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69145847 No.69145847 [Reply] [Original]

So what would be her punishment from the public if the receipts got leaked and she was making everything up or just calling foul on innocuous statements from the other members?

>> No.69145950

>After Niji leaks private documents
She's gonna get that sweet money from the lawsuit.

>> No.69145988

Nothing. There will always be excuses no matter what but she will always be dramabird no matter what.

>> No.69146057

Sister you made another catalog thread after get destroyed >>69141797? Getting desperate are we?

>> No.69146112

one year of grinding as a low 3view

>> No.69146294

One year of having people spamming messages in her streams to remind her what she's done

>> No.69146361

I would turn on her, of course, because that would be the truth in this hypothetical. What else is there to say?

>> No.69146438

So what Nijisanji paid you for making this post, anon.

>> No.69146462

>she effectively slandered dozens of people with no proof to the public

I really don't get this statement.

>> No.69146583

>if the receipts got leaked
the "proof" WILL go public once the lawsuit happens
and then everybody will see how full of shit dooki bird is

>> No.69146610

How exactly could she "make up" the things we've seen Nijisanji management say and do in public?
I swear, you folks seem to think Selen has psychic powers.

>> No.69146659

Who's talking about management? This is about he accusations against the other streamers in niji

>> No.69146702

Anon, that's not how GLORIOUS NIPPON works. Terminating someone's contract is \he modern version of coerced sepukku. This person is literally dead as far as Niji is concerned.

>> No.69146940

They were already leaked and they scared the other livers so much that they preemptively tried to discredit her.

>> No.69146994

she would finally kill herself properly.

>> No.69147110

>So what would be her punishment from the public if the receipts got leaked

>> No.69147159

Nothing. Nijisanji will sweep this shit under the rug (and give some hush money to doki). Next announcement will be "EN Branch managerial makeover", more promise to support talents, and some "I'm sorry statement" to doki.

>> No.69147187

But it was management that started that entire shitshow, they threw your livers under the buss, they told the world that the bully was a talent, so why are you not blaming them?

>> No.69147261

>it's after business hours in asia
>NDF starts shitting up the catalogue
They really do do this for free.

>> No.69147330

They are not innocent, they know what they did.

>> No.69147341

Her punishment is being tied to Nijisanji drama forever. Pomu won, she gets a clean slate, a fresh start, and can make her own future. Selen is defined by this drama, she can say she just wants to have a fresh start but she didn't do anything that will get her that fresh start. She did everything that will make the situation worse and will keep the cycle of non-stop drama going.

>> No.69147353

>This is about he accusations against the other streamers in niji
Which accusations? As far I as can tell, she's avoided pointing at anyone at all.

>> No.69147410

> She did everything that will make the situation worse
Fucking how. She hasn’t made the first move even once, just reacted to the narcissistic spergouts coming from the branch.

>> No.69147441

Easy. Selen is actually EN management and she made Elira, Vox and Ike read the private documents. Now Selen is going to sue Doki for millions of dollars, or Doki is going to sue Selen.

>> No.69147472

The accusations that Anycolor mentioned first and only? Because Doki has NEVER ONCE publicly mentioned Livers bullying her. Not in her tweets, not on her streams. To this day she has still not mentioned livers, either by name or in general, bullying her. That was all Anycolor. Legal documents passed between attorneys are not public, they are not defamation regardless of whether what was written in them was true or not. At worst, she lied in an HR complaint so they could uh... fire her? Oh wait, they already did that.

It's not Doki's fault that Anycolor saw her HR complaint and assumed she was trying to sue them into bankruptcy. It's not Doki's fault that Anycolor decided to come out swinging because of their misunderstanding. It's not Doki's fault that Anycolor repeatedly shot themselves in the foot doing it and made themselves look both evil and incompetent because of it. Doki is not liable for reputational damage they caused to themselves.

Now if you spun it around and asked me if Livers would have a case against Anycolor for reputational damage? I would say yes, they do. Anycolor put out a termination notice that implicated them as potential bullies. The immediate result was a significant drop in subscribers. There is demonstrable damage done to Liver reputations because of that notice. And because Anycolor is a Japanese company, working under Japanese laws, defamation applies whether a statement is true or false. It's an archaic Japanese law, and they definitely violated it. Note: Doki is not under the jurisdiction of Japanese laws as she both lives and works in Canada. They would never be able to naturalize a judgement against her based on that law.

>> No.69147482

>Which accusations?
That's the funny part. Selen didn't publicly accuse anyone of anything and Nijisanji just started flipping the absolute fuck out and incriminating themselves.

>> No.69147526

Sisters have been scrambling in their discord raid to convince anyone they've got a point. They've been failing this whole time

>> No.69147532

that's not even the same thread, it's rather concerning that dokibird canceled her stream too

>> No.69147855

... Oh my fucking god do you think that last part might actually happen? Because holy fuck that would be the funniest possible thing to come out of this

>> No.69147938

Hasn't 39 Daph split from ACEU because he's a party animal and decided to get dicked by a huge model?

>> No.69147992

>Fucking how.
Not understanding it doesn't mean it didn't happen. At the start people said she was doing this and should stop. It didn't stop and now it's getting worse. You can keep asking how but you will just say it's not true, and pat yourself on the back. It's still true and keeps happening, because either it's obvious or some anons can see into the future. Your personal choice of accepting the truth or believing delusion is up to you.

>> No.69148037

Elira will go to prison. Screencap this.

>> No.69148076

It would be hilarious if this turning into a three-way shit-flinging match between Nijisanji, NijiEn, and the NijiEn talent, with Doki entirely forgotten about and just playing Apex.

>> No.69148080

Could it happen? Sure. Would they win? Likely. Will it happen? Almost certainly not. Court cases are extremely expensive and time consuming. They can last many years. Livers frankly do not make enough money to afford a legal battle with Anycolor. And it's a long time to be living with the stress of court over you. I'd throw my meagre financial support behind any that wanted to do it, but I genuinely don't believe any will.

>> No.69148095

lol are you the dragoon that's been posting cp in elira's hastag?

