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69246916 No.69246916 [Reply] [Original]

Wait a minute.
Did she buy subscribers with the embezzled money?
Why the FUCK are these people still subscribed after THAT video which is still on her channel?

>> No.69246984

A lot of dead subs that won’t bleed.

>> No.69247038

Correct. Every youtube channel over 1,000 subs is like this.

>> No.69247109

Why do you think Advent and Council get more CCV while only having a fraction of the Subscribers that Myth (aside from Gura) has?
Probably 80-90% of these subs are people who haven't watched her or any vtuber in 2+ years

>> No.69247140

It's just dead subs anon

>> No.69247171

Did you see how little unsubbed from Selen's channel even with the backlash? I guess they don't watch twitter or they only followed because they followed someone else in NijiEN.

>> No.69247267

It’s probably a mix of dead subs, diehard fans, and maybe a few dozen thousand bot accounts that were bought by Nijisanji to seed her channel in the algorithm when she first joined.

>> No.69247306

>not waiting for next stream to spam her chat with things that will hurt her
>not waiting for next stream to unsub so she feels like every time she makes a new video she will lose viewers

>> No.69247333

This. The people that are left are either dead subs (still worth something as they're sold to sponsors and affect the algorithm) extreme casuals who maybe watch a video once a week/month and have no idea about the drama, or extremely retarded fans who would line up to suck the dick of literally Hitler if they had the chance (good chunk of her income at least).

People that left are more the 'core' audience including just regular vtuber enjoyers that might buy membership and grab some merch if they like it. Going to hurt a lot to lose this group as they will have been active viewers and people who are at least two feet deep into the scene. New people months from now will see things related to this, ask what happened and drop her like a brick. Her growth is in shambles after this which is what will matter most and while she can probably comfortably coast along on her diehard fans nothing is ever going to stop retards like that.

>> No.69247370

If they haven't watch vtubers in 2 years then how did they end subscribed to people that they don't know exist? Subscription are done manually.

>> No.69247445
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Because she did nothing wrong and Selen is a crazy bitch with BPD. She's the real victim.

>> No.69247448

Damn maybe I should do this as well xD

>> No.69247475

Because her subscribers aren't dragoondrones? Her reaction is pretty justified, all things considered.

>> No.69247512

Considered this, but its just not worth it. Send the message now and move on. If I were a member with a renewal message pending though, that'd be different.

>> No.69247518

Because wiwa is in the right

>> No.69247526

But anon that requires me to have subbed to her in the first place (and now I almost wish I did just for that)

I do wonder how many of her subs are hanging on just to do exactly that, given how pissed people are I imagine it's going to be a fair few.

>> No.69247590

With covid boosted youtubers its worse because those subs are long gone.

>> No.69247611

Anon if she's a crazy bitch with BPD how come it took them three years to fire her? Either they knew in advance and failed to even try to tardwrangle and it's entirely their fault, or you're full of shit and it's entirely their fault. So no matter what kind of copium you huff it's entirely their fault.

>> No.69247653

>If they haven't watch vtubers in 2 years then how did they end subscribed to people that they don't know exist?
...Because Elira debuted prior to that? Compare the early gens of any EN branch of corpo vtubing to the branches that have come out in the last year or two. The market is shrinking.
Like I said, 80-90% of these subs are people who watched the debut, were hyped and subbed and then stopped watching her after a week or two or maybe a month or two. So yes the manually subscribed to her but they stopped watching and never subscribed.

>> No.69247711

>>69247653 (me)
they stopped watching and never UNsubscribed*

>> No.69247843

The existence of users with no fucks given about anything is more the norm than you'd want to admit.

>> No.69247874

This will linger and hurt if not permanently cripple NijiEN. Each channel has lost months worth of growth and with the bad taste left in mouths and spread of word of mouth, it will take over a year IF EVER for them to recover what was lost.

>> No.69248014

Not subbed to niji, but i have well over 50 accounts because i get
>timed out
I dont even know the passwords to half of my accounts. But i still sub to channels with them.

>> No.69248019

It can't be overstated how big of an issue it is that popular normie youtubers have been exposing Nijisanji, a ton of casual normie viewers who might have turned to vtubing now know this shit happened and to steer away from Nijisanji. There was already a lot of bad rep being thrown around in 2023 but that didn't really break through to mainstream, but that dam has now flooded.

>> No.69248044

It'll be fine, people simp hard for Elira.

>> No.69248050

nips can't understand shit.
they still use yandex translator

>> No.69248068

Thanks OP i wasnt subscribed before but im now. I love Elira, fuck dookiebird.

>> No.69248100

Because she was a crazy bitch with BPD that brought them shitton of money? Elira is perfectly justified in feeling bitter both towards Doki for being a paranoid schizo and towards management for failing to tardwrangle her. I imagine Doki trying to an hero didn't win her any favours with the other talents either.

>> No.69248151
File: 555 KB, 1390x470, 1708094956254534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They absolutely buy subs

>> No.69248159

People also simped super hard for Rushia and while a dedicated few still do her bottom line cratered after her scandals.

>> No.69248286

>Because she was a crazy bitch with BPD that brought them shitton of money?
Anon, that doesn't add up. Why wasn't she fired in the first month or so? Why was she hired in the first place if she's a headcase?
>Management failed to tardwrangle Doki and it's not management's fault
??? How? They knew she had BPD when they hired her, how the fuck is it not their fault?
>I imagine Doki trying to an hero didn't win her any favours with the other talents either.
Ah, I see, bugman 'logic'.

>> No.69248372

>She brought them a shitton of money
She still did, that didn't change, so why did they fire her exactly? Her BPD was a known factor. Her profitability hadn't changed at all and she was still growing. This just makes it look like they didn't actually have a reason because you can't say they fired her because she was crazy.

>> No.69248599

Also even though things have calmed down and pending whether there is a new drama development, Elira is still slowly bleeding subs even as we type.
Lost about 6k more in the last couple days and watching this livecount tracker site, losing about 10 subs every 3 minutes.

