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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 44 KB, 450x448, bronze phase small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69250013 No.69250013 [Reply] [Original]

I've never seen anyone celebrating bronze quite this hard

>> No.69250055

Its the coffee buzz

>> No.69250080

It's kinda a high level concept to grasp but you don't have to be a Phaggot to make Phase threads on the catalog

>> No.69250095

>moving up
>your competition sudokus itself out of the race
Yeah no it makes perfect sense.

>> No.69250233

You can't just lie on the internet!?

>> No.69250282

Why lie?

>> No.69250408

Official power rankings for English language corpo VTubing?

I would say:
1: holoEN
2: Vshojo
3: Phase
4: HoloID
5: NijiEN
6: IdolEN

>> No.69250522

NijiEN is still the #3 at best despite the current situation. They may slide into #4 in the future, though.

>> No.69250523

I used to do sports when I was younger and bronze can feel the best of the three.

>> No.69250540

>4: HoloID
Absolute KEK.

>> No.69250610

>Anything that makes Phase Connect fans look bad is a falseflag
When will you finally accept that the PC fanbase is genuinely just filled with homegrown retards?

>> No.69250736
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That's right my fellow PhaseGOD. Bronze is hype. Who cares if it's cringe and makes you look like a fool in front of the 1st and 2nd placers

>> No.69251089


>> No.69251118

>2. vshojo
not a real agency, also garbage lefties for talents

>> No.69251181

I only watch hololive, I was just explaining to you.

>> No.69251216

nice try phasecuck

>> No.69251496

This website doesn't allow access to children.

>> No.69251600

Imagine being grateful for success.

>> No.69251724

>phaseshill complaining about left
You don't know do you?

>> No.69251755

There's grateful and then there's arrogant preening and a-hooting and a-hollering. Guess which ones phase fans do.

>> No.69251807

ye, between nyanners, ironlung and apricot it was hard to pick a bigger far left nutjob grifter
at lest nyanners is out and Henya is in, but i wonder who the fuck watches irnomouse even

>> No.69251892

Because PC fags are responsible for the current rrat killing NijiEN and they're doing victory laps

>> No.69251921
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>wasn't there at the very beginning to build an audience before the boom like holo or niji
>didn't just buy and unite the vtubers that were already successful like vshojo
>didn't implode or fall into irrelevancy like every other small corpo
The little coffee company got pretty far on pure talent so they deserve to be proud when they're up against the giants. Fishman deserves it.

>> No.69251990
File: 495 KB, 1079x765, 1691018003258208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't even know what you're talking about phaseshill, mouse is actually based and not just pretending.

>> No.69252053

Does vshojo even count? They don't even create their own talents

>> No.69252066

>wasn't there at the very beginning
Phase was at the beginning only it was called Tsunderia.
Tsunderia was the first EN corpo and debued their first chuubas 6 months before HoloEN. Quite the headstart.
Half of Tsun's top brass/talents are part of Phase now.
Phasefags try to memoryhole this

>> No.69252099
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>Managing to secure a podium finish with only a quarter (or fifth?) of the budget and backing compared to the rest of the corpos
It checks out in more ways than one.

>> No.69252149

Most people in Holo and Niji streamed or/and did YouTube before.

>> No.69252157

lmao fuck off, shes the top 2 fakest people in vtubing, right next to gura

>> No.69252221

Why are phasefaggots like this?

>> No.69252234

Newfags don't even know that Fishman was supposed to be a Tsunderia investor but the deal fell through so he started his own. The Phase CEO was a Tsunderia fan and Tsunderia-core from the start. The only corpo who came late and made a killing was Idol but don't say that around /pol/cg unless you want them screaming about jews

>> No.69252314

Yes because Hololive created Shiori and Fuwamoco except they didn't.

>> No.69252329

Nijisisters don't need any help ruining NijiEN.

>> No.69252344


>> No.69252428

This is legitimately delusional WTF. You don't actually believe this. Right?

>> No.69252464

women were a mistake, they only think about sex

>> No.69252474

While you are absolutely right, tsunderia still imploded. Sure, tons of the talents were poached by phase, but they haven't been able to reap the benefits of past success since the reincarnated ones are no more successful than the hires that were indies or brand new to vtubing.

>> No.69252477

But people don't watch them because of their former lives, with new vshojo chuubas their only selling point is "it's this previously graduated chuuba", though most of them are just already established indies that don't even rebrand.