>> No.69148108

She's BPD anon. That's what makes this whole scenario so fucking over the top. Regardless of where you stand it's far from out of the realm of possibility that the bullying she's said she's received is overblown or entirely in her mind. I've dealt with BPD people before. I've had them threaten suicide on me because I didn't comment on something they posted before. I don't know how bad Doki's may be, but if she went far enough to actually go through with an attempt it could be pretty bad. Most my friends ever did was threaten to do so, but fail to find his car keys before he came out of it so he couldn't park on the train tracks like he had planned.

The mistreatment from Nijisanji is obviously undeniable. Anyone can see that. The bullying though? That's another question entirely.

>> No.69148122

Personally I would give her a Academy Award for best acting, don't think she made it up.

>> No.69148276

No. If she or any of her clique is stupid enough to have put down any variation of kys, then they are guilty of counselling suicide and that carries a 14 year prison term under Canadian law.

>> No.69148384

Elira has already fled the country and Japan does not have an extradition treaty with Canada.

>> No.69148473

Ah it's another round of 'she's mentally ill therefore everything is false'

>> No.69148474

if you're an incredibly stunted mentally retarded person and you're trying to negotiate a favorable termination after several rule infractions which you refuse to acknowledge, bringing up vague bullying and lawsuits probably isn't (or possibly could be) the dumbest thing you could think of doing
especially as suicide baiting didn't work in making the company shit their pants to give her whatever she wanted

but then they tripped the landmine and she got all her money in the end anyway lol. I think maybe it was all about a graduation stream all along

one of Selen's complaints literally was the fact that she was 200K down due to all her own menhara spending
>vague bullying accusations
>suicide attempts
>massively irresponsible finances

I see a clear pattern with Selen's behavior here

>> No.69148495

She never even said she was bullied specifically at kurosanji. She only said it was a hostile and toxic work environment, AFTER kurosanji outed themselves by revealing bullying in their termination post.

>> No.69148528

Sisters please form a coherent story please

>> No.69148540

idk about all that but how do you fail TWO suicide attempts if you were actually trying? I'm just saying.

>> No.69148569
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>> No.69148629

>trying to negotiate a favorable termination after several rule infractions
funny how every other niji that quit had no problems doing just that

>> No.69148751

Others have also talked about her lawyer and not just accepting the assumption that he's a good guy and the most professional lawyer. There are a lot of cases even with bigger celebrities and business owners where their lawyers aggravate negotiations or make things worse for their client. It's not even illegal strictly speaking but it gives them job security and is part of the reason why lawyers are always called parasites.
If she's the sort of person that needs someone to be a yes man and confirm everything she's saying, then it's more than likely her lawyer is facilitating her self-destructive behavior.

>> No.69148770

I already believe the truth of the original matter is somewhere in-between, if it starts to look like it was all in her head and management cut her to try and damage control then I'd just laugh at them even harder. Imagine it; if she's completely in the wrong and THIS was their honest attempt to deal with her. Imagine they are in the right and they allowed three of their talents to go on stream and incriminate themselves in the eyes of the public. The sheer levels of incompetence on display is so bad that malice behind their actions seems more plausible. It doesn't matter if she's the victim or not anymore, the branch is a joke.

>> No.69148800

and then all the rest of the current livers at the company that DO follow the rules basically confirmed she's a cunt

>> No.69148816

I can see that you have literally never been in any situation that would need a lawyer in your life.

>> No.69148921

In all fairness from an objective point of view there is nothing that Nijisanji could do short of shutting down that would be a good response to many people. Even then, you would still have many people getting angry about that. No response, any response, it doesn't really matter. All of it has been a point of severe criticism at various points in the timeline. So, in conclusion there is nothing they could do that would be right in the view of the public.

>> No.69149018

>Regardless of where you stand it's far from out of the realm of possibility that the bullying she's said she's received is overblown or entirely in her mind
Part of the bullying involved management shutting down her MV, which Niji themselves proved via their ridiculous stupidity, so the bullying was definitely real and it was probably pretty bad.
>I don't know how bad Doki's may be
Probably not that bad. She lasted in Niji EN for 3 years, tried to peacefully graduate, and only attempted suicide after they wouldn't even let her have that and fucked with her MV.

>> No.69149052

Sure, I have. But if you mean have I ever been in a situation where I breached the contract and needed to negotiate, then no, I'm not a fucking moron. That said I have signed contracts with non-competes and NDAs with penalties of $10k for each day in violation. Getting out of a company peacefully is not an impossible task, you actually have to make a billable effort to kick up this kind of fuss.

>> No.69149068

You don't pay for a lawyer to okay all your bad whims. You pay them to keep you out of trouble. From what I've seen, Doki's lawyer has done an excellent job of that. She's put out restrained responses to Kurosanji's character assassination attempts, and they just look like morons constantly shooting themselves in the foot. If you want to bring her mental illness into it to discredit her, then what does that say about Anycolor, a billion dollar company, when it's getting BTFO by a single shut-in menhera?

>> No.69149101

I still don't get the full timeline with the MV but what did they fuck with it beyond the screenshots from the stream showing they took a couple days to get back to her?

>> No.69149133

so according to your standards of mental health people who threaten suicide when they can't have their way in something are mentally healthy in other words...

>> No.69149225
File: 240 KB, 1024x759, rs_1024x759-220602071359-1024-Elaine_Bredehoft_and_Amber_Heard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't pay for a lawyer to okay all your bad whims. You pay them to keep you out of trouble.
the lawyer gets their money either way retard, what an easy mark

>> No.69149249

they were always going to take a hit. Had they just thrown up a standard corporate tweet informing everyone they terminated Selen for breach of contract they would be in a much better position. It wouldn't be good enough for many, Selen had a big audience and NijiENs track record in the past year has been terrible but their mixed, contradictory responses to all this are a absolute shit show.

>> No.69149462

There are no permissions issues with using liver characters, former or current. Anycolor owns the IP. It was a bullshit excuse used to fuck with her so she would miss Christmas.