>> No.69248616

why can't people see the possibility that both EN's management is terrible and that selen is deranged and totally in the wrong? and that there isn't shadow management by elira?

how do you end up spending $200k in a year, admit you have a problem with spending on projects and still blame it on the company that doesn't want to pay your craze? she could have been claiming to the artists that niji would pay but have the opposite from management.

we've already seen from the zaion case that quitting and shitting on niji gives you loads of followers for nothing. it still hasnt been proven whether she was really gaslighting the others but niji is still the bad guy even though it was justified to fire her for her constant lack of following the rules.

for all we know, this could just be a plot to quit niji cause they dont want to support her project craze and cash in on drama as we've seen work for zaion

>> No.69248663

nice tits

>> No.69248762

>Both sides bad
And other doxxsite sister talking points. Nice try.

>> No.69248832

Yup. This kind of systemic reputation damage doesn't normally immediately manifest in sub loss like this, so the fact that they're bleeding numbers so badly is actually indicative of even worse news for their bottom line.

>> No.69248835

Because one thing being wrong doesnt make it equal as other thing.
Everyone agrees Selen has done things wrong.
What matters here is that the things she has done wrong concern the things that Nijisanji EN is doing wrong.
Their mistakes are not equal either.

>> No.69248927

Doki has given no indication that she's a lying, skinwalking, abusive piece of shit.

Nijisanji has.

My brain contains the ability to recognise patterns. So when a person who is truthful tells me something, I'm more likely to believe them than someone who is untruthful.

Nijisanji has done absolutely nothing to prove that Doki is actually in the wrong.

>> No.69248941

>I imagine Doki trying to an hero didn't win her any favours with the other talents either.
You are subhuman

>> No.69249044

>I imagine Doki trying to an hero didn't win her any favours with the other talents either.
This is actually some unironic bug thinking.

>Ah she try to kill self
>vewy shamefrul
>cause much mendokusai for minnasan

>> No.69249048

Retard here, what do these numbers indicate aside from the fact that I should rescue Pink Women?

>> No.69249053

Poor SEA scum would never understand western intellect. SEA scum is only good to be used as $2 onaholes

>> No.69249091

>why can't people see the possibility?!?!
People do. Nobody has any reason to believe it as there is no proof Selen is deranged other than Nijisisters saying so. Niji's own reveals has shown them to be terrible and deranged, while Dokibird's statements are entirely rational, reasonable and straightforward (she obviously had help but that's not what a deranged person would do now is it?)

So the possibility doesn't really exist outside of the most deranged and desperate of fictions. That's why.

>how do you end up spending $200k in a year
What exactly is the problem here? The amount? You clearly know nothing of finances so why bring this up at all? You're just daftly rambling about a matter you can only speculate on. Get a grip you unhinged lunatic.

>we've already seen from the zaion case that quitting and shitting on niji gives you loads of followers for nothing.
Ah yes, Sayu and her super popular channel, let's also ignore that even if true this came at the cost of months of harassment, slander and attacks on her character, right?

>it was justified to fire her for her constant lack of following the rules.
Why? I still don't get the justification here. Was she deranged? Then when did this happen? Apparently she was deranged before she joined Niji so why did they wait three years to fire her? Ensuring she follow the rules is then management's job and management failed to do this job, so why wasn't management replaced instead of the person actually making them money?

Anon, you're literally talking like a crazy person right now. Pull yourself together you spastic before Niji tries to scout you for their management team.

>> No.69249149

I'm subbed still.

>> No.69249163

>Why was she hired in the first place if she's a headcase?
Because they didn't know? Because they didn't care? Because half of their other talents are also fucking nutjobs?
>Management failed to tardwrangle Doki and it's not management's fault
>Elira is perfectly justified in feeling bitter BOTH towards Doki [...] and towards management
Your reading comprehension, sister

>She still did, that didn't change, so why did they fire her exactly?
Fuck if I know. If leaks are to be believed, management was literally nonexistent at the start, so Doki had free reign to whatever the fuck she wanted. When someone actually tried to do their job and manage her, conflicts of interests started, which culminated in her termination.
Trust me, I'm her manager's boyfriend.

>> No.69249194

NDF are not sending their brightest.

>> No.69249207


>> No.69249255

Whataboutism anon

>> No.69249283

>Doki has given no indication that she's a lying, skinwalking, abusive piece of shit
There actually were but you ignored them all

>> No.69249349

Okay. Post them then.

>> No.69249386

Post the proof, Seafag.

>> No.69249422

>Because they didn't know?
How? That's not possible you double nigger. This was public information, that's why everyone is calling her BPD in the first place.
>Because half of their other talents are also fucking nutjobs
Again, why then did they fire her specifically for being a fucking nutjob, three years in? Your first claim here contradicts your second claim, you can't even keep your delusions straight for a single coherent point you muppet.
>Your reading comprehension, sister
? Feel free to actually point out where there is an issue, faggot-kun. I never mentioned Elira and she's not relevant here unless you're somehow claiming that Elira is management. Are you?
>Fuck if I know
Ah, so you're just talking out of your ass and making shit up. Glad we got that sorted out. Now get the fuck out you clown.

>> No.69249503

Oh? You got something the rrat detectives missed? I was there the whole time as it developed and not once have I seen that. Feel free to share with us links that show that Selen skinwalked other talents' accounts.

>> No.69249531

Go ahead and post it then.

>> No.69249595


>> No.69249598

Post em

>> No.69249692

Nah, I just sub to her.

>> No.69249756

or they are just like me and sub to every vtuber in existance, just so they can get enough life feed recommendations
i brwoser through whatever is currently streamed and decide on a whim if i watch or not
why the fuck should i care, i am here for my own entertainment, i think of myself first, then my family, friends, ... , the dirt under my nails, moral choices of subscribing to some streaming service. in that order
this shit has nothing to do with me, fuck you and everyone else. many are like me in this regard. not all those subs are dead, some people are very active but simply don´t give a fuck

>> No.69249936

Holy ESL

>> No.69250060

>doesn’t become a member
>doesn’t buy merch
>rarely watches live and only on a whim
My apologies anon, you are not a dead sub
Now get your pedantic ass outta here faggot

>> No.69250244

>rarely watches live
didn´t u read? i ONLY watch live
also, i got several memberships and i watch daily, just not the same all the time apart from my oshi

>> No.69250255

Doxxsisters your posts might as well be colored in bright yellow highlighter. Try harder, you're way too obvious. Here's a hint "dookiebird" and "dramabird" means I can instantly disregard your message.

