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69153170 No.69153170 [Reply] [Original]

Hypothetically if months later it comes out Elira did nothing wrong except be favored by management and Selen was just having series of BPD episodes and warping events into some weird persecution complex, would you care? How would you apologize?

>> No.69153273


>> No.69153282

Only if Elira's made into a public meat toilet, nijisister.

>> No.69153329

>How would you apologize
Rape therapy.

>> No.69153377

Apologize for what? The only thing I've criticized her for is for releasing a dogshit, ill-timed and poorly thought out statement, on the cusp of the drama dying down. Her being innocent of every other rrat can't excuse her of that.
Whoever was involved in making that statement made the situation monumentally worse for everyone else in the branch.

>> No.69153524

If Dokibird was lying whe wouldn't be so eager to to move on. It was the company that decided to add fuel to the fire. And I don't think she'd be eager to get a defamation lawsuit.

>> No.69153531

This doesn't hold up when management and elira have been publicly persecuting doki when all she wanted to do was stream fucking neopets
even in a world where elira was innocent before, she objectively became the bully when she started airing out her grievances toward a girl who'd recently tried taking her life and was in the process of moving on
but the fact that she cared more about her and the company's image, over the well-being of doki, is really all you need to know what kind of environment she's been creating within nijien until that point

>> No.69153608

It'll be funny if elira choose some other organs as a scapegoat for the dumpster fire statement, an that organ happens to be millie

>> No.69153616

Do you not understand what hypothetically means?

>> No.69153639

Unnecessary fan service has been added to the show

>> No.69153674

hypothetically, niji still had two crucifiction terminations among other shady shit happening and Elira volunteering to defend that shit with her stream is not something to be forgiven lightly.

>> No.69153683

I'd apologize and kneel. I just don't buy it because every single piece of drama and new damaging info so far has come from inside niji while doki has literally said fuck all but confirm what niji releases on their own

>> No.69153720

Doing that awful video was wrong no matter what else she or Selen did.

>> No.69153728

I know what deflection means. Here's a hypothetical question for you. What if you weren't a gigantic faggot? Would you still have made this thread?

>> No.69153731

ok. People would sweep it under the rug and forget about it while the companies image still trashed. People only react to extremes, they don't care about boring truths.

>> No.69153926

kneel down I will give you my answer in your mouth.

>> No.69154103

>Made a hitpiece on her own channel, a first in the industry
>sync it up with dokis livestream perfectly
>starts off with a fear for my life claim because her name is on a legal document
What was she thinking?

>> No.69154185

I wouldn't care. At worst, she's a completely acceptable casualty in the goal to destroy nijisanji, which is just expected collateral damage in uncertain situations like these.

>> No.69154204

I kinda wonder if we'll ever know, or if she'll just end up graduating without an explanation and it'll remain a mystery forever...

>> No.69154317

No, I wouldn't care because even if the initial incident was 100% Doki's fault, what really inflamed with situation was both how the termination was handled (three page defamatory Twitter rant) followed by Elira's 15 minute hate video.

People didn't like Selen being terminated, but what's really got everyone mad is the post-termination sliming (and Nijisanji's inability to discern between things Selen actually said vs. shitposting on /vt/).

Also, to believe Selen is a lying menhera, you'd also have to believe Pomu, Zaion, Nina, the artists who never got paid, and others are also all lying and part of a conspiracy to defame Nijisanji. Everyone defending Niji always pretends Selen is the only one who ever had a problem with the company.

>> No.69154330

actually, does anyone know if she has any active PL or RM account? (I know about that twitter account, it's an impersonator.) If that ever happens it's possible she might not even have a way to defend herself after the fact.

>> No.69154334

Either extreme retardation or trying to cover up something much worse

>> No.69154387

Hypothetically she was either management or she fucked an Indian manager for the influence in her clique. Pick which one.

>> No.69154475

I hope not, by now do i not give a fuck about anything but this black box stream.
It is such a enigma to me, i can not rationalise it.

>> No.69154486

Selen's document could be complete schizo delusions and it would change nothing. Elira and Niji committed PR seppuku entirely on their own merits and it's all public statements - there is no "he said, she said" here.

>> No.69154709

Nope, retard nuked everything after joining Nijisanji. If she wants to start over it'd have to be an absolute blank slate.

>> No.69154778

>retard nuked everything after joining Nijisanji
I wonder why

>> No.69155496

It's pointless to even think about it, even if she later gets proven to be blameless in all of this it's just never gonna be the same. First, any potential outcome in which Doki turns out to be a liar, however remote that possibility may be, would cause the single biggest event of mass cognitive dissonance ever recorder in human history as so many people are so deeply invested in this that at this point the prospect of being wrong is too embarrasing to accept. Second, and most importantly IMO, her streams would simply never be the same. How would the fans show up in chat like nothing happened after everything? From Elira's standpoint, how would she be able to log on and act all friendly and cheery to her fans knowing they would turn on her? There will always be a lot of bad air lingering over this whole thing no matter how it turns out and Elira's channel in particular will catch the brunt of it whether or not she gets redeemed in the eyes of the public later on. Vox and Ike too I guess but those two can always just crawl back to their yume menhera fans, Elira is just done.

>> No.69155593

>Claims to not have bullied or harassed selen
>Proceeds to bully and harass Doki by releasing a hit piece during her first regularly scheduled area.

Fuck off Millie

>> No.69156413

>except be favored by management
Selen was still right, public execution (by way of forced graduation stream)

>> No.69157137

Both parties can fuck off as far as im concerned. Dont like Niji, dont like Selen, couldnt care less desu. But we do get a few interesting moments out of this, probably the most entertaining Niji ever was.

>> No.69157138

No. I was supporting Elira until that video came out. I don't care if she's right in every other respect, that video was just idiotic and petty. Literally all she and the others needed to do was say nothing and their immaturity would not have been outed. I expect better from people who have a large public platform. I expect them to not use their platform to smear individuals.

>> No.69159035

I think you're the one who doesn't. A hypothesis needs even the smallest amount of basis in reality.

>> No.69159088

There is nothing hypothetical about her stream being monumentally retarded. Whatever the facts of the matter behind the scenes are doesn't change that.

There are effective ways to deal with the hypothetical situation of public backlash of the firing of an insane former co-worker, and none of those include what that stream was.

>> No.69159256

I'd have nothing to apologize for because I've done nothing harmful. All of this is just fun unserious rrat-making on a satirical website. Only a fool would take anything posted here seriously.

>> No.69159324

It's embarrassing how the NDF can't understand this simple fact.

>> No.69159355

Hypothetically, if am to shoot hot, thick, MASSIVE load of my cum down your throat right now, would you care?

>> No.69159360

Shut up uncle biff.

>> No.69159391

I wouldn't

Your hypothetical is hilarious cope nijifag

>> No.69159421

I mean at this point it's impossible for her to "have done nothing wrong but be favored by management" because she came out with that weird hitpiece stream. Even without analyzing her behavior in the stream itself, that was weird and shitty
And I have to say, actually analyzing her behavior in the stream, it sure seems like she was attempting some classic DARVO tactics

>> No.69159546

if it comes out the company has been gaslighting all of its talents to purposely create a toxic environment and is the root of all evil by itself and every single talent is a victim then sure i'd apologize.