>> No.69149465

>It wouldn't be good enough for many,
It actually would have. The long silence was pretty indicative of a pending termination. If anything, it would have acted as final closure and people who wanted to stay in thay audience would have, and the people who would have left if Selen/Doki left would have. Niji didn't only fumble an easy bag, then whirled it at breakneck speed into their own face.

>> No.69149654

You pay them and then they do what they need to do. You're delusional.

>> No.69149696

Honestly, she and her team made so much money. It's ridiculous.

>> No.69149724

Women don't shoot themselves in the head like men do. The female suicide success rate is hilariously low because they always try cutting and pills over hanging and guns.

>> No.69149796

People were already hating corporate responses. They took the standard corporate response of not disclosing her attempt to save her embarrassment. Everyone turned that around on them. There is objectively nothing they can do, and not doing anything is bad too.

>> No.69149810
File: 88 KB, 1487x1146, 0af5fe31d25281fa2db0faaa1885dd7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the "proof" WILL go public once the lawsuit happens
>and then everybody will see how full of shit dooki bird is

>> No.69149876 [SPOILER] 

I feel like, if dokibird's goal was to shit stir with fake bullying accusations, wouldn't she be naming names? Lying about bullying but not actually naming your bullies doesn't achieve anything

>> No.69149922

>It wouldn't be good enough for many,
it wouldn't have lead to 6k+ people unsubbing from every other nijiEN talent if that's all they'd said that's for sure. The entire reason that unsubbing happened is because they admitted there was harassment going on and fired the victim and not the criminal.

>> No.69149932

Jesus, can't you come up with something better than "dooki bird"? It's like calling someone a poopy head or something. You sound like an immature retard.

>> No.69150028

It does. Proof is all of history.

>> No.69150076

She never even brought up bullying. NijiEN did in the termination notice and then Elira doubled down by actually mentioning specific names.

>> No.69150117

Anon, people are shitting on niji not because of the Doki tweets, but because of their retarded responses again and again literally making doki tweets true.

>> No.69150175

literally her first message back after the month long disappearance

>> No.69150206

>"Claimed harassment"
>"Claimed harassment"
>"Claimed harassment"
get it fucking right, god fucking damn

>> No.69150276

She's not trying to stir shit, anon. She's trying to move on and Niji keeps tearing into her, which causes these drama fuckers to "fight back" against the grain because they get off on seeing shit burn.

>> No.69150316

Does it? Has anyone ever been cancelled over vagueposting?

>> No.69150334

Cool, nijisanji confirmed that claim twice, termination notice and black screen stream. So, I guess it's true then?

>> No.69150347

trying to get money off of a company you want to leave because if your own inability to manage finances is stirring shit, I would be surprised if they didn't try to counter that lawsuit especially since she started it before the termination

>> No.69150399

My mistake. She just broadly said bullying and harassment from within NijiEN while NijiEN said it came from the livers.

>> No.69150440

She has never publicly mentioned talents bullied or harassed her. Not a once. Feel free to prove me wrong. I won't hold my breath though.

>> No.69150452

So its your turn to show where nijiEN said it came from the livers, yeah?

>> No.69150513

Yeah, that's my point. It's unlikely that she's lying maliciously because if she were, she would be trying to naming names and get people shitcanned.

>> No.69150532
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Any other stupid fucking non arguments you feel like making today?

>> No.69150539

The more you claim Doki is full of shit, the more you assert that NijiSanjiEN is incompetent for lowering themselves to that level.

....I wonder if that argument would make good grounds for a defamation case.

>> No.69150577

It was truly a masterful play by NijiEN

>> No.69150602

>she claimed

>> No.69150619

ah this whole time I thought you meant nijisanji confirmed that she was bullied, not confirmed that she claimed she was bullied

>> No.69150637

Doki's not even suing tho. The document she sent via her lawyers wasn't a lawsuit. How is she getting money for this?

>> No.69150643

and funny thing is
>Niji confirmed it

>> No.69150717

what else would a document from a lawyer filed at the company employing her be? lmao
their talents being incompetent and trying to win favors from the management doesn't mean shit

>> No.69150814

>in conclusion there is nothing they could do that would be right in the view of the public.
There is.
Let her graduate. Simple as.
The next best is termination, the statement would simply be "We terminate Selen for X and wish her the very best in her future endeavors" a la Mel's termination. Professional, no hint of hostility. Being professional about it, saying just enough to fulfill PR obligations, no more, no less.

Instead they tried the same move they did with Zaion.

>> No.69150877

This won't happen, why speculate

>> No.69150938

Legal negotiation. Doki wanted out of her contract cause the work enviroment was cause her to want to unalive herself.

>> No.69150942

NDF trying to control the narrative.

>> No.69150949

I think what they did was wrong but it shows just how annoyed and tired of her the management/livers had been she probably slighted quite a few people to make them publish such a manifesto. Still incredibly unprofessional

>> No.69150963

You are now aware that Livers are under contract. You are now aware that breaking a contract by ending it early tends to have HEAVY penalties; to discourage people from doing so. You are now aware that an HR complaint citing irreconcilable differences, with proof, is a good way to get around that and out of your contract; so that you can go about the rest of your life in peace. You are now aware that the previous sentence doesn't apply to employees of Anycolor, because the company will assume you are fucking suing them out of spite instead of trying to quit.

>> No.69151031

She claimed she was bullied and had a bad working environment
The public can safely assume this means management since she has publicly aired grievances with management and has gone behind their backs (which was a reason given for termination) when she felt they were doing this harassment
NijiEN for whatever reason confirms that livers were also a part of this harassment
NijiEN brought their own talent into a claim that didn't specify any talent was involved. Elira took it even further by straight up saying Millie, Enna and herself are mentioned in the document with the bullying claims.

This is why I can't believe the bullying claim was to stir shit or fake. NijiEN couldn't help but give up info that Doki wasn't going to share.