>> No.69250309

>and that there isn't shadow management by elira?
even if for SOME REASON the gurrat isnt accurate, shes still been a terrible person, ninas graduation stream for example, or that disaster she volunteered for recently. theres also the fact that even if she had zero power in the company, she somehow ended up massively profiting from it in 2023, case and point: merchdeals.

>> No.69250370

I subbed to her today because I hate Selen, I'm sure other people have too.

>> No.69250510

Course you do ESL-kun, of course you have all these memberships

>> No.69250588

I want to sniff vtuber feet

>> No.69250605

>life feed recommendations
awful Fuwamoco life hacks content when

>> No.69250617

That may be the case but the overall flow is still in the negative, Eliza is averaging losing 3k subs daily for the last 3 days

>> No.69250629

are you on your period or something? disgusting 3dpd

>> No.69250651

Sister, please go back to the server and demand they strike this talking point because it's weak. Everything your server has pushed out seems like a gotcha in your head because it's an echo chamber of desperate people with insubstantial arguments, so I'll let you in on the wider public sentiment:

>Selen had already been very vocal about her projects meeting resistance and wanting to at least pay out of pocket to make them happen. They were well received and she continues to be perceived as a hard worker. Many artists have publicly come out stating that Selen always made sure they were paid, despite Nijisanji's miscommunication and gross incompetence.

>In her return stream, Dokibird never placed any blame on Nijisanji. She has always framed it as her own problem and been self-disparaging about it. The shocking 200k value has been clipped across the internet and the general public have already made up their minds that this is squarely a strike against Nijisanji, not Doki.

>Doki has amassed cred as an artist who insists on supporting fellow artists. Her coverage by big normie reacttubers has pushed that sentiment to new audiences, so their first impression is that she's an earnest, hard worker. You are years too late for your angle that she's just a deranged, lazy, entitled spendthrift streamer. Anything playing up mental health issues while she still very clearly has supportive friends and popular projects just makes her look more accomplished in the face of this adversity and makes Nijisanji look worse for treating her the way they have.

>> No.69250740

They didn't fire her for being a menhera, that's something you invented in your head, they fired her for breaking rules REPEATEDLY, and refusing to obey magagement REPEATEDLY.
>Feel free to actually point out where there is an issue
I pointed out that it's perfectly rational to feel frustration towards people who act like shitheads AND people who allow them to act like shitheads. You're acting like Doki is 100% not in control of her own actions just because she's ALLEGEDLY mentally ill, and that management is 100% to blame for her paranoia and her alienation of fellow talents.
Meds exist for a reason, anon.
>Ah, so you're just talking out of your ass and making shit up.
Oh, and you have a direct line to Nijisanji HQ, right?

>> No.69250799

>Oh, and you have a direct line to Nijisanji HQ, right?
Yes, my uncle Riku works at Nijisanji

>> No.69250872

Sorry, this is unintelligible to the sisters. If they allowed themselves to comprehend it they'd explode.

>> No.69250968

"Both sides wrong" would have been an extremely viable argument early on, if it wasn't for how Elira, Vox, and Ike handled that stream on Monday. They went out of their way to discuss a legally unfolding situation and wanted to slander Selen around the same time of her first gaming stream in 2 months. Saying "PLEASE DO NOT HARASS HER" while also saying "Oh by the way FUCK THIS BITCH" is not a valid excuse when the purpose was to mobilize their fanbase against her, if not isolate her from the EN vtubing scene.
With how Selen tried and generally has demonstrated that she's moved on from the situation this week while NijiEN has showed that they're still seething, the general consciousness is now
>NijiEN management bad and most of their talents are also bad people too.

The only group of people that still seem to support NijiEN are the sisters, because everyone else has since abandoned them.

>> No.69251426

Hand of riku? Hell yeah nijisister lmaooo

>> No.69251578

Her BPD, implying NijiEN was supposed to pay artists for her personal projects, the $200,000 was somehow corpo's fault, Ren siding with Nijis, Doki ghosting ex Nijis, just off the top of my head. There's more going on than what's assumed but you faggots love feeding rrats more than wanting to know the truth. I don't even watch Niji because of their past bullshit but it's hilarious the rrat people are choosing to believe is this one when it's supposed legs are just baseless assumptions or outright misinformation.

>> No.69251628

>NijiEN was supposed to pay artists
was artists that said that first, not doki.

>> No.69251646

Sorry, I'm failing to see any evidence other than your headcanon? Where's the evidence? Give the screenshots, the receipts, etc.

>> No.69251935

Everything you just said is a load of shit that only a schizo would use as evidence for anything.

Man, try harder. Like actually put effort into your defense, even 1% as much effort as what goes into a rrat.

>> No.69251986

>There's more going on than what's assumed
Oh? Did you just let it slip that you're part of the clique?

>> No.69252039

do you have a single video or link or proof of any of what you said?

>> No.69252624

>They didn't fire her for being a menhera, that's something you invented in your head, they fired her for breaking rules REPEATEDLY, and refusing to obey magagement REPEATEDLY.
Ah yes, because the former is clearly not caused by the latter. Or what? Why are YOU bringing up that she's a menhera then, if that has nothing to do with why she was fired?
>I pointed out that it's perfectly rational to feel frustration towards people who act like shitheads
??? Again, what does Elira have to do with anything? We're having a conversation about Selen being fired, Elira is never mentioned in that context or are you saying she did in fact bully Selen or was in fact management?
>Meds exist for a reason, anon.
And? Are you actually going to make a point or are you just pouting random commentary?
>Oh, and you have a direct line to Nijisanji HQ, right?
And that's a confession. Cheers, so you actively admit that you're talking out of your ass and still expect people to take you seriously? Lmao.