>> No.69159593

Even if Doki was 100% fabricating everything she said, Nijisanji and Elira specifically still deserve every bit of scorn for how they've responded to the situation.
I would unsub from Doki but I'd still never go back to NijiEN.

>> No.69160113

Hypothetically I'd think she's still either retarded, or more likely had malicious intent, for the black box stream, and so far that's the only thing I'd criticize her for, so there's nothing I'd need to apologize for. I'd dislike Doki as much as I dislike nijiEN, but that's the extent of how much I'd care

>> No.69160427

>Guys! He posted a video when I was posting a video. THIS IS A HARASSMENT

Thin skinned fairies. You've probably being borderline abused when your mother tells you to get off your ass and do the dishes

>> No.69160823

Don't care, post more wiwa seegs

>> No.69160958

>would you care?
No, because whether or not Selen had a BPD episode is beyond the point of Elira enabling the stream against Doki when she was at her most vulnerable. At every point they could, Niji self sabotaged their public image trying to take Doki down and Elira willingly brought the dagger to the heart.
Sociopath behavior

>> No.69161160

>It was totally a coincidence and not at all a ploy to get her to break down on stream.

Lucky for her she mostly kept it together making them the ones that come out of it looking like fools.

>> No.69161192

Dramabird drones are incapable of even entertaining the thought Doki could maybe, possibly be wrong. It's like a cult

>> No.69161286

Doki could be wrong, Nijisanji is 100% wrong and evil.

>> No.69161300

Share the source for porn, mate

>> No.69161377

Make her preggo

>> No.69161823

Then surely all my speculation would have long since been dismissed by the public at large as being the delusions of an anonymous basket weaving forum with no correspondence to reality, which is my normal state of existence and no different from usual. If on the other hand my ideas are completely factual and in tune with the truth of the matter, they will resonate and reflect in the public space. In which case I would have done a small favor to all, at only the expense of my worthless time. Any other questions?

>> No.69161915


>> No.69162020

Is this the image where she's fucking a dog?

>> No.69162070

this post should be a banner image

>> No.69162195

This pretty much. You don't have to rely on speculation, or hidden facts to know that the statement video was a bad idea no matter the true circumstances.

>> No.69162385
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>> No.69162619
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Anal sex with Zoombie

>> No.69162622

So the best case scenario for sisters is that Elira was bullying a mentally ill person?

>> No.69162734

>So the best case scenario for sisters is that Elira was bullying a mentally ill person?
It's the funniest form of cope I have ever seen.

>> No.69162827
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BPD people see innocuous things as attacks on themselves. It's not bullying if it's Selen exaggerating and making shit up in her own head.

>> No.69162872

Her model is cute, should i watch her?
t.never seen a niji

>> No.69162884

It says a lot of you how you can't understand that Elira, Vox and Ike were bullying Doki when they put up that video at the same time as her stream.

>> No.69162929

Hypothetically, if months later the moon crashed into the earth and you were among the survivors on a ruined planet, would you care? how would you keep up with your favorite vtubers?

>> No.69162956

no better time to hop on the elira bus friend

>> No.69162968

That's not what bullying means Dookie.

>> No.69163012
File: 137 KB, 463x453, nijinigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The termination notice is something she made up in her own head? Her projects being cancelled and her being banned from organizing international tournaments is something she thought up herself? Her having to beg for artists to be reimbursed in her art contest is a complete fabrication?

We have seen all this unfold over the last year. She has been sabotaged by management and that same management put down the bullying allegations first, not her.

>verification not required

>> No.69163014

feigned ignorance does not work on anyone you know. The people that try that are pathetic as fuck

>> No.69163044

>this behavior is bullying
Are Nijis just actual saturday morning cartoon villains? When do we get a "this isn't even my final form" voice redeem?

>> No.69163066

>seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce (someone perceived as vulnerable).
You can't be this fucking retarded.

>> No.69163112

The difference with this is that there's absolutely no evidence or basis to support these claims. It would be like me saying


that's what that sounds like.

>> No.69163129

>no anons, don't believe the evidence of your own eyes. She's just crazy!
literal definition of gaslighting

>> No.69163179

except you have literally no evidence of this and it's the only straw you can grab onto to still believe your oshi isn't a cruel mean girl.

>> No.69163207

What's a good stream of her?

>> No.69163213

They were trying to defend themselves against the allegations, not intimidate or harass her.

>> No.69163223

It wouldn't even suprise me if her mental health did legitimately contribute to the deterioration of the situation. As >>69162622 points out, that would just make the known behavior by Elira et al. even worse.

>> No.69163253

What allegations? She didn't name anyone. You mean the private documents she was attempting to keep between her and her lawyers and the company?

>> No.69163261

peep this one

>> No.69163278

What allegations? They were the ones who first talked about Selen PRIVATELY claiming to be harassed.

>> No.69163281
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Check out her most popular video, the one with 1M views with a black screen as the thumbnail!

>> No.69163288

>She didn't name anyone.
It doesn't matter. It affected the entire group.

>> No.69163300


>> No.69163368

she fears for her life, but the threat to her life wasn't from a dox from doki. It was from any color killing her for fucking up the en branch this much.

>> No.69163451

They should be mad at Niji management for being retarded by listing that as a reason for them terminating her then. Are you actually blaming the employee coming out about a poor work environment? This is extremely common, all you have to do is look at the last few years of shit at places like Blizzard and Riot. People shouldn't stay quiet, and unfortunately when companies finally get what's coming to them, yes, it affects the current employees.

Unless you'd prefer everyone acts like good little wagies and never talks bad about their employers? What would you have suggested she do?

>> No.69163454

>I know that Doki has said plenty of times that she wants to move on and she is actually doing so, but I need to protect myself from the mess I myself put me in and try to smear this suicide girl during one of her most vulnerable moments

>> No.69163494

your hypothetical doesn't change the consequences of what happened
Just like some people saying sorry to Zaion didn't change what happened or her popularity on a broader spectrum

>> No.69163499

>Her projects being cancelled
Which one?
>and her being banned from organizing international tournaments
She wasn't. She was allowed to host the Holo-Niji APEX tourney which was international. This was probably one of the "misleading statements posted on social media" that Anycolor claimed she did.
>Her having to beg for artists to be reimbursed in her art contest is a complete fabrication?
Company policy which has nothing to do with bullying or harassment.

>> No.69163551

Look, sister. Ike is literally streaming right now, and Vox and Elira will probably come back soon enough. Go watch them and chock on their black company flavored cocks if you want.

>> No.69163564
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I dunno how they can go for classic flavored gaslighting like this, it's reminding me asia is still kinda not as advanced as the west, they're expecting tactics people are warned about everywhere from basic psych courses to magazines to flawlessly work and be invisible

>We're against 1 girl and calling her crazy
The one girl has won so many times in the west they look bad just being in the situation, literally it triggers the American love of underdogs and dislike of litigation, literally the big group cannot come out a winner vs the single person. At absolute best that means an entire for-profit company got bullied by one girl, which either didn't happen or is absolutely pathetic.

But none of that's a worry because they're totes gonna first down us with 137 year old gaslighting tactics that are made from cast iron run on whale oil. "The female became hysterical". Oh I'm sure, did you try smelling salts? Leeches perhaps?