>> No.69151117

and yet many livers from niji specifically quit and seem to be doing really well now without making a shit storm or airing out their dirty laundry about their menhera which Im certain all of them are

>> No.69151239

You know there is unironically a long waiting time before graduations right? Pomu's graduation was decided in July, if not earlier. Mysta had to wait nearly a year. They had to keep streaming during those months despite not wanting to. That's why Mysta kept saying he didn't give a fuck about his content anymore. Because he didn't. He was doing what he had to do to not break his contract. No more, no less. Doki did not want to remain in the company for months and months until they decided she was allowed to graduate or her contract ran out. Not right after having a mental break that lead to her attempting suicide.

>> No.69151348

If Elira gets fired over this will she be able to stay in Japan? Guess she'll fly to another nonextradition country then

>> No.69151388

she made it sound like she wanted to quit for a long time yet she didn't, to me it sounds she wanted to milk money from the company as much as possible before doing so hence the legal document and they weren't having it
A lot of people before her just stopped being active for months before graduation and she had all the reasons to do just the same

>> No.69151490

She would have a grace period before they revoked her visa. She could find another job in another company during that time. Otherwise, she would be out. I believe the grace period is 3 months for Japan.

>> No.69151652

Why are you blaming doki for this? Nijisanji are the ones airing dirty laundry, doki just want to play neopets.

>> No.69151689

Unironically, what would stop her from just starting her own Japanese company and giving herself a visa?

>> No.69151748

That will be autowin for Doki. And death for NijiEN.

>> No.69151771

well her tricks sure did work on you, but she clearly accused livers and the company of shit but in a LEGAL document likely demanding money, why would anyone not try to deflect that? When it backfired she's like "I just wanna move on, leave me alone plsss"

>> No.69151828

I don't really know how to say this without being insulting to a Nijisanji fan, but I sincerely promise I'm not trying to be mean about this. So here it is: There is no way in hell she was trying to milk money out of Nijisanji. She didn't make a single dollar in profit in the last year she was there. She's guaranteed to make more money as an indie. Getting out asap WAS her way of making more money, as she no longer needs to split donations and merch with the company. At most she could have asked, politely, for her cancelled MV to be reimbursed, but there's no legal grounds for forcing that. No lawyer would even make an attempt.

>> No.69151877

there is no worse punishment then being you OP

>> No.69151950

If they hadn't put out the 15 minute black box video and kept their fucking mouths shut then they might have gotten sentiment back in their favor. But they did put out the 15 minute black box video so even if the docs look like the last 5 minutes of The Usual Suspects including video of Selen killing Rushia's cat, Selen wearing a fake mustache buying drinks for Mel and convincing her to break NDA, Selen pouring mysterious vials into the water at a Chinese wet market in 2019 and CCV footage of her being in the grassy knoll at Abe's assassination... public sentiment won't change.
This is going to be a case-study in business schools.

>> No.69151964

>without being insulting to a Nijisanji fan
can you stop assuming everyone who doesn't jump on the dokibird defense train is a nijisister?
ok go on now
>She didn't make a single dollar in profit in the last year she was there
200k is more than twice than the average person makes in a year, and that's only in the US/Canada. Her being "broke" is because she feels entitled to a certain lifestyle who undoubtedly her rich Chinese parents provided her with and also her being unable to manage her capital or get accustomed to her new income and realizing its not infinite

>> No.69151967

>but she clearly accused livers and the company of shit but in a LEGAL document likely demanding money,
What are you basing that on?

>why would anyone not try to deflect that?
No. You do not respond to legal documents from a terminated employee by running a fucking character assassination live-stream about them.

>> No.69151975

In this case it wouldn't be a work visa, it would be a startup visa. It's actually an entirely separate category that they have specifically for this because countries like attracting foreign businesses. Unfortunately it has some pretty stringent requirements. You have to have an approved business plan, pay to set up a company, rent an office, have some employees, etc. They try their best to make sure you aren't cheating the system by setting up some ghost company just so you can live in their country without contributing.

>> No.69151985

>demanding money
>source: dude trust me
What makes you so sure she was demanding money?

>> No.69152002

stop it with this dramabird shit

>> No.69152054

what else would the possible cause or reason behind a legal document be? Lawyers are freaking expensive

>> No.69152178

>can you stop assuming everyone who doesn't jump on the dokibird defense train is a nijisister?
In fairness, the majority of them are, but I apologize nevertheless.
In her case I think it's less about a life of luxury and more about her constantly commissioning things. Good artists are extremely expensive. To put it plainly, she spent a hell of a lot of money on projects. Some of those projects were cancelled after the money was spent on them, and the ones that remained didn't see enough return on investment. That likely wouldn't be the case if she wasn't sharing her income with the company. I'm not saying soley Anycolor is at fault for her bad finances(though the 2% merch cut is still fucking bullshit). I'm simply saying that her financial "plan" is more likely to work if she's independent, and therefore earning more back from each dollar spent.

>> No.69152265

Yeah I'm with this anon. Dooki birb is full of shit XD
A company as good as The Niji would never publish contradicting massages on their official platforms.
Or have it's 2 main branches publish PR releases on the 2 ends of the spectrum
Or be incompetent enough to not be able to validate their own IP for close to 40 hours
Or fail to read the room enough to not shill merch during a PR nightmare.
Or not be smart enough to shut the fuck up during a stock nosedive

>> No.69152281

Anycolor are penny pinchers but if she was willing to put more time into looking for good, lesser known artists than commissioning every big one who associates with her senpais she would've been ok. Even the most expensive rigs and models hover only at about 20k and I think it was 30k in Veis case or something? And Selen didn't even have a 3D model. So she clearly felt entitled to all of that and thought it would be reimbursed or justified. She spent the money before being cleared for spending these amounts, that's my theory at least

>> No.69152372

>Or fail to read the room enough to not shill merch during a PR nightmare.
to be fair they only shilled their merch with unrelated matters and livers, why would they concentrate only on their one graduating talent and not on all the other they still have in? The whole world doesn't revolve around Doki, no matter how much she wants it to. The teams shilling and the legal teams are most likely unrealted
When did any company stop operating just because one of their talents decides to shit in their bed

>> No.69152459

Mostly IQ

>> No.69152478

basically everyone would do a 180 and and everyone who's getting shit now would be in selens place and selen would be in their place. That's how internet and media in general works

>> No.69152512
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x2151, 1707317417029598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ummm guise have you considered that the blatantly sociopathic bitches that have been suspected as such for YEARS before this incident thanks to repeated yabs that prove their snake nature are actually the good guys and innocent dindus??
>and that the girl who has a widely positive reputation especially along actual content creators and professional entities is le bad guy and making everything up?