>> No.69252745

>Her BPD
Why do people say it as if it's gospel? The only indication she has it is Doki's Twitter bio from FIVE YEARS AGO.
>implying NijiEN was supposed to pay artists for her personal projects
Every corpo subtracts from pay on business expenses, except for Nijisanji for some reason. Why is it wrong to call it out as utter bullshit?
>the $200,000 was somehow corpo's fault
Doki never said that.
>Doki ghosting ex Nijis
Like who? Nina, the fucking snake who eventually bent the knee to the clique? Pomu, who is either done with vtubing completely or under Hololive probation?
Zaion, who constantly keeps crying because Selen got 10x more clout by "sUIcIdE bAItIng" (note - Sayu never said that, only retarded corpo cocksuckers like you say that)

>> No.69252769

Very cute tits but between everything that came out, and seeing Millie or another insider on dox sites defending themselves, it means by extension she's probably here posting stuff like this. It's time to walk away. Take a vacation.

>> No.69252805

>She's a menhera! That's why there were so many problems!
>Also they didn't fire her for being a menhera, they fired her for problems!
Literal schizophrenia right here on display. What the fuck are you on anon.
>Meds exist for a reason, anon.
Take yours, because you clearly haven't been.

>> No.69252914

She had an episode where she ignored her manager completely and attempted suicide twice. It's not far fetched that she has BPD. On top of the obvious
>Doki's Twitter bio from FIVE YEARS AGO

>> No.69253001

We asked for proof, not headcanon. So you got nothing. As usual with sisters. Moving on.

>> No.69253093

I wouldn’t put it past Niggersanji to bot their own talents, infact they are essentially confirmed as having done so in the past with Salome.

>> No.69253118

that doesnt say anything about BPD retard, it can literally also be stress or depression or almost anything else.
Also if you knew anything about mental health, its almost impossible to distinguish between cptsd and bpd, which is why the latter is massively overdiagnosed.

>> No.69253211

>She has this issue since at least 5 years ago but it never came up in 3 years and despite management knowing about it they still fired her instead actually managing her.
The problem is that if she was BPD then that just makes management look worse and makes anything she's accused of doing in her termination notice not her fault, after all she has BPD, management knew about it and Niji hired her while knowing about it. It stops all their excuses from being excuses. Their reasons for termination are only valid if she WASN'T a menhera in the first place.

So good job anon, in your effort to try and excuse Nijisanji bullshit you've actively made them look worse.

>> No.69253264

Muh BPD is all sisters have, please understand.

>> No.69253286

>if she was BPD then that just makes management look worse and makes anything she's accused of doing in her termination notice not her fault
What is this copium? She is responsible for her own actions.

>> No.69253317

And as usual for Nijisanji bullshit it only ends up making themselves look worse, lmao.

>> No.69253330

The one’s who are unsubbing are the active fans, most of the rest of them are technically subscribed but don’t actually watch her.
A better measure would be shifts in her longterm ccv or actual views.

>> No.69253481

Could easily be self-diagnosed bullshit.
And if she actually is diagnosed, it's not a valid defense of a hostile work environment that was fucking her over.
>ingnored her management completely
Headcanon that contradicts evidence presented in Elira's black box stream.
>attempted suicide twice
Gee, anon, how would you react if you were in a corpo environment and all of your projects were getting delayed and shitcanned for at least a year and you were never reimbursed?

>> No.69253528

How can she be responsible if she had BPD? That's literally a contradiction anon. This is extremely basic and common in any developed country in the world. If you are misbehaving due to a pre-existing medical condition that management knew about, then management is responsible for not managing a problem they were aware existed and accepted when they hired her.

And again, this was going on for three years because she didn't just develop BPD a few months ago, so why did anything change? You don't make any god damn sense. There is no logic to your claims and clearly no thought either.

>> No.69253532

yeah,its not the total suscriber numbers that are important but the core viewers who pay for a supa,buy merch etc.the dead tissue can be ignored but running out of blood is fatal.videos about this incident will contiue to pop for their viewers due to the natural overlap with dramatubers etc.new competition will also pop up and they wont have that nijien stain.can they even stay afloat when they get dragged down by their own yabs,nepo hires and internal rivalry?

>> No.69253542

>how would you react if you were in a corpo environment and all of your projects were getting delayed and shitcanned for at least a year and you were never reimbursed?
I would quit and not kill myself. Is killing yourself some new zoom zoom thing?

>> No.69253543

But she was already going to graduate after releasing her las cup of coffee cover?
Why didn’t they just let her go if she was so horrible?

>> No.69253624

>Hurrr durr suicide is not a thing that happens
I just want to appreciate how stupid this is, and you just went and said it. Damn son.

>> No.69253718

>Is killing yourself some new zoom zoom thing?
>Is killing yourself some new zoom zoom thing?
>Is killing yourself some new zoom zoom thing?
>Is killing yourself some new zoom zoom thing?
Bro are you serious?
>Is killing yourself some new zoom zoom thing?
Actually for real?

>> No.69253767

Oh yeah, look at you, Internet tough guy, never susceptible to mental breakdowns, ever.
Get the fuck outta here, faggot. You're full of shit. Everyone has a breaking point.

>> No.69253856

It just demonstrates the complete disconnect between nijisisters and the modern western world. No normal person is unsympathetic to suicide, mental illness, and the like.

>> No.69253885

Did your bot progamming break or something?

>> No.69254032

Why even bring up bots when you clearly have no idea what they look like or how they work, anon? Do you just have some weird obsession with talking out of your ass about things you don't understand? I mean I'm laughing my ass off here and I'm dying to hear what part of that post looks like a bot to you.