>> No.69163574


>> No.69163581
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>How would you apologize?
One free mating press, with intent to impregnate, redeemable at any time.

>> No.69163655

I still can't believe that shit.
They were arguing with some "DOCUMENT" they themselves brough up for 15 minutes like crazy people.
It was so fucking bizarre.

>> No.69163739
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Hypothetically, if the response video was management's idea and not hers, then she should have refused to be in the video and to have it on her channel, and should have explained to management what a horrible idea it was. If they gave her an ultimatum of either be in the video or get terminated, she should have honestly chosen termination, which would have awarded her the same public support that Doki and similar instant success on her transition back to indie.

Hypothetically of course. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that.

>> No.69163745

I like the rrat that the document has some really heinous shit and the people mentioned in it were so desperate to get out in front of it that they went rogue, which would explain why the CEO's response video was so different in tone

>> No.69163769

you lying little snake, the ban was after the all niji branches tournament, she was not allowed to make tournaments including jp in the future, holo wasnt even a factor.
She paid artists out of pocket and had to beg to be able to do that, can you point to the company policy that regulates prizes for contests?
Also last cup of coffee was cancelled, since even after they privated it, they NEVER unprivated it, despite what you sisters seem to be saying. They never asked for "permissions" and hadn't planned to do it.

Last reply, hope you rope

>> No.69163854

that video reeks of either the rrats are on the money and Elira is a shadow manager and she got sloppy about it in a panic, not realizing people would be wondering why an employee would have been able to read those documents, or management showed them and they panicked and went rogue because the allegations in it are true and they felt they had to do something.

Either way, that was not a calm, rational decision. Selen triggered them and they felt fear.

>> No.69163890

brother elira (and co) was unironically harassing selen live on fucking STREAM right before an actual PR damage control from niji.
what do you think she wasn't bullying selen before but decided to do it now? we all literally watched it
with our own eyes

>> No.69163892
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> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjqd1GZIhjU&t=90s
Elira is a corporate whore. This bitch is so desperate for fame that she sucked and fucked her way to the top of Nijisanji EN, offering her body to gain favor with and manipulate management. This explains why she is the Queen of the Clique ordering Millie and Enna to bully those she does not like and to fuck the management that she doesn’t want to. It also explains why she gets away with bullying inside the company. Your Oshi is a fucken evil slut anon. COPE

>> No.69163962

not really?
what affected the whole group was when niji themselves dropped a nuke about other livers bullying selen

>> No.69164073

>you lying little snake, the ban was after the all niji branches tournament, she was not allowed to make tournaments including jp in the future, holo wasnt even a factor.
And yet she was able to host the APEX tourney. Do you not see the inconsistency here? If she was banned from doing that the APEX tourney wouldn't have happened. She probably misunderstood shit.

>She paid artists out of pocket and had to beg to be able to do that, can you point to the company policy that regulates prizes for contests?
Well they obviously have one since stuff like that never happens on the JP side. It was just tough to work it out for them. Why the fuck do you think this somehow constitutes as harassment? It's just a policy.

>Also last cup of coffee was cancelled, since even after they privated it, they NEVER unprivated it
They said they would as long as she disclosed the reasons it was made private but she never did.

>> No.69164087

I don't care what Selen did. That video was some of the worst shit I've seen. We could find out Selen is a serial killer and it still wouldn't undo nijisanji being a circus and Elira the local head clown.

>> No.69164103

no it didn't. no one outside of lawyers and the company knew the document existed.
same as no one knew about the talent harassing/bullying her if not for the termination notice.
Doki didn't say SHIT about any of it, she RESPONDED, to what Niji/Elira put out.

>> No.69164124

I would not care and I would not apologize

>> No.69164187
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Sisters know that Vox isn't going to fuck them, right?

>> No.69164218
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>> No.69164220

Even if Selen is a menhera who made everything up, Niji is the one that is self-destructing with every step of the way.

Think about it, if Selen did make it all up, then the following is true.
>A fucking multimillion corpo, with a full team of lawyers, multiple management staff, etc etc, misplayed their hands so bad that they made the menhera who just has a single lawyer backing her up look good

Out of the Niji's 4 PR statements(Termination statement, THAT video, the subsequent tweet, and lastly Riku's video), only the CEO's PR statement was decent, the other 3 were completely dumpster fires that already destroyed all the goodwill that the fans have.
Even if Selen's claims was fake, Niji failed to protect themselves and failed to inspire confidence from their audience. That is still incompetence and mismanagement. Their staff can't even issue proper PR statements and need their CEO to step in before a decent PR statement comes out?

>> No.69164238

Nah, I'd still point and laugh because that one stream single-handedly did more irreparable damage to not just her employer, but her entire career for the forseeable future. I'd fucking retire right then and there out of embarrassment after shanking whoever in management greenlit that idea kek

>> No.69164357

Even if Selen was wrong, Nijisanji still tried their best to smear and bully a suicidal girl. Elira can fuck off. I hope Vox gets thrown in jail and gets raped.

>> No.69164412

Hypothetically speaking, I want to irrumatio Elira until she throws up on me, as an alternative I'd love to do the same to you nijisister

>> No.69164433

Selen didn't release the document, so at the moment, regardless of whether it's contents are bullshit or not, the NijisajiEN reaction was bad. We later also heard that there was no Intention to share the documents. So there is no way to turn what they did into something good.

If Selen had made the documents public before that stream and they made a reactionary stream to defend themselves, it would be a different story.

>> No.69164476
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Oh nononono, Nijisisters. The last threads didn't work. Surely our raid will succeed with this threads, right? right?

>> No.69164496

i love how everything they do literally reinforces the kurusanji narrative, even down to the details like the thumbnail, it's like they're intentionally trying to go for that brand.

>> No.69164522 [DELETED] 
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>> No.69164563

I don't. Bitches need to hear themselves talk. Seriously, record what shit you are spouting and listen from it pretending to be a third party.

>is favoured
>knows she is favoured, gaslights herself into thinking she isn't
>"friend" isn't
>friend gets shit on by management
>friend acts slightly rebellious, just slightly
>talk in on her 24/7
>"nyo, me not a bully"
You don't see how you still look like a fuckin bully? And how a private handover of such information can be beneficial for powers within nijisanji to change without firing someone or doing more harm or some shit like that? Brother in Christ almighty, have mercy on this fucktard of an anon, amen.

>> No.69164574

They really don't understand that now is the time to just shut up. If Elira had not made that video, the rrat would have stayed just a rrat. She was the one who gave it legs.

>> No.69164581
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Anal sex with zoombie

>> No.69164591

>Would you care?
>How would you apologize?
By asking her when she’s going to be celebrating reaching 500k for the second time.

>> No.69164640
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Anal sex Anal Sex Anal Sex

>> No.69164765
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Anal sex Anal Sex Anal Sex Anal Sex

>> No.69164776

Too scared to say the word fag retard?, Are we REALLY scraping the bottom of the inbred NDF barrel to say that releasing a hitpiece at the SAME EXACT TIME as a much anticipated stream by a girl recovering from 2 suicide attempts and the PREVIOUS smears against her name wasn't intentional?, God you losers are so pathetic

>> No.69164785

Even if (and that's a BIG fucking if) this happened, the response from management was way out of line. It would mean they are SO fucking incompetent that they aren't even able to properly defend themselves against a fucking woman moment. Pick your poison, nijisister. Malevolence or sheer incompetence.