>> No.69152513

Here's a rrat:
>NijiEN mobilised "da bois" in that message vid [Vox and Ike] knowing full well how toxic their yume fanbases get when their """boyfriends""" are threatened.
>The slew of unsubs on Vox's, Ike's and the other boy's channels incensed these yumes
>They scheme on their discords compiling disingenuous talking points
>They raid multiple social media platforms, including this one
>They post their talking points and self-bump each other, circlejerking, creating and saturating boards with artificial narratives to shift lurker perspectives

>> No.69152607

>Catching flak for treating your talents like slaves
>"Livers are here to serve!"
Sure it doesn't revolve around one graduation, but it's not one graduation is it? at that time there where literally more niji graduations than Gura streams in the past 3 months.

>When did any company stop operating just because one of their talents decides to shit in their bed
>Hello Games
It's not about stopping all function it's about shutting the fuck and waiting for things to blow over.
Seriously Niji staff can't manage themselves out of a wet paper bag

>> No.69152610

Well, in regards to models, Livers literally are not allowed to just go out and commission 3D and such. Management strictly regulates who is allowed to have real 3D. The chibi models that they have for VRchat were actually commissioned by Selen though. She paid out of pocket for that.

Live2D models as well, Selen wanted to do a contest for her outfit, which actually led to a lot of drama. Anycolor first refused the contest, and she had to fight for it. Then they refused to let her offer any sort of prize money for the winners, and she had to for that too. Eventually it was decided that the top 3 would be paid $1k out of Selen's pocket, and that every single submission, winner or otherwise, would belong solely to Anycolor to do with as they please. It was all very public, and it made management look like shit. This was the big breaking point where management soured to her.

>> No.69152613

>>and that the girl who has a widely positive reputation especially along actual content creators and professional entities is le bad guy and making everything up?
A lot of her former coworkers (that are out of niji) and others she collabed with have been surprisingly quiet. I think some of the others, especially ones smaller than her are hoping to get a piece of the cake by siding with her while she is at the height of her popularity

>> No.69152663

that's not a rrat but assuming anyone not seeing Dokis actions as genuine is paid by Niji or even their fan is stupid

>> No.69152695

3k is nothing, and even all of those expenses combined do not amount to 200k anon

>> No.69152791

Like I said: Contract negotiation. Lawyers aren't just for lawsuits. They help laymen navigate legal issues

>> No.69152856

Of course not. I was pointing out that Anycolor is so cheap that they initially refused to even let her pay out of pocket for a contest because it would set expectations that future contests would also have prize money. Most of her commissions were art and assets for her streams. As well as projects, like the $15k she spent on that MV which was her breaking point.

>> No.69153286

She literally did everything to de-escalate while protecting herself. Dafuq do you want her to do? Deliberately lie to make herself look bad just so she can save kurosanji EN?

>> No.69153289

>A lot of her former coworkers (that are out of niji) and others she collabed with have been surprisingly quiet
>A lot
Define "A lot"
That point can also be levered towards your livers.
As far as I know, only daph39 stood in solidarity with them.
Meanwhile, K9kuro only stated that if things got out [evidence of shenanigans coming out with receipts and the perpetrators held accountable] things could get bad after the termination announcement.
Considering his history of comments insinuating bad practices within Nijisanji and that it was a message after the announcement it could be inferred that he insinuated Nijisanji itself but remained vague for plausible deniability against accusations of slander/defamation.

>> No.69153725

her first

>> No.69153809

>Paid shills
>Statement makes no mention of paid shills
>Specifically mentions yume fans and not fans in general
>Specifically refers to those acting in bad faith
See, already strawmanning.
Also, what's it called when someone [posters within this thread] tries to discredit another person's claims by positing that they're mental health is questionable?
Ad hominem to put it lightly.
But specifically it insinuates that because a person has a disability their claims, needs and wants are now invalid.
That's called ableism.
It's euphemistic to call it disingenuous when what people here are doing is reprehensible and exclusionary.

>> No.69154474

What ever truth retards think she’s hiding would garner enough punishment with the legal system she’s trying to go through.

Man I love when people ask this same brain rot question. There literally would be no other outcome if the shit she’s brought up so far isn’t true.

>> No.69154716

>he thinks you can make up an imaginary lawyer and an imaginary hospital visit

>> No.69154787

>is causing the company major cause she can't act like an adult
>"sh-she didn't do muffin"
she's lying about the terms of these papers, no company would leak to "third parties" (as if, since they're stated in said papers) if they signed not to, it's just another case where she can go "s-s-see how baaaaaad they are" which they fell for, she won't show anything unless a lawsuit happens

>> No.69154865

it's only a legal matter because she's a grifting pro -china communist, anon.

>> No.69155300

It's not a matter of disbelieving she was hospitalized for a suicide attempt. It's whether or not receipts showing something that would constitute bullying exist. Did Enna put together an offcollab for all canadians but exclude Selen, and she felt bullied by not being invited? Or did she repeatedly get heckled whenever talking in their official discord channels and started feeling anxiety anytime she needed to post something, which most people would actually constitute bullying in the workplace?
All we have now are the vague words of doki saying she dealt with bullying and harassment, and the niji statement confirming that's what the letter from her lawyer claimed, which the public has taken to mean X specific livers are responsible for pushing Selen to suicide

>> No.69155592

inb4 it's another Rushia situation where people blindly defend the "victim" before having the full information and then get completely blown out when the truth finally surfaces and the "victim" turns out to be the real culprit

>> No.69155617

They scheduled their stream at the same time as her stream on purpose. Is that how mature adults act?

>> No.69155689
File: 39 KB, 418x468, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niji has now become so impossible to reasonably defend that the NDF has had to change their tactics from "Doki is in the wrong" to "okay so maybe Niji are in the wrong but HYPOTHETICALLY what if Doki is in the wrong?"

