is almost certainly the reason Pomu had problems with her last MV, where she had to cut out parts of a completed animation and replace them with loops. Do the people making those decisions have any industry experience?

>> No.69257583

Either way, there was never a plan to release the video. The narrative about "Selen just needed to wait for confirmation", the entire point of Vox's statement, is false. They were at the very least considering demanding changes, and considering the circumstances, almost certainly would have demanded changes.

>> No.69257628

Well apparently some people didn't want to be in her MV

More likely that Mori is literally too busy for all of that shit

>> No.69257671

>Either way, there was never a plan to release the video.

>> No.69257702

>Focus on NFT/Coins

>> No.69257718

>Why does it have to go that far to be a contradiction?
Because it doesn't matter if a revision needs to be made. They intended for the video to be published. Naturally a contradiction would be if they actually had no intention for the video to be published to begin with.

>> No.69257746

The proof is they literally said it.

>> No.69257802

was that shitty mv rereleased? no? not even after a month long suspension? lmao

>> No.69257847

Proof that "they" said "we're never going to allow you to release this"?

>> No.69257911
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>took a long time to cook
About this...

>> No.69257918

Because she decided to make everything more difficult by telling people to reupload it and then trying to kill herself.

>> No.69257943

Do you realize that "revisions" cost money? Keep in mind the video has unique animations throughout and removing scenes would require removing animations and looping old ones.
As a matter of fact, that's exactly what happened with Pomu's video.

>> No.69258004

The MV was done. Demanding changes at this stage is pure spitefulness (or incompetence...).

>> No.69258043

They didn't say that, they just demanded changes to the video they had no involvement with and didn't pay for.

>> No.69258048

What happened to Hex being the manager rrat because of his PL name matching the screenshot?

>> No.69258083
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>People spam Anycolor's inbox wondering where the cover went
>They get the same boilerplate "soon after we get perms ;)" response every time for the entire time Selen is suspended

They would literally never get perms to release the full video. Selen said she wanted everyone to be in the video but a few people clearly did not want to appear in the video (Selen was widely disliked and people were asking her to graduate)
It's not a matter of waiting, it's a matter of somehow patching up whatever relationship went sour enough to release the video as it was originally and sometimes that just doesn't work
I have no idea what is going on behind the scenes but "a majority of them want me out" really shows the reason why she said "fuck it" and told people to reupload - Her relationships with everyone were in shambles and those are perms she would never be able to get.

>> No.69258091

>was that shitty mv rereleased
No need. It was checked and uploaded after being approved. Simple as.

>> No.69258161
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I imagine anyone who leaves the cult is a traitor to you Nijisisters.

>> No.69258172

So this artist didn't get the needed paperwork for this work until last month?

>> No.69258246

Sounds like maybe she should have submitted the artwork for checking ahead of time. And she didn't, because in the termination notice, management said they didn't receive the materials for the music video until December 24th.

>> No.69258267

Here's the funny thing
Selen paid for the MV.
It's not paid by Niji and was not covered by NDA (see here >>69257911).
So technically , selen telling ppl feel free to reupload it doesn't break any company rule actually. Because it's not niji property and none of the contents is under Niji's contract.

>> No.69258288
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Can't prove 100% and nothing comes out of this.
Also I don't trust LK now.

>> No.69258289

You obviously don't understand how Japanese culture works. They never directly say no, they simply use soft language and make the onus on you to quit.

Hence why the AR Concert is "postponed", not cancelled.

>> No.69258314

>I think everyone at some point in their lives have been bullshitted around only to receive a new deadline
Corpo slave, this is relateable. Seen my fair share of insufferable management being too demanding, too rigid, too incompetent at communicating clearly. But the thing is, not once have my coworkers ever taken management's side and tried to convince me that I was the problem, or that I need to follow directions better. The EN clique really has no business getting so invested in the role of being management mouthpieces unless they had a hand in making the other livers' work difficult.

>> No.69258322

That's a different argument from "they were always going to release it, Selen just had to wait for the perms".
Vox lied.

>> No.69258330

>they just demanded changes
They didn't know? They said they might have to, not that they needed to.

>> No.69258355

Except the need for a revision is only a hypothetical. Because the video would need to be checked in the first place.

>> No.69258443
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(Here's a better translation)
Yes, by the looks of it Selen personally pushed to get the project done and paid out of her own wallet.

>> No.69258445

I think their whole pipeline is just fucked. These contracts are probably required for transferring full commercial rights in jp or whatever, but since it takes ages nobody really bothers about it.

>> No.69258460

Anon, when you Japanese manager says "you might need to make changes", that their polite way of telling you "you need to make changes".

>> No.69258509

No, the management turnover in NijiEN is actually worse than the livers. But in their case it's not so much jumping ship but getting the boot before they can reach full time employment status. Typical corpo shit.

>> No.69258517

>Vox lied.
Nope, because the perms got checked and there was no issue. All Selen had to do was wait.

>> No.69258539

Clique AKA NotManagement just "forgot" about his email. :^)

>> No.69258569

The fact they let it get all the way to completion before claiming changes may need to happen, instead of taking care of that before 15K was spent, paints management as so painfully inept that it cannot be anything other than malevolence.

>> No.69258598

Yes, personal projects are personally paid by the talent. Not sure what the argument here is.

>> No.69258628

Then why did Vox say
>it was going to be made public again once the checks had cleared
>management absolutely intended to let her release the cover
It seems obvious they didn't intend anything, they were going to check it and """hypothetically""" demand changes.

>> No.69258693

> Trusting what Vox is saying
Yeah, Vox fucking "there's no favoritism" Akuma

>> No.69258694

Not according to management.

>> No.69258725

There are big differences between the two situations right now. Rushia situation is not exactly ongoing, there has been statements from both sides (even going as far as affirming the other side) AND most importantly Mikeneko is not backed by any big company. Plus at the moment based on recent and past news, courts are not going exactly well for Mikeneko. So even if you are in Japan with the retarded defamation laws, you can talk about Rushia/mfmf without worrying at all (as long as you aren't schizoing).
I am 95% certain that no one from the trash taste will make a video about nijisanji right now, unless the video is just reading word by word the public statements made so far. Also Nijisanji already has experience in striking down drama videos on youtube and trying to get channels taken down.

>> No.69258737

You mean, arbitrarily wait while they dick her around and hope they'll stop fucking with her before she graduates. This whole "we totally would have released it eventually, so we technically weren't lying" is the most obvious bullshit only doxxsisters would try to push.

>> No.69258762

Management said wait, she didn't wait, she got burned. That's all on her.

>> No.69258798

They didn't receive the Final draft. And they only showed us a narrow picture, rather than showing us the story board, the initial drafts, or the entire communication that made them decide to hold up a MV at the deadline.

>> No.69258801

They also demanded changes. That's all on them.

>> No.69258812
File: 6 KB, 227x222, rrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a lot of niji rrats popping up
what a rrat race

>> No.69258811

The funniest part for me about this debacle was the absolute confusion tourists had around perms for what from whom. It's even funnier when you consider the ex-members she needed perms from probably ghosted the perm request because NijiEN sent it which launched all this, an absolute clown show all around.

>> No.69258816

>is the most obvious bullshit only doxxsisters would try to push.
Yeah they're trying very hard right now.

>> No.69258821

Probably a counterargument to the latest firehose of NDF walls of text.

>> No.69258840

Ok Millie, but gloating on twitter was stupid.

>> No.69258844

Meanwhile, dramafaggots like yourself a trying to push that they wouldn't release it based off... what, your feelings?

>> No.69258849

im surprised that people barely bring this up lol

>> No.69258873

>check video
>problem? Remove problem.
>all good? Upload video.
It's literally that simple.