>> No.69254302

This is the extremely funny part of it
>Selen wants to graduate
>Nijisanji refuses to deal
>Selen lawyers up, lawyer engages Nijisanji's lawyers to negotiate terms of exiting her contract on amicable terms
>Nijisanji lawyers stall, refuse to deal and then ghost them entirely
>Selen's japanese lawyer working in japan sends a confidential document detailing grievances as justification for lawfully exiting the contract to Nijisanji's incommunicado legal team, in japanese
>Nijisanji responds by immediately and unilaterally terminating her contract without due cause or sufficient notice.
>in their termination notice, they claim that Selen was the one who failed to deal and that they terminated her due to a "breakdown" in contract negotiations on her part because--and I shit you not--they couldn't get in touch with her while she was in the hospital.
And then to make it even better
>an english version of this confidential legal document somehow finds its way into the hands of english-speaking talents, who address its contents in a public video while admitting to viewing the entire unredacted confidential document

Every detail that's been made public paints a picture of Nijisanji being maliciously incompetent and petty for reasons that could only be personal.

>> No.69254411

>Because she was a crazy bitch with BPD that brought them shitton of money
officially "negligible"

>> No.69254446

If you think that's a bot you wouldn't be able to notice a real bot even if you replied to one.

>> No.69254445

Just want to point out that it is highly unlikely anyone read Dokibird's documents before they wrote and published the termination notice. I can't imagine Niji's lawyers weren't talking to Doki's lawyer at all yet somehow read, processed, translated and distributed the whole thing in less then two hours and then wrote up the termination notice in the remaining time.

>> No.69254478

Genuinly reads like you generated five different reactions to the same thing and then glitched and uploaded all of them at once instead of picking one.
Mind you i’m not saying you’re an actual bot, just calling you out for having the brain of one.

>> No.69254525

true,this must also be one of the reasons why the russians and west taiwanese dont care when their hivemind loses a few limbs.I guess that why they get compared to ants etc. the ukraine war is another example of this.

>> No.69254700

>Error: You are temporarily blocked from posting for violating Global 3 - Racism.
Anyway, I love it how you have no arguments.

>> No.69254812

Anon. It's one continuous response. They are not disconnected, they are separated by the statement they reply to in order to emphasize just how absurd this statement is.

What the fuck do you mean 'genuinely reads like'? No it fucking doesn't. Go try right now and see what happens you dumb fuck. Again why talk out of your ass when you clearly have no clue, if you've ever done or even observed what you're suggesting happened here you wouldn't possibly be retarded enough to suggest what you did.

>> No.69254849

>Ah yes, because the former is clearly not caused by the latter.
Yes? Many people who suffer from BPD are perfectly capable of working in a corporate environment. As I said, meds exist for a reason.

>Again, what does Elira have to do with anything?
Read the fucking reply chain you're answering to, retard
>Because she [Elira] did nothing wrong and Selen is a crazy bitch with BPD. She's the real victim.
>Anon if she's a crazy bitch with BPD how come it took them three years to fire her?
>Because she was a crazy bitch with BPD that brought them shitton of money? Elira is perfectly justified in feeling bitter both towards Doki for being a paranoid schizo and towards management for failing to tardwrangle her.
Your esl-tier reading comprehension starts here
>Management failed to tardwrangle Doki and it's not management's fault
>Elira is perfectly justified in feeling bitter BOTH towards Doki [...] and towards management
>Your reading comprehension, sister
>I never mentioned Elira and she's not relevant here unless you're somehow claiming that Elira is management.

>Cheers, so you actively admit that you're talking out of your ass
Again, you're acting like you also aren't talking out of your ass. Literally no one on this board actually knows shit.

>> No.69254926

doki has said the the lawyers communicated in JP, so the original document send to JP wouldve been in JP too. this is why doki had to check with lawyer how much of her medical info was listed, cause the lawyer edited it and then had it translated before sending it.
also the termination notice was probably written before then and only edited hastily.

>> No.69254969
File: 238 KB, 1928x508, 1708058453458542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget who you're dealing with.

>> No.69254980

See now this reads like a bot response.
>Random, unhinged comment about racism that isn't connected to the message it's replying to
>Sudden nonsense about arguments that is in no way part of the conversation it was replying to, as if someone needs to bring arguments to counter a claim for which there are no arguments
I could genuinely get an AI to generate these responses, that's how bad they are. Damn.

>> No.69255075

The termination notice addresses allegations inside the document that were not made public. The document was confidential, drafted by Selen for her lawyer, who then sent it directly to Anycolor's legal representation.
Selen was not negotiating with Nijisanji directly nor did she bring any charges against them directly. All negotiations were handled through her lawyer, and allegations would not have been brought forward from a lawyer without accompanying procedural legal documentation.

In other words, the first time anybody in Anycolor learned of allegations of malfeasance against Selen was in the confidential legal document alleging it. Two hours after receiving that document, they addressed the allegations therein directly.

Whether they were planning to terminate her prior to receiving the document is irrelevant. The actual termination in reality was directly in response to the contents of that confidential legal document, as Nijisanji's public statement has unintentionally confirmed.

>> No.69255292

>Yes? Many people who suffer from BPD are perfectly capable of working in a corporate environment. As I said, meds exist for a reason.
So, why did you bring it up if it's not connected? You're destroying yourself here anon.

>Read the fucking reply chain you're answering to, retard
Ok. And now what? Answer the question retard-kun.
>Your esl-tier reading comprehension starts here
Again, why? You're just repeating yourself despite me making it clear you bringing up Elira out of the blue here is nonsense. You're making the excuse that they ignored her problems because she made them money, then fired her for problems while she still made them money. That's not an issue with reading comprehension, that is a complete absence of coherent logic in your claims. The things you say contradict the things that factually happened retard-kun.
>Elira is perfectly justified in feeling bitter BOTH towards Doki [...] and towards management
Bringing up Elira out of nowhere again, while the conversation is about Dokibird and Management. Again, what does she even have to do with it? Why does her being justifiably bitter toward Doki and management have to do with anything?
>also aren't talking out of your as
"also"? Again, you're making a confession and combining it with an accusation. I don't need to disprove your little fantasies and you have admitted to being full of shit, we are not the same here you inbred fuckwit.