>> No.69155785

>on purpose
proof next thread?

>> No.69155804

Literally only braindead fandead defended michael cat

>> No.69156218

Nah plenty of twitter and Reddit warriors defended rushia just because she was on the side against something they'd been groomed to here

>> No.69157199

none, cause the hatred towards the corpo still valid
>people got cucked out of their projects with or without selen lying
>AR live was cancellated over false pretense of covid with or without selen lying
>yugo got terminated unceremoniously with or without selen lying
>zaion was dragged and burn on a stake with or without selen lying
>Matara alluded to useless management was with or without selen lying
>Kuro alluded to the same with or without selen lying

>> No.69157812

Slander is a word used to describe ones baseless statements that are harmful to other people
"proofless slander" is just the same as saying "stupid dumbass"
It is astonishing how blind nijicucks are willingly

>> No.69159887

literally only vshojo is not extending their hand to doki, because they still a corpo
anyone else related to her is on her side
rpr, dtto, u-san, zaion(not so much related she just want to be vindicated), apex pro#1 through #10 and artists she worked with

>> No.69162053


>> No.69162490

>high-risk job requiring skill, talent, passion, motivation and overworking just to get by
>comparing to average 9to5 burger flipper
Try better, sister

>> No.69163528

She'll probably attempt another suicide

>> No.69164049

Matara said how hollywood is a scary and dirty place and Zen is following Doki. They understandably just don't want to get involved in drama they have no real business with.

>> No.69164077

"I wouldn't have to keep hitting you if you'd have just kept your mouth shut." We're graduating from bullying to full-on abuse, NDF truly are subhuman.

>> No.69165486 [DELETED] 

>Getting ganged up on by multiple colleagues complaining about why you went against the company's might will is a form of bullying and harrassment.
>Having a hit piece shown live, in a time chosen to cause the most amount of incovenience, with ex-colleagues passive-aggressively saying how disappointed they are in you is a form of bullying and harrassment.
>Having colleagues publicly laugh behind your back in a off-collab stream, without even trying to make it not obvious who is it they're talking about, is a form of bullying and harrassment.
Selen might as well be exaggerating some things, but she's definitely not outright lying.

>> No.69165593

All sisters are immature retards who peaked in high school and never grew past it.

>> No.69167149


>> No.69167564

Still waiting for that Zaion lawsuit...two more weeks?

>> No.69167887

The channels are owned by Anycolor
So it would be Anycolor suing Anycolor

>> No.69168058

Still an absolute Chad for making a billionaire CEO bend over like a bitch.

>> No.69168214

I never understood the purpose of nijisanjiEN. At least cover tried to find people with work experience or large online followings, while it always seemed like anycolor just picked any random always online twitter profile. Of course this was going to blow up, it did like 40 times already.

>> No.69168354

This hypothetical doesn't even fit Niji's own statements. Even if you assume everything that Doki said is a lie, there's still the corroborating statements from Niji.

>> No.69168617
File: 555 KB, 576x717, pic-selected-240215-0910-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love making easy money off of twitterfags. Obvious buy is obvious.

>> No.69168678

I've got some bad news...

>> No.69168807

You realize that bs drama doesn't even register for VCs right? Most of them are of the opinion that a toxic work enviornment is good for stock prices. eg activation

>> No.69168900

Nothing, the internet already decided she's a perfect angel who will always be right.

>> No.69168996

The VCs don't know about the GURRAT.

>> No.69169122

At this point she could've made everything up, but Nijisanji has handled their response in the worst way possible. That's on them, not her.

>> No.69169131

EN could close tomorrow and the line would go up, there y/y is 8% and then they lose operating costs from EN, they not even be in the red. They apparently also have 6B in free cash flow. Did they spend 6B this year? I doubt it.

>> No.69169188

They spent 2.5b on the buyback

>> No.69169283

Even if it turns out she was a paranoid schizophrenic behind the scenes that doesn’t change the incompetence from NijisanjiEN management’s side. Even if she threatened to go public she never actually did until Nijisanji decided to say shit about her first. Words, especially words said behind the scenes, mean nothing at this point because her public actions have all been clean.

>> No.69169758
File: 595 KB, 639x617, babu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless Selen also attempted suicide after not getting her voice pack, not being able to host her tournament, and not being able to have an art contest then she doesn’t have a track record for merely threatening suicide when she “doesn’t get her way.”

>> No.69170069

And they will reissue. The only problem with cover and anycorp is that they are entertainment companies larping as tech for the big bucks. This is fine unless they get anxious about low vc investment and start actual tech r&d or the VI meme which will fail horribly and bankrupt them.

>> No.69170086

Twitter and Reddit were only on her side when it came to the boyfriend allegations and that was only because they have a hateboner for unicorns. Once it was revealed she was terminated for being a retard leaking NDA no one was on her side.

>> No.69170772

If you are salaried you are always on the clock. "It's after business hours" sounds like some lazy bullshit from pathetic worms with no loyalty to their company.

>> No.69173604

we have no idea who you're talking about. Your Oshi Riku perhaps?

>> No.69173672

By now we know that they never pay anyone.

>> No.69173738
File: 145 KB, 800x600, 1707442518737008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's literally dead right now, Nijitrannies effectively killed her in a public execution. So not sure what you are babbling about

>> No.69173934

You mean the ones that kuroniggi admitted to in their statements and leaks?
Don't forget it was kuroniggi that first said there was bullying in their termination manifesto. It was Elira that named names in the terrorist video. And it was kuroniggi hijacking Selen's twitter to tell people she was in the hospital.

>> No.69174025

Niji would have already leaked it if there was anything like that.

Dont be dumb op

>> No.69174207

how did she slander them? she hasn't publicly named anyone. almost every piece of info we've received over the course of this shitshow has been from niji or one of their livers.

>> No.69174700

Being forgotten in less than a year. Same as if she's proven to be completely in the right, too.