>> No.69258889

I don't think its an argument about payment, but rather that management knew of the project well in advance before the allged "only 37 hours" bullshit that makes no sense.

That's my takeaway from the pic, at the very least.

>> No.69258897

What is the realistic outcome of all this? Doki mogging all of NijiEN?
Several livers graduating?
An actual restructure of NijiEN?

>> No.69258906

They did not demand changes. None of the messages say "we won't allow you to release this until these changes are made".

>> No.69258924

As far as canceled projects go this isn't atypical. Even in HoloJP and EN they suffered similar things, difference being the talents didn't shit the bed over it and at most cried and vented or went on break.

>> No.69258942

>blindly believing what the fat BPD bitch says
Anyone who still believes her after she, as a solid fact, RECORDED A PRIVATE CONVERSATION WITHOUT CONSENT is completely fucking retarded.

>> No.69258966

NDAs of terminated people expire and everything go to shit.

>> No.69258989


nothingburger, dont need consent for that in civilized places.

>> No.69259032

They're not talking about payment as being the issue, they're talking about how the necessary paperwork from Nijisanji didn't arrive until after the video was supposed to go up and how other artists still haven't gotten said paperwork BUT have gotten paid by Selen.

>> No.69259042

>Doki mogging all of NijiEN?
>Several livers graduating?
>An actual restructure of NijiEN?
Even if they do this they've lost too much goodwill and trust in the west.

>> No.69259053

where do I go with my rrats now that all of them have been proven real?

>> No.69259055

How is that related to anything? Who fucking cares outside of sisters DESPERATELY scrambling for any narrative they can to damage her credibility?

>> No.69259077

Blatant violation of privacy is immoral.

>> No.69259090

Yes they did, they just said "you might need to change this" to be polite.

>> No.69259094
File: 132 KB, 1179x369, CONGRATS ELIRA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats Elira for reaching 1 million views on your latest video! I hope you stay in Nijisanji EN forever!

>> No.69259111

>Doki mogging all of NijiEN?
already in progress
>Several livers graduating?
would have happened regardless- several in the queue
An actual restructure of NijiEN?
very possible from the CEO statement, especially if any fragments of the NijiElira or embezzlement rrats are true

>> No.69259120
File: 165 KB, 564x444, 1691292609996555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read this shit, she threw a temper tantrum and management gave her way more chances than she deserved, she was incredibly difficult to work with and they STILL kept her on for almost three years

A new recruit would never get away with it, Zaion didn't get away with it and she did a lot less than Selen has been accused of (and they don't take accusations lightly, it's a large company but any blatant lies would be a slam dunk lawsuit for Selen) They have all the records, Selen refuses to release them, none of you care and just want Niji to burn becauase it's Niji

>> No.69259152

>personal projects are personally paid by the talent

Great way to twist words, payment out of company account which is deducted from talents payment and talent's own Paypal are completely different legally speaking for tax purposes and for commission legality.

>> No.69259160
File: 527 KB, 1080x1082, 1707810409989353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope you stay in Nijisanji EN forever!

>> No.69259169

kys sister

>> No.69259173

"might" is a possibility, not an actuality.

>> No.69259181

you dont need consent to record a conversation in canada retard

>> No.69259180

She didn't need his consent to record anything.
She didn't even need to inform him he was being recorded. This is LEGAL where she resides, which is the only jurisdiction that matters in these kinds of cases.
Get over it, find something else to latch on to.

>> No.69259188

This is also another hilarious point, the guy that included the ex-members even posted about how there wasn't any specific guidelines so thought it would be good to include people she got along with that are no longer in the company and had no clue it would be a problem, which is understandable given very few people knew about their whole internal IP perms situation. There was so much fumbling at every level.

>> No.69259187


>> No.69259213

>I hope you stay in Nijisanji EN forever!
nijien should unironically stay just to contain all the scum

>> No.69259216

>Least obvious sisterpost

>> No.69259243

please sister delete this

>> No.69259253

Go back to your doxxsite you fucking useless cunt.

>> No.69259258

I know it's difficult to comprehend for your subhuman room temperature IQs, sisters, and that you are biologically incapable of solving 2+2. Actual people can make conclusions based on observations, and don't have to resort to regurgitating the same dozen lines like a trained parrot.

>> No.69259262

It was such a nothingburger that she decided to include it in her statement to her lawyer about being bullied.
Sounds like her lawyer reviewed the recording, told her "this isn't bullying you retard", and she walked it back kek

>> No.69259268
File: 617 KB, 1280x720, POSE FOR THE FANS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Says it all.

>> No.69259281

She'll mog, then the dust will settle, more details will come out showing Selen was an absolute retatd but no one will care because they've already picked a side and are dug in.

>> No.69259308

its not.

did, its retarded and misses the point. this has nothing to do with doki anymore, its about burning down clique and niji EN management, so this cant be done to anyone else in the company.
we already know they have all been gagged and JP is conducting an investigation. the die has already been cast. hopefully JP fixes ENs shit and the innocent livers can continue.

>> No.69259307

Ever heard of being Polite? "You may not use a calculator during the exam" is also a possibility eh?

>> No.69259326

Why tell her she might need to change it if they had no problem with the video?
Keep in mind these are Japanese people, they don't state things directly. They also never told her "don't upload the video", they just said "it might take more time for confirmation".

>> No.69259327
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 1703291919954030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NPC responses as expected lol
WIP because it's an ongoing case

>> No.69259348

>Millie makes 4chan stream part 2
>This time they make fun of suicide
>They do a russian roulette
>The revolver was loaded
>Someone actually dies
>They still make fun of it

>> No.69259378

if that was true, lawyer would have had it removed from the document before having it translated, but he didnt.

>> No.69259380

Not sure what ESL country you are from, but the proper thing to say would be "You cannot using a calculator during the exam."

>> No.69259403

you will never fit in

>> No.69259411

i did
its retarded rambling
go kys unironically, like actually put a fucking 12 gauge on your mouth and blow your brains out, you will not be missed

>> No.69259418

It's been that way at Niji since the beginning. I'm more surprised people are just talking about it now instead of 2 years ago.

>> No.69259438
File: 379 KB, 660x330, Dumbledore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, yes, well done, Dokibird, well done, Dokibird HOWEVER...
>You have Borderline Personality Disorder.

>> No.69259458

If that's the case the clique is EVERYONE IN THE BRANCH, is it really that hard to accept that Selen was kind of a pain in the ass to work with and doesn't belong near any Japanese corpo

None of you had any sort of investment in Selen's fate anyway so why believe her over 30+ people who don't seem to be pushing back whatsoever? Mysta, Nina, Pomu everyone but Yugo aren't touching her with a ten foot pole

>> No.69259460

Vox said the video was evidence of favoritism, you fucking retard. Doc maker, how about you rewatch your own fucking evidence.

>> No.69259474

this. buy dokibird merch to support her

>> No.69259483

Bitch, you come to our place to argue about this shit. Well, let me tell you you aren't convincing anyone. Go back you your pity party, prentending you care about vtubers while doxxing and harassing any female who gets close to your oshi.

>> No.69259490


>> No.69259495

>"You cannot using a calculator during the exam."
>cannot using a calculator
You have no room to call out anyone else's ESL issues.

>> No.69259515
File: 74 KB, 900x675, sqscm02p7vy71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it's an ongoing case
Oh no no no no no sister really thought they're doing legal works

>> No.69259521

I hope she recorded all conversions from all the years she's been there and someone accidentally hacks her pc and leaks it.

>> No.69259538
File: 93 KB, 531x237, IMG_0272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly what >>69251293 said.
After all why would Millie not hand over her chat logs.