>> No.69255394

>Bringing up Elira out of nowhere
NTA but did you even look at OP? What is this thread about?

>> No.69255506

That implies that they were already planning on smearing her beforehand but just released the already prepared termination statement earlier than planned when they received the documents with the Doki’s allegations.

So even if Doki hadn’t sent those ”doxx” documents they would still have tried throwing her under the bus with a smear campaign.

>> No.69255598

Point was they had to have translated things back to English to discuss them with NijiEN, who were the ones that fired her.

I just don't really see how the timing works out at all, even if we assume everyone started work instantly with no delays and worked unreasonably quickly.

>> No.69255825

I just assumed they resent it to EN to have the contents investigated, elira sees the JP original and blasts the termination notice that was already prepared. possibly, she didnt have the power to decide that but got the ok from higher ups quickly cause favouritism. Doesnt even require her to be manager, liason/translator is enough.
Im pretty sure vox never saw the document, thats why he was so retarded about a recording that wasnt even important.

>> No.69255946

>Bringing up Elira out of nowhere again, while the conversation is about Dokibird and Management.
>and Management.
>Bringing up Elira out of nowhere

>> No.69256025

>The termination notice addresses allegations inside the document that were not made public.
Yes, but Dokibird's complaints had already been made to NijiJP's lawyers, the documents were only sent after NijiJP didn't respond to the initial communications by Doki's lawyer.
>Allegations would not have been brought forward from a lawyer without accompanying procedural legal documentation.
You're quite wrong there. You do not immediately disclose documentation when starting legal negotiations. The first step is simply making your case known, and that would include at least a basic outline "My client wants to end her employment at AnyColor as she claims to have suffered harassment resulting in her making an attempt on her own life" is a perfectly normal way to open communications between two sides. It lets them know what you want and why they should let you have it, you do not at this point need to provide any documentation as you don't even know whether your claim will be challenged in the first place. In the best case Niji just says "Yea OK things weren't working out anyway so lets talk specifics" though that clearly didn't happen.
>In other words, the first time anybody in Anycolor learned of allegations of malfeasance against Selen was in the confidential legal document alleging it.
There is basically no chance of this being true.

>> No.69256063

>Point was they had to have translated things back to English to discuss them with NijiE
Unless it landed on the desk of a bilingual enployee who could understand the original jp text and then draft the English statement in response without the outside assistance of a translator. But also one who would take the details of the document so personally that they would be obviously emotional while drafting the response--ehile also possessing the authority to publish that document without a second editing pass for tone and intention or outside approval.

I wonder who qualifies...

>> No.69256081

With how much arbitrary defense Elira is getting I'm starting to get completely indoctrinated by the gurrat, it has to be real what the fuck is going on?

>> No.69256157

>All conversations in a thread are about the OP in some way
How dumb do you have to be to even consider saying this?

>> No.69256245

I hereby declare

>> No.69256248

Pretty much. It's just unreasonable to suggest that Dokibird's lawyer sending that document was somehow the reason NijiEN acted in the way they did, because there is no reasonable timeframe wherein they had read the documents before at least writing that termination notice.

>> No.69256310

>as she claims to have suffered harassment resulting in her making an attempt on her own life"
Now cross reference this with the termination statement and what they ACTUALLY allege Selen has said.

>> No.69256477

Honestly that stream was full of so many odd contradictions and statements
>She could leave at any time!
Completely destroys the narrative that the three idiots were being forced by the company, so many people were saying they had no choice. Lmao.
>I thoroughly read the documents!
Yet somehow didn't understand what they were about? That what he was doing in response would be utterly reprehensible?
>I didn't consent to any recording!
Yet you have no problem reading private medical documents and talking about private legal documents in public? Are you privacy conscious or not? Pick a lane.

There's so much more but man, it's nuts.

>> No.69256667

extreme amounts of sister posting.turns out that femcels can be far worse than the average /r9k/fag if they feel provoked.

>> No.69256680

I feel like you're legit illiterate
>So, why did you bring it up if it's not connected?
Because >>69247611 asked
>Anon if she's a crazy bitch with BPD how come it took them three years to fire her?
I'm not the one who brought it up
>you bringing up Elira out of the blue here
Nigga this thread is about Elira. This reply chain is about Elira. You're seemingly the only ""person"" here who can't grasp that
>we are not the same here you inbred fuckwit.
That's true. I provided my credentials, I'm Selen's manager's boyfriend. You, on the other hand, is a complete rando who doesn't know shit.

>> No.69256711

Why would I cross-reference a statement I made up as an example with anything? Trying to untangle the mess that was their absurd termination notice would be rather difficult, as it's hard to believe any lawyer looked at that document before it was published. Any lawyer, even the very worst, would know at least that these are not things you say in the termination of an employee, especially not one who has recently attempted suicide. The notice read like it was written by someone fresh out of highschool.

>> No.69256794

>Because another anon asked
No, they asked WHY, you had already brought it up at that point

Not even going to bother with any more as again, you openly admitted to talking out of your ass so why would anyone listen to what you say?

>> No.69257003

Nta but It’s clear you’re in the wrong.
Your responses read like illogical and willingly obtuse gibberish.

>> No.69257020

>THEY asked
Go back cunt

>> No.69257120

>The notice read like it was written by someone fresh out of highschool.
Right, right. And so we circle back to the elephant in the room: why did a person who obviously isn't a lawyer and writes like they're fresh out of highschool have intimate knowledge of the details Selen had alleged as part of her legal representation's contract negotiations with Nijisanji's legal department and the authority to both write the document and publish it without someone else having an opportunity to say "this reads like a hisghchooler wrote it"

>> No.69257141

>It's clear.... just not going to actually say anything, just it's... clear!
What was that you said again anon? "illogical and willingly obtuse gibberish." well I'm glad you at least offered a demonstration of what you were talking about.

>> No.69257253

its all sisters

>> No.69257277

Look I get that you're pushing the GURRAT and it seems sensible enough on the face of it, but it just strays ever so slightly too far from something we can actually prove beyond merely being 'probable'.

