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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69172132 No.69172132 [Reply] [Original]

Is Finana the goblin slayer of vtubing?

>> No.69172194

which country do i move to to get a chubby asian cosplay GF?

>> No.69172280

Unironically Brazil.

>> No.69172296

She is the Ys Origin OST - Water Prison of vtubing

>> No.69172493

Nah she's a dumb whore

>> No.69172567


>> No.69172573

emphasis on "dumb"
no one thinks she's part of the bullying because she's literally not intelligent enough to be malicious

>> No.69172582
File: 1.32 MB, 498x434, 1689671898851694.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't fat people just lose weight?

>> No.69172640

Cosplayer’s hot... Hmu if you need a gf

>> No.69172656

We know she's braindead enough to make her credit cards implode over gacha

>> No.69172668

Okay but

>> No.69172699

Yeah she's a bystander at best, an enabler at worst

>> No.69172712

It would be a downgrade

>> No.69172730

Because they're lazy fucks, or just can't stop eating

There's this "body positive" bs kek

>> No.69172784

Goblin deez nuts

>> No.69172798

Non ironically... yeah, would

>> No.69172904

Majority of the time overeating is a result of stress or depression.

>> No.69173087

Look how easily manipulated she was by her the groomer trannies in her private discord to go all anti-trap and insulting her fans because they said to. Her co-workers would have even more sway on what she says. And without questioning for herself who is right and wrong just going along with whoever she trusts most.

Enabler at best, getting talked into saying insults at worst

>> No.69173842

Based on descriptions of herself and context clues, this might be my oshi.

>> No.69174049

I'm an architect so i like the chubb but that face...

>> No.69175027

Dear god not this pic again, please please give me the source I'm begging you

>> No.69175601

That's the weirdest thing, not eating is literally LESS work than what they currently do to maintain/gain weight, so it would be perfect if you were lazy. Literally just stop eating.

>> No.69175833

This one is actually pretty doable. I would fuck her until she become an anorexic

>> No.69176693

Save me chubby bnuy girl…

>> No.69176744

i mean, not doing drugs is less work than obtaining and doing drugs, but addicts are addicted

>> No.69176962

Usually stems from comfort eating, a problem that I had for awhile. It’s a stress response where you wanna eat when you feel like shit, but eating too much makes you fat, which makes you more depressed, which makes you wanna eat more, it’s a cycle that can be pretty difficult to get out of.

>> No.69176965

That's an obese woman anon.

>> No.69176988

Los Angeles

>> No.69177085

South America.

>> No.69177118

why do so many young anons have a lard fetish?

>> No.69177239

for all of the reasons anyone could mention. Main ones being lack of self accountability and restraint.
They convince themselves "this is how they are, nothing to do about it", but if you took a single look at how they eat and live you'd immediately spot reason why they are fat.

>> No.69177357
File: 301 KB, 797x688, 1687287069174369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't depressed people just become happy?

>> No.69177361

She could loose some but not too much, if she is left with a little love handle it's fine.

>> No.69177420

Been trying to figure this one out for like a decade

>> No.69177478

Because unlike depression weight issues are a lot easier to manage if people put effort into it.

>> No.69177573
File: 230 KB, 400x400, 1706293969460954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I could close my depression hole that swallows depression, I would. But it's a bit more complicated than basic thermodynamics.

>> No.69177578

would if she had a cuter face
I just can't with those asian noses

>> No.69177664

Kinda wanna lay my head on her lap, looks comfy

>> No.69177766

Theres a pretty observable link between obesity and depression though.

>> No.69177833

I’m tryin’, anon.

>> No.69178252

Wouldn't know that since I'm not fat though I can see people using the reward-feeling of eating to try to stop depression which is a horrible way to go at it and is also controllable.

>> No.69178556

ozempic is still too expensive
when we get equivalents no one will ever be fat

>> No.69178644

Lack of self control

>> No.69178818


>> No.69178966

Kronii, come 3 provinces over. I won't make you happy but I'll have a good 30 seconds myself.