>> No.69164833

They will never love you back SEAmonkey

>> No.69164892

>Porn spamming

>> No.69164893
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>> No.69164912

The desperation coming off of you reeking NDF faggots is so delicious

>> No.69164944

>>Porn spamming

>> No.69164950

If all else fails, release the zombie pussy, sister.

>> No.69164955
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Where are we at?

>> No.69164996

I'm starting to believe the rrat that elira purposefully released all that bad pr to sink en's reputation because she wanted them to shutter en as a lost cause instead of investigating so they don't realize how far she's fucked things up.

>> No.69165017

Hey faggot, didja know that the stream was originally set for 30 minutes AFTER doki's stream, But was "coincidentally" changed to start at the exact same fucking time?, Like. THAT ALONE is enough evidence they are shitters, I don't care if everything else was a "lie" (i mean, literally all the accusations have come from niji's own retarded statements but let's pretend they didn't) THAT, ALONE, IS, THE, PROOF

>> No.69165075

I'm sure it did when NIJISANJI outed the entire branch as potential harassers in their termination notice

>> No.69165126

how much she's embezzled*

>> No.69165149

Now you retards are rewriting history and going against niji's own fucking statements?, Okay buddy

>> No.69165157

That's a level of 5D chess I'm not sure if I am schizo enough to believe, but the stream was such an obviously bad idea that no explanation is truly impossible.

>> No.69165158

Women and faggots dont think, they act on emotion. Thats why they appeal to emotion, they dont appeal to logic.
>wrong side of history
>we are being victims
>i am scared

>> No.69165255

Elira has more to lose if opinion turns against Nijisanji. With 9 sponsorship deals in 2023 she was their favorite EN liver and likely volunteered to put the smear video on her own channel. Management was incompetent for allowing that but would explain why NijiEN became so toxic because they run the company like a high school.

>> No.69165381

Nijisisters doing laps of the entire list like it's Baby Park

>> No.69165426

The issue becomes an issue of incompetence in handling such an event and not learning from previous events.

Selen is the result not the action that lead to this. People aren't mad at the the situation itself they are angry with the lack of professionalism, respect and privacy shown in it all. The reason normie flesh tubers can even comment on this is because the issue is extremely obvious from a mile away.

>Nijisanji terminated a talent
>Nijisanji in the termination notice proceeded to trash the talent (again) on the way out the door
>by doing so Nijisanji opened themselves so a response from Doki
>if Doki was lying Nijisanji could easily present some form of evidence to prove their innocence in order to defend themselves
>instead Nijisanji released an extremely emotionally manipulative video that very came across as more character assassination
>this video became even more baffling by Riku's video after implying extreme disconnect between EN and JP
>Doki then responded in a reasonable fashion declaring she is not the aggressor and continuing to give Nijisanji an out to settle
>Nijisanji has now decided to go silent (as they should have from the start implying JP has finally tard wrangled EN for now)

People get far more angry in the west over incompetence then murder every step Nijisanji has shown to be incompetent.

>> No.69165460

Share the full image

>> No.69165504

Do you think she's the type of girl to purposely hold in her shit before having anal sex to make the other person unknowingly dip their stick in chocolate?

>> No.69165670

I'm from 2026 and this thread won't be unraveled until someone tugs real hard on the Enna-CP loose end

>> No.69165678

>would you care? How would you apologize?
No, because getting favored by management was the issue from the start, then using her channel to throw selen under the bus is also piece of shit behavior
just how elira chose her career over selen doki chose herself over nijisanji

>> No.69165965

I understood that reference and had a good laugh

>> No.69165985

>likely volunteered to put the smear video on her own channel.
I honestly think if she's not the manager then at the very least she probably pushed for the video and greatly influenced it's content. I congratulate her, the part in which Vox said he initially wanted to graduate alongside Selen in solidarity was the funniest shit.

>> No.69166213

No, burn them both, dramabird and everyone else involved.

>> No.69167061

Unironically this
Unless it is actually proven she is the shadow management and created this whole mess for niji EN, it is still just a rrat
Yet it doesn't explain why the fuck did she
>Decided to sacrifice her channel for the shitty "message" (I think she said she voluntarily use her channel for that instead of using the EN official channel, which would be more proper imo)
>Completely overlaps doki's neopets stream for this. Whether it is intentional or not it is still very shitty
>The whole message is absolutely garbage and made riku's statement look very contradictive, without this message riku's statement is not actually as bad, it is those regular "we will try and improve" bullshit but the message came up before the riku statement is so retarded

Worst thing is the fact that she made the message actually some what proved the disconnection from EN and JP for me because I simply could NOT believe a billionaire company is this retarded. Riku's statement honestly looked like they will try to salvage this but this hot pile dog piss of a message went up before that? what the fuck?

>> No.69169177

>apologizing to someone for being the favorite and taking funds from someone who could do better events and stuff which would make the company better had they not been greedy and retarded
Not happening even if true.

>> No.69169186


>> No.69170503

>drama dying down
no shot you believe that

>> No.69170593

Could've died down if they kept their mouths shut and done their job but no they just had to blow it all up

>> No.69170829

NTA but yes i believe that

>> No.69170918

I would fap while watching the Niji CEO bending over like thr whore he is

>> No.69170978

The bulk of what's known publicly is purely due to Niji's own statements. Elira dropping a bunch of specific names in relation to the bullying and Vox saying there was an incriminating recording of him was obviously going to stir up more drama.

The drama might have taken time to die down, but it's certainly not going to if they keep pouring more fuel on the fire.

>> No.69171142

NTA but I agree, at most it would've stayed contained to /vt/ and would've died down on xitter or leddit eventually. Most youtubers beyond the scope of vtubing wouldn't have talked about it either.

>> No.69171698
File: 2.09 MB, 2848x2536, rrat king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira bad

>> No.69171764

But have you considered...Elira good?

>> No.69171809


>> No.69172169

>>69153170 (OP)

Knowing a fair number of people with BPD, it does seem possible that the company is all kinds of fucked up AND she also was having BPD episodes, if and only if that "BPD" thing is real and not just something she threw on her profile to be trendy like a lot of people do.

>> No.69172660

It also honestly is the biggest reason we could probably piece together the gurrat as fast as it happened. Until the within a few hours conflicting set of announcements, we didn’t have much of a solid showing that there was that heavy of a disconnect between EN and JP. The moment that was shown, the ball was rolling.

Unironically if they get caught for doing shady stuff, that black screen announcement might be blamed for why they got caught before they could get away.

>> No.69172799

I've said nothing about the talents, but I have said that the way niji has handled things is completely retarded. Even if they're right, they're still doing it in the way that makes them look dumb. I have nothing to apologize for.

>> No.69173098

needs this treatment

>> No.69173157

I want to FUCK Elira right NOW

>> No.69173874

Nope. Totally deserved meltdown for the EN branch. And what's with this cope about Elira doing nothing wrong, getting forced by the management to do that statement because they took her work visa as a hostage, blah blah blah stfu. She could've refused even with all the threats if she's really not involved with whatever tf went down. But she IS involved and was even afraid of potential doxxing from Selen. Why would it be documented on her medical records otherwise. Stop coping already and accept that even if Elira's hot, she's not innocent and was probably one of the primary suspects.