>> No.69259540

Sayu was fired over a deez nuts joke. Seriously find better material.

>> No.69259550


>> No.69259579

>If that's the case the clique is EVERYONE IN THE BRANCH
No, it just means the clique controls the branch and no one dares to stand up to them.

>> No.69259598

Joey (TheAnimeMan) can easily be found on the Trash Taste podcast along with Connor(CdawgVA) and Garnt(Gigguk), who are 3 prolific YouTubers who talk about anime/game/japan related topics. They have had Mori(Hololive) on the show several times and Garnt is married to a Vtuber as well so they have good knowledge of the industry.

>> No.69259606

if you have worked a real job before and you're still bootlicking this obviously fraudulent company then your fundamental ability of observation is broken and there's likely a deeper issue with your brain

>> No.69259614

Come on and spread your legs whore

>> No.69259659

Kek. Loving it.

>> No.69259667

>Mysta, Nina, Pomu
yeah and they graduated because everything was so great in niji lmao

>> No.69259669

The "Dee's Nuts" (an actual company) joke was actually legally actionable and the company happened to be gay enough to sue Mr. Beast over it and win

And she wasn't fired solely for the joke she was fired for multiple small infractions

>> No.69259710
File: 47 KB, 579x575, 20230805041607545132-5812129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a little known country called america

>> No.69259723

pomu is currently in japan, so she cant risk getting sued by kurosanji for defamation.

>> No.69259724
File: 308 KB, 863x966, Screenshot_20240216-142331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of "le retard de vox akuma", did he and Ike ever face any repercussions for fucking up an event people paid and travelled to attend?

>> No.69259745

Like the SA joke, right?

>> No.69259756

Orange bitch saves her branch then puts in an extra shift to help the best girls in the other company. I kneel to her and her fighting spirit. KFGODS backed the right horse all that time ago.

>> No.69259761

Yeah and none of them are sticking their necks out for her. Mysta literally followed and unfollowed her. He's a faggot but he probably knows more about their internal struggles than any of us. Pomu doesn't want to get involved in anything so i can excuse that.

>> No.69259771

Sister, you already tried this.


>> No.69259776

>If that's the case the clique is EVERYONE IN THE BRANCH
thats a stupid take.

>so why believe her
cause my stance doesnt change if I believe her or not. nijis behaviour is so damning even without any context from doki, even if doki was a menhera on my level (and let me tell you anon...) it just makes the branches behaviour even more disgusting.

>> No.69259784

Post tits, sister

>> No.69259793

ok now this is a stretch all they act like a retard online for views

>> No.69259802

The only way Vox will ever fuck you is if you're too young to be on this website.

>> No.69259828

You're so right. We need a Niji liver to read this on stream, that will change public sentiment.

>> No.69259852

Lube those lips sister

>> No.69259862

>multiple small infractions
More like nothingburgers and infractions they sat on so they can gish-gallop her termination notice whilst other livers have either committed the same offences or even worse yet remain at the company.
E.g Zaion's rape jokes verus Vox's rape ASMR stream

>> No.69259869

Tbf Mysta is a retard and Nina was more upset at not being in the clique than there being one. Sad what happened to Pomu though.

>> No.69259915

Sister I gave a response in the last thread and was ignored, I even put some effort into it. Why are you only responding to the easy ones to respond to? I can't imagine it's because you don't care and it's not really a "neutral" writeup.

>> No.69259917


>> No.69259934

men at nijisanji never face any repercussions, just look at luca if you saw of any of his shit recently.

>> No.69259958

still cant believe vox made rape asmr and got away with it

>> No.69260037

Because everyone knows women fantasize about rape so it's considered fan service.

>> No.69260136

Anon, its Niji's IP.
Add to that the fact that it was made while she was working for Niji. Unless she managed to work out the most insane contractual cause that would render content she made to be owned by her and not by the company, anything she produces as part of her job is owned by her employeer. This is the standard a cross almost all industries.
This is so basic that hearing retards spew this non sense only further proves that most people here never had a job.

>> No.69260157

the bunny senpai cover...

>> No.69260242

Has any JP liver commented on this shitshow? Are they just pretending this didn't happen?

>> No.69260300

>my coworker is getting better treatment and priority
>prove it
get btfo

>> No.69260303

>check changed video
>we have another problem
>change video again
>check changed video
>we have another problem
>change video again

A Livers' job is literally to record media. We don't even know what was said in the recording, except Vox sperging out with his "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I SAID IT'S PROBABLY REALLY BAD" suggesting he said something to deserve being roasted

>> No.69260347

Perhaps it was in the works long before and it would've been more suspicious to cancel. Also, Nerissa and Reimu were both utaites in PL and most likely knew each other so Nerissa and Reimu were friends before Nerissa and Kiara and Nerissa just wouldn't do a friend dirty like that over say her oshi that she has known for less time.

>> No.69260373

I guess lawyer never have to present any evidence in the court because it's an ongoing case huh?

>> No.69260404

It shows it's a company wide policy that they didn't run a foul of until that point. The timing is unfortunate and they could definitely create a better review process to prevent these kinds of things but it just shows corpo is doing corpo things.
t. corpo wage slave

>> No.69260514

>doesn't know what is in the recording
>gets very defensive about it
sounds like skeletons in the closet to me

>> No.69260538

Its not ilegal , it is still a fucked up thing to do to a friend.

>> No.69260542

if they are smart they would keep their mouths shut when barely anyone of them knows more than three words in english.

>> No.69260662

Clearly he's not a friend.

>> No.69260746

>anything she produces as part of her job is owned by her employeer
What was her "job" anyway? Streaming? And she was a contractor btw.

It was HER video that, if PUBLISHED, violated niji's guidelines about what everyone can do with their characters (which exists because they still want fanart and fan merch). Exclusive rights transfer was not done because niji takes forever to send out contracts.

>> No.69260754

If you need to constantly make revisions it sounds like a skill issue on your part sis

>> No.69260866

adding sis to the end of your statement doesn't make it seem like you are not a sister, you pig

>> No.69260924

JP is so big that most of them probably don't even know about shit that's going on within their own branch, let alone EN

>> No.69260935

> anything she produces as part of her job is owned by her employeer

Where I work I can either get a company laptop or bring my own laptop, and guess which one I can bring home if I leave the company, and guess which one is payed by using my own wallet?

This is so basic that hearing retards spew this non sense only further proves that most people here never had a job.

> Anon, its Niji's IP.
go ahead, show me one fanwork nijisanji owns, it's their IP right?

>> No.69261059

Or, more realistically, manglement keeps moving the goalposts because they have a grudge against the "wrong" employee being successful.

Just like they did with ex-Livers being in videos... just like they did with current Livers being in the videos... just like they did with random images of public areas being in the videos...

>> No.69261075

>no u
Concession accepted.

>> No.69261118

answer me this sister:
Why does a project that takes over a year to complete fail at the last minute and needs changes?
Why was the manager not aware of the state and contents of the project?
Why were permissions needed for characters owned by Anycolor? What sort of permissions were needed when the IP belongs to anycolor? Why would there be even a question about permissions beloning to anycolor about graduated talents or existing talents, when the project in question paints the company and everyon invovled in a positive light?
Why did not only Selens MV recieve a last-minute "no you have to change it" but also Pomus MV? Why was the manager never aware of what was going on? Why did they greenlight Elira's video, knowing that, regardless of its contents, it would drive unnecessary hate and harassment towards the Livers? And why was, whatever Elira had to say, not done through a faceless corpo account to shield the human from harm?
I have many more questions that this document does not answer.

>> No.69261120
File: 274 KB, 1079x954, Screenshot_20240216-124816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you able to type all that bullshit and but three words into Google to see if you're wrong?