>> No.69179061

Same reason you fap five times a week. You might be more 'productive' throughout the day if you stop but why should you?

>> No.69179148

>implying five

>> No.69179172
File: 220 KB, 346x433, Screenshot_2024-02-15_22-10-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mhm yes indeed, obese, hmm...

>> No.69179183

rookie numbers

>> No.69179263

very low standards as a result of demoralisation and the consequences of the sexual revolution
i'd still harpoon the whale in op pic like captain ahab though

>> No.69179496
File: 262 KB, 1102x1854, 1701752790236810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically a skill issue, 6 months ago I weighed 385 lb and I decided to just stop eating so damn much, I've lost 60 lb so far

>> No.69179553
File: 399 KB, 340x284, 1679678804566303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost 10kg myself
I was already skinny
Fucking helicobacter

>> No.69179613

bro how you gonna consider that tub of lard "hot"?

>> No.69179676

>very low standards as a result of demoralisation and the consequences of the sexual revolution
yeah figures. This generation is fucked.

>> No.69179768

>eating so damn much
define "so damn much"

>> No.69179776

Good job anon, keep going.

>> No.69179783

>depression is still not understood neurochemically, to the point of there being a holistic and effective approach, other than simply inhibitting the reuptake enzymes in the synapse, allowing for neurotransmitters to remain in the ion channel for significantly longer
>The solution to obesity is the third law od thermodynamics. Intake less Kcal than your consume for homeostasis and metabolic processes. 100% effective.

>> No.69179812

personally, i’m never able to lose weight in a healthy way, it’s always either starving or binging and i hate having that mindset sm

>> No.69179907

in case you aren't baiting and are actually just completely retarded:
>Weight is a simple issue of habit and lifestyle decisions.
You can choose to eat less/better and get in shape.
>Depression is a complex issue of the mind that, because of it's subconscious nature you have no direct control over.
You can't choose to stop being depressed, you can't easily fix the chronic chemical imbalance in the brain.

>> No.69179933

Skinny and super attractive women are incredibly vapid, have super high standards, and expect and demand a lot
Fat women are way better for your mental health instead of being the instagram boyfriend constantly or getting yelled at for not making enough or not buying her more gifts

>> No.69179986

>people stress/anxiety eat because eating shit food gives them a fleeting hit of happy chemicals
Woah who would've thought!

>> No.69180327

well stop "trying" and just do it.
>count calories
>cut sugars and carbs
>exercise regularly
it isn't esoteric, but an exact science. Research nutrition and workout routines. Weight is a consequence of lifestyle.

>> No.69180391

however much made him be as fat as he was.

>> No.69180532

>You can't choose to stop being depressed
Yeah, you can. You sound just like those fatties that say
>I can't just stop being addicted to food!

>> No.69180655

which is?

>> No.69180731

I would eat a bunch of random junk food and sweets throughout the day, I stopped doing that and also started having smaller portions at meals

>> No.69180760

>fallacy of extremes.
No you're just a coping faggot. I'm not taking about super models who's only personality trait is being hot and skinny.
There's a whole world of people who are decent normal individuals who also happen to take care of themselves. But you don't perceive them because, just like the vapid bimbos in your head, you are also a one dimensional goon with no redeeming qualities, so of course something so superficial as weight would define you as a person, thus you define others like that too.
It isn't them, it is YOU.

>> No.69180826


>> No.69181010
File: 1.52 MB, 1856x1280, 1707158808851579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My entire life I've been skinny and lean. I've always liked big girls. My first crush was a woman whose waist spilled out of her jeans, my first gf had a great deal of squeezable pudge on her stomach and a great ass, and nowadays artwork like pic related is enough to make me diamonds. I need some meat for these bones.

>> No.69181022

Don't even care about the other retards here

100% Unironically Would

>> No.69181232

Except it's obviously not that easy, as there wouldn't be any fat people around if it was. 'Just don't eat' is literally on the same level as 'Just don't be depressed', and no amount of intellectually dishonest wordsalad is gonna change that.

>> No.69181326

fat girl save me...
fat girl...
save me fat girl...