>> No.69252700

Ya the phase girls aren't le heckin alt-rightarinos, they are still more sane than the troon loving commies in vwhorejo

>> No.69252819

Phasefags on twitter behave exactly the same as /here/, all of you are cocky fucks are ready to shitpost any vtuber that doesn't deepthroat the pippenis as soon as you see a weakness.

>> No.69253011

The girls are worth defending and deserve to be bigger still.
We're happy they're growing. Feels good.

Oh, I'm one of the more sane fans.

>> No.69253158

They're just like men!

But seriously. Rie is a horny sexless young woman but was only taking "meme song" requests. She aims to please her fans.

>> No.69253196

>far left
Do you realize that Froot is an oldschool /k/fag with a huge collection of German weapons and military memorabilia stretching from the Prussian era through to the Third Reich? She is literally the last person in VShojo to be accusing of being a lefty, she is literally more based than 99% of vtubers.

>> No.69253371
File: 2.40 MB, 9952x1278, nyanners simps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PC is constantly growing from 2 views 2 years ago to 3 and 4 views now. It is only a matter of time before Pippa starts getting 10k on her 'big event' streams and then number faggotoids will lose their minds.

>> No.69253442

I really don't care where we are in the pecking order when one of the big 2 is imploding, really shows that it's not noombers or even money that counts at the end of the day, I just want Pippa finally buys her house and I want panko to get to buy back her family home and right her family's wrongs

>> No.69253475

What if I told you they were the same troon loving commies that you deride but were just playing up a character to pander to you?

>> No.69253477

She supports trannies, she will never be based.

>> No.69253479

The mouse is part of the clique. People thinking this problem is silo'ed to Niji are not thinking about the big pic.

The exposé won't be about Selen but about the rot at the core of the Vtuber community.

The coffee boy is about to expand beyond flesh influencers, coin scam, and NFT scams.

>> No.69253575

Froot went around signaling to transtrenders so hard that she accidentally promised fifty-five thousand dollars in donations to a gender-reassignment charity. She'll never give them that money of course, she doesn't believe in them, but she went out her way to lie about expressing support for a group of abusers who like to mutilate their genitals and the genitals others for materialist sexual enjoyment. That's pretty fucked up of her

>> No.69253574

>Making noise
Imagine fans cheering for their team retardchama

>> No.69253586

>garbage lefties
yeah alright bud we get it, you love pippa because she's "based" and rants about teh jews, yeah yeah yeah

>> No.69253592
File: 10 KB, 454x115, 1686233213117568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your pills, phase schizo

>> No.69253636


>> No.69253667

if i started off as just some random guy doing local contests, and won a bronze in the olympics, I would also be pretty hyped.

>> No.69253701

They aren't even bronze if you count Stars as a separate company lol

>> No.69253750


>> No.69253797

As much as I dislike Vshojo I can recognise that it's absolutely second place in the west.

>> No.69253855

>Yes a random millionaire who randomly invested 5 million dollars into a company after doing the same thing for 3 other companies prior is pretty hyped that his millions can compete with other peoples' millions

>> No.69253882

The only place that argues otherwise is /#/ and that's just because the websites they use for their horse racing don't track twitch.

>> No.69253895

>promised to donate a huge amount of money to tranny charity
>secretly hate them
>collect clout
>never donate the money
>laugh all the way to the bank while polishing your pickelhaubes
Sounds pretty based to me.

>> No.69253958

So here's the thing, gold and silver are guaranteed podium. They're excited and happy, sure. But the fight for bronze is even greater because only one can make it on the podium.

>> No.69254095

It's just console war faggotry and their terminal /here/ AIDS only enhances their spammy behavior, they'll settle down in a few months or once they choke on a decently sized yab

>> No.69254140

I've been watching their posts on their accounts before the leadup to current rrat outside of /here/. They're not the only ones but they're def involved.

>> No.69254376

>owning guns means you are right wing
fuck off, she might be an american "neocon" but shes about as a lgbt activists as they get
shes a hypocrite, like all leftists

>> No.69254379

No. There are two potential in Phase as well but Pippa, Tenma, Lumi, and Uruka have a solid clique that runs counter so Phase is so far insulated.

>> No.69254386

prime grifter

>> No.69254470

She's neither left nor right, just just a grifter, plain and simple.