>> No.69261233

Not the youngest thing in his closet

>> No.69261265

>show me one fanwork nijisanji owns
Niji can take down any fanwork they want. That's the whole reason they get perms from other companies in the first place, so those companies don't take down or demonetize Niji content.
Why Niji doesn't take fanwork down is obvious. Doing so would be fucking stupid, and even they aren't dumb enough to turn down free marketing.

>> No.69261370

No, you're an idiot. They get confirmation first to make sure no changes need to be made. They don't do it just because. I can't believe you typed up an entire post to be this retarded. They were waiting because it was the weekend and she was lazy and submitted it late after a year.

>> No.69261401
File: 1.24 MB, 1164x712, Screenshot 2024-02-16 145219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just like they did with ex-Liv-ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Skill issue

>> No.69261446

If you're too retarded to record shit when you're getting fucked over then you are smoothbrained.

>> No.69261452
File: 519 KB, 864x1637, Screenshot_20240216-145249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their "guidelines for secondary creation" say that yes, they can make money from art made by fans, and by using Nijisanji IP the artist's consent is implied

>> No.69261454

That's a lot of text to just boil down to "They are lying and were definitely not going to make the video public because I think so"

Stop making assumptions, you're the retarded one here

>> No.69261460

It's been pointed out to them before. They choose to ignore this because it doesn't fit their narrative.

>> No.69261482

Can someone who is willing to suffer summarize the points in this rrat?

>> No.69261548

Connor is friends with Nijisanji members behind the scenes and believes their side of the story

>> No.69261603

Actually it's "They are lying and were definitely not going to make the video public because they said so".

>> No.69261605

>Management is fucking up? Skill issue on your part

Why do you Nijisisters lick the boot this much?

>> No.69261638

They're addicted to the taste of shoe polish.

>> No.69261665

The mouse is part of the clique
Wait for the coffee journalist video

>> No.69261669

>admits to enforcement favoritism
>refuses to understand the issue
Niji lies coordinated from the doxxsite.

>> No.69261729

You need to be corrected thorughfully , Millie

>> No.69261782

It's basically just nijisister cope that blames Selen for attempting suicide and having BPD.

It's also her fault that livers are getting harassed because the company publicly made announcements about the harassment.

>> No.69261827

Bullies always blame the victim and try to convince everyone around them that they deserved it.

>> No.69261852

>waiting for approval is favoritism
Doesn't it get exhausting having to warp reality in order bend your back this far to make excuses?

>> No.69261943

>selen is the traitor and thats is the end of it
I'm unironically starting to think they run that joke of a branch as a mafia family. You know, the "family" they all love to tweet about.

>> No.69261962

>none of you care and just want Niji to burn becauase it's Niji

This is the only true fact in your whole post.

>> No.69262026

Or Pomu gave permission

>> No.69262031

Yes, bullies get the rope.

>> No.69262033

coffeeZilla?? Really?

>> No.69262066

>why are all employees in all departments not at my beck and call at every hour on Saturday and Sunday REEEEE
Totally unfair, you tell em nijisister.

>> No.69262148

I've read through it, it's a bunch of schizo ramblings.
>Defending Nijisanji by saying Hololive does the same thing
>Selen actually made 200k but it's her fault that she spent it
>When Selen tweets that a project is cancelled it's "out of context"
>The livers aren't bullies, trust me bro
>"Discrepancies" in Dokibird saying one thing and doing another
>Probably actually talked to her lawyer who told her not to release anything right now
>She's a BPD who can't be trusted
I think that's about it.
Just a waste of time.

>> No.69262157

can you prove it?

>> No.69262223

the project was going on for over 1 year. Mangement had enough time to check the contents and production of the project to not block it last-minute and avoid issues like this.
This happened to Pomu too.

>> No.69262269

not a big ask if thats your entire job

>> No.69262303

>management knows about the video for a year
>management knows when the video is supposed to release for a year
>management chooses to demand last minute changes after giving approval
>management chooses not to review last minute changes in a timely manner
>management shits itself after they fail to meet a deadline they've known about for months due to their own incompetence
Look, I know you have never held a job, but come on, try harder.

>> No.69262326

Too late, Kyo already leaked

>> No.69262434

>Hey management, can I have a rape ASMR stream?
>Sure thing Vox! We just terminated Zaion for rape jokes but go ahead!

>Hey management, can I release this music video?
>*36 hours later*
>Ehhhhhh, we mighhht need to change some things. I know I had a year to bring this up, but hours before the deadline seems like a good enough time now. Also I need to ask Nijisanji if we can use Nijisanji's IP - hang on.

Do you have to oversimplify reality because nijisisters are ESL or because they're retarded? Or both?

>> No.69262474

I'll just post one excerpt for you that should tell you that it's not worth reading
>Other EN livers who got as much as they could from being in NIJISANJI, or wanted to pursue less restrictive creative avenues, chose to end their contracts and graduate amicably – for example, Nina Kosaka, Mysta Rias, Pomu Rainpuff and Kyo Kaneko. Zaion LanZa is often used as a ‘gotcha’ when it comes to NIJISANJI, without taking into account the detailed statement of Activity Rule-breaking, within the short couple of months she was active, published upon her termination.

>> No.69262500

Delusional. Pomu would never had a chance in the MGS collaboration. lmao

>> No.69262580

They didn't say that at all. You're literally just assuming they were but you have a chip in your shoulder

>> No.69262637

>The "Dee's Nuts" (an actual company) joke was actually legally actionable and the company happened to be gay enough to sue Mr. Beast over it and win
Incorrect. The case you reference was do to him actually selling nuts with that labeling, not a parody or joke representation. You should look further into things before saying them.

>> No.69262638

her vocals are in the song. she wouldn't record her own vocals if she wasn't OK with it.

>> No.69262656

Fuck off Elira

>> No.69262741

its not even out yet, how do you know?

>> No.69262831

Don't forget Elira's deez nuts joke back near debut.

>> No.69262852

>management should've hacked into the artists' computers to see what they were drawing!
Or, you know, Selen could've just not waited until the last minute. Can't review something that wasn't submitted.

>> No.69262914

Because it says "Vocals: Pomu Rainpuff"

>> No.69262928

"Hey Selen, how is that Last Cup of Coffee project going? Do you have any updates whats in it? Are you doing an MV for it? What are your plans for the MV? Is there any way I can help?"
fucking hard discord message. all problems couldve been avoided when this message was send every 3 months.

>> No.69262995

Then she'd cry about management harassing her and not trusting her to do things at her own pace.

>> No.69263084

I like BPD bitches they give the best succ

>> No.69263121

And how exactly would "How's the MV coming along, Selen?" "Great! Thanks for asking!" allow management to check the video, anon?

>> No.69263142

yeah but how can you be so sure?

>> No.69263172

That's harassment.

>> No.69263224

you can't be this retarded

>> No.69263279

>i have no argument, yet i have to post

>> No.69263308

Unlike Selen, I can wait 2 days to find out :)

>> No.69263318

>hey you're working on a video OK COOL I WONT DO MY JOB AND ASK TO SEE IT

>> No.69263336

Nux is a fucking retard who shouldn't be celebrated or enabled for fucking anything.

>> No.69263371



>> No.69263373


>> No.69263447

It's provocative and gets the people going

>> No.69263519

Even if they ask to see it they still have to review theproduct retard. retard. The situation would still be the same because of Selen waiting until the last minute.

>> No.69263584

yes and the video was in production for a year
you're saying that they never reviewed a single frame of the video in the whole year?