>> No.69181411

I mean, sometimes you don't even need to eat less, you just have to move more.
I used to work as a cable tender, and I spent most of my day sitting around the office or in my truck. Then I'd come home and play vidya. Gained quite a bit of weight.
Once you reach blob territory, you'll need professional help.

>> No.69181594
File: 731 KB, 900x900, 1667245260652107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. People here like to point and laugh at fat people for apparently not working hard enough to fix themselves, but the same could be said about all the depressed dudes here. And no, some magic pill isn't going to fix you.

>> No.69181736
File: 171 KB, 1024x1536, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a world of difference between your pic and OP's.
Having a little pudge is okay and can be hot at times.
>muh meat on dah bones
Said meat can and should be firm anon. When it's all fat and no muscle underneat the woman becomes ameboid.

>> No.69181740

you'd have to be really dumb or disingenuous or both to not realize the factors contributing to obesity are just as complex as depression

>> No.69181817

Bad habits, poor metabolism, and or mental problems. Fatties usually got somethin' goin on. Or they're just dumb.

>> No.69181840

They're just being realistic about what they can pull, anon.
Incel "Top 1% of men" talk is bullshit but if you want a woman who's attractive, not a bitch, AND shares your niche interests, you better be one hell of a specimen yourself.

>> No.69181914

where's the sourceanon?

>> No.69181923

they can be summarized as "lazy fat fuck won't stop stuffing it's piehole"
Almost every walking sphere out there blames it on muh genetics or some other external bullshit. Excuses make you fat.

>> No.69181934

Some people just have higher testosterone

>> No.69182012

>if you want a quality woman you have to be a quality man yourself
woah who would've thought!

>> No.69182044

You do you, I do me. Girls like the OP trigger my instincts to breed.

>> No.69182133

I didn't know Pierce Brosnan browsed /v/

>> No.69182226

They should just try harder to be happy not even joking
The vast majority of depressed people aren't even clinically depressed they're only suffering from depression because they're sarcasm poisoned idiots that at some thought being depressed would be cool and then forgot how to stop
If you're one of those people all it would take for you to fix yourself is to actively try being happy, count your blessings, set productive goals and foster a healthy social life

>> No.69182251

they can be summarized as "sorry miserable fuck won't stop wallowing in self-pity "
Almost every sad sack out there blames it on muh loneliness or some other external bullshit. Excuses make you depressed.

>> No.69182484

It's hard to because you need to be hungry to lose weight and this means you can't concentrate on the things you want to do. Getting fat is also easy when the world is full of delicious food which is packed with calories but doesn't fill your stomach, and it's easier to acquire than a balanced meal and it's often offered to you by people who care about you and it can be socially troublesome to try to avoid it.

People are also pretty eugenic when it comes to fat. Nobody wants you to lose weight. Everyone will tell you you look good and even doctors will mostly keep quiet about it, when really they should be yelling at you but there's nothing in it for them.

>> No.69182649

damn I really hit a nerve here

>> No.69182686

LA or San Francisco.

>> No.69182760

Fucking everyone anon. Odds are if you enjoy anime you're a fat fuck.

>> No.69184306

>no u

>> No.69184381

>barely 3 lines of text
>muh triggered lmao!
cope fatty.

>> No.69184462


>> No.69184463

Except you can just be happy.

>> No.69184572

I just engage in bulimia if I overeat, but I have to make sure not to over do it, otherwise I start bleeding. From my esophagus

>> No.69184804

Damn anon, and I felt I was fat when I weight 298, I got injured and was out for almost half a year and lost 51lbs though because I was bear mode I also lost quiet a bit of mass which fucking sucks to rebuild.

>> No.69185367

>fat people somehow have different physiology and the rules of physics do not apply to them


>> No.69185421

if you want a fat fuck just go to the states

>> No.69185445

Based architect bro.

>> No.69185854

People set unrealistic timelines (i.e. losing 20lbs a week), fail, and convince themselves that dieting doesn't work.
Also people try to gaslight you into thinking that being fat is normal and healthy, and that you're anorexic if you weigh less than 180lbs.