>> No.69173897
File: 43 KB, 600x1241, keksuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe nobody posted this.

>> No.69173896

elira has sex with dogs

>> No.69173924

That dog? Me.

>> No.69174795

Hell yeah people tell me that I'm like a dog in heat.

>> No.69174914
File: 849 KB, 900x900, 1699832540101376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally no one will apologize or take responsibility for their part in jumping the gun and lighting the dumpster fire. Once you've told someone that justice is on their side, they can do horrible things. Logic is often the death of rationality.

>> No.69175241

I really have to wonder if the other EN livers that retweeted the video, especially the ones that commented, actually knew what the fuck was going to be said in it.

I sincerely cannot imagine 30 people looking at that script and going “yeah this looks good”

>> No.69175497

Overlaping would be if she was doing a 4 hour stream and the "message" dropped somewhere within that time frame
They straight up matched the timing with Doki's stream to the point where she didn't even start playing the game

>> No.69175545

Elira cries out in pain as she strikes you

>> No.69175571

Ready to mate without consent
And being done after a few humps?

>> No.69175611

its actually hilarious how many times doki has tried to off-ramp this now.
at this point I'm pretty sure:
>doki doesnt think they have anything and wants to stop
>niji thinks they do and is freaking the fuck out in paranoia

>> No.69175656

I would gladly take her in off of the streets and make sure her stomach and womb are always full.

>> No.69175889

This. Absolute best case scenario is that she's a tonedeaf retard.

>> No.69175973

If they absolve Zaion, yes. I believe in 2nd chances. But I also believe in no free lunches.

>> No.69176015

I’m starting to believe in the rrat that they were trying to cover up something worse. I imagine it went like this
>oh shit Riku is going to make an announcement you guys
>oh fuck he’s going to want to make changes
>maybe even an internal investigation
>(they were probably rushed to do this which is why they have fucking nothing)

>> No.69176066

Do you?
What's the hypothetical scenario? It comes out that that wasn't actually Elira on that stream? I'd revise my opinion of her but why would I apologize to a person I haven't ever interacted with?

>> No.69176134

I think she has a few things but also knows she’ll fuck over some folks they care about too. Less about having nothing more trying to o to do the bare minimum and the EN paranoia has forced them to do more and more.

>> No.69176136

Even if it turned out to all be fake, I still just want NijiEN to die as quickly and with as little fuss as possible. They're a cudgel for the homobeggars, and the bedrock that Nijiniggers stand on. This incident has already caused too much splash damage for our girls, and it's just like Niji to try to inconvenience our girls as they go down. Just trash the whole branch, and if they have to, start over anew with a completely different approach. Build their own walled garden.

>> No.69176190
File: 31 KB, 590x507, 1676771827390581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira shart on my face

>> No.69176210

Delulu op

>> No.69176342

It is certainly possible that Doki has a lot, but understands that taking down a corporation in an international lawsuit would be stressful as hell, and so really wants to just settle and put it behind her.
But Niji clearly saw something in what she had, or otherwise fell for the bluff, but assumed Doki was on the warpath. So being the retards they are, they tried to get ahead of it and slander her, but ultimately just told on themselves because none of the accusations were public.

>> No.69176400

She can sell that dirt to another company, win win

>> No.69176424

>People would sweep it under the rug and forget about it while the companies image still trashed.
YES, thats the right way to deal with it... BudLight was an example of how to NOT deal with backlash, let the low IQ dramafags forget, which they will because they are dumb and later on try to improve company image.

>> No.69176688

She did the stream. She deserves all the hate at this point.

>> No.69176708

Assuming the dirt is worth anything, that likely just means Niji will crumble faster, since all of the shitty people in the EN branch would now be contemplating if they can throw the others under the bus to try and save themselves.

>> No.69176777

>hypothetically if my schizophrenic ramblings were true

>> No.69176821

I'm gonna laugh when it comes out her 2 suicide attempts were some bullshit and directly implicates she made up the part about her parents crying. If you've never been around longterm with a BPD girl you'll never understand how ridiculously obvious everything she's doing is.

>> No.69176950

>ridiculously obvious everthing she's doing is
The irony is palpable, sister.

>> No.69177012

Elira statement was basically the "that's not my fault". When and if it gets revealed that she was part of the management, it will be "I didn't mean it".
And after people gets access to public court documents, it might turn into "You deserve it".

>> No.69177113
File: 112 KB, 680x510, Fxsi7eAaAAAwvT0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand any of this drama but I love my oshis so fucking much

>> No.69177154

Personally I want to believe Zaion's situation was just good old CN racism against JP and people like Kotoka were okay because they have a personal direct line of communication with someone in on the JP side

>> No.69177233

>Elira did nothing wrong except be favored by management
You don't get favored by management in kurosanji by doing nothing wrong. You also don't become besties with Enna and Millie by doing nothing wrong.

>> No.69177245


>> No.69177248

You are just stupid, even if she's wrong... Elira lost, NijiEN for the second time trying to bash a terminated vtuber in public... shit company and no matter how you navigate around it to say "oh they are innocent" people just saw how incompetent they are (minus you and the other stupid bootlickers ofc)

>> No.69177256

This was the dumbest shit. Like yeah, your name will be on a legal document. Do you think they'll roll out a PC monitor for you to testify in court as Elira pendora?

>> No.69177314

I bereeb it and it's not even rrat hours

>> No.69177428

Eveyone talks about what evidence they have, not enough people question why they have it.

>> No.69177494

You should've seen Millie's 4 chan stream lol

>> No.69177527

i mean elira has to think they have something, she fled to another country after all. doki was probably told by their lawyers after elira left that it would be a litigation nightmare and they should just wait for a settlement once things die down

>elira might burn down niji trying to save herself for it though

>> No.69177538

About to redownload koikatsu, is this a publicly available card?

>> No.69177583

>You are gay but nobody knows it
>Goes online and yells "I AM GAY"
>B-but it was implied that i was gay, i was just defending myself
>Now everybody knows
Women can't think before doing shit, right?
Elira can't think or she was big shares of Nijisanji to lose so she needs to sort it out hersef.

>> No.69177710

Anon, that wasn't actually those livers

>> No.69177720

you are posting in a disc schizo thread btw

>> No.69177759

No no, gazulight

>> No.69177856

I 100% think she is trying to torch the company to save herself. And the whole thing of Japanese defamation laws and Canadian laws means she can probably flee from at least Doki for a bit to buy time on where she’s running after the investigation starts to catch up, at least I assume that’s the plan.

>> No.69177869

I'm sure Elira would've still made a video if those documents had Luca or Petra in them, and not her and the two other trollops. She's such a kind soul, that Elira.

>> No.69177896

Bro, you're bad at this. Take your ten cents and go buy some lemon soda from the street vendor.

>> No.69177958

>What if reality wasn't true?

>> No.69178040

honestly with how bad international lawsuits are, she can run out the clock as long as she's in JP. i think if i remember process law for canucks correctly she can be served once she hits home soil again or notified by other means, but the clock doesnt start until they're served in person. if elira can hang out in JP indefinitely it could never happen, or be so old by then they can argue statue of limitations

>> No.69178044

Every thread is a discord schizo thread.