>> No.69263627

Because there are multiple questions and she has to answer them. If your job is to make projects happen you check in advance if there is anything in the project that could hinder it and you do that preferably long before it is finished so you can make changes in the process because changes in the final product are harder to correct and more expensive to correct. Nijisanji as a company knows this because they make merch and they most likely do not ask Goddsmile and other Figure companies to change the figure after its been painted and made 1000 times. They do it in the process and ask for multiple in progress states of it.
So in any case.
No law was broken by Selen because the audio was legally correct and approved and the permission was given by ther rights holder. In terms of visuals there was approval of all IP holders and artists including Nijisanji as the video was posted on a Nijisanji account. There was nothing in the way of posting it the way it was but some imaginary rule made up for her.
where is the proof that she behaves like that? So far I have only seen proof that the managers arent doing their jobs.
Pomu got a last minute change (right before debut too lmao, what a useless fuck that manager is) and we have a few more horror stories about management being useless from ex-livers.
Meanwhile every artist selen worked with has come out and approved of how she communicated. It is clear Selen was not the problem in making projects a reality and all her mistakes were because the manager did not properly manage her or her projects.

>> No.69263666

No harassment was when management gave her an ultimatium in May 2023 to toe the line or they would fire her because she offered to pay the 5k prize money herself for her art contest when management reneged on it.

Asking your employees how their projects are going as management is being the bare minimum as a management - not something Nijisanji would know.

>> No.69263669

Selen honestly sounds like a student who turns in her assignment at the last minute. Maybe she should pretend to be an adult and actually do things before the hard deadline arrives.

>> No.69263722

maybe management needs to do their job

>> No.69263725

Never forget- the GURRAT is so real they silenced the original OP (who is gay)

>> No.69263768

If they asked her for the frames, knowing her she would accuse them of harassment and try to kill herself again

>> No.69263770

It sounds like they were doing their job, Selen just ignored them.

>> No.69263796
File: 29 KB, 400x400, ungovernable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was no reason to wait for the video to ask what is gonna be in the video. Storyboards exist, so management has no excuse for not looking at it. Lilypichu said she gave niji perms in august 2022. At that point someone in management would've had to ask for the storybaord at the latest if selen hadn't shown it to them before.
Think about it, lilypichu gives you songperms for an MV planned by a talent you are managing and you don't even know what the MV is gonna look like? They knew and they sat on it for 16 months at least.

>> No.69263832

Do people think managerial work is difficult? You send messages and emails to the people you oversee all day then make a report to your boss.
Like there is no world where the 37 hour delay is justified because of "it was a holiday and he was at nijifes!!!". If you are a talent manager and your talent isn't on vacation you need to be in daily correspondence.

>> No.69263859
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1613082506036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute. Did they have a meeting on the 14th where they discussed Selen's graduation and when it's going to happen and that's why Enna said what she said? So Selen was going to get fired anyway and her sending the documents over was just accelerating her graduation into a termination. What in the everloving hell

>> No.69263880

Selen is not in charge of drawing the art or mixing the audio. She is reliant on artists to do that and she gave them a deadline too.
Management failt to inquire properly about the project's state, as they did with Pomu, knowing that it has be to posted before her graduation, they failed to check for problems in a timely fashion, thus putting stress on the talent they are supposed to manage by forcing last-minute changes on the project because they failed to manage the talent and in turn the talent's project.

>> No.69263885

Was management doing their job when they fucked up Pomu's graduation?

>> No.69263907

>knowing her
and knowing you you're a faggot

>> No.69263940

If they asked Selen for a storyboard, she would have accused them of harassment and tried to kill herself. Don't underestimate people with BPD.

>> No.69263997

They need to review the final product. Which Selen submitted at the last minute. Which means the situation doesn't change.

>> No.69264014

its amazing all this proof you're showing of how selen would act holy shit i cant believe my eyes

>> No.69264034

BPD doesn't do that, you NDFsisters should come up with something new as this is starting to get old.

>> No.69264040

Has this image been verified? If so, we should try to get it added to https://rentry.org/thegurrat . This would add another piece to the Zaion puzzle and change the narrative about Millie from "likely debunked" to "highly plausible."

>> No.69264044

Of course anon. Managers taking initiative and trying to help a project on the way for their talent is obviously bad. And also trying to hurry said talent up and just not actually wanting to be on top of things. I mean it's her personal project right? Not like it's going onto her Ninji channel and might need to be up to Niji standards. Whatever the fuck Niji standards are.

I bet you know a lot about BPD yourself, sister.

>> No.69264046

Selen isn't the only talent they manage. And only black companies don't allow their employees to take holidays.

>> No.69264054

Yes, it's the managements fault that Selen completely ignores them and posts the video even though her manager explicitly told her not to. It's the manager's fault that Selen completely ignores the manager and shitposts on twitter. Good job dokisister.

>> No.69264055
File: 644 KB, 1200x1200, __klee_and_hualing_genshin_impact_and_3_more_drawn_by_seiya_seiyart__8a6eded18eef2bb3ec4aa281e5edd6ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason people come out with stupid docs like this is because they literally don't know formal logic. Its not taught in schools, you have to learn it yourself.
The most compelling arguments are actually "SHE HAS BPD SHE'S INSANE" and "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED" because those are good emotional arguments.
I know the second argument is logical (Hey, we don't know everything going on behind the scenes) but its pure coincidence. They arrived to that argument only with emotion, they don't even understand its logic fully.

Sad to see some people are literally unable to think like a human.

>> No.69264077

Apparently the holiday excuse doesn't even work because (and I may need to find a source on this) Japanese workplaces don't really do christmas vacation to the same extent they do it for New Year's or golden week

>> No.69264085

so youre saying that the video went from 0 to done in a single day?
and they never reviewed anything?

>> No.69264104

where is the receipts sister?
No artist has come to say anything alluding to that matter when they worked with selen. This is in your head.
Management on the other hand was critised by ex-talents and current talents for exactly what we are accusing them of.

>> No.69264129
File: 45 KB, 671x216, bpd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BPD doesn't do that

>> No.69264181

Akuma vox has a girlfriend that he loves. He hates his fans, because he knows they're worthless girlfailures, but he keeps them around because in addition to being fat themselves, these femcels also have fat wallets.

>> No.69264255

I dont see anywhere in that notice or in Eliras video any proof that Selen was asked multiple times throughout the production of the project about its current state. I see a last minute change dictated for inane reasons like "permissions from ex-livers" with a 30+ Hour delay in answering that.

>> No.69264257
File: 97 KB, 974x695, You really don't get it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your ignorance of western sensibilities is astounding. Her having BPD isn't a win for you.

>> No.69264302

>so you're saying *schizo headcanon*
Checking it at 70% completion means they would still have to check it at 100% completion. Why do you keep dodging this simple fact?

>> No.69264357

>Her having BPD isn't a win for you.
Just like how her trying to kill herself doesn't make he right about everything.

>> No.69264360

The only thing I see in Elira's video is that Selen completely ignored her manager and shitposted on twitter.

>> No.69264361

What is the timezone of that message?

>> No.69264378

>If they asked Selen for a storyboard, she (FANFICTION)
Not to sound like a moralfag but I'm pretty sure a anon wouldn't make such a shit argument.

>> No.69264399

This just says they attempt suicide but not why they do it. By this logic, you can't ask depressed people to smile or they hang themselves.

Furthermore, Dokibird has 2 years of handling projects basically on her own, getting her own perms from video game companies, multiple artists speak in favour of her work ethic, she has to pay the artists herselves but somehow asking her for an update will lead to suicide? No further context?