>> No.69186169

You fuckers want me to hate Finana but I get an erection any time I hear her speak. And now you are telling me she's chubby too? Fuck you all I'm a Finana fanbase nigger now.

>> No.69186709

They have oral fixations, are more likely to be amicable and are easier to insult in a fight.

>> No.69186756

Don't insult Goblin Slayer by comparing him to a trashy whore

>> No.69186897

at this point, that's a compliment for a nijiEN vtuber

>> No.69187093

Its kind of like a fart fetish, its an online thing, if they ever actually got to fuck a fat girl they would see reality of it sucks. Naked fat girls are not attractive dude.

>> No.69187483

it's unironically the same exact thing, intake/outtake. Which pisses off the "depressed" ego of most people, they don't want to let go of the reasons that they're depressed when they know they can take a walk, watch their favorite media, play their favorite game, go out and make money and friends or fuck a wet slop for 200 or so dollars and it'll all turn-out okay because you rebalanced your intake/outtake.

And conversely, much like the morbidly obese, the morbidly depressed are often at a point of no return due to an extreme amount of intake. Most likely due to them being treacherous subhumans who have no recourse for what they have done, or on the other side of the spectrum a profound happiness was taken from them and the lack there-of is insurmountable. At that point they require intervention, just like the jabbas that get scrapped and scooped off of their fetid couches with a crane.

>> No.69187495

So like weebs wanting a "yandere" gf because they never been with psycho chick before.

>> No.69187759

Don’t care about the bait post just want to suck on the cosplayer’s tits.

>> No.69188150

Yeah, a lot of online fetishes are like that. That's why i mentioned fart fetish. Same with fat girls, fat girls smell dudez the folds hold sweat and it smells rancid, its a very unique and horrible fat person smell. Remember a lot of this guys sexual experiences are largely composed of just jacking off online.

>> No.69188683

the ouroboros of the situation is that having unhealthy body composition and high amounts of white fat in the body cause chemical imbalances that binge eating (temporarily) raise. So it creates this cycle of unhealthiness making you depressed and depression in turn leading you to further make unhealthy choices.

>> No.69188937

had a skinny and attractive gf and was fairly attractive myself, then she went full girlfailure, gained a few pounds and became absolutely unbearable. Nothing I did was enough. Everything was always horrible and it seemed to be my fault that she was unhappy with herself. Eventually I broke mentally under the stress as well as juggling university and family members being hospitalised, so I started gaining weight and developed chronic depression. She was actually worse as a chubster than as an 8/10 thin girl. I got out of that relationship luckily, but I have had better experiences with girls who were happy with themselves and landwhales are rarely that, sadly.

>> No.69191123

Lmao fat people.
Just keep exercising and eat healthier foods. You can do it.

>> No.69191736

Are you a girl?

>> No.69191902

this is literally 90% of them. you dont have to look hard

>> No.69192128


>> No.69192663

Getting sick has also helped me oddly enough, being unable to eat a single thing made my body dispose of nearly all the fat I had for a while.

>> No.69193068

Why so disingenuous?
Being fat is basically a the easy and legal way to be suicidal
Organs at risk, diabetes/cancer/heart/liver/kidney/respiratory diseases , joints and bones constantly under pressure, can't move around like you should

You're going to sit here and tell me that there isn't something wrong with the brains of people who are fat?
That the brains of people who purposefully put themselves at risk of ONLY negative health outcomes are absolutely healthy?

>> No.69193211

Someone post THAT Millie cosplayer

>> No.69193321


>> No.69193592

As an anonita who lost weight years ago but still has massive hips, thighs, medium tits and lots of muscle definition now but tummy pudge the comments here made me smile

>> No.69193675

Most male anons are down for that, go get em' tiger

>> No.69193714
File: 77 KB, 461x682, Wien_NHM_Venus_von_Willendorf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>young anons

>> No.69194638
File: 155 KB, 300x149, eat shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I have the perfect counter img for that but can't be bothered sifting through my folder for it.
You win this time anon.