>> No.69257340

NDF creating accounts to boost it

>> No.69257364

I love how the defense of Niji always comes down to "what kind of weak willed mentally ill person tries to kill themselves anyway?" And then they wonder why nobody is on their side because the argument goes against all of modern day safe workplace environment laws, or even basic empathy.

>> No.69257590

It makes more sense if you consider the fact that Elira probably ”translated” the document for them, Vox just being a moron and all three of them being legally illiterate to some degree.
As some other anon said Ike just seemed uncomfortable during the video, he probably got pressured into being there by Elira.

>> No.69257610

Modern feminism in a nutshell

>> No.69257663

>embezzled money
new schizo rrat drop in the past couple days?

>> No.69257715

it's so weird. they're pushing "BPD" "BPD" "BPD" but it's doki that lawyered up and utterly FINESSED the situation with calmness and maturity while the other party made absolutely retarded moves. how can they live with themselves siding with the retards so fervently?

>> No.69257726

The live subscriber counts for Elira were kind of frozen on a nice round number today's afternoon. Like, 469000 on the dot or something like that
API of the website for some reason isn't getting an updated number. Whaaat kind of fuckery is thiiiis~

>> No.69257773

Shadow management is just GURRAT and should be taken with a grain of salt if you have an actual functioning brain (even if it's fantastically written and weirdly makes sense)

Selen being suddenly the worst cunt on earth despite all odds and everyone who previously worked with her said is a fucking baseless claim made at the last second by thirsty sisters who can't wait for the next ASMR by that sexpest Vox
And actually also contradicts management being absolutely fucking retarded, if she was crazy she wouldn't be that big of a cashcow, management would have an incredible reputation with fucking everyone and she wouldn't be cockblocked for ridiculous reasons

But we all know that reasoning and common sense are concepts completely alien to nijicucks sisters

>> No.69257867

yeah, if she really had BPD we have the biggest example of it with how Amber Heard was acting. She would be constantly writing sob stories on twitter, calling out specific people in the company, and not wanting to drop it.

>> No.69257912

No the point I'm trying to make is that it is necessary that the events leading up to the details we know for certain transpired in such a way that makes those details possible, regardless of how absurd or unlikely it may be.

We are presented essentially with 2 possibilities: either the timing is a coincidence and the author of the termination statement was a non-legal staff member party to the details of legal negotiations with the authority to publish that document without an editing pass from their legal team--who had the document at that point. Or the timing is not a coincidence.
Both possibilities point to systematic wrongdoing within Anycolor and serve inherently as evidence of exactly the highly emotional and imbalanced management that would corroborate an accusation of widespread power harassment targeting the plaintiff.

>> No.69257963

Theory Elira is either management or some sort of pseudo-management given she has always had a positive relationship with management by her word, and is bilingual. This coupled with the fact she gets a disproportionate amount of collabs/sponsored stuff compared to better performing livers view wise and her genmates (it's something like she got 9 while Pomu & Finana got 4 combined), it's feasible that in her position of power she's making sure the money goes to herself and her clique. Also she was able to buy a JP apartment or some shit.
It's just linked to the gurrat essentially, but there's also the funny thing that the video on her channel turned monetized and it's her most viewed video. So maybe she did it there because she knew there'd be money and didn't want it elsewhere.

>> No.69258045

I need to punish her by sticking my sticky wagie cock between her sexo underboob tiddies and shot my goo and defile her soft pale skin while i howl into the moonlit sky like a horny drunk chimpanzee

>> No.69258766

notice how the threads always die when you make Nijisisters get to the point where they admit they just hate suicidal people and have no empathy

>> No.69258809

>argument goes against all of modern day safe workplace environment laws
That's based, tho. In my days children and women worked in the mines 18 hours per day, instead of shitposting on 4chan

>> No.69259038

I honestly believe most of them are getting paid.
Sounds like Elira lol

>> No.69259072

Well when the unavoidable conclusion is that they're sociopaths unable to form a single correct argument or coherent reasoning, how do you want them to continue the threads ?

>> No.69259364

Normalfags go home

>> No.69259447


>> No.69259645

>if she was crazy she wouldn't be that big of a cashcow, management would have an incredible reputation with fucking everyone and she wouldn't be cockblocked for ridiculous reasons
Have you ever considered that she was cockblocked for ridiculous reasons BECAUSE she was pain in the ass for managers to work with?

>> No.69259666

We are. That's the entire reason why EN is crashing.

>> No.69259674
File: 420 KB, 1111x634, nijienbully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Future growth is the only thing that matters and they've pretty much crippled themselves in that regard. See pic related, Niji's most importat metric.

>> No.69259740

So their response to someone being a pain in the ass to work with is...being unprofessional? That's not exactly a good look.

>> No.69259742

Yes, we've established this, Elira didn't like her being more successful and actually doing her job and being popular, so she blocked her from doing stuff every step of the way.

>> No.69259861

Elira and her friends seem to be doing very well financially compared to members outside the clique, buying apartments and travelling alot.
Also falls into the fact that Selen herself apparently had to pay third party contractors for art and other commisions when management just refused to pay them per agreement.

Might also explain why the clique is seemingly panicking and throwing shit at the wall in some misguided attempt to deflect eyes from themselves by discrediting Selen.

>> No.69259914

>selen is deranged and totally in the wrong?
If she was truly deranged she wouldn't have many friends in the industry. She literally just spent 6 hours on apex with dtto and white ame sister. If she was wrong you wouldn't have so many vtubers coming from there and admitting how shit the company was, if it was total bullshit there wouldn't be a pattern and history that supports the idea of bullying and harassment. You wouldn't see the termination notices written in such a way as if they want to drag their (now former) talents through the mud. It's always the same shit with this company.
Luckily for me there isn't a single vtuber I like or liked that works in that branch now. Found out I'm still subbed to chigusa in JP, she's the last of the company that I'm subbed to.

>> No.69260019

Exactly, go back to China.