>> No.69175439

She named the person known as anycolor

>> No.69176189

>lawyers make things worse for their clients
they should be disbarred then, lawyers are legally required to give the best legal advice to their clients and only act in their best interests

>> No.69177052

Never, she's a woman

>> No.69178635

please, post documentation that makes selen look bad
>it won't backfire
>your reputation cant get worse

>> No.69178891

She never did publicly. They did. Twice. Now it's open season.

>> No.69181096

You are retarded. You don't have to name someone to publicly slander them if people can reasonably assume who you're talking about. Companies can also sue for defamation, it doesn't have to be a person

Doki saying she was bullied within Niji and she was put in a toxic work environment is libel. Which she can be sued for

>But Nijisanji made the claims public first!
Doesn't matter. Doki made the claims and caused clear as day evidence to damaging the reputation and business of Niji

>> No.69181367

They won't sue her, because it'll get proved the bullied her and their work environment is toxic. Funny how that works, huh?

>> No.69181749

Anon, how could they "reasonably" assume who it is?

>> No.69181882

Copying this over from the other NDF Faggot thread

What literally none of you doxxsisters seem to understand is that it doesn't matter if doki was an oversensitive menhera, Digging through this shit to justify the utter retardation of nijisanji's response doesn't change their response, Lining up the fucking video with doki's neopets stream is literally the most vindictive and blatant thing ever, Nothing else matters, Literally nothing, It doesn't matter if the document was literally schizo scribbling, It doesn't matter if it was misunderstood translations, The actions and response by niji is LITERALLY the only reason for their downfall, Nothing else matters, No amount of "Kek fat menhera dookiebird kek" posting will change that

>> No.69182072

You know what the funniest part about this is?
Selen did her job, and she did it well. She wasn't fired over her job performance, but over whether or not they they could manipulate her enough, and they already admitted it.

>> No.69182193

Not worth contemplating because your delusions aren't real.

>> No.69182236

>But nijisanji made the claims public first
NDF retard think it through for a second, Libel requires PUBLIC slander, Her sending in a private HR document, And SIGNING it off as being private, (And listen i know you are a braindead fucktard but please follow me here) MEANS SHE INTENDED IT TO STAY F U C K I N G P R I V A T E, As in, She had 0 intention of ever slandering or libeling anybody or anything, Niji posting that shit FIRST means doki is doing nothing but defending HERSELF FROM LIBEL, Niji accuses her of accusing them, So she needs to put out a statement to either confirm it OR deny it, If she confirms it, It's somehow libel, but if she says she DIDN'T accuse them of anything, Then she is calling them liars and that's ALSO libel, I don't care how backwards or inbred japanese slander laws are, That is literally entrapment and a "do or don't your fucked either way" situation

>> No.69182442

i mean, she was one of the hardest peddlers of niji unity outwardly when it came to promoting others via big projects and collabs. she organized animated music video for luxiem. wrestlesanji. tsb tourney. literally the mv where all this bs is taking place, it features basically every en liver in a positive light.

literally, simple termination with no airing dirty laundry, let her just head out, and none of this would have gotten to be as big of a dumpster fire as it is.

>> No.69182456

It would be entrapment if Nijisanji intended it. They're just too stupid and grasped for whatever they could while their head was being pushed underwater by the feet of their fans'.

>> No.69182527

Correct. If they just stopped at termination, Doki would have simply gone on to streaming as an indie.

>> No.69182583

>fire Selen
I think you understand the entire situation now, no?

>> No.69182606

Please keep encouraging kurosanji to leak more legal documents. It's been working out great for them so far!

>> No.69182655

>Oh she’s mentally ill mentally ill
>Continue to feel bad for her but moreso with pity
She still wins, the other Livers just get more sympathy

>> No.69182677

Doki is a scummy liar who thought she was invincible once she saw the public support and let herself dig her own grave in her arrogance.
>but nijisanji-
Yeah, they are also scummy liars. Simple as that. This is a happy story where every bad guy is getting their comeuppance. The only people who lose are the ones who blindly believe strangers in the internet out of a sense of belonging or whatever it is that makes them so retarded.

>> No.69182793

I am not authorized to give legal advice, however suppose you were able to leak documents that painted Selen/Dokibird as being a disgusting, manipulative sociopath, it would completely exonerate Millie and Enna, Elira as well as the rest of the EN branch. My opinion of Doki would completely 180 and the corporations stocks would rise again. Hypothetically speaking of course, I don't think Elira or whoever is running things over there has the gall to leak anymore documents at this point since they're completely inferior to Doki in every way now.

>> No.69182856

The sisters keep posting about Japanese defenation laws as if those matter for Selen, but Niji proper might legitimately have a case against EN's management at this point. Nobody else has damaged the company's reputation nearly as much.

>> No.69182941

A whole lotta text to say nothing. Her twitter statement was public retard.

>> No.69182944

DDF: Stop harassing my gf

>> No.69183092

Okay, but suppose no such documents exist, and if they did we would have seen Vox read them off already.
Niji is fucked.

>> No.69183132

I just hope they're goaded into leaking more documents.

>> No.69183147

I agree with this post. I firmly believe that the best course of action would be for Elira and company to bring out any evidence that would help prove how Selen was in the wrong.

>> No.69183150

whats funnier to me is that these same people will go on twitter and scream MISOGYNY but will turn around and use a mental illness as a "SHE IS A BAD GUY!!!" gotcha

don't these kids have homework or something?

>> No.69183238

I think they blew their wad already. If we get any more docs, they're coming from Doki.

>> No.69183431

Marriage to me.

>> No.69183503

>There are a lot of cases even with bigger celebrities and business owners where their lawyers aggravate negotiations or make things worse for their client.
Usually in cases like these the lawyer works for the agent, not the celebrity.

>> No.69183714

Maybe learn english then SEANigger

>> No.69183901

>Everyone loses
>Doki has 550k subs, Her merch sold out, Every stream spammed with supas and streamlabs donos And even on her UNMONITIZED apex stream she got like 1000 gifted memberships
Yeah sure she is TOTALLY losing, Cope harder nijifag

>> No.69183926

Nothing? Like everything that's fucked up about the current situation is NijiEN stepping in a pile of shit and then trying to wipe their shoe off... in another pile of shit.