>> No.69254638

>being right wing means you have to hate gay people
god damn the culture war and 2016 fucking ruined this site

>> No.69254765
File: 147 KB, 1044x306, unity linkedin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uuhhhh fishkeks! Yagoo liked Gunrun's post. When will he pay attention to daddy Sakana too?

>> No.69254783

They're doing a victory lap. The same lap VShocucks, Holotards and Nijishits did when their corpos had a periods of extended growth.

>> No.69254869

There are a variety of topics to have opinions on. The left/right bifurcation is an unhelpful illusion.
I prefer to to think about a persons thoughts on freedom/control.

>> No.69254948

Reasonable conclusion.

>> No.69254983

Being one of many groups demanding niji to be held accountable for their horrid abusive behavior is a true statement. But going so far as to claim responsibility for the gurrat, when Niji liver insiders are the ones who leaked the info for the rest of us to parse and put together, is a tad too ambitious of a statement.

>> No.69255023

>Keep spamming catalog threads with the exact same LE UH FISHMAN HE DID IT
>Blame Phaseshills in thread
>Make thread blaming phaseshills for problem he created
Sasuga, brilliant

>> No.69255033

Bronze placers genuinely walk away the happiest. Didn't train artistically hard like first place sacrificing everything, only to feel hollow and wonder if it was worth it, now what. Doesn't seethe with envy like 2nd place that came so close if they just sacrificed a little more. Is able to smug over the rest of the competition. Which is a way bigger group than the group that beat them.

Dozens of studies have shown this. The fact that y'all seething about bronze placers being happy is just sad.

Be like bronze. Be happy.

>> No.69255032

does she? or do you mean her military ex husband?
don't forget, half of the shit chuubas are into are simply their boyfriend's hobbies/interests. especially if it's never mentioned again.
the rabbit is another great example.

>> No.69255174

>The same lap VShocucks, Holotards and Nijishits did
Holos are still doing their victory lap. Mostly because of the phenomenal Advent girls.

>> No.69255175

Right, and all the FuwaMoco spam is Phaggots doing it back.

>> No.69255209

>Make a wish chuuba

>> No.69255304

Bros I just want to watch the funny star woman (hag) in peace...

>> No.69255584

>phase connect getting recognition
i hope this doesn't put weight on our asylum and scares them into self censoring.
i love my yabbit and my autistic daughter lumi

>> No.69255612

Phasefags don't seem very happy when they seethe about Hololive and Vshojo in this thread.

>> No.69255658

Hey twitchtard, you will never be e-cool, so why don't you fuck off to your secret discord already?

>> No.69255741

We're not talking your preference, we're talking unbiased in general.

>> No.69255938

>fishman has to tell half the talents to not shit on trannies during the Hogwarts shitstorm
>meanwhile vshitjo was clapping over Pikamee getting harassed
Totally the same, bro

>> No.69256042

>also garbage lefties for talents
Pippa is a BLM supporter and tranny apologist

>> No.69256060

Did you post this on purpose to dunk on phags?
Everyone who anti'd Pikamee got kicked from vshojo except froot who has blackmail on gunrun.
Zentreya is Henya's new bff btw.

>> No.69256087

this is what phasepagpags actually believe

>> No.69256156

>but vshojo isn't a corp!
>unless I can say they're they best corp then they're a corp

>> No.69256232

Women don’t have political opinions you idiot, they only know how to grift. Nina was a tankie until she started rolling in dough. Pippa is the worst of them all.

I can’t believe some of you faggots actually watch chuubas for their opinions. They should be cute or sexy, that’s it.

>> No.69256408

You are completely delusional phasetard

>> No.69256444

Always fun to drop by one of these to see how absolutely fucking mental some of you are.

>> No.69256548

I definitely don't watch chuubas for their opinions, it's just funny to me to see people going after a wehraboo for supposedly being a leftiy.

>> No.69256763

honestly at this point, they're more EN than some of the EN members

>> No.69257063
File: 217 KB, 638x356, miko hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69257385

I've won bronze too and I was only mildly happy at best. Phaseshill behavior is at another level

>> No.69257461

there is a high gap between hating someone and pushing faggot propaganda to kids and cutting of their genitals and tits you tranny
nobody who even pretends to be conservative wont support the faggot agenda

>> No.69257596

The amphibians will advance anon. Every mention makes him stronger.

>> No.69257745

Biology reps. Now.

>> No.69257929

Fuck, I forgot what is the english grouping for fish in the scientific community

>> No.69261375