>> No.69264411

>so you're saying *schizo headcanon*
stop dodging the simple fact that the video was in production for a year and that managment never took a single look at it until it was done and even then it took them 37 hours to do so

>> No.69264478

checking it at 1% wouldve revealed the following:
"Oh ehy manager-san! Thanks for the message, I was thinking about making the MV about EVERYONE in nijisanjiEN! Everyone will make an appearance! hope thats okay?"
Then you ask at other times, like after Ninas or Mystas graudation and you'd know they are in the MV and then you have enoug htime to confirm if you have permissions to use your own IP in your product.

>> No.69264498

Either this, but with Selen taking all the blame and god knows when.

Or there was no meeting, LK is clique agent, and the whole thing was criminal (literally) attack on Selen's mental health. Because everyone's /here/

>> No.69264529

No one's saying that. But we have had NDFsisters constantly shit up the board with "dookiebird" and "BPD=liar".

>> No.69264551

theyre collegues, not friends. Also the guy is clearly a terrible person. Even if we assume he was mislead, him doing another round of character assassination because of a recording doesnt exactly speak for him.
Also assuming Doki told the truth about the recording, it was taken as an audiocheck, it wasnt taken to "record" someone. This is why theres only that one recording from over a year ago, because she specifically DIDNT record everytime she talked to anyone.

>Don't underestimate people with BPD.
Im bpd and was in a relationship with someone else that has bpd for almost a decade. Nobody with actually strong bpd can hold a job. its impossible and it cant be cured.
bpd schizomeltdowns are absolutely hardcore, but anything we ve seen from doki seemed calm and collected, the exact opposite of someone with uncontrolled bpd would act.

>> No.69264575

The contents of the video are in the storyboard which is the first thing a production makes to have everyone on the same page about what the video is supposed to show. If management didnt check the storyboard at any point in time since 2022 (august 2022 is when lilypichu gave niji perms), then that's on them.

>verification not required

>> No.69264641

>they literally don't know formal logic
Anon, you're dealing with people who confuse validity with veracity and couldn't articulate what it means for an argument to be sound or consistent. They don't care, and they're either too stupid to care or they understand that more often than not empty rhetoric is enough to persuade the mid-witted rabble.
Real-world people are just as illogical. E.g., read any opinion drafted by a liberal Supreme Court justice.

>> No.69264655

>Company has a history of mismanagement, cliques that harass and isolate other talents like Sayu and Nina, history of hamstringing projects like Pomu, Rosemi, and Scarles
NDF be just like "I ain't seen it, Selen bad BPD". How many times does it have to hit you in the face before you recognize Niji is a toxic work environment

>> No.69264682

I never agreed or disagreed whether or not management checked while it was in progress because there is no proof for either side. All I stated is that regardless of if they checked mid-production or not, the final product would still need to be reviewed. A fact that seems awfully uncomfortable for you.

>> No.69264795

the fact that seems awfully uncomfortable for you. is that the mid production video isnt going to be completely different from the finished product
its not going to be
>mid production: all of jp

>> No.69264835

>or they understand that more often than not empty rhetoric is enough to persuade the mid-witted rabble.
So Sophists won and Plato lost?

>> No.69264846

They had more than a year of perms for the song and they have never seen a storyboard? that's incredibly hard to believe and if so would prove how bad they are at their job.

>> No.69264864

Of course there'd be a final check? No fucking shit! Nina and Mista would be in a storyboard at various points and have been noticed early and perms would have been gotten way earlier if management had been slightly competent.

>> No.69264877
File: 311 KB, 805x805, insipid hobgoblin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at us. Are we living in Plato's Republic?

>> No.69264906

>if they checked mid-production or not, the final product would still need to be reviewed. A fact that seems awfully uncomfortable for you.

NTA, but if they checked mid-production, they could get the most time-consuming parts out of the way so that nothing becomes a surprise right before the finish line. It would also require them a faster response time than >36 if they did a final review.

>> No.69264962

All Selen Tatsuki messages after she told people to share the video are Kuroniggi managers after hijacking all her socials. It is 100% confirmed by Kuroniggi themselves in their 4 page termination manifesto that they took away her access some time before Dokibird was discharged and got her phone back. It's most likely they suspended her before she went to the hospital.

>> No.69264979

it's still covered under the secondary creation (fan art) policy. that's why they cite that in the termination notice.

>> No.69264981

A mid production video will contain elements that weren't check. Why does this scare you?

>> No.69265026

a mid production video is going to have a basic storyboard
why does this scare you?

>> No.69265046

Sister doesn't want to admit that Selen completely ignored her manager and fucked up.

>> No.69265055

Niji has a history of hamstringing projects, Selen was clearly looking to graduate. The company saw this and pettily blocked her from airing it so that they could delay her graduation. Source: me bitch

>> No.69265086

Walmart managers understand this. How do Niji managers and sisters not?

>> No.69265117

Do you want to win the internet argument or do you want to convince any of the onlookers
Because you sure are on the road to do the former

>> No.69265129

That doesn't matter because at the end of the day Selen still uploaded the video before they could give a final check. The video would still be taken down for review, Selen would still have a meltie, and it would still end in termination.

>> No.69265165

This place is not Reddit, tourist.

>> No.69265195

A storyboard isn't the final product. Why does that scare you?

>> No.69265212

>No harassment was when management gave her an ultimatium in May 2023 to toe the line or they would fire her because she offered to pay the 5k prize money herself for her art contest when management reneged on it.
This says all that needs to be said about Niji and their management. It's baffling how sisters are still licking boots sparkling clean despite this.

>> No.69265218

>right about everything
Such as? The HR complaint that she intended to stay private and Anycolor blabbed about? Doki just wanted out of her contract so she could move on with her life. Anycolor's own termination notice admits that she said she would go public IF negotiations broke down. It's not her fault that they self-reported first. Every statement she's made has merely been a response to one of theirs. Her intention was never to ruin the reputation of the company or its livers.

She has STILL never publicly said a liver bullied her, only Anycolor has made that public. Throughout the entire situation, she has repeatedly asked people not to bully one another. She just wanted out of the company. Anycolor felt threatened enough by what she showed them that they decided to discredit her instead of stamp a graduation form. That blew up in their faces. That's all there is to this story. A Japanese corporation overreacted to a request from Doki to end her contract early, rather than be forced to stay for months and months until it's finally her time to leave.

I realize people want an enemy to blame because, yes, damage was most certainly done to Nijisanji's brand. But it's like tripping on your own feet. There's nobody to blame but yourself. Pick yourself up and walk it off.

>> No.69265222

a storyboard is going to have the graduated vtubers in it why does that scare you?

>> No.69265293

If we're looking at it realistically, Selen was trying to drop the video and leave by the end of January, but management blocked the video from coming out because they are petty and wanted to stall her graduation, which set Selen off and made her say no, I am graduating you can't stop me. Then Niji put out their slander statement and she retaliates. The rest is history

>> No.69265292

You mean like in Maria's cover? Why does that scare you?

>> No.69265385

so you agree that they were in it and managment didnt bother watching it

>> No.69265404

The contradiction is that Kuroniggi management has a proven track record of lying about when they will do approvals. They had an entire year to comment or confirm on the contents of the music video, they chose not to. It is 100% proven without a doubt, fact that cannot be disputed, that they were never intending for her to be able to release a music video. And the proof is the video is still privated. If they were going to release the video they would have done it, they had plenty of time to do it for an entire month. They could have secured their own "permissions" to use graduated livers because they own the ips.

Kuroniggi is a black company and they deserve to be destroyed. Anyone still working for an evil company that exists only to cause pain and suffering needs to either quit or get destroyed as well. It's very unfortunate, but it's for their own good because Kuroniggi will eventually do everything they can to try to kill them in the service of their dark god Moloch.
I'm not being facetious. Show proof that Kuroniggi does not serve Moloch, The Lord of Lies and Death.

You can't

>> No.69265450

I never said they weren't in it. I said management needs to review the final product. Why do you keep shifting goalposts?