The worst thing that can happen to doki is that she drops back down to a 2 or 3view

>> No.69184016

excellent cope, are all the other sisters gonna start spamming "DDF" in the next 15 minutes? so pathetic lmao

>> No.69184141

>she made it sound like she wanted to quit for a long time yet she didn't
Doki graduated from being an indie with a last cup of coffee MV as her graduation announcement. Her plan was clearly to do the same thing as selen. She has been working on that MV for over a year, with the intention that it was going to be her last major content as selen and would be her graduation announcement, and the next few weeks were just the standard 'collab with everyone and final merch run and then play a branchwide crabgame and one final 24hr zatsu so niji can milk the brand of selen tatsuki for all it is worth'. Selen had the january graduation slot, and when she got terminated pomu asked to move up to it, which is why her announcement was so sudden.

>> No.69184155

This is the real reason Nijisanji attacked her. She's putting entire NIJI BRANCHES on blast (even if you add them together).
Not only are they seething about killing their golden goose, but they think they're entitled to that traffic, when they never once earned it.

>> No.69184222

Even beyond what others have said about such a lawyer being a bottom barrel nobody if not booted from the profession, a lot of NA/EU lawyers who handle employment disputes don't even charge unless they win because it's so easy to get an open-and-shut case or settlement. There's absolutely no incentive to be this retarded.

>> No.69184226

I hope so, because I wouldn't even find it an insult. Shit, I'd put it in a profile and wear a badge.
No shame in defending someone who is right. NDF on the other hand...

>> No.69184588

>Not only are they seething about killing their golden goose
They didnt even kill the golden goose. They kicked the golen goose out to the street and someone else found it and made it lay more golden eggs than ever before.

>> No.69184805

Niji Livers probably have a case against EN's managment... if they aren't part of it.

>> No.69184850

>one of Selen's complaints literally was the fact that she was 200K down due to all her own menhara spending
Every time I see someone bring this up against Selen/Doki, they never mention the part where most, if not all, of this spending was supposed to be covered by the company and all the people she worked with came out and blatantly stated that they were supposed to be paid by the company but had to be paid out of Selen's on pocket because NijiEN was too retarded to get it done themselves. Very curious how that part keeps getting left out. Almost like it's intentionally trying to misrepresent facts that are easily verifiable.

>> No.69184905

I mean, not as much when Nijisanji EN shat the bed so spectacularly, the brown spot could be seen from the ISS

Her views would most definitely fall off, and if she is as menhera as you postulate, it might lead into a death spiral of her channel and of her self. Even then there would be people giving her way too much benefit of the doubt.
That hypothetical requires some direcf proof against her accusations. You could smear crap on her all you want like her gamer moments on stream, but it wouldn't stick. If she is lying, show me the contradiction, the clash between reality and fiction.

Here's a kicker: NijiEN will continue to get barraged with justifiable hatred and burned at the stake again and again until the yacht sailors in charge either:
amputate the EN branch and cauterize the wound, forever blocking themselves off the English market because frankly it's sometimes more trouble than it's worth
treat the EN branch by thoroughly investigating it, and then cutting out all of the pus and dead tissue that caused the problem
leave it as is because muh seniority and watch them get obliterated.

>> No.69185140

In this hypothetical scenario, it wouldn't even be her fault. Anything she has, her lawyer reviewed and agreed with. This is why it makes this whole situation with people defending Nijisanji so funny, because it's a billion-dollar company struggling to appear equal to one menhera in court.

>> No.69185213

This is the real reason the stock dropped. It wasn't the Dokibird controversy. People heard, "Niji don't pay bills," so they checked and realized they were behind on a lot of shit, so people stopped doing business with them.

>> No.69185444

>Pomu's graduation was decided in July, if not earlier. Mysta had to wait nearly a year. They had to keep streaming during those months despite not wanting to.
Nijisanji forcing livers to keep streaming until their contracts end might explain why they need to convince the EN fan base that only Selen was miserable. They need to convince the fans to buy into that deception quickly before it becomes obvious how many of their livers hate management. If they can trick fans into funding the yacht after 3 graduations maybe they will continue even after the next 6 graduations.

>> No.69185597

>couldn't get her shit together to the very end
Classic BPD women

>> No.69186041

also, she never phrased it as blaming it on the company. it was a story about her mom getting on her case for being so irresponsible with her own money because of spending on big projects. she admitted she has a problem with spending for big projects, mentioned that mr. man can get her in touch with sponsors for the big projects so she doesn't need to spend so much of her own money on them, but didn't condemn niji at all in her own statements.

>> No.69186296

As with all of these things so far, she hasn't really confirmed much of anything except after the fact. Most of what we know originally came from NijiEN themselves (i.e. the notice and the video) or from people she worked with who didn't sign NDAs because NijiEN couldn't ever get the right name on them. All Doki's ever said has been in response to something else, usually after a delay (presumably to consult with her lawyer about whether it's okay to talk about something that's suddenly been made public by someone else).

>> No.69186427

That's the bottom line why watching the nijisisters try to cook up an unhinged rrat is so fucking funny to witness.

>> No.69186508

The funny part? She, a supposed menhera, had enough wherewithal to predict their bullshit and had another proper legal response already drawn up.
It just makes them look like she's playing chess and they're choking the checkboard pieces.

>> No.69186819

>couldn't get her shit together
She had her shit together and then niji mangement turned around at the last second and said 'hey actually you arent going to stop working for the company right now we want to wait another few weeks' and she said 'actually i think I am going to stop working for the company' and then she did.

Think of it like the US agreement to leave afganistan by may 1.

>> No.69186850

Kill yourself

>> No.69186873

As the saying goes, third times the charm.

>> No.69187335

Muster all the power you can from your two digit IQ and re-read my post. Also notice the irony that is you telling me to cope while you cope by believing anyone who isn't sucking Selen's dick is a nijifag.

>> No.69188574

it does fucking matter that nijisanji made the claims public you absolute unironic retard

>> No.69191139

dunno lol