>> No.69260073

Nail that sticks out gets hammered down. I guess they just expected for her to bend the knee, instead of straight up trying to kill herself.

>> No.69260090
File: 72 KB, 625x469, b3044907c3ee027402da1d5e918f1c8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to spam all argumenta ad BPD with BPD awareness infographics

>> No.69260147

why are thirdworld subhumans like this?

>> No.69260212

Lack of empathy

>> No.69260283

>Nail that sticks out gets hammered down
Sloppily and unprofessionally since the nail got bent. If that's the kind of petty, childish management the livers have to deal with it's no wonder some of them are miserable there.

>> No.69260305

JP companies aren't used to their workers having free will and a lack of shame forcing them in line.

>> No.69260376


Management acting retarded because she's a pain to work with.
Wow, it's a known fact that you sister have brain damage but you don't even try to sound convincing, do you ?

Please do better, i'm bored

>> No.69260519

it's crazy because Blade Runner/Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep had it right--very soon, Empathy is going to be the last way to determine whether you're talking to a human or an AI. Yet they call the people who have it, the bots.

>> No.69260525

I'm subbed to both Doki and Elira, I don't care about the drama whatsoever and will watch the streams that seem interesting to me.

>> No.69260666
File: 33 KB, 690x446, Stock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't know what people were expecting from this whole debacle.
Did you expect Niji livers to be left with zero subs? Not even YouTubers proven as convicted CP lovers go that low on their subs.

The worst that could've happened to Nijisanji is that Riku closed the EN branch, but AnyColor's stock is already on the rise again. That's corporate's biggest concern, in the end.

>> No.69260774

>what is a dead cat bounce

>> No.69260824

>Sloppily and unprofessionally since the nail got bent.
I'm not pretending that management isn't at fault here. Unless she imposed some truly outrageous conditions they should've just graduated her without any fuss. The only way they could've handled this shitshow worse is if they outright doxxed her.
I just don't like the popular narrative that Selen is a pure innocent angel and that her termination wasn't warranted at all.

>> No.69260875

You worded it a little poorly but we get it senpai

>> No.69260895

Pretty sure there were some people—with no mental illness before —have done just that, especially when money is involved

>> No.69260945

>I really don't know what people were expecting from this whole debacle.

nijiJP investigating nijiEN, getting their shit together, gagging the clique (leaker said every liver is gagged now, so nothing is gonna happen publicly, except possibly messages sanctioned by riku and the jp suits)
I wouldnt want to be related to that 15min video now...
if the gurrat is true, weve probably already won anyway. the danger for nijiEN is riku a lot more than random retards on a mongolian throatsinging board for baskedweaving.

>> No.69261068

There's also the fact that a lot of people who were into vtubers in the past moved on.
Some people who sub to "le famous youtuber" can legit forget about that person for 10-15 years.

>> No.69261071

Nobody is arguing over the fact that she fucked up and did something that warranted her a termination, that was never the question

What pissed people off is everything that caused Selen to fuck up, and everything that happened after the termination
(nijisanji being retarded bullies)

>> No.69261267

>babbie's first stock
Yes, stocks go up and down. Nothing goes straight up or straight down forever. There's always recovery bounces but that doesn't mean anything if it doesn't break the trend.

>> No.69261348

Sure, but it's eventually going to recover unless this shit actually goes to trial, or JP straight up burns the EN branch. JP Branch seems unaffected, so if investors think the worst is over then they won't have a reason not to buy the dip.

Maybe that is still on the table, and NijiJP branch is doing a thorough investigation to clean up the EN branch.
Investors in the end care about merch sales, and SCs and memberships, not about the numbers in talents channels in the end.

>> No.69261629

Hello, Chinese bitch.

>> No.69261831

The real question is, how much of the bullying was real and how much of it was purely in Selen's head.

>> No.69261844 [DELETED] 
File: 967 KB, 2731x4096, b773a322ec3b454dd89ffc560df4f41c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can commit war crimes, I dont care as long as her tits stay fat

>> No.69262076

no nipple piercings
no buy
simple as

>> No.69262675

Well considering we have 3 separate public statements by NijiEN management attempting to smear Selen, I'm guessing the amount of real bullying is "enough to be unlawful"

>> No.69263272

>5-9 symptoms
And watching vox is the biggest

>> No.69263393

what do you mean by the "that" (second word)? Sorry, Im ESL.
and youre probably right, but losing pomu and Selen was a huge blow for EN, and if there really is a queue of people looking to leave even before this fiasco its probably not getting better now. Missing valentines day sales for merch etc, are probably worse than ever before for most people, sponsors and artists publicly dropping niji and the brand becoming radioactive at least in the short term. Japan is in a recession, vtubing in JP is probably saturated, growth has to come from the global market, and right now, they are definitely not growing, they may even end up losing their position as #2 at some point.
leaker said 3 more people will leave nijisanji relatively soon, they didnt say who though, but if thats true as well...
I believe anyone that says riku is greedy, I dont doubt that for a second, but Id be very surprised if he and the JP suits care enough about Selen to actually sink the entire branch's growth prospective as well as the 200million that was burnt off the stocks in the last 2 weeks, only weeks after anycolour bought stocks worth about 20million USD to shore up the price after last december. this isnt just unrealized gains, this directly burned 20million USD off the japanese branches money, during a recession.
also I just realized which of my posts youre responding to, I thought I was in a different thread, Im sorry. the leaker directly said there is an ongoing investigation inside the branch now. livers are allowed to stream if they can, but they are also allowed to wait. Theyre not allowd to show anything, comment on current events, or do anything else related to the situation (again, allegedly).
this is kinda why sisters efforts are retarded, no amount of shitposting is going to save the clique if riku is investigating and out for blood. I think the whole thing is probably over, if they say anything, its probably going to be another apology, this time without character assasinating doki in the same breath. cleaning house, presenting heads, and making sure this never happens again is probably the only damage control they can do at this point

>> No.69263602

I'm still subbed since I'm waiting to see how she digs herself out of the hole Niji forced her to dig.