>> No.69178046

reminder every (You) was laughing at OP, try harder discordsister.

>> No.69178099

Are we also gonna memory hole Elira's family emergency around the time of doki's attempt. Did Elira ever follow up on that?

>> No.69178106

>open catalog
>close your eyes and pick a thread
>you are now posting in a discord schizo thread

>> No.69178173

Isn't she reliant on Niji for her work visa though? If she goes full scorched earth, then her legal shield goes with it.
I'm not sure if Elira has much of an option other than to stay on the sinking ship.

>> No.69178362

She has public opinion in her favor in addition to a good legal case. Niji has neither. EN was hoping that they could use public sentiment and her mental health to dissuade her from continuing. Now that it backfired, they're out of moves. The hammer will come down from JP since they're the one getting hit with legal action. The issue is that so much has happened that they'll have to fire at least a third of the branch.

>> No.69178740

Ok Elira

>> No.69178981

ok Enna. If you repeat it enough, maybe it'll come true! (In your schizo head)

>> No.69179092

She said her lawyer reviewed the evidence and found it reasonable.

>> No.69179213

axe the whole branch, throw them under the bus hard, lay low in EN scene for a while

mild rrat but i think she went to JP to try to get into the JP branch suddenly so that when EN dies she's still protected. she's trying to throw EN under the bus and get out herself by pretending she didn't know.

>> No.69179306

>believes she actually hired a lawyer
I'm gonna laugh hard when everything comes out

>> No.69179464

Yeah, it'd be pretty hilarious if Niji's lawyers were so retarded they couldn't tell that they weren't talking with a lawyer.

>> No.69179585

>Niji's lawyers
Probably was some ESL intern, not even joking

>> No.69179629

i don't think so, i think it was an anonymous commission

>> No.69179774

Even more embarrassing for them really, though it would fit with Niji's track record of absolute incompetence if they can't even receive and identify legal notices correctly.

>> No.69179807

>to a blatant bootlicker

>> No.69179835

Hypothetically if it came out that Elira was puppeting management and was purposefully targeting selen to try and get her to kill herself, would you care? How would you apologize?

>> No.69179964

Did anyone notice that when sisters try to say shit about Doki they employ the usual female on female tactics? They used to call her fat, now they call her BPD liar. When women enter conflict they shittalk their opponents in the same ways. Of course, it is because of the projections. So sisters who call Selen a delusional schizo are most likely delusional BPD schizos, and the reason why they call her a liar and her suicide attempHt fake is because thats what they would have done in this situation. They can't fathom other woman acting in good faith because they themselves never are, and if they were in Selen's situation they would have faked suicide for attention.

>> No.69180137

>would you care?
No, cause the bitch was stupid enough to make herself the lightning rod for her company's controversy. That's too fucking retarded to support.

>> No.69180259

Only a female mind could come up with the nickname Dramabird.
A lot of the anti Doki narrative is very female coded, no suprise after Vox and Ike where in the blackscreen stream.

>> No.69180649

Her attempt wasn't fake, but I honestly think that she is milking it for the optics. There is a reason she brought up the second attempt.

>> No.69180838

If she wrote those statements herself, she should go into law. They were well constructed.

>> No.69180916

The COPE is real.

If there was SOMETHING TO COME OUT, Niji would have already dropped it. What they did do is blow their own feet off.

>> No.69180959

You don't get it anon. She's both an impulsive lying BPD menhera, but also a mastermind who can masterfully bring down the whole corporation alone.

>> No.69181073
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>> No.69181200

Tell me you don't know BPD without saying a fucking word. Someone with BPD would've named names at the beginning because it'd hurt someone she was annoyed with in the short term, even if long term the truth would come out.
Doki's a retard with severe depression and no confidence. Hate her for that, but accusing her of BPD just shows you have a woman's mentality.

>> No.69181319

... didn't read the rest of anon's post. I've outed myself as a readlet. Let this response stand as a monument to my idiocy.

>> No.69181330

NTA. I'm the anon they replied to. It was obviously sarcasm.

>> No.69181370


>> No.69181374

I don't think you guys are understanding this, she fears for her life, but she's actually talking about her career, she's terminally online despite all the Stacy shit she mentions doing. That's her actual life.
If her online career dies, she has nothing. She's practically a literally who?, and won't be any better than the anons who gave a +1 view on her streams.
Also, if this entire situation has the management and bullying be true, no sane entertainment company will hire her again to avoid risks, she already tanked a stock with her decisions, that's a career death sentence for anyone trying to work in a professional field again, even worse if she tries to search for work in Japan. The only ones who might give her a shot again would be Anycolor and definitely nothing that has to do with management or NIJI EN. She can't jump corpos. And she can't jump ship into being an indie anymore because everyone knows what happened last time and the Super Rrat has revealed to the normiesphere her hypocritical actions even in her PL.
Right now she's definitely scrambling to save face because NIJISANJI is definitely frantically searching all the info these people had in their discord accounts so she has to get prepared because things are going to get bad. There's no running anymore.
Honestly, I hate that so many NijiEN members had to leave before Nijisanji found out by chain reaction. Pomu and Selena defo didn't deserve to live through all of this shit.

>> No.69181396
File: 34 KB, 661x141, selen bpd 2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except she is 100% confirmed to have BPD.

>> No.69181474

If that's 100% confirmation, all she/hers are biological women.

>> No.69181496

No and no, because it will never happen.

>> No.69181499

>accusing her of BPD
Putting aside your own autism.
The rrat comes from her having "living with bpd" or something like that in her twitter bio years ago.
Could be that she has it or that she did a young women wants to be fancy mentally ill selfdiagnose. Either or, it is not without basis and more likely on the fact side.

>> No.69181504

This is my favorite habit of the delusional. They imagine an enemy so powerful that they can psychically will their enemies into making boneheaded decisions, yet also are insane and unstable so they don't have any motivations that need to be understood.
The beauty of the GURRAT is in how it seeks to understand the people at fault and explain their motivations in a way that makes everyone seem to be acting in accordance with their own interests and values.

>> No.69181509
File: 224 KB, 675x1200, BPDbird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69181545

>Copying this over from the other NDF Faggot thread

What literally none of you doxxsisters seem to understand is that it doesn't matter if doki was an oversensitive menhera, Digging through this shit to justify the utter retardation of nijisanji's response doesn't change their response, Lining up the fucking video with doki's neopets stream is literally the most vindictive and blatant thing ever, Nothing else matters, Literally nothing, It doesn't matter if the document was literally schizo scribbling, It doesn't matter if it was misunderstood translations, The actions and response by niji is LITERALLY the only reason for their downfall, Nothing else matters, No amount of "Kek fat menhera dookiebird kek" posting will change that

>> No.69181657

Elira is 100% getting transferred to the JP branch if she doesn't get terminated first. I can't believe I even thought she went radio silent for a week because she was fighting for Selen. Fuck me.

>> No.69181669

It's a Twitter bio. Is she even diagnosed? Did she even mean borderline personality disorder? Those are questions without answers.