>> No.69265520

Either your hypothetical matters or it doesn't, choose. If it does matter and if management did check in with Selen mid-production, they would of spotted whatever issues arose and dealt with them. That way nothing would of held up the final review, at least nothing substantial.

If management didn't check in with Selen on a year long project but only until the very finish line, that is entirely on them.

>> No.69265529

fucking retard you're the one shifting goal posts
selen made an mv
this requires a storyboard
the storyboard is going to have minimal changes from the finished product
somehow the finished product is completely different and needs 37 hours to be checked
give an answer to all of this

>> No.69265589

the goalpost was always that management failed to catch problems before the deadline because they failed to inquire about the project in a timely fashion aka. they failed to manage the talent.

>> No.69265636

>literally repeating the same point
You can't make this shit up kek
Storyboard != final product. Final product must be reviewed.

>> No.69265697

You absolute mouthbreathing retard. The storyboard has all of the content of the video in it. Management knew. They fucking knew and never said anything until the last fucking check needed to be done.
It is absolut fucking pilpul how you refuse to acknowledge that a storyboard had to have been reviewed by management at the beginning of the project.

>> No.69265737

So why did the final review need to be when they tried to get permission to use ex-livers? They knew ahead of time that ex-livers would be in the mv thanks to the storyboard.

>> No.69265749

No one is saying it wouldn't be? What's your point then? That Mista and Nina just poofed in there with no storyboard?

>> No.69265755

yes i know
read again
how the fuck did managment not see the graduated vtubers at anypoint before the final product
either the storyboard got completely changed in a single day
managment never looked at it
they saw it and decided to wait till the last second to tell her she cant do that

>> No.69265903

It wouldn't matter if management themselves made the storyboard, inbred. They did not make they animation, therefore the animation must be reviewed.
>no u

>> No.69265956

>It wouldn't matter if management themselves made the storyboard, inbred. They did not make they animation, therefore the animation must be reviewed
so they saw that the graduated vtubers that they needed permission for were going to be in the video

>> No.69265994

but the problem, according to the manager was the ex-livers and livers in the video. If they knew that it would be a problem, why didnt they try to get the permissions and resolve it before the final product?

>> No.69266194

>The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Nijisister had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day. Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.

>> No.69266229

So let me get this straight.
>Management saw the storyboard
>Management never said there was an issue with the livers until the 24th of december 2023
>Throughout all of the production they never adressed there being issues with the livers
>Throughout all of the production they KNEW who would be in the video
>During the final check, they suddenly have an issue with the livers
>This issue could not have been resolved prior to the final check, despite them knowing the content of the video
>They knew which livers were in there for over a year, but never got perms for them until the final check.
>This is somehow normal for you
Actual fucking sophistry

>> No.69266231

Better yet, when (if) that rule got introduced, why they didn't contact Selen about that?

>> No.69266254

>so they saw that the graduated vtubers that they needed permission for were going to be in the video
If they reviewed the storyboard which they clearly didn't. They would still need to review the final animation regardless.

>> No.69266259

How would they not have caught them if they did mid-production and WIP check ins? The final animation would still need to be reviewed but that would be far easier (and perms gotten in advance) if they had done these and we have no reason to believe they did based on the apparent surprise of ex-livers in the animation. Did the artist sneak in those frames and the editing check in not catch it too? Because more than just animation goes into an MV.

>> No.69266275

I really hope you corposluts are at least getting paid for the overtime

>> No.69266427

so its a mistake on managments end that they knew there was a video being made and they didnt do their job reviewing it untill last second ( or 37 hours in this case)
like i said in my very first comment

>> No.69266436

>>Management saw the storyboard
>>Management never said there was an issue with the livers until the 24th of december 2023
>>Throughout all of the production they never adressed there being issues with the livers
>>Throughout all of the production they KNEW who would be in the video
>>During the final check, they suddenly have an issue with the livers
Looks more like it was their first time seeing it to me.
>>This issue could not have been resolved prior to the final check, despite them knowing the content of the video
>>They knew which livers were in there for over a year, but never got perms for them until the final check.
>>This is somehow normal for you
Your fanfiction is not normal, anon.

>> No.69266506

basic managment duties

>> No.69266569

Please sister don't destroy his headcanon that hard

>> No.69266607

So no proof?

>> No.69266612

That's literally their job. Reviweing the storyboard and gathering permissions. Lilypichu gave her permission TO NIJI in August 2022. That's 16 months before the final check.
Are you asserting they didn't check the storyboard or WIP for 16 fucking months?

>> No.69266654

the proof is that managment has to... well manage their talents and do their job
either that or you're agreeing that they didnt

>> No.69266681

>Are you asserting they didn't check the storyboard or WIP for 16 fucking months
Idk anon check OP's picrel

>> No.69266685

The only proof we have is that Selen literally ignored her manager.

>> No.69266693
File: 4 KB, 859x1002, le negligible face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, there is no proof that Nijisanji is capable of performing even basic management duties. You figured it out finally.

>> No.69266703

I believe independents over corpo slaves and ex-corpos with NDAs hanging over their heads. Crazy, I know...

>> No.69266739

>The only proof we have is that Selen literally ignored her manager.
>this proof came to me in a dream

>> No.69266753

So no proof of your claims. Gotcha. Was it that hard?

>> No.69266772

The initial question was why they never did basic checks. Defense was that wouldn't have stopped anything. Asking now how and if they did check-ins why they didn't notice Nina and Mista. Answer is they didn't do check-ins and had no reason to.
This is fucking retarded and going in circles.

>> No.69266774
File: 243 KB, 1920x1080, receipts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69266810

The proof that is carefully curated to only include a few of management's statements and none of Selen's replies? Let alone the proof not showing the full timeline of project communcations?

>> No.69266854

Just answer the question. Are you arguaing that they failed to check the storyboard or WIP for 16 months or not?
Either way is a bad look for you. If they did know, they failed to secure perms in time. If they did NOT know, despite being contacted by lilypichu, they failed to do their job as managers.
In either case, they fucked up.

>> No.69266864

>managment decided to ignore selen for a year until last second(again last 37 hours)
yes thats what im saying

>> No.69266899

in the screenshot shared by nijisanji, the manager said that ex-livers and livers might be a problem and they would need to get permissions for them.
This means that having ex-livers or livers is a permission issue that needs to be resolved and the manager also said it in the same screenshot that it was his duty to get those permissions.
For some reason this duty only become apparent to him 2 days before the supposed release of the MV.
The project was in production for over a year, based on Lilypichu, whom they needed permissions from for the audio.
During the entire year of production the manager not only replied 36 hours later to selens request to check the final product, but only then he raised the problem about ex-livers and livers being in the MV, which means throught the projects productions, the manager did not indeed get the permissions for ex-livers and livers to appear in the video, which he explicitly said, in the screenshot released by nijisanji, was his job to do.
So we all can see that he did not do his job. Because up to that point he did not inquire about permissions for ex-livers and livers in the video

>> No.69266950

Why doesn't Selen post the replies then? Is it because she didn't reply?

>> No.69266972

>we leaked classified info please leak yours
no thanks

>> No.69266978

Nijisisters need to come up with a better script. Their "SHE'S BDP. DONT TRUST HER. LOOK AT THIS OTHER DOCUMENT THAT IS THE ACTUAL TRUTH!" is getting stale and nobody is buying it. The GURRAT is still the one that makes the most sense, since it explains many things, there's no use to look for another "truth".

>> No.69266986

>Just answer the question.
I did.
>Either way is a bad look for you.
Selen acting on her own isn't a bad look for me.

>> No.69267041

That's what I thought. You're literally making shit up and have no receipts.