>> No.69181693

Dunno, idc about the drama, but fuck you for weaponising BPD against people

>> No.69181770

>if months later
Basically when everyone has moved on and nijisanji is no more?

>> No.69181802

i don't think you understood what he meant
a twitter bio is not an actual diagnosis

>> No.69181847

I do believe she's telling the truth about it and it's a formal diagnosis because trying to kys over a cover sounds like BPD behavior.

>> No.69181953

Why no more? It will be Nijisanji JAV.

>> No.69181975

>I do believe she's telling the truth about it and it's a formal diagnosis because trying to kys over a cover sounds like BPD behavior.
This post reads like retardation, so I do believe that you truly are a formally diagnosed mongoloid idiot.

>> No.69182082

you just said a whole lotta nothing bro
we believe whatever we want but believing is still not a formal diagnosis
and just because something sounds like it is doesn't always mean it is
think about it in a court setting
"your honor i believe she has bpd because of her bio and a few of her actions"
do you think a judge would buy that?

>> No.69182084

>NijiEN folds, most remaining talents graduate
>Elira miraculously is not fired because the pussy ends up being good enough for the JP managers
>Becomes a manager for newest branch, NijiES and history repeats itself

>> No.69182167

Honestly it's kind of funny that they fucked up by trying to make a menhera quit her job, but instead almost made her quit life because BPD can make people be more extreme like that.

>> No.69182262

If she ends as the NijiES manager, the branch will be extra dead on arrival because everyone will notice from the get go that things are going south.
After this, everyone is going to be searching for patterns in anything Niji-related.

>> No.69182293

They only fired her because she stuck by her workplace harassment claims. Unless you have something new to share, this is just some headcanon bullshit.

>> No.69182511

these guys are fucking weird bro
they've hung on to that BPD screenshot like their life depends on it
it's like their eyes glaze over when you tell them it's just not the proof they think it is

>> No.69182752

You don't understand! She had "Living with BPD" in her Twitter bio, so she was definitely diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Ignore it not being an issue for years before this.

>> No.69182922

There's only 2 ways shit on doki here regarding the current situation, and that's to use the mentally ill liar card, or desperately justify the mv being taken down.

>> No.69182990

Both are logical dead ends. Not that they would ever accept that.

>> No.69183040

And? That does not change any of the facts on this situation. It just makes the NDF fucks look dumb.

>> No.69183100

Bruh, replying seriously to my obvious sarcasm makes you look dumb.

>> No.69183121

I didn't read anything, I just came to provide sauce

>> No.69183139

>Elira did nothing wrong except be favored by management
that would literally prove Selen's argument of favoritism by staff for the big three

>> No.69183153
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>> No.69183166


>> No.69183247

What is the chance that these people consider gender dysphoria to be a legitimate mental health issue?

>> No.69183303

People who do that deserve death, in Minecraft of course, but it's a dick move

>> No.69183307

can't believe doki's BPD wrote these retarded NijiEN official press statements

>> No.69183344

nta but ut kind of is, its influencing is spreading at an alarming rate in EN speaking countries

>> No.69183458

I would be surprised if the sisters thought it was real.

>> No.69183500

>she is 100% confirmed
That's as much confirmation as 'I have autism~'

>> No.69183586


>> No.69183597

she was the one that had the gun to their head. she was also holding the gun to elira's head to force that stream while she was streaming neopets. her evils know no bounds...

>> No.69183647

Better to have BPD like Dokibird than to be a corporate whore with STDs like Elira >>69163892

>> No.69183680
File: 214 KB, 599x932, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone expected Enna to be clean but her composer buddy Diego/Patterns endorses the contents of the video

>> No.69183723

Basically this. Assuming some masterful gambit on Selen's part here, if you are dumb enough to be played by former talent into making successive fuckups and making your brand indelibly associated with "doubles down on suicidal people" there's still no future in your org.

>> No.69183772

Sorry Nijidrone, I will never forgive you for making hundreds of falseflags threads to pit Holo and Vshojofans against each other.

>> No.69183934

I got the funny mental image of the sisters seeing all the replies BTFOing them and just shutting their eyes and mentally blocking out reality and then going on to double-triple-quadruple down on their stupidity.

>> No.69183987

People don't actually give a fuck about this hobby by and large. It was starting to die down in normie spheres due to Vaush's porn folder and whatshisfuck's death. Then Niji had to do some CTR tier PR and bring the attention back to them.

>> No.69184094

>lack of patience and impulsiveness
Wasn't she fighting with management for a year or so about the fucking MV?

>> No.69184194

They're just going to post the screenshot at you of her seeking final approval, as if this was the first management would've heard of it because none of them have ever had jobs.

>> No.69184250

You're doing it for free too, goddamn. It's like a cult.

>> No.69184580

Oh of course she could be! The harassment could've been in her head and she tried to an hero for no fucking reason. I could believe that! It doesn't change the fact that every piece of dirty laundry that's come out so far about this situation has been FROM NIJI. They've been so eye-wateringly stupid every step that I can't believe anyone would ever think to defend them without compensation!

>> No.69184635

No matter how they spin it, the management still ends up looking incompetent in that scenario, since they never even asked about a major ongoing project. And they had to have known it was being done, because there wasn't a last minute issue with song rights, so the permissions for that were already confirmed.

>> No.69184844

How can you be nearly doxxed?

>> No.69185086

How can you be doxxed in a private document between lawyers

unless one of your own is fucking retarded

>> No.69185180
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Stop digging for the truth

>> No.69185203

Shut the fuck up Elira

>> No.69185226

See, this is one of the question that set off the great GURrat in the first place.

>> No.69185416

Listen fucktard, They deliberately aligned their bullshit cryfest to be at the exact same time as her stream starting (as in, the original startdate for their smear piece of a stream was 30 minutes after doki's stream was set to go live, But it was changed at the last minute to be at the EXACT same time), That is direct open malice and vindictiveness, It is open brazen proof they were trying to get under her skin and fuck with her one last time, I don't care what you doxxtards say or any internal documents or other bullshit, They literally fucked with her in real time in front of the entire god damn internet, case, fucking, closed

>> No.69185491

If so you are entiteled to shove your dick in her mouth without asking

>> No.69185689

Nijisanji has not chosen to stay quiet. They are just brewing up the biggest dumpsterfire of a statment yet.
This will be the yab to end all yabs

>> No.69185822

I know, I was there. But since the rentry broke containment I'm compiling my own schizo wall to keep track on information. Was lucky I was able to find my old post its from college

>> No.69186570

I mean, you gotta clean it off somehow, right?

>> No.69186762
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I will never apologize even when I am wrong because I'm that much of an asshole.

>> No.69186792

It is, but most people claiming to be trans in the last ~10 years don't have it, which I assume is what caused you to think it was a good idea to write that post. The condition itself has been in the DSM since ~1980.

>> No.69186801

There were lots of management shuffling between her initial request and upload, not that outlandish to think her MV would slip through the cracks.

>> No.69186880

When was the request made? Cause LilyPichu signed off on perms in August of 2022

>> No.69186908

Right, it's not outlandish at all to think that Niji management is a bunch of retards who can't actually manage anything properly. I'd say it's all but confirmed at this point.

>> No.69187033

>most people claiming to be trans in the last ~10 years don't have it
Is it just under diagnosed? The symptoms seem pretty unique and straightforward.

>> No.69187032


>> No.69187198
File: 315 KB, 490x533, wrong lever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already don't believe and completely ignored all of Doki's statements because she's BPD and just saying "I have a lawyer" does not mean you actually have a lawyer to those types. That being said... Kurosanji's statements have been absurdly fucking awful in every single regard that I also don't believe they have a single fucking lawyer. How the fuck did they manage to
>contradict themselves in a termination
>tell shareholders "don't panic"
>about something that literally wouldn't have mattered to them anyways
>but now put a spotlight on the lack of foreign growth
>somehow think it's a good idea to use their "livers" as meatshields
>somehow think its also a good idea to say "Anycolor explicitly allowed it"
>admit to illegally sharing documents
>admit to taking entire days to reply to simple requests
>prove who their self-claimed bullies were
without once stopping to think over these past few weeks


>> No.69187276

>I already don't believe and completely ignored all of Doki's statements because she's BPD and just saying "I have a lawyer" does not mean you actually have a lawyer to those types.
A simple "I'm retarded" would've sufficed.

>> No.69187362

What part of
>I don't believe her
>but I believe Kurosanji even less
was confusing about my post?

>> No.69187383

Same. Not because the bpd thing, but because it is he says she says.
However what i did saw with my own two eyes was the fucking blackbox stream.

>> No.69187503

You're believing she's BPD because "Living w/ BPD" was in her Twitter bio years ago. Nobody with BPD would openly admit to having it.

>> No.69187567

Doesn't really change my point on that I don't have to believe her even remotely to see how clearly Kurosanji is fumbling the ball. Her arguments are completely irrelevant for better and worse when the other side is taking themselves down harder.

>> No.69187592

That makes it even worse, because there are two options
>Riku had a management shuffle near Christmas
Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year for an entertainment company. Barring major ethical issues there's no excuse for having a management shuffle around that time.
>It was way before Christmas, but they weren't up to speed by Christmas
That's kindof funny levels of incompetence won't lie.

>> No.69187610

Almost certainly, because that's not the kind of problem people usually come forward about unless there's consideration of suicide or something equally bad and they know they're at the end of their rope without help. But that's not really what's happening here when you get people outright saying they're trans but don't have gender dysphoria, which makes no sense from basically any psychological perspective you choose to approach from. And that's become increasingly common for reasons no one has really quite figured out yet (and it also explains the large amount of detransitions compared to before).

>> No.69187643

You don't have to, but the evidence for her even having borderline personality disorder is flimsy at best.

>> No.69187760

If Doki doesn't have a lawyer, then her managing to keep a lid on everything while putting out rather professional statements is impressive if she's supposed to be delusional.
But there's also the fact that Niji themselves said they were talking with Selen's legal council.

But all that aside, you're correct, where regardless of how innocent Doki is in all of this, Niji's handling of it has been an absolute trainwreck.

>> No.69187784

>That didn't happen.
>And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
>And if it was, that's not a big deal.
>And if it is, that's not my fault.
>And if it was, I didn't mean it.
>And if I did, you deserved it.

Dramasisters will never, ever apologize.

>> No.69187812

But here's the thing: I literally do not care. You can pat yourself on the back and say that you owned me or whatever, but the point is that I only believe what I've seen first-hand. Even if Doki somehow wasn't some degree of mentally ill that wouldn't change my feelings on it when the opposition is this bad.

>> No.69187866

I agree that the opposition is terrible, but her statements were obviously vetted by someone with legal knowledge.

>> No.69187966

Would someone diagnosed even detransition?

>> No.69188463

I work in comms for a living... not crisis PR per se, but the first line of defense for corpas who are trying to avoid saying dumb shit so they don't have to hire crisis PR. I've thought about this situation a lot, and there's basically only one way that all of Niji's behavior makes sense: they 100% misinterpreted the document that Doki's lawyer sent them documenting workplace conditions.
Think about it this way: after weeks of radio silence just letting Selen stew, they get a long document full of allegations of mismanagement and workplace harassment. Remember, we know that Niji already believes that Selen intends to release a tell-all statement about her experiences if she can't get a legal remedy, since they say in their termination notice "Moreover, Selen Tatsuki insisted that if the negotiations did not progress, she would proceed to release a statement regarding her claims to the public."
So Nijisanji sees this document about her experiences and freak the fuck out, thinking it's a draft of what she intends to publish. They throw together the termination notice they have on the back burner, add a bit about Selen blackmailing them with a statement, and hit publish. They also show it to the talent who were named in the document, since they think Selen is set to publish this and they don't want those livers to be blindsided by potential sensitive information being leaked. This explains why Elira, Vox, and Ike were permitted to see the document.
Doki sees them make this huge unforced error and just watches Nijisanji implode. Now that they've shot themselves in the foot making this premature measure she can take the high road (decide for yourself whether this was her intention before she saw Niji's statement). Management realizes they fucked up and misevaluated Selen's intentions, but they try to bait her into releasing this info anyways in a doomed attempt to regain the public's favor with the Elira stream that doubles down on the "this document was blackmail/a draft of her response to the termination" theory. Doki once again refuses to say anything and clarifies the intent of the document, leaving Niji in absolute shambles.
I feel pretty comfortable with this version of events, and my only question is whether Selen's explanations when she sent the personal document were ambigious, whether there was a mistake in translation, or whether Nijisanji adopted a wholly cynical interpretation of the document in order to try this defense in the court of public opinion and enlist their talent in the defamation of Doki.

>> No.69188523
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months later will not matter the fact is the only fanbase left over hy then will be retards like pic related who will be insufferable & repulse everyone because they are prone to starting shit after every "mistake" against their clique people might do.

after nijishit basically shat openly in the steet & directly told on themselves & connected people in terrible contexts in every instance they possibly could the remaining fans will be so low quality that they will poison the remaining glass of intracommunity goodwill in a few months.

only tumblerinas & nijisisters are sticking around for the long haul

they are now a containment company where the worst type of people can congregate around

>> No.69188668

>lust provoking image
>irrelevant time wasting question
many such cases

>> No.69188817

Most likely not, but I feel confident saying it's not unprecedented without even bothering to look it up. I would just assume it's exceedingly rare.

>> No.69190159

I believe.
What i do not believe in is your lack of formatting.

>> No.69190275

and your source is a.....doxxsite?

>> No.69190452


>> No.69190754

This is probably the most likely timeline of events, nothing heavily damning more so justification for any wrongful termination and/or covering bases legally. However just so much as a hint of these things may be enough to make JP do a double check on things, which has EN tripping over each other like a cartoon to try and grab the documentation first or distract or discredit it immediately.

It probably isn’t anything that big, at worst a slap on the wrist kind of response normally. But they fear what would come if JP even vaguely checked on the state of affairs, which now that Riku has announced it? It’s officially too late. Worse maybe also is Doki didn’t want it to get this bad just because it implicates some folks they rather get off free but may land them in at least mildly hot water.

Either way, the way the story pans out if this is true is far more just the clique blundering so hard a minor issue may collapse the branch.

>> No.69190859

Holy sex

>> No.69190905
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>> No.69190955

as people slowly leave people like these fuckers will still stay; if you wdo not understand the point why even reply?

>> No.69191023
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