>> No.69267050

Ask her lawyer

>> No.69267080

So you agree that the proof shows management ghosted her for 37 hours, promised to check permissions at the very last minute, and then ghosted her again for another 15? How exactly is that evidence of Selen ignoring her manager and not the other way round? If they had concrete evidence proving she was in the wrong, why would they use this log that makes them look terrible?

>> No.69267096


>> No.69267170

>How exactly is that evidence of Selen ignoring her manager
Selen literally doesn't respond and instead posts the video and shitposts on twitter. This is not rocket science.

>> No.69267269

why is management allowed to reply 36 hours after the original request to check the MV but Selen must answer within half the time?

>> No.69267302

Why did Selen wait until almost the day before she wanted to release it to submit it for approval? Wasn't it being worked on for over a year?

>> No.69267316
File: 1.88 MB, 640x532, 1611439739237.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>managment ignores selen
>well its obvious selen ignored them

>> No.69267328

Respond to what? The last message was that her manager was going to check permissions. The fucker didn't come back in time.

>> No.69267335

You did not answer the question. My argument is that management failed to do their job for 16 months and then suddenly raised an issue with her production at the final hour. They could have resolved that had they done their job. They did not tell her about the issue in time and they did not secure perms in time. From my perspective this seems like targeted behaviour, as this ex-liver rule had never been an issue throughout the production process.

>> No.69267392

Why didn't management ask to see it before final check?

>> No.69267395

>wasnt it being worked on for over a year
yes, thats why they already knew about everything in the video
or are you saying managment is retarded and didnt do their job?

>> No.69267396

>management responds
>selen does not
Management is at fault!

>> No.69267413

If management can take 36 hours to look at a 3 minute MV and ask itself for company perms, then Selen can take 36 hours to reply back.

>> No.69267465

>managment responds
>ignore that its 37 hours and then 15 hours
yep selens fault clearly

>> No.69267479

Why did Selen wait until the last minute for the final check?

>> No.69267484

Why didn't she take 36 hours to reply back? She posted the video completely ignoring the management and then shitposted on twitter. That will get you fired literally everywhere.

>> No.69267488

Yeah, lilypichu contacted niji in august 2022 to give permission for her song being used in the mv. So management was aware of the production and decided not to raise the issue of ex-livers in the mv, despite being aware of the video being produced.

>> No.69267542

why did managment ignore all the storyboards before untill last minute (37 hours)?

>> No.69267594

What exactly was Selen supposed to respond to? Did you want her to say "Oki doki" when the manager told her he was going to get permissions and never came back?

>> No.69267599

Why did Selen post the without approval?

>> No.69267618

My question first. Why did the people in charge not see or ask to see any WIP or finals before?

>> No.69267637

why did managment not see that the storyboard contained everything that was going to be in the final video?

>> No.69267663

She's supposed to wait until the manager gives her the ok. Is it really this complicated?

>> No.69267688

I asked first.

>> No.69267704

If management took 36 hours to reply and look over a 3 minute MV and hold up the project at the finish line for a problem that should of been resolved in the mid-production stage, that would get you fired/internally reviewed anywhere that isn't a black company.

>> No.69267718

Because Nijisanji knows that they have to check on their products in production multiple times before they are in their final state and release. Anything else is bad business practice.
source: Nijisanji produces merch on which they check upon on their own volition to confirm that the product is correct before its release, so they are aware of this standard business practice. This manger failed to apply this standard business practice to the talent he is supposed to be managing. The screenshot shows that he was clearly aware that having ex-livers and livers could be a problem but failed to raise this issue throughout the production of the MV.

It was a scheduled upload and it was a holiday. If the manager was so serious about it, he has access to her account (as he has proven by privating the video) and couldve stopped the upload.

>> No.69267738

Because it was a bullshit excuse to delay the video. A rule that never existed before was being brought up at the final hour to make her miss her deadline. Whether you believe that or not, she did. The alternative is that the rule always existed and the manager intentionally ignored his need to get permissions right up until the last minute. So do you prefer the manager be malicious or incompetent?

>> No.69267773

No you didn't. That's also not answer.

>> No.69267821

Do you not understand what power abuse is? Management making up reasons to fuck with you is workplace harassment and outright illegal in Canada(and most of the rest of the civilized world).

>> No.69267852

>Because it was a bullshit excuse to delay the video.
This is just your imagination. Have you for a second considered that maybe the manager was right?

>> No.69267865

I did. Why would I answer your question when you can't answer mine?

>> No.69267902

Then respond to the second half of my post which addresses it. You don't get to cherry pick shit.

>> No.69267921


>> No.69267929

>A rule that never existed before
There's no way this isn't a bot.

>> No.69267977

I am >>69267392
So again, retard, answer my question.

>> No.69267985

This "bot" is telling you to go fuck yourself. Robot uprising. Address the points I made or concede.

>> No.69267995

>entire year to check the storyboard
>wait till last second to say she cant post it
>ghost selen for 37 hours

>> No.69268010

>Permission to use your own company IP
>When ex-livers have appeared in MVs before

>> No.69268033

throughout the at least 12 months of production this issue was not brought up by management. So it was easy to assume that there was no issue with this content.
If management saw the product mid-production, they could've brought this issue to light in a timely manner. But they did not, even though standard business practice is to review a product in multiple stages of its production. Management failed this task and if they did not fail the task of checking the product mid-production they failed the task of acquiring the needed permissions, which they knew they needed.
Selen scheduled the release and went to sleep.

>> No.69268067

Still waiting for an answer, retard. >>69267302

>> No.69268128

you guys gotta stop taking the dumbass sister baits, they've devolved so bad it isn't even entertaining

>> No.69268136

>being worked on for a year
managment should have known what was in the video even before the final video was made

>> No.69268167

Final approval is final approval. It's done near release because that's when shit is finished and ready to ship. That doesn't excuse management not handling the ex-liver issue for an entire year though.

>> No.69268171

Have none of you sisters ever read catch-22 or anything by kafka? New rules being suddenly pulled out of a hat to interfere with your work, despite your best attempts to meet a deadline is classic workplace bullying. Even if the rule wasnt new, the permissions should have been gotten in time, as the content of the video was known for over a year.
Either they made the rule up then and there or they never talked about the rule, just to delay her video right before the deadline. Either way is malicious workplace harassment.

>> No.69268218

Let's see.
>A rule that never existed before
Are you fucking kidding me?
>the rule always existed and the manager intentionally ignored his need to get permissions right up until the last minute
Selen literally sent the video at the last minute. Maybe the manager realized that she needs to get permissions for certain things she saw in the video?

>> No.69268248

Maybe because management is incompetent and never asked so might as well drag her feet too. There my answer. Talent decides to be as lazy as management. There. Your answer to no WIP checks?

>> No.69268305

this question was already answered.
Standard and mandatory business practice it to review the product at multiple stages throughout production.
According to the manager it was his job to acquire the needed permissions, which he did not do throughout production. He only did so once Selen requested the final check. The manager failed to resolve and issue that was known, if standard business practice would've been applied.

>> No.69268358

>It's done near release because that's when shit is finished and ready to ship
Yeah, not about a day before and certainly not when there's a major holiday. This situation is exactly why.

>> No.69268377

>Selen literally sent the video at the last minute. Maybe the manager realized that she needs to get permissions for certain things she saw in the video?
Are you talking in circles or are you a new person jumping in? I'm asking that seriously. I don't want to be overly hostile if you are just unaware. We already established that MVs have this thing called a storyboard. It lays out everything that will be in the MV, and is done extremely early into production. Which means there was a YEAR for the manager to see who would be in the video and raise concerns about ex-livers. He failed to do so until the final hour.